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[New] Why Does Artificial Intelligence Find Me So Dumb?
Nick Roberson is a long-time mortgage industry veteran and a board member of the California Association of Mortgage Professionals. He’s a forthcoming and giving guy, who shares his … unique … perspective on work and life on his Facebook account. Here are some of Nick’s FB thoughts this month:

I’ve asked Alexa so many stupid questions, she’s starting to get a bit of an attitude and sound like my mom. “Now, why don’t you go to your room and take a few minutes to think about that question? And if you ask me about Bigfoot one more time, we are going to have issues.” Geesh, this AI stuff is getting out of control.
Savannah never fails to amuse me. I was laughing at a post I saw that said, “ If I was a plastic surgeon I would put a squeaky toy in every breast implant.” Then Savannah said, “I’d attach googly eyes to the nipples.” I can’t stop laughing. • • •
A classic tale …
This evening Savannah and I were at the grocery store picking up a few things for dinner. As our checker was scanning our groceries, a frantic lady walked up to the end of the check stand.
Lady: Excuse me, could you please tell me where your light switches are? I have looked all over the store and can’t find them anywhere.
Checker: You mean the switches that you flip up and down to turn your lights on and off.
Lady: Yes, yes, a light switch. What aisle can I find them on?
Checker: I don’t believe we carry those. You will probably need to go to a hardware store for that.
Lady: (angrily) This is a grocery store isn’t it? Are you trying to tell me you don’t have light switches in this grocery store? I can’t believe it. What kind of store is this.
Checker: (trying to calm her down) Yes mam this is a grocery store, but we do not sell hardware. You will probably need to go to Home Depot or Ace for that.
Lady: Oh, I can’t believe this. Do I need to speak to your manager?
Me: (speaking up) You know what, I am pretty sure I saw light switches right over there on the edge of the produce section in a bin along the wall.
Lady: Finally! (looking sternly at the checker) What does that tell you? A customer knows more about your store than you do. (and she stormed off).
Checker: (staring at me with a half grin on his face) Did you just send her to the banana bin?
Me: (while Savannah rolls her eyes and tries to hurry) As a matter of fact I did. Seemed appropriate considering.
Checker: You realize she is probably going to be a bit confused and upset when she figures it out.
Me: Yes, but my groceries are in my cart and you just handed me the receipt, so have fun with that.
He laughed and told me to have a nice day as Savannah and I headed for the car. Looking back on it I really do wish I had stuck around to see her reaction. Sometimes I do wonder what my world would be like if I had a filter. • • •
The first business self-help book I ever purchased. The lessons I learned still serve me well. Have a wonderful day! • • •
Bigfoot is sometimes confused with Sasquatch.
Yeti never complains. • • •
This “Artificial Intelligence” thing has gotten out of hand. I asked Siri to look something up for me, and she replied, “Nick,.. what the hell is wrong with you?” Great, it’s not enough my friends say that to me, now I have inanimate objects questioning me as well. n
To see more by Nick,just go to www.facebook.com/nickroberson