Explore your call to ministry within a community that nurtures personal and spiritual formation
a mbroSe school of ministry Bachelor of Theology - An Overview Children & Family Ministry • Church Ministry • Intercultural Ministry Youth Ministry • Worship Arts
THE SCHOOL OF MINISTRY: RAISING UP INFORMED AND RESILIENT SERVANT-LEADERS Has God placed a desire in your heart to: Come alongside young people and prepare them for a fast-changing world? Present an authentic and sensitive witness while working in another culture? Study child and youth development in order to serve the needs of families? Learn to pastor a healthy church? Discover more about yourself and your higher purpose? If you relate to any of these, the Ambrose School of Ministry has a program that can guide and support you in the essentials of your calling. The faculty at Ambrose are knowledgeable experts, inspiring teachers and experienced ministry practitioners. Their insights and stories will add relevance to your studies, preparing you to meet the opportunities and challenges of your chosen ministry. Just as important, your program will include a focus on personal and spiritual formation to start you on your way as a servant-leader who rests in God and is resilient for long-term ministry. So why study at Ambrose? Breadth of Education: Ambrose emerged from a Bible College to become part of a Christian university with programs in the arts, science, business, humanities and social sciences. As a School of Ministry student, you will have the opportunity to minor in two other areas of study, resulting in the well-rounded education that churches want to see in their pastors. Faculty with Ministry Experience: Ambrose hires faculty for the School of Ministry who have held significant leadership roles in church ministry. When added together, the experience of the faculty totals hundreds of years, all of which is at your disposal in lively and relevant classes. Robust Field Education: At Ambrose, field education begins in your second year with a practicum of 5 to 6 hours per week—sort of a mini-field education experience. Your third year includes placement in a 5 to 12 month full-time internship. Finally, you will have the opportunity to debrief and reflect on everything you learned in a required fourth-year course.
The most valuable part of the learning experience at Ambrose is faculty with years of combined ministry experience and countless case studies of real-world, real-life application.” Aaron, School of Ministry alumnus
Intercultural Competency The evangelical church in Canada continues to grow, due in large part to Christian immigrants from the global south. As you prepare for ministry, you will need to acquire an understanding of issues related to working in a multicultural context with multicultural leadership. Ambrose takes the perspective that shared leadership in multicultural churches and para-church organizations is possible only as they move to an intercultural identity nurtured by leaders who have both intercultural skills and an intercultural vision. School of Ministry faculty are committed to helping you grow in intercultural competency, skills and vision.
An Ambrose
distinctive Note: The School of Ministry benefits from the presence of The Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives, which nurtures new approaches to God’s global mission, including the development of intercultural competency.
At the Ambrose School of Ministry, we train the next generation of church leaders to engage in God’s redemptive work as devoted disciples, faithful interpreters, Christian thinkers and servant leaders. Our deep connections to both the Bible College and the Liberal Arts traditions enable students to set out on life journeys that begin with a beautiful and diverse opportunity to learn.” Dr. Colin Toffelmire, Chair, School of Ministry, and Associate Professor of Old Testament
PROGRAMS The Associate in Ministry (AIM) Diploma (2 years – 60 credits) This diploma program will help you develop ministry gifts for volunteer and paraprofessional roles in churches and Christian service organizations. At the core of this program is foundational knowledge of the Bible and Christian thought. Profile of the Graduating Student At the completion of this program, you will emerge: Committed to ongoing personal and spiritual growth; Devoted to becoming biblically literate and theologically reflective; Equipped to serve in a variety of ministry and service roles. Bachelor of Theology: Worship Arts (4 years – 120 credits) Launching in the fall of 2022, this program is unique to Canada and provides a dual focus on pastoral theology and the arts. As a student, you will learn from theologians who have extensive experience in worship arts, and study with artists who have a deep love for worship in the church. You will gain a greater sense of the history of art and faith in the Christian church through an exploration of biblical, pastoral and theological issues relevant to worship and liturgy today. Your arts courses will include 18 credits toward a music minor, including music theory, applied music and music ensemble. You may also engage in Ambrose Arts theatre and dance courses. This program is especially appropriate for students who may be considering vocational roles as worship pastors, or who want to serve as worship leaders in their churches.
Bachelor of Theology: Children and Family Ministry (4 years – 120 credits) As a student in this program, you will gain a broad understanding of the development of children within their families. You will also acquire essential skills in teaching, administration, and disciple-making, as you prepare to effectively minister to children and their families. (Students will need to produce the results of a Criminal Record Check before participating in the practicum or internship experiences associated with the program.) Profile of the Graduating Student At the completion of this program, you will emerge: Committed to mastering key components of nurturing healthy disciples; Aware of current thinking regarding child development and the socializing influences on families in North America; Confident and competent in ministry tasks, such as curriculum choice and design, volunteer recruitment and administration, and working in a multi-staff environment; Prepared to evaluate your ministry, and committed to ongoing improvement to more effectively minister in today’s cultural contexts. A sampling of what your future role might be in a church or para-church organization: Pastor of children’s ministries Pastor of family ministries Developer of children’s programming Church staff member
One of the biggest strengths of the School of Ministry is internship. Learning inside and outside the classroom has been huge for me—and I know my learning will only continue as I finish my degree.” Alexandra, School of Ministry alumna
Bachelor of Theology: Church Ministry (4 years – 120 credits) This program helps form character and develop skills in those called by God to serve as reflective practitioners in the church of Jesus Christ. As you come to understand how societal trends influence church ministry, you will discover how to lead and transform congregations in ways that are both creative and scripturally sound. You also will learn to be an effective leader in a variety of pastoral positions. (Students will need to produce the results of a Criminal Record Check before participating in the practicum or internship experiences associated with the program.) Note: This program of study is validated by the Church of the Nazarene’s International Course of Study Advisory Committee and satisfies educational requirements for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene.
Profile of the Graduating Student At the completion of this program, you will emerge: Able to understand and appreciate societal trends that impinge on church ministry; Willing to lead congregations to creative, biblically-informed, transformational endeavours; Having grown as an inquisitive learner and flexible thinker; Able to critically and sympathetically integrate new models of ministry with the historic resources of the Christian tradition. A sampling of what your future role might be in a church or para-church organization: Lead pastor Worship pastor International worker Camp director
I love how Ambrose is committed to integrating faith and community with academics. To me, that shows a dedication not just to the student, but to the person. Since being at Ambrose, I’ve grown not just academically, but socially and spiritually.” Mo, School of Ministry alumna
Bachelor of Theology: Intercultural Ministry (4 years – 120 credits) This program will prepare you to be an authentic witness to the grace of God in Jesus wherever you go, whether abroad or in the increasingly multicultural context of Canada. By developing biblical literacy and a theological understanding of the mission of God, you will learn how to listen to, learn from, and serve alongside those representing a wide range of cultural and social contexts. Organizations everywhere are looking for servant-hearted men and women who possess cultural fluency and broad educational experience. (Students will need to produce the results of a Criminal Record Check before participating in the practicum or internship experiences associated with the program.) Profile of the Graduating Student At the completion of this program, you will emerge: Committed to nurturing healthy disciples across a variety of cultural and social barriers; Sensitive to the importance and value of cultural differences, and committed to providing an authentic incarnational witness to the gospel in various cultural contexts; Able to help the local church understand and actively engage in its missional calling. A sampling of what your future role might be in a church or para-church organization: Project staff of a Christian international organization Staff member of an international ministries department in a Canadian church Worker for an organization serving the urban poor in either a local or international context International Worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance International Christian-school staff member
The intercultural Studies program has opened my eyes to what biblical mission is and how I can engage in a redemptive way with the broken world around me. The faculty are amazing! They are always praying for me and providing great mentorship.” Paula, School of Ministry alumna
Bachelor of Theology: Youth Ministry (4 years – 120 credits) As a Youth Ministry student, you will learn how to apply your understanding of scripture to a youth culture that changes more quickly than ever before. You will develop the skills required to meet the spiritual needs of culturally diverse young people, from junior-high students to young adults. New tools in teaching, counseling, administration and programming will prepare you to serve the church and community in the area of youth ministry. (Note: Students will need to produce the results of a Criminal Record Check before participating in the practicum or internship experiences associated with the program.) This program of study is validated by the Church of the Nazarene’s International Course of Study Advisory Committee and satisfies educational requirements for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene.
Profile of the Graduating Student At the completion of this program, you will emerge: Committed to and having mastered key components of nurturing healthy disciples; Aware of individual and group differences, with the ability to minister to culturally diverse persons at all age levels; Able to plan both long-term and short-term ministry initiatives that will meet the needs of young people from junior high to young adults; Able to exercise wisdom when considering program structure, program components and customization of youth ministry in your local church; Prepared to evaluate your ministry, and committed to ongoing improvement that increases your effectiveness in today’s cultural contexts. A sampling of what your future role might be in a church or para-church organization: Pastor of youth ministries Pastor of youth and family ministries Youth worker or program developer Camp worker or program developer International Worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance International Christian-school staff member
FACULTY Colin Toffelmire, PhD Chair, School of Ministry; Associate Professor of Old Testament
“I focus on navigating shifting contexts in the interpretation of Scripture, including the theory and philosophy of interpretation, and the relationship between ancient and contemporary cultural contexts, all in the service of reading Scripture in and for contemporary Christian communities.” Jon Coutts, PhD Assistant Professor of Christian Theology
“I live with one foot in the systematic-political and another in the pastoral-practical, with special interests in forgiveness and reconciliation, and issues of gender, sexuality, disability, and race.” Alice Kung, MA-LM (Honours), BCom Lecturer and Program Advisor; Children and Family Ministry
“There is nothing more rewarding to me than to prepare and equip the next generation of pastors and ministry leaders for success through a Kingdom-focused vision.”
Ric Stangway, DMin Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology; Coordinator of Field Education; Chair, Continuing Education
“My focus is on pastoral formation and resiliency for ministry, both of which require continued growth in discipleship and spiritual formation.” Matt Wilks, MA Sessional Instructor; Youth Ministry
“I consider it an honor to come alongside and equip future leaders and pastors to change the world and revive the church through the students they work with.” Jennifer Singh, PhD Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies
“Mutuality is my passion. I encourage students to seek the voices of those from the Majority World/ Global South to inform their understanding of the global Body of Christ to which they belong. I also seek to teach students how to listen to, and learn from, not only experts in the field of intercultural studies, but the voices of the unseen, the unheard, and the unrecognized—to realize that they, the students, need and belong to the people who represent these voices. This is the start of mutuality.”
CHOICE OF MINORS Each degree program requires students to take two minors from the choices listed below. Bachelor of Theology: Church Ministry Minor 1 and Minor 2: Choose from Behavioural Sciences, Biblical Languages, Community Development, Dance, English, History, Intercultural Studies, Liberal Arts, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology or Theatre Note: If Behavioural Sciences is chosen for one of the minors, neither psychology nor sociology can be chosen for the other minor. Bachelor of Theology: Intercultural Ministry Minor 1 and Minor 2: Choose from Behavioural Sciences, Biblical Languages, Community Development, Dance, English, History, Liberal Arts, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology or Theatre Bachelor of Theology: Children and Family Ministry Minor 1: Choose from Behavioural Science, Psychology, or Sociology Minor 2: Choose from Biblical Languages, Community Development, Dance, English, History, Intercultural Studies, Liberal Arts, Music, Philosophy or Theatre
STUDENT - FACULTY INTERACTIONS Fourth-year students at Ambrose report significantly higher interaction with faculty than their counterparts in universities across Alberta and Canada. (From the 2020 National Survey of Student Engagement)
Discussed course topics, ideas or concepts with a faculty member outside of class “often” or “very often”
Canada University Seniors
Alberta University Seniors
Ambrose University Seniors
WHAT DO YOU NEED TO APPLY? Five Grade 12-level courses with a minimum overall average of 60%: English (30-1 for Alberta) Three more academic courses One additional course
Visit ambrose.edu for full admission and program requirements
All of my classes have benefited me in some way, either through a different perspective, understanding, or general knowledge. Plus every professor I had was so enthusiastic about their subject, it gave me a passion for what I was studying.” From a survey of School of Ministry alumni
Faith Inspired Learning Ambrose University 150 Ambrose Circle SW Calgary, Alberta Canada T3H 0L5 1 (403) 410-2900 www.ambrose.edu