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On Tuesday 28th February 2023, AmCham met with some of its member organizations in the hospitality sector We appreciate the representatives who participated in this initiative, and we applaud them for sharing their challenges and opportunities in their line of work.


As part of the 2023-2026 AmCham Value addition strategic Plan, the Chamber will continue to engage its members using this dialogue platform "AmCham Sector meetings" to effectively deliver the required value

According to the concerns raised by the leaders of the companies present, the hospitality industry in Zambia has the highest tax burdens in comparison to other countries around Southern Africa This burden has been transferred to customers making Zambia’s prices less competitive on the international market.

Some specific concerns include;

Setting up a business in Zambia is expensive due to high tax rates and numerous regulations and licenses for the hospitality industry

The industry has not been well-marketed, and there is a lack of transparency regarding the tourism levy being paid

There is a lack of coordination between the Government and the hospitality industry when hosting international events.

The industry needs to be at a comparative advantage when assessing the cost of hosting regional and international conferences.

The Lack of tourist attractions in Lusaka has made it difficult for hotels in Lusaka to bid for conference hosting. The industry needs much support from the Government.

Upon receiving the concerns, secretariat compiled a document and submitted to Ministry of Tourism and Arts on the 28th of March 2023.

Present at the meeting was the Elected sector Leader, Mr Kudzayi Nheweyembwa as well as AmCham CEO Ms Chansa Mwila

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