Issue 6

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Kosovo Business Journal the offical newsletter of Issue 6 // June 2008 // Prishtina, Kosovo

“Kosovo Investment Conference� 2 held in Ljubljana AmCham CAREER FAIR 2008 HELD

Kosovar and Macedonian businesses striving to strengthen cooperation The Seminar on Monitoring and Researching European Integration Process in Kosova underlying key objectives

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Kosovo Business Journal

“Kosovo Investment

Conference” held in



merican Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo in close cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Studies from Slovenia organized the “Kosovo Investment Conference.” The conference was held on June 4th, 2008, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in which approximately 70 businesses and investment promotion institutions from Kosova and Slovenia participated. The Kosovar delegation’s trip, comprising of 30 businessmen, was organized by AmCham and led by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Lutfi Zharku. The duration of the stay in Slovenia was from the 3rd to the 5th June, 2008.

Krasniqi – Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mimoza Kusari-Lila – Executive Director at AmCham and Shpend Ahmeti – Head of GAP Institute. All of the speakers presented issues regarding the Kosovar economy and an overall overview. They also stated the investment opportunities for foreign investors. They focused on advantages and disadvantages for Slovenian investors willing to invest in Kosova.

The third session “Investment Opportunities in Kosova” was conducted by the following speakers: Salvador Elmazi – Director of the EnThe goal of the Conference was the network- ergy sector in the Ministry of Energy and Mining, ing effect to take place among Kosovar and Slo- Christian Mikosch – Wolf Theiss and Ali Buza venian representatives, as well as seeking invest- – Gorenje Elektromotori. They emphasized the ment opportunities. sectors in which the Slovenian investors could invest in Kosova. After the official opening of the Conference by Minister Zharku and by the Director of the SloveThe speakers of the fourth session, Business nian Agency for business and enterprise promo- Success Stories in Kosova, were successful busition, Peter Ješovnik, the Conference was divided nessmen who have invested in Kosova like Duinto four separate discussion sessions: Political san Mitic, deputy director of the Managing Board Stability in Kosova (with the speakers being Bo- of Telekom Slovenia and Sebastian Gergeta, genrut Grgic – Institute for Strategic Studies and Ilir eral director of Birra Peja. Mr. Mitic elaborated Dugolli, KIPRED). The discussed about the po- on his experiences working with a Kosovar staff litical issues in Kosova stressing the fact that en- and cooperating with them on the IPKO project; forcing of laws and courts, as well as handing the the second mobile telephony operator in Kosova. competencies back to the locals were one of the Mr. Mitic noted the good work done by the local determinants of political stability in Kosova. employees at IPKO and the benefits that the Slovenian market is reaping from the Kosovar marDuring the second session: Economic Over- ket. The other renowned businessman, Sebastian view of Kosova, the speakers were Ibrahim Gergeta of Birra Peja talked about the advantages the offical newsletter of


Kosovo Business Journal

which the Kosovar market offers to the Slovenian After the conclusion of the conference, a B2B companies, also stating that their acquisition of meeting was organized. It was networking/interBirra Peja has been very profitable and not trou- acting and also coope blesome at all. The Conference was supported and sponAll of the sessions were concluded with a sored by IPAK, Dukagjini Corporation and NLB Q&A session. Prishtina.

Institutional Partner

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Kosovo Business Journal

AmCham Career Fair 2008 HELD T

he American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo in cooperation with the Government of Republic of Kosovo held the 5th CAREER FAIR in Kosovo, a career fair which is becoming traditional in our country. The Fair aimed to provide a networking opportunity for both students and companies, and offer students the chance for informal interviews, and eventually, employment.

for one day. The value added of this career fair was the involved in the fair of the National Career Guidance Resource Centre (NCGRC) of Kosova which is an inter-ministerial Centre mandated to help people of any age to search for and select education, career and employment opportunities and paths.

Alongside the participating companies present in the fair, there were about 17 Career Guidance Centers which proThe 5th Career Fair was held vided counseling and assistance on April 18th, 2008, at “Red to the students on how to find Hall� in Prishtina and lasted and choose education, career

and employment paths.

Although the Fair did not host a whole number of companies, representatives of Kosovar and international businesses participating in the fair represented almost the whole range of sectors such as banking, consulting, IT, education, energy, and brand name distributors. These businesses presented employment and internship opportunities to visitors, and used the event to create networks with other exhibitors and visitors. There were about 130 employment opportunities available, both internships and full time. Companies thought it was an excellent opportunity to informally network with students, gather CVs and inform the public of what they do The visitors were thrilled with the idea of having many companies in one place, where they could be interviewed and make contacts. The 5th Career Fair kicked off with the opening remarks

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Kosovo Business Journal

held by Mimoza Kusari-Lila, the executive director of AmCham Kosovo. Ms Kusari-Lila talked about the importance of the career fair and its concept to the Kosovo society and in particular to the students. She emphasized the role that this career fair plays in reducing the unemployment rate The opening of the Fall Career Fair was conducted by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, Agim Hyseni. Mr. Hyseni was quite happy with the fact that such an event is being organized in Kosovo as well and praised AmCham for organizing such an event with the Ministry of Education. He pointed out the importance of this career fair in enhacing students’ progress and paving for them the way to successful careers. The visitors of the Career Fair were mainly students from private and public universities in Kosovo and the region. There were 650 registered students attending the Fair, whereas we estimate that another 10 % of students entered without registering, making a total of over 700 students that attended the Fair from 10:00 until 16:00. On average, each student submitted CVs at four companies during the Fair, and the majority of the students were interested in the banking and consulting sectors, with a smaller focus on the brand name distribution. Most of the students attending the Fair were from the Univer-

Specifically, the companies that participated in the Career Fair 2008 were: • ProCredit Bank • Meridian Corporation • Expik • Raiffeisen Bank • University of Business and Technology • Iliria Royal University • Devolli • Economic Bank • TEB

sity of Prishtina, and were still about the Fair through posters, enrolled in undergraduate stud- radio and newspaper advertiseies. ments (in which students and companies both, were invited to The hall was organized as participate in the Fair). A large such to fit to the demands of the database of students’ emails participants with 12 spots with was used to send information a range from 9-12 meters to 15- to all students of universities 18 per stand. Each company had informing them about the Fall its own stand (or more, depend- Career Fair details. Participating on their choice), where they ing students were also provided exhibited their promotional ma- with a catalogue of participatterials, and conducted formal/ ing companies’ profiles and a informal interviews with stu- floor map for better orientation dents. Students were informed in the hall.

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Kosovo Business Journal

Kosovar and Macedonian businesses striving to strengthen cooperation


merican Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo in cooperation with CEED Macedonia (The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development) organized the Business to Business Event (B2B). Companies from Macedonia and Kosovo gathered for a one day meeting to discuss the investment climate in Kosovo, opportunities for collaboration and to do some networking among them. In the Business to Business Event (B2B) par-

ticipated 20 businesspersons glad that CEED and AmCham from Kosova and about 25 from Kosovo managed to organize and bring together businesses Macedonia. from both countries. He pointed President of the American out that Macedonian businessChamber of Commerce in Ko- es and entrepreneurs are much sovo Board of Governors Luan interested to seek investment Dalipi held the opening remarks. opportunities in Kosovo. This Mr. Dalipi stressed out the im- B2B Event, said Madzovski, is portance of such an event for an excellent method for finding both Kosovo and Macedonian out more about Kosovo busibusinesses. Dalipi assured the ness community and ways to participants that similar events invest in our country. will take place in the future as well. The CEED RepresentaAfter the opening remarks, tive, Jovan Madzovski, was the event kicked off with the presentation by the UNMIK Customs representative Agim Nika. Mr. Nika elaborated the Kosovo custom policies and duties while giving a lot of useful information to the Macedonian businesses regarding custom issues. Sakip Imeri, the representative from Kosovo Tax Administration, explained to the participants the taxes and tariffs currently enforced in Kosovo. Mr. Imeri explained the advantages that Kosovo Tax Administration offers for foreign investors and the legal busi-

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7 ness framework on investment which KTA and government of Kosovo will put in place soon. At the end of this information – session, the senior official at the Business Registration Agency of Kosovo, an integral agency of the Ministry of Trade, Mehdi Pllashniku gave vivid details on how a foreign invest can register his business in Kosovo. Mr. Pllashniku noted that a foreign businessperson can register his business in Kosovo within a day, with few to non burdening paperwork.


Immediately after the presentations were conducted and concluded, it was time for a quick refresh and a cocktail. The informal cocktail was followed with the Business to Business Event (B2B) between Kosovo and Macedonian businesses when they had a chance to set up connections and discuss about future possible business cooperation.

Kosovo Business Journal This B2B Event provided a brilliant opportunity for the business community in Kosovo and Macedonia to network and strengthen the cooperation between them.

The Seminar on Monitoring and Researching European Integration Process in Kosova underlying key objectives


osova Foundation for Open Society (KFOS) organized a two day seminar/workshop in Durres, Albania regarding the Process of Monitoring and Researching the European Integration in Kosova. Besides AmCham, present in the workshop were about 30 other participants, representative of different civil society organizations who applied in KFOS with proj-

ects on European Integration of Kosova.

the key conclusions of the 2007 Progress report under the political/economic and acquis criteThe seminar was broken ria. The second guest speaker of down in such a manner so as the first day was Ditmir Bushati to cover two topics: monitor- from the European Movement ing and researching the Euro- of Albania. He presented on pean Integration Process. In the Visa Regime Study and the diffirst day of seminar presented ficulties that Albanian citizens Darina Kadunkova from the are facing on acquiring visas. European Institute, Sofia, Bug- The day was concluded with laria, on 2007/8 Road Map on participants working in groups. Enlargement and discussion of When it came to AmCham proj-

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Kosovo Business Journal

ect on Supporting the Business Involvement in Kosova’s EU Integration process, Mr. Darina stressed out that AmCham can provide valuable feedback to EU Office in Prishtina regarding Economic Progress of Kosovo during 2008.

Verena elaborated on the power of ideas: What is the role of a think tank in policy making? How to be a European think tank? She also discussed the ESI's research methodology' how to ask the right question, how to tell analytical stories, work as a team, draft a policy The second day of the semi- paper, etc. The second day of nar kicked off with a presenta- the seminar/workshop ended tion by Verena Knaus from the with the presentations by Adri European Stability Initiative. Nurellari from Albanian Lib-

Upcoming Events // June

Biggest and Most Regular Taxpayers Ceremony

The American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo in cooperation with the Tax Administration of Kosovo for the third time is going to organize an appreciation and recognition ceremony for the largest and most regular taxpayers of our country’s business community.

eral Institute and Arbi Mazniku from the Agenda Institute (Arbi Mazniku is a former “Mjaft” activist). The seminar ended on a good note while the experience was affluent. The seminar provided great opportunities for the Kosovo civil society to be more involved in the policy making and the EU integration policy. This it he main reason for this aftermath to this highly peaceful

Supporting the Business Community in the Process of EU Integration American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo and the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society will implement the project in support of business community involvement in the Kosovo EU integration process. The first workshop on Quality Standards will be organized during the month of June while soon after will take place the workshop on Export of Products and Services. the offical newsletter of

Special thanks to: • American School of Kosova • AGANI Ltd • ANTIKA • Apollonia sh.p.k. • Asia Rahovec • Ati-Kos • Atlantic Capital Partners • AUK • Avers Kosova • Banka Ekonomike • BEJTA Commerce • BONUS • BOGA&ASSOCIATES • British Airways • Buçaj Sh.p.k. • CEO • Coca Cola HBC Kosovo L.L.C • COMPAKT GROUP • CONIN • Deloitte • Devolli Company • Dukagjini Group • ECOTRADE • ELTING • FEKI • Gacaferi • Gllareva • Gorenje Niti Tiki • Grant Thornton • Ilir Kosova • INFORMATIKA Computers sh.p.k • IPKO • JAHA COMPANY • Kosova Steel • Login Systems Kosova sh.p.k • M&Sillosi • McCroft Tobacco Kosovo LLC • MDA • Meridian • Microsoft • N.T.P. YESSPHARMA • New Kosovo Energy LLC • NewCo Ferronikeli Complex LLC • NewCo Llamkos Steel LLC • NLB Prishtina • Pestova • PharmaSwiss SA, Sh.p.k • Procredit Bank • PRONET • Propharm Helvetica • Proterm • Raiffeisen Bank • RIALKO Company • RIMA Eng. • Royal Iliria University • RWE Power Kosovo LLC • Scan Color & Jysk • Sharr Beteiligungs GmbH • SIGAL • Smart Investment Group • Triangle General Contractors Inc • UBT • Unio Commerce - Silcapor • Washington Group International • Western Union • Xella GZG Lipjan L.L.C • Shridev Sharma • Zero Pozitive Publicis

American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo Gustav Majer STR. No 6 Prishtina, Kosovo, 10,000 Phone: 038 246012 Fax: 038 248012 e-mail: Executive Director: Mimoza Kusari – Lila Coordinator: Mentor Mehmeti Prepared by: AmCham Kosovo staff Design: ASHA Graphics for comments and suggestions, please write us at:

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