Abilene American Classifieds (08-18-22) Thrifty Nickel

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VIEW ONLINE • PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE • www.AmClassAbilene.com Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm Tuesday 8:30am - 6:00pm Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday CLOSED VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 32 • AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) 10428782SONNY JONES WELDING 1902 N Treadaway • 325-672-1731 Mention Ad& get $10.00 OffRepairs • Alloy • Aluminum • Magnesium • Steel Repair & Straighten Cracked Wheels 3900 North 1st, Suite 2 (325) 673-4521 HABLAMOS ESPANOL Apply 10am - 4pm Monday - Thursday Previous applicants need not apply. DIRECT CARE STAFF 125 Tannehill Dr. • Abilene, TX EOE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! All Residential Shifts - • Evening 2pm-10pm • Overnight 10pm-8am • Day 8am-4pm (Must have drivers license) $12/Hr. Starting Pay - Affordable Insurance (after 60 days) Draco Services Office 10429005 Referral Bonus! PROJECTSpecializingMANAGER/ESTIMATORinMetalStudFraming;Sheetrock&AcousticalCeilings–Must have experience in Construction of Commercial BuildingsMust be able to read building plans; Field Experience a big plus; Experience with multi-story projects a plus; On Screen Take Off or Similar Estimating Application a plus; Salary DOE. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Estimating of project and preparing Contract documents, including submittals and material orders • Monitor & maintain construction schedule & budget. • Customer Relations -Competitive Pay & Insurance Benefits Please send resume to: resumeapp18@gmail.com or mail: P.O. Box 5615, Abilene, Texas 79608 NOW HIRING: 10428911 10428620 New Renovated Room: Weekly $43.48 pn ( $350 including tax) 2 guests additional guest $50 per week extra. Weekly Full Payment in Advance Subject to Availability FREE High Speed WiFi • FREE Microwave in Room • Pet Friendly (Pet Fee Applicable) • FREE Fridge in Room FREE Truck Parking 840 East Hwy 80 • ABILENE 79601 CALL 325-677-8100 COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST! $43.48 EconoLodgeInn&Suites American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. Print Still Works! Come Stay With Us! Monthly $750 and Weekly $280 + Tax ROOM MicrowaveFREEAMENITIES:WIFIRefrigeratorCableTVGuestLaundryFacilityGroundFloorPetFriendlyTrucking Surrounded by all kinds of Restaurants, Grocery & Liquor Stores and Hospital. 3210 I-20 & Pine St. • Abilene, Tx 79601 CALL: 325 677 2687 Always Deliver more than Expected Frontier Inn 10428787 10427537 Abilene State Supported Living Center CAREER FAIR! 6545 S. US HWY 377 STEPHENVILLE, 254-967-9985TX 10428682 10428995 TCRP Monthly Meeting Tuesday, Aug. 23rd, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. 202 Cedar, 2nd floor, Auditorium of the Downtown Abilene Public Library Please mark calendar for our next program. https://texasop.org/priorities/ Hope to Meet You Soon. Welcome to Texas! Chris Carnohan, County Chairman ccarnohan@usa.com • 325-665-3333 Program: We will welcome State Representative Bryan Slaton, author of Texas’ “Heartbeat Act” that effectively bans abortions after the baby’s heartbeat is detected. (Almost 1 year before Dobbs Case SCOTUS) HOMES WANTED for 3 adorable kittens for $5 each. 1 white, orange and black calico, 1 grey and black tabby and 1 long haired black kitten. Please call 325-513-4684 15’X6’ 8” utility trailer, homemade. New tires 6 ply, new fenders/not at tached, good wood and metal runners. 1434 Port land 325-283-9506 SEA CONTAINERS. Can customize. Rent to own available. (866) 468-2791. Credit cards accepted. I’M LOOKING for a job. I know how to cook, con struction and landscaping. Text me if anyone is look ing for help! 325-232-5394 CLASSIC 1983 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme, 34,000 miles, garage kept. $11,000. 325949-1617. AKC REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERDS 8 weeks old and 8 month old German Shepherd pup py. 806-200-0072 or 806336-2851. ANTIQUE BEDROOM chest. Good condition, solid painted wood. $150. 325-513-1620 CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © Call us at (325) 673-4521 to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. Print Still Works! 40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —(Land address is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Selling at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-669-3278 - if no answer, please leave message. DOVE HUNTING - Lots of Birds, mostly white wings. 5 minutes from Abilene. 325-280-7278 IT’S NEVER too late to become what you might have been! FaithWorks FREE Classes could change your life. Next class starts Sept 19th Call 437-2272. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith 30X40X10 BARNDOMINIUM,$170,000 Concrete Slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insulation, Septic tank, Sheetrock, Paint. 3 Bedrooms, 1 living area. Many more complete sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-794-7868 1998 SUNDOWNER threehorse slant, front tack room. $12,000 . Located In Comanche, Texas. CALL (254) 967-2563 INSTALLER I position open at Lamar Advertising (billboard company.) Guar anteed 40 hours, full ben efits and a 4 - 10 hour day work week 85% of the time. Must be hard-work ing, not afraid of heights and a valid DL. Apply at LAMAR.com CLEAN, INC. is hir ing commercial cleaning technicians in Abilene and Sweetwater. Experience is preferred but will consider training. Must have drivers license and transportation. Salary will vary from $11 to $15 per hour. To apply call 325-690-6650, leave a voice message or text messsage. REPAIR • RESTYLERESTORE OrdinaryTurn EXTRAORDINARYINTO 4541 Catclaw Dr 325-513-2743 goldbuyerabilene.com Big Country Gold & Custom Jewelry We buy gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, & precious stones Turn your scrap into CASH! 10428890 Turn Your Scrap into CASH! 325/677-2000

in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, 977-4443254-967-9985Stephenville,TX(or)254NEEDED.DISHWASHER Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770 GERMAN SHEP HERD Puppies. Very nice quality. Regis tered, shots, guaran teed, references. 325669-8210 I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! EPH

ROMANSMISCELLANEOUS10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”.

LIFE INSURANCE. if you have been turned down or just dont have any. Call Me! Eric. 682438-9279

FAITHWORKS MIS SION is to help the un employed and under em ployed through career, academic, personal and spiritual development ac quire the confidence and skills for a gainful and longterm employment.Classes are FREE. The next class starts September 19, 2022 Applications are being ac cepted now. FaithWorks of Abilene 1229 N. Mocking bird, 325-437-2272. FaithWorksofAbilene.orgwww.

$4000 or more? Consolidate your debts & payday loans into one low payment.


FIRST REWARD Check ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www. GO2FBT.com Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details. LVN’S STARTING Salary $44,000+ Bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 p.m. and 1pm-5p m. Applications are ac cepted until positions are filled. EEO 325-6741220 as.org/jobs.asxtaylorcountytex CARBURETORS,REBUILT Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets perfor mance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-6326936 LAID OFF ? Out of work? FaithWorks. FREE Classes could change your life! Next class starts Sep 19th. Apply Today! - CALL or TEXT 325-669-3278. WANT TO Buy a small or medium Evaporative water cooler. 325-2381614 11966 HIGHWAY 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 Bed room 2 bath plus bo nus room over 2,800 square ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for side by side all on 15 acres. $600,000 Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440


Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply to day: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325-437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith Our patties are freshly hand crafted each day, never frozen. We hand cut whole potatoes for our fries and twisters each day as well. BURGERS CATFISH ON TUESDAY! SALAD BAR ICE CREAM BAR 2642 E. Lake Rd 437-3006 1902 Antilley Rd 691-1930www.HeffsBurgers.netMallofAbilene4310BuffaloGapRd325-232-6715 LIVE MUSIC VENUE at the Mall of Abilene location. MOVIE DEAL!! Buy Burger & French Fries Combo, Bring receipt & receive FREE Movie, Popcorn & Drink (Receipt is Your Ticket)at the Mall of Abilene location Mon-Thurs, & Sun 11am-9pm Friday 11am-12 midnight Saturday 11am-1am 10429012 Currently Mall Location Only Currently Mall Location Only Currently Mall Location Only 673-4521TuesdayYourSubmitAdBy6:00pmAmericAnclASSifiedS(325)

–– Equip ment for custom hat shop. $52,500, seri ous inquries. 9272comhatshopforsale@gmail.Emailorcall254-842-formoredetails! FOR SALE: Equip ment for Custom Hat Shop. $52,500. Serious inquiries Email: 842-9272sale@gmail.comhatsfor254-

Now Hiring Abilene,Friday,Housekeepers,Mondaythruoffweekends!Paystartsat$11.00.ApplyWesleyCourtSeniorLiving2617AntilleyRdTXEOE CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Removal, Stump Grind ing, Planting. Difficult or Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. Insured. Free Esti mates. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius) Victor Hernandez 325518-8031 ED TRUCKINGKINNEY Gravel, Sand, Topsoil,Tractor.Driveways,Mobile 325-668-4491 ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 30X50 BARNDO MINIUM $240,000 with 50x10 front porch, 4 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room & 3 Windows, Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-7947868 LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply to day: 1229 N. WorksofAbilene.org325-437-2772.Mockingbirdwww.Faith LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts Sept 19th Apply today: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith

HAULING TRASH Brush & Junk Cleaning Garages, Mow ing & WeYouDemolitionhaveit,willhaulit. Free325-260-6060Estimates MCM ELEGANTE Suites Now Hiring Looking for strong, dedicated, and hardworking individuals who want to be part of our team!Min. Pay $15.00 per hour. Cook, Laundry, Comp Breakfast. Room Atten dants, Floor Supervisors, Houseman, Van Dirver (must be 25 yrs or older) Night Audit, Pool Moni tor, PT Restaurant server. Benefits available for full time team members that average 30 hours per week. $15 /hr. Background and drug testing required. team bonus,goals and more! Apply in at, 4250 Ridgemont Dr. 9am-5pm, Weekdays 5317 FAIRMONT 3 br 2 bth. Fenced yard. Garage, Open living and kitchen. $1295/ Month. Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440 IT’S NEVER too late to become what you might have been! FaithWorks FREE Classes could change your life. Next class starts Sept 19th Call 437-2272. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith 26 YEARS old, Male, Asian muscular build with medium complexion. Looking for penpal to cor respond; establish positive contacts on the outside. I’m interested in further ing my education while in carcerated. I love to write, draw and read especially self-help books. I look for ward in hearing from you. Sudarson Karki #116047, 910 South 27th, Abilene, TX 79602 GREAT SHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are 6:10-11 DEBT? Less stress & SAVE 1-877-422-4557 FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, more2687parking.TV,Refrigerator,MicrowaveCablePetFriendly,TruckCall325-677-Alwaysdeliveredthatexpected.

FaithWorks of Abilene, 1229 N ingbird,325-437-2272.Mock PAM’S PETS • In-Store Shopping. Quality Pet Food at incredible prices! Specializing in hand-fed birds, small animals like hamster & guinea pigs, ex otic reptiles, hermit crabs, and huge range of both freshwater & saltwater fish. 3366 N. 1st, Abilene, TX 325-675-6285 HOME FOR SALE1341 N. 7th Street • Must See!!!! House must be moved / Ask ing $12,000

LAIDEDUCATIONCEMETERYPLOTSOFF ? Out of work? FaithWorks. FREE Classes could change your life! Next class starts Sep 19th. Apply Today! FaithWorks of Abilene, 1229 N ingbird,325-437-2272.Mock

Cotton wood, Ab, TX 79601. a list of things from John & Sharon’s life on YL Ranch Bird’s Eye Maple: 3 chest/Wardrobe/rocker; 4 sofa’s, Dining tables, Din ing chairs, Mission Oak recliners, rockers, Occ Chairs, milk glass, rugs, kitchen pots pans/utensils; Much more! pictures on FB@ KINCAID AUCTION SERVICE HOUSE Kash 69874077stead.comWeb@kashauction.home&KASH325-676-or800-446-2282.TX MOWINGAFFORDABLE & WEED EATING, Clean up & Hauling. Storage Build ings, Garages & Tree limbs. Free 325-238-1614Estimates. NEED 2 Bow & Dove Hunters, Brazo River, Northwest Haskell County. Place to park trailer year round. $1500 per hunter. 940200-0201 BOOK NOOK! LO CATED in Frontier Flea Market. 781 Wal nut Abilene, Texas. Thousands of Used Books for your reading pleasure. $1.00 and up. Open Tuesday-Sat 105 pm SUZUKI BURG MAN, 2006 650cc Monster Scooter. 100+ mph, 45mpg. Rides 2 large people. New tires, battery, oversize windshield, custom backrest, recent ser vice. Runs perfect. First $2850 Cash obo. 325-721-7819 MCM ELEGANTE’ Bus cando personas fuertes, dedicadasy trabajodoras que quieran ser parte de, nuestro EQUIPO! Sala rio Minimo Comenzando $15:00 Hour. Cocinero, Dept.de


THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

TAYLOR COUNTY Re publican party Please mark our next program. TCRP Monthly Meeting, Tues day August 23, 2022 at 6:30 pm. 202 Cedar, 2nd floor, Auditorium of the Downtown Abilene Pubnlic Library. Program: We wel come State Representatine Bryan Slaton, Authour of Texas” Heartbeat Act” that effectively bans abortions after the baby’s heartbeat is detected (Almost 1 year before Dobbs Case SCO TUS) usa.com325-665-3333ChrisSoon.priorities/Hopehttps://texasop.org/toMeetyouWelcometoTexas!Canohan,Chairmanccanohan@ calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life!

Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. GOT

2003 DODGE Da kota SLT crew, 4x4, V8, 168k miles, one owner since 8000 miles. PW, PS, PL, grill guard, liner, toolbox. Good driving truck $5000. Call 325-8933242 FUNERAL POLICY? Will your loved ones have the money to pay for your funeral? If not, please call 325-8295775 for a free quote. Most people qualify and no medical exam is required. ISSUES WITH your Driver License? Need help with NEDYNEY325-268-43443rdLETLicenseComplimentaryFREEsionDWI,OccupationalRestoration,Licenses,DWLI,PossesofMarijuana.CONSULTATIONDPSStatusCheckMEHELP!3301N.Abilene,TX79603ATTORJOHNW.KEN SOCIAL SECURITY Disability/SSI Been De nied? Never Give Up! Free Appeal Today! No Fee EVER Unless Approved! 404-964-7285 DO YOU REMEM BER? The average re tail price for unleaded gas in August of 1962 was only $0.31 cents per gallon! ~ “Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end.....” GWET SERVICEOILFIELD&SUPPLY Rods, Tubing, Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Rebuilds & Service Work. Call Gene Scotty325-338-0185,325-668-4882 UPCOMING AUC TIONS Two Estates of Household Furniture/ Misc 9-6-2022 Taylor Co. Tax Properties 300 Oak, Abilene TX 10 am. Coming in Sept: Silver Collector’s Liquidation: over 120 chest of silver ware, assorted individual pcs, Also 100+ Belt Buckles and Costume Jewely Watch for pictures. pictures next week on FB@ KINCAID AUCTION SERVICE HOUSE Kash 69874077stead.comWeb@kashauction.home&KASH325-676-or800-446-5282.TX BEST CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Quick Closing, Any Condition, No closing cost. 25 Years Buying/Sell ing Homes in Abilene! Call Today 325-677-7543 MCA Partner Licensed Agent. LOOKING FOR Adult dog, has some train ing to buy, for a house pet, can be medium or large breed. Doberman passed away 2 years ago & haven’t been able to replace yet. Please call Adams 325733-2221 HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & TX.MadeHwy967-9985254-977-4443Sheeting,Multi-Purpose,Machines,PlasticPondLiners.254-6545S.US377Stephenville,intheUSA. FOR SALE or Lease Fast Food Restaurant off I—20 Near Hwy. 351 Abilene Texas For Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440. AMERICA’S #1 Safe. Protect your family, valuables and firearms Available. HPS LIB ERTY GUN SAFES 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,Tx. 254967-9985 or 254-9774443 www.libertysafe. com LABORER FOR Hire, 1 man, 1 truck. Honest affordable & well done Labor. Call or email to discuss what you need done. comlabordoneright@yahoo.325-212-4652 WELDER HELPERS needed, must be able to travel 1 or 2 weeks at a time. Experience a plus! Must have driv er’s license. Call 325725-4062. 2000 SQ Ft Office space for lease at cor ner of Buffalo Gap Rd & Chimney Rock. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325698-4440. LAND FOR Sale By Owner, .8 Acre land at 1182 Marc, Buffalo Gap, Texas. Electricity, water, sewer, are avail able. 325-660-5751325-225-3030,

REAL SUPERMARKET Magic. Learn how you could virtually eliminate your cost of groceries and get paid $400 com missions over and over. You could receive this per month, per week or even per day. Details: jkirkman.com/714JWwww.

RUSTIC COFFEE table, 2 end tables & coffee table w/decora tive Star, Sunny Health Rowing machine (new). 325-203-3444 TAYLOR COUNTY Re publican party Please mark our next program. TCRP Monthly Meeting, Tues day August 23, 2022 at 6:30 pm. 202 Cedar, 2nd floor, Auditorium of the Downtown Abilene Pubn lic Library. Program: We welcome State Represen tatine Bryan Slaton, Au thour of Texas” Heartbeat Act” that effectively bans abortions after the baby’s heartbeat is detected (Al most 1 year before Dobbs Case SCOTUS) com665-3333Canohan,ChairmanWelcomeHopetexasop.org/priorities/https://toMeetyouSoon.toTexas!Chris325-ccanohan@usa. AUCTION AUGUST 20,2022 @ 9:25 am View 9:00 am @1905 lavanderia, Per sona de desayuno ypruebaslasDemontsolicitudtaurante.Piscina,nocturnaanosDriver,(aebeitaciones,am/p,)Maitenimimento(turnosgrastis,ServiciodehabHouseman,Vantener25omas)AuditoriaPT,MonitordeSeriforderesPrtesentatuen4250RidgedriveAbilene,Diassemanaentrelas9:005:00pm.Serequierendeantecedentesdedrogas. LIBERTY GUN Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family, valuables and firearms. HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254967-9985 (or) 254-9774443 NO DEPOSIT! Military Welcome HUD Renters. Teekoy Properties. Duplex/ house 1/1 $575, 2/1 $650, 610 S Leggett. 325-6775625 HOUSE LEVELERS Needed. Call 325-2086072 NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547. YOUR NEW Realtor. Let me help you find your new dream home or property. Call or text me today! 325-3700686. Alfredo Salas Hablo Espanol. NOW HIRING All Residential Shifts Eve nings and night shifts. Medical, life insurance. 40 hours paid vacation time after 1st year of employment FT em ployees. Must be 21 years old with valid Texas Driver’s License. Affordable insurance starts after 60 days of employment. Must Apply in person. 10am4pm Monday-Thursday 125 Tannehill Dr. Draco Services Inc. EOE SONNY JONES Weld ing. Repair & straighten cracked wheels. Alloy, Aluminum, Magnesium, Steel. Mention the ad and get $10 off repairs. 1902 N Treadaway. 325.672.1731. 1500 SQ. Ft. 794-7868325-721-2750,sizes.&Tank,cal,Slab,$190,000.Barndominium40x40ConcretePlumbing,ElectriInsulation,SepticSheetrock,Paintmanymorecomplete325-675-0989,325ANTIQUES ANTIQUECOLLECTIBLES&BEDROOM chest. Good condition, solid painted wood. $150. 325-513-1620 LOOKINGAPPLIANCESFOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply to day: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325-437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts Sept 19th Apply today: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith WANT TO Buy a small or medium Evaporative water cooler. 325-2381614 ANYONEMATERIALSBUILDINGWHOcalls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) OPPORTUNITIESBUSINESSFORSALE

CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 3www.thriftynickelofabilene.com AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) *DISTRICT GAME DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION 10/28/2210/14/229/30/228/26/228/19/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/22 Abilene Wylie Odessa LubbockLubbockMidlandAbilenePermianCooperLegacyFrenshipMonterey*AmarilloTascosa*AmarilloCaprock*LubbockCooper*Coronado*AmarilloHigh* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY Class of 1971 Sitzes Storage WE SUPPOT YOU! 3617 Dub Wright Blvd. • Abilene • 325-692-6370 10428980 EAGLES!GO Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428832 WE SUPPORT EAGLES!!YOU JOE ALLEN'S PIT BBQ 301 S. 11th • Abilene • 325-672-6082 10428746EAGLES!GO 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428857 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO ABILENE EAGLES! 4034 N. First • 673-6722 10424081 10428831 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM *DISTRICT GAME ABILENE HIGH EAGLES Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428866 GO BEARS!!BAIRD DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION 10/28/2210/14/229/30/229/30/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM PanhandleRobertMeadowMoranLeeNewcastleChristian Home Ed. Perrin-Whitt*Panhandle*Lingleville*Gorman*Gordon*Bryson* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428847 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO BAIRD BEARS! BAIRD BEARS Chevrolet-Cadillac-Buick-GMC 1385 South Danville • 325-695-8800 Lincoln-Mazda 1300 South Clack St. • 325-695-8811 Volkswagen of Abilene 1350 South Clack St. • 325-673-4663 THE IMPORTANCE OF TEAMWORK 10428986

Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. LAWN/GARDENANYONEWHO calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) HEAVY EQUIP MENT Operator PCT 4 $35,000 Annually plus benefits. Apply www. taylor 1-5.EOE120,4001220jobs.aspxcountytexas.org/or325-674-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuiteAbilene.8-12and THELAWN/GARDENSERVICESLORD


INTERNET FIRSTTECHNOLOGY&REWARDCheck ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www. GO2FBT.com Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details.

ELMDALE FLEA Market 5423 East Hwy 80 Abilene, Rod’s, Reels,Lots of Tools, 2500 Rings and Military Knifes. Open 7 days a week. 9am - 5pm 325669-7722

Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers Clean up & Hauling. Storage Build ings, Garages & Tree limbs. Free 325-238-1614Estimates.

6:24-26 BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Hedges, Removal, Stump Grinding, Cleanups, Planting, Flower beds, River rocks, Bor ders, Edging, Concrete, Pavers, Flagstone, Sidewalks, Retaining Wall, French Drains, Yard leveling, Dirtwork, Patios, Pergolas, Fenc es. Free Estimates. In sured. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius). Victor Hernandez 325518-8031 MOWINGAFFORDABLE & WEED EATING,

ISSUESNOTICESLEGALWITHyour Driver License? Need help with KENNEDYATTORNEY79603N.LETLicenseComplimentaryFREEsessiones,OccupationalRestoration,LicensDWI,DWLI,PosofMarijuana.CONSULTATIONDPSStatusCheckMEHELP!33013rdAbilene,TX325-268-4344JOHNW. and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 LOOKING FOR a ma ture, honest, depend able, and caring female Home Health Attendant for a sweet lovable in dividual with a disabil ity, in family home. No lifting required, light house work, laundry & preparing meals while monitoring & as sisting with individual personal needs. Rotat ing weekends off plus one day off during the week with a 33-40 hour shift per week. $9.95 per hour. If interested Please call 325-6691609


ESTATE SALE 1050 NW 2nd St Hamlin, TX. Fri & Sat 9-2. Jew elry, Artwork, Antiques, Furniture, Collectibles, dishes, Appliances, Electronics, Tools and more! ESTATE GARAGE Sale 1225 Shelton, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. 8/19 - 8/21. 8:00am - 4:00pm. Any offer considered. An tiques, dinnerware, glasses, furniture & misc.

Piano w/bench for sale. Plays great.” P.A Starck Piano Co.” Buyer must load. Pick up in Hamlin, Tx. No texts please. $500 obo. 325-2804440

30X40X10 BARNDOMINIUM,$170,000 Concrete Slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insulation, Septic tank, Sheetrock, Paint. 3 Bedrooms, 1 living area. Many more complete sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-794-7868 SALES ABILENE.COMAMCLASS


AKC MINI Australian Shepherd puppies, 9 weeks, ready. 325-2143324 aussies.comcutencountry TAKING DEPOSITS Schnauzer puppies. Ready 9/17/22. Mid land 432-557-3976432-687-1395, 2 CHIHUAHUA pup pies, 1 white male, 4 months old, 1 tricolor male, 5 months old. Shiny black-white spots, very pretty. 1st shots, nails trimmed. $50. 325-383-4485 AKC LABRADOR Retriever Puppies. Champagne & Fox Red. Born July 16, 2022. 817-296-3236 REGISTERED PUP PIES: Chihuahua’s, Poodles, & Toy Auss ies. 817-304-1225 for Availability & Prices see at crystalskypuppies. com License #131 LOOKING FOR Adult dog, has some train ing to buy, for a house pet, can be medium or large breed. Doberman passed away 2 years ago & haven’t been able to replace yet. Please call Adams 325733-2221 BOSTON TERRIER puppies, Fullblood. Call 325-220-0771 LAB PUPPIES, AKC registered, papers. Yellows & blacks. Vac cinated, dewormed. Call for photos. Accept Pay Pal. $475. 580841-0841 FREE CATS and Kittens to good homes. Call or text 325-201-3876 and leave message. Will return call. BEAUTIFUL, 6 month old female Shepherd/Hus key cross (guess) showed up at country house. Friendly. Free to good home. 325-660-2865 YORKIES - Males $600 & females $900, 8 weeks old. Shots & dewormed. 254-8428723 TINY CHIHUAHUA puppies & Designer pups, vet checked, shots & wormed. Potty pad training & prespoiled. $350 & up. 325-829-0821 POOLS & SPAS NEW UNBOXED Above ground Swim ming Pool 16x33. Filter, pump & tarp included. $150 cash. 325-7952925 BARNDOMINIUM,30X30BUILDINGSPORTABLE$110,000 concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989, 325-7212750, 325-794-7868


FIRST SATURDAY of the Month . AASR DA Flea Market & Craft Fair. Air Conditioned In door and Outdoor. East of Tye Truck Stop on Access Rd. Vendor In formation Contact 325668-1138, 1023 North St. Tye, Tx ANTIQUEFURNITUREBEDROOM chest. Good condition, solid painted wood. $150. 325-513-1620 MODERN LIVING room set, 3 pieces. $500. 325-280-8516

MEDICAL & CLYDEHEALTHNURSING Now Hiring LVNS, RN’S and CNA’s Please apply in per son or call for interview 806 Stephens St., Clyde Tx 79510. EOE. 325-8934288 THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you


RUSTIC COFFEE table, 2 end tables & coffee table w/decora tive Star, Sunny Health Rowing machine (new). 325-203-3444

BACKYARD SALE - Friday & Saturday. 933 Westmoreland St. Misc. New stuff added. Clothes, Winter coats. 7am-? MOVING SALE: Friday, August 19 & Saturday Au gust 20, 2022. 8am -12pm. 3880 N.11th. Tools, Tv, re grigerator, washer & dryer, furniture, misc, air com pressor. 1537 WESTWOOD Dr. 8/19-8/20, Friday & Satur day, 7:30am - 2pm. Multi family household, books, clothes, teacher stuff, kid games and lots more. FIRST EVER Church Wide Garage SaleZion Lutheran Church. 2801 Antilley, August 19 & 20. 8am - 3pm. Inside. more!exercisewasher,sewingens,Books,Christmas,Kitchenware,Crafts,toys,tools,linwasher&dryer,machine,dishrefrigerator,equipment&


PETS AKC REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERDS 8 weeks old and 8 month old German Shepherd puppy. 806-200-0072 or 806-336-2851. ROMANS 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”. SHEPHERDGERMAN Puppies. Very nice quality. Registered, shots, 8210references.guaranteed,325-669MINATURE DACS HUND Piebald puppies. 2 males, DOB 7/8/2022, full blooded, no papers. First shots and wormed. Deposit to hold. Message 325-280-7193

LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts Sept 19th Apply today: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith SALES ESTATE SALE - The Living Estate of Teo Kell and the late Evelyn Kell. Saturday, August 20th, 9am-3pm. Sun day, August 21st, 1pm4pm. 2001 9th Street, Brownwood, Texas 76801. For pictures & more information see Joe Pete & Co. on face book or Petebywood/76801sales.net/Tx/Brownwww.estateProducedEstateSalesbyJoe

PAGE 4 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) TEXAS BUY Needing to Place Your Ad All Over Texas. For more info Call Helen @ 325-673-4521 AmClassAbilene.com325-673-4521ADVERTISEHERE!

781 Walnut, Abilene. Treasures for all ages Tuesday10am-5pmSaturday 325-672-2119

WILL DO yard work & lot cleaning. Residential or commercial. Reason able rates 325—5135578 contact Eddie. LAWN SERVICE Fence Repairs Tree Trimming, Tree Removal. Land Commercialscaping,&Home,LongtermPlansavailable.CallforEstimates 325-668-7755Mike


CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 5www.thriftynickelofabilene.com AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) WESTSPECIALTEXAS We Can Place Your Ad in 6 Cities in West Texas. For more info Call Helen at 325-673-4521 FINANCINGAVAILABLEBUYHEREPAYHERE! MARIA 325-673-9400LOYAHabloEspañol 2150 NORTH 1ST ABILENE, TX NOW HIRING EOE 10428961 CDL Drivers with Tanker & Hazmat preferred EquipmentLaborersOperators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per Diem Paid. 1-830-833-4547 Looking for strong, dedicated, and hardworking individuals who want to be part of our TEAM! - Cook - Laundry - Comp Breakfast - Maintenance (AM/PM Shifts) - Room Attendants - Floor Supervisors - Houseman - Van (mustDriverbe25yrs or older) - PT Night Audit - Pool Monitor - Restaurant Server • Benefits available for Full Time team members that average 30 hours per week • Health & dental insurance • 401K / profit sharing • Paid vacations, team bonus goals, and more! Apply at 4250 Ridgemont Drive Abilene, Weekdays between 9am-5pm. MIN. PAYSTARTING AT$15.00 PER HR. 10428663 Background and drug testing required. WYLIE BULLDOGS 10/28/2210/13/229/23/229/16/229/9/229/1/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 Lubbock WichitaSanLubbockMontereyCooperStephenvilleAngeloCentralPlainview*FallsRider*Lubbock*AmarilloPaloDuro*AbileneCooper* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY 325-893-4224 1317 South Access Road • Clyde, TX 79510LOW PRICE GUARANTEEwww.metalmarts.com STEEL ROOFING • BUILDINGS • CARPORTS • WINDOWS 10428888 TEAMWORK JOE ALLEN'S PIT BBQ 301 S. 11th • Abilene • 325-672-6082 10428745BULLDOGS!GO 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428863 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO WYLIE BULLDOGS! 4034 N. First • 673-6722 10428878 325-928-5744 GO WYLIE BULLDOGS! 10428886 10428830 Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428834 GO BULLDOGS!!WYLIE 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM *DISTRICT GAME DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION 30X50 BARNDO MINIUM $240,000 with 50x10 front porch, 4 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room & 3 Windows, Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-7947868 1500 SQ. Ft. 794-7868325-721-2750,sizes.&Tank,cal,Slab,$190,000.Barndominium40x40ConcretePlumbing,ElectriInsulation,SepticSheetrock,Paintmanymorecomplete325-675-0989,325WANT TO BUY WANTING TO pur chase a Volkswagon Beetle or Dune Buggy. CALL 806-543-4023leave message. HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & TX.MadeHwy967-9985254-977-4443Sheeting,Multi-Purpose,Machines,PlasticPondLiners.254-6545S.US377Stephenville,intheUSA. WANT TO Buy a small or medium Evaporative water cooler. 325-2381614 INDIAN ARROW HEADS WANTED - Point Type: Clovis, Yuma, Firstview & Eden - Must be old, authentic & unbroken / Absolute TOP DOLLAR paid! Up to 5 figures for one point. I am a very serious high-end collec tor: Call 979-218-3351 WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325513-2743. NOW HIRING All Residential Shifts Eve nings and night shifts. Medical, life insurance. 40 hours paid vacation time after 1st year of employment FT em ployees. Must be 21 years old with valid Texas Driver’s License. Affordable insurance starts after 60 days of employment. Must Apply in person. 10am4pm Monday-Thursday 125 Tannehill Dr. Draco Services Inc. EOE IMPROVEMENTSHOME ANDY’S ROOFING. Reasonable Prices, Best Quality in Town! Repairs, Re-Decking, Add-ons, Metal Roof, Windows, Siding Re modeling. Bonded & Insured. Cell 325-6694277, 325-672-1208 CONSTRUCTIONGONZALEZ Tile, Driveways,Concrete,Ceramic,Fencing(New&Repairs)SmallPlumbing,Sewer&DrainProblems,SidewalksPatio’s,Weldingetc. 325-370-2808 LABORER FOR Hire, 1 man, 1 truck. Honest affordable & well done Labor. Call or email to discuss what you need done. comlabordoneright@yahoo.325-212-4652 SALOMON CONCRETEROCHAWORK Driveways, Sidewalks, Storm Cellars, Cinder blockCallfences. 325-236-2543,325-660-4146 TEXAS WIDE ROOFING SYSTEMS All types of Roofs. Metal High Impact Class 4 - 25, 30, 40 & 50 year Shingles. Hot Tar Modified Roll Roofing, Gravel Roofs, TPO, Roof coating & Metal Carports. Radius of 200 miles. TexaswideroofingsysEmail:tems@hotmail.com 325-676-0818 BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Removal, Stump Grind ing, Planting. Difficult or Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. Insured. Free Esti mates. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius) Victor Hernandez 325518-8031 WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also pur chasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325-513-2743.

NOW HIRING!! We continue to grow new positions at Coca Cola Southwest Bever ages!!! We have a Job Fair at the North Holi day Inn Hotel, off West Lake Rd, in Abilene TX on Saturday Aug 20th at 10:00 am. We will be hiring for several posi tions (machine opera tor, order builder, order replenishing merchan diser, mechanical posi tion, forklift operator, CDL drivers, and more) stop by for a on the spot interview!!!

FURNITURE STORE is looking to hire deliv ery/warehouse person help! Need to have a clean driving record. Pay starts at $12 per hour. Apply in person at 1383 S. Danville. Tell them American Classi fieds sent ya! MCM ELEGANTE Suites Now Hiring Looking for strong, dedicated, and hardworking individuals who want to be part of our team!Min. Pay $15.00 per hour. Cook, Laundry, Comp Breakfast. Room Atten dants, Floor Supervisors, Houseman, Van Dirver (must be 25 yrs or older) Night Au dit, Pool Monitor, PT Restau rant server.Benefits available for full time team members that average 30 hours per week. $15 /hr. Background and drug testing required. team bonus,goals and more! Apply in at, 4250 Ridgemont Dr. 9am-5pm, Weekdays CLYDE NURSING Now Hiring LVNS, RN’S and CNA’s Please apply in person or call for interview 806 Ste phens St., Clyde Tx 79510. EOE. 325-893-4288 IT’S NEVER too late to be come what you might have been! FaithWorks FREE Classes could change your life. Next class starts Sept 19th Call 437-2272. FaithWorksofAbilene.orgwww. (AUDITOR’STIVEADMINISTRAASSISTANT office). $32,000.00 + Benefits. www.taylor 8-12Suiteperson.325-674-1220texas.org/jobs.aspxcountyorApplyin400OakStreet120,Abilene.and1-5.EOE

TRANSPORT DEP UTY-SHERIFF Office ,$45,000 yr + benefits. www.taylor 8-12Suiteperson.325-674-1220texas.org/jobs.aspxcountyorApplyin400OakStreet120,Abilene.and1-5.EOE

BRADS TREE ser vice looking for ground hands. Call or text 325829-0667 LAID OFF ? Out of work? FaithWorks. FREE Classes could change your life! Next class starts Sep 19th. Ap ply Today! FaithWorks of Abilene, 1229 N Mocking bird,325-437-2272. DEPUTY COUNTY Clerk $16.00 hr +bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220 NOW HIRING - CUS TODIAN I, Dentist II, Maintenance Spe cialist II / IV, Secu rity Officer, Vehicle Driver (Food Service) — Abilene State Sup ported Living Center • 2501 Maple - www. AbSSLC.org / EOE New StartingSalaries for all em ployees Direct Support Professionals Food Service, Abilene State Supported Living Cen ter http://ABSSLC.ORG FELONY PROSECU TOR $65,000-$85000 yr + DOE + benefits Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220 Now Hiring AntilleySeniorFriday;Housekeepers,Mondaythruoffweekends!Paystartsat$11.00.ApplyWesleyCourtLiving2617RdAbilene,TXEOE NEEDED EXPERI ENCED Farm & Ranch hand. Benefits. Kaddatz Farms 254-892-0394 Hillsboro, Texas. NOW HIRING at Abilene State Sup ported Living Center 2501 Maple - AbSSLC. org / Accountant I, Ac counting Tech II, Clerk I, Custodian I, Dentist II, Maintencance Spe cialist II/Carpentry, Security Officer III, Ve hicle Driver (Transpor tation). Receive amaz ing benefits as a State of Texas employee! Insurance, Vacation Time, Sick Time, Re tirement & more! NOW HIRING at THE ICE HOUSE! Parttime and Full-time positions. Server, Bar tender, and Bar-back. Come to 173 Walnut to apply MondayThursday 2-4pm LEONARD WATER Ser vices is hiring for pump in staller. Come by 6799 US Hwy 277, Abilene, to fill out an application. Must have valid driver’s license. DO YOU love to cook healthy meals? Are you looking for a reward ing work atmosphere? Apply with us! –– DAY NURSERY

WE ARE hiring for COOKS & Cashiers / All shifts! Monday thru Saturday. (CLOSED on Sunday). Must apply in person. Paper applica tion only. MR. BURGER - 6326 Buffalo Gap Rd. GET A new start today! FaithWorks’ mission is to help the unemployed & underemployed through career, academic, personal and spiritual development acquire confidence & skills for a better job. Classes are FREE. Fall class starts September 19 Applications being , accepted now. Faith Works of Abilene, Come by 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2272. sofAbilene.orgwww.FaithWork

COURT REPORTER for Couty Court at Law #2 $60,000 yr + DOE + benefits. EOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5. GRACE MONU MENT is looking for female to do front office and sales. Ap ply in person at 1001 N. Treadaway Blvd., Abilene, TX. ELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM INTERNAL AUDI TOR $50,000 DOE An nually+ benefits. www. taylor 1-5.EOE120,4001220jobs.aspxcountytexas.org/or325-674-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuiteAbilene.8-12and HEAVY EQUIP MENT Operator- Pre cinct #2 $35,000 Yr + benefits. EOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5. NOW HIRING - Ad ministrative Asst. II / Vocational Services, Cook I, Food Service Worker I, Inventory & Storeroom Specialist I, Mananger IV / Ac counting, Registered Therapist II - SLPA Asst. — Abilene State Sup ported Living Center • 2501 Maple - www. AbSSLC.org / EOE HIRING REMODEL ING experience for higher start pay. Spots available for no experi ence as well. Willing to train the right person. 324-627-3188 WORKERMAINTENANCE 1 $120.50 hr + benefits www. taylor 1-5.EOE120,4001220jobs.aspxcountytexas.org/or325-674-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuiteAbilene.8-12and

PIZZA BY DESIGN is looking for daytime help Monday-Friday 11-4. Pay depending on experience. Base $9+/ hour with tips $13-$16/ hour. Apply in person at 3753 Catclaw Drive, Abilene.Areyou an LVN looking to make a real difference for others? Consider join ing our team! Vacation time, sick time numer ous holidays, Health insurance, Retirement plan and Full time hours, Morning, Evenings & Nights available. LVN’s start at $3,499 a month! Abilene State Supported Living Center http:// ABSSLC.org RECEPTIONIST/ IN FORMATION EOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.benefits.Office.Attendant-Veteran’sDesk$25,000yr+www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5.

BUSCANDO GRAN JA Experimentada Y Rancho Cercado Con structor. Buen Sueldo. Llame al 325-480-6681 LOOKING FOR a ma ture, honest, depend able, and caring female Home Health Attendant for a sweet lovable in dividual with a disabil ity, in family home. No lifting required, light house work, laundry & preparing meals while monitoring & as sisting with individual personal needs. Rotat ing weekends off plus one day off during the week with a 33-40 hour shift per week. $9.95 per hour. If interested Please call 325-6691609

CHIEF TANT/FIRSTACCOUN Assis tant Auditor. $80,000 + DOE + benefits. www. taylor 1-5.EOE120,4001220jobs.aspxcountytexas.org/or325-674-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuiteAbilene.8-12and WELDER HELPERS needed, must be able to travel 1 or 2 weeks at a time. Experience a plus! Must have driv er’s license. Call 325725-4062. EPIC CONSTRUC TION is hiring for Class A CDL drivers. Mon day–Friday, flexible schedule, home every night, weekly pay, nice trucks and competitive pay! Call or TEXT Chris Seabourn at 325-6601596. ASSISTANT CRIMI NAL District AttorneyCPS and Civil Salary DOE Benefits includ ed-Paid 100%. www. taylor 1-5.EOE120,4001220jobs.aspxcountytexas.org/or325-674-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuiteAbilene.8-12and INSTALLER


DEPUTY Clerk$27,000 yr + benefits

HTEAO ABILENE is looking for energetic, positive folks who love sweet tea (and a little coffee) and making people SMILE! Now hiring Full-Time, PartTime and Seasonal. Apply at 3210 S. 14th, Abilene LABORER FOR Hire, 1 man, 1 truck. Honest affordable & well done Labor. Call or email to discuss what you need done. comlabordoneright@yahoo.325-212-4652

level and experience.


EMPLOYMENT Start your Food Service Career at the Abilene Supported Living Cen ter! Vacation time, sick time numerous holidays, Health insurance, Retire ment plan and Full time hours guaranteed hours. Morning and Evening Shifts. Make a differ ence to others. $1925/ Mo Abilene State Sup ported Living http://ABSSLC.orgCenter

DOMESTIC RELA TIONS Clerk $12.50 hr +benefits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Applications are accepted until filled. .EOE 325-674-1220 LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply to day: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325-437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith

PAGE 6 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22)

PROSECUTORMISDEMEANOR DOE + benefits. EOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5. I position open at Lamar Advertising (bill board company.) 40 4 - 10 85% DL. at LAMAR.com Officers $40,000 yr + terSupportedandFoodSupportforNewEOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5.StartingSalariesallemployeesDirectProfessionalsService,LVN’sRN’sAbileneStateLivingCenhttp://ABSSLC.ORG

COUNTER EOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5. of ABILENE / abilene.org/applywww.daynursery COMPUTER TECH NICIAN $40,000 yr + benefits, EOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5.

10428969 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER326TH DISTRICT COURT $95,000.00 plus benefits • PERMANENT PART TIME LAW LIBRARY CLERK Salary DOE • DEPUTY CLERK - DISTRICT CLERK $32,000.00 yr. + Benefits • RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY JUVENILE DEPARTMENT $30,000.00 yr. + Benefits • RECEPTIONIST/INFORMATION DESK ATTENDANT- VETERAN’S OFFICE $25,000.00 yr. + Benefits • COMPUTER TECHNICIAN $40,000.00 yr. + Benefits • MAINTENANCE WORKER I $12.50 hr. + Benefits • MATH TEACHER $40,000.00 yr. + Benefits • FELONY PROSECUTOR $65,000.00 - $85,000 yr. + DOE + Benefits • COUNTER DEPUTY CLERK $27,040.00 yr. + Benefits • ASSISTANT CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY - CPS AND CIVIL Salary DOE + Benefits Included - Paid 100% • MALE/FEMALE JUVENILE SUPERVISION/DETENTION OFFICERS $40,000.00 yr. + Benefit • LANDSCAPING/CONSTRUCTION$32,423.02 yr. + Benefits • FEMALE/MALE CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS $40,000.00 yr. + Benefits • PATROL DEPUTY - SHERIFF’S OFFICE $45,000.00 yr. + Benefits • HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORPRECINCT #2 $35,000.00 yr. + Benefits • 911 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR - SHERIFF $36,500.00 yr. + Benefits • TRANSPORT DEPUTY - SHERIFF OFFICE $45,000.00 yr. + Benefits TAYLOR COUNTY is NOW HIRINGhttps://www.taylorcountytexas.org/Jobs.aspx325-674-1220 Full Time benefits include 100% County-paid Employee Medical & Dental Insurance, Paid Life/Disability Insurance, Retirement & Vac/Sick Leave Applications are available on the website at https://www.taylorcountytexas.org/Jobs. aspx or in the Taylor County Plaza, 400 Oak Street, Suite 120, Abilene, Texas. Office hours are 8-12 & 1-5. EOE • LVN Starting Salary: $44,000 yr. + Benefits Apply at 6249 Buffalo Gap Rd. 325-665-7375Custodians • Pay DOE • Insurance Bus Drivers • Pay DOE • Insurance • Must have CDL with a P and EndorsementS 10428685 WYLIE ISD NOW HIRING!EOE ¡Buscando personas fuertes, dedicadas y trabajadoras que quieran ser parte de nuestro EQUIPO! - Cocinero - Dept. de lavanderia - Persona de desayuno gratis - Mantenimiento (Turnos am/pm) - Servicio de habitaciones - Supervisores de piso - Houseman - Van (debeDrivertener25 años o más) - Auditoría nocturna PT - Monitor de piscina - Servidor de restaurante • Beneficios disponibles para miembros del equipo de tiempo completo que promedian 30 horas por semana • Seguro médico y dental • 401K / participación en los beneficios • Vacaciones pagadas, metas de bonificación de equipo y más. Presenta tu solicitud en 4250 Ridgemont Drive Abilene Días de semana entre las 9:00 A. M. Y las 5:00 P. M. SALARIOCOMENZANDOMINIMO$ 15.00/HR. 10428658 Se requieren pruebas de antecedentes y de drogas. CLYDECENTERNURSING Please come by for an On The Spot Interview to 806 Stephens Street Clyde, Tx 325-893-428879510EOE LVN’s • RN’s • CNA’s All Shifts NOW HIRING: New Wage Scale for LVN’s, CNA’s and RN’s 10428927


PETROSMITH - Now Hiring! WELDERS & FITTERS! (Sign On Bo nus after 90 days - must pass Welding Test)Competitive Benefit Pkg (F/T Employees) Medical, Vision, Den tal, Retirement & 401k - We provide the high est level of profession alism, quality, safety and expertise in the industry. Send Resume to: online!combseals@petrosmith.orcheckusout

amazing ben efits as a




APPLY IN PERSON –Will be driving a TOW TRUCK. CDL is not required. Must be able to pass a drug test. Must be over 21 years of age, due to insur ance requirements. Job will be on call 24/7 with alternating week ends off. Pay depends on experience. Must live in Sweetwater. Office is at 700 W. Broadway. Rosado’s Wrecker Service JUVENILEMALE/FEMALE Supervi sion/Detention Of ficers-$40,000 yr + benefits. EOEAbilene.OakApplyaspxcountytexas.org/jobs.www.tayloror325-674-1220inperson.400StreetSuite120,8-12and1-5.


MATH TEACHER $40,000 Yr + benefits. www.taylor 8-12Suiteperson.325-674-1220texas.org/jobs.aspxcountyorApplyin400OakStreet120,Abilene.and1-5.EOE LAID OFF ? Out of work? FaithWorks. FREE Classes could change your life! Next class starts Sep 19th. Ap ply Today! FaithWorks of Abilene, 1229 N Mocking bird,325-437-2272. NOW HIRING Experi

Insurance, Vacation Time, Sick Time, Retirement & more! NEEDED.DISHWASHER Apply

hours, full benefits and a


of the time. Must be hard-working, not afraid of heights and a valid

NOW HIRING at Abilene State Support ed Living Center 2501 Maple - AbSSLC.org / Food Service Worker I, Groundskeeper I, Inven tory & Storeroom Spe cialist I, Laundry/Sewing Room Worker I, Man ager I - Unit III Director, Rehab Therapist II - SLPA Assist., Rehab Teacher I - Procurement Specialist. Receive State of Texas employee! at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770 www. taylor 1-5.EOE120,4001220jobs.aspxcountytexas.org/or325-674-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuiteAbilene.8-12and ence Chef, Line Cook, & Fry Cook at Galves ton Seafood Company. — Experience and De pendability the top Salary depends skill Full Time and Part Time needed.818 E. High way 80, Abilene, TX

hour day work week

CLEAN, INC. is hiring com mercial cleaning technicians in Abilene and Sweetwater. Experience is preferred but will consider training. Must have drivers license and transportation. Salary will vary from $11 to $15 per hour. To apply call 325-6906650, leave a voice message or text messsage.

SOCIAL SECURITY Dis ability/SSI Been Denied? Never Give Up! Free Appeal Today! No Fee EVER Unless Approved! 404-964-7285 LVN’S STARTING Salary $44,000+ Bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 p.m. and 1pm-5p m. Applications are ac cepted until positions are filled. EEO 325-6741220 as.org/jobs.asxtaylorcountytex

LIBERTY GUN Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family, valuables and firearms. HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254967-9985 (or) 254-9774443

NOW HIRING at Abilene State Support ed Living Center 2501 Maple - AbSSLC.org / Food Service Worker I, Groundskeeper I, In ventory & Storeroom Specialist I, Laundry/ Sewing Room Worker I, Manager I - Unit III Director, Rehab Thera pist II - SLPA Assist., Rehab Teacher I - Pro curement Specialist. Receive amazing ben efits as a State of Tex as employee! Insur ance, Vacation Time, Sick Time, Retirement & more!

NOW HIRING FOR all po sitions! Make a difference in your life with a great job, and great people too! Ap ply today in person at 4400 Ridgemont Dr. 325-698-2000 / Abilene, TX (EOE) HOUSE LEVEL ERS Needed. Call 325-208-6072

FULL TIME Custodial position with Benefits. Working weekends re quired, For Details to Apply. Call Pioneer Drive Baptist Church 701 South Pioneer Abilene, Texas. 325-692-6776

American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © 2022 Call us at (325) 673-4521 to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media.

HIRING EXPERI ENCED moreatcianMaintenanceHandyman/Techni–ContactJonathan325-338-9930forinfoortoapply!

VENILESECRETARYRECEPTIONIST/JU Department. $30,000 yr + benefits. Ap ply www.taylor Abilene.400674-1220as.org/jobs.aspxcountytexor325-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuite120,8-12and1-5.EOE MEDICAL NOWNEEDEDHELPHIRING

CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 7www.thriftynickelofabilene.com AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) COOPER COUGARS DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION 10/28/2210/14/229/30/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 Grand AmarilloSanAbileneSalineHighAngeloCentralElPasoCoronadoOdessaPermianRivercrestWichitaFallsRiderPaloDuro*Plainview*Lubbock*Wylie* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428833 WE SUPPORT COUGARS!COOPERYOU 4034 N. First • 673-6722 10428879 JOE ALLEN'S PIT BBQ 301 S. 11th • Abilene • 325-672-6082 10428747COUGARS!GO TurnkeyStorage Visit Us At: 4200 N. 1st• 2001 S. 41st • 1315 San Jacinto Go Cougars! 10428829 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428860 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO COOPER COUGARS! 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM *DISTRICT GAME 10/28/2210/28/2210/14/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 Breckenridge*SweetwaterEastlandCiscoMerkelBallingerVernon*JimNed*Bowie*IowaPark*Bowie* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY 325-893-4224 1317 South Access Road • Clyde, TX 79510LOW PRICE GUARANTEEwww.metalmarts.com STEEL ROOFING • BUILDINGS • CARPORTS • WINDOWS 10428887 TEAMWORK 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428845 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO CLYDE BULLDOGS! CLYDE NURSING CENTER 806 Stephens Street Clyde, Tx 79510 Now Hiring CNA’s: 325-893-4288 10428882 GO CLYDE BULLDOGS! We Support You! Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428871 GO BULLDOGS!!CLYDE 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM CLYDE BULLDOGS *DISTRICT GAME DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION CONCEPTS IN STONE, 1221 N Tread awayAbilene, TX is look ing for installers helper. Must have Drivers license. Must be able to lift 75 lbs; must be dependable. Pay will be discussed at interview. Please apply at our of fice, or you can call Dave at 325-280-2222 Are you an LVN looking to make a real differ ence for others? Con sider joining our team! Vacation time, sick time numerous holidays, Health insurance, Re tirement plan and Full time hours, Morning, Evenings & Nights available. LVN’s start at $3,499 a month! Abilene State Support ed Living Center http:// ABSSLC.org NOW HIRING - Elec tromechanics, a manu facturer of circuit break ers, is now hiring for an assembly line worker. Starting pay is at $14.00 per hour with bonuses up to $2.00 per hour for showing up. Bring a resume to: 16 Indus trial Dr. / Sweetwater, TX Sweetwater I’M LOOKING for a job. I know how to cook, con struction and landscaping. Text me if anyone is looking for help! 325-232-5394 PATROL DEPU TY- Sheriff’s office. $45,000 Yr + benefits. www.taylor 8-12Suiteperson.325-674-1220texas.org/jobs.aspxcountyorApplyin400OakStreet120,Abilene.and1-5.EOE

NOW HIRING at Abilene State Sup ported Living Center 2501 Maple - AbSSLC. org / Accountant I, Ac counting Tech II, Clerk I, Custodian I, Dentist II, Maintencance Special ist II/Carpentry, Security Officer III, Vehicle Driv er (Transportation). Re ceive amazing benefits as a State of Texas em ployee! Insurance, Va cation Time, Sick Time, Retirement & more!

All Resi dential Shifts Evenings and night shifts. Medical, life insurance. 40 hours paid vacation time after 1st year of employment FT employees. Must be 21 years old with valid Texas Driver’s License. Affordable insurance starts after 60 days of employment. Must Ap ply in person. vicesTannehillMonday-Thursday10am-4pm125Dr.DracoSerInc.EOE

ELWOOD STAFFING - The kids are back in school! What are you going to do with your FREE TIME? Currently recruiting for: Admin istrative Asst. / CNC Machinist / Custodian / Packer – Call or text: 325-692-900 (or) ap ply at 3218 S. 27th St., Abilene EOE NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547.

for our



ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 LITTLEAPARTMENTSFORRENTELM Con dos,5440 S 7th Prices starting at. 1 bed rooms, 1 Bath $605, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath 695, 2 bedroom 2 bath $755. water paid, Spacious, room to entertain inside or out! $1495- Across from park, brick, laminate floor, 2 bath, 2 car garage. Pet w/ & approval. love has no ending; it only travels to find its repentant souls. His son Jesus up his cross the difficult path suffering sins. God’s love real forgiving earth it be heaven. / All shifts! Monday thru Saturday. (CLOSED on Sunday). Must apply in person. Paper applica tion only. MR. BURGER - 6326 Buffalo Gap Rd. $925 ROOMY 3 bed room home, 3 blocks to Abilene High ! Dalzell Re altor. www.dalzellrealtors. com. 325-677-2246 NO DEPOSIT! Military Welcome HUD Renters. Teekoy Properties. Du plex/ house 1/1 $575, 2/1 $650, 610 S Leggett. 325677-5625 WE PAY


cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325513-2743. 3 BEDROOM UNIT. $1495 Across from park, brick, laminate flooring, 2 bath and 2 car garage. Dalzell Realtor. www.dal zellrealtors.com. 325-6772246 ROOMS FRONTIERRENTFORINN3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, more2687parking.TV,Refrigerator,MicrowaveCablePetFriendly,TruckCall325-677-Alwaysdeliveredthatexpected. DO YOU REMEM BER? The average price for a median home in August of 1962 was only $19,500.00! ~ “If I had only bought 2 or 3 of them back in the day!”.....

FORCOMMERCIALPROPERTY/SALESALE or Lease 835 CR 207,3000 Sq ft building with mini loft apartment, office, shop with 2 overhead doors,4 acres fenced 2 carports 2000 sqft each. Chamberlain Trust -325-665-9986 CLYDE N. I-20 frontage, 6.23 acres 1 bath, ch/a, carport. $700 month. Call 325-6915911 COUNTRY LIVING Remodeled 3 Bed room, 2 baths, front & back porch, large carport, large yard. $1200/$800. Refer ences & 1 year lease. Clyde 325-660-2202325-370-8676, THE VILLAGE, $20 come.ups.WasherStove,Homes.FEEAPPLICATION2&3bdrmCH/CA,refrigeratorDryerhookMostpetswel325-691-0795.


BEST CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Quick Closing, Any Condition, No closing cost. 25 Years Buying/Sell ing Homes in Abilene! Call Today 325-677-7543 MCA Partner Licensed Agent.


and followed

between Sonic and Blake Fulenwider Dodge. All utilities, no re strictions. 2 way traffic. Call for more information and survey. Jim Turkett, 325-518-8128, Jimmy Par tin Realtors LOTS/ACREAGEFORSALE40+ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —(Land address is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Selling at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-6693278 - if no answer, please leave message. SEPTIC SYSTEMS in stalled Residential and Commercial. 325-9285744 LAND FOR Sale By Owner, .8 Acre land at 1182 Marc, Buffalo Gap, Texas. Electricity, water, sewer, are avail able. 325-660-5751325-225-3030, YOUR NEW Realtor. Let me help you find your new dream home or property. Call or text me today! 325-3700686. Alfredo Salas Hablo Espanol. FOR SALE or Lease 835 CR 207,3000 Sq ft building with mini loft apartment, office, shop with 2 overhead doors,4 acres fenced 2 carports 2000 sqft each. Chamberlain Trust -325-665-9986 FOR SALE or Lease Fast Food Restaurant off I—20 Near Hwy. 351 Abilene Texas For Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440. 2000 SQ Ft Office space for lease at cor ner of Buffalo Gap Rd & Chimney Rock. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325698-4440. HOUSESRENTFOR 3 BEDROOM units $1050 Clyde, 2 bath, doublewide, updated. Out side pet with deposit and approval Dalzell 325-677-2246www.dalzellrealtors.com.Realtor. LITTLE ELM Con dos,5440 S 7th Prices starting at. 1 bed rooms, 1 Bath $605, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath 695, 2 bedroom 2 bath $755. water paid, close to Dyess, stove, fridge, dishwasher, fireplace, w/d connections. Call for viewing. 325-6900123. 1 BEDROOM unit $750Woodcrest apts! Nick brick duplex with big rooms and laundry hookups! Dalzell Realtor. www.dalzellreal tors.com. 325-677-2246 IN CLYDE, 4 bedroom. $1200 monthly. 512 Ori ole, Clyde, Tx. 325-6601905 3 BEDROOM unit. Culde-sac location. Just min utes from Dyess front gate, tile flooring.$1695 month. Dalzell 325-677-2246www.dalzellrealtors.com.Realtor. 2 BEDROOM UNIT. $950- Teakwood Town house, private back yard and all appliances including washer and dryer. Dalzell Realtor. www.dalzellreal tors.com. 325-677-2246 MANUFACTUREDHOUSINGSALE$53,800,2019 Park Lane 205, 2 bedroom, 2 bath single wide mobile home to be moved from Stamford at buyers expense. For appointment call 319930-0748 UNFURNISHEDAPTS/HOMECOUNTRYLIVING in Clyde - 2 bedroom, 2 bath. $550 month, plus utilities. 718-690-5385 2 BEDROOM,


close to Dyess, stove, fridge, dishwasher, fireplace, w/d connections. Call for viewing. 325-6900123. 282COMMERCIALPROPERTY/RENTRUIDOSAC2 Warehouse, Approxi mately 1160 sq ft of space includes 8x10 office space. $525 monthly. Cooksey and Company Realtors, LLC 325-698-3820. SELF STORAGE Merkel Tx. Badger Self Storage 1930 N 1st. Abilene North Self Stor age 3225 Pine St .Clark Road Storage 433 Clark RD. Cooksey and Com pany Realtors, LLC 325-698-3820. ELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COMELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM Duplex/House 1-1 $575 2-1 $650 610 S. Leggett ManagementOwnership/UnderNew RENTFOR No (325)CallWelcomeMilitaryDepositHUDRentersUsat677-5625 10428836 Call Us at (325) 677-5625 NOW HIRING Make Ready Person for Duplex and painting outside. Salary, paid vacation + Free Housing. Must have all tools and truck. Come to appointment with your truck and tools. 610 Leggett 325-677-5625Drive 325-698-3820 www.cookseyrealtors.com 10428967 SELF STORAGE MERKEL Badger Self Storage 1930 N 1st ABILENE Abilene North Self Storage 3225 Pine St Clark Road Storage 433 Clark Rd 282 RUIDOSA C2 Warehouse, Approxi mately 1160 Sq/Ft of space, includes 8X10 office area, 1 Yr $525 MONTHLY 1634 RHODES House, 2/1/1, Gas Stove, Refrigerator, W-D Conn, Window AC, Floor Heat, No Pets, 1 Yr $725 MONTHLY 625 GRAPE House 2/1/1, Stove, Microwave,Refrigerator,W-DConn,GarageandCarport,FencedYard,SmallPetsOK,1Yr $675 MONTHLY FOR SALE OR COMMERCIALFORLEASERENTFORSALE 10428715 FAST RESTAURANTFOOD OFF I-20 NEAR HWY 351 FOR SALE OR LEASE 2,000 SF OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE AT CORNER OF BUFFALO GAP RD AND CHIMNEY ROCK 842 S. Alameda 3 bed 1.5 bath, 1 garage, updated throughout, granite countertops, all kitchen appliances, no smoking. $1,275 mo./$1,275 deposit 11966 Highway 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 bed 2 bath plus bonus room over 2,800 sq ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for sideby-side all on 15 acres $600,000 509 Riverside Blvd. Custom built 3 bed 2 bath 2 dining 2 garage home in 1997. 1904 sq ft. Open floor plan, high ceilings, fireplace, well established neighborhood with gorgeous trees. New carpet, paint & fixtures August 2022. $260,000 10428823 FOR RENT 809 East Hwy 80 • Abilene, TX 677-2246 10428711 FREE RENTAL LIST BY EMAIL OR FAX! dalzellrealtors.com Rent homes! For a list of Rental Homes email: homes@abilene.com, or go to www.AbileneAOR.com 1 Bedroom units: $750- Central Heat/Air & Water paid. Near United, Wash this Way, and CVS 2 Bedroom units: $895- Recenlty redone. Updated CH/CA, paint, texture, appliances and laminate flooring. $950-Teakwood Townhouse, private backyard and all appliances including washer/dryer 3 Bedroom units: $925- Updated paint, laminate flooring. One car det. Garage. 3 blks to AHS. $1050- Clyde, 2, bath, doublewide, updated. Outside pet w/ deposit & approval. $1150-CUTE! Near McMurry, 2 car. Gar. Updated paint and wood floors, CH/CA. $1095- Brick, large backyard, Pet w/ approval & Dep. Laminate flooring throughout. $1395- COOPER area. Large 2 car garage.


GOD BLESS THE UNBORNTelephoneCHILDRENMan 3 BEDROOM unit. $1050 Clyde, 2 bath, doublewide, updated. Outside pet w/ deposit and approval. Dalzell Realtor. www.dal zellrealtors.com. 325-6772246 WE ARE hiring for COOKS & Cashiers

1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes Starting at $500 • Stove, Fridge, W/D Connections • Fenced Yards • Pets Welcome *Some restrictions and conditions apply Meadow Ridge Estates Whispering Oaks Continental Villa Call for 325-692-5006Availability Close DYESStoAFB 10428966 *WE ONUTILITIESYOURPAYSOME. "We Have The KEY To Your New Home!" CALL FOR DAILY www.werentabilene.comUPDATES! 325-690-0123 10428641 KEY PROPERTY LITTLE ELM CONDO 5402 SOUTH 7TH ST: 2/2-2/1-1/1-$659/$125$749/$125$799/$125 WILLOW PARK APTS 2404 NO. WILLIS ALL BILLS PAID! 1/1- $759/$99 2/1- $859/$99 1 BDRM/1 BATH: 161 S. Pioneer #54- $649/$649 2 BDRM/1 BATH: 2334 $999/$600Palm3 BDRM/1 BATH: 910 N $1,199/$750$1,199/$800Jefferson-3150S7th3 1.5BDRM/BATH: 741 S. 4626$1,199/$650LaSalle-CloverLn-$1,199/$800658NWillis-$1,200/$750 3 BDRM/ 2 BATH: 2942 45024518$1,599/$750Arrowhead-Edgemont-$1,499/$1,000DonJuan-$1,299/$1,000 4 BDRM/ 1 BATH: 5389$899/$600Questa10428975 THE FORGIVER I wonder Lord, does our shame show in our soul for the sins we have committed? Will God forgive us for our shameful sins? Please Lord, look at the strength of our faith and hearts, not at our wrongdoing on this earth. For we can run and hide, but our soul will always show the dark scars of our life. Only God will be the forgiver who allows all sins to be erased. For God,


PAGE 8 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) LOOKING FOR A PAPER? Here are some of our locations with larger quantities! Market Street - Buffalo Gap Rd. Dollar Tree - 1790 Hwy 351 Walmart - 1619 Ambler United Supermarket - 970 N. Willis (North & South Exits) Super Walmart - Southwest Drive Conoco - 1433 N. Willis United Supermarket - S. 14th Street Cash Saver - Sayles Blvd. Drug Emporium - 2550 Barrow Allsup’s - 2310 Barrow Dixie Pig - 1403 Butternut Allsup’s - 2401 S. 1st Dollar Tree - 133 Sayles Each issue hits racks on Thursday! (325) 673-4521 for more info. VIEW ONLINE at: www.AmClassAbilene.com WeFINANCINGAUTOPLEXAVAILABLEarenowofferingBUYHEREPAYHERE! DONNIE 325-864-2830DANIELS 2441 INDUSTRIAL BLVD. ABILENE, TX 10416817 AmClassAbilene.com325-673-4521ADVERTISEHERE! HOUSESSALEFOR HAULING TRASH Brush & Junk Cleaning Garages, Mow ing & WeYouDemolitionhaveit,willhaulit. Free 325-260-6060Estimates 5317 FAIRMONT 3 br 2 bth. Fenced yard. Garage, Open living and kitchen. $1295/ Month. Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440 EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. OPEN HOUSE, 3209 Russell, Sunday, August 21, 2022. 2:00pm to 4:00pm. EASTLAND, TEXAS - New Clayton Mobile Home. 2 bedroom / 2 bath, 1088 sq ft, built in 2021, microwave, d/w, laundry room, refrig erator. Never lived in or hooked up. New A/C with warranty. $72,000 (817) 307-9246 TO BE MOVED. HOME FOR SALE1341 N. 7th Street • Must See!!!! House must be moved / Ask ing $12,000 - CALL or TEXT 325-669-3278. 11966 HIGHWAY 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 Bed room 2 bath plus bo nus room over 2,800 square ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for side by side all on 15 acres. $600,000 Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440 3341 S 27th Duplex, 2/1/1/. stove, Dish washer, Central HeatAir, W/D Conn, 1 car garage, Water paid, No Pets. 1 yr. $925 Monthly. Cooksey and Company Realtors, LLC 325-698-3820. MOVE IN Ready, South side 3 bedroom, central A/C, fridge, range, dish washer, disposal, washer & dryer, new paint inside and outside, new roof, new laminate floors & car pet. Call for showing 325518-8128, Jim Turkett at Jimmy Partin Realtors. COUNTRY LIVING, close to town at 6949 West Lake Road. Spa cious 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with large living and fam ily rooms, fireplace, extra space used for storage that could be 2 more bed rooms, cellar, covered parking for 4, storage shed. Cross fenced to al low for horse or other large animals, call for showing, Jim Turkett at Jimmy Par tin Realtors, 325-695-4235325-518-8128, 2017 CHAMPION Home For Sale. 14x28, central air & heat. Serious inquiries only. No rent to own. $45,000. 254-4330747 REAL BARNDOMINIUM,30X30FORESTATESALE$110,000 concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989, 325-7212750, 325-794-7868


CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 9www.thriftynickelofabilene.com AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. ANSON TIGERS Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428870 GO TIGERS!!ANSON BARBARA FLORES - AGENT 112 Hamilton St. • Stamford, TX 79553 325-773-2176 • fax: 325-773-3868 GObflores@haskellcountyins.comANSONTIGERS!! 10428937325-823-40463.5 miles East of Anson on Hwy 180 new & saddlesused&tack MUCHAnd MORE! LAY-A-WAY PLANS • OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY 8-4 10428977 THE SADDLE SHACK Get 'em Tigers! 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428859 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO ANSON TIGERS!ColoradoArcherSeymourCityDublinHaskellHawley*(Colorado City)* Stamford*Winters*Olney*Cisco* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM10/28/2210/14/229/30/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/22 DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION *DISTRICT GAME STAMFORD BULLDOGS BARBARA FLORES - AGENT 112 Hamilton St. • Stamford, TX 79553 325-773-2176 • fax: 325-773-3868 GObflores@haskellcountyins.comSTAMFORDBULLDOGS!! 10428936 Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428876 GO BULLDOGS!!STAMFORD 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428848 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO STAMFORD BULLDOGS!BallingerHaskellHamlin Pantego Christian ColoradoWinters*(Arlington)Olney*Cisco*Anson*Hawley*(ColoradoCity)* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM10/28/2210/14/229/30/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/21/2211/4/22 DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION *DISTRICT GAME

2018 CHEVROLET Equinox Premier Sport Utility 4D, Automatic, 4-Cyl Turbo 1.5 Liter, FWD, only 86k miles - Vincent Motor Com pany 325-673-6633 2014 CHEVROLET Captiva Sport Fleet LT, Black, Gray inte rior, Automatic - 143k miles. Abilene Used Car Sales • (325) 6739400 2018 TOYOTA RAV4 $24,499. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-9998931 2018 HYUNDAI San ta Fe $24,995. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325999-8931 AUTO PARTS L SHAPE Fuel Tanks, good condition $300 each. 325-338-0185

CLASSICCLASSICTRUCKSANDStreet Rod Appraisals, Certified Appraiser with 40 years experience. Jim Turkett, 325-518-8128, jimturkett@ aol.com SPORTS CARS EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, 806-632-6936AbileneperformanceQuadrajetsparts.-Sweetwater.

FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, more2687parking.TV,Refrigerator,MicrowaveCablePetFriendly,TruckCall325-677-Alwaysdeliveredthatexpected.

2021 NISSAN WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith LIBERTY GUN Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family, valuables and firearms. HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254967-9985 (or) 254-9774443 WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325513-2743. CLASSIC CARS CLASSIC 1983 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme, 34,000 steer ing column shortened 3 inches and seat moved back 3 inches. New lug gage trunk with cover. Very clean, runs great & parade ready. Comes with 6 model A style wheels & tires. Also included 2005 Ranger boat trailer converted to car hauler with alu minum ramps. Extra 2.3L engine (fuel inject ed) & 5 speed transmis sion from 93 Mustang. Hubert 325-232-5827 FUN LITTLE two seater convertible, 2002 Toyota MR2 Spy der. Body, engine, tires good. New top! $5200 obo. 325-333-9472

Sentra $25,994. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-9998931 FIRST REWARD Check ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www. GO2FBT.com Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details. 2013 HONDA Accord $15,762. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-9998931 2020 NISSAN Maxi ma $36,495. Clark Nis san of Abilene 325-9998931 I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! 2003 DODGE Da kota SLT crew, 4x4, V8, 168k miles, one owner since 8000 miles. PW, PS, PL, grill guard, liner, toolbox. Good driving truck $5000. Call 325-8933242 2009 TOYATO Cam ry, 4 cylinder, auto matic, good condition, needs some cosmetic work, $3000 obo. 325338-1178 DO YOU REMEM BER? The average re tail price for unleaded gas in August of 1962 was only $0.31 cents per gallon! ~ “Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end.....” 2019 FORD Mustang $46,888. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-9998931 GET A new start today! FaithWorks’ mission is to help the unemployed & underemployed through career, academic, personal and spiritual development acquire confidence & skills for a better job. Classes are FREE. Fall class starts Sep tember 19 Applications be ing , accepted now. Faith Works of Abilene, Come by 1229 N. Mockingbird 325-437-2272. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith 2020 NISSAN Maxi ma $26,499. Clark Nis san of Abilene 325-9998931 LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply today: 1229 N. Mocking bird 325-437-2772. FaithWorksofAbilene.orgwww. ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts Sept 19th Apply today: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2772.

miles, garage kept. $11,000. 325949-1617. REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, 806-632-6936AbileneperformanceQuadrajetsparts.-Sweetwater. ANYONE WHO calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) 1929 FORD model A Replica $19,000. Origi nal Ford 2.3L 4 cylinder engine with 13,212 miles, C-3 automatic transmission, power rack & pinion steering, front disc brakes,

SUVS 2015 TOYOTA 4Run ner $34,949. Clark Nis san of Abilene 325-9998931 THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 2020 NISSAN Ar mada $36,992. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325999-8931

ROMANS 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”. REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, 806-632-6936AbileneperformanceQuadrajetsparts.-Sweetwater. MOTORCADE Your Weekly Automotive Source 2016 Buick Enclave 3P1046A $19,188 2018 Cadillac XT5 3J1024A REDUCED! $32,000 2015 Chevrolet Equinox ................................... 3P9809B .... REDUCED! $14,288 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab ...... 3P1045B ...................... $25,888 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe ...................................... 3P1035A ...................... $41,188 2018 Ford Explorer .......................................... 3P9789A ...................... $26,200 2022 Ford F-150 Supercrew ............................ 3J1029A ...................... $65,758 2013 Ford F-150 Supercab 3P9750A REDUCED! $13,988 2014 Ford F-250 Crew Cab 3P9781B REDUCED! $33,800 2020 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab 3P9797 $48,500 2016 GMC Sierra 1500 Reg Cab 3P9805 $18,000 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe 3P1057 $25,588 2019 Kia Sorento 362037B REDUCED! $25,500 2017 Nissan Titan Crew Cab ........................... 3P9763......................... $31,000 2010 Toyota 4Runner ....................................... 3P1034......................... $18,588 2017 Toyota Camry .......................................... 363058A ...................... $18,188 2018 Toyota Highlander ................................... 3J1003A .... REDUCED! $30,888 2020 Toyota Tundra Crew Max 362017B $41,000 2014 Toyota Tundra Crew Max 3P1006 $33,788 2020 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 CREW $37,000STK#3P1014 2020 RAM 1500 CREW CAB Stk#3P9737B REDUCED!$43,588 2020 FORD F-150 SUPERCREW Stk#3P9753B REDUCED!$38,188 2016 MAZDA CX-5 Stk#3P1058REDUCEDLOTS$18,000OFPRICES!2015 FORD EXPLORER Stk#362030A $17,800 $22,000Stk#3J1028B2018 VW PASSAT REDUCED! REDUCED! WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM 4131 North 1st 325.437.3677Street 10428752 WE FINANCE • NO CREDIT CHECK AND AVAILABLE!MOREMANY 2010 Nissan Cube 2008 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 2016 Kia Forte 2012 Chevy Tahoe 2014 Kia Sorento DON’T MISS THIS DEAL! 2014ToySportsmanHauler 34ft, 5th wheel, 1 slide, sleeps 6, Has never been smoked in and no pets inside $22,900 Call 325-439-1728 10428973

PAGE 10 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) SERVICESWHATDOYOUOFFER? Call us at (325) 673-4521 EVERYONENOTisonSOCIALMEDIA WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM GREATCARSSHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, 977-4443254-967-9985Stephenville,TX(or)2542015 CHRYSLER 200 Limited Sedan 4D, Automatic, 2.4L, FWD, 110k milesVincent Motor Com pany 325-673-6633 99 BUICK Le Sabre, 155k miles, runs good, clean inside & out, good paint, no dents, has transmission leak $1600. 325-660-0273 IT’S NEVER too late to become what you might have been! FaithWorks FREE Classes could change your life. Next class starts Sept 19th Call 437-2272. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith FAITHWORKS MIS SION is to help the un employed and under em ployed through career, academic, personal and spiritual development ac quire the confidence and skills for a gainful and longterm employment.Classes are FREE. The next class starts September 19, 2022 Applications are being ac cepted now. FaithWorks of Abilene 1229 N. Mocking bird, 325-437-2272. FaithWorksofAbilene.orgwww.

MCM ELEGANTE Suites Now Hiring Look ing for strong, dedicated, and hardworking individu als who want to be part of our team!Min. Pay $15.00

per hour. Cook, Laundry, Comp Break fast. Room Attendants, Floor Supervisors, House man, Van Dirver (must be 25 yrs or older) Night Audit, Pool Monitor, PT Restaurant server.Ben efits available for full time team members that aver age 30 hours per week. $15 /hr. Background and drug testing required. team bonus,goals and more! Apply in at, 4250 Ridgemont Dr. 9am-5pm, Weekdays BLACK POLLED Bulls Angus Limousin & Lim FLEX. 325-669-6452 GERMAN SHEP HERD Puppies. Very nice quality. Regis tered, shots, guaran teed, references. 325669-8210 ALFALFA HAY for sale. All quality delivered in semi truckloads amounts. Toll free. 1-877-285-8200 HOME FOR SALE1341 N. 7th Street • Must See!!!! House must be moved / Ask ing $12,000 - CALL or TEXT 325-669-3278. SMALLSERVICE:ACREAGE Mowing, FREERowFence,Plowing,ClearingESTIMATES 325-668-5972 BILLY’S DIRT CONSTRUCTION& Backhoe Work, Septic Systems, LotDemolition.Clearing, Billy Bilbrey - Owner 325-338-4018 L SHAPE Fuel Tanks, good condition $300 each. 325-338-0185 40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —- (Land ad dress is 4137 For rest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Selling at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-6693278 - if no an swer, please leave message. ROADSDRIVEWAYSDUMPTRUCKS&BUILT & RE PAIRED. Topsoil, Gravel & Bin 10 Hauled, Tan dems & Belly Dumps, Dozers, Motorgraders, Loaders, Box Blades. 40 years 325-676-0304experience. DO YOU REMEM BER? The average re tail price for unleaded gas in August of 1962 was only $0.31 cents per gallon! ~ “Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end.....” HEAVY EQUIP MENT Operator PCT 4 $35,000 Annually plus benefits. Apply www. taylor 1-5.EOE120,4001220jobs.aspxcountytexas.org/or325-674-Applyinperson.OakStreetSuiteAbilene.8-12and HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & TX.MadeHwy967-9985254-977-4443Sheeting,Multi-Purpose,Machines,PlasticPondLiners.254-6545S.US377Stephenville,intheUSA. GWET OILFIELD SER VICE & SUPPLY Rods, Tubing, Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Rebuilds & Service Work. Call Gene Scotty325-338-0185,325-668-4882 LARGECROSSOVER Toolboxes, good condition $300 each obo. 325-3380185 NEEDED EXPERI ENCED Farm & Ranch hand. Benefits. Kaddatz Farms 254-892-0394 Hillsboro, Texas. AMERICA’S #1 Safe. Protect your family, valuables and firearms Available. HPS LIB ERTY GUN SAFES 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,Tx. 254967-9985 or 254-9774443 www.libertysafe. com WELDER HELPERS needed, must be able to travel 1 or 2 weeks at a time. Experience a plus! Must have driv er’s license. Call 325725-4062. WHEATBEARDLESS Hay. Irrigated, fertilized, no weeds, 5x5 round bales. Deliv ery available 325-2772281 KN FENCING CO. Specializing in Barbed Wire, Pipe Fencing, Net Wire, Cattle Guards, Entrances, Gates, Welding & Painting. 325-480-6681 www.knfencing.comgensilva@hotmail.comjuer CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. ABILENE.COMAMCLASS

2018 NISSAN Titan $22,635. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-9998931 2019 FORD Ranger $35,989. Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-9998931

CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 11www.thriftynickelofabilene.com AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) &FARMRANCH For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook page for details. 10429013 ESTATE AUCTION SAT. AUGUST 20, 2022 10AM SKAGGS ESTATE 19950 HWY 6 • GORMAN, TX Due to Mr. Skagg’s passing, the following will be sold by Public Auction. REAL ESTATE Absolutely Wonderful 5 Bedroom, 4 bath home, Huge Kitchen, Safe Room, Dining Room, Situated on 16+ Acres. Also has Extra Living Quarters out back and a 24x48 3 Bay Door Shop with another Shop and Greenhouse!!! 2 Stock Tanks, Lots of Trees, Absolutely Wonderful Place, Custom Built! • Property Sells As Is • Property Sells Cash • Property Sells at 12 Noon • Property Sells subject to heir approval • Winning Bidder must put $25,000 in Escrow sale day with Balance within 30 days at Closing • Alex Whitten - Broker 325-260-3563 • For more info - Call 325-370-1111 STORAGE CONTAINERS • TRACTOR • ATV 2- 40’ Sea Containers to be moved; 1- 53’ Moving Van with Wheels - Clean; 901 Ford Tractor; 6’ 3pt Shredder; 3 pt Bucket; 2016 Can am 800 Commander 4x4Very Clean, Runs Great! FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Oak China Cabinet Bow Front; Oak Dresser; Oak Roll Top Desk; Grandfather Clock; Vintage Radio; Scottish Buffet; Sofa; End Tables; Chaise Lounge; Dressers; Chests; Ref/Freezer; Washer & Dryer; Plus Much More!! ANTIQUES Cream Separator; Primitives; Porcelain; Saddles; Crocks; Salt Glaze Crocks; Milk Glass; Fenton; Pyrex; Lanterns; Cast Iron; Vintage Paintings; Copper Pots; RC Cola Thermometer; Cotton Scales; Wash Pot; License Plates; Vintage Toys; Vintage Bicycles; Vintage Washing Machine; Chicken Nester; Vintage Kitchen; Wagon; Quilts; Plus Much More!!! JEWELRY • CLOTHING David Yurman Ladies Watch; Rolex Style Watches; 14k & Sterling Rings & Necklaces; High End Costume Jewelry; New in Box Shoes; Clothing w/ New Tags; Boots; Western Clothing; Plus Much More!! Folks, this is a Super EstateLots & Lots of Super Goodies Here! DO NOT MISS THIS SALE! 10429009 Last of the things from John & Sharon’s life on the YL Ranch Bird’s Eye Maple: 3 Chests/Wardrobe/Rocker;4 Sofa’s, Dining Tables, Dining Chairs, Mission Oak Recliners, Rockers, Occ Chairs, Art: Dozens Pictures/Frames, Glassware: Clear/Red/Colored/ Milk Glass; Rugs, Kitchen Pots/Pans/Utensils; Misc Mirrors, Bed & Table Linens, Golf Clubs, BOOKS and so MUCH MORE! Pics on FB @ KINCAID AUCTION SERVICE HOUSE KASH & Web 9-6-2022++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++@kashauction.homestead.comUPCOMINGAUCTIONSTwoEstatesofHouseholdFurniture/MiscTaylorCo.TaxProperties300Oak,Ab,TX10am+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++CominginSept:SilverCollector’sLiquidation: Over 120 Chests of Silverware, Assorted Individual pcs, Serving Pcs; Also 100+ Belt Buckles & Costume Jewelry. We will be working on it in the next weeks and have a list of Patterns/Makers available soon. There are only 2 sets Sterling Silver. I will be posting pictures next week!! ++++++++++++++++++JKincaid TX6987++++++++++++++ KASH 325-676-4077 or Saturday800-446-5282August20, 2022 @ 9:25am VIEW: @ 9am @ 1905 Cottonwood, Abilene, Tx 79601 LARGECROSSOVER Toolboxes, good condition $300 each obo. 325-3380185 SONNY JONES Weld ing. Repair & straighten cracked wheels. Alloy, Aluminum, Magnesium, Steel. Mention the ad and get $10 off repairs. 1902 N Treadaway. 325.672.1731. RVS 2007 FORREST River Wildwood, bumper pull. 2 slides, great condition. Lots of storage space. Sleeps 8 - 10. Located in Avoca. $17,000. 325-4288640 NEEDED.DISHWASHERBOATS Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770 2005MOTORCYCLEHARLEY Road King with Touring Pack age, garage kept, excel lent condition. 325-6681101 SUZUKI BURG MAN, 2006 650cc Monster Scooter. 100+ mph, 45mpg. Rides 2 large people. New tires, battery, oversize windshield, custom backrest, recent ser vice. Runs perfect. First $2850 Cash obo. 325-721-7819 ROMANSTOOLS10:9

2020 DODGE Du rango GT, 8-Speed Au tomatic, White Knuckle Clearcoat, 20” Wheels, 3.6L V6 • Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-9998931

2017 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500 Crew Cab LTZ, 4D 5 3/4 FT, Black, 4WD, 122k miles - Vincent Motor Co. 325-673-6633 2003 DODGE Dako ta SLT crew, 4x4, V8, 168k miles, one owner since 8000 miles. PW, PS, PL, grill guard, lin er, toolbox. Good driv ing truck $5000. Call 325-893-3242

2022 CHEVROLET Silverado 2500HD High Country, 4D Crew Cab, 4WD, Mosaic Black Metallic, Leather, and more!! Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-999-8931 LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply to day: 1229 N. WorksofAbilene.org325-437-2772.Mockingbirdwww.Faith LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts Sept 19th Apply today: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith 2019 DODGE Char ger SXT, Pitch Black, 3.6L V6 - 19/30 City/ Hwy • Clark Nissan of Abilene 325-999-8931

CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547. NOWAUCTIONSBOOKING Auctions. Col Weldon Auctioneer TX License #7337 Call me! 325721-7413 CATTLE 38 NICE Black and Black Whiteface Cows. Three To Six Years Old $1,250 –– Call 254-2234610 DORPER RAMS from 1-1/2 years old to 8 months old, Icon, Powell, Holman bloodlines, good condi tion and gentle. $350-375 each. • Will have Dorper ewes for sale soon, Pow ell, Holman bloodlines. 830-278-0082 FARM & RANCH SEA CONTAINERS. Can customize. Rent to own available. (866) 4682791. Credit accepted.cards 30X30 BARNDOMINIUM,$110,000 concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989,

“That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”. TRUCKS 95 CHEVY 1 ton, cab & chassis, 350 engine, 5 speed, runs great $2500 obo. 325-3381178

NOWCOMMERCIALTRUCKS&TRAILERSHIRING 325-7212750, 325-794-7868 FOR SALE! 200 acre farm, Eola,TX, FM 765 and Jarrett Road. For sale by owner. Call 325456-3359 COASTAL HAY. Horse & cow qual ity. Truck load delivery available. 325-6426718, Comanche,325-642-3342Tx.

NEWTRAILERSTEXASBragg 5x8, steel floor, 3500lb axle, $1200. Call 325338-0185

per foot, 13C R-85 Tubing buttress threads, good clean, $7 a foot. 325338-0185 USED



of both


BULLDOZER WORK Any type Farm & Ranch, Residential or Oilfield. Roads built, Fence lines, Stock Tanks, Dug or Cleaned. 40 years 325-676-0304experience.

DORPERSHEEP RAM Lambs Available – $500 Call (830) 708-5930 Marion, TX HUNTING & MATTHEWSFISHING HTR Bow, ready to hunt. Hardcase included $500. 325-280-8476

HAY FOR Sale Call for Price & type. 325-6421215


FIVEASH QUARTER HORSES, 2021 DICK SONOITA / POCO BUENO Bred AQHA colt and fillies. Gentle, good-minded, a kind eye, big bone, bulldog conformation, color & cow sense. J B Fiveash - Ballinger, TX. 325-8951606 NEED 2 Bow & Dove Hunters, Brazo River, Northwest Haskell County. Place to park trailer year round. $1500 per hunter. 940200-0201 160 ACRES for sale in Cottle County (Pa ducah), TX with white tail, mule deer, quail and hogs. 806-2694742 MCM ELEGANTE’ Bus cando personas fuertes, dedicadasy trabajodoras que quieran ser parte de, nuestro EQUIPO! Sala rio Minimo Comenzando $15:00 Hour. Cocinero, Dept.de lavanderia, Per sona de desayuno cedentesquieren9:00DiasRidgemonttesentaSeriforPT,oDriver,(aebeitaciones,am/p,)Maitenimimento(turnosgrastis,ServiciodehabHouseman,Vantener25anosmas)AuditorianocturnaMonitordePiscina,derestaurante.Prtusolicituden4250driveAbilene,Desemanaentrelaslas5:00pm.Serepruebasdeanteydedrogas.

For 100 up to 500 head of cows on year round pro gram. 660/492-2859 LEASEPASTUREWANTEDPASTURE or wheat grazing needed for cows or calves. Have equipment/ brush control, fenc-ing. Short term/after deer season ok. Bart Koerth 254681-1498 GRASS LEASE needed by the head, by the month or annually, long term lease preferred, referenc es available. 325-642-2784

FARM DOGS & PUPPIES 3/4 BORDER Collie, 1/4 Kelpie puppies, ready to go, born 6/7, both parents work. $300 each. Call or text: 325-207-1255

FELONY PROSECU TOR $65,000-$85000 yr + DOE + benefits Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm EOE 325-674-1220

I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! SAMSUNG 150 -2 format end loader, Cummins engine, 6800 hours, 3 cylinder buck et. $28,000. Located in Comanche, Texas. 254842-8212 DOMESTIC RELA TIONS Clerk $12.50 hr +benefits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Applications are accepted until filled. .EOE 325-674-1220 COLTS STARTED ROP ING LESSONS David Maltais 325-201-3882 RANCH HORSE Gray gelding — 15.2 hands, 1300 pounds, twelve years old (year branded), good at all ranch chores: branding, doctoring or sorting, sound in every way — this gelding is old man gentle. 903-474-1266

colt and fillies. Gentle, good-minded, a kind eye, big bone, bulldog conformation, color & cow sense. J B Fiveash - Ballinger, TX. 325-8951606 LIANPYRENEES/ANATOCROSSguard dog puppies for sale, out of working parents, currently in the pen with sheep & goats. Ready to go now for $175. 325-226-4903 OIL NEWEQUIPMENTFIELD3 1/2 LFS Inte gral thread 8.8 pound per foot. $10 a foot. 325-338-0185


Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled.

GREAT SHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, 977-4443254-967-9985Stephenville,TX(or)254TROPHY WHITE TAIL DEER HUNT Including a nice cabin for five days. (325) 9399386 or 325-450-6732 PAM’S PETS • In-Store Shopping. Quality Pet Food at incredible pric es! Specializing in handfed birds, small animals like hamster & guinea pigs, exotic reptiles, her crabs, huge range freshwater & salt water fish. 3366 N. 1st, Abilene, TX 325-675-6285 TAURUS Spectrum 380 auto Pistol, $200 each. 325-338-0185 HUNTING Lots Birds, mostly white wings. 5 minutes from Abilene. 325-280-7278 2 Bow & Dove Hunters, Brazo River, Northwest Haskell County. Place to park trailer year round. $1500 per hunter. 940200-0201 GUN Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family, valuables and firearms. HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254967-9985 (or) 254-9774443

BLACKLIVESTOCKPOLLEDBulls Angus Limousin & Lim FLEX. 325-669-6452 CALVESLONGHORN For Sale. Blackwell area. 432631-2819 FIVEASH QUARTER HORSES, 2021 DICK SONOITA / POCO BUENO Bred AQHA 3 1/2 9.2 pound 3 1/2”

LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply to day: 1229 N. WorksofAbilene.org325-437-2772.Mockingbirdwww.Faith LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts Sept 19th Apply today: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith PRIEFERT S04 squeeze chute & preg nancy testing cage, used twice. 325-6506231 BRONCOFEED SEED &GRAIN COMPANY –Custom Seed Cleaning • Certified Beardless Wheat ~ Seed For Sale Call 325-514-1779 . Stamford, TX GOATS 50 TOP Quality Running-Age Nannies Ready To Breed CALL 325-650-6235 HELP WANTED HIRING EXPERI ENCED Hunters. Must be in good physical condition, have clean driving record, clean criminal record and provide references. Need seasonal or part time guides for profes sional hunting service. Hunt multiple species and earn on average from $300- $425 per day. Email resume service.comjroche@magnumguideto: CENTRAL TEXAS ranch is seeking a full time ranch hand. Hous ing and vehicle fur nished. (512) 282-1685 HORSEHORSESSALE! Cle burne, Texas Every Wednesday Night 6pm. Selling Good Riding Horses Also, Top Loose Horse Mar ket. 469-595-6870.254-744-5563, HORSES TRAINED

(254) 967-2563

DEPUTY COUNTY Clerk $16.00 hr +bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm pm EOE 325-674-1220

Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled.

different col ors.REDUCED


lined tubing, 9.9 pound per foot, L80 clean $6.50 a foot. 325-338-0185




PAGE 12 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) DRIVEWAYSDUMPTRUCKS&ROADSBUILT&REPAIRED.Topsoil,Gravel&Bin10Hauled,Tandems&BellyDumps,Dozers,Motorgraders,Loaders,BoxBlades.40Yrs.Experience.325-676-0304 PLACE YOUR AD HERE (325)www.AmClassAbilene.com673-4521 10428628 10428741 • Driver License Restoration • Occupational Licenses • DWI, DWLI, Possession ofLICENSEMarijuana SUSPENDED? 3301 N. 3rd • Abilene, TX 79603 325-268-4344 ATTORNEY JOHN W. KENNEDY 10428949 FREE CONSULTATION Complimentary DPS License Status Check LET ME HELP! 10429007 ***DOWNSIZING AUCTION *** Saturday, August 20th, 10:00am 491 County Road 419, Coleman, Tx. 76834 From HWY 84, take CR 470 West appx 4 miles, turn left on CR 419 and go 1 1/2miles and watch for signs Online Absentee bidding is Opening on selected http://tnkauctionservice.hibid.com/auctions/currentitemsToomanyitemstolist!!!!!!!!MOREITEMSBEINGADDED!!!!!!!!!!! Items in this auction include, but are not limited to: TOOLS • HOUSEHOLD & MISC • OUTDOORS *Barnett Wildcat crossbow*Barnett Demon crossbow*Outers Astro compound bow*Browning Spartan re-curve bow*sleeping bags*backpack*soft pow pow cases*Bee keeping gear*misc hunting items*SKS 7.62x39*Mortimer side by side shotgun*Remington 870 Wingmaster 12g pump*Wichester Model 1897 12g pump*Mauser & Werke Model HSC 7.65 (.32)*Astra A-75 45auto*Rem ington 20g ammo*Winchetser 12g ammo*misc 12g ammo*Remington 45 auto ammo*Winchester 45 auto ammo*American Eagle 45 auto ammo*Browning 45 auto ammo*Browning 45 auto ammo*Misc 45 ammo*Wnchester 22lr am mo*CCI select 22lr ammo*CCI 22lr mini maxi mag ammo*Remington Thun derbolt 22lr ammo*7.62 x 39 ammo*Wolf 7.62 x 39 ammo*380 ammo*30-06 military ammo*Remington 30-06 ammo*38 ammo*32 ammo*25 auto ammo*30 cal ammo*38 spl ammo*CCI maxi mag ammo*308 brass*.32 brass*45 auto brass*9mm brass*380 brass*7mm brass*223 brass*38 brass*ear mufflers*am mo pouches*stripper clips*misc magazines*monocular*Tannerite*throwing knives*BB’s*slingshot ammo*RCBS electronic scale*RCBS uniflow powder measure*RCBS Model 50-0-5 reloading scale*RCBS 38 spl dies*RCBS case lube pad*RCBS 223 dies*RCBS 45 ACP crimper*RCBS 45 ACP dies*RCBS powder trickler*RCBS Sidewinder case tumbler*KD tools precision measuring tools*Federal primers*SOG knife*Ozark Trail knife*machete*Leupold spotting scope*smokeless rifle powder*smokeless pistol powder*smokeless ball pow der*ammo storage cases*12g shotgun wads*Lyman trimmers*Wilson neck die 25-06/30-06*Wilson 25-06 bullet seater*Lyman bullet molds*Lyman casting thermometer*RCBS bullet mold*1/4” pellet molds*reloading tools*misc reloading supplies*RCBS pro melt*misc brass*misc gun parts*tumbler medium*misc lead shot*223 bullets*45auto bullets*RCBS dies*RCBS presses*RCBS case mater gauging tool*RCBS primer feed*cleaning rods*barrel vise*rods & reels*Coleman cook stoves*lanterns* lots of reloading bullets*10,000+ primers* All items are sold “as is” without guaranty or warranty Cash or check (with proper ID), NO out of state checks accepted No buyers premium TNK AUCTION SERVICE Kevin Barclift (Auctioneer) TX Lic# 17348 325-372-7333 Email: tnkauctionservice@yahoo.com Web: www.tnkauctionservice.com ED TRUCKINGKINNEY Gravel, Sand, Topsoil, Driveways,MobileTractor. 325-668-4491 LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts September 15th Apply to day: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325-437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith LOOKING FOR a job? Find a better life! Faith Works offers FREE career and skills training for the unemployed & under em ployed. Next class starts Sept 19th Apply today: 1229 N. Mockingbird 325437-2772. WorksofAbilene.orgwww.Faith SUDAN HAY for sale, round bales, fertilized & irrigated. 432-212-9081


1998FARM/HEAVYEQUIPSUNDOWNER threehorse slant, front tack room. $12,000 . Located In Comanche, Texas. CALL

CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 13www.thriftynickelofabilene.com AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) ABILENE CHRISTIAN HS PANTHERS 10/22/2210/22/2210/14/229/24/229/23/228/27/229/2/2210/1/2210/8/2210/21/2211/4/22 3:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 3:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM LubbockIrionHermleighTitansCounty Harvest Christian Academy* Trinity Midland San Jacinto Christian Academy Highlands Irving Highlands Irving* Covenant Classical Ft Worth* Covenant Christian Colleyville All Saints Episcopal School Lubbock* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION *DISTRICT GAME 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428858 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO ACHS PANTHERS! Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428867 GO PANTHERS!!ACHS DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION 10/28/2210/14/229/30/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/21/2211/4/22 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM GreenwoodEstacadoLakeIdalouViewPecosBigSpringClydeLubbockMidland*Graham*HirschiWichitaFalls*Snyder* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY *DISTRICT GAME 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428843 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO SWEETWATER MUSTANGS! Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428877 GO MUSTANGS!!SWEETWATER SWEETWATER MUSTANGS DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION 10/28/2210/14/228/25/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Comanche*Jacksboro*Eastland*CoahomaStantonCliftonClydeBangsDublin*Millsap* NEUTRALHOMEAWAYHOMEAWAYHOMEAWAYHOMEHOMEAWAY MERKEL BADGERS 10418885 325-928-5744 GO MERKEL BADGERS! 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428844 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO MERKEL BADGERS! *DISTRICT GAME Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428875 MERKEL!!GO 1704 N. 1st Merkel, Tx • 325-928-5673 MERKEL NURSING CENTER We Support you! GO MERKEL BADGERS American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media.

PAGE 14 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM CONCRETE SALOMON CONCRETEROCHAWORK Driveways, Sidewalks, Storm CinderblockCellarsfences. 325-236-2543,Call325-660-4146 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTIONGONZALEZ Tile, Driveways,Concrete,Ceramic,Fencing(New&Repairs)SmallPlumbing,Sewer&DrainProblems,SidewalksPatio’s,Weldingetc. 325-370-2808 DIRTWORK ED KINNEY TRUCKING Gravel,Driveways,TractorSand,Topsoil, Mobile 325-668-4491 BILLY’S DIRT CONSTRUCTION& Backhoe Work, Septic Systems, LotDemolition.Clearing, Billy Bilbrey - Owner DRIVEWAYSDUMPTRUCKS325-338-4018&ROADSBUILT&REPAIRED.Topsoil,Gravel&Bin10Hauled,Tandems&BellyDumps,Dozers,Motorgraders,Loaders,BoxBlades.40Yrs.Experience.325-676-0304 DOZER SERVICE DRIVEWAYSDUMPTRUCKS&ROADSBUILT&REPAIRED.Topsoil,Gravel&Bin10Hauled,Tandems&BellyDumps,Dozers,Motorgraders,Loaders,BoxBlades.40Yrs.Experience.325-676-0304 FARM & CONSTRUCTIONRANCH BULLDOZER WORK Any type Farm & Ranch Residential or Oilfield. Roads built, Fence Lines, Stock Tanks, Dug or Cleaned 40 Yrs. Experience. 325-676-0304 FENCECLEARINGLINEFENCING KN FENCING CO. Specializing in Barbed Wire, Pipe WeldingEntrances,CattleNetFencing,Wire,Guards,Gates,&Painting juergensilva@hotmail.com325-480-6681www.knfencing.com HANDYMANFIREWOODHAULING HAULING Trash, Brush & Junk. Cleaning Garages, Mowing & Demolition. You have it, We will haul it. Free Estimates 325-260-6060 HOUSE CLEANING HOUSELANDSCAPELEVELINGSERVICESLAWNCARE LAWN SERVICE Fence Repairs, Tree Trimming, Tree CommercialLandscaping,Removal,&HomeLongtermplansavailable.Callforestimate! Call 325-668-7755Mike: BUILDINGSMETAL SERVICESOILFIELD GWET SERVICEOILFIELD&SUPPLY Rods, Tubing, Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Rebuilds & Work.ServiceCall Gene Scotty325-338-0185,325-668-4882 SHREDDINGROOFING SMALLSERVICE:ACREAGE Mowing, Plowing, Fence, Row Clearing FREE ESTIMATES 325-668-5972 TREEWELDINGSERVICES BUSINESSSERVICES& DIRECTORY ELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COMWWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM 10428454Call Lee: 325-669-0672 30x40x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1 Walk-in Door, 8x7 Roll-up Door Sale Price: $27,400 30x30x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1 Walk-in Door, 8x7 Roll-up Door Sale Price: $20,000 30x50x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1 Walk-in Door, 8x7 Roll-up Door Sale Price: $34,500 Lee’s Concrete METAL BUILDINGS BILLY’S DIRT & CONSTRUCTION Billy Bilbrey325-338-4018Owner • Backhoe Work • Septic Systems • Lot Clearing • Demolition 10426752 ADPLACEYOURHERE (325) 673-4521

CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 15www.thriftynickelofabilene.com AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) ALBANY LIONS TrinityCrossComancheSeymourDublinChristianHawleyMiles*Plains*Roscoe*Hamlin* Texas Leadership (Abilene)* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428864 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO ALBANY LIONS! Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428868 GO LIONS!!ALBANY 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM10/28/2210/14/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION *DISTRICT DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION 10/28/2210/14/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Jim Ned Roosevelt ColoradoEastland(Lubbock)AlbanyAnson*(ColoradoCity)*Winters*Olney*Stamford*Cisco* HOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEHOMEAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAYAWAY Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428873 GO BEARCATS!!HAWLEY 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428842 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO HAWLEY BEARCATS! HAWLEY BEARCATS *DISTRICT GAME DATE TIME OPPONENT 10/28/2210/14/228/26/229/2/229/9/229/16/229/23/2210/7/2210/21/2211/4/22 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM *DISTRICTBreckenridge*RockdaleHollidayHawleyWallEastlandBowieClyde*Vernon*iowaPark*GAME JIM NED INDIANS 10428883 325-928-5744 Go Jim Ned iNdiaNs! 1409 N Treadaway Abilene, Tx 79601 325.673.8333 FINE CIGARS • PIPES & ACCESSORIES • TOBACCO • VAPES Come See Us! 10428862 Jerry’sSmokeShop GO JIM NED INDIANS! Call Us About Our Move-In Specials Teekoy Properties 325-677-5625 10428874 GO JIM INDIANS!!NED LOCATION NeutralHOMEAWAYAWAYHOMEAWAYHOMEAWAYHOMEAWAY 4541 Catclaw Dr 513-2743 Big Country Gold & Custom Jewelry REPAIR , RESTORE, RESTYLE YOUR JEWELRY! Turn your scrap CASH!into goldbuyerabilene.com American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © 2022 Call us at (325) 673-4521 to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media.


ingreceivedelectronicstructiontabulatedwillelectronic2:002022.day,PM,receivedBAIRDISD.ORG,BIDS@andbefore2:00localtime,ThursSeptember15,Thereafter,atPM,allsealedproposalsbeopenedandbytheConManager.Anysubmissionsaftertheclostimeof2:00PM will not be accepted. A complete proposal tabulation will be made available on the Con struction Manager’s website as soon as practical after opening of electronic propos als. After proposals are opened and tabulated, post proposal confer ences will be conduct ed as necessary, and recommendations pre sented to the Owner for consideration of awarding contracts. Due to the 8/24/2022proposal.eachbydanceBaird,600Administration2022day,11:00enceAbeingreceivedHARDtembertime,beforenotTXWestministrationliveredbecally,submittedatrict.encouragedsubmissionelectronicplace,socialrecommendationsongoingfordistancinginthemethodofproposalisstronglybytheDisIfforsomereasonproposalcannotbeelectronihardcopiesshallsentordirectlydetoBairdISDAdOffice,6007thStreet,Baird,79504andreceived,postmarked,onor2:00PM,localThursday,Sep15,2022.AnyCOPYproposalsaftertheclostimeof2:00PMwillreturnedunopened.pre-proposalconferwillbeheldatAMonWednesSeptember7,attheBairdISDOffice,West7thStreet,TX79504.AttenisencouragedarepresentativeoffirmsubmittingaRUN:8/17,#5375523

• #77

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10428816 that TurnKey Storage - Abilene North located at 4220 N. 1st St. Abilene, TX intends to sell the personal property described below to satisfy a landlord’s lien imposed on said property. The property will be sold at public sale by competitive bidding through the online auction services of www.bid13.com (preview now) ending on September 8th, 2022_ at 11:00 a.m. Contents of units are generally described as household goods unless otherwise indicated. Lori L. Burrell, Delores Cooper, Beverly A. Murray, Alexis Willis, Brandon E. Stephens, and Shaynna J. Oursso Purchases are subject to terms provided online.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10428724 that TurnKey Storage - Abilene East, located at 1315 San Jacinto Dr. Abilene, TX intends to sell the personal property described below to satisfy a landlord’s lien imposed on said property. The property will be sold at public sale by competitive bidding through the online auction services of (www.bid13.com) (preview now) ending on Thursday September 8, 2022 at 12:00 a.m. Contents of units are generally described as household goods unless otherwise indicated. Darrel Keckler, Areauna Wiseman, & Lucovin Mitchell Purchases are subject to terms provided online.

• #162

NOTICE CREDITORSTO Notice is hereby given that original Letters Tes tamentary for the Estate of Deanna Sue Duvall, Deceased, were issued on August 9, 2022, in Cause No. 31224, pend ing in the County Court of Taylor County, Texas, to: Loree Ann Elliott. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being ad ministered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: John T. Montgom ery Attorney at Law P.O. Box 2948 Albany, Texas 76430 DATED the 15th day of August, 2022. /s/John T. Montgomery John T. Montgomery Attorney for Indepen dent Executrix State Bar No.: 24097010 P.O. Box 2948 Albany, Texas 76430 Telephone: (325) 704-4357 Facsimile: (325) 704-4358 attorney@jtmfirm.comE-mail:


PAGE 16 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)AUGUST 18, 2022 (8/18/22 - 8/24/22) 10428988

• #41

NOTICE CREDITORSTO Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Administration for the Estate of Steven James Farrar, Sr., Deceased, were issued on June 23, 2022, in Cause No. 30721, pending in the County Court of Taylor County, Texas, to: Steph anie Marie Williams. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being admin istered are required to present them to the un dersigned within the time and in the manner pre scribed by law. c/o: John T. Montgomery Attorney at Law P.O. Box 2948 Albany, Texas 76430 DATED the 15th day of August, 2022. /s/ John T. Montgomery John T. attorney@jtmfirm.com(325)704-435776430BoxBardentAttorneyMontgomeryforIndepenAdministratorStateNo.:24097010P.O.2948Albany,TexasTelephone:(325)Facsimile:704-4358E-mail: 10428990

NOTICE CREDITORSTO Notice is hereby given that original Letters Tes tamentary for the Estate of Norma Jean Swanner Deceased, were issued on February 9, 2021, in Cause No. 30837, pend ing in the County Court of Taylor County, Texas, to: David Jacob Swan ner. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the un dersigned within the time and in the manner pre scribed by law. c/o: John T. Montgomery Attorney at Law P.O. Box 2948 Albany, Texas 76430 DATED the 15th day of August, 2022. /s/John T. Montgomery John T. attorney@jtmfirm.comE-mail:simile:(325)TexasP.O.StateAttorneyMontgomeryforExecutorBarNo.:24097010Box2948Albany,76430Telephone:704-4357Fac(325)704-4358

**NOTICE OF SALE** Under the provisions of Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code (Chap ter 576 Acts of the 68th Legislature Regular Session 1983), U-STOR ABILENE, 3545 N. Sixth St, Abilene, Texas 79603, will hold a pub lic sale of delinquent units in order to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Bids will be accepted at www. Bid13.com to begin on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 at 1:30 PM and will be sold Wednes day, August 31st, 2022 at 1:30 PM to the high est bidder for CASH. Units to be sold are: #E6 Raquel Sanchez - tall table, 2 stools, boxes. #E20 Thomas Faubi on - Tonka toy, cooler, misc. items. #F19 Teon nda Payne - tv, bed, fan, misc. items. #G5 Cheryl Williams - washer, dry er, toys, boxes. #N12 Cameron Arredondoclothes. #O9 Dalton Pul len - scales, sofa, bed, fishing poles. #O11 Juan Cortez-Diaz - 3 tires & rims. #T4 Thomas Faub ion - tools, misc. items.10428941 OF SOUTH TREADAWAY SELF STORAGE This property is being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien Richard Spykes Furniture, Appliances, Boxes Mary Hancock Furniture, Household Items Sandra Torres Household Items, Furniture Tommy McGowan Furniture, Household Items Joel Benites Furniture, Household Items Willie Morris Tools, Furniture, Household Items 23 Richard Spykes Camper Trailer, Household Items Facility Location: 3318 S. Treadaway Blvd. Abilene, TX 79602 Auction will be held online at: storageauctions.com Auction will begin Friday, August 12, 2022 at 10:00 am and end Friday, August 26, 2022 1:00 pm Storage Auction Terms and Conditions: This is an ONLINE auction. You are bidding on the entire contents of each unit. Pictures of the contents will be posted on the site. The entire contents of the unit will be sold, and the winning bidder must take everything out of the unit, leaving it broom-swept so that it can be immediately re-rented. You MAY NOT use the dumpster on site. There are no guarantees or warranties on anything in the unit, so BUYER BEWARE. All sales are FINAL. Unless you have a copy of your resale exemption certificate with you, you will be charged sales tax. You will also be required to post a $100 cash deposit for any or all units at each location. This deposit will be returned if the unit(s) is/are emptied and cleaned within the time line established for each location. If you fail to clean the unit out, you will forfeit your deposit. You MUST pay for your purchase in cash before you collect the contents of the unit. made at the time of the auction supersede any printed announcements.

• #108


NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters of In dependent Administration for the Estate of Randall Robert Koza, Deceased, were issued on July 29, 2022, under Case No. 31095 in the County Court of Taylor County, Texas, to Sarah Graham, Inde pendent Administrator. Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for the estate, addressed as follows: John O. Scott 104 Pine St., Ste. 502 Abilene, Texas 79601 All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Dated August 15, 2022. John O. Scott At torney for Administrator State Bar No. 24059159 325-665-5289 jod.scott@gmail.comTelephone

NOTICE FORAPPLICATIONOFINJECTIONWELLPERMIT L.C.S. Production Company P O Box 6663 Abilene, TX 796086663 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for an injection permit to dispose of oil and gas waste by injec tion into a formation pro ductive of oil or gas. The applicant proposes to inject into the Fry forma tion, Kissell, well number 4WI. The well is located 2.5 miles Northeast of Shep, TX in the Kissell (Fry, Upper) field in Tay lor County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth inter val from 4500 to 4,820 feet. LEGAL AUTHOR ITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, As amended, Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commis sion of Texas. Requests for public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected or requests for further mentalofconcerninginformationanyaspecttheapplicationshouldbesubmittedinwriting,withinfifteendaysofpublication,toEnvironServicesSection,OilandGasDivision,RailroadCommissionofTexas,POBox12967Austin,Texas78711.(512-463-6792).

• #152

• #159

• #P

PUBLIC NOTICE Competitive sealed pro posals for the Baird ISD Weight Room & Secu rity are being accepted by Baird Independent School District. Pro posers may obtain an electronic copy of contract documents by contacting the Con struction Manager, Gallagher Construction Services, 3501 Token Drive, Suite 100, Rich ardson, Texas 75082, 972.633.0564. An electronic copy of the contract documents will also be furnished to area plan rooms. Electronically submit ted proposals shall be submitted to


NOTICE CREDITORSTO Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Administration for the Estate of Danny Lynn Hebel, Deceased, were issued on August 10, 2022, in Cause No. 2021-052, pending in the 259th Judicial Dis trict Court of Shackel ford County, Texas, to: Allen Ray Hebel. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being ad ministered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: John T. Montgomery Attorney at Law P.O. Box 2948 Albany, Texas 76430 DATED the 15th day of August, 2022. /s/John T. Montgomery John T. attorney@jtmfirm.com704-43584357Telephone:Albany,24097010tratorAttorneyMontgomeryforAdminisStateBarNo.:P.O.Box2948Texas76430(325)704-Facsimile:(325)E-mail: 10428991

10428955 NOTICE

10428818 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF BARTOW COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA WILLIAM GRAHAM AND COLENE GRAHAM, CIV IL ACTION Plaintiffs, FILE NO. 22-CV-660 v. JOSEPH GRAHAM Defendants. ORDER AND NOTICE OF PUB LICATION, To All Inter ested Parties: You are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of May, 2022, William Graham and Colene Graham filed a Petition for Child Custody. You are re quired to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney: Matthew J. Hoskins, Esq. White, Choate, LLC, 100 W. Cherokee Avenue, Cartersville, GA 30120, an Answer and/or objections in writing within thirty (30) days of July 20, 2022. Witness the Honorable Suzanne H. Smith, Judge of the Bartow County Superior Court, this the day of July, 2022. Judge, Bartow County Cherokee Judi cial Circuit, Order pre pared by: /s/ Matthew J. Hoskins, Georgia Bar No. 233016

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10428815 that TurnKey Storage - Abilene South located at 2001 S. 41st St. Abilene, TX intends to sell the personal property described below to satisfy a landlord’s lien imposed on said property. The property will be sold at public sale by competitive bidding through the online auction services of www.bid13.com (preview now) ending on September 8, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. Contents of units are generally described as household goods unless otherwise indicated. Rolando J. Casaraez Chris C. King Purchases are subject to terms provided online.

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