American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia Newsletter- The Half Year Update

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AMCHAM ZAMBIA 2016 January - June The Half Yearupdate

  WWW.AMCHAMZAMBIA.COM | 1200 TWIKATANE ROAD, RHODESPARK| Phone: +260 975 028 026 | Email:

Message from the American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia President Mr. Jason Kazilimani Jr. Dear esteemed members of the Chamber, We have gone past the first half of the year 2016 and many can share the sentiments that indeed the year has gone by rather quickly! It has no doubt been a challenging year for all as Zambia faced macro-economic challenges that affected most businesses and industries across the country. Despite this however, the Chamber remains resilient in its efforts to achieve its primary goals and objectives of providing the most rewarding benefits to its member companies. The Chamber held its 2016 Annual General Meeting on the 26th April, 2016 which was graciously hosted at the United States Embassy in Lusaka. I thank all the members that attended the meeting and for the immense feedback we received. I would like to focus on what came out of the discussions, despite the few humps on the road and changes in staff at the Chambers secretariat, the Chamber indeed had a productive and active 2015. Through our Business Linkages committee the Chamber successfully participated in trade shows, both local and international, business conferences and summits that enhanced business connections. In 2015, the Chamber continued to promote networking between its members through fellowship events; we held our traditional annual AmCham Golf Tournament and Thanksgiving dinner and a first time Jazz Night which was well attended and recommended. Through the Advocacy committee we in 2015 addressed issues faced by members with policy briefs that were published on the Medium-Term Debt Strategy- this was followed by a roundtable discussion which was attended by BOZ representatives and renowned policy think-tanks. A policy statement was also released on the energy crisis. Our CSR committee last year successfully launched its Corporate Social Responsibility Forum which received tremendous support from you, our esteemed members. On behalf of the Chamber, I would like to acknowledge the support of all members who have played an active role in the committees. I will continue to urge all members to zealously participate in all events and functions hosted and organized by the Chamber. Your participation and feedback is important to assist us in making the organisation an outstanding one. I wish to welcome the three (3) new members of the board of directors who were voted in on the 26th April, 2016- Mr Christopher Jannou (R+Evolution Capital), Mr Changwe Kumalinga (FNB) and Mr Gurindar Pal Singh (Action Auto Ltd). I look forward to a successful second half of the year. Sincerely, Jason Kazilimani Jr. President American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia

What’s Inside 1 | Zambia Development Agency Presen tation 2 | 1st 2016 AmCham Networking Cock tail 3 | Microsoft Masterclass 4 | AmCham at the Zambia International Investment Forum 5| AmCham Zambia Annual General Meeting 9 | AmCham at the Zambia International Property Expo 10 | 8th Lusaka Motor Show 12 | EY Zambia Article - The Infrastructure Debate; Is it Key to Africa’s Development 15 | Meet AmCham’s New Board Members 16 | AmCham Secretariat 17 | Upcoming Events

an efficient, effective and coordinated private sector led economic strategy. The agency introduced the services provided by the One Stop Shop for Business Registration (OSSBR). The OSSBR is an initiative of the Government of the Republic of Zambia which is set to reduce the costs of doing business by streamlining startup procedures associated with doing business registration and compliance. This facility allows for new companies to have all their registration needs met under one roof. In addition to PACRA registration, the facility processes tax registration and social security registration for employees. Members and friends of the Chamber attended this event and participated in an informative Q&A session.

Z a mbia De velop men t A genc y (ZDA ) Pre sen t s to member s of AmCha m Z a mbia 1 0 t h

F e b r u a r y

AmCham Zambia hosted a presentation in conjunction with the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) on business development services, investment opportunities, incentive framework, reforms to improve business environment and business registration.

The presentation was sponsored by and held at the Best Western PLUS Lusaka Grand Hotel.

ZDA was established in 2006 by an act of parliament and commenced its operations in 2007 after the merger of five quasi-government institutions. The main purpose of the agency is to foster economic growth and national development by promoting trade and investment in Zambia through


Networkng cocktail with guests from USAID 11th February

The first AmCham networking cocktail of the year brought two individuals leading USAID funded projects; Ms. Charlene Bangwe- Women at Work Coordinator and Ms. Iris Young- Chief Education Officer -USAID. The Women at Work project seeks to promote equality and female leadership. Its objectives are to increase leadership capacity and opportunities amongst young Zambian women aged between 25 and 35 years old in the spheres of public management, civic leadership, business and entrepreneurship. The program’s other objective is aimed at influencing women’s enhanced participation in positions of decision-making and measure the impact of the gender-sensitive policies and programs on girls, boys, women and men. Companies and organizations that wish to participate in this project by hosting interns or providing mentorships are set to have access to a unique pool of young women leaders who can directly contribute to the success of their organizations.

The Women at Work Coordinator, Charlene, also discussed other partnership opportunities for companies and individuals under the program which is in collaboration with the Washington Mandela Fellowship program -Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). Charlene was soliciting for partnerships with companies to collaborate in implementing its yearlong internship program for fellows when they return to Zambia after having being a part of the Washington Mandela Fellowship program. She also requested for professionals and entrepreneurs to participate in a yearlong mentorship program for female Washington Mandela Fellowship program fellows. Iris Young, USAID Chief Education Officer, presented projects under implementation in the institution’s Education section. The partnerships required were in form of sponsorship of youth as change agents, sponsorship for orphans and vulnerable children and sponsorship of reading tools amongst others. AmCham members present participated in the information session which was followed by a networking session. The event was held at the Safari Bar of the gracious sponsor, InterContinental Hotel Lusaka.


April 2016 6th April

The American Chamber of Commerce join efforts with its member Microsoft Eastern and Southern Africa office (ESA) The American Chamber of Commerce in joint efforts with its member Microsoft Eastern and Southern Africa office (ESA) hosted a master class at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Lusaka. Microsoft dubbed their presentation, “Safeguarding Your Business From Evolving Threats With Modern IT Protection.” Businesses are faced with challenging options on security. As a reliable partner, Microsoft can help these business grow to the next level at an optimum cost. The event targeted heads of IT and business decision makers from AmCham’s member institutions. Reliable Microsoft products


were discussed and presented as Microsoft urged the businesses present to make it their reliable partner to assist with the security options.

AmCham Participation in Zambia International Investment Forum (ZIIF) 21st - 22nd April

The American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia participated in the 5th Zambia International Investment Forum organized by the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry, Zambia Development Agency and Home Strings. The ZIIF held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre was this year themed ‘Investment for Industrialization, Wealth and Job Creation�. Attendees of the forum were local and international delegates including industry experts, business decision makers and investors. His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu officially opened the ZIIF and visited the exhibition hall giving him an opportunity to interact with the exhibitors.


AmCham ZAMBIA 2016 Annual General Meeting 26TH April - US Embassy In Lusaka


AmCham ZAMBIA 2016 Annual General Meeting 26th April AmCham held its 2016 Annual General Meeting on April 26th at the US Embassy in Lusaka. The meeting, graced by US Ambassador to Zambia Mr. Eric Schultz, was well attended by Chamber members. This annual meeting brought together the members of the Chamber and the board of directors to discuss activities in the previous year, make recommendations and brainstorm on matters to focus on in the coming year. Members heard from the committee heads who gave updates on the different Chamber committees which are Advocacy, Membership, Business Linkages, Fellowship and CSR. Proceeding from the AGM was a cocktail held in the Embassy Atrium. Guests of Honor at the cocktail were the US Embassy Charge D’affairs Mr. David Young and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ms. Kayula Siame. Both the US Embassy representatives and the P.S. MCTI congratulated the Chamber on a job well done and reaffirmed their commitment to continued work with the Chamber.


Plot 10426 Manda Hill Road, P.O Box 121, P/Bag E891, Lusaka, Zambia. Email: : Tel: +260 966 2 6 6 4 4 3 +260 955 2 5 2 5 1 4

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MAY 2016 AmCham Zambia at ZIP Expo The Expo was funded by the Green Jobs Program, The United Nations Zambia, Zambia Property Owners Association and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. It was officiated by Honorable Margaret Mwanakatwe. The exhibition and conference program featured important keynote speakers and valuable consumer information from financing to investment insights. Leaders in the Zambian real estate shared their knowledge.

5th-7th May AmCham Zambia had the opportunity to be an exhibitor at the 2nd Annual Zambia International Property EXPO (ZIP Expo) held at Mulungushi International Conference Center. The expo was hosted by leading companies in the industry. The ZIP Expo brought together the real estate community- developers, banks, government agencies, construction trades and consumers - to showcase, network, unveil and inform the Zambian business community about the opportunities available in the property sector.


AmCham Members at 8th Lusaka Motor Show The AmCham Zambia Team were invited by some of their participating members to go out and give support at the Lusaka Motor Show which was held at Levy Shopping Mall in Lusaka on the 7th of May. AmCham members that participated in the exhibition include Action Auto and KIA Motors and Tyre King. Congratulations to Action Auto for winning best exhibitor 3rd time in a row at the 8th motor show!


Plot 10426 Manda Hill Road, P.O Box 121, P/Bag E891, Lusaka, Zambia. Email: : Tel: +260 966 2 6 6 4 4 3, +260 955 2 5 2 5 1 4, +260 966 975 122

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The infrastructure debate; Is it key to Africa’s development?

notes that over the past decade, perceptions about the continent have often remained mired in the past and notes a number of perceived barriers to investment in Africa including the following;

a) Unstable political environment; b) Corruption; c) Lack of skilled labour; d) Weak security; By Kelvin Chungu e) Inconsistent and lack of transparency in regulatory policy; and It is a rare occasion these days, to hear ac- f) Unattractive tax policies and financial incencounts of business certainty in the face of the tives, recent economic concerns, especially following the tightened liquidity conditions in the These are all significant data points that need considcountry as part of the central bank’s monetary erable efforts from all citizenry to resolve, but what policy measures to address rising inflation- is also highlighted by 14% of the respondents in this ary pressures and to stabilize the exchange 2015 EY attractiveness survey of 500 international rate. It is however, also an interesting time for business leaders is that poor basic infrastructure is a those that relish the policy debates that ensues significant barrier to investment in Africa. Thus there among different interest groups. In more cas- is a compelling narrative that there is vast potential es, useful exchanges are triggered and all too ahead if we place emphasis on developing our infraoften a compelling storyline emerges. One of structure to build an enabling environment that supthe emerging debates in the last few months ports investments and growth. is that of infrastructure development and its African Development Bank economic brief, volume 1 impact on debt. issue of September 2010 pointed out the relative imIt is an absorbing theme about competing de- portance of infrastructure development when it stated mands, i.e. a country with no debt overhang as follows “Africa’s absolute and relative lack of infraraises investor’s expectations of returns and structure points to the existence of untapped promay encourage investment, while the lack ductive potential, which could be unlocked through of suitable infrastructure could deter invest- scaling up investments in the sector. Notably, infrastructure plays a central role in improving competiments. Take as an example, In 2010 EY embarked on tiveness, facilitating domestic and international trade, an experimental series of Africa attractiveness and enhancing the continent’s integration into the surveys which have now become an ongoing global economy”. annual project with the completed latest survey in 2015. Over the past four years of the EY Africa attractiveness survey publication, the survey notes a consistent perception gap running counter to the tremendous progress the continent has made in the last decade notwithstanding the consistent economic growth registered in the same period. The survey

As such, the discussions and debates in Zambia around the government’s current program of deficit financing for infrastructure development through a policy of financing large public expenditures using externally sourced debt is noteworthy. The current criticism is that the consequent debt trajectory that may be created will lead us to a debt trap parallel to that of the early 90’s. This is an interesting debate to have on two ac-


counts. Firstly because it seems to bypass another emergent debate on whether we can at all sustain our economic growth without the necessary infrastructure to support it and secondly because of the distributive imperative, i.e. how can the economic growth registered thus far be harnessed to impact communities in relative current oblivion? Is there a vehicle other than through the various infrastructure projects that is available and more economical in providing access to previously unreachable landmarks? The debt debate is necessary and should be encouraged because allowing debt to grow too large can in effect offset the positive impact that infrastructure development brings, however at 36% to GDP of foreign debt in Zambia, it would seem to be within manageable debt servicing level. Reinhart and Rogoff (2010) and Caner et al (2010) proposed a benchmark threshold of 90% and 77% of GDP respectively as levels that become detrimental to economic development. While the IMF working paper – Threshold effect of sovereign debt: Evidence from the Caribbean suggested a lower threshold for emerging economies when it noted that “ IMF (2003) found that for emerging economies the response of the primary balance stops when debt surpasses 50% of GDP compared to a threshold of 80% for industrialised countries”. Though it bears repeating that Zambia’s debt levels are proximate to those thresholds and the recent adverse fluctuations in the foreign currency exchange rates do not help, it is a necessary consideration that there is the resultant economic growth and potential that the infrastructure service does itself spur, when measuring the Zambia’s debt curve and its effect on the economy. In public capital and economic growth publication, Haan, Romp and Sturm (2007), proposed that public infrastructure is a necessary aspect of a competitive location policy, thus there is overwhelming evidence suggesting that economist world over have viewed development in infrastructure as a key ingredient of productivity and growth for two reasons; firstly because infrastruc-

ture service itself enters production as an additional input and second because it raises the total factor productivity by reducing transaction and other costs. It is worth emphasizing that in a democratic country, there will always be policy debate particularly on issue where policy makers have to engage in a balancing act to assuage rising concerns. Notwithstanding that, those debates must also consider the competing policy choices and resulting impact. In this case, the competing policy questions/choices that arise are as follows among others; a) Does a nation in need of infrastructure development, focus on infrastructure debt contraction, rather than its management/placement in planned infrastructure deployment, or b) should it overlook the necessity of the infrastructure development as a catalyst for economic growth and a necessity for increased FDI in lieu of contracting debt? Another necessary point for reflection in this debate is that presently Zambia and others in the sub-region are mired in an energy crisis that has as its genesis in the apparent lack of investments in infrastructure for a long period. In addition there is significant discussions around the lack of rains in this cycle (or drought) and its attendant impact on the economy, and it begs the consideration of whether this is a data point about the need for investments in infrastructure necessary to support irrigation. The basis for this article is an idea that despite the economic challenges in an increasingly interconnected global marketplace, developing our competitive advantage requires the erection or harnessing of infrastructure, but that concerns about debt have equal consideration. The question to ask is how can development be harnessed? About the Author Kelvin Chungu is an Associate Director in the Assurance and business development service department of EY Zambia and can be contacted on


American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia Board of Directors Mr. Jason Kazilimani- Chamber President Jason has been with KPMG since July 1994. He is the senior Partner and Managing Director of KPMG in Zambia, having just returned from a four- year stay in Nigeria where he was a partner in the financial services group of the Audit Services Division of KPMG in Nigeria. He has worked in Southampton (UK), Zambian and Nigerian practices of KPMG. He is a former member of the council for the Zambian Institute of Chartered Accountants and has chaired its technical and educational committees. Jason has extensive experience providing audit and audit related services, IFRS conversion services and anti-money laundering training. He has served a large variety of companies in financial services, banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, and hospitality and not-for-profit sectors in Nigeria, Zambia and the United Kingdom. Jason is also the current president of the Zambia Golf Union.

Mr. Mike Musonda- Chamber Vice President Mike is a partner at Ernst & Young Zambia. He has over 18 years of experience in auditing, consulting and regulation of professional audit firms and the audit practice. Mike has vast experience in providing assurance, consulting and related services to a wide range of clients in different sectors. He is a fellow and practicing member of both the Zambia institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in London and South Africa. Mike has strong experience in the application and interpretation of international Finance Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Prior to joining EY, Mike was a director in Assurance at PWC where he gained a wealth of experience working with people from diverse backgrounds through his secondments to Tanzania, Botswana and the U.S. Mr. Rajnish Sharma Rajnish Sharma is a partner and Managing Director of the Jewel of Africa, a vertically integrated company in the jewellery industry engaged in mining, jewellery manufacture, high end jewellery retail and export. Mr. Sharma is the President of Lusaka Golf Club and is serving on the boards of Zambia Association of Manufacturers and Emerald Miners Association currently and the Institute of Directors and industry specific task forces in the past. Mr. Sharma studied Mining Engineering at the University of Zambia, has an MBA-Finance from the University of Lincoln and is also on the OPM programme at Harvard Business School. He is married to Laetitia Sophie Michelle Ebele Sharma and they have a 5 year old daughter called Uma.

Mr. Jonathan Lewis Jonathan is the Managing Director of NAC2000 Corporation Ltd. The leading aircraft handling company in Zambia that operates at all four of Zambia’s international airports. NAC2000 is also engaged in cargo warehousing inclusive of cold chain storage, customs clearing at most entry points and freight forwarding activities. Prior to Joining NAC2000, Jonathan rose within JP Morgan Chase in London. He started as a trade support and client service representative, moved to a derivative exchange professional undertaking back office functions for over 50 exchanges and ended as a business analyst and project manager predominantly working on technology and merger related projects for the bank. Jonathan holds a BSc in Biology from Kings College in London. He is current treasurer of Zambia Customs & Forwarding Agents’ Association (ZCFAA). He is married to Michelle Alexandra Lewis and has four daughters, Shanaiya (17), Cearra (17), Kasia Jai (15) and Saige (1).


Ms. Mildred Kaunda Mildred is the founder and principal consultant of Lusaka based full service public relations and communications consultancy, Cutting Edge PR, which was established in 2005. Mildred focuses on the ongoing sustainability of the agency, creating strategic communication frameworks for clients’ campaigns and oversees all strategic client services. Mildred has worked in various international financial institutions in Kenya, South Africa and Zambia, and she has 26 years of experience in media relations, positioning strategies, branding, integrated marketing communication campaigns and financial services. Mildred holds a BA degree Cum Laude (Fisk University) and an MBA degree (Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne). In January 2010, she was elected the Council Member and National Chair for Zambia for the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) for a two year term. Mildred was a member of the interim founding committee that launched the Zambia Public Relations Association (ZAPRA) in May 2010 and was elected a committee member of the same in December 2010 for a two-year term. She is a Representative Director for ZCCM-IH Plc on the CEC Plc Board, a board member of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Zambia and was the Chairperson of the American Chamber of Commerce Zambia’s Fellowship Committee. Mr. Will Pearson Will Pearson is Managing Director at Triskel Africa, a project consulting and investment advisory services firm focused on the Southern Africa region. In addition, Will is the Lusaka-based coordinator for the KfW (Germany’s Development Bank) GET FiT-Zambia program, which is helping to implement Zambia’s renewable energy strategy. Will also serves on the Board of Directors for the American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia. Will was previously a Director in the Global Energy and Natural Resources practice and Head of the London office at Eurasia Group, a leading political risk advisory and consulting firm. Earlier in his career, Will was a Senior Analyst in the Power Market Advisory group at Pace Global, an energy consultancy in the Washington, DC area, and a Portfolio Analyst on the electricity trading desk at Sempra Energy, an integrated energy company in California. Will has written for The Economist, Financial Times and Foreign Policy, and has frequently featured as a guest speaker or panel moderator at conferences and roundtables across the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia. In addition, Will has featured regularly in the media, making television appearances on networks including the BBC, CNBC, and Bloomberg, and offering commentary in publications including The Economist, Financial Times, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.

Mrs. Roseta Mwape-Chabala Mrs. Roseta Mwape-Chabala has been Managing Director of Metal Fabricators of Zambia (ZAMEFA) since her appointment in March 2013. Prior to this appointment Roseta was the CEO of Zambia Association of Manufacturers from 2009 to 2013. Roseta has a MSc. in International Trade Policy and Trade Law. Roseta is recognized for playing a leading role in significantly improving the ZAM’s image and multiplying membership and revenues of ZAM through Strategic Planning & Execution, effective market segmentation, through branding, advertising, and re-engineered distribution strategy. In 2013 Roseta was awarded for distinguished contribution to Private sector development. Roseta has served on various Boards and committees both at National and Regional Level. She is the current President of Zambia Association of Manufacturers; Vice Chairperson of National Council for Construction Board; Board member of Zambia Development Agency; Board member of COMESA Business Council; Board member of the American Chamber of Commerce; Committee member of the Business Regulation Authority Agency; Board Member at Consumer And Unit Trusts (CUTs Zambia).


Introcing the 2016 AGM elected Board of Directors Gurinder Pal Singh (Action Auto) - Chamber Treasurer Gurinder Pal Singh is the CFO of Action Auto Limited (Dealers of Isuzu & Chevrolet) in Zambia and DRC. An astute and result oriented professional with 15 years of cross functional expertise in Financial Management, Supply Chain Management, Project Management and Business Development. With more than twelve years work experience on the African Continent, Mr. Singh was previously associated with Comcraft Group in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. Mr. Singh is a qualified Chartered Accountant (ACCA & ICWAI) and holds a Bachelors of Commerce Degree. Gurinder is also a mentor in Mandela Washington Fellowship Programme. He has been involved in a number of research works involving emerging markets and is multilingual with proficiency in English, French, Kiswahili, Hindi and Punjabi. Mr. Changwe Kumalinga (FNB Zambia) Changwe is currently serving as an Investment Specialist for First National Bank Zambia where he heads the newly established Investment Desk North, based in the Copperbelt province. He is tasked with growing liabilities and investment accounts for the Corporate, Commercial, Business, Agriculture, Premier and Public sector divisions of the bank among other responsibilities. Mr. Kumalinga previously worked as a Tax Accountant for InfoGroup, a Financial & Investment services intern for AG Edwards & Sons (Now Wells Fargo Financial Services) and as an Accounting & Tax intern at InfoGroup, all while based in Nebraska, USA. He also served as VP of Public Relations for Toastmasters Royal Babblers Club, Board Member at Bellevue Christian Centre and Board Member at Higher Tactics Inc. while in Nebraska, USA. Mr. Kumalinga holds a Masters in Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, a Master’s in Business Administration from Creighton University in Nebraska, USA and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in the fields of Finance and Economics. Currently, he serves as Executive Board Member at the Kitwe & District Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and is involved in the Business Linkage committee of the AmCham Zambia.

Mr. Christopher Jannou (R + Evolution Capital) New York City native Christopher Jannou is an award-winning producer, author and entrepreneur who has become a leading authority on investing in frontier markets. He produces and hosts the syndicated weekly radio program Business Intelligence: Africa. His group [R]EVOLUTION Capital has invested in a wide range of development sectors including media, hotels/hospitality, affordable housing and commercial real estate throughout Africa and Latin America. In Zambia, the group is currently rolling several hospitality brands including The Urban Hotel, Urban Suites, and Impala Suites. Additionally, the group is developing numerous community retail centers across Zambia. Anchor tenants include Food Lovers Market and Choppies Supermarkets. Jannou’s first book ‘The Internationalist: Globalization, the Age of Information and the Developing World Ascent’ (release March 2016) is a sweeping look at the next surge of human and economic development as technology, globalization and demographics become defining forces. He regularly speaks at universities including Harvard and Columbia’s SIPA on entrepreneurship. His syndicated radio show Business Intelligence: Africa is in negotiations with several international news networks for international syndication.


AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN ZAMBIA SECRETARIAT Ms. Dailesi Njobvu Snr. -Programs Manager Dailesi was recently promoted to Senior Programs Manager at the American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia. Dailesi joined the Chamber as the first fulltime member of staff in August 2011 after being the main intern assisting the Civil Society Organizations’ committee that spearheaded the civil society segment in the planning of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum held in Lusaka in June 2011. Dailesi graduated from the International Management Institute in Brussels, Belgium, with a B.A. in Business Communications and Public Relations. Dailesi has previously interned with the office of the Governor’s Economic Development and Tourism in Austin, Texas under Texas State Senator Rodney Ellis’s Texas Legislative Internship Program and is a part of the Zambia-USA Exchange Alumni. Dailesi is a mentee under the USAID’s Women at Work program that is grooming the next generation of female leaders in Zambia.

Ms. Inota Cheta - Business Development Assistant Inota Cheta joined the AmCham in April 2015 as a part-time intern while completing her final year at the University of Zambia. During her internship she worked closely with AmCham SME Specialist on CSR committee activities and also performed administrative duties. She graduated from the University of Zambia in November 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Statistics and currently serves as Business Development Assistant at AmCham Secretariat. Inota has keen interests in coordinating efforts to provide evident results in every area of her work. Being a proponent of development work, her voluntary engagements at university bordered around professional development and capacity building activities for students.

Ms. Serah Simbeye - Intern Serah is currently in her final year at the University of Zambia, pursing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration. Before joining the Chamber as an intern, she previously interned for the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority, (ZICTA). While at the University she enthusiastically works for She-Power, a youth led association aimed at creating awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), lobbying for climate change and encouraging youths to take up the challenge in any way the can!

Mr. Eugene Maliwa- Intern Eugene graduated from the University of Namibia with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics (Honours) in April 2015. He assists the Secretariat in coordinating the Advocacy and Business linkages Committees at AmCham. Prior to joining the Chamber, he served as a district monitor of the electoral process in Kafue district on behalf of CARITAS Zambia. His areas of interest include International Trade, Economic Theory and Policy as well as Research Reporting and writing.


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