Interesting Numbers in Buddhism

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Interesting Numbers in Buddhism Buddhism, the nontheistic religion of the world holds a strong foothold in the Country especially in India and Nepal. The religion can be drawn with some of the numbers which are really interesting and even holds relevance, and much importance in the knowing the facts and deep details of the Buddhism.

The interesting numbers with the relevancy of the Buddhism can be described as below: I.


Buddhism was founded in the 6th Century in the North eastern part of India.


Buddhism is the 4th largest religion of the world after Christianity, Islam and Hinduism


There are 12 different sources of the sufferings and these are sufferings are interconnected with each other.

Ambika Tour Agency Limited | [8/27 Cathay House, 7th Floor, North Sathorn Road, Bangrak, Bangkok-10500, Thailand]


There are 3 Jewels of the Buddhism and these are Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. These are considered as the ways to get oneself out of the misery.


There are 4 noble truths in Buddhism. These are “there is suffering, Origin of the suffering, there is an end of the suffering and the way to the end of the suffering”.


There are 3 types of actions; one is the action of the mind, the speech and the body.


There are 2 types of the truths; one is the conventional truth while the other is the Ultimate truth.


IX. X.


The eightfold path to end the sufferings. These can be stated as follows: To have the Right view or the understanding, Right speech (Try to speak true and justified), Right intention (To remain pure and free), Right concentration, Right action, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness. The 3 vehicles which are Hinayana, Mahayana and Tantrayana. There are 3 marks of the Existence which are Impermanence, Suffering and Not-self.

If you are inspired by even some of the facts and wish to know more in deep about the Buddhism, it’s the best time to have the tour to the Buddha Places by booking MahaParinirvana Express through Ambika Tours. See the details at Ambika Tour Agency Limited | [8/27 Cathay House, 7th Floor, North Sathorn Road, Bangrak, Bangkok-10500, Thailand]

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