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July 2:
AIME Chairman Anthony Casa sends a video to Quicken Loans wholesale chief Austin Niemec, taunting Niemec and asserting that his wife had engaged in oral sexual relations with UWM CEO Mat Ishbia when Ishbia was in college. Mrs. Niemec would have been 11 years old at that time.
Casa sends another video moments later threatening to “fuck up” Niemec, among a string of other profanities.
Casa sends follow up texts repeating his pornographic claims and includes on the text chain other mortgage industry leaders. He subsequently sends other mortgage industry leaders the videos he sent to Niemec.
July 6:
Lawyers for Mrs. Niemec demand a retraction and apology from Casa.
July 7:
Casa sends a text message to Austin Niemec. “Good Morning Little Buddy, I saw the letter from your attorney. I’m really sorry I hurt your feelings! Give everyone my best! Can’t wait to see you soon.
July 8:
Casa sends a text message to Austin Niemec and other mortgage industry executives. “How’s Teresa. Give her my best.” Followed by a string of emojis, including eggplants, poo, peaches and more.

July 10:
Mrs. Niemec files a lawsuit against Casa for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false light and invasion of privacy.
July 12:
Casa posts an eight-minute video to his personal Facebook page saying he understood media accounts would be coming out about his actions. He says he made a “big mistake” but asserts he was just a passionate person. He does not offer an apology or retraction.
July 13:
Various media outlets including The Mortgage Note, NMP, Housing Wire and MPA reveal details of the encounter and lawsuit.
July 14-15:
AIME sponsors begin retracting their support, asserting that while they back the broker community, they don’t support Casa’s actions.
July 16:
Casa announces he’s taking a leave of absence from his role as AIME chairman for an undeclared period of time but does not resign. (As of Aug. 6, he was still on leave.)
Aug 3:
Casa changes the profile picture of his personal Facebook page to an image of him on stage, before a presentation that says “Fuck Them All. Attack, Attack, Attack.” His followers post supportive messages welcoming him back “from vacation.”