RealTimeSlopeStability Monitoring Healthandsafetyformines Healthinsurancerequirements Assettransformation Botswana Pula60.00, Ethiopia Birr 140.00, Ghana Cedi23.00, Kenya 500.00, Namibia N$80.00, Nigeria Naira 1,300.00 Rwanda Rwf 4,800.00, South Africa Rand 60.00, Tanzania Tsh12,700.00, Uganda Ush 20,000, Zambia Zmk 40.00, Zimbambwe US$7.00 Jul-Sep 2022, Volume 17 No. 3

Changing the narrative on gender bias in the mining sector
The concept of Generation Equality is a global campaign channeling efforts towards achieving gender equality by 2030 According to UN Women, this involves adopting and strengthening sound policies and enforceable legislation to promote gender equality andtheempowermentofallwomenand girlsatalllevels.
Many studies now show that diverse workforces are inherently more successful in today's world, despite an ongoing perception that women are physically incapable of many of the technical or more physical roles in mining.Typically, women in the mining sector have thus been assigned softer roles like cleaning, administrative and office-basedroles. However, the importance of gender diversification is becoming clear and changingthenarrativearoundwomenin miningisanessentialcomponentofthis. It is becoming increasingly evident that women are not only capable of performing jobs that were considered men's jobs, but that they bring a whole new perspective to the roles that can be immenselyvaluable.
Jul-Sep 2022, Volume 17 No. 3 Jul-Sep 2022, Volume 17 No. 3 Smart mining 29262422150805Energy efciency Health

screen Real-timesolutionshealth and safety for Themineskeyto
Real-TimeSlopeStability Monitoring Healthandsafetyformines Healthinsurancerequirements Assettransformation Botswana Pula60.00, Ethiopia Birr 140.00, Ghana Cedi23.00, Kenya 500.00, Namibia N$80.00, Nigeria Naira 1,300.00 Rwanda Rwf 4,800.00, South Africa Rand 60.00, Tanzania Tsh12,700.00, Uganda Ush 20,000, Zambia Zmk 40.00, Zimbambwe US$7.00 Real-timeinsuranceZijinmininggroupSustainableassetMobilecrushing miningtransformationwastewatersustainableinfractructurerequirementsforminingfirmsemployingexpatriatesinAfricaSlopestabilitymonitoringwithreutechradarsminingforabettersocietyinthespace

Thepastfewmonthshaveseen the Trust building system capabilitiesfortrackingdownand authenticating historical medical records, as well as the searching andvalidationofdependentstobe added
News Tshiamiso HalfCompensaMineworkers'tionSurpassesaBillionRand
The Tshiamiso Trust has paid more than half a billion rand to 5 829 eligible silicosis and TB claimantsandtheirfamiliesandis gaining increased momentum in processingclaims.

This year, Specialised Exhibitions, organisersoftheshow,arepromisingan exciting interactive event with many activities planned by exhibitors and industry partners, and to also celebrate ththeshow's50 anniversary Inanefforttopromotetheimportance of Forklift Operation and operators in theSupplyChain&Logisticsindustry, Lifting Africa and LEEASA (Lifting Equipment EngineeringAssociation of SA) will be hosting a Forklift Driver competition during Electra Mining Africa. The event will provide forklift operators with an opportunity to prove their driving skills, compete with others, achieve recognition as a championandwinprizemoney.Entries are open for all operators who have a valid Forklift license and can drive. eitherareachtruckoracounterbalance ForkliftTruckinracking. Electra Mining Africa is a much needed platform for buyers and sellers toconnectface-to-faceagain. Itpresentsanopportunityforindustry networking to take place, to build business partnerships and new connections,andfornewproductsandservices tobelaunched.
Daniel Kotton, CEO of Tshiamiso Trust, says: “In April, we announced that we had reachedR320millioninpayments to qualifying claimants in the 16 months since our inception. Two months later, we are excited to announce that we have surpassed that milestone and reached over R500 million in payments, placing us at 10% of our lifetime target of R5billion in the second yearof Thisoperations.exceptional achievement owestothestrongpartnershipswe have established, the continuous enhancement of our systems, and the expanded operational capabilitiesaswehavegrownour footprint in South Africa and neighbouringcountries”. We are also pleased to inform claimants that the Trust has rampedupitseffortsinprocessing Deceased claims, thereby addressing a significant backlog thathadaccumulated.
ASPASA Publishes the Driver's Handbook Under their Best Practices Guidelines Series
ASPASA, the surface mining industry association, has published,undertheirBestPracticesGuidelinesseries,the Driver's Handbook – a guide which ensures that drivers havealltheinformationattheirfingertips.
“Thehandbook,whichisfreetoallASPASAmembers,is acomprehensivehandbookdetailingnecessaryguidelines ensuringworkingdriversunderstandandmanagetherisks faced and created while they drive and operate these vehiclesforwork.Theseincludethedrivers'conductprior toembarkingontheirjourneys,whiletheyareontheroads as well as what to do when the vehicle is stationary for Vodacom's Wearable Devices Set to Boost Mineworker Safety HealthandsafetyinSouthAfrica'sminingindustryhas steadily improved over the past 15 years. In 2007, the industryrecordedastartlingfigureofover200deathsand while that number has been significantly reduced with 72 fatalities reported last December, the ultimate goal, of course, is “zero harm” as Minister of Mineral Resources, GwedeMantashenoted. Howisthisgoaltobereached?Innovativeapplications of smart technologies is an integral part of the solution –andVodacomisleadingthewaywithitsinternetofthings (IoT)technology. In mid-2021, the first successful trial of the Connected WorkersolutionbyVodacomBusinesswasintroducedtoa globalminingcompanywithvariousoperationsacrossthe country.
Whilenavigatingtheroutesandroads,everydriverneedsa companiontohelpthemkeepsafe,maintainprofessionalism and ensure continued commitment to Vision Zero.
2 “This exceptional achievement owes to the strong partnerships we have established.” Jul - Sep 2022
More to see and do at Electra Mining Africa, celebrating 50 years this year

ElectraMiningAfricaanditsline-upof conferences and free to attend seminars will be taking place from 5-9 September at the Expo Centre, Nasrec, in Johannesburg. Hundreds of exhibitors are ready to showcase their latest innovations, technology, products and services at Southern Africa's biggest mining, electrical, automation, manufacturing, power and transport tradeIndustryexhibition.stakeholders were disappointed that the opportunity to interact face-to-faceatElectraMiningAfricain 2020 was not possible, due to the Covid 19 hiatus It's an exhibition viewed by industry as one of the most importanteventsonthecalendar.

The technology group Wärtsilä's strategy for shaping the decarbonisation of the energy sector is strengthened with the introduction of the company's Decarbonisation Servicesbusinessmodel. The service utilises Wärtsilä's sophisticated power system modelling and optimisation tools alongside inhouseexpertisetoreducepowersystememissions.Italso ensurespoweravailabilitywiththelowestlevelisedcostof electricity Theultimateaimistohelpcustomersdecarbonisetheirassets. Initially, the service will focus on existing Wärtsilä customers in the mining and industrial sectors, as well as small-scalepowerutilities.
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (Fortescue) and Liebherr Australia Pty Ltd have signed an agreement for the developmentandsupplyofmininghaultrucksintegrating zeroemissionpowersystemtechnologiesbeingdeveloped by Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and Williams AdvancedEngineering(WAE). ThepartnershipbetweenFortescueandLiebherrtackles thechallengeofdecarbonisingheavymobileequipmentin the mining industry. It will support global initiatives to reduce emissions and it will enable both Fortescue and Liebherr's Mining product segment to achieve their respective commitments to address global emissions.The partnership will draw from Liebherr's industry-leading equipment and technology and FFI's expertise in green technologiestodeliverzeroemissionminingequipment.

Zijin Joins Hands with MTN and Huawei to Build Southern Africa Region's First 5G-enabled Metal Mine NkwePlatinumLimitedandSouth Africa Zijin Platinum (Pty) Limited(whollyownedsubsidiaries of Multinational mining company, the Zijin Mining Group), have joined hands with Africantelecommunicationsgiant MTN and global ICT provider Huawei together, and signed a collaboration agreement to build the Southern Africa region's first 5G-enabledsmartmetalmine. MTNandHuaweiaretoprovide 5G-based ICT solutions for the smart mining requirements including,notonlyhigh-speed5G broadband access, but also smart mining solutions like vehicle remotecontrol,IoT,andenterprise digital transformation Once complete, the mine will mark a significant step forward in the digital transformation of the local miningindustry It will effectively demonstrate how a number of emerging technologies can be combined with 5G to improve functions acrossthemine. This kind of advancement will become increasingly important as South Africa looks to remain competitive in the global mineral andresourcesspace.
Mining courses in maintenance, earthmoving at WMI
The country is the world's top platinum producer and mining accountsforeightpercentofSouth AfricanGDP “Formorethan20years,theZijin Mining Group has regarded scientific and technological innovation as its primary driving force, becoming one of the few multinational mining companies in the world to be equipped with autonomous system technology and engineering management capabilities, with a well established scientific research Fortescue and Liebherr establish partnership for zero emission mining equipment
The first course – on Mechanised Earthmoving in Mining: Equipment, TechnologyandManagement–willrun from 27 to 29 July, while the second course will focus on Maintenance Management in Mining and be held from13to15July.

News 3Jul - Sep 2022
The courses will be conducted online using remote learning platforms which enable interaction with the lecturer and amongparticipants;theseplatformswill alsofacilitategroupdiscussionsoncase studies.ProfessorBorowitsh,whoisattached to both the University of the WitwatersrandandtheIsraelInstituteof Technology, specialises in earth and rockexcavation,aswellasloadandhaul optimisation He has extensive academicexperience,andhasmanagedand consulted to large scale earthmoving projects.TheMechanisedEarthmovingcourse will provide advanced manual and computerised techniques to equip participants to select the most efficient andeconomicalspreadofequipmentfor projects.Theywilllearncostevaluation analysis for equipment economics and earthworks, and also explore the planningandmanagementofearthmoving Participantsprojects. will also practice simulation with TALPAC and DRAGSIM software; trial versions of the software will be made available for download ontotheirowncomputers.Thecourseis aimed at mining and civil engineering project managers, engineers and techniciansattechnicalandmanagerial levels.
TheWitsMiningInstitute(WMI)atthe University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg will be hosting two excitingcoursesinJuly2022withwellknownexcavation,loadandhaulexpert ProfessorZviBorowitsh.
Wärtsilä Introduces Decarbonisation Services Business Model to Support Net Zero Customers

tisestimatedthatwespendone-thirdofIourlivesatwork.Thisthereforemakes it vital to adapt traditional equipment and systems used in the working environment to the new technological paradigmallowing industries to stay connected and, atthesametime,haveworkersassafeand protectedas Honeywell'spossible.topwiderangeoftechnologiesanddevicesensurethemostfavourable coverage,detection,hazardmitigationand lifeprotection.Theyhelpkeepmorethana half a billion workers safer and more productive with mobile computers, barcode scanners, printers, voice-enabled software, material handling technology, sensors, software and protective equipment. Fromthefactoryfloortothefurthest distribution centre, Honeywell sensors, switches, interfaces, and custom assembliesofferunmatchedvaluedowntheline, thereby providing powerful solutions for any industrial need. Enhanced accuracy, accountability and durability are built into everypartorconstruction,improving output and endurance Its smart PPE solutions are tailored for stronger perfor mance, longer productivity, and increased safetyAs a leader in industrial sensing, Honeywell offers the perfect combination ofperformanceandinnovationtomeetany ofyourneedstoday Itoffersafullrangeof smart PPE solutions to help keep your workers protected when and where they needitmost.Itscomprehensivesolutionsin fall, respiratory, head, eye, face, hand, hearing and more are designed with ever changing worker needs in mind to protect yourcrewfromheadtotoe.
4 Jul - Sep 2022
Real-time health and safety for mines
Mine Safety Smart mining:

. At Honeywell, smart PPE safety is in the DNA as every single day, hundreds of millions of people work in hazardous environments, and rely on their safety equipment to get them home every night.
SmartPPEbuiltforSafety;Designedfor YourComfort
For over a century, Honeywell has been protectingworkerswithhead-to-toesafety offeringsrootedinitsindustryexperience and relentless drive to innovate. Today, Honeywell's safety solutions protect the futureof500millionworkers. These wearable gadgets increase productivity and efficiency and above all, they do not stop working until the last workerclocksoutandgetshomesafely Designed to provide safety, comfort, and mobility, Honeywell is home to a wide range of safety gears, gloves, hoods, helmets,bootsandmore. With Honeywell's NFPA certified products, workers can trust that they'll be protected during every call From renowned Honeywell Morning Pride® turnout gear and helmets to an assortment of hoods, gloves and boots, its high performingsmartPPEhasbeentrustedfor almostacentury Withoutreservation,there'snotimelike thepresenttoinvestinsmartwearables,as we are already engrossed in all things smart. Smart PPE promises a higher level ofprotectionandmorecomfortthroughthe useofenhancedmaterialsorelectronic
Protecting the Future of Millions of Workers

components. ItcombinestraditionalPPE with “electronics” in the form of components such as RF modules, sensors, detectors, data transfer modules, and batteries.Thesearefurtherembeddedinwearables inmultipleformsasminescannowhavea sensor equipped to alert you via a tag integrated into protective clothing, a hard hatora Drivenwristband.bytheconstantquestforimproved workplace safety solutions, smart, or 'intelligent'PPE,withdigitaltechnologies, applications, solutions and smart sensors worn close to the body are rapidly being developedandadoptedbyemployers. Fromitsfoundingin1885,innovationhas alwaysbeenHoneywell'slegacyandfuture –andnowitiscreatingwhat'snext. Honeywell has made available Smart Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in clothing, helmets, safety shoes, safety gloves, ear plugs, protective eyewear, and otherworkwear
Sep 2022
The integration of smart systems aims to createanecosystemofPPEtopreservethe workers' integrity Such equipment must thereforebeadaptedtotheworkers'needs; providing protection without impeding them from performing their tasks as normal This aspect is crucial for an effective application of the systems, as an uncomfortable or bulky device would discourageworkersfromitsuse.Therefore, thetechnologybestsuitedtotheserequirementsiswearabletechnology,whichcanbe wornasanaccessoryorgarment. In challenging times such as these, it's important to put your employees' safety to the fore. Smart PPE can lead the way A “newnormal”issomethingwe'rehearinga lot more of; from AI and data mining efforts,butsmarttechnologyandprotective equipmentcanhelpusbetterprepareforthe future.With the market growing continuously, the number of such wearable applications and formats has been increasing steadily. Consideringtheavailabilityandfeasibility ofwearabletechnologiesandtheirabilityto beanintegralpartofanyindividual'sdaily life, they are the perfect candidate for the deployment of personal protective equipment in the work environment, and havethereforeadaptedtotherequirements ofdifferentniches. This, coupled with the IoT revolution allowsminingcompaniestogainaccessto some working environments' complex mechanics and react quickly to imminent danger To this end, the different solutions thatareintegratedinthedeviceshavebeen analysed, optimising the detection and preventionofrisks,aswellasthedetection ofthehealthconditionsinherenttospecific tasks in the workplace.All this is made possiblethankstotheintegrationofsensors and actuators. Thus, an analysis has been made of the possibilities of adapting, developing and optimising existing technologiesformeasuringanthropometric parameters, human activity recognition, real time location systems and sensor networks.Itisno doubt that systems capable of monitoring the state of workers and the environment are needed to ensure safe conditions and can also be integrated with otherlinesrelatedtoproduction,enterprise resourceplanning(ERP),etc. In this regard, Honeywell's platform intends to meet the needs of any industry through a modular and adaptable design with the ability to inter-operate different individualprotectiondevices,allowingfor real-time visualization and early detection usingartificialintelligence. Itcanthereforebeconcludedthattheuse of technologies such as wearables, IoT, edge computing combined with wireless. communications and artificial intelligence for decision making can bring about a significant evolution in safety and occupational risk prevention. Therefore, adoptingasmartwearablespolicynowcan ensureIoTsystemsareeasilyintegratedin the future, keeping employees safe and protected. WhySmartPPE? Compared to traditional PPE, smart PPE's advanced features heighten usability and boost efficiency It leads to a reduction in errors, and therefore the number and severity of workplace accidents and injuries,givingrisetoimprovedproductivity, efficiency and consequent long-term costsavings. Honeywell has made available Smart Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in clothing, helmets, safety shoes, safety gloves, ear plugs, protective eyewear, and other workwear As a leader in industrial sensing, Honeywell offers the perfect combination of performance and innovation to meet any of your needs today -
This wearable technology includes equipment such as tracking devices, sensors and monitors that feed data from the tech-infused PPE and provide insights on worker conditions and any harm they maycomeacrossintheirenvironment. Thisarguablyadvancedworkplacesafety unlocks unprecedented opportunities to protect employees They underpin low poweredIoTsensors,sophisticated wireless connectivity, Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, cloud and edge computing which can be applied to handleworkplaceconstraints. This considerably improves workplace safety by reducing accidents and injuries, leading to greater productivity, efficiency andcostsavingsinthelongerterm.

Owingtothefactthatthiscontributesso highly to the municipalities' bill, it also meansithasthegreatestpotentialtobethe starting point of electricity saving measures. By engaging in energy measures withinthewaterandwastewaterinfrastructurecycle,municipalitiesstandnotonlybe fiscally but also energy efficient going forward.“Wehavefoundthattheaerationstageis one of the stages which consumes a lot of energy as it requires large pump systems and municipalities may not always pay attention to this aspect and may neglect to overhaul due to expensive nature of more energyefficientsystems. However,whatisimportanttoremember isthatalthoughtheexpensemaybehighat the start, the benefits of cost saving in the long run will be worth it,” explains KSB PumpsandValves'HugoduPlessis,senior projectengineer
sustainable wastewater infrastructure 7Jul - Sep 2022

Wastewater Infrastructure ith no end in sight forWloadshedding,it'simportantfor municipalitiestostartengaging in energy efficient mechanisms in their waterandwastewaterinfrastructure. This infrastructure is one of the biggest consumers of energy within a municipalities' operations and it is critical to start looking at ways to implement energy efficientmeasureswithintheseoperations. According to the guide compiled by Sustainable Energy Africa, Sustainable energy solutions for South African local government: a practical guide, in 2017, “the indications are that on average water and wastewater accounts for some 17% of energy consumption in a South African metro. In terms of electricity consumption alone (i.e. excluding liquid fuel use for vehicles), the proportion is far higher –often representing as much as 25% of the entiremunicipality'selectricitybill.”
Energy the key to
He continues that the most energy consuming aspects within the water servicessystemrelatetothestagesofwater treatment and pumping. He reiterates the importance of how the implementation of energy efficient systems will not only help municipalities obtain, retain and improve their Green Drop and Blue Drop certificationbutwillalsoeventuallyallowcustomers to see the difference in their rates and taxes“Inefbill.ficientpumpsystemswillnotbeable tokeepupwiththe'backlog'ofwaterwhen loadshedding occurs KSB Pumps and Valves is willing to assist with site energy efficiency audits as we are a full solution provider KSB Pumps and Valves, Annett Kriel, Tel: (011) 876 5600, Fax: (011) 822 1746, Email: Annett Kriel@ksb com, Web:
8 Jul - Sep 2022

Mobile Screening
Large-scale operation in India
Withtheuseofthesesixmobileclassifying screens, KCCLhas achieved a continuous daily production target of 30,000 tons in two-shiftoperation.Thedesiredfinalgrain sizes of 0-10 mm and 10-40 mm are thus produced. “These plants have proved their value with regard to product quality and output. Over the years, they have become an indispensable element of our operation. The service, above all, is exemplary The co-operation with the Wirtgen Group was crowned with success."Dr SR Samal, Managing Director, Kalinga Commercial Corporation. Screening plants also impress under extremeconditions
ThescreeningplantsMOBISCREENMS EVO also operate precisely and highly efficientlyunderextremeconditions:inthe iron ore open pit mining site in Keonjhar, theyprocessfeedmaterialwithahumidity content of 6 7 % without any problems.Dr. SR Samal, Managing Director, Kalinga Commercial Corporation: "We have been using Kleemann screeningplantsformorethantwo years. These plants have proved their value with regard to product quality and output. Over the years, they have become an indispensable element of our operation. The service, above all, is exemplary The co-operation with the Wirtgen Group was crowned with success. The investment was worthwhile because we managed to achieve our goals within the defined period.” KleemannMSEVOseries–preciseand efficient TheclassifyingscreensintheEVOseries impress with their high productivity, good transport properties and first-class screen results.Theproductseriesincludesthetwo double-deck classifying screens MS 702 EVOandMS952EVOaswellasthetripledeckclassifyingscreensMS703EVOand MS 953 EVO. Thanks to the particularly largescreeningsurfacesof7or9.5m²,high production outputs combined with effective screening of up to 4 first-class finalproductscanbeachieved. Dependingontheapplicationcase,safety. The plants can be operated conveniently with intuitive control system via a mobile control panel that can be attached at three differentpointsontheplant.Thisincreases workandoperationalsafety. Thanks to the easily accessible work platforms, service activities can be carried out quickly and screen surfaces can be replaced without any problems. All other service components can be accessed from thegroundsothatmaintenancetaskscanbe executedwithoutanycomplications.

9Jul - Sep 2022
aily production target withDKleemann MOBISCREEN MS 952 EVO and MS 953 EVO increasedTheredcolourusuallyallowsyoutospot it from a distance: iron ore. The volcanic rock is mainly used in the manufacture of steel.Indiahasvastreservesofironoreand is the second biggest steel producer in the world.The mobile screening plants MOBISCREEN EVO from Kleemann are usedduringtheextractionoftheimportant material.India'stotal iron ore production for 2019 was231milliontons,approx.90percentof which was used in domestic steel production. Hematite and magnetite are the iron ores mainly found in India. Thanks to its highqualityandlumpyproperties,hematite is the most sought-after iron ore for the local steel industry Due to its fine grain properties, the processing method of the sedimentary rock usually demands a lot from the screens. This is where the classifying screens MS EVO provide a valuableservice. InanironoreextractionsiteinKeonjhar in the federal state of Orissa, Kalinga Commercial Corporation (KCCL) is responsibleforironoreextractiononbehalf ofthestate-ownedcompanyOrissaMining Corporation. Iron ore classified into up to four fractions SinceJanuary2020,sixMOBISCREEN EVO mobile screening plants from KleemannhavebeeninuseattheKeonjhar location screening material to the desired final grain sizes. More than 20 excavators are deployed for extraction, handling and loadingoftheore.140largedumpertrucks transport the material from the mines for furtherprocessingbythescreeningplants.
Five double deck screening plants MOBISCREENMS952EVOandatripledeck screening plant MS 953 EVO make classification of the blasted and then crushed material into up to three or four (withtheMS953EVO)fractionspossible.

Snake Awareness 11Jul - Sep 2022
Snakes & the danger they pose for miners
nakebiteskillthousandsofpeopleinSAfrica each year. One can never be too careful, particularly when it comestomining. Therearearound3000speciesofsnakes globally, and approximately 250 of these are potentially harmful. Venomous snakes aresignificantlydangerousbecauseasnake bite has life altering consequences. Besides death, a venomous snake bite can cause permanent physical damage due to tissuenecrosisandpersistentnervedamage and affect the victim psychologically, leading to loss of earning capacity due to ongoingdisability Theeconomicimpactofsnakebitescan be Theconsiderable.WorldHealth Organisation (WHO) estimates that approximately five million snakebitesoccurannually,whichresultsin around100,000deaths. “It is important for miners to arm themselves with knowledge. For example, getting to know what snakes occur on a mine and learning how to deal with snake encounters, minimises the risk of snakebitesonsite,”saysAshleyKemp,manager attheAfricaSnakebiteInstitute. According toAshley, mines should have accurate posters of snakes commonly encountered to educate employees. “Unfortunately, most posters on mines are puttogetherwithGooglesearchesandare ofteninaccurate,”saysKemp.Anumberof minesarelocatedinnaturalenvironments, and snakes on site can be a common occurrence.Snakesareattractedtositesby foodsourcesandsuitablehidingareas. In order to minimise snakes on site, all areas should be kept clean, minimise food waste(whichattractsrodents),andelevate onsite equipment and containers so snakes cannot hide beneath them. According to Kemp,onceadangeroussnake is on-seen site,it'spresenceshouldbenotedimmediately,thecontrolroomshouldbecontacted, and staff should keep an eye on the snake fromasafedistanceof5metersormore until the on-site snake remover arrives. Kempelaborates,“Precautionarymeasures also include sealing buildings, especially accommodation units, to prevent snakes from entering and providing protective clothing like snake gaiters to staff members.All employees should attend snake awarenesstrainingandthereshouldalways be trained and certified snake removers on duty.”Ifyou are aware of any snakes in your surroundings, leave the snakes alone and treatthemwithrespect.

You can also download the free African a p ( for snake identification and first aid protocols for Becomingsnakebite. more vigilant of our surroundings, learning more on the dangers that snakes pose, and sharing our knowledge with others will positively impact our immediate working environments and societyasawhole. Snakebitescanchangelives;asminers, we can help prevent this by equipping and protecting ourselves and our colleagues. Kemp concludes, “Snakebites are a real danger on-site, and the right precautions mustbetakentoreducethisrisk.Treatinga singleseriousbitewillcostfromR100,000 ($6000 USD) to in excess of R1 000 0000 ($60,000USD).

Ÿ Beginners Guide to Snake Identification Ÿ AdvancedSnakeIdentification Ÿ Snake Awareness and First aid for snakebites Ÿ Advancedfirstaid
Contact the control room and notify them of the bite and the location of the victim –theywilldispatchthemedicstothesiteand thesnakeremoveronduty Iftherearemore than two first responders, one can keep an eye on the snake, until the snake remover arrives, and the other responder will keep thevictimstill,calmandreassureduntilthe medicsarrive. The African Snakebite Institute offers online and in person courses, some of whichincludethefollowing: Snake Awareness, First aid for Snakebite and Venomous Snake handlingtraining for CorporateSnakeTraining
S n
12 Jul - Sep 2022
snakebites Ÿ On-site
k e b i t e I n s t i t u t e a p

David Tompkins, President of TFG Global Insurance Solutions Inc, gives us a detailed overview of what is required to obtain the care on needs and the services the organisation provides to support expatriates.

very citizen requires health care -Enomatterwheretheyresideorwhat industrytheyareapartof.Unfortunately,miningisrenownedforbeingoneof themostdangerousjobsintheworld.Caveins, toxic air, extreme temperatures, and explosions are some of the hazardous occurrences.Furthermore, let's look at statistics in termsofhowmanyaccidentsoccurperyear and how the number shave elevated over time The need for insurance is non negotiable. Globalstatisticsonminingaccidents
AccordingtoStatista,globalinsightsand statistics platform, there were 60 mining accidents in Congo in August 2012 - and within the year 2020, a total of expatriates working in the Canadian mining industry amounted to approximately 377 000 miners Of course, these statistics vary worldwide, but there is no question that miners, particularly those working in foreign countries, should have the necessaryhealth Davidinsurance.elaborates by saying that the global mining industry has faced many challenges recently And everything from employee shortages, commodity price fluctuations, conflicts, political uncertainties, environmental and technical difficulties, covid and a host of other challenges requirethatminingemployersprotecttheir mostvaluableasset,theirpeople.
“One of the most important parts of a mining operation is to meet their duty of carebyprovidingadequatehealthcoverage for both the local workforce and the expatriate or foreign trained workers operating at the mine sites, “says Tompkins,“Themines that we work with want to provide cost- effective medical coverage for their expatriates as the local coverage maynotbeavailable,ormedicaltreatment maybesub-standard.” Whyhealthcareforminersmatters When asked why insurance has been developedexplicitlyforminers,Tompkins saysthatsomeinsuranceprovidersthatthe organisation works with have developed health plans for mining operations in specific regions such asAfrica, with plans that are tailored to their market requirements.However,(organisation)workswitheven larger and more recognised global insurance companies that can quote excellent internationalhealthplanstomeettheneeds of multinational mining companies operatinginAfricaandbeyond.
“Most mining clients will provide a comprehensive global medical plan that willcovertheex-patminingemployeeboth inthecountrythattheyarestationedinbut also globally, excluding the USA or includingtheUnitedStatesiftheemployee is an American citizen. “ says Tompkins. “There are also plans that can provide regional coverage to cover employees in Africa only, Africa plus Europe and globally. Covering the employee on-site and when back home or on leave is consideredstandard.” AccordingtoTompkins,mostlocalmining employers will be covered by a locallysourcedhealthplan
Health insurance requirements for mining firms employing expatriates in Africa
Health Insurance 14 Jul - Sep 2022
Furthermore, TFG Global Insurance can run RFPs and obtain quotes from the market based on the unique requirements and budget of the mining client After presenting the proposals and recommendations, the organisation can help implement a plan and negotiate with the insurer at renewal while providing unlimited advocacy and service during the policyIyearnmost cases, these types of organisations are paid by the insurance companyandcanworkwithclientsaround theglobe.Overall, Tompkins believes that to attract and retain mining talent, mining management and human resources staff needtohaveaglobalmedicalplanthatnot only meets their duty of care but also provides a comprehensive medical, dental and evacuation plan to protect the employeeattheminesiteandbackhome. “Most global benefit plans for mining employees posted in Africa will also provide additional services and coverage such as telehealth, employee assistance programs, mental health and wellness, life coverage, accidental benefits, dental and disabilitycoverage,concludesTompkins.

So again, it is a question of cost and how attractive management wants to make the policy to attract increasing scarce and valuableminingtalent.
Of course, if the family is in the work assignmentcountrywiththeemployee,itis agiventhatthedependentswillbecovered.
Still, in many cases, the family members willbeintheemployee'shomecountryand may or may not be covered by the policy
Tompkinselaborates,Perhapsthemost essential coverage that will be included or soldasasupplementismedicalevacuation coverage. For most mining, local medical care in many African countries may be limited.Asevere illness may necessitate a medical evacuation to seek medical care.
Still, some mining clients will source an international plan for local employees or place a “key local national” on the ex-pat benefit plan, especially if the employee should be covered for medical treatment outsidethehostcountryofmine. “We find that most health plans for mining employees will provide a base of hospital-relatedexpenses,thenaddonoutpatientcare,wellness,employeeassistance andmore,”explainsTompkins.

The insurance company and its assistance provider will need to coordinate medical evacuation. Healthcare considerations for expatriates'family
Tompkins says that the most common claimsthatexpatriatesmakeareout-patient charges such as doctor's appointments and prescriptions and paramedical claims such as physio, considering that the most prevalentmedicalsupportisrequiredfor illnessesandaccidents. “Hospitalandmedicalevacuationclaims are less frequent but present the highest financial risk for a mining operator and hence the requirement to have excellent coverage,”saysTompkins. Healthcare insurance services and support
“We act as the independent insurance consultant or broker to help examine the global insurance requirements for our mining clients operating worldwide, including in Africa,” explains Tompkins.
15Jul - Sep 2022
Another consideration in developing a health plan for a mining operation is to considerwhetherornotthedependentsand partners of the employee will be covered.
Better flowsheets with hydrofloat® coarse particle
profitability and improves environmental sustainabilityofminingprojects. Inoperation,feedslurryisintroducedat Air bubbles selectively attach to hydrophobic particle surfaces to reduce the effective density of bubble particle agglomerates, which reduces settling velocity and facilitates hydraulic carryovertothe Expansionoverflowof the fluidized bed is controlled to alter the effective bed density, thus preventing lower density agglomerates containing the target mineral species from penetrating the fluidized bed and reporting to the underflow Froth separation at the top of the freeboard is achieved with a 'zeroorder' froth depth, which minimizes hte drop-backofcoarseparticlesthetopofthe HydroFloat and descends against a rising mixtureof water and fine air bubbles to formafluidizedbedofsolids.

By: Jose Concha, Eriez Global Product Manager- HydroFloat® CPF, Asa Weber, EriezDirectorofNewFlotationTechnologies, and Eric Wasmund, Eriez Flotation Vice-President.omeetsociety's needs for criticalTmineral resources, the mining industrymustdevelopprojectsthat are socially accepted, environmentally sustainable, and economically profitable. One of the processes that have the highest potential to overcome some of these challenges is Coarse Particle Flotation (CPF).TheCPFprocesshasbeenanareaof great interest to the mining industry for manyyearsduetotheinnumerablebenefits itcanprovideforthedevelopmentofmore profitable and sustainable projects However,duetothelimitationsinherentin the design and operation of the conventionalflotationtechnologies(e.g. TankCells,etc.), it has not been possible to recover coarse particles; in practice it has been seen that conventional flotation technology is inefficient to recover particles greater than 150 µm using conventional flotation equipment.To overcome the shortcomings of conventionalcells,anovelcoarseparticleflotation technologyknownastheHydroFloat®was developed and patented by Eriez. The HydroFloat is a fluidized bed coarse particle flotation machine that overcomes buoyancy and froth ecovery restrictions throughupcurrentwatervelocityandplug was patented in 2001 and represented a significant departure from conventional flotation. The HydroFloat recovers particles +2 times coarser than conventional flotation cells, which allows for a shift in the economic optimumgrindsize,andinturnincreases
Coarse Particle Flotation 16 Jul - Sep 2022
The overflow from that classification stage feeds a secondary classification stagewithacutsizeof106-150µm. The overflow reports to conventional flotation, and the underflow feeds HydroFloat. This approach allows a significant reduction in the amount of grinding, translating to smaller mills and power (or increasing plant throughput with existing grinding assets). Additionally, this would mean the removal of coarse barren tailings at an early stage in theForflowsheet.thisreason, some metallurgists are referring to HydroFloat as a type of ore sortingtechnology Thispre-concentrationapproachalso dramatically reduces the necessary conventionalflotationcapacity. In2021abreakthroughwasachievedin theuptakeofCPFinflowsheetdesignand industrial practice using the Eriez HydroFloat. This is demonstrated by Eriez supplying equipment for two large industrial plants for scavenging conventionalflotationtailings.
Newcrest's expansion of the tail scavenging plant at their Cadia Valley Operation is based on the successful commissioning of the first phase in 2018 and Anglo American's Quellaveco tail scavenging facility is a new 127 ktpd Cu/Mo plant which will use tail scavenging to treat the tail from the greenfield concentrator after it has been commissioned.
Therearetwopossiblelocationsforthe HydroFloat technology within a mineral processingflowsheet.TailingsScavenger (TS) and Coarse Gangue Rejection (CGR). Tailings Scavenger is selective recovery of semi liberated and fully liberated minerals contained within the coarse size fraction of rougher flotation tailings, thus increasing global plant recovery. For example, in copper concentrators, TS applications has demonstrated to increase global recovery by 2% to 6% and allow the plant to coarsen the grind size and increase the plant throughput Coarse Gangue Rejectionisamoreambitiousapplication, which integrate HydroFloat as a preconcentration unit into the conventional grinding mill circuit.Aconceptual flowsheet is shown in Figure 3 As illustrated, depending valuable mineral's liberation characteristics, a primary classificationstagewithacutsizeof300500µmisusedtosignificantlyreducethe amount of material returning to the mill circuit.

atthefreeboard/airinterface. Theresultofthisbreakthroughtechnology is an order of magnitude increase in selectiverecoveryofcoarseparticles(e.g. +150pm) with as little as 1% mineral surface expression, as well as a corresponding shift in the economic optimum grindsizeforconcentrators.
17Jul - Sep 2022

Towing Systems Underrated rear step towbar
Purchasingatowbarandwiringkitcancost hundreds of pounds. One may wonder why they have to pay so much, but the costs mostly cover the technical development, testingandproduction.
testing At the close of the process, a durability test is conducted, including specifictestingforoverloadtestingonthex, yandzaxis. Ingeneral,itrequiresaboutfour (4)weeksforthetowbartobeapprovedand compliant with the manufacturers and legal requirements.

In summary, the rear and underside of the car,withandwithoutthebumper,isscanned withalasermeasuringarm.R&Dthendraws a3Dtowbaronthebasisoftheseprecise3D scans, using the most advanced industrial drawing programmes, such as CAD Subsequently, every separate component of thetowbarisdesigned,includingsideplates, crosstube,ballplates,electricalsocketplate, ballandlockingmechanism. At the design phase, R&D focuses on several principles based on the mounting points on the chassis of the car and the maximum towing weight and axle load, as specified by the car manufacturer. The legallyrequiredheightismeasuredfromthe groundup,35to42centimetresinmaximum load,andthelegallyrequiredspacebetween thebumperandthebodyworkismeasuredat least65millimetrestothecentreoftheball. Ourmaingoalistoleavethedesignintactby creatinganinvisiblesolution. With the help of the CAD FEM calculation programme, the design is run through a computation that provides insight in the external force, pressure and the resulting material.
car on its own is an incrediblyAuseful tool, but you can make it even more convenient by adding accessories. A towbar is key among the unobtrusive additions, given the options available, it's possible not damage the aestheticofavehicleinanyway Thesecan befittedtoavastmajorityofcarsandlight commercialvehicles.However,therearea few exceptions where a vehicle has not beenapprovedforusewithatowbarbythe vehicle manufacturer, but this is quite unusualanddoes,inmostcases,notstopa towbar being fitted for use with a cycle carrierWhile considering a towbar, the best course of action is to start your search by asking how often you intend to use it and whatyouwillusethetowbarfor –whether itbeabikecarrier,ortowtrailer,horsebox orboattrailer.Lastly,youshoulddetermine whether the design of the towbar can or cannot affect the general outlook of your car Based on these questions, you can considerthevarioustypesoftowbars. Topamongyourlistofconsiderationsis Brink - a firm that has been in existence since 1906 and has experience across the globe, bringing a vast amount of knowledge into mining. With the largest collectionoftowbarsinEurope,atBrink,youcan choose from a wide variety of towbars ranging from flange balls, fixed towbars, detachable towbars to retractable towbars. Eventhougheachsingletypeoftowbarhas its own special features, they are all characteristically premium quality tow weightandaxleloadofyourcar,and the breakaway cable of your trailer is easy to connect.This means you can tow safely withaBrinktowbar,asalltheirtowbarsare extensively tested in their own advanced testcentre. Thisisdoneinaccordancewith the international regulations and Brink's strict“Keystandards.amongthethingstolookoutforis the aspect of the capacity of the towbars, which should ideally align with what the manufacturer of the vehicle is allowed to tow When there is a new vehicle being launched, we get a notification from the manufacturer about the towing capacity they require and we will design a tow bar specifically for that vehicle. From a tow bar manufacturer's perspective, the major requirement for towbars is that it is made withgradedsteel.AtBrink,everythingwe useisgradedsteel,butmostimportantly,on alltowbars,thereisadataplateattachedto it that indicates the capacity of a tow bar anditshouldalignwithwhatthemanufacturer allows the vehicle to tow as well. However, it's critical to note that some manufacturers require that we test above thecapacityofthevehicle-Thisrequiresus totesttwo(2)tothree(3)timesthecapacity of the tow bar is actually designed to tow. These are some of the reasons the genuine partsaremoreexpensivethantheaftermarket parts especially because there is rigorous testing,”explainsMarkGutridge Managing Director, Brink Towing Systems During testing, the towbar is designedusingthehomologatedmounting points,thereafter,stimulationisconducted andthenprototypesaremanufacturedfor
19Jul - Sep 2022
Brink advises that if you are buying a second-handcar,alwayscheckwhetherthe towbar has a fastening eye. Also, always makesurethatthecableisproperlysecured and that the brake system of the towed object is in working order These checks should be conducted by a certified technician of the manufacturer prior to usingthetrailerorcaravan. Itisofvitalimportancethat,assoonasyou startdrivingwithanobjectbehindyourcar, you adjust your driving style accordingly For example, by listening even more closely to your hard-working engine, so youcanswitchgearsontime.Ensuringyou take wider turns, to enable your trailer to make the corner instead of mounting the pavement.Youshouldalsoanticipateother trafficwithmoreattentionthanusual. Additionally, it is important that you become familiar with your combination. Therefore,Brinkrecommendsfirsttakinga fewtestdrivesbeforegoingonalongtrip. This will help to make sure you also drive up and down an incline, such as a bridge, andpracticereversing.

20 Jul - Sep 2022
tension and distortion. Using a colour system, issues such as strength, stiffness, fatigue, distortion and more are shown. WiththisextensiveprocessBrinkcreatesa finaldesignofatowbarthatmatchesthecar model on which it will eventually be mounted.Subsequently, Brink produces a towbar from the 3D drawing, which is subjected to quality testing in its own advanced test centre, including being exposedtothemostextremecircumstances in order to measure safety, sustainability andstrength. AtProductionatowbargoesthroughover 40 different steps, from creating a model, bending the ball to welding the different pieces together Manufacture of a new towbartakesaboutfivetosevenweeks. A wiring kit to match the towbar is then developed, tested and produced. As the newest cars have been equipped with the latest techniques and functionalities, there is a complex process to ensure the vehicle and trailer communicate efficiently This takesalotoftimeaswell, whichaffectsthecostoftheinstallation. SafetyFirst Of course, the biggest responsibility for guaranteeingsafetylieswiththesupplierof towbars,theofficialcarmanufacturersand the suppliers of trailers, caravans, boat trailers or horseboxes They have all developed several safety systems which canmakeyourtripassafeaspossible. Brink capitalises on the Electronic Stabilisation Programme (ESP), with which most modern cars have been equipped.With its wiring kits, ESPcan be expanded with the Trailer Stabilisation Programme (TSP), a safety measure that immediately corrects 'snaking' of your Howevertrailer,it'simportanttoensurethatyour speeds are appropriate for the weight that youaretowingsothatthegapbetweenyou and the vehicle in front of you allows for additional weight that you are trying to slowdown.IfyouhaveaBrinktowbar,the breakawaycablecanalwaysbefastenedto aspecificbreakawaypointonthetowbar.
21Jul - Sep 2022
Theprimarypurposeofaslopemonitoringprogramistoassessthestabilityofthe pit walls during operations and to detect any signs of instability, after which management or remedial procedures may becarriedout.Aslopemonitoringprogram should detect instabilities timeously in order to prepare mining operations for potential threats, by providing an early warning. The consequences of an uncontrolledinstabilityorslopefailurecanresult in: disruption of operations, loss of equipment, injury and worst of all loss of life, all of which ultimately could result in dropinmarketshare. A comprehensive slope stability monitoringprogramisthusvitaltosupport thesaferecoveryofore.
Slope Monitoring
Real-Time Slope Stability Monitoring with Reutech Radars
lope stability is an importantSconsideration in the management of varioustypesofminingoperationsor geotechnicalengineeringprojects. Bydefinition,slopestabilityisameasure of how resistant a man-made or natural slopeistofailure,duetocollapseorsliding. Slopepitdesignsaimtoprovideasafeand stableslopeforopenpitsmines,whilestill optimising excavation capabilities. Increasing the pit wall steepness enables maximised ore recovery and minimised wasteThisstripping.implies that the quantity of excavatedmaterialisreduced,therebyconsiderably decreasing mine running costs and improvingfinancialreturns.Thisincreased wall steepness does, however, increase in the depth of the pit, causing a decrease in thefactorofsafetyinthepitslopedesign.
The demand for real-time geotechnical monitoring has led to the rapid advancement of monitoring technology.
Real-time monitoring is the viewing of continuouslyupdatedorstreamedinformation. This occurs through the implementation of applications and tools that constantly track and record the overall pit performance, and provide continuous updates.Itessentially means that one is able to have eyes on the slope at any given time. This permits the user to determine the current state of the slope and enables the team to identify, detect, diagnose, report and respond rapidly, when an incident occurs. Reutech's real time slope stability monitoringproducts. Reutech Mining is a proudly South African company dedicated to developing, manufacturing and distributing innovative technologiesfor the managementof safety withintheminingindustry After being approached by industry leadersintheminingsector,requesting advanced geotechnical monitoring solutions,Reutechhasbeenattheforefront of technological innovation for mining safetyformorethan15years. The demand for real-time geotechnical monitoring has led to the rapid advancementofmonitoringtechnology
The Movement and Surveying Radar (MSR) is the world's most advanced slope monitoring radar, used for assessing the stabilityofminepitwalls,tailingsdamsand natural hazards. With the unique ability to extract multiple data points from a single antennabeamfootprint.TheMSRModular delivers a high resolution three dimensional(3D)pointcloudandprovides data in range, azimuth and elevation, without relying on any other external mechanisms.Thisimpliesthatthemostaccurateslope stability insights is provided at all times. MSRModulariscapableofcoveringbroad areas quickly, making it the ultimate tool for simultaneously performing strategic and critical monitoring on any scale. The combination of radar data together with movement vectors from prisms and extensometers can be displayed on the sameinterface,allowingfortheintegration of data from various instruments This integrated interface allows for a more holistic approach may be applied, in identifyingareasofmovementontheslope, and subsequently making more informed decisions. The MSR Modular allows for various mounting options such as fully autonomoustrailerorvehicle
Why is slope stability evaluation important?
The application of ground based radar technology has been used in mines, across the world, since the early 2000's. Reutech Mining is focused on providing and improvingreal-timeminesafetyforsurface and underground applications, as well as, contributingtowardsanoteworthyincrease inproductionforalargenumberofminesin AfricaandaroundthewMSRModular

· Warning and evacuation orders canbeissuedoncethestabilityof the slope approaches a dangerous threshold level, in keeping with the protocol and the monitoring programimplementedbytheteam onsite.
· Both systems have the ability to send immediate automatic alerts and notifications to geotechnical teamsviaemailandtelecommunications, should an alarm be triggered.
IVHowdoestheMSRModularandMSR Esprit®aidslopestabilitymonitoringin real-time?
The Esprit system is fully autonomous and include solar panels to reduce the carbonfootprintofthesystem.
· Teams are encouraged to include radar alarms for detected slope movement in their hazard planning and Trigger Action ResponsePlans(TARP).

· The system is configured to perform the above tasks 24/7, in adverse weather conditions, therefore providing the client continuous safety critical monitoring throughout the day andnight.
· TheMSRsystemsaidinenabling risk management procedures and life of mine plans, which limit personnel exposuretogeotechnicalhazards. This subsequently increases productivity and allows for pit slopeoptimisationthroughdesign calibration.
IVMSR Esprit® is a staring radar which scans a fixed area using the concept of Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO)radartechnology. The advantage of using a MIMO architecture instead of scanning single points or sweeping over the slope, is that the system scans the entire area instantaneously and constantly This system producessuperiorreal-timemovementdata with an exceptionally accurate 3D point cloud,andafull2Dareascanupdateinless thantwoseconds.Withascanspeedofless than two seconds, fast moving slopes are effortlesslydetectedandthephenomenaof phase wrapping (ambiguity) is reduced drastically The rapid scan time and reduction in phase ambiguity reduces the effects of rapidly changing atmospherics, almostcompletely, andaccumulatesonlytruemovement. Thisradaristhefastestscanningradaron the market making it the ideal solution for mines with rapidly changing atmospherics andfastmovingslopes.Smallermovement measurementsaredetectedmuchfasterand withgreateraccuracy,resultingintheearly identificationofpotentialslopefailures.
IVMSR Esprit IVMSR Esprit®, is the fourth generation of the MSR range, developed specifically for repeatability of measurement, increased scan speed, advanced atmospheric reductionandminimisedmechanicalwear.
· Differentscanregionareascanbe selected allowing the client to focusonareasofhighimportance, without wasting scan time on areasofnointerest.
· By identifying areas of continuous movement from the radar data,teamscangetmoreproactive with their response methods and operationalplans.
· The data from both the MSR IVModular and MSR Esprit® is captured automatically, reliably and updated in real-time, which boosts the confidence of mining personnel in solving slope stabilityconcerns.
22 Jul - Sep 2022

Zijin mining group: Mining for a better society
ijinMiningisalargemultinationalZmining group. It is engaged in the exploration and development of copper, gold, zinc and battery metals worldwide, as well as the research of engineeringtechnology The group has mining projects in 15 provincial-level regions in China and 13 other countries. It operates major projects inChina,suchastheJulongCopperMinein Tibet, the Duobaoshan Copper Mine in Heilongjiang, the Zijinshan Gold and CopperMineinFujian,theAsheleCopper Mine in Xinjiang, Shanxi Zijin, Guizhou Zijin,andLongnanZijin.Itsmainoverseas minesincludetheČukaruPekiCopperand Gold Mine and the Bor Copper Mine in Serbia, the Kamoa Copper Mine and the KolweziCopperMineintheDRC,andthe BuriticáGoldMineinColombia.
Zijin Mining 23Jul - Sep 2022
Zijin controls 62.77 million tonnes of copper resources, of which 20.33 million tonnes are reserves; 2,373 tonnes of gold resources,ofwhich792tonnesare reserves; and 9.618 million tonnes of zinc resources, of which 4.554 million tonnes areZijinreserves.Mining ranks No.324 in the 2022 Forbes Global 2000 List, No.1 among global gold companies, No.8 among metal miners; and No.486 in the 2021 Fortune 500ZList.ijin's core competitiveness lies in innovation, especially technological innovation.Ithasawealthofexperiencein geological exploration; hydrometallurgy; the processing of low grade, refractory ores; and large-scale engineering projects. Itisalsoacceleratingitsdevelopmentinthe field of renewable energy and advanced materials.Ithasadded7.63milliontonnesoflithium carbonateresourcesthroughtheacquisition of the high-grade Tres Quebradas lithium project in Argentina. Its overseas copper and gold operations account for more than half of the group's total reserves, production, andearnings.Ithasdeveloped the “Five pronged” Mining Engineering Model and founded the State Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilisation of Low-Grade Refractory Gold Ores.Itsin-house technologies and engineering capabilities cover the full spectrum of exploration, mining, processing, smelting and environmental protection. Powered by its technological strength, Zijin Mining has beensuccessfulinthedevelopmentofmany mining projects across the world, and has fostered its own competitiveness in the globalminingindustry ZijinisbuildingitsESGsystemonthebasis of international standards, and it is committed to developing green, eco-friendly mines to high standards. Zijin's vision is "Mining for a Better Society". It stands by the values of "Harmony Brings about Wealth" and "BalancedDevelopmentoftheCompany,its EmployeesandtheWiderSociety".

global mining company". It contributes to economic growth in China and the rest of the world by supplying high quality minerals.InAfrica,thegrouphasminingprojectsin theDemocraticRepublicofCongo(DRC), EritreaandSouthAfrica. TheKolwezicoppermineintheDRCwas the first copper mine constructed by Zijin andputintooperationabroad. Kolwezihasproducedover70,000tonnes of copper, providing more than 1,000 jobs forlocal Anotherpeople.DRC mine, the Kamoa-Kakula Mining Complex or known as “Kamoa Copper”, is a joint venture between Zijin Mining, Ivanhoe Mines, Crystal River GlobalLimited,andtheDRCGovernment, and is the world's fastest growing major copper mine. The mine strives to produce theworld's“greenestcopper”. Following “carbon peak and carbon neutrality” initiatives, Kamoa Copper has implemented the Sustainable Livelihoods Program and set a net-zero GHG emission targetforoperation. Kamoa Copper is powered by clean and renewable energy with its main power source coming from the Mwadingusha hydropower plant and the Inga II hydropowerfacility. Theproject'sGHGemissionpertonneof copper produced will continue to drop whenIngaIIhydroelectricrefurbishmentis accomplished.A2020independentauditof
Nkwe Platinum Limited launched itsfirst solar powered water supply system for the Ga Mpuru Village in the Garatau community, situated next to the Zijin Garatau PlatinumMine.Thepumpsinstalledonthe water borehole and storage tanks are powered by a complete solar system. In additiontoprovidingroundtheclockwater forthemembersofthecommunity,thesolar systemalsopowersasecurityelectricfence forthewatersupplyinfrastructure,making it a self-sustaining unit. The community now has access to over 55,000 litres (continuous flow) of clean water from a pipeline, which spans over 2 kilometres within the community. Taps and water troughs are stationed at various strategic points along the pipeline to cater for both thecommunityandlivestock. This solar-powered water system forms partofNkwePlatinum'ssecondgeneration Social and Labour Plan, which enables Local Economic Development ('LED') projectsintheformofcleanwatersupplyto the local mine communities over the next few years Nkwe Platinum Limited believes believe that the development of enterprisesiscloselyrelatedtothesustainable development of its surrounding Tcommunities.hrough,education, medical treatment, industrial support, infrastructure construction and disaster relief, it is committed to developing and working together in a mutually beneficial and harmonious way forthebenefitofall.
Kamoa Kakula's GHG intensity metrics performed by Hatch Ltd. of Mississauga, Canada, confirmed that the project will be foremost among the world's lowest GHG emitters per unit of copper produced. The Bisha Zinc copper Mine is the largest producingzincmineintheStateofEritrea in Africa. The mining and stripping capacityoftheprojectis32milliontonnes per year, and its designed processing capacityis2.4milliontonnesperyear In South Africa, Zijin's wholly owned subsidiaryNkwePlatinumLimitedholdsa 74%undividedshareintheMiningRightin respectoftheZijinGaratauPlatinumMine. TheZijinGaratauPlatinumMineislocated on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, about 25 km north west of Steelpoort and 30 km west-north-west of Burgersfort in Limpopo Province, South Africa.TheMineiscurrentlyintheconstruction phase but is anticipated to average 3.6 million tonnes of ore per annum once full capacityisachievedinafewyears'time. Todate,NkwePlatinumLimitedhasspent over R45 million on its Social and Labour Plan.Theinvestmentincludedtheupgradingof the Garatau Community Access Road, as well as adult training and education, bursaries, learnerships, internships, traditional leadership training and excavator operations, which have benefited the surroundingminecommunitiesoftheZijin GaratauPlatinumMine.InJune2020, 24 Jul - Sep 2022

To truly shift to “sustainable mining,” governments and companies must recognizethesocialimpactsofmining,and enact laws and regulations that require community consultation throughout the life of a mine. It's therefore crucial to understandthatinabidtoreducefinancial, legal, environmental and (or) social liabilitiesforminingcompanies(inalllife cyclephases),it'svitaltoleveragenon-core assets to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thiscanberealisedbyenablingmaximum possible environmental, social, and socioeconomicsustainability Inotherwords,the use of non core assets to create viable investment opportunities for sustainable economic transformation whilst ensuring environmental sustainability should be encouraged.Despitebeingadifficulttask–withthelatestdevelopmentsinlegislation, itremainsclearthatminingcompanieswill have to find ways to reduce post-closure liabilities. The new legislations do not necessarily change asset transformation or theapproachesthereof,butwilllikelyforce more mining companies to embrace sustainableassettransformationasameans of not only ensuring their social license to operate, and legal compliance but also reducingtheirliabilities.
More and more mining companies are embracingthefactthattheydonothaveto fund everything around the reduction of their liabilities; if the business cases are well developed and the right beneficiaries have been identified, there are numerous external funding companies that provide the bulk of the financial requirements to bringtheinitiativestolifeandtheseneedto beunlocked.
“Asset transformation is more than a possibility, it is our collective responsibilityifwewanttoleaveaworldworthliving in for our children and their children.” PieterScholtzining companies reap hugeMbenefits extracting valuable minerals, but often at a cost to surroundingcommunitiesandtheenvironment. However, regulating these activities mainly depends on national frameworks and policies, but implementing good practicesremainsproblematic.Onaccount of these variables, accelerated sustainability transformation is crucial for miningcompaniestoremaincompetitive.
To ensure the initiatives are sustainable, they ought to be mine specific and cocreated with the different stakeholders. This change in approach from mining companiesdoeshoweverneedthedifferent departments on a mine (social performance, environmental and operations) to work more closely It also calls for better alignment of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Social and Labour Plan (SLP), Mine Works Programme (MWP) andclosureplans.
If you are thinking of top-list businesses withwhichtoventureintopost-closure,it's importanttorememberthatAssetTransformationisnotassimpleaspickingsolutions offalist.Therearemanyreasonswhyasset transformation initiatives fail, including underestimatingtheimportanceofcreating thesolutionsfromfirstprinciplesonacaseby-case basis. The solution to sustainable Asset Transformation therefore lies in a blendofcustomisedsolutionsbasedonthe asset base of the specific mine and the environmental, social and socio-economic construct of the surrounding area. However, agriculture is generally a good first step for vacant land, or in select cases for rehabilitated land, but the job creation opportunities for agriculture are rarely sufficient.Othersolutions
Asset Transformation Sustainable asset transformation in the mining space
25Jul - Sep 2022

“I have no doubt that we will have a successfully closed mine with a mining company still in a good financial state; a healthy environment and prosperous surrounding communities within the next decade. Apart from the momentum being there and many smaller successes being seen, we have no choice but to make asset transformation work across all mines in Africa if we have any hope of creating a 26 Jul - Sep 2022
that have been implemented by mines and that can work in select cases are: creating renewable power solutions with shared ownershipmodels;downstreamprocessing ofprimaryagriculturesolutions(i.e.raison factory) and water treatment works with shared ownership models. It's no secretthatminestendtodeteriorateinterms of investor attractiveness and financial health. Keeping this in mind - it is ultimately possible for mining companies to create value for their shareholders during the development, operational and closure phases.Toachieve this, it's important to set the right climate for the deviation of financial, social,legalandenvironmentalliabilitiesin theoperationalphasewhilstthemineisstill profitable “Generally, it costs little for mining companies to enable the developmentofthebusinesscasesforthesolutions oftheirclosureandpost-closureliabilities, and these can easily be funded during the operationalphaseofamine–sometimesby using one financial input to achieve multiple outputs. By so doing, it has virtuallynoeffectoninvestorreturnsgiven thequantumofthefundsrequired. Most mining companies have however historically left their closure and post closureliabilitiestobeaddressedwhenthey close the mine and then it more often than not becomes a lot more expensive than anticipated. It goes without saying that when there is no more revenue being generated because of operations winding down, liability cost increases make the companyalotlessattractivetoinvestors. Inmanycases,theincapabilitytoclose theminesustainablyduetocostconstraints has a negative impact on the environmentallyandsociallyconsciousinvestorbase.” notes Pieter Scholtz, Director, Sustainable Development -Zutari. One may wonder if there is a rule book guiding sustainable asset transformation. Tonurseyourworries,Scholtzadvisesthat there are great tool kits available. “When consideredtogether,theycanassistmining companies to think about Asset Transformation,butthereisnosilverbulletcriteria that can be applied. At Zutari, we have created the Zutari Asset to Asset Approach (ZA2AA) which is a structured approach through which we simplify the complexprocessofassettransformation. WeusetheZA2AAincollaborationwith the considerations in the Anglo Closure ToolboxandAngloSocialWaytoassistour clients with their Asset Transformation programs Using these three support mechanisms, we feel comfortable that we bridgeallthegapsthatneedtobebridgedto enable sustainable Asset Transformation. Many of our large mining clients do howeverhavetheirownguidingprinciples which are mostly more than adequate to ensuretheplanningiseffective.Execution is however another matter and often, good assettransformationinitiativesfailbecause ofpoorprojectexecution.”Scholtznotes. Pastlearningsteachusnottostarttoolate. Withtheexponentialevolutionoftechnology and the resultant global population's needs,thereislikelygoingtobeanincrease in the complexities around asset transformation planning and execution. However, thereisapartialremedyamidstamultitude of constraints. True to our knowledge, the worldischangingatsucharapidratethatit un ecuredmarketanalysisperspective.Itisalsos key to have someone on the team that candevelopbusinesscasesandunderstand all the different pieces of legislation that comeintoplay Nonetheless,makesurethe different departments on the mine have integrated planning This will enable solutionstobeasrobustaspossible,given theexponentialchangeintheworldaround us. Solutions linked to long-term needs (sustainableelectricity,waterandfood)are alsolikelytobemorerobustthanthosethat aresimplyconsideringcurrenttrends. Despite the fact that a truly sustainable mine closure process has not been implemented in a large percentage of mines, the seemingly surmountable task is definitely possible.Scholtz explains that there is enough goodmomentuminmanydifferentmining companiesacrossmanycountriesinAfrica where smaller sustainable solutions are beingcreatedinisolationtogiveushope.

“We must not forget that many of the core components of asset transformation have been part of mining companies' planning for many decades. It has only recently been given a name and is now considered in an integrated manner The change in thinking required in mining companiesisthereforeincrementalandnot profound.”Scholtznotes.

Asweseektoeliminatethekeywhysand wherefores of historical mine closure failures in the past, Zutari is co-creating solutions in collaboration with the mining companiesandtheirstakeholderstoensure human desirability of the solutions. They are also using their diverse workforce; partners and innovation toolkits such as Design. In his submission, he emphasises thathistoricfailuresarenotthatdifficultto overcome; adding that the essence of why many asset transformation related initiatives have failed historically is because they didn't achieve the overlap of stakeholderdesirability,technicalandlegal feasibilityandfinancialviability Notwithstandinghistoricfailures,mines incorporate cutting edge contextual analysistoolstoimproveriskidentification and mitigation. This rests heavily on identifyingtheriskstobemitigatedbyfirst identifying the mine's aspirations (Critical SuccessFactors).Thesearefurtherranked to ensure priorities are understood by all and then the risks of each of these Critical Success Factors materialising, can be identified. This approach allows mines to have a much better alignment on what successwilllooklikeandidentifythemost important risks to be addressed so as to ensureZutarisuccess.industry experts advise that, to transformaminingassetwhichisreaching itsendoflife,oneneedstoensurefinancial sustainabilityforthemine,socio-economic sustainabilityforthecommunitieslivingin thearea,andenvironmentalsustainability Zutarialsoadvisesminesnottostartwhen the mine is already busy ramping down –startearlyenough(atleasttenyearsbefore closureisideal). To steer through the governance, programme feasibility, set-up, milestone measurements, assurance and reporting requirements, there ought to be proper ProjectManagementasthesearethesame tools mining companies use when they start up a mine or when they're doing any other“Itprojects.can'tbe done halfway. For asset transformationtobesuccessful,therewill have to be a proper focus and funding channeledintoit. Ifitisdrivenbythecorrectpeoplewiththe right skills sets with the associated support from the mine management – it will be much easier to achieve than what historysuggests.” Scholtzconcludes.
27Jul - Sep 2022
Asset Transformation children and their children,” he adds. He reiterates that asset transformation will become the only way mining companies think about their operational liabilities, closure, post-closure liabilities and social licensetooperate.
Mobile Crushing and Screening 28 Jul - Sep 2022
Africa is experiencing an influx of international and local manufacturers and suppliersofmobilecrushingandscreening equipmentseekingtotakeadvantageofthe growingmineoperationsinAfrica.
Crushing equipment specialist Pilot Crushtec recently noted that they experiencing growing demand from the mining sector as rising commodity prices breathe newlifeintothisindustry Thiscontrastswiththeconstructionsector, which remains challenged, according to Francois Marais, director sales and marketingatPilot Crushtec. This shift from quarry-based or on-site crushingtothemainstreamminingsectoris demandingcrushingequipmentfromthe largerendoftheproductrange. “We'veseenamovetowardsmuchbigger equipment than what our customers in aggregates would typically use,” he says.
Recent orders include the supply of a mobile crushing train to an iron ore operationintheNorthernCape,whereitis successfully processing up to 550 tonnes per“Whourewelcomethesenewopportunities,as wehavethequalityofproductanddepthof expertise to ensure the material volumes andoperationaluptimethatminesrequire,” he says. “We know what this environment demands and can confidently support our customersandequipmentatthisscale.”
Some of the local and international playersincludeMetso,KeestrackSA,Pilot Crushtec suppliers of the Sandvik brand, AtlasCopco,HPEAfricathedistributorfor MB Crushers, as well as many other suppliersofrenownedinternationalbrands.
Extraction of the highest amount of a valuable mineral with the least energy consumption over an extended period of time is the desired result in any mining process and it all starts with the effectivenessofthecrushingandscreeningprocess.
Crushingisanimportantminingprocess whichinvolvesthereductionoftheparticle sizes in an ore body after extraction. Otherwise know now as comminution, the process which actually involves crushing and grinding has over time undergone several innovations in order to improve efficiency and improve the liberation of valuable minerals some of which we will takealookatinthisarticlepowercosts.
The best equipment therefore is the one thatoffersreduceddowntimeand wearand tear impact while providing Sluggish demand for construction materials has meant that capital expenditure for aggregate crushers remains under pressure “Theupturninminingisspurringlocal demandforourmobilecrushingequipment as contractors – who are our traditional market–moveontominingsitestoconduct crushing contracts,” says Marais greater productionforthesameamountofenergy Along with crushing is the equally important screening that enables the separation of different sizes of particles. Thiscanbeforanumberofreasonssuchas dewatering or in order to remove dust and smallerparticles.Thereareseveraltypesof screensbutthemostpopularisthevibrating screen. In all cases however the screen really consists of a surface with small aperturesmuchlikeateasieve.
he increased volume combinedTwith the extra-large feed opening ensures high capacity primary crushing in all demanding quarrying and miningapplications.
“Whereas we might in the past have been supplyingoperationsproducing250to350 tonnes per hour, we are now working with customerswhoworkintheregionof500to 600tonnesperhourandupwards.” This is well within the capacity of the Metso crusher range represented regionally by Pilot Crushtec which includes mobile units with throughput capacity of up to 1000 tonnes per hour
Thisisopeningthedoortoanexcitingera of expansion for Pilot Crushtec, where the company is introducing new models and configurations At one of the iron ore projects in the Northern Cape supplied by thecompany,forinstance,aglobal'first'is onthecardsforMetso.
Mobile crushing and screening solutions

“There is a mistaken belief that they can 'save their way' to profitability which simplydoesnotmakefinancialsenseinthis competitivesector.” He emphasises that successful crushing contractorsrecognisethe vitalimportance of mission critical equipment in their enterprises and contracts. They earn their successand reputation by top class performance, ensuring the production levels that customersdemand–andtherebywinningthereturn business necessary for sustainability and growth.“The economic environment certainly makes many firms risk averse, and this tempts them to trim their capex budgets to unsustainable levels,” he says. “This suggests that they are incentivised by the wrong metrics, and may not have a proper alignment between their procurement mandate and their strategic business objectives.” He notes that this challenge is alsoreflectedinaprevailingbusinessculture inwhichbuyersfeeltheyareonlyjustifiedin purchasing after the price is substantially reduced.Francois Marais insists that by saving on downtime and enhancing safety, the client removes excessive risk from their projects, so they can build sustainable brands and successfulbusinesses.

29Jul - Sep 2022
“One bad purchasing decision can push these players over the edge,” says Marais.
Purchasingdecision FrancoisMaraisalsonotesthattherehas beenanalarmingincreaseinthenumberof companies let down by underperforming crushing.numberof calls recently from companies using other manufacturers' equipment, requesting urgent assistance in providing alternatives or support to help them meet theircontractobligations,”saysMarais.“It appears to us as if many companies have selected equipment based purely on price, rather than its suitability for their application.”He highlights the devastating impact which these constant and sometimes catastrophic technical failures and lack of spare supply have on the performance and reputation of “Even if the equipment can bekeptfunctional,theseunexpectedrepair andmaintenancecostscanenduprendering a project unprofitable,” he says. “What is happeninginthese cases is that any savings from the capital expenditure on the equipment is being eaten up by fast-rising operating expenditure.”Theironyisthatitisoftenthecompanies whose profitability is already marginal, who try to survive by purchasing lowpriced equipment upfront. He points out that this exposes the business to dangerously high levels of operating risk, as any unexpected downtime quickly wipes out thenarrowprofitmargin.
All fleet information and transactions are held on the central server Connection is made from the fuel island to the server using GPRS, or can use the operators own network using aWi-Fi or Cabled Network Link.According to Graeme Trautmann, Business Development at Gilbarco AFS, with ever-increasing pressure to manage input costs, mine managers must establish effective control and measurement of fuel costs, particularly in open-cast operations, wherefuelcanaccountforupto30%ofthe overall daily operating costs. In addition, this is essential for mitigating risk to oil companies who provide fuel to the mines onThereconsignment.areanumberofdifferentprobesthat coverawiderangeoftankcapacities.“The solution is ideal for numerous asset types, fromstandardtrucks,tominingequipment and large fuel storage tanks located at depots,” said QCIC director Brian McKenzie.Withsitesreceivingupto50deliveriesof fueleachday,itisvitaltorecordandverify thedeliverywhenitismade.
Fuel management optimizes mining operations

The fuel management solution is comprisedofcapacitiveprobesthatarefittedto thetankofthevehicle.
Finallycamethefuelislandcontroller It is fully connected directly to a central Internet based server which is updated in realtime.
Fuel Management 30 Jul - Sep 2022
ines require various types ofMfuels, oils and lubricants in order to run machinery and equipment and the complexity of trying to monitor and control its dispensation has given rise to modern fuel management systems. Gone are the days of a padlock, pencil and clip boards to do this job in favour of more efficient and timely processes.Theprice of commodities has seen a steadyriseovertheyearsandthishasadded tothedemandforbettersystemsinorderto improvethemanagementoffuels.Enterthe FluidAutomatedManagementSolution.
Thesolutionisdesignedforthreedifferent asset configurations, namely; singular fuel tank system, dual fuel tank system and aftermarket long-range double dual fuel tanksystem. Evolution Large open cast mines in Africa haul masses of ore across the surface and consume millions of litres of diesel each month to fuel the large fleets of vehicles, plant and machinery required to operate a mine successfully and safelyWith the increasing costs of fuel, it is crucial to the profitable operation of a minethat there is vigilant, reliable and timely monitoring of thefuelandotherlubricantsuseddaily From the basic clipboard and pen came the self contained, microprocessor controlledfuelislandcontrolsystemwhich has an ID reader (key, card, RFID etc.) to identify the vehicle and driver, a means of controlling a pump, a means of measuring the fuel delivered, and usually, a means of reporting fuel drawn by vehicle. The fleet list is usually input using an integral keypad.Thiswasfollowedbyafuelisland control system similar to its predecessor, whichiseitherperiodicallyorpermanently connectedtoaPCwhichisusedtoreporton thefuelingandinputthefleetinformation.
A good fuel management system should automate the fuel dispensing operation in an organization, reducing fuel loss and the operationalandadministrativeworkload.
Tank gauge technology detects the presence of water and continuously evaluates the tank for leaks. Overfill conditions during deliveries are prevented by the technology's ability to sound an alarmpreventingthepreviouspotentialfor overflows.
The technology also records all volumes dispensedoutofthetank. This, combined with vehicle tagging units installed on the fleet and plant, ensures that all transactions are recorded andthatonlyauthorisedvehiclesareableto refuel.
The principal advantages of a web-based system are that information is easily made available to all interested parties, allowing all to run reports and investigate issues. Dataisviewablenotonlybytheuser,butby supportstaff,sothatanyissuesareresolved quicklywithaphonecall. There are no compatibility issues with softwareasonlyawebbrowserisrequired to view data. Software may be centrally updatedtotheadvantageofall. Attheendofthedayagoodfluidautomated management system needs to offer easy control and management of fuel and lubricant supplies. It should assist managers with timely information regarding the dispensing of fluids process and stock deliveryprocess.
31Jul - Sep 2022
The principal advantages of a real time system are that site operation can be monitored in real time, stock figures are always current, and, with integrated tank gauging, fuel theft from tanks and short deliveriescanbeidentifiedimmediately.
