2 minute read
Nobody Wins With A Head-butt
Nobody Wins With A Head-butt
Nick Roberson is a long-time mortgage industry veteran and a board member of the California Association of Mortgage Professionals. He’s a forthcoming and giving guy, who shares his…unique… perspective on work and life on his Facebook account.
Here are some of Nick’s FB thoughts this month:
Quarantine Lesson #55:
Remember, your pants never get too tight if you don't wear any.
Quarantine Lesson #56:
Those times with family and friends, where something strikes everyone funny at the same time and all begin laughing so hard they can barely breathe, are far more valuable times than I ever realized. I will never take them for granted again.
Quarantine Lesson #51:
Selecting Brussel sprouts and garlic fries with lunch is not a good idea when you have to wear a face mask afterward. The carbonated beverage was a poor decision as well.
I admire women with the restraint to draw on their eyebrows. I wouldn’t be able to stop until I added glasses and a moustache.
Quarantine Lesson #53:
In these crazy times where handshakes, high-fives, and fist bumps are no longer acceptable social greetings, it is also important to add head-butts to that list. Because in the words of the great Paul Blart, "Nobody wins with a head-butt."
Quarantine Lesson #52:
Do not be so hungry for a cultural experience that you follow the sound of what you believe to be someone practicing the Didgeridoo, only to find it was simply the wind gently blowing across your neighbor, Jim's, exposed butt crack while he was weeding his lawn.
People will stop asking you questions … if you answer back in interpretive dance.
Quarantine Lesson #50: While cooking dinner after a long tiring day, it is unwise to set the clear plastic bottle of water you are drinking out next to a bottle of distilled white vinegar. Just take my word for it on this one.
Quarantine Lesson #49: No matter how much you sound like Darth Vader with your face mask on, you must still carefully choose your virtual lightsaber when visiting your local Farmer's Market. It is all fun and games until someone who picks an eggplant gets a zucchini in their eye.
Quarantine Lesson #47: When I am properly motivated, my swear jar seriously outperforms my 401(k).
Quarantine Lesson #46: It is nearly impossible to lose weight in quarantine when your gym is closed, and your daughter is "Bakerina Bakesalot from Bakerstown."

Nick Roberson. To see more by Nick, just go to www.facebook. com/nickroberson.