WIC North Africa Position paper

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World Investment Conference North Africa March 20-22, 2013 – Marrakech, Morocco Position paper North Africa – the next Region for Growth: Challenges and Opportunities After undergoing major changes, the region has emerged as a key destination for Foreign Direct Investment

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World Investment Conferences

BenoĂŽt Battistelli, President European Patent Office; Ahmed Reda Chami, Minister for Industry Trade & New Technologies Morocco, Thomas Enders, President and CEO Airbus

Herman Van Rompuy, President European Council

Jianqing Jiang, Chairman Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

World Investment Conferences World Investment Conferences (WIC) runs the leading conferences on cross-border investments. These unique platforms are dedicated to stimulating and facilitating FDI from around the world to specific and targeted countries or regions. Since their launch in 2003, thousands of corporate and government leaders, entrepreneurs and investors have gathered at WIC conferences. The events have won worldwide recognition for shaping the future of international investment and policies that help global economic growth and have had a big and beneficial impact on the business and political landscapes of today - and tomorrow.

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World Investment Conference North Africa First Edition March 20–22, 2013

Economies in transition In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, the economies and societies of North Africa are undergoing a transition that is difficult for investors to ignore. North Africa is not just a region with promising prospects and growing markets of its own – it is also uniquely positioned to act as a bridge between Europe, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. But it needs significant investment to help it to consolidate its progress. At the same time, it offers one of the most compelling growth stories in the world, with the potential for great returns in a newly welcoming investment environment. North Africa’s governments have made considerable efforts to facilitate foreign investment and they continue to implement policies to liberalize their economies. New opportunities The countries of North Africa are among the fastest growing economies in the world and as early as 2020 the region could become a global leader in manufacturing, education, innovation and a producer of high value-added services for consumers at home and around the world. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects continue to grow strongly in the region and to offer exciting business opportunities for those who are ready to seize them.

• Cost competiveness • Free trade access • Strong macro-economic performance • A constantly improving business climate • World class infrastructure • A qualified labor force • A route into new markets elsewhere in Africa • The possibility of developing and bringing to market new products and services

Focus on integration WIC North Africa will highlight the attractiveness of the North Africa Region as a destination for Foreign Direct Investments, investments that can galvanize both the individual countries of the region and the integration of these markets into a wider regional trading bloc. Closer integration between the economies of these countries would boost economic growth in the region as a whole and increase the effectiveness of inward investment.

Among the questions that WIC North Africa will address are:

The conference will bring together foreign investors looking for investment opportunities in North Africa with political and business leaders from North Africa, Europe and the Middle East who are interested in engaging in mutually rewarding business relationships. Growth sectors As the region’s economies further globalize and expand, so will their requirements for equipment and services for major sectors such as energy, environment, high-tech, infrastructure, transportation, automotive and aerospace industries. Hundreds of billions of dollars will need to flow into these sectors in the mid-term. The region offers various advantages for foreign companies and investors: • Large and growing domestic markets

Are the old investment patterns coming under threat? Or are the main actors consolidating their position and laying the groundwork for new economic agreements, which will substantially change the existing balance? What will the immediate effect be on foreign direct investment coming from the main transatlantic countries? What role will the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India, and China – and other emerging market investors play in the region in years to come? WIC North Africa is a forum to share best practices, meet potential clients and partners and get the latest news on upcoming investment and business opportunities in key growth sectors.

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World Investment Conferences value proposition The conference of reference for cross-border investments Unique high-level platform that brings together international corporate and government leaders, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, experts and media Exclusive opportunity to access decision-makers and potential partners through pre-arranged one-on-one meetings:   CORPORATE Identify and meet new prospects and clients Initiate and solidify new partnerships Raise awareness and visibility on recent initiatives and future projects Create and influence trends


Jan Mühlfeit, Chairman Europe Microsoft Corporation

Raise visibility around your initiatives Connect with potential partners and clients Learn about growth sectors and policies

POLITICAL LEADERS Share knowledge on policies and government priorities Connect with a selected audience of business leaders from around the world Learn more about industry and investor perspectives

Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice-President, European Investment Bank

Institutions, Investment Promotion Agencies & Regional Development Agencies Be exposed to mature and sound investments projects from around the world Understand investors’ perspective and priorities Build network of contacts

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Jeremy Rikfin, Economist, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends

Program Audience The WIC North Africa will gather 350 business and political leaders from around the world.

Geographic Distribution


Audience Background


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10% 30%


CEOs and senior executives of large companies

North Africa

CEOs of mid-cap and emerging companies


Investors and experts

North America

Political leaders

Rest of World


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Theme and Sessions Central Theme


Why invest in North Africa? The world is changing and North Africa is becoming the new hub for investments and development throughout Africa. The countries of North Africa coped with the recent downturn better than expected and far better than many of their competitors. Investing in these countries is not about moving production away from existing production facilities, but about harnessing the considerable pent-up potential of these entirely new markets.

Presentation of North Africa Region attractiveness Survey This report will highlight the benefits of investing in North Africa. The survey is designed to support both business leaders in their investment decisions and national and local government leaders in enabling growth through foreign investments.

What is the outlook for FDI in North Africa and where are the opportunities? Which foreign companies are doing well in North Africa and how have they succeeded? Which sectors offer the best prospects for future growth? What role, if any, will the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership play in the development of the region? How can North Africa build on its relationships with other emerging markets including the BRIC countries, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa? Is it time to rejuvenate the Union du Maghreb Arabe as a catalyst for greater regional integration?

Saïd Aidi, Minister of Vocational Training and Employment of Tunisia 6 | www.worldinvestmentconferences.com

Global Leaders Panels Chief Executive Officers of multinational corporations will set out their views on North Africa’s competitiveness and attractiveness as an investment destination and they will outline how economic growth can be stimulated in the region through investment, R&D, technology, infrastructure and human resources offer.

Thematic/Interactive Workshops Chaired by renowned leaders from the worlds of business and public affairs leaders, each workshop will have a panel of experts sharing their views and debating on specific issues. There will also be opportunities for the audience to ask questions, with the aim of producing a number of practical recommendations at the end of each session. W1: Capital to fuel growth W2: Agro-Business W3: Services and New Technologies W4: Energy / Environment W5: Infrastructure W6: Talents, education and entrepreneurship Investors’ Showcase This session is dedicated to presenting the most promising investment projects among the hundreds of applicants. A committee of experts will evaluate and select the best investment projects from across all sectors in North Africa. The companies that are chosen will each deliver a 5-minute presentation and there will be time after the presentations for breakout sessions and 1:1 meetings.

Investment Awards This initiative is to recognize, encourage and celebrate the most promising foreign investments in North Africa and honor companies that have made significant contributions to economic development in the region through a direct investment or partnership. Three categories of awards: Investor of the Year Business Partnership Award Future Award The Award ceremony will take place on Thursday, March 21st.

WIC Europe 2012 : Hitachi won the award of the best Asian investments in Europe

WIC Europe 2012 : Airbus won the award of the best European investments in Europe

WIC Europe 2012 : 3M won the award of the best North American investments in Europe

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Program Wednesday, March 20th 18.00–18.30 Setting the Scene Welcome addresses from WIC Chair Keynote addresses from Moroccan and EU leaders 18.30–19.30 Global Leaders Panel 1: North Africa in the Global Scene Leaders and policy-makers from EU, North Africa, Asia and the USA will analyze the prospects for the economies of Northern Africa 20.00–22.30 Welcome Cocktail & Dinner

Thursday, March 21st 8.30–9.00

North Africa, the Emerging Economy Presentation of North Africa attractiveness survey


Global Leaders Panel 2: Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Business in North Africa


10.00–11.00 Global Leaders Panel 3: Automotive and Aeronautics Industries 11.00–11.30 Networking break 11.30–13.00 Three interactive workshops in parallel Workshop 1: Capital to fuel growth Workshop 2: Agro-Business Workshop 3: Services and New Technologies 13.15–14.30 Networking Lunch

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14.30–16.00 Three interactive workshops in parallel Workshop 4: Energy / Environment Workshop 5: Infrastructure Workshop 6: Talents, education and entrepreneurship 16.00–16.30 Networking Break 16.30–17.30 Investors’ Showcase Quick-pitch presentations from a selection of international mid-cap companies with a range of investment projects in North Africa 17.30–19.00 Global Leaders Panel 4: North Africa, the New Hub for FDI 19.00–20.30 Cocktail 20.30–23.00 Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony Awards to honor some of the best investment projects in North Africa

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Friday, March 22nd 9.00–10.00

Global leaders Panel 5: Gearing up European and North African Relations

10.00–11.00 Clusters in North Africa: challenges and opportunities 11.00–11.30 Networking Break 11.30–12.30 Closing Keynote - from Morocco - from EU/US 12.45–14.15 Networking Lunch 14.30–17.30 Leisure program Special program for spouses

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Some Past Speakers Only a comprehensive approach encompassing public policy, market adoption from major large corporations, financing of R&D and disruptive innovation will lead to concrete and sustainable solutions. The World Investment Conference is committed to foster such an approach by generating at the event concrete policies but also business deals, investments, partnerships and specific proposals between the key constituents. Here is a non-exhaustive list of dignitaries who are regularly attending our events:

Ursula Burns, President Xerox Corporation

Top Executives

Government & Public Leaders


Jeffrey R. Immelt Chairman & CEO, General Electric

Herman Van Rompuy President, European Council

Jianqing Jiang Chairman, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

José Manuel Barroso President, European Commission

Jeremy Rikfin Economist, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends

Dr Thomas Enders President & CEO, Airbus Thierry Pilenko CEO, Technip James S. Turley CEO, Ernst & Young Ursula Burns President, Xerox Corporation Ben Verwaayen CEO, Alcatel-Lucent Philippe Varin Chairman of the Managing Board PSA Peugeot Citroën Jan Mühlfelt Chairman Europe Microsoft Corporation Ilkka Lakaniemi President & CEO, Nokia Corporation

Michel Barnier European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Enikö Györi Minister of State for European Affairs of Hungary François Fillon Prime Minister of France Ahmed Reda Chami Minister for Industry, Trade & New Technologies of Morocco Haris Pamboukis State Minister of Greece for investments H.E. Raya Haffar Minister of Finance of Lebanon Laurent Wauquiez Minister of European Affairs of France

Philippe de Fontaine Vive Vice-President, European Investment Bank Michel Madelain President & Chief Operating Officer, Moody’s Investors Service Benoît Battistelli President, European Patent Office Karsten Langer Chairman, European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EVCA) Saskia Sassen Urban Sociologist, Columbia University Franco Bassanini President, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Italy Gilles Michel CEO of the French Strategic Investment Fund (2008-2010) Henri Loyrette Director of the Louvre Museum Philippe Starck Designer

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Contacts: Jean-Bernard GuerrĂŠe Chief Executive Officer jbg@worldinvestmentconferences.com

Antonella Guerra Communication and Partnerships Manager ag@worldinvestmentconferences.com

Pascal Perzo Special Advisor pp@worldinvestmentconferences.com

Adelina Mares Senior Manager am@worldinvestmentconferences.com

Nathalie de Baudry d’Asson Speakers Coordinator nba@worldinvestmentconferences.com

Kenza Lahlou Project Manager kl@worldinvestmentconferences.com

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