LAUNCHING A LEGACY ENDOWMENT Thanks to $1 million in community support, all future M.Div. students will be able ‘finish free’ by Gordon T. Smith One of the most powerful ways in which people support and encourage Ambrose University students is by investing in their education. For students in the Seminary, that includes a number of entrance and continuing scholarships. We are especially pleased to announce the launch of the Rev. Professor Sing-Yui King Legacy Trust Endowment Fund, which carries on and provides continuing funding for the Finish Free program for Master of Divinity students.
Rev. Professor Sing-Yui King passed away in February 2018. A new endowment fund in his name will enable Seminary M.Div. students to ‘finish free’ in perpetuity.
The M.Div. is a three-year program in theological formation with comprehensive study in theology, Scripture and the practices and competencies of ministry. It equips women and men to be senior-level leaders in the church — domestically and internationally — and for other avenues of service, including chaplaincy. Several years ago, a supporter partnered with Ambrose to underwrite the costs of tuition for M.Div. students in their third year. This wonderful initiative was subsequently named “Finish Free,” because students who completed two years of the program would have their tuition covered for the third. Now, something special has happened: An endowment fund has been established to provide for Finish Free in perpetuity, and Ambrose will no longer have to raise funds for it every year. Chandra Mannix (M.Div. ’19) and Ambrose board member Ken Tsang spearheaded efforts that resulted in $1 million being raised for the fund by mid-January 2020. The impact and value of the Finish Free program cannot be understated. M.Div. graduates frequently head into ministry with significant debt loads. Ambrose believes that we can help those who need and want to pursue an M.Div. by removing at least some of the financial obstacles. Establishing the Rev. Professor Sing-Yui King Legacy Trust Endowment Fund encourages people to participate in the M.Div. program by reducing some of the costs. We are deeply grateful for the community of support that makes this possible.
Something special has happened: An endowment fund has been established to provide for Finish Free in perpetuity.
Learn more about the Finish Free program at
anthem magazine • spring 2020