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Psychic is another Science, We tell You how….


Edition:2, November, 2013


as Healer


self more often



s y a w l a t a h t g n i t l h e t f e m r o e s v e , n t C u I b G e c A n e t M s i x e Haesply de SWITCHWORDS and fiancé ,finance and fundamentals


Snigdha Gharami

Kat miller

Director, Creative Head

Inspirational head

Shrradha Parekh Numerologist

Rhoda Randhawa: Inspirational Head Mayank Sharama: Inspirational head

Shruti Pareikh Tarot Reader




CON TEN TS!! Healing with Dolphins




Your star telecast and astrology reading


Switchword– Relationship, Spiritual growth and Luck


Energy vial


Romance, relationship, rescue


Connecting with angels and archangels

40-41 42-43

Prayers to archangel Michael 46 Oracle reading for the month 03

Dear God,Archangels, angels and Parents Thank you for your support, courage and faith. You guys are awesome.




Dear beautiful and smiling

blessed readers, Thank you for choosing us your one of the favorites in our previous issue. Thank you for reading us world wide. You guys are Awesome.





e all are made up of single unit- no atom no molecule but energy. Even materials you are

using, the cellphone, your car, your favorite dress, trees, your pets, your hands, feet and toe. We all are simply bowl of energy wearing flesh. A profound thoughtful energy and all energy have certain frequency. We all possess certain frequencies. Our face, height, personality, color and religion does not separate us. What separates us is our frequency.

Your cell phones have frequencies, your laptop releases frequency and these certain frequency decides the level of your conscious. In crowd, in public gathering most of people specially sympaths or empaths feel truly restless and anxiety, reason is the different frequency one can not bear. Dolphins have god gifted tuned frequency; they are equally high and soothing. These frequencies are very calming, peaceful and provide you a feeling of content. Dolphins can help you heal physically, mentally and spiritually. This universal doctor can teach you to even larger expect.


them share something bothering you and write me back how you feel. This is one of beautiful women wrote back he best way to be treated by them is after I suggested her therapy “Thn’k you to get little near to them, appreciate their snigdha, I am feeling grateful and humbled natural beauty, get connected to them menthat I met you one that charming day. I tally. If you find it hard to get connected let them show you a way because when you never knew things can be this easy for me, I find dolphins near you, your most of the have started loving my life and every time I am feeling alone I give myself a drowsy problems vanishes automatically. Many people feel connected to dolphins, time and meet dolphins. My life has they get dreams about them. Many of them changed all of sudden and this is so magihave told me that their life has drastically cal. Now I believe angels exist and do mirchanged after a single dream where they acles. Thn’k you so much” were riding dolphins. If we see at the term of quantum physics or when you ask any meta physicist about a certain issue the only thing they will describe anything in terms of energy. When we talk about frequency they are a distributed form of energy. Energy is the thing that connects all of us, energy creates us and when we leave our character in this lifetime or later we are energy again. Dolphins are one of god’s that creature that is calm, friendly and understands unconditional love and care. So when next time you are depressed, dealing bad times visualize a dolphin, play with



Angels send you sign of their presence, either in form of a feather, good feeling, a good help or simply their reflection on clouds AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 08

Do not worry everything happens for something really very gooooodddd‌ !! AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 09


Jealousy Snigdha Gharami

Jealousy in Relationship, friendship, between parents, between siblings, from family family members, by family members, from a stranger and so on…. But what jealousy is???

What is jealousy? Jealousy is a feeling of lack. Jealousy is not forced it is the feeling of living in lack. We get jealous from people we think are more important to use and are more better than us.

brother more or your parents love him more. Seedling of jealous factor? Jealousy is normally a virtual factor, we wonder and over think for certain matter those do certainly not exist. May be your little brother is ill, maybe he needs more attention because he is younger. There are very possibilities.

How jealousy is originated? Effects of jealousy. No body forces you to generate jealousy, it is a self -originated feeling that comes without notice and  It ruins self-peace. without fail more often.  It ruins relationships.  It actually demerits your skin with stress.  It creates mental pain. Sign and symptoms of getting jealous?  According to law of attraction you lose what you are jealous of, suppose you are jealous of  When you suddenly feel you are not happy with someone’s abundance or new car, you are actuyour best friend’s success. ally pushing it away from you, you are actually  When you realize your friend has a better car or pushing that abundance and car. accessory.  When you understand that there is something lacking you because people like your little


Picture courtesy

A little jealousy is good for health and relationship because it confirms your possessive attitude towards but more of it can make your creative in criminals



here is a life beyond jealousy and ego, why do

not you set yourself free because every link to jealousy will create a bond between dissolving mental connections for people, situation and things. You have to clutter them in order to live the life you desire


Jealousy can be really very dangerous, it can completely change you and your life purpose and can lead you to somewhere you never wanted to be.. it is very important to identify the cause and root for every jealous feeling you come across within yourself. Find better way to throw it out as soon as possible.

Why it is necessary to eliminate jealousy?

Can this situation or person really harm me?

 I. II. III.

Is it really necessary to feel envy for anything?

Because It is dangerous for soul growth Eliminating jealousy will set you free It will help you find new purposes and new doors to happiness will set your life to another way IV. You will understand that there is something flaming inside you too V. You will indirectly respect your confidence your feelings

Know that you are capable enough to do anything, you can get, be anything you desire, do not let jealousy kill your tender soul.

How can one eliminate or ignore jealousy?     

Let other people simply be left with their stuff Know that you deserve better and you will get that Have faith that things will work out for better for sure Universe has plenty for everyone and you will be given your part Take jealousy as a challenge and let yourself be safe from it’s effects

Keep a journal where you write positive things about yourself

Completely ignore this feeling so as to make yourself safe and content

Know or understand that other person needs that thing more then you

Know that god loves you more then you think

Ask your self again and again these questions:

Are you not capable enough to become better then the person you are jealous? If you are not, there is no reason for jealousy to come up and if you are, you do not need to be.



Apart so much don't forget to start your day telling yourself few things  I am beautiful, because I can wear and be whatever I am and no body can be ME.  I know how special I am because I handle my house, my parents and most obviously my friends.  I know that my smile is precious, I know how amazing I am.  I can handle every situation so wonderfully that someone times I am shocked at my position and strength.  I am special and with a purpose.  I promise to spread happiness and see good in everything.  I know that someone is good in this situation, it is making me feel how special I am to myself  I always have time for myself and know that everything is for my good  The supreme is with me always Now kiss yourself, either your hands or virtually fly kiss standing in front of mirror AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 15

Know what you No-1 – Sun – HEALING This Month for No 1 People is going to be emotional and have to release their ego. Mind has anger of past but don’t carry it with yourself. Let time heal your emotions and go out for vacation near to water or hill stations. Don’t forget god loves you and wants you to release your pain and let your life be happy. Lucky Dates: - 1,10,19,28 Lucky Days: -Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

No-2-Moon- Existence This month for No 2 People is going to be spiritual, there are divine things Connected to your soul but in the race of living material full life you have forgot Your existence, you are confused that on which part you have to walk. Be quiet for sometime Let your heart speak. You are born with a purpose don’t drain it but work on it. Lucky Dates: - 2,11,20,29 Lucky Days: - Sunday, Thursday and Tuesday

No-3-Jupiter- Comparison This Month for No 3 People is going too little stable and little unstable, stop being competitive. Comparison with others will never take you ahead. New home, new opportunities are coming on its way but keep your heart and mind open. Don’t let others negativity affect you. Lucky Dates: - 3,12,21,30 Lucky Days: - Thursday Tuesday

No-4-Laziness- Uranus This Month for no 4 people is going to be caution full, Make sure what decision you make should not be in haste, laziness is good for few minutes not for long time. Time is precious and so are you. Don’t let others view affect you but let your heart free and do what it is says. Lucky Dates: - 4,13,22,31 Lucky Days: - Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday

No-5-Mercury-We Are The World This month for no 5 is going to be joyful, Don’t look for happiness outside but look it inside your heart and your life, Moments of now is history of tomorrow. Unexpected help, unexpected new projects. Enjoy the month without thinking about what you don’t have but be appreciate the things which you have. Lucky Dates: - 5,14,23 Lucky Days: - Wednesday, Friday

No-6-Venus-Stress This Month for no 6 people is going to be hectic. Don’t work so hard that you forget yourself. Don’t stress your mind with thoughts which are not worth to think. Don’t stay in your past which does not have any importance in your now. Free your mind and enjoy little moments. Lucky Dates: - 6,15,24 Lucky Days: - Friday, Wednesday, Tuesday


ur stars says No-7-Neptune-Inner Voice This Month for no 7 people is going to be very special; at times being silent helps you to understand the matters which are not known but the truth cannot hide it. Be at peace and let the situation speak help you grow. Follow your instincts. Lucky Dates: - 7, 16, 25 Lucky Days: - Thursday and Tuesday


Shrradha Parekh Numerologist at Heaalings Powers. MUMBAI

This Month for no 8 people is going to be little low; the grudge you hold in your heart creates a mess in your life, release your negative thoughts and stop going into your past time. There is new day with a new hope, don’t let it go away. After the Dark Time there is always a new bright day which will lead you to wonderful beginning. Lucky Dates: - 8, 17, 26 Lucky Days: - Saturday

No-9-Mars-Intensity This Month for no 9 people will be slow. New projects will start but the progress will be slow, Patience is what will take you ahead and let your work get complete. Arguments and accidents are what you need to avoid. Let your thoughts help you grow with new ideas for new tomorrow. Lucky Dates: - 9, 18, 27 Lucky Days: - Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Shruti Pareikh Tarot card reader at Heaalings Powers. MUMBAI


Our very lovely and darling Archangel Michael wants to assure you that “do not worry for any stubborn block, do not be afraid, I am here for you my lovely soul, call upon me when ever you need, I love to help you� AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 18


In our last issue we understood what switchwords are and how one can stimulate their life in better way using them. Switchwords are really powerful, easy going and angel in darkness. Everybody who worked with switchwords wrote about their success story which we will discuss later on. Let us concentrate divinely on switchwords related to emotional guidance and relationship. Let us take into account relationship in terms of emotional, romantic and virtues. Let us make our relationship better with our self. Let us look within


Tighten your will power and get started


witchwords demand no ritual; they

are easy going and works on your belief system. You can sing, chant or simply remind yourself about them whenever you need. There are no hidden set rules to work with them, our purpose is to make you understand how your words actually effects your life. Everything you speak becomes your reality. Think twice before you say. Water has memory and it can restore anything that is brought near it intentionally. Take a glass of water, make sure it is transparent glass, normally we do not prefer plastic glass, show your glass full of water to screen printed energy circle and let it absorb intentional power of energy circle and swithphases. Keep it for nearly 10 minutes minimum, drink the water and let the magic of words perform their task. Enjoy the blessings of knowledge shared

by two brilliant ladies KAT MILLER AND RHODA RANDHAWA, both of these ladies owns which speaks more on switchwords, do not forget to visit. Thank you


Let us begin with a magical number– 520 You can chant it five-two-zero or five twenty whatever makes sense to you, This powerful number brings miracle, try it once And thank you

Success Stories: Angel Number 520 and Angel number 58 create Miracles.....anytime you chant these numbers you will certainly find miracles happen...every time it works for me...Please give it a try...can be used any where...including finding a place for parking..


SHOULDER-LISTEN-DAISY-DO. (Simplify a complexity by connecting to your Inner Being to create excellence, and eliminate procrastination.)

We began with miracles, now we headed with connecting self, now let us discover some of the success stories with switchwords in their various fields.


This wonderful switchword was discovered by Rhoda Randhawa recently one morning, and warmly welcomed by other group members. The word GOOD NEWS brings a different charm and sensation inside our mind and body. It seems to be a good start for all of us. We can add up other switchwords with it, like BRING-GOOD-NEWS,

GOOD-NEWS-BE-BE-BE Good News Good News is for defusing lethargy, boredom and negative focuses. Good News gives a wonderful excited feeling, brings anticipation of something positive coming. Good News shifts one to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core. Good News brings elation, gratitude and positivity. AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 23

TRUST-Fountain-Light Switch-BE. (Balance chakras, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, illuminate peace and well-being.)


CHEERS-FLASH-LAMINATE-NOW-MOVE-ON. (Give and receive encouragement, lunge ahead, maintain integrity, act on good impulse, clear inertia, nourish ambition, get new ideas and produce.)



Strawberry is about dissolving and defusing love pain. A Strawberry is shaped very similar to a heart. Strawberry is a healer of the heart, helping to make it whole again.




(Allow for release of suffering and sorrow, open to learning and gaining wisdom, self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking, let go of bitterness and replace it with soft, tender, sweetness, clarify the situation, access Universal Knowledge, allow for shifting of ideas, clarity of thought, and see through the situation to get a feel for what is on the other side, get along well together in a group and create bonds, see that experiences in life are simply that, experience, the positive or contra energies that arise from our experiences are by our choices in how we are willing to allow them affect us; all experiences can be used for our good depending on what we do with it.)


ENERGY VIAL And Working with them Two of the disciplines I use - Total Body Modification and Natural Healing - use viWhat is an Energy als with instructions Vial? in addition to vials An energy vial is a with the allergens. In small vial of water fact, it is because of that has been charged these two disciplines with either the energy that I felt such a signature of an object strong desire to insert (like an apple) or inEFT into an energy structions for the vial. body to follow (something like a program) or both. Many disciplines utilize the energy signatures for clearing allergies. There are a few that use the energy vials for programs and such. The vials with instructions and programs in them are much more rare, and usually are only available to practitioners of techniques utilizing them.



"Running" an Energy Vial The general routine for running an energy vial includes putting the vial in your energy field, closing your energy around it, relaxing, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths in and out: 1. Place vial on your chest. 2. Place palm of left hand (receiving hand) flat over the vial. 3. Call files (Emotional Freedom vial), Flower Energy names, Blend names or formulas (Flower Energies vial), a specific technique or part of a technique (Healing Energy Vibrations vial) such as Ho'oponopono (technique) or Ruby (one of the Crystal Vibration Healing crystals). Some vials automatically run when put into your energy field (Rescue!, Healing Energy Vibrations, Whatever) and require nothing to activate them.

your left hand. 5. Close your eyes and take several (at least 3 for the Flower Energies, at least 4 for other vials) in and out. Following the above instructions puts the energy vial in the center of your energy field (on your chest), then closes your energy field around the vial, creating a sort of biofeedback loop to engulf the body's energy system with the specific energy from the vial.

4. Place your right hand (sending hand) over

You can buy these emotional freedom vial from network, you can contact kat miller or Rhoda Randhawa for the delivery and supply. These vials are really very useful and effective, I suggest you to please have a look to it’s features once and go for it



ore often we feel drained and tired talking or staying with few generalized person, they may be someone your close. The reason may be their lower energy or high negative energy that draws your energy. Best way to keep you grounded is to chant PURGE-CANCLE more often. You can be, have anything you desire just a single idea of understanding for self can build a lot


Romance Relationships And Rescues



Snigdha Gharami Relationship consultant Psychic consultant Tarot and oracle card reader

Relationship now days are a normal culture. Everybody have somebody important to their life. there is someone they always wanted to fix themselves to. They not only want them but being into relationship is a need for today. Reason may be because everybody else is involved in relationship, everybody around you including your friend and best friend. You need time to be shared; you do not want to waste your life involving yourself in loneliness. Loneliness and fear of getting alone often in the crowd of happy people make us anxiety and we end up choosing wrong partner. All this season you have to very particular about what you choose for yourself. Know that when you are down and depressed you will probably get someone who is the same as of your frequency. You need to be very very

particular about what people you choose. How the person treats you. Most often we understand abuses and bad behavior as possessiveness and result of anxiety but certainly they are not what we wonder. Always have a safe side for your selfesteem. Do not let anybody harm your confidence. Unless a relationship is progressive and gives you happiness do not move further.

Relationships At Danger

Some key point everybody should consider into account, either you are a teenager, just another adult or someone who grew up looking other relationships getting bitter, know that there are good people too, know that like you so many others exists as well, know that things can get better, people can change and so on but also know that so many just have different faces for some emotional fools like us. Always tend to support your vitality. Know that you respect yourself and let other know the same. Do not harm your self-confidence at the cost of love. Love is something that should not be demanding, there should not be any criteria for choosing, there should not be something that demands you own dream or your happiness. We as a human came to this planet to learn experience and search. Search some unresolved known questions which we as a subconscious being know to the correct level but as a conscious being we are just finding yet another one. For if you feel you need someone in your life, let the need go first. Until and unless you fill yourself with love or NOTHING TO BE NEEDED, things will seem to you messy. Until and unless your guardian angels see you in

pain and decide to help you in your problem there will be no magic. Because only you can do it, magic and miracles happen every day, it is you who need to see it. Sun rays are magical as well, for few the last breathe they took is magical. It is all magical. Your existence is magical, your smile is magical. You yourself is a another magic in the universe.


Do’s:  

     

If it a long running relationship, find everything to trust Even if you have seen him with someone, let him explain. Understand the situation and always give everybody at least a chance to put their views, may be what you just saw is another illusion. After they explain you what actually the matter is, calm yourself and find a better person to take relevant advice. Always have a positive approach to any relationship, have patient to everything as much as you can Be honest and let other do the same If you find dishonesty running in your relationship please be specific and let other people know what you are thinking for them Trust yourself and your instinct because they are never wrong If you find something is really going fishy, try to understand and take time to understand yourself and your mate, give time and space always for a good conduct Your relationship is your inner reflection, if you feel you are troubling with something, try to find it out inside.


Don’ts:   

  

Do not trust anybody blindly Do not let other people take advantage of yours just because you feel you will be lonely Ever in your life when you have conflict between mind and soul for good and bad consult your elder or a trustworthy friend, if you do not find anybody feel safe and free to contact me, my ever working team is always there for you as a friend. Do not eat up space of anybody either if it is your friend, everybody have their own reality and choices respect it Do not disrespect other person because he does not suits to whatever you want Do not ever try to lie in a relationship until it is extremely needed (I am not talking about nagging for not being well or complaint you are drawing from fever, these does not comes under lie, a truth with bad intention is even worst), it ruins all the fun

People lie, makes mistakes, break hopes, cheat but once they ask for forgiveness- go for it, even if you do not accept them again, feel free to forgive them, make yourself AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 36

one. Forgive and forget, remember and visualize your new happy e all make mistakes, we all need the same thing like go lucky life, all my wishes. every other person as a human in the planet wants, either you Stay healthy, safe and know that I am always there as a good are an animal, tree or a bird, you will need something and friend, feel free to contact me at my email address given at the someone to always reply your sight. You want to touch them end. more often; you want to fall in love. Does a simple thing be- BLESSED-BE-BE fore you move one, forgive very thing and situation including people and feelings those are draining you away from happiness. Always know that time has gone, so their mistakes. Few harms and hurt are really hard to be forgiven and I truly will not force you to do that still yet if you really can please go



While exploring on relationship and other gramophones I got to read Doreen virtue’s latest record on how to handle different people with different vibrations, I would like to share this with you all and thanks Doreen for her such a beautiful note in front of all of us, I found this note to be really very helpful and I know so will you,

Doreen virtue says on relationship:

suffering in silence. So this list will help you not feel ashamed or alone in your relationship patterns, and also give you a way out. By pointing out these harsh relationship patterns, we’re not judging the individuals involved. Many times, Earth Angels are so wary of being judgmental that they overdo acceptance. This isn’t about judging another person; it’s about being aware of the dynamics within the relationship.


Sometimes, style differences between you and the other person cause the harsh energy of the relationship. For example: You’re quiet and gentle, and he’s loud Earth Angels are “nice” people, with big, open hearts, and rough. You’re spontaneous and go with the flow, so they can’t see when they’re involved in toxic relabut she’s all about planning and organizing. Through tionships. They excuse and minimize other people’s awareness and honesty, style differences can be negobehavior: “He didn’t mean to act that way. He was hav- tiated harmoniously if each person is willing to comproing a bad day.” mise and have compassion for the other person’s style. However, where abuse is involved, the relationship Even more toxic is when Earth Angels blame themneeds to end and healing needs to begin. selves for someone’s harsh behavior: “If I were nicer [or thinner, smarter, richer, etc.], then he’d treat me This list is to open your eyes and help you to be aware better.” This is nonsense! Don’t take responsibility for of your honest feelings when you’re with other people. someone’s cruel treatment. It also gives you some suggestions for assertive ways to manage these various scenarios. There’s no implicaEarth Angels tolerate harsh and even abusive relation- tion that you need to leave or abandon anyone; howevships because they’re afraid of being alone, being in the er, you do need to take care of yourself and any chilwrong, or being judged. They force themselves to rise dren affected by your being in a toxic relationship. above mistreatment by disconnecting from their feelings.


Harsh and Toxic Behavior

The person who continually interrupts you doesn’t really care what you have to say. Interrupters are people When you first meet people, they’re on their best bewho are anxious to hear the sound of their own voice, havior. They’ll agree with you, even if they really don’t. and who are convinced that they provide the most inIt can take up to two years before you see the real per- teresting and accurate conversation. Very often, the son. That’s why it’s important for Earth Angels to take interrupter is someone who’s abusing caffeine or other things slowly in their friendships. stimulants, making him or her anxious and hyperactive. In any relationship, there’s a synergy (energy exchange) between both people. Unless you’re being authentic, you don’t know how well you interact. If you’re both pretending when it comes to your feelings and opinions, and being falsely polite and insincere, there’s no real relationship.

— How this relationship affects you: If you’re in a relationship with an interrupter, you begin to talk really fast to get your words in before they can be interrupted. You start to feel anxious whenever the interrupter initiates conversation with you.

— How to handle this: Assertive Earth Angels will stop someone the first time he or she interrupts them and say “Excuse me, I wasn’t finished talking” in a very calm and peaceful way. If you touch the person’s arm while saying this sentence, the impact is even stronger. Remember that you’re helping the other person become aware of a habit that’s likely blocking him or her in all other relationships, personal and business. You’re Most Earth Angels have been beaten up by life and suf- teaching how to be a better communicator. fer from low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. So they often don’t recognize abusive and toxic patterns in their relationships. Earth Angels don’t know any better than to accept hurtful behavior from others. They deny and excuse such behavior, while secretly Here are the most common types of toxic relationship behaviors for you to recognize, and how to deal with them in honest and assertive ways that are healthful for you and the other person. These examples give you guidance as to how to assertively handle toxic situations.



in your excitement or other emotions concerning the experiences you’re relaying.

Correcting is similar to interrupting, except worse. People who are prone to this behavior not only interrupt you, but also “correct” what you’ve been saying. They may point out errors in your grammar or pronunciation, like your old English teacher. Or they may tell you much more about the topic you’re discussing. While it’s great to learn new facts and proper grammar, it’s this person’s continual correcting that becomes tiring. No one likes to feel small or stupid, and that’s how you feel when you’re with this person. You always feel “onedown” from him or her. Some people engage in correcting behavior because that’s how they show that they care about and love you. They believe that by “improving” you, they’re helping you. Other times, correctors conduct this behavior out of an unconscious habit. — How this relationship affects you: Anxiety around a corrector is a normal response. You walk on eggshells, worried about the next mistake you’ll make. If you live with one, it will affect your self-esteem. You may doubt your own intelligence, and give your power away to the other person, because you believe that you can’t do anything right. — How to handle this: As an assertive Earth Angel Dreams, you must handle these situations head-on, so you’ll need to tell the corrector how you honestly feel. By giving candid feedback to the corrector, you help him or her develop better relationships. If his or her correcting style annoys you, it annoys everyone else, too. So, the next time this person corrects you, take a deep breath, and say: “Sometimes I feel that you’re more my teacher than my friend. And while I appreciate you adding to my body of knowledge, I’d prefer to have conversations where it’s just us sharing our feelings instead of you trying to teach me.”

— How to handle this: Such people have no idea that they’re upsetting, annoying, or pushing others away with their superiority complex. They’re extremely lonely and wonder why people aren’t impressed with their accomplishments. They believe that if people are impressed, they’ll be loved and valued. Once you understand the depth of such a person’s loneliness and desperation to be loved, an assertive Earth Angel can go from there. The heart of assertiveness is being honest and taking responsibility for your feelings. So never point the finger and claim that the other person is making you angry. It’s his or her behavior that’s triggering you. Let the oneupper know that you value and admire him or her, as long as that’s sincerely how you feel. You don’t offer these compliments unless you really believe them, or else you’re manipulating and trying to control the other person’s reaction to you, which is dysfunctional and dishonest. Explain that you’d love to share your own experience and enjoy the details, without turning the tables to talk about his or her experience right away. Tell the person that sharing experiences is like enjoying a really good meal, and you want to savor each course one at a time.

*** Be very clear with other people about your expectations for the relationship ahead of time. Your ego will argue with you, saying you can’t tell others the truth or they won’t like you. The real truth is that unless you speak your truth, you’re nothing but an empty shell to other people. When you treat yourself with self-respect, other people respect you. *** ***

One-upmanship People who one-up others have done everything better than you, on a larger scale, and they want to tell you about it! Any story that you relate will be scarcely digested before it is regurgitated in a more grandiose version— starring them. Such people only listen enough to hear the topic of discussion so that they can immediately go to their memory banks and extract their experience of that situation, which was over-the-top amazing.

You can read about it more on her recent book named Assertiveness for Earth Angels which you can find in or bookstores.

They’re so insecure and desperate for attention and approval that they step all over other people’s spotlight to grab it back for themselves. — How this relationship affects you: Your body exhibits signs of tension and resentment. You feel unheard and unappreciated. In this sort of relationship, you feel lonely because it’s a one-sided conversation at all times. You also feel disappointed that the other person won’t share AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 39



onnecting with

Angels and Archangels Who are angels and archangels? Angels and archangels are higher level spirits who are messenger of god. they are pure, humble and loving souls who are always near you. In your whole lifetime and every life time you are surrounded by these beautiful souls. Their work is to help human kind find right purpose for their living and existence. They are always there for you, every time you need them you can call upon. They are such a sweethearts that you do not need any specialized training to connect with them. Only a true emotion and intention is enough.

How can you connect to them?

Angels and archangels do not need special attention; you can simply call their name and ask them for help. Like if you want to call upon Archangel Michael, you just need to say “I call upon Archangel Michael to please be with me and help me find out answer to this complicated situation�


Working with archangels: Every angel or archangel is assigned with their specific powers and working life purpose. They are like spiritual teachers teaching you the real essence of life. Various angels and their nature are given below:  Archangel ariel: looks after nature and planet  Archangel Azrael: helps people during their death  Archangel Chamuel: brings new opportunity  Archangel Gabriel: helps in writing, provides strength and new ideas  Archangel Haniel: helps you in gaining grace of god  Archangel Michael: protects and shields you from negative contrary energy

Archangels are pure and humble souls, they can trace your intention and help you accordance. They are higher self then you’re deceived loved once and lower to god. They work as a messenger f god and provided you god’s wisdom and knowledge. They respect your free will of choosing your life purpose and do not help you until you allow them. Call upon them for any assistance on situation or problem, they are always near you. They are above life rules and time and space theory. They can be with you and your best friend at the same time. Do not wonder if you are bothering them again and again. They love to help you. They are lovely and very dearest; allow them to change your life in a positive way. Respect their decision and know that they always want a good will for you Do not forget to write to us on how well you worked with your guide angels, angels and archangels.

I call upon Archangel Michael to please assist and guide me in the new areas of my life, please shield and protect me from all evil intentions and purposes. Please help me cut chords of emotions and feelings those are fear based and draining my energy and vitality.

Thank you God and Archangel Michael. AMBIENCE NOVEMBER 2013 41

Prayers and continuity Prayer to saint Michael:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend me from battle; Be my safeguard against the malice and snares of the negative seen or unseen energy forces. Rebuke the negative energy forces oh God I humbly beseech you, and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine Power of God thrust into the darkness, all the negative seen and unseen energy forces, and all of the ugly spirits who wander about the world seeking the ruination of souls. In Jesus Christ's name I pray, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit One God forever and ever. Amen~


Archangel Michael prayer for certain situation:

Taking deep breathe, relax yourself. With every breathe in you are taking divine power, and with every breathe out you will release your tensions, stress and troubles Now when you feel you are ready to accept archangel Michael’s help and leave all the being human ego, please believe that he is listening to you no matter if you cannot take it into account yet he is there watching over all your life issues. Ever in your life when you felt that you were saved out of trouble, he was sent to you by god, and rest all your angels and guide angels are always near. Amen

Dear god and arch angel Michael, I call upon you now, I want you to look over this matter for now, I am not getting a way out may be I do not want to. This situation needs your assistance, I request you to take over my life issues and problems. Help me find goodness in the situation. Please save me from evil and cut my chords with all the negative feeling and situation that is keeping me aback from growth and spirituality. Thank you for your wonderful assistance and being there for me always. Love and be it is.


The beauty

of your

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Thank you Maa for coming to our life, the card that comes for the reading is a blessing and true virtue of presence of divine guidance. This card shows growth in physical, materialistic and spiritual path. The true notation for a good fortune and a message from god for not to worry anymore things are on its way, The card tells that you have been trying on something for very long, it is time for all good to come again. Congratulations and my blessings. God bless you. For more reading and guidance, please feel free to mail me back at


Thank you Kanha, we love you…. Jai shri Radhey Krishna


AMBIENCE Thank you beautiful people for your such a divine presence, I am sure angels sent you here, thank you angels and thank you our earth angels, yes I am telling you.. 48

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