Jaffray Perspectives Jan 2018

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...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission

Multiculturalism & Church: A Canadian 21st Century Reality? by Dr. Charles Cook As a kid growing up in Colombia (South America) I did not know much about Canada. All I knew was that the prime minister of my birth country was “cool” because he, Pierre Trudeau, spoke the same two languages I did — English and Spanish. In time I moved back to Canada and became increasingly interested in my birth country and its development. I discovered that as a “youngish” country, Canada seemed to have just squeaked in under the wire of nationalism (nation building) and perhaps because of it, has attempted to advance a new model of nationhood developed on a multiplicity of voices and framework of inclusion. Canada has, by and large, been a welcoming nation. Ray Aldred (Cree), regularly reminds us that the first peoples in the region welcomed the European settlers on to their land. Indigenous worldview embraced the idea of welcoming and sharing the land with the stranger. And while there are some chapters to our story that took many unfortunate turns, the first peoples stand as a reminder that the Creator’s land, called Canada, has always been a welcoming region of our world. Over our relatively short history, Canada witnessed numerous waves of migration that have collectively created an increasingly diverse mosaic of people. Low birth rates and an aging population have and will no doubt continue to shape our immigration policy, leading to increased ethnic diversity. Recent census figures underscore this trend with

immigration to Canada in 2016 reaching its highest level in almost a century guaranteeing that increased cultural diversity will continue to be a part of our changing Canadian reality. Today over 21.9 per cent of Canadians report being foreign-born, the highest level per capita of any G8 country (Greiner 2017). In an effort to foster a national identity in this evolving nation and provide a degree of dignity to all Canadians, Canada officially became a multicultural society in 1971. The idea behind its adoption was that multiculturalism would create a society where all felt welcomed and no segment of society would be seen as particularly special. From a practical standpoint, multiculturalism was also seen as a way of addressing our unique Canadian struggle of knowing what to do with our two predominate founding cultures and our ongoing commitment toward the First Nations and Metis people. continued on next page...

Perspectives is published twice a year for the Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives at Ambrose University January 2018 IN THIS ISSUE Fruitful Practices James Watson Cultural Fluency Awareness New Intercultural Development Initiative MK Experience Josh Golding Friends of Jaffray Kaura-Lea Dueck and Amy O. Servant Leadership Karl Mueller

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Multiculturalism & Church: A Canadian 21st Century Reality? ...continued from front page

Multiculturalism, therefore, legitimized all cultural communities and provided everyone with a platform from which to contribute to the ongoing national story. A story often captured in a metaphor — “we are a mosaic” — where distinct individual pieces, when combined, complete the whole. While the merits of multiculturalism are regularly debated and its value questioned (Gregg 2006), it nevertheless continues to frame much of our national discourse and has captured our attention here at the Jaffray Centre at Ambrose. We continue to research and provide opportunities to explore a Christian understanding of multiculturalism. We long for more examples of local churches that regularly express acceptance of the “other” and work to address barriers of difference for the sake of God’s kingdom. Scripture reminds us that we are part of a movement heading toward a time when people from all nations, tribes, races and languages will join together in worship of God (Rev. 7:9,10); an eternal period where it appears that our fellowship does not deny our acquired cultural identities.

If you are interested in being part of the conversation, why not connect with us at the Jaffray Center as we continue to press on in our examination of the implications of cultural diversity and its significance for the people of God. A people whose encounter with the living God provides them with the resources to confront the dehumanizing and violent ways in which people interact and provides them with the confidence to engage in the ongoing transforming work of God in the lives of people. Miroslave Volf notes that, “it may not be too much to claim that the future of our world will depend on how we deal with identity and difference” (Volf 1996, 20). As the Jaffray Centre moves into 2018, we continue to be involved in a variety of initiatives that advance both the research and engagement of the church in multicultural ministries. We are glad to be able to introduce you to a few initiatives in this edition of Perspectives. Please feel free to join us on this journey. Visit us at www.jaffrayglobal.com. We can also be reached at jaffray@ambrose.edu or by phone at 403.410.2000 x3997. u

BIBLIOGRAPHY Galloway, G., Bascaramurty, D., & Maki, A. (2017, October 26). Canada getting more diverse as immigration, Indigenous population increase. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from https:// www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ census-2016-highlights-diversity-housingindigenous/article36711216/. Gregg, Allan (2006, March 12). Identity Crisis: Multiculturalism, A twentieth-century dream becomes a twenty-first-century conundrum. The Walrus. Retrieved from https://thewalrus.ca/ identity-crisis/ Grenier, Eric (2017, October 25). 21.9% of Canadians are immigrants, the highest share in 85 years: StatsCan Census 2016 shows more immigrants, visible minorities and Indigenous people,” CBC. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ census-2016-immigration-1.4368970 Hutchins, Aaron (2015, March 26). What Canadians really believe: A surprising poll. Maclean’s. Retrieved from: http://www.macleans. ca/society/life/what-canadians-really-believe/ Volf, Miroslav (1996). Exclusion and Embrace: A theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness and Reconciliation. Nashville, Abingdon Press.

Charles Cook is Professor of Global Studies and Missions and Director of the Jaffray Center for Global Initiatives at Ambrose University.

Book Recommendation Scattered to Gather: Embracing the Global Trend of Diaspora, revised edition. Lausanne Movement and Global Diaspora Network, 2017. 39 p. Scattered to Gather provides an introductory look at Diaspora Missiology. Diaspora refers to the increasing numbers of people who are migrating around the world. This growing diaspora is a part of God’s plan, and an exciting opportunity for the Church to engage in cross-cultural mission in their own neighbourhoods. The Scattered to Gather booklet is a great resource to learn more about the Biblical and theological basis for ministry to the diaspora, and how as Christians that shapes our response to people on the move. Originally created for the Lausanne III Congress 2010 in Cape Town, Scattered to Gather was updated and reprinted in 2017. The jaffrayPress is proud to be partnering with the Lausanne Movement, the Global Diapsora Network, and Ambrose University Bookstore to become the sole North American distributer for the book. Scattered to Gather has been translated into Mandarin, and the Jaffray Centre is helping to arrange for the Spanish translation of the book to be completed in 2018. u 2

...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission

“When God is moving the diasporas geographically making them accessible, the Church should not miss any opportunity to reach them with the gospel.” JAFFRAY CENTRE PERSPECTIVES

Fruitful Practices by James Watson What are Fruitful Practices among Muslim People in Canada and the US? The Jaffray Centre partnered with the Fruitful Practices research project to explore what is important to note in ministry among Muslim people. We designed the research to follow an international study of ministries in Muslim dominant countries and adapted our approach to be appropriate for understanding the Muslim diaspora in Western countries. Over the course of 2016-2017 we surveyed ministries ministering among Muslims in Canada and the US and conducted interviews with Muslim Background Believers (MBB) who came to faith after migration. Given immigration projections and public concern regarding the experiences of Muslims in Canada this is a timely project for better understanding how we can minister with our Muslim neighbours.

What did we learn? There were two different approaches taken: an online survey and in-depth interviews of MBBs. The survey of 173 Christian workers in Canada (45) and the United States (128) explored the relationship between ministry and fruitfulness. Fruitfulness was understood to mean primarily individuals coming to faith in Christ, however there was some exploration of relationship to local churches. The interviews were with 18 MBBs who either came to Christian faith in Canada or the United States. These accounts focused on the experience of coming to faith and identified significant themes in their spiritual journeys.

From the survey Starting with the survey, correlations were noted between a few aspects of ministry with Muslim people and fruitfulness. The prominent issues were the value of extent of experience, particularly overseas ministry experience and being able to minister in a language other than

English. While it may seem common sense that experience in ministry should contribute to effectiveness and language ability will be helpful for contact with immigrants from other countries, it raises some interesting possibilities for the Canadian church. How do we provide opportunities and support for those who may be able to best facilitate ministry? While people who have been in the overseas “mission fields” are regularly acknowledged for financial and prayer support, how do we recognize their experience when they return? They may be able to network and train others in many of our communities across Canada. Similarly, some of the MBBs are trained and experienced leaders but may face some of the common challenges of new Canadians in terms of learning the official languages, seeking employment, building new networks of relationships including becoming recognized for their ministry gifts. As local churches, we may need to find new ways of recognizing ministry in our communities as opportunities for cross-cultural partnerships in addition to our global ministry connections. As this study implies, sometimes our global ministry partners may need to become ou local partners.

From the interviews While there were multiple factors which emerged in the accounts of conversion of the MBBs during the interviews, there were some which figured prominently in their faith stories. Encounters with the Bible, having Christian friends and experiencing worship in a church were significant factors for many. Considering that many people had questions, having friends who could explain their faith and invite them to attend a worship service to be able to observe worship of the Christian community was important. One interviewee shared how even a difficult to understand worship service was a spiritual experience:


“We moved to Canada that was a start. The first weekend my niece she used to live here she is in Vancouver with her husband we went to … church – with zero English. I didn’t understand I didn’t understand. … But I felt very confident and very peace[ful] when I sat there.” We should consider how many of us have meaningful relationships with our Muslim neighbours which allow for conversations about spirituality. Being able to accompany them and allow our friends to explore how Christian community is lived in Canada can allow concerns to be addressed and questions to be raised. What do you imagine would be the experience of someone visiting your church that has come from a country where Islam is part of every aspect of daily life? Being a friend or “loving your neighbour” becomes increasingly important as our neighbourhoods become more diverse. The world has come to Canada, how will we respond? u Fruitful Practices research was conducted by Dr. Gene Daniels, Dr. Rick Kronk of Toccoa Falls College, Dr. Charles Cook of the Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives and Dr. Mark Chapman and Dr. James Watson of the Tyndale Intercultural Ministry Centre. If you would like the complete research report this was drawn from, or any other resources produced by the Fruitful Practice Research team, please contact info@fruitfulpractice.org.


...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission

Cultural Fluency Awareness When it comes to understanding other cultures we’re all on a journey. Milton Bennett’s intercultural development paradigm recognizes that people are at different stages in the journey. Some people are in denial not recognizing the differences between their culture and their neighbours’. Others recognize the difference, but view their own culture as being the best. Another group of people sees the differences, but brushes them off as no big deal thinking the differences don’t matter. But the fact is that cultural differences do exist between countries and people groups, and these differences impact how we see the world, understand issues, and interact with others. What is polite to someone from one culture could be offensive to someone from another culture, and without understanding cultural differences, conflict and division can occur. So we strive to understand those around us, and move from denial to adaptation, so we can better bridge across the differences. In September, the Jaffray Centre launched a new training initiative in Edmonton and Calgary in partnership with the Tyndale Intercultural Ministry Centre (TIM) in Toronto. Generously funded by the Bible League of Canada, this three-month online Intercultural Competency Training module, is centered on the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). The IDI is an assessment tool used by government agencies, business organizations, and the non-profit sector to help evaluate intercultural competency. Each participant then receives a personalized development plan to aid them as they continue to develop in their cultural fluency. Through the IDI assessment and online materials developed by


...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission

Dr. Robert Cousins and Dr. Tim Tang of the TIM Centre, this course is designed to help church leaders evaluate their current intercultural skills as they interact with people from various cultural backgrounds and aids participants in developing intercultural awareness and skills.

Milton Bennett’s intercultural development paradigm recognizes that people are at different stages in the journey.

The first Alberta cohort includes seventeen ministry professionals working with New Canadians. The participants represent eight different churches and organizations and seven different countries of origin. One participant commented that after completing the IDI she was, “Being aware [of] my reactions and assumptions, and asking myself if I’m making judgments or am I building trust – trying to [do] this more, and just be aware of what myself and others are doing, and more thoughtful in my responses when interacting with people from other cultures.”

The Jaffray Centre is excited to introduce our two new Cultural Fluency Awareness initiatives using the IDI assessment. If you are interested in finding out where you are at on your cultural awareness journey, we invite you to consider taking the IDI assessment as an individual or with members of your staff or congregation, and receive your personalized development plan. Or if you’re interested in going deeper, consider taking the threemonth Intercultural Competency Training module. For more information on these initiatives, contact us at jaffray@ambrose.edu. We’d love to walk alongside you in your journey. u


The MK Experience by Josh Golding This year at Reboot, the feeling among the staff team was that we had really hit our stride. The 8-day camp, for missionary kids (MKs) finishing high school overseas and returning to live in Canada, ran for its fourth year this summer. And once again, there was loads of depth, and loads of fun. Our speakers and leaders explore an array of topics such as grief and loss, MK identity, transition, finances, faith and culture, sexuality, and more. While the topics range from the tangible to the abstract, from the practical to the spiritual and emotional, we balance the week with tons of physical and fun activities. We dig deep, then play hard. We laugh, cry, sing, pray. It’s an oddly draining, yet invigorating week. During our staff debrief, as we reviewed some of the feedback from the MKs, I was struck by the uniqueness of everyone’s experience. Sessions that were particularly meaningful to some were old hat to others, and some MKs I had judged as being shut down were actually the most impacted. With that said, there were some moments and themes this year that were significant for many: a spontaneous night of song and worship (we had a really musical group this year); the affirmation of their identities, experiences, and losses; and most of all, the forming of connections and bonds that will last, and be a source of strength for the defining years to come. As an MK myself, it’s a special kind of gift to be involved in this ministry. It calls out the part of my life — and the part of myself — that is always with me, but sometimes hidden: not just the strange quirks I picked up from growing up overseas, but the depth of experience and richness of life. My transition “home” was a rocky and traumatic one. Many of these MKs experience trauma and

tragedy; we provide a safe place, and some tools, to begin to unpack that. This ministry, still fairly new in Canada, would have been such a blessing for me during my transition, and I’m so grateful to be a part of it today.

“We dig deep, then play hard. We laugh, cry, sing, pray. It’s an oddly draining, yet invigorating week.” Josh Golding

While sharing my story during the devotions throughout the week, I felt like I really hit the balance between articulating my journey in an honest way, but remaining relatable and helpful. It’s difficult to say how it impacted the MKs; teens aren’t always the most loquacious bunch, and this group projected strength and at times, an almost unassailable confidence. It was a reminder that we aren’t there to carry them through the whole thing; that’s God’s job. Mostly, we just plant seeds. But I won’t deny the lump that formed in my throat when one MK approached me after my share and gave me a genuine, heartfelt “thank you.” It truly is those small moments that carry me, and make it all worthwhile. u



...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission

Friends of Jaffray – Kaura-lea Dueck

It was four and a half years ago on a warm spring day in Calgary, several weeks after I returned from my eight-month onSite internship in Thailand. I’m at church and the All Sons and Daughters song “All Poor and Powerless” comes up next in the worship set. It’s a song I had first heard in Thailand, and one that poignantly addresses the lostness in our world. Quite unexpectedly, a rush of homesickness welled up at the sound of the familiar chords, which was a perplexing feeling. First, I had just returned home, so why would I be feeling homesick? Second, I had just returned home, hadn’t I? Now, four and a half years later, when I found myself singing “All the Poor and Powerless” in Calgary once again, the tears that came to my eyes this time were a beautiful confirmation that my heart is at home in Thailand. I am currently on a short home assignment to transition from my two-year C&MA Global Ministries Apprenticeship to my next term in vocational ministry in Phuket, Thailand. Before that first sensation of homesickness I felt for Thailand several years ago, I couldn’t have guessed that I, the girl who had prayed that God wouldn’t ask me to be a missionary, would be a full-time international worker, especially in the continent I’d said I never wanted to visit. God has taken me on a surprising journey, and I am ever grateful that he persisted in calling and leading me.

“God has taken me on a surprising journey, and I am ever grateful that he persisted in calling and leading me.“ Kaura-lea Dueck

God knows each of us so much better than we know ourselves. He is the one who created us and who knows what will bring us joy, and he has shown me that my joy is found in loving Christ and sharing his love with the poor and powerless in the foreign country my soul calls home. u Kaura-lea Dueck graduated from the Intercultural Studies program at Ambrose University in 2015.


...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission


Friends of Jaffray – Amy O. Amy graduated with an MA from the Intercultural Studies program at Ambrose Seminary in 2006. She was grateful for the diversity of the community she found there — classmates from Russia, Nigeria, Egypt, China, etc. — and she valued the underlying focus of reaching all nations. She took advantage of the freedom to incorporate studies of Islam into her classes as much as possible so as to grow in this area before returning to serve in a nation which, according to the state registry, is 99.8% Muslim. In 2007 she returned to this nation where she promptly completed language studies then became involved with a local church. In 2008 she began to help manage the discipleship training program born out of that fellowship. The program, named ‘Filipus’ (Philip) after both the evangelist and the disciple, is a year-long intensive program in which students come and live in community and devote themselves to study of the Word, prayer, and ministry. The aim of the program is to give opportunities for students to grow in knowledge and experience, but with a heavy focus on character growth. More can be learned from the website www.filipus.org. While the discipleship training program has been Amy’s main role, she is also delighted to be heavily involved in worship and prayer ministries; helping to organize a bi-annual, nationwide worship training camp as well as regular involvement in and coordination of prayer and worship events around the country. Amy is excited by the increasing interest and openness to Christ she has seen in past years and trusts that it will continue despite the current upheaval in the region. It is her prayer that current tensions will only help to increase hunger for truth, possibly even open the door to a long desired revival in the nation. u

It is Amy’s prayer that current tensions will only help to increase hunger for truth, possibly even open the door to a long desired revival in the nation.

Event Calendar IDI Intercultural Competency Training (in partnership with the TIM Centre) Edmonton and Calgary September 2017January 2018 The Local Church and Mission to the Diaspora Ambrose University February 17, 2018 Missions Huddle Red Deer, Alberta March 22, 2018

Canadian Evangelical Missiological Society Meeting Ambrose University April 6, 2018 DAI Leadership Seminar Ambrose University April 7, 2018 DAI Foundations of Servant Leadership Course Edmonton, Alberta April-June, 2018 Kairos Course Ambrose University May 28-June 1, 2018


reBoot Alberta 2017 Ambrose University August 3-11, 2018 Jaffray Missiological Symposium: Mission, Multiculturalism, and the Church Fall 2018 Global Missions Podcast (globalmissionspodcast.com) Bi-Weekly For more information about these and other Jaffray events and projects, please visit us at www.jaffrayglobal.com or send us an email at jaffray@ambrose.edu.


...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission

Servant Leadership by Karl Mueller


In a March 2015 article in Maclean’s Magazine entitled “What Canadians Really Believe” the surprising news was that New Canadians between the ages of 18-34 were more likely to regularly attend a religious service than any other demographic. This simple statistic has huge implications for the Church in Canada and around the world. It is for this very reason that DAI Leadership Ministries has come to Canada. For more than 20 years DAI has been mentoring, educating and coaching Christian leaders in Asia, Africa, and Latin America in partnership with educational institutions, denominations, ministries, and churches. Our 250 staff and associates from more than 30 nations annually facilitate hundreds of nonformal workshops, seminars and courses for thousands of pastors, and ministry and business leaders around the globe. Since 2004 we have also offered a Masters of Arts in Organizational Leadership in partnership with 18 seminaries, Bible colleges and universities in Africa and Asia. As a result of the changing demographics in Canada and the USA we have sensed God calling us to work here in North America. 22% of Canadians were born outside of the country. In Toronto and Vancouver more than 50% of the population is 1st or 2nd generation Canadian. In Calgary, the home of Ambrose University, 30% of the people are a visible minority. All of these numbers lead us to the conclusion that the most effective strategy for impacting the future of the Canadian and global 8

...fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission

Church is to walk alongside New Canadian leaders and equip them to develop spiritually and help them effectively manage people, money, and organizations with servant leadership as the core principle. This is also why DAI is partnering with the Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives and Ambrose University to invest in the lives of New Canadian leaders. Our ministries are committed to bringing quality education in innovative ways to New Canadian leaders enabling them to serve their churches and ministries with integrity and effectiveness. On October 28, 2017 we hosted our first joint training in Western Canada. The dozen leaders present represented 5 nations. We focused on the impact of our culture and worldview on our view of leadership – and how instead of following our leadership traditions, we need to lead like Jesus. We also explored the priorities of a leader and how leaders can “serve from below”. Many of the pastors and leaders present reflected on how this one day of learning had impacted their lives. DAI is looking forward to continuing to work with the Jaffray Centre to provide New Canadian leaders with learning opportunities that will equip them for the challenges of working in the pluralistic, multi-cultural world that is now Canada. u If you’d like more information on DAI Leadership Ministries check us out at daintl.ca or email us at kmueller@daintl.org.

We often refer to the Jaffray Centre as a combination incubator/greenhouse where new ideas, collaborative initiatives, and fresh ways of looking at God’s global mission are nurtured, developed and then launched into service in the church and in the world. Each of the four hubs (Research Projects and Publishing; Educations, Training and Global Awareness; Global projects and partnerships; and Church in Mission Events and Services) houses the different initiatives we’re working on, and we’re always adding more. The Jaffray Centre is made up of people like you and me who want to engage the world around them in new and meaningful ways. Through collaborative project development, training, and research projects, the Jaffray Centre seeks to rekindle and ignite a passion for God’s unending concern for people. Interested in any of our current initiatives or have ideas for new ones? We’d love to hear from you. Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives at Ambrose University jaffray@ambrose.edu jaffrayglobal.com 403-410-2000


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