LOOKING FOR Adult dog, has some training to buy, for a house pet, can be medium or large breed. Doberman passed away 2 years ago & haven’t been able to replace yet. Please call Adams 325-733-2221
LOOKING FOR the Nurse I met 4 years ago as a Visitor at The Oaks at Radford Hills Healthcare Center. Met her again several years later when she gave me my last Co vid shot. Please call 325733-2221
LOST IN Country Place S between 1102-2300 Buffa lo Gap Rd. (FM89 Abilene TX). White w/Calico head/ tail. Name-”Betsy” • 13 years old/chipped. RE WARD. 325-669-2818
BEDROOM CHEST, good condition. $100 cash. Text 325-513-1620
CLYDE 3 bedroom, 2 bath with carport, ch/a, newly remodeled. $750/$500. 325-721-3341
MULE HARNESS DONKEY to sell or trade. Mule is 15 hands, gentle. Located Old Glory. $1500 OBO. 940-613-9154. Leave message.
VIEW ONLINE • PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE • www.AmClassAbilene.com Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm Tuesday 8:30am - 6:00pm Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday CLOSED VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 36 • SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) 10429340SONNY JONES WELDING 1902 N Treadaway • 325-672-1731 Mention Ad& get $10.00 OffRepairs • Alloy • Aluminum • Magnesium • Steel Repair & Straighten Cracked Wheels 3900 North 1st Suite 2 (325) 673-4521 HABLAMOS ESPANOL THE MALL OF ABILENE 325-695-3700 3532 NORTH 6TH STREET 325-704-3130 POKEMAN • SPORTS CARDS COMICS • TOYS We buy video games & consoles 10429168 BUY • SELL • TRADE American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. Print Still Works! 10429420 Come work for the Abilene State Supported Living Center! “Work where your work makes a difference” Visit us at AbSSLC.org or text “Careers” to 325-255-4442 Start your State of Texas CAREER! AbSSLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Provider Abilene State Supported Living Center 2501 Maple • Abilene, TX 79602 Direct Care Professional Now Hiring These Positions: • Rehab Therapy Tech II • Food Service Worker • LVN Come Stay With Us! Monthly $750 and Weekly $280 + Tax ROOM AMENITIES: FREE WIFI Microwave Refrigerator Cable TV Guest Laundry Facility Ground Floor Pet Friendly Trucking Surrounded by all kinds of Restaurants, Grocery & Liquor Stores and Hospital. 3210 I-20 & Pine St. • Abilene, Tx 79601 CALL: 325 677 2687 Always Deliver more than Expected Frontier Inn 10429303 HPS 6545 S. US HWY 377 • Stephenville, TX 254-967-9985 WE CARRY SAFES & ACCESSORIES. HUNTING FOR THE BEST SAFE? Delivery & Installation Available Made in America! Lifetime Warranty! SAFE 10429191 Open 7 Days a Week 601 Scott St Tye, TX 325-690-9028 Check out www.RedmenBingoTexas.com & our Facebook Page Bingo Sessions at 7pm and 8:30pm RedmenBingo 10429482 BIG COUNTRY Vendor Market, Saturday, Oct. 8. 9am - 3pm. Food by Cham orrita Cafe. 1125 Elmdale Rd. 292B COMMERCIAL PROP ERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL MECHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $900,000 Call 325-6656106 SQUARE WOODEN side table w/1 drawer & shelf. Serious call 325-2694012 WANTED TRIM Carpen ters. Hours 8am - 5pm. 325-864-0997, 325-5132764 40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —- (Land ad dress is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Sell ing at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-669-3278if no answer, please leave message.
Call Lee: 325-669-0672 30x40x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1 Walk-in Door, 8x7 Roll-up Door Sale Price: $27,400 30x30x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1 Walk-in Door, 8x7 Roll-up Door Sale Price: $20,000 30x50x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1 Walk-in Door, 8x7 Roll-up Door Sale Price: $34,500 Lee’s Concrete METAL BUILDINGS 10429179 Blue J Landscape & Tree Service Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding, Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. New & Old Landscapes with a Modern Touch. Total Yard Clean-Ups. 100 mile radius. Insured & Abilene Chamber Member Victor Hernandez 325-518-8031 10429396FREE Estimates 21 Yrs. Experience GARAGE SALE GUIDE Wed. & Thurs, Sept. 28 & 29 __1018 Plaza..........................N.............. 8-6 Thurs, Fri, & Sat. Sept. 29, 30, & Oct.1 __1118 Ross...........................S................... __2101 Parramore St .............N.............9-12 Fri. & Sat. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 __4418 Capitol........................N................... __1537 Westwood ..................N..............7-2 __1049 Lytle Cr Dr ..... (in Alley) ..S.............. 8-2 __Elmwood West UMC 1302 S. Pioneer ................... S......8-3, 8-12 __1990 Santos........................ S.................... __7951 Hwy 277 South.................................... __2018 Bridge Ave ..................NW...............8 __4909 Spring Creek Rd ........SE.............8-1 __3miles S. of Hawley ... on West Side of Rd 277 __118 CR 143 ................. (Lawn, TX) ...... 7:30-6 __510 West Texas Ave.. .. (Sweetwater, TX) ....... 8 Saturday, October 1 __1810 Westwood...................N...............7-? __2555 Grape.........................N...............8-1 __3418 Ivanhoe.......................S...............8-? __1434 Portland......................S................... __6300 Blk of Huntington Place (The Ridge) off Antilley Rd .....S...............8-1 __1902 Elmwood.....................S..........7:30-2 __309 Sayles Blvd....................S.............8-12 __5032 Quail Terrace...............S..................8 __1326 Meander......................S..................7 __1924 Ave O.................. (Anson, TX) ..........8-2 Sat. & Sun. October 1 & 2 __1400-2100 Blk of Westwood... N...............7-2 __30 Cypress Point.................S...............9-3 __1021 Lytle Creek Dr.............S....... 8-4, 8-1 Anson, Hamlin, Haskell & Stamford Community Wide Garage Sales Sat. Oct. 1st, 8am-5pm AASRDA Flea Market & Craft Fair 1023 North St. Tye, TX Sat. Oct. 1st Big Country Vendor Market Next Week! Sat. Oct. 8 9am-3pm Food by Chamorrita Cafe • 1125 Elmdale Rd. 292B ESTATE SALE GUIDE Friday & Saturday Sept. 30 & Oct.1 4829 Stone Crest Court.. (Abilene)............9-2 Saturday, October 1 3660 Hwy 36 ....... (Comanche, TX).....10a 1310 Fisher St ............. (Graham, TX)........10a AUCTION GUIDE Saturday, October 1 1905 Cottonwood........... (Abilene).........10am 108 Montgomery Rd..... (Haskell, TX).....10am Sunday, October 2 342 Saxon...................... (Abilene)...........1pm REPAIR • RESTORE RESTYLE Turn Ordinary INTO EXTRAORDINARY 4541 Catclaw Dr 325-513-2743 goldbuyerabilene.com Big Country Gold & Custom Jewelry We buy gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, & precious stones Turn your scrap into CASH! 10429216 Turn Your Scrap into CASH! Apply in person at 1850 E. Lowden St. Abilene (located behind Wal-Mart on HWY 351) Hill Resources/Living Resources Hiring for: • Direct Support Professionals • Training Technician for Day Hab • Transporters *Must be able to pass background check, drug test and have a valid drivers license 10429483 10429032 New Renovated Room: Weekly $43.48 pn ( $350 including tax) 2 guests additional guest $50 per week extra. Weekly Full Payment in Advance *Subject to Availability FREE High Speed WiFi • FREE Microwave in Room • Pet Friendly (Pet Fee Applicable) • FREE Fridge in Room FREE Truck Parking 840 East Hwy 80 • ABILENE 79601 CALL 325-677-8100 COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST! $43.48 EconoLodge Inn & Suites Garage Sale Ads do better in American Classifieds Get Proven Results!
low payment. Less stress & SAVE Money! 1-877-422-4557
COUCH & Sofa , Electric BBQ Grill, China Cabinet, 3 piece wood cabinet, Wicker chair & sofa. Office desk, 2 battery weedeat ers & a blower with 5 bat teries, 20v batteries with charger. HP Computer all in one desktop. HP Laptop computer, Electric grass trimmer. 325-829-9528
I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today!
GREAT SHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254-967-9985 (or) 254977-4443 https://www. facebook.com/HPS382186575199883/
DISHWASHER NEEDED. Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770
GERMAN SHEP HERD Puppies. Very nice quality. Regis tered, shots, guaran teed, references. 325669-8210
EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, Microwave Refrigerator, Cable TV, Pet Friendly, Truck parking. Call 325-6772687 Always delivered more that expected.
ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Horse Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972
LIMBS? — We haul those too! Call for a quote! HOGIT-AWAY! 325-627-3975
COMMERCIAL PROP ERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL MECHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $900,000 Call 325-6656106
LVN’S STARTING Salary $44,000+ Bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 p.m. and 1pm-5p m. Applications are ac cepted until positions are filled. EEO 325-6741220 taylorcountytex as.org/jobs.asx
OPEN HOUSE Sun day Oct 2nd 2-4 PM on 11966 Highway 36 101 Runnels St. Tye TX Excellent invest ment property 1 Cor ner lot 2 bed 1 bath 1 garage Commercial or Residential. Hallmark & Associates. $165,000 325-698-9387
PAM’S PETS • In-Store Shopping. Quality Pet Food at incredible prices! Specializing in hand-fed birds, small animals like hamster & guinea pigs, ex otic reptiles, hermit crabs, and huge range of both freshwater & saltwater fish. 3366 N. 1st, Abilene, TX 325-675-6285
RED BORDER Collie Puppies for sale. Call 325-207-2723
ISSUES WITH your Driver License? Need help with Restoration, Occupational Licenses, DWI, DWLI, Posses sion of Marijuana.
FREE CONSULTATION Complimentary DPS License Status Check LET ME HELP! 3301 N. 3rd Abilene, TX 79603 325-268-4344 ATTOR NEY JOHN W. KEN NEDY
Gravel, Sand, Topsoil, Driveways, Tractor. Mobile 325-668-4491
BEST CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Quick Closing, Any Condition, No closing cost. 25 Years Buying/Sell ing Homes in Abilene! Call Today 325-677-7543 MCA Partner Licensed Agent.
BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Removal, Stump Grind ing, Planting. Difficult or Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. Insured. Free Esti mates. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius) Victor Hernandez 325518-8031
HOME FOR SALE1341 N. 7th Street • Must See!!!! House must be moved / Ask ing $12,000 - CALL or TEXT 325-669-3278.
04 MITSUBISHI Lancer . Best Buy Auto, 325-4373677 (We
GO2FBT.com Abilene,
REDUCED TO $580,000 11966 High way 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 Bedroom 2 bath plus bonus room over 2,800 square ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for side by side Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440
VACANT LOTS 2669 China street 75x120 $49,000 for all 3 vacant lots. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-698-4440.
509 RIVERSIDE Blvd, established Elmwood neighborhood.3 bed 2 bath 2 dining 2 car ga rage Updated paint car pet and fixtures.1904 Sq Ft. Custom built in 1997. $260,000 Hall mark Real Estate Ser vices. Call us. 325-6984440
REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028.
601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red menRingoTexas.com and our Facebook Page.
REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936
GWET OILFIELD SERVICE&SUPPLY Rods, Tubing,Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Re builds & Service Work. Call Gene325-338-0185, Scotty325-668-4882
03 CHEVY Surbur ban, 325-437-3677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK.
NOW $14,800 Aprox 80% off . Camp Log Cabin Set, Pre cut log walls, Main Timber Rafter Ridge Beams,all plans, Can Haul. Pay only on delivery.Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887
HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & Machines, Multi-Purpose, Plastic Sheeting, Pond Liners. 254-977-4443 254967-9985 6545 S. US Hwy 377 Stephenville, TX.Made in the USA.
COME TO Rick’s Col lectibles! Buy Sell Trade. We buy Video games and consoles. 3532 North 6th Abilene. Opened 11 am til 6 pm Abilene’s Hobby Connection since 1991. We have fidget Poppers 3” to 15” Size. Star Wars, Topps, Comics, Toys. Buy, Sell, and Trade! In the Mall of Abilene! 325-695-3700 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd Ste 1274 Abilene, TX
TAKING ORDERS! Feed Lot Cattle Whole Angus Beef & Sides $3.99 lb.(Hanging weight) Includes Pro cessing Fees) Using our Patented Technolo gy. Cleanest and Safest Processing. All Bone less High End Cuts. All Meat Vacuumed Packed Contact NSC 325-665-0602 or come by 117 Land Grant Lane, Baird, TX 79504.
Come hear Dr. Dana Myers, Vice Chair of RPT Tues., Oct. 11th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Abilene Public Library 202 Cedar Street
Program Topic: Issue Facing Texas Republicans & Impact of GOTV
Dr. Dana Myers is a Medical Business Consultant for the health law firm Spiers Group.
Dr. Myers works with a Texas-based investment and development group working to build a critical need medicine and saline bag manufacturing plant in Texas, rather than depending on China or other foreign countries. Dr. Dana Myers was elected by the delegates at the Texas State Republican Convention in June 2022 to be the new Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas.
During her second and current term as Vice-Chair of the Harris County Republican Party under Chairman Siegel, Dr. Myers once again helped to build and rebrand the party to increase its community engagement, communication, and voter registration efforts. With her special interest in training, recruitment, and increasing Republican voter turnout, Dr. Myers led an additional effort to recruit, train, and mobilize county and precinct chairs, and volunteers, across Texas using the latest technology.
The new Vice Chair’s goal is to continue to strengthen the party, build the party infrastructure to amplify grassroot voices and goals, support the Chairman, party leadership, and the Republican party legislative priorities and platform
Hope to Meet You Soon. Welcome to Texas!
Chris Carnohan, County Chairman ccarnohan@usa.com • 325-665-3333 https://texasgop.org/priorities/
FOR SALE or Lease Fast Food Restaurant off I—20 Near Hwy. 351 Abilene Texas For Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440.
AMERICA’S #1 Safe.
LIB ERTY GUN SAFES 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,Tx. 254967-9985 or 254-9774443 www.libertysafe. com
2000 SQ Ft Office space for lease at cor ner of Buffalo Gap Rd & Chimney Rock. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325698-4440.
Events. Sponsored by Anson Chamber of Com merce 325-823-3259.
AMAZING GRACE REMODELING. No Job To Small. Specializing In Exterior Painting, Flooring, Carpet, Tile, Wood, Vinyl, Paint ing, Drywall, Texture, Plumbing etc... Free Estimates!!! Call Char lie 325-660-2655
2014 KIA Sorento . Best Buy Auto, 325-437-3677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK.
LET ME help
new dream home or
Call or text me today! 325-3700686. Alfredo Salas Hablo Espanol.
Republican Party of Texas Vice Chair, Dr. Dana Myers
PAGE 2 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM MISCELLANEOUS LAND FOR Sale By Owner, almost 1 Acre land at 1182 Marc, Buf falo Gap, Texas. Elec tricity, water, sewer, are available. 325-2253030, 325-660-5751 THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 WE ARE Hiring Full Time and Partime LVN’s Holiday Pay and Great Benefits plus Vaca tions. Come by and put in Application Must come in to Apply. 1704 N 1st, Merkel, Texas. Merkel Nursing Center. 325-928-5673. or call Rene. EOE DO YOU want to Hunt where the Big Deer are? Clearfork River runs through the place. Also Spring & Fall Turkey hunting. Plus all the hogs you want to kill. Call 325721-2517 GOT DEBT? $4000 or more? Consolidate your debts & payday loans into one
ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www.
Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details.
Brush & Junk Cleaning Garages, Mowing & Demolition You have it, We will haul it. Free Estimates
Protect your family, valuables and firearms Available. HPS
30X50 BARNDO MINIUM $240,000 with 50x10 front porch, 4 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room & 3 Windows, Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-7947868 OCTOBER SPECIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILD ERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DISCOUNTS Check out our web site: MetalShopsAnd Barnes.com Call for pricing. 214-930-1029 LOG CABIN Set Liq uidation. Camp clos ing. Aprox 80% Off. $ 14,800. Can Haul. Pay only on delivery. Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. BOSTON TERRIER Puppies, (3) males and (2) females. 6 weeks old, $500 cash only. TEXT or Leave Mes sage. 940-256-3457 MATURE 8 point white tail. $950 only fee. Guaran teed. 972-989-4672
COMMU NITY Wide Garage Sales Saturday OCTOBER 1st. 8 am- 5pm, Make plans to spend the day shopping with us. Anson, Hamlin, Haskell, and Stamford. Fol low us on the Facebook
& WEED EATING, Clean up & Hauling. Storage Build ings, Garages & Tree limbs. Free Estimates. 325-238-1614 LVN’S NEEDED All shifts Ranger Care Center A Privately owned, Skilled Nursing Facility. Apply in Person at 460 W. Main St., Ranger, Tx 76470, Fax Resume to 254-647-5183 . For more info: Contact Re nee at 254-647-3111. EOE. ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 BOOK NOOK! LO CATED in Frontier Flea Market. 781 Wal nut Abilene, Texas. Thousands of Used Books for your reading pleasure. $1.00 and up. Opened Tuesday-Sat 10 - 5 pm ATTENTION DISABLED VETS! I am starting a small Horse Therapy Clinic for the Disabled Veteran. I need help, advice, and a few clients. Also looking for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, please call Tom at 325-668-5972 10429132 “Star Quality Service” Licensed • Insured TPCL #9129 www.westtexaspestpatrol.com Abilene 325-690-9245 Big Spring 432-263-5460 Colorado City 325-728-5852 Eastland 254-629-8444 Sweetwater 325-236-6668 PEST SERVICES with no contracts and guaranteed results! 10429201 • Driver License Restoration • Occupational Licenses • DWI, DWLI, Possession of Marijuana LICENSE SUSPENDED? 3301 N. 3rd • Abilene, TX 79603 325-268-4344 ATTORNEY JOHN W. KENNEDY 10429479 FREE CONSULTATION Complimentary DPS License Status Check LET ME HELP! 10429484
10429261 10429397
Saturday, Oct.
1125 Elmdale
ELMDALE FLEA Market 5423 East Hwy 80 Abilene, Rod’s , Reels,Lots of
Rings and Military Knifes. Opened 7 days a week. 9am - 5pm 325-669-7722
781 Walnut, Abilene. Treasures
Tuesday - Saturday 10am5pm 325-672-2119
Stop on Access Rd. Vendor In formation Contact 325668-1138, 1023 North St. Tye, Tx
HUGE SALE. 14002100 Block of West wood. Saturday and Sunday. 7am - 2 pm. Lighting, door slabs, baby items, Puzzles, school items & clothes, crafts supplies.
QUEENSIZE BOX SPRING & mattress $60. Table $10. Coffee table with glasstop. Lots of misc. Wednesday & Thurs day, 8am -6pm. 1018 Plaza MULTIPLE COMMU NITY Wide Garage Sales Saturday OCTOBER 1st. 8 am- 5pm, Make plans to spend the day shopping with us. Anson, Hamlin, Haskell, and Stamford. Fol low us on the Facebook Events. Sponsored by Anson Chamber of Com merce 325-823-3259.
GARAGE SALE, Octo ber 1st, Saturday - 8:00am - 1:00pm. 2555 Grape St., Abilene
MULTI FAMILY SALE - Saturday, October 1st. 7 am. 1326 Meander, Abilene. Christmas deco rations, crafts, tools, pots & pans and books. 3418 IVANHOE LANE - Saturday only. 10/1, 8am. Books, puzzles, household misc., clothes, lawn equip ment
HUGE GARAGE Sale Friday & Saturday 8am - ? 1049 Lytle Cr. Dr. (In Alley) Baby, adult brand name clothes, bicycle, slide, kitchen, toys, Lots of misc.
HUGH GARAGE Sale 30 Cypress Point Abilene, Texas Satur day -Sunday. 9am-3pm. Art, Antiques, books, bicycles, fire pit, metal filing cabinets, metal shelving,propane grill, stroller, yard tools, child kitchen furniture, pack n play, baby items, dolls, floor lamps, rugs, antique quilts, furniture, sheets, towels kitchen items, shoes,dance costumes, antique drug store table, much more.
YARD SALE - Saturday 1434 Portland. Tools, Haul Trailer 15’x6’8, ladder, couch, loveseat, Vacumn cleaner, Donald Trump coin collection.Knifes, camera, rototiller, too much to list. , 325-2839506
MOVING SALE!!!1902 Elmwood Drive / Sat urday, Oct. 1st (7:30AM2PM) *** CASH ONLY 1118 ROSS - Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Bunk bed, Brass, DVD’s, Toys, Dishes and lots more!
SATURDAY 8AM - 2pm Bryen Horses, Christmas, cooking, tools, freezer, one of kind lamps, odds & ends. 1924 Ave O, An son.
SEVERAL FAMILY YARD SALE! • Friday & Saturday, 3 Miles S. of Hawley on West Side of the Road on 277. Dresser, Shop Vac, lots of baby clothes, Old dishes, Cameras, picture, books, CD’s New Clothes and new toiletries.
IN LAWN - Turn North on 5th Street, follow pavement to top of hill, turn left on County Road 143, 1st house on right - 118 CR 143. Friday,September 30th (7:30A to 6:00P) • Saturday, October 1st (7:30A to 2:00P) - Desk, Bookcase, Riding lawn mower with bagger, kids & Adult clothes, Toys, Home Decor, and MUCH MORE!!!
AKC LONG Coat Chihua hua Male; not to exceed over 4-5 lbs; Maturity 1 yr and under. 325-728-8077
WANTED SHORT aluminum Jon Boat. No motor. 325-669-2643
HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & Machines, Multi-Purpose, Plastic Sheeting, Pond Liners. 254-977-4443 254967-9985 6545 S. US Hwy 377 Stephenville, TX.Made in the USA.
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 3www.thriftynickelofabilene.com SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) GARAGE SALES OUT OF TOWN MOVING SALE - Sat urday, Oct. 1st, 8am4pm. Sunday Oct. 2nd, 1pm - 4pm. Kitchen items, Appliances, fur niture & misc. 1021 Lytle Creek Drive. ANNUAL CHURCH Garage Sale. Elmwood West UMC. 1302 S Pi oneer -Friday 8:00-3:00 Saturday 8:00-12:00. Check it out- We prob ably have just what you have been looking for. SALE BEGINS Friday (9/30) thru Saturday (10/1). — 1990 Santos Street YARD SALE - 309 Sayles Blvd. Saturday, 8am -Noon. Dining ta ble & 4 chairs, dinette & 4 chairs, desks, love seat, couch, end tables, girls clothes 2-4t, dish es, lots of home decor & more! YARD SALE - Rods & Reels, fishing tackle, furniture, odds & ends, etc. Friday & Saturday 7951 Hwy 277 South. TEXAS BUY Needing to Place Your Ad All Over Texas? For more info Call Helen @ 325-673-4521 NOW HIRING! Cor rectional Officers, Pa role Officers, Adminis trative, Maintenance, Accounting, Social Work, Agricultural, Warehousing, Manu facturing, Transpor tation, Human Re sources, Information Technology, Laundry & Food Services and more! APPLY ONLINE TODAY! Benefits. TDCJ.TEXAS.GOV NO DEPOSIT! Military Welcome HUD Renters. Teekoy Properties. Du plex/ house 1/1 $575, 2/1 $675, 610 S Leggett. 325677-5625 SHOW QUALITY Boer goats - wethers, does. Born April-May. 325-365-6424 HOUSE LEVELERS Needed. Call 325-2086072 NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547. SONNY JONES Weld ing. Repair & straighten cracked wheels. Alloy, Aluminum, Magnesium, Steel. Mention the ad and get $10 off repairs. 1902 N Treadaway. 325.672.1731. 1500 SQ. Ft. 40x40 Barndominium $190,000. Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more complete sizes. 325-675-0989, 325-721-2750, 325794-7868 DO YOU REMEM BER? The average re tail price for unleaded gas in August of 1962 was only $0.31 cents per gallon! ~ “Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end.....” ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 64 YEAR’S of Play boy Collection. $50 per Issue. 775-513-0314 APPLIANCES KITCHEN GLASS top Stove $50. 325-660-2574 ELECTRIC GALAXY Stove for sale - $125.00 / TEXT or CALL 325-3389501 CEMETERY PLOTS 2 PLOTS side by side, next to road, 10 Com mandments at Elm wood Memorial, $3000 each. 940-200-0490 ENTERTAINMENT REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028. 601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red menRingoTexas.com and our Facebook Page. ESTATE SALES TWO SISTERS ESTATE SALES Living estate sale 4829 Stone Crest Court September 30 9am-2pm. October 1 9am-2pm Furniture: dining table w/6 chairs, 2-China cabi nets, Buffet, grandfather clock, full and king size beds, night stands, desk, piano, Yamaha keyboard, 2-TVs, occasional tables and chairs, refrigerator, washer and dryer, lots of small appliances De cor: Lamps, rugs ,mirrors ,books, China, glassware, linens, quilts, seasonal de cor Tools: spindle sander, 2 compound miter saws, scroll saw, bench grinder, jigsaw, shop vac, hand tools Outdoor: Bar, glider, grill, yard elements, yard tools CASH AND CHECKS ONLY CLEAN AND PRICED TO SELL like us on Facebook
Ven dor Market.
- 3pm. Food by
Rd. 292B
Tools, 2500
for all ages
FIRST SATURDAY of the Month . AASR DA Flea Market & Craft Fair. Air Conditioned In door and Outdoor. East of Tye Truck
FAMILY GARAGE SALE!! Saturday, Oc tober 1st - 1810 West wood / 7AM FRIDAY-SATURDAY FRONT & Back Yard. 4418 Capital-Tools, Hunt ing Stuff. 1537 WESTWOOD Dr. 9/30 - 10/1. Friday & Sat urday 7am - 2pm. Multi family purging. TONS OF STUFF! Clothes fill a bag $5. Money going to Neema Village Baby res cue center in Arusha, Tan zania.
10429328 10429514 WHOLE AND SIDES OF BEEF 3.99 LB. Hanging Weight (INCLUDES PROCESSING FEES) USING OUR PATENTED TECHNOLOGY CLEANEST AND SAFEST PROCESSING ALL BONELESS HIGH END CUTS ALL MEAT VACUUMED PACKED CALL TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR BEEF 325-665-0602 FEED LOT CATTLE BEEF PROCESSING 117 Land Grant Lane Baird, TX 79504 BEEF 10429458 WOOD FRAME BUILDINGS OF ALL SIZES Check out our website: MetalShopsAndBarns.com Includes all Labor and Tractor Work and Concrete Slab with Moisture Barrier and Electric Stub. Standard Doors (1) 10x10 Roll Up or 10x8 Garage Door and (1) Steel Walk-in Door. Do not supply pad dirt. Sales 214-930-1029 SHOPS • GARAGES • BARNS EQUIPMENT SHEDS POLICE/FIRE/MILITARY DISCOUNTS CALL FOR PRICING 10429463 October Special 5% Off First Saturday of the Month AASRDA Flea Market & Craft Fair Air Conditioned Indoor and Outdoor East of Tye Truck Stop on Access Rd. Vendor Information Contact 325-668-1138 1023 North St. Tye, Tx 10428397 10429512 GOVERNOR ABBOTT & ROBERT O’ROURKE DEBATE WATCH PARTY Friday, Sept. 30th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Open to the Public First Church of the Nazarene Dining Hall 2849 Beltway South, in Abilene Dinner, Drinks, & Desserts have been graciously donated. Sponsored by: Abilene FREEDOM League and Abilene Republican Women’s Club, Diana Hartmann - 325-518-1498 princessdiana18.dh@gmail.com
GENERAL CON STRUCTION Welders helper needed. Call 325725-4062.
Now Hiring Direct Care Professionals. Abilene Supported Living Cen ter! Vacation time, sick time numerous holidays, Health insur ance, Retirement plan and Full time hours guaranteed hours. Morning and Evening Shifts. State Supported Living Center 2501 Maple Abilene. http:// ABSSLC.org 325-2554442
TOR and Saw Mill helper needed $14/hr starting pay. Benefits include Holidays, vaca tion,
pay, health insurance. Location Abilene, Tx. Work hours: Monday - Thurs day, 7am to 5:30pm. If interested or for more information, please call Jose at 325-518-7923
EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER available for nights. Call Rebecca Abilene Area. 404-3104132
WE ARE Hiring Full Time and Partime LVN’s Holiday Pay and Great Benefits plus Vaca tions. Come by and put in Application Must come in to Apply. 1704 N 1st, Merkel, Texas. Merkel Nursing Center. 325-928-5673. or call Rene. EOE
CLYDE NURSING Now Hiring LVNS, RN’S and CNA’s Please apply in per son or call for interview 806 Stephens St., Clyde Tx 79510. EOE. 325-8934288
DISHWASHER NEEDED. Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770
BUSCANDO GRAN JA Experimentada Y Rancho Cercado Con structor. Buen Sueldo. Llame al 325-480-6681
NOW HIRING - Rach ell RayRay’s Janitorial is looking for fun and energetic professional cleaners! Must have reliable transportation & childcare. Pay DOE - Please contact 325864-2670
DRUG EMPORIUM IS HIRING! —- Please apply in store: 2550 Barrow St., Abilene, TX 79605 • or Online: https://www.drugem poriuminc.com/em ployment/
LIKE TO build or fix? Join just in the AbSSLC Carpentry Shop! – Vacation Time, Sick Time & Numerous Holidays – 100% State Paid BCBS Health Insurance – Retire ment Plan – Full-time (& guaranteed) hours – Making a true differ ence for others! Visit us at www.AbSSLC. org
WANTED TRIM Carpen ters. Hours 8am - 5pm. 325-864-0997, 325-5132764
TRANSPORT DEP UTY-SHERIFF Office ,$45,000 yr + benefits. www.taylor county texas.org/jobs.aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
COUNTER DEPUTY Clerk$27,040 yr + benefits www.taylor countytexas.org/jobs. aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5. EOE
TIGE’ BOATS is hiring for production positions. Pay starts at $14.00 per hour. Health, dental, vi sion and other insurance after 60 days of employ ment. Vacation, Holiday Pay and 401k after one year. Apply in person M-F • 1801 Hwy 36
THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Horse Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972
MATH TEACHER $40,000 Yr + benefits. www.taylor county texas.org/jobs.aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
PIZZA BY DESIGN is looking for daytime help Monday-Friday 11-4. Pay depending on experience. Base $9+/ hour with tips $13-$16/ hour. Apply in person at 3753 Catclaw Drive, Abilene.
FELONY PROSECU TOR $65,000-$85000 yr + DOE + benefits Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220
APPLY TODAY! The Oaks at Radford Hills Healthcare Center is hiring for CNA’s. We of fer great benefits, paid time off, flexible sched ule, & tuition reimburs ment! Apply online at: https://slpoperations. com/theoaksatradfo rhills/ or call 325-6723236 for more informa tion.
DEPUTY COUNTY Clerk $16.00 hr +bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220
ELWOOD STAFFING - The kids are back in school! What are you going to do with your FREE TIME? Currently recruiting for: Admin istrative Asst. / CNC Machinist / Custodian / Packer – Call or text: 325-692-900 (or) ap ply at 3218 S. 27th St., Abilene EOE WILL CARE for your Love ones in their home. 325-305-3670
NOW HIRING at Fuzzy’s (Southside lo cation) for cashiers for am and pm shifts. Must be 18 or older and able to be TABC certified and have a food han dlers certification with in 30 days. Great place to work with a laid back atmosphere! Come in and apply! 3351 Turner Plaza
MALE/FEMALE JUVENILE Supervi sion/Detention Of ficers-$40,000 yr + benefits. www.taylor countytexas.org/jobs. aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5. EOE
ASSISTANT CRIMI NAL District AttorneyCPS and Civil Salary DOE Benefits includ ed-Paid 100%. www. taylor countytexas.org/ jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
FEMALE/MALE CORRECTIONAL Officers $40,000 yr + Benefits. www.taylor countytexas.org/jobs. aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5. EOE
COURT REPORTER for Couty Court at Law #2 $60,000 yr + DOE + benefits. www.taylor countytexas.org/jobs. aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5. EOE
NOW HIRING Class A CDL Flatbed Drivers for Local and OTR . Great Pay and Benefits. Please call JW 325-864-9027
PATROL DEPU TY- Sheriff’s office. $45,000 Yr + benefits. www.taylor county texas.org/jobs.aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
NOW HIRING! Cor rectional Officers, Pa role Officers, Adminis trative, Maintenance, Accounting, Social Work, Agricultural, Warehousing, Manu facturing, Transpor tation, Human Re sources, Information Technology, Laundry & Food Services and more!
WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325513-2743.
911 COMMUNI CATIONS OperatorSheriff $36,500 yr. + benefits Apply www. taylor countytexas.org/ jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547.
WE ARE hiring for COOKS & Cashiers / All shifts! Monday thru Saturday. (CLOSED on Sunday). Must apply in person. Paper applica tion only. MR. BURGER - 6326 Buffalo Gap Rd.
LVN’S NEEDED All shifts Ranger Care Center A Privately owned, Skilled Nursing Facility. Apply in Person at 460 W. Main St., Ranger, Tx 76470, Fax Resume to 254-647-5183 . For more info: Contact Renee at 254-647-3111. EOE.
HOUSE LEVELERS Needed. Call 325-2086072
PAGE 4 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22)
PETROSMITH - Now Hiring! WELDERS & FITTERS! (Sign On Bo nus after 90 days - must pass Welding Test)Competitive Benefit Pkg (F/T Employees) Medical, Vision, Den tal, Retirement & 401k - We provide the high est level of profession alism, quality, safety and expertise in the industry. Send Resume to: bseals@petrosmith. com or check us out online!
is looking for energetic, positive folks who love sweet tea (and a little coffee) and making people SMILE! Now hiring Full-Time, PartTime and Seasonal. Apply at 3210 S. 14th, Abilene CONCEPTS IN STONE, 1221 N TreadawayAbilene, TX is looking for installers helper. Must have Driv ers license. Must be able to lift 75 lbs; must be dependable. Pay will be discussed at inter view. Please apply at our office, or you can call Dave at 325-2802222 Ranger Care Center is looking for Full Time & Part Time LVNs Benefits include awesome pay, holiday pay, & vacation pay. Send Resumè to RangerCC@sbcglobal.net Ranger Care Center 460 West Main • Ranger, TX 76470 254-647-3111 • Rene 325-280-6954 EOE1042944110429491 NOW HIRING FOR OUR ABILENE YARD • CASING HANDSNO EXPERIENCE NEEDED • CDL DRIVERS - FOR LAYDOWN MACHINES - 24 HOUR CALL ALL CASING AND LAYDOWN MACHINES24 HOUR CALL, 7 DAYS A WEEK COMPETITIVE WAGES, EXPERIENCED OPERATORS MAKE WELL OVER $100,000.00 COMPANY PAID INSURANCE 401K • PAID VACATION MUST PASS DRUG AND ALCOHOL TEST 4725 Loop 322, Come to Last Building & Go to Dispatch for Appointment (325) 690-0053 Apply Online or Qualified Applicants Can Apply In Person byrdoilfield.com NOW HIRING EOE 10429265 CDL Drivers with Tanker & Hazmat preferred Equipment Operators Laborers Health Insurance and other benefits. Per Diem Paid. 1-830-833-4547 CLYDE NURSING CENTER Please come by for an On The Spot Interview to 806 Stephens Street Clyde, Tx 79510 325-893-4288EOE LVN’s • RN’s • CNA’s All Shifts NOW HIRING: New Wage Scale for LVN’s, CNA’s and RN’s 10429142 Apply at 6249 Buffalo Gap Rd. 325-665-7375 Custodians • Pay DOE • Insurance Bus Drivers • Pay DOE • Insurance • Must have CDL with a P and S Endorsement 10429066 WYLIE ISD NOW HIRING! EOE TEXAS BUY Needing to Place Your Ad All Over Texas? For more info Call Helen @ 325-673-4521
2 males and 2 females. Vac cinated, kid friendly, large breed, loves pool play and cud dling. Rehoming fee. Prefer text message. 325-864-6283
record, clean criminal record and provide references. Need seasonal or part time guides for profes sional hunting service. Hunt multiple species and earn on average from $300- $425 per day. Email resume to: jroche@magnumguide service.com
LOOKING FOR A Rare Cook • Mature, funny, full of laughter, one that brings life to a kitchen, one whose cooking is so good that hunters brag to their wife about. Beautiful lodge, primarily Chris tian families. Daily rate plus tips average $250$425 per day. Email resume:jroche@mag numguideservice.com
RANCH HandMust ride,
cattle and horses, weld, build fence, re pair
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 5www.thriftynickelofabilene.com SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) TEXAS BUY Needing to Place Your Ad All Over Texas. For more info Call Helen @ 325-673-4521 WEST TEXAS SPECIAL We Can Place Your Ad in 6 Cities in West Texas. For more info Call Helen at 325-673-4521 ADVERTISE HERE! 325-673-4521 AmClassAbilene.com 325-695-3700 IN THE MALL 4310 BUFFALO GAP RD ABILENE, TEXAS 79606 TOYS, SPORTS CARDS, FIDGET POPPERS & COMICS MEDICAL HELP NEEDED LVN’S STARTING Salary $44,000+ Bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 p.m. and 1pm-5p m. Applications are ac cepted until positions are filled. EEO 325-6741220 taylorcountytex as.org/jobs.asx MEDICAL & HEALTH CLYDE NURSING Now Hiring LVNS, RN’S and CNA’s Please apply in per son or call for interview 806 Stephens St., Clyde Tx 79510. EOE. 325-8934288 WILL CARE for your Love ones in their home. 325-305-3670 HELP WANTED PART-TIME WORK In Texas: Sutton, Kim ble, Gillespie, Kerr and Llano counties. To inter view farmers to collect information on crops and livestock for the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) in cooperation with the USDA/NASS .Must be dependable, able to meet deadlines, have a phone, a good driving record with access to a vehicle, ability to oper ate a computer. Agricul tural background help ful. Contact, Chester Ahrens 830-459-5064
EXPERI ENCED Hunters. Must be in good physical condition, have clean driving
rope, horseshoe, feed and medicate
drinkers, operate heavy equipment, and do stucco and masonry work. Call
5507 INTERNET & TECHNOLOGY FIRST REWARD Check ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www. GO2FBT.com Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details. JEWELRY & CLOTHING CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. SPORTING GOODS COME TO Rick’s Col lectibles! Buy Sell Trade. We buy Video games and consoles. 3532 North 6th Abilene. Opened 11 am til 6 pm Abilene’s Hobby Connec tion since 1991. We have fidget Poppers 3” to 15” Size. Star Wars, Topps, Comics, Toys. Buy, Sell, and Trade! In the Mall of Abilene! 325-695-3700 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd Ste 1274 Abilene, TX PETS REGISTERED PUP PIES: Chihuahua’s, Poodles, & Toy Auss ies. 817-304-1225 for Availability & Prices see at crystalskypuppies. com License #131 1 LB tiny toy female, all shots, 2 other females 12 weeks old, will be small girls. Chinese CrestedChihuahuas Call 325-6733307 10 WEEK old black AKC minature Schnau zer puppy. Located in Breckenridge 806-4965283 SCHNAUZER PUP PIES. Ready 9/17. Midland 432-687-1395, 432-557-3976
10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”.
- Males $500 & T-cup females $900, 8 weeks old. Shots & dewormed. 254-842-8723
BORDER Collie Puppies for sale. Call 325-207-2723
SHEP HERD Puppies. Very nice quality. Regis tered, shots, guaran teed, references. 325669-8210
SMALL Pomeranians & Sheltie puppies. 1st shots & wormed. 325829-2943, 325-3385491
BEAUTIFUL Tiny 6 week female Yor kie poos. 75% Yorkie 35% poodle. Dad is fullblood Yorkie. Mom & dad under 3lbs. Will be ready in October. 8 month toy Yorkie-poo. Tea cup male Shorkie. Serious Inquires only. Please text 325-726-9455 call af ter 1pm. Abilene State Supported Living Center 2501 Maple • Abilene, TX Visit: AbSSLC.org Apply in person: 1704 No. 1st Merkel, Tx • 325-928-5673 (Must Come In To Apply) Ask for Rene. Merkel Nursing Center is looking for: Full Time & Part Time LVNs 10429437 HOLIDAY PAY, GREAT BENEFITS, PLUS VACATIONS 10429080 • ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE Salary: Commensurate with relevant experience plus benefits • CLERK JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PCT. 1-2 $30,000-$32,500 (DOE) + benefits • PART TIME CLERK- TEMPORARY PCT. 1-1 $10 per hour • CLERK - JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PCT. 1 PL. 1 $27,000.00 + DOE yr. + Benefits • OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER326TH DISTRICT COURT $96,956.11 plus benefits • MATH TEACHER $40,000.00 yr. + Benefits • FELONY PROSECUTOR $65,000.00 - $85,000 yr. + DOE + Benefits • COUNTER DEPUTY CLERK $27,040.00 yr. + Benefits • ASSISTANT CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY - CPS AND CIVIL Salary DOE + Benefits Included - Paid 100% • MALE JUVENILE SUPERVISION/ DETENTION OFFICERS$40,000.00 yr. + Benefit • FEMALE/MALE CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS $40,000.00 yr. + Benefits • PATROL DEPUTY - SHERIFF’S OFFICE $45,000.00 yr. + Benefits • HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORPRECINCT #2 $35,000.00 yr. + Benefits • 911 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR - SHERIFF $36,500.00 yr. + Benefits • TRANSPORT DEPUTY - SHERIFF OFFICE $45,000.00 yr. + Benefits TAYLOR COUNTY is NOW HIRING - 325-674-1220 https://www.taylorcountytexas.org/Jobs.aspx Full Time benefits include 100% County-paid Employee Medical & Dental Insurance, Paid Life/Disability Insurance, Retirement & Vac/Sick Leave Applications are available on the website at https://www.taylorcountytexas.org/Jobs. aspx or in the Taylor County Plaza, 400 Oak Street, Suite 120, Abilene, Texas. Office hours are 8-12 & 1-5. EOE • LVN Starting Salary: $44,000 yr. + Benefits NOW HIRING CLASS A CDL FLATBED DRIVERS Local & OTR Great Pay & Benefits Home Weekly Please Call JW 325-864-9027 10429499 10429062 BICHON FRISE PUP PIES born 8/29/22 – 2 boys / 2 girls. Taking deposits. 325-436-4573 READY FOR their forever homes. 2 CKC female Pomeranians. Born July 3. 1st shots. $600. 325-794-6164 FLUFFY PURSE Pups. Tiny Chihua hua & Blue Merle Toy Poodle mix. Vet admin istered shots & worm ing, Potty pad & litter box training. 325-8290821 BOSTON TER RIER Puppies, (3) males and (2) fe males. 6 weeks old, $500 cash only. TEXT or Leave Mes sage. 940-256-3457 ENGLISH BULL DOGS, male & fe male, variety of colors. Akc registered, ready in 2 weeks. $3000. 325370-9435 AMERICAN XXL bully puppies. 6 months old.
for pics and info. FREE GOODIES REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028. 601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red menRingoTexas.com and our Facebook Page. FURNITURE HEAVY WOODEN desk w/6 drawers & hutch. If seri ous call 325-269-4012 COUCH & Sofa , Electric BBQ Grill, China Cabinet, 3 piece wood cabinet, Wicker chair & sofa. Office desk, 2 battery weedeaters & a blower with 5 batteries, 20v batteries with charger. HP Computer all in one desk top. HP Laptop computer, Electric grass trimmer. 325829-9528 SQUARE WOODEN side table w/1 drawer & shelf. Se rious call 325-269-4012 BEDROOM CHEST, good condition. $100 cash. Text 325-513-1620 HAULING TRASH Brush & Junk Cleaning Garages, Mowing & Demolition You have it, We will haul it. Free Estimates 325-260-6060
in 1997. $260,000 Hall mark Real Estate Ser vices. Call us. 325-6984440
FOR SALE by owner, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 2083 sq. ft. 2834 Pip ing Rock. $299,000. Appointment only. 325669-1209
Brush & Junk Cleaning Garages, Mowing
have it, We will haul
Free Estimates 325-260-6060
HOME FOR SALE - Large 3bd/2ba fixer upper • 1,559 sq ft, Central Heat/Air, dou
falo Gap, Texas. Elec tricity, water, sewer, are available. 325-2253030, 325-660-5751
COUNTRY LIVING Remodeled 3 Bed room, 2 baths, front & back porch, large carport, large yard. $1200/$800. Refer ences & 1 year lease. Clyde 325-370-8676, 325-660-2202
COUNTRY LIVING in Clyde - 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $500 month, plus utilities. 718-690-5385
50’ X 134’ vacant lot. Zoned commercial in Abilene, TX. Close to Mc Murry University. Will sell for $9,000 - will finance. CALL or TEXT Ken at 702900-1625
40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —- (Land ad dress is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Sell ing at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-669-3278 - if no answer, please leave message.
SEPTIC SYSTEMS in stalled Residential and Commercial. 325-9285744
LET ME help you find your new dream home or property. Call or text me today! 325-3700686. Alfredo Salas Hablo Espanol.
FOR RENT furnished Cottage overlooking hills and creek. 750 sq. ft. Washer,dryer $700 month plus deposit. 325-572-3017
THE VILLAGE, $20 APPLICATION FEE 2 & 3 bdrm Homes. CH/CA, Stove, refrigerator Washer Dryer hook ups. Most pets wel come. 325-691-0795.
CLYDE 3 bedroom, 2 bath with carport, ch/a, newly remodeled. $750/$500. 325-721-3341
2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, ch/a, carport. $700 month. 1117 Jeanette. 325-691-5911
1 BEDROOM Apart ment ch/a, updated, upstairs. NO PETS. $600/$500. 940-2000808
ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100
DRUG EMPORIUM IS HIRING! —- Please apply in store: 2550 Barrow St., Abilene, TX 79605 • or Online: https://www.drugem poriuminc.com/em ployment/
LITTLE ELM Con dos 5450 S. 7th, 1 /1 Bedroom, $.659/$125, 2 Bed /1 bath, $749/$125, 2 bed 2 bath $799/$125. Wil low Park Apts. 2404 N Willis All bills Paid. 1/1 $759/$99. 2-1 $859$99. 1-1 161 S Pioneer #54 $649/$649. 2 bed room 1 bath 720 High st. $729/$400. See ad for other listings Key Property Call 325-6900123.
1 BEDROOM 1 bath 161 S Pioneer #54. $649/$649. 2 bed room,1 bath 161 S Pio neer 4624 Clover Lane. $1199/$800.910 N Jefferson $1199/$800, See other on the dis play list under Key Property Call 325-6900123.www.werentabi lene.com
near HSU.
deposit. 325-864-4668
3 BEDROOM units $1050 Clyde, 2 bath, doublewide, updated. Outside pet with deposit and approval Dal zell Realtor. www.dalzellre altors.com. 325-677-2246
HOME FOR RENT, 2234 Old Anson Rd. 3 bedroom / 1 bath - 992 sq ft. To view a prop erty, please bring photo I.D. to office at 1402 Ballinger, Abilene - 325698-7014
HOME FOR RENT - 3602 Brookhollow, 4 bedroom, 2 bath - 1526 sq ft. * $1800 rent / $1800 deposit 325698-7014
HOME FOR RENT, 2418 Russell, 2bd
1 bath 1096
To view
bring photo I.D. to
fice at 1402 Ballinger, Abilene - 325-698-7014
$1150 CUTE near Mc Murry College. 2
SELF STORAGE Merkel Tx. Badger Self Storage 1930 N 1st. Abilene North Self Stor age 3225 Pine St .Clark Road Storage 433 Clark RD. Cooksey and Com pany Realtors, LLC 325-698-3820.
FOR SALE or Lease Fast Food Restaurant off I—20 Near Hwy. 351 Abilene Texas For Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440.
2000 SQ Ft Office space for lease at cor ner of Buffalo Gap Rd & Chimney Rock. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325698-4440.
1 BEDROOM units $575 C H/A & water paid with laminate flooring, $750 month C Heat/Air water near CVS and this way Laundromat. Dalzell Real tor. www.dalzellrealtors. com. 325-677-2246
1734 EDGEMONT Dr. Houst. 2/2/1 Appliances,Fenced yard. Cats okay. 1 yr. $1045 Monthly. Cook sey and Company Realtors, LLC 325-6983820.
3 BEDROOM unit. $925 updated paint laminate flooring. one car detached . Garage. 3 blks to AHS. Dal zell Realtor. www.dalzellre altors.com. 325-677-2246
HOME FOR RENT - 1817 Clinton (3b/2b) 1312 sq ft. / 325-698-7014
2 BEDROOM UNIT. $895- Recently redone. Updated CH/CA, paint, tex ture, appliances and lami nate flooring.Dalzell Real tor. www.dalzellrealtors. com. 325-677-2246
HOME FOR RENT, 2325 Barrow - 2br, 1.5bath, 1,000 sq ft. - $900 mo/ $900 de posit. To view a prop erty, please bring photo I.D. to office at 1402 Ballinger, Abilene - 325698-7014
1521 WESTHEIMER house 2/1/2 Stove, Re frigerator, dishwasher, disposal, C H/A Fenced yard, W/D connection. No Pets. I year lease. $900 monthly. Cooksey and Company Realtors, LLC 325-698-3820.
3 BEDROOM unit. $1050 Clyde, 2 bath, doublewide, updated. Outside pet w/ deposit and approval. Dal zell Realtor. www.dalzellre altors.com. 325-677-2246
HOUSE FOR RENT - 4694 Royal Court, 3bedroom / 2bath1635 sq ft. To view a property, please bring photo I.D. to office at 1402 Ballinger, Abilene - 325-698-7014
ber 1st, Saturday - 8:00am - 1:00pm. 2555 Grape St., Abilene
Realtor. www.dalzellreal tors.com. 325-677-2246
2382 Highland,
1.5bath -
Leggett. 325-6775625
WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325513-2743.
WE ARE hiring for COOKS & Cashiers / All shifts! Monday thru Saturday. (CLOSED on Sunday). Must apply in person. Paper applica tion only. MR. BURGER - 6326 Buffalo Gap Rd. 3 BEDROOM UNIT. $1095 Brick large back yard,
and deposite. . Dalzell Realtor. www.dalzellrealtors.com. 325-677-2246
PAGE 6 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) FINANCING AVAILABLE BUY HERE PAY HERE! MARIA LOYA 325-673-9400 Hablo Español 2150 NORTH 1ST ABILENE, TX ADVERTISE HERE! 325-673-4521 AmClassAbilene.com HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR Sale 3 bedrooms/bathrooms, dining room, den, living room, laundry room, kitchen, 2 car garage. 410-227-0575 EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. OPEN HOUSE Sun day Oct 2nd 2-4 PM on 11966 Highway 36 101 Runnels St. Tye TX Excellent invest ment property 1 Cor ner lot 2 bed 1 bath 1 garage Commercial or Residential. Hallmark & Associates. $165,000 325-698-9387 HOME FOR SALE1341 N. 7th Street • Must See!!!! House must be moved / Ask ing $12,000 - CALL or TEXT 325-669-3278. 509 RIVERSIDE Blvd, established Elmwood neighborhood.3 bed 2 bath 2 dining 2 car ga rage Updated paint car pet and fixtures.1904 Sq Ft. Custom built
& Demolition You
ble lot - 2736 Roberts St. - $55,000 Cash • 5 occupied rentals under $70,000 each / CALL 325-333-5224 REDUCED TO $580,000 11966 High way 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 Bedroom 2 bath plus bonus room over 2,800 square ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for side by side Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30X30 $110,000 BARNDOMINIUM, concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989, 325-7212750, 325-794-7868 FOR SALE By Owner. 5 acre tracts Southern Colorado some treed. $12,500. We finance. 719-330-0472 BEST CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Quick Closing, Any Condition, No closing cost. 25 Years Buying/Sell ing Homes in Abilene! Call Today 325-677-7543 MCA Partner Licensed Agent. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY/ SALE COMMERCIAL PROP ERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL MECHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $900,000 Call 325-6656106 VACANT LOTS 2669 China street 75x120 $49,000 for all 3 vacant lots. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-698-4440.
LAND FOR Sale By Owner, almost 1 Acre land at 1182 Marc, Buf
$40 application
$900 month $500
3 BEDROOM 2 bath Mobile home. $675 month $500 deposit. Call 325-665-9080 2 BEDROOM, cookware, linens, cable TV, all bills paid. $240/week, $240 de posit. No pets. 1 bedroom $200 weekly. 325-6728743
sq ft.
a property, please
car ga
Updated paint
wood floors,
2bd /
1200 sq ft. To view a property, please bring photo
to of
at 1402 Ballinger, Abilene - Fore more info, 325-698-7014
DEPOSIT! Military Welcome HUD Renters. Teekoy Properties. Duplex/ house 1/1 $575, 2/1 $675,
ROOMS FOR RENT FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, Microwave Refrigerator, Cable TV, Pet Friendly, Truck parking. Call 325-6772687 Always delivered more that expected. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Duplex/ House 1-1 $615 2-1 $675 610 S. Leggett Under New Ownership/ Management FOR RENT No Deposit Military Welcome HUD Renters Call Us at (325) 677-5625 Call Us at (325) 677-5625 10429113 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes Starting at $500 • Stove, Fridge, W/D Connections • Fenced Yards • Pets Welcome *Some restrictions and conditions apply Meadow Ridge Estates Whispering Oaks Continental Villa Call for Availability 325-692-5006 Close DYESSto AFB 10429075 *WE PAY YOUR UTILITIES ON SOME. Are you looking for a building to rent for your next Event? The WAGON WHEEL BUILDING in Tye is now available for Birthdays, Dances, Quinceaneras, Christmas Parties, Weddings, & Showers. It has beautiful wood floors, central heat & air, Large parking lot, western decor, small kitchen, tables & chairs. Reasonable Rent! 1023 North Street • Tye, Texas Call Kathy Stevens: (325) 849-1517 or (325) 583-2661 10429507
Rent homes! For a
1 Bedroom units:
Homes email:
$750- Central Heat/Air & Water paid. Near CVS, United and Wash This Way laundromat.
2 Bedroom units:
$895- Recently redone. Updated CH/CA, paint, texture, appliances and laminate flooring.
$925- Minutes to AHS. Spacious kitchen w/appliances and hardwood flooring. $950- Blocks to ACU. House, large backyard & hardwood flooring throughout. $950- Baird. Cute, updated house. 2nd bedrm make a good child’s room or office.
3 Bedroom units:
$925- Updated paint, laminate flooring. One car det. Garage. 3 blks to AHS.
$1050- Clyde, 2 bath, doublewide, updated. Outside pet w/ deposit & approval. $1150-CUTE! Near Mc Murry, 2 car. Gar. Updated paint and wood floors, CH/CA.
$1095- Brick, large backyard, Pet w/approval & Dep. Laminate flooring throughout. $1395- Across from park, brick, laminate floor, 2 bath, 2 car garage. Pet w/dep & approval.
1500 SQ.
Slab, Plumbing, Electri
325-675-0989, 325-721-2750, 325794-7868
30X40X10 $170,000 BARNDOMINIUM, Concrete Slab,
721-2750, 325-794-7868
Oh, Lord. Could sadness fall upon a man when he fails his way to heaven? Could there be a second chance? Only God opens his heart to a soul who seeks help? Please, Lord, don’t forget about us when our time comes, though we know well what we did wrong while on this earth. Will God acknowledge a lonely soul who seeks that one moment that it will be remembered by him? For every man has a free choice and we hope we did our best to serve God with the lives we lead. Could we call out for the Lord’s forgiveness and blessing because our misunderstanding was due to our blind ness? Will a tortured heart survive by itself or will God come to its rescue one day? We hope God will hear our cry when we leave this earth, for we do not want our souls to wandering in the darkness.
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 7www.thriftynickelofabilene.com SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) NEED EMPLOYEES? Call us at (325) 673-4521 ADD FACEBOOK Marketing! LIST IT HERE! 325-673-4521 www.AmClassAbilene.com 4541 Catclaw Dr 513-2743 Big Country Gold & Custom Jewelry REPAIR , RESTORE, RESTYLE YOUR JEWELRY! Turn your scrap into CASH! goldbuyerabilene.com TEXAS WIDE ROOFING SYSTEMS All types of Roofs. Metal High Impact Class 4 - 25, 30, 40 & 50 year Shingles. Hot Tar Modified Roll Roofing, Gravel Roofs, TPO, Roof coating & Metal Carports. Radius of 200 miles. Email: Texaswideroofingsys tems@hotmail.com 325-676-0818 “LEE’S CONCRETE “ METAL BUILDINGS 30x40x10 Metal Build ing, 4 inch Slab, 1- walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $27,400. 30x30x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $20,000. 30x50x10 Metal Building, 4 inch slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $34,500. Call Lee 325-669-0672 AMAZING GRACE REMODELING. No Job To Small. Specializing In Exterior Painting, Flooring, Carpet, Tile, Wood, Vinyl, Paint ing, Drywall, Texture, Plumbing etc... Free Estimates!!! Call Char lie 325-660-2655 LAWN/GARDEN ANYONE WHO calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) HEAVY EQUIP MENT Operator PCT # 2 $35,000 Annually plus benefits. Apply www. taylor countytexas.org/ jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE LAWN/GARDEN SERVICES ALVAREZ TREE SER VICE Tree & Bush Re moval & Trimming Stump Grinding. Insured / CALL 325-762-4262 LAWN SERVICE Fence Repairs Tree Trimming, Tree Removal. Land scaping, Commercial & Home, Long term Plans available. Call for Estimates Mike 325-668-7755 WILL DO yard work & lot cleaning. Residential or commercial. Reason able rates 325—5135578 contact Eddie. BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Hedges, Removal, Stump Grinding, Cleanups, Planting, Flower beds, River rocks, Bor ders, Edging, Concrete, Pavers, Flagstone, Sidewalks, Retaining Wall, French Drains, Yard leveling, Dirtwork, Patios, Pergolas, Fenc es. Free Estimates. In sured. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius). Victor Hernandez 325518-8031 AFFORDABLE MOWING & WEED EATING, Clean up & Hauling. Storage Build ings, Garages & Tree limbs. Free Estimates. 325-238-1614 PORTABLE BUILDINGS 30X30 $110,000 BARNDOMINIUM, concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989, 325-7212750, 325-794-7868 30X50 BARNDO MINIUM $240,000 with 50x10 front porch, 4 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room & 3 Windows, Con crete Slab, Plumbing, Electrical, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheet rock, Paint & many more sizes. 325-6750989, 325-721-2750, 325-794-7868 REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028. 601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red menRingoTexas.com and our Facebook Page. NOW $14,800 Aprox 80% off . Camp Log Cabin Set, Pre cut log walls, Main Timber Raf ter Ridge Beams,all plans, Can Haul. Pay only on delivery.Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 OCTOBER SPECIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILD ERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DISCOUNTS Check out our web site: MetalShopsAnd Barnes.com Call for pricing. 214-930-1029 LOG CABIN Set Liq uidation. Camp clos ing. Aprox 80% Off. $ 14,800. Can Haul. Pay only on delivery. Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 “LEE’S CONCRETE “ METAL BUILDINGS 30x40x10 Metal Build ing, 4 inch Slab, 1- walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $27,400. 30x30x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $20,000. 30x50x10 Metal Building, 4 inch slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $34,500. Call Lee
Plumb ing, Electrical, Insulation, Septic tank, Sheetrock, Paint. 3 Bedrooms, 1 living area. Many more complete sizes. 325-675-0989, 325-
Ft. 40x40 Barndominium
cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more complete sizes.
ANDY’S ROOFING. Reasonable Prices, Best Quality in Town! Repairs, Re-Decking, Add-ons, Metal Roof, Windows, Siding Re modeling. Bonded & Insured. Cell 325-6694277, 325-672-1208 GONZALEZ CONSTRUCTION Tile, Ceramic, Concrete, Fencing (New & Repairs) Small Plumbing, Sewer & Drain Problems, Driveways, Sidewalks Patio’s, Welding etc. 325-370-2808 SALOMON ROCHA CONCRETE WORK Driveways, Side walks, Storm Cellars, Cinderblock fences. Call 325-236-2543, 325-660-4146 BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Removal, Stump Grind ing, Planting. Difficult or Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. Insured. Free Esti mates. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius) Victor Hernandez 325518-8031 STABILITY IS Key! Are cracks showing up in the Sheetrock and brickwork of your home? Do you have sagging floors and doors that don’t shut? Call Key City Founda tion Repair today to schedule a no obliga tion assessment. 325261-4211 THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 PUBLIC LEGAL NOTICES 325-673-4521 Email: info@amclassabilene.com “Cheaper than Abilene Reporter-News” 100% GUARANTEED! ONLINE: AmClassAbilene.com/public-notices FOR SALE OR LEASE FOR SALE COMMERCIAL 10429364 FAST FOOD RESTAURANT OFF I-20 NEAR HWY 351 FOR SALE OR LEASE 2,000 SF OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE AT CORNER OF BUFFALO GAP RD AND CHIMNEY ROCK 509 Riverside Blvd. Established Elmwood neighborhood. 3 bed 2 bath 2 dining 2 car garage. Updated paint carpet and fixtures. 1904 Sq Ft. Custom built in 1997. $260,000 101 Runnels St. Tye Excellent investment property! Corner lot 2 bed 1 bath 1 garage. Commercial or Residential. $165,000 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Oct 2nd 2-4 PM 11966 Highway 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 bed 2 bath plus bonus room over 2,800 sq ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for sideby-side all on 15 acres. REDUCED! $580,000 325-698-3820 www.cookseyrealtors.com 10429236 1734 EDGEMONT DR House, 2/2/1, Stove, Refrigerator, Central Heating-Air, 2-Car Garage, Fenced Yard, Cats OK, 1 Yr $1045 MONTHLY 3633 DUKE House, 2/1/1, Stove, Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal, W-D Conn, Central Heat-Air, Fireplace, 1-Car Garage, Fenced Yard, No Pets, 1 Yr $900 MONTHLY FOR RENT 809 East Hwy 80 • Abilene, TX 677-2246 10429110 FREE RENTAL LIST BY EMAIL OR FAX! dalzellrealtors.com
list of Rental
homes@abilene.com, or go
"We Have The KEY To Your New Home!" CALL FOR DAILY UPDATES! www.werentabilene.com 325-690-0123 KEY PROPERTY LITTLE ELM CONDO 5402 SOUTH 7TH ST: 1/1-$659/$125 2/1- $749/$125 2/2- $799/$125 WILLOW PARK APTS 2404 NO. WILLIS **ALL BILLS PAID!** 1/1- $759/$99 2/1- $859/$99 1 BDRM/1 BATH: 161 S. Pioneer #54- $649/$649 2 BDRM/1 BATH: 720 High St. $729/$400 3 BDRM/1 BATH: 910 N Jefferson $1,049/$800 4626 Clover Ln $1,199/$800 3 BDRM/2 BATH: 1741 Snipe $1,299/$800 4110 Benbrook $1,399/$850 3943 Carrera Ln $1,699/$1,000 3941 Carrera Ln $1,699/$1,000 4 BDRM/1 BATH: 5465 Durango $1,099/$500 5434 Encino $1,199/$600 2717 S. 20th $1,299/$650 10429452
GOD BLESS THE UNBORN CHILDREN Telephone Man10429478 American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © Call us at (325) 673-4521 to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media.
PAGE 8 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) 325-269-1634 117 Land Grant Lane Baird, TX 79504 Taking Orders for Custom Kill Now Selling Whole Beef & Sides of Beef ($4.99/lb. Hanging Weight) What services do you offer? Businesses who put their ads in print are 9x’s out of 10 MORE TRUSTWORTHY than those who only use Facebook. CALL US TODAY! 325-673-4521 LOOKING FOR A PAPER? Here are some of our locations with larger quantities! Market Street - Buffalo Gap Rd. Dollar Tree - 1790 Hwy 351 Walmart - 1619 Ambler United Supermarket - 970 N. Willis (North & South Exits) Super Walmart - Southwest Drive Conoco - 1433 N. Willis United Supermarket - S. 14th Street Cash Saver - Sayles Blvd. Drug Emporium - 2550 Barrow Allsup’s - 2310 Barrow Dixie Pig - 1403 Butternut Allsup’s - 2401 S. 1st Dollar Tree - 133 Sayles Each issue hits racks on Thursday! (325) 673-4521 for more info. VIEW ONLINE at: www.AmClassAbilene.com PLACE YOUR AD HERE (325) 673-4521 CONCRETE SALOMON ROCHA CONCRETE WORK Driveways, Sidewalks, Storm Cellars Cinderblock fences. Call 325-236-2543, 325-660-4146 CONSTRUCTION DIRTWORK ED KINNEY TRUCKING Gravel, Sand,Topsoil, Driveways,Tractor Mobile 325-668-4491 BILLY’S DIRT & CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Work, Septic Systems, Lot Clearing, Demolition. Billy Bilbrey - Owner 325-338-4018 DUMPTRUCKS DRIVEWAYS & ROADS BUILT & REPAIRED. Topsoil, Gravel & Bin 10 Hauled, Tandems & Belly Dumps, Dozers, Motorgraders, Loaders, Box Blades. 40 Yrs. Experience. 325-676-0304 DOZER SERVICE DUMPTRUCKS DRIVEWAYS & ROADS BUILT & REPAIRED. Topsoil, Gravel & Bin 10 Hauled, Tandems & Belly Dumps, Dozers, Motorgraders, Loaders, Box Blades. 40 Yrs. Experience. 325-676-0304 FARM & RANCH CONSTRUCTION BULLDOZER WORK Any type Farm & Ranch Residential or Oilfield. Roads built, Fence Lines, Stock Tanks, Dug or Cleaned 40 Yrs. Experience. 325-676-0304 FENCE LINE CLEARING FENCING KN FENCING CO. Specializing in Barbed Wire, Pipe Fencing, Net Wire, Cattle Guards, Entrances, Gates, Welding & Painting 325-480-6681 juergensilva@hotmail.com www.knfencing.com FIREWOOD HANDYMAN GONZALEZ CONSTRUCTION Tile, Ceramic, Concrete, Fencing (New & Repairs) Small Plumbing, Sewer & Drain Problems, Driveways, Sidewalks Patio’s, Welding etc. 325-370-2808 HAULING HAULING Trash, Brush & Junk. Cleaning Garages, Mowing & Demolition. You have it, We will haul it. Free Estimates 325-260-6060 HOME IMPROVEMENTS AMAZING GRACE REMODELING No Job To Small Specializing In Exterior Painting, Flooring, Car pet, Tile, Wood, Vinyl, Drywall, Texture Plumb ing etc. Free Estimates!!! Call Charlie 325-660-2655 HOUSE CLEANING HOUSE LEVELING LANDSCAPE SERVICES LAWNCARE LAWN SERVICE Fence Repairs, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Landscaping, Commercial & Home Long term plans available. Call for estimate! Call Mike: 325-668-7755 METAL BUILDINGS “LEE’S CONCRETE” METAL BUILDINGS 30x40x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1- walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $27,400. 30x30x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $20,000. 30x50x10 Metal Building, 4 inch slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $34,500 Call Lee 325-669-0672 WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM BUSINESS & SERVICES DIRECTORY American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. • Remember, not everyone is on social media ANYMORE! • Print Still Works! OILFIELD SERVICES GWET OILFIELD SERVICE & SUPPLY Rods, Tubing, Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Rebuilds & Service Work. Call Gene 325-338-0185, Scotty 325-668-4882 ROOFING SHREDDING SMALL ACREAGE SERVICE: Mowing, Plowing, Fence, Row Clearing FREE ESTIMATES 325-668-5972 TREE SERVICES WELDING BILLY’S DIRT & CONSTRUCTION Billy Bilbrey - Owner 325-338-4018 • Backhoe Work • Septic Systems • Lot Clearing • Demolition 10426757
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 9www.thriftynickelofabilene.com SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) AUTO PARTS REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936 L SHAPE Fuel Tanks, good condition $300 each. 325-338-0185 CROSSOVER LARGE Toolboxes, good condition $300 each obo. 325-3380185 SONNY JONES Weld ing. Repair & straighten cracked wheels. Alloy, Aluminum, Magnesium, Steel. Mention the ad and get $10 off repairs. 1902 N Treadaway. 325.672.1731 RVS 2021 44FT. Travel Trailer, 3 slides, 2 Central Air’s, Awning, washer & dryer, loaded. 2 Bedroom, S/C. Excel lent condition. NADA Book$63,000. Sacrifice $32,900 obo. 817-4485995 2021 - 42’ ft Monte Carlo Travel TrailerOWNER MUST SELL - Too many options to list! CALL or TEXT: 817-448-5995. 2010 HEARTLAND Sundance - $18,000 • 3300RLB 2-Ac 2 BR, awning; outdoor shower, very clean! CALL 325-977-0511 What services do you offer? Businesses who put their ads in print, are 9x’s out of 10 MORE TRUSTWORTHY, than those who only use Facebook. CALL US TODAY! 325-673-4521 WEST TEXAS SPECIAL We Can Place Your Ad in 6 Cities in West Texas. For more info Call Helen at 325-673-4521 PLACE YOUR AD RIGHT HERE! CALL NOW (325) 673-4521 AMCLASS ABILENE.COM AMCLASS ABILENE.COM MOTORCADE Your Weekly Automotive Source DO YOU REMEM BER? The average re tail price for unleaded gas in August of 1962 was only $0.31 cents per gallon! ~ “Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end.....” CLASSIC CARS 68 DODGE Polara 500 convertible, 383 positrack, bucket seats, pow er, some work $7500. 89 Dodge Ram Charger 100, 318 white wagon wheels, needs windshields, runs, some work $4000. 432413-3709 REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936 SPORTS CARS EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936 SUVS 2006 HUMMER H3 / Runs & drives, but has some engine issues. Recently re placed head, cam shaft actuator & new valve cover. I have a space engine for parts. Asking $5,000. For more info, please CALL or TEXT 3256600241. DON’T MISS THIS DEAL!! 2014 Sports man Toy Hauler 34ft, 5th wheel, 1 slide, sleeps 6 Has never been smoked in and no pets inside $22,950/$21,500.0 Call 325-439-1728 94 JEEP Wrangler, runs good, lift kit, new soft top. 132k miles. 325-236-4573 03 CHEVY Surbur ban, 325-437-3677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK. AGE AND health forced me to sell hunt ing rig.Older Chevy blazer, 4WD, low mile age, runs good. $1950 cash. 325-676-9222, 1518 Sir Thopas Ct. 2012 CHEVY Tahoe We Finance, No Credit check. Best Buy Auto Sales 4131 North 1st Street. 325-4373677 VANS 2018 TOYOTA Si enna Van Limited Edi tion, Navy Blue, 97,000 miles. $26,900. 325669-0364 2008 CHRYSLER Town & Country Van, 8 passen ger. $2000 obo. 325-6602574 2009 SILVER Dodge Journey SXT SUV - New tires, 6 speed shift-able auto matic, cold A/C, lots of leg room! Clean interior, keyless remote, power windows, power - heated mirrors. 158,500 miles. Asking $4,995 - Call 325232-1200 WOW PRICES!!! 2014 Honda CRV, Sunroof,Nav, Leather, Only 69K Miles, Way Below Book, Sweet Deal! $16,995 2013 Chrysler 200, Only 83K Miles, 4 Dr Sedan, Grey Metallic $9,988 SOLD 2012 Acura TSX SOLD SOLD 2015 Chrysler 200 $10,995 SOLD 2013 Chevy Equinox, White Super Nice $10,998 SOLD 2012 Buick Regal GS SOLD 2012 Chevrolet Traverse, 3rd Row Seat $5995 2012 Acadia Denali, Sunroof, Nav, Leather $13,495 Coming Soon! 2014 Ford Escape 2012 Honda Pilot Cash Offer! (2015 Chevrolet Traverse) SEVERAL CASH CARS UNDER $5,000 COMING SOON! 10429505NEW IN TYE - L AUTO Open 10am-5:30pm 228 S Access Rd in Tye. 325-829-0024 Email: Autosintye228@gmail.com NEW IN TYE HAS IT ALL!! Reduced Price!! DON’T MISS THIS DEAL! 2014 Sportsman Toy Hauler 34ft, 5th wheel, 1 slide, sleeps 6, Has never been smoked in and no pets inside $22,900 $21,500 Call 325-439-1728 10429117 4131 North 1st Street 325.437.3677 10429343 WE FINANCE • NO CREDIT CHECK AND MANY MORE AVAILABLE! 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer 2008 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 2012 Chevy Tahoe 2014 Kia Sorento 32’ FOREST River • 2020 Wildcat by For est River; hardly used. 3 slides, automatic leveling, washer & dryer hookups, skirt ing for winter. Really nice! Call Jim Baker at 325-660-2890 BOATS WANTED SHORT aluminum Jon Boat. No mo tor. 325-669-2643 DISHWASHER NEEDED. Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770 947 JET Ski Engine - 150 psi per cylinder. Asking $1300 / price is negotiable. We do install them as well. CALL David at 325320-6926. MOTORCYCLE 2006 SUZUKI Burg man 650 • New tires, new battery, new over sized windshield, cus tom backrest; recently serviced! 40k highway miles. CALL 325-7217819 2009 HARLEY Da vidson soft tail cus tom. Low mileage, 5732 miles. $2000 worth of extra parts. $12,000. Call 325260-3218 1997 HARLEY Da vidson Heritage Clas sic - lots of chrome, new genuine HD parts, custom HD wheels, new AGM battery, low mileage; too much to list. Runs Great! - $6,750 OBO(254) 631-3225 FIRST REWARD Check ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www. GO2FBT.com Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details. 2007 CHEVY Im pala - Runs great, and tires still have 24,000 on warran ty. 268k (mileage). Asking $3,295 OBO / Text 325510-7674 for de tails and test drive! 2012 CHEVY Im pala LT Nice, clean and dependable car in town or highway good on gas. 109,00 miles $7250 cash. 325-7250631, 325-673-7515 2006 VOLKSWA GEN Jetta diesel, great work or school car. $6000. Jim 325370-7385 2014 KIA Sorento . Best Buy Auto, 325-4373677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK. ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Mi crowave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwant ed gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325-513-2743. CARS I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! GREAT SHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254-967-9985 (or) 254977-4443 https://www. facebook.com/HPS382186575199883/ FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, Microwave Refrigerator, Cable TV, Pet Friendly, Truck parking. Call 325-6772687 Always delivered more that expected. ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Horse Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972 04 MITSUBISHI Lancer . Best Buy Auto, 325-4373677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK. L-AUTO NEW Lot in Tye, Texas. Wow Pric es! Across from Peter bilt on I-20.2014 Honda CRV, Sunroof, Naviga tion, Leather, Only 69k miles Way below book value. $16,995. 2013 Chrysler 200, Only 83k miles 4 door Se dan, Grey, Metallic $9,9882013 Chevy Eq inox, White Super nice. $10,998. 2012 Acadia Denali, sunroof, Nav, Leather $13,495 Has it all. Selling Fast come by. sold 2012 Acura TSZ sold- 2015 Chrysler 200, Sold 2012 Buick Regal GS Sold.... Com ing Soon. 2014 Ford Escape, 2012 Honda Pilot Cash Offer. 2015 Chevrolet Traverse. Several Cars under! $5000 coming soon228 S Access Rd in Tye. Call us! 325-829-0024 auto sintye228@gmail.com
BLACK POLLED Bulls Angus Limousin & Lim FLEX. 325-669-6452
GERMAN SHEP HERD Puppies. Very nice quality. Regis tered, shots, guaran teed, references. 325669-8210
ALFALFA HAY for sale. All quality delivered in semi truckloads amounts. Call Toll free. 1-877-2858200
DUMPTRUCKS DRIVEWAYS & ROADS BUILT & RE PAIRED. Topsoil, Gravel & Bin 10 Hauled, Tan dems & Belly Dumps, Dozers, Motorgraders, Loaders, Box Blades. 40 years experience. 325-676-0304
Bilbrey - Owner 325-338-4018
SHAPE Fuel Tanks,
$300 each. 325-338-0185
Sand, Topsoil,
Mobile 325-668-4491
GWET OILFIELD SERVICE&SUPPLY Rods, Tubing,Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Re builds & Service
Gene325-338-0185, Scotty325-668-4882
254-977-4443 254967-9985 6545
Hwy 377 Stephenville, TX.Made
PAGE 10 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) ADVERTISE HERE! 325-673-4521 AmClassAbilene.com WHAT SERVICES DO YOU OFFER? Call us at (325) 673-4521 NOT EVERYONE is on SOCIAL MEDIA WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM ADVERTISE HERE! 325-673-4521 AmClassAbilene.com 325-269-1634 Lane 79504 Orders Kill Whole Beef Weight) WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM TRUCKS 2000 FORD F-150, V-6, 5 speed, Good Clean Solid Truck, 2nd Owner, $4900 325-5185038 2008 CHEVY Silverado Crew cab. We Finance, No Credit check. Best Buy Auto Sales 4131 North 1st Street. 325-437-3677 COMMERCIAL PROP ERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL MECHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $900,000 Call 325-6656106 2010 4DR Chevrolet Silverado HD 2500 4x4 - Vortex V8, Automatic Trans, runs and drives great! Well maintained & no issues. CALL or TEXT for more info to 325-266-5645 TRAILERS 15’ 6’, 8 ‘ 6 Trailer. 6 ply tires new, roto tiller Sears, tools much more. Trailer325-283-9506 NEW TEXAS Bragg 5x8, steel floor, 3500lb axle, $1200. Call 325338-0185 D7 CAT dozer, trailer, land clearing equip-ment — bar gain prices. 432-758-3420 If No Answer — Keep Try ing 2011 BISON Trail Hand 3 Horse Trailer with Living Quarters • 31 ft’ long, AC/Heat, Fridge, Microwave, Shower, Toilet, plenty of cabinets, Lg upper bed, water heater, and so much more! TOO MUCH to LIST. CALL or TEXT Matt at 325721-1894. COMMERCIAL TRUCKS & TRAILERS NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547. AUCTIONS AUCTION SATURDAY Oct 1,2022 @ 1905 Cot tonwood St. 10 am View ing at 9:30. The remainder on 10-15-2022. Leather Loveseat & sofa, recliner, Occ. Chairs, Sm chest cabinets/Occ. tables. A Raggedy Ann & Andy Col lection of figurines, Jack-in box, Cowboy collections. Christmas, Italian Terra Cotta planter boxes and Fire boxes. Just the be ginning. Pictures on FB@ KINCAID AUCTION SER VICE & Kash. Auction zip #46759, Estate Sales.net Kincaid Auction 325-6764077 or 800-446-2282. TX 6987Calendar 10-15-Kyle White Auction @1905 Cot tonwood. 10 am. 10-29 Sil ver & others Estate Sale. See ad for details. OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT NEW 3 1/2 LFS Inte gral thread 8.8 pound per foot. $10 a foot. 325-338-0185 3 1/2 9.2 pound per foot, 13C R-85 Tubing buttress threads, good clean, $7 a foot. 325338-0185 NOW HIRING Class A CDL Flatbed Drivers for Local and OTR . Great Pay and Benefits. Please call JW 325-864-9027 USED 3 1/2” lined tubing, 9.9 pound per foot, L80 clean $6.50 a foot. 325-338-0185 AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT NOW HIRING! Cor rectional Officers, Pa role Officers, Adminis trative, Maintenance, Accounting, Social Work, Agricultural, Warehousing, Manu facturing, Transpor tation, Human Re sources, Information Technology, Laundry & Food Services and more! APPLY ONLINE TODAY! Benefits. TDCJ.TEXAS.GOV CATTLE ANGUS BULLS AI sired, EPDs, performance and fertility tested, guaran teed. BUNTING ANGUS DeLeon, TX 254-8429866 Cell 254-893-6427 ANGUS PLUS FERTIL ITY TESTED BULLS and CHOICE QUALITY BRED HEIFERS • Calving Now –Allen Brangus Ranch 325483-5554 • After 6 PM CHAROLAIS BULL STOP Quality Breed ing-Age Bulls Fertility Tested – Terry Nor man 325-597-0796 • 325-456-8582Brady, Texas CHOICE QUALITY Brangus & Angus Plus Bulls & Heifers – 20 Choice quality two year old Brangus & Angus Plus bulls - the six older bulls are fertility tested and ready to work. – 36 fancy yearling past heif ers, ready for the bulls. ALLEN BRANGUS RANCH (325) 483-5554 after 6:00pm
30X30 $110,000 BARNDOMINIUM, concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325-
FOR SALE1341 N. 7th Street • Must See!!!! House must be moved / Ask ing $12,000 - CALL or TEXT 325-669-3278. SMALL ACREAGE SERVICE: Mowing, Plowing, Fence, Row Clearing FREE ESTIMATES
DIRT & CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Work, Septic Systems, Lot
Demolition. Billy
CO. Specializing in Barbed Wire, Pipe Fencing, Net Wire, Cattle Guards, Entrances, Gates, Welding & Painting. 325-480-6681 juer gensilva@hotmail.com www.knfencing.com L
good condition
Driveways, Tractor.
40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —(Land address is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Selling at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-6693278 - if no answer, please leave message. HEAVY EQUIP MENT Operator PCT # 2 $35,000 Annually plus benefits. Apply www. taylor countytexas.org/ jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
Work. Call
HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & Machines, Multi-Purpose, Plastic
Pond Liners.
in the USA. TAKING ORDERS! Feed Lot Cattle Whole Angus Beef & Sides $3.99 lb.(Hanging weight) Includes Pro cessing Fees) Using our Patented Technolo gy. Cleanest and Safest Processing. All Bone less High End Cuts. All Meat Vacuumed Packed Contact NSC
or come by 117 Land Grant Lane, Baird, TX
CROSSOVER LARGE Toolboxes, good condition $300 each obo. 325-3380185 AMERICA’S #1 Safe. Protect your family, valuables and firearms Available. HPS LIB ERTY GUN SAFES 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,Tx. 254967-9985 or 254-9774443 www.libertysafe. com CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. NOW $14,800 Aprox 80% off . Camp Log Cabin Set, Pre cut log walls, Main Timber Rafter Ridge Beams,all plans, Can Haul. Pay only on delivery.Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 OCTOBER SPECIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILD ERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DISCOUNTS Check out our web site: MetalShopsAnd Barnes.com Call for pricing. 214-930-1029 LOG CABIN Set Liq uidation. Camp clos ing. Aprox 80% Off. $ 14,800. Can Haul. Pay only on delivery. Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 ROMAGNOLA CATTLE Not A New Breed Or A Combina tion Of Breeds ... A Proven Breed Proud To OfferAmerican Cattle menJanelle Yates — 325/456-5099 BULLDOZER WORK Any type Farm & Ranch, Residential or Oilfield. Roads built, Fence lines, Stock Tanks, Dug or Cleaned. 40 years experience. 325-676-0304 DO YOU REMEM BER? The average re tail price for unleaded gas in August of 1962 was only $0.31 cents per gallon! ~ “Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end.....” FARM DOGS & PUPPIES GREAT PYRENEES From Working Parents $300 - 830-708-5930 • Marion, TX LANGEMEIER COR GISAKC Pups — $750 And Up. Sables and TriColored Pups 830-7085930 Cell • Marion, Texas FARM/HEAVY EQUIP I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Horse Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972 DEPUTY COUNTY Clerk $16.00 hr +bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220 FELONY PROSECU TOR $65,000-$85000 yr + DOE + benefits Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220 CATTLE GUARDS & Gates - ALL SIZES - Jeryl Priddy (325) 977-0769 For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook, estatesales.net & auctionzip 10429534 ESTATE AUCTION SUNDAY OCT. 2ND 1 PM Patricia Buchanan 342 Saxon Abilene, TX REAL ESTATE Very Nice Open Floor Plan, 3 Bedroom, 2 bath Home, Large Corner Lot, Garage, Storage Buildings, Super Nice Older Home in Established Neighborhood. • Real Estate Sold As Is • Real Estate Sold Cash • Real Estate Sold Subject to Heir Approval • Property Sells at 2pm • Winning Bidder must put $5,000 in Escrow sale day with Balance due at Closing within 30 days • Tommy Simons - Broker 325-721-8800 FURNITURE • APPLIANCES “C” Oak Roll Top Desk - Super Nice; Leather Couch & Love Seat and Chair & Ottoman; Curio Cabinets; Western Hub Coffee Table; Western Furniture; Linen Press; Dressers; Beds; Chest; Shelves; Outdoor Furniture; Plus Much More!! COLLECTIBLES • HOUSEHOLD Fiesta; Deer Mounts; Costume Jewelry; Dolls; Pig Collection; Western Decor; Clothing; Pots & Pans; Books; Pyres; Christmas; Plus Much More!!! Folks, Lots Here!!! For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook, estatesales.net & auctionzip 10429537 ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY OCT. 8TH 10 AM REAL ESTATE 3 or 4 Bedroom, 2 bath Home w/ Large Living, Fireplace, Large Trees, Huge Barn, Loafing Shed, Situated on 5+/- Acres, Super Nice Place, Wylie Schools, Near Potosi. PLUS LOTS OF TAXIDERMY MOUNTS TOOLS • WATERWELL DRILLING RIG GENIE LIFT • PICKUP Watch for Next Week’s American Classifieds for a complete List. Richard Arrington Estate 130 Fieldstone Rd. Abilene, TX 10429480 The White’s have gotten the first loads in. We will sell what’s here and they will bring the remainer in next week for a sale 10-15-22. FURN: Leather Loveseat & Sofa, Hide-a-Bed, Pillow Back Sofa, Recliner, China Cabinet, Wardrobe, Drop Frt Desk, Dresser w/Mirror, Sm Chest/Toy Box, Sm Cabinets/Shelves, Benches, Tables, Big Wood Rocker, Chests, Ent Center, More!! A Raggedy Ann & Andy Collection of Figurines, Dishes, Jack-in-Box, Lunch Box, Puzzles, Books, Paper Dolls, Pillows, Pictures, Chair, Chalkboard, Clock, Etc; A Cowboy Collection of Tins/Figures, Sm Chest, Snowman Cowboys, Bed ding, Books, Sheet Music, Signs, Boots (Some JD) Stetson Hat Boxes, Book Ends, Clocks, Covered Wagon, More; CokeCola: Bistro Table w/2 Stools, Glasses, Misc; There are 10+ Quilts, Afgans, Throws/Blankets, Sheets, Towels; Lots Christmas: Snowmen Figures/Dishes/Pictures/Others; Kitchenware; Red Enamelware; Blue Speckle Pcs, Red Plasticware, Pyrex/Bakingware, “Fire King”Jadite Cups, Lg Mixing Bowls, Dishes, KitchenAid Mixer, Sm Appliances, Lots Baking Pans, Utensils, MORE!! Specialty: “Humpty Dumpty” Vase, Piggy Man Pitcher?; “Chickens”, Seasonal Dishes, Cobalt Peanut Jar, 100+pcs White Pfalzgraff Pottery; 2 Dooney Bourke Purses, Quilting Frames, Art Supplies, Italian Terra Cotta Planter Boxes & Chiminea; 6’“Oak Farm” Chest Freezer w/Flip Lids; Glider, Weight Bench, Weedeaters, Saws, Drill, Nuts/Bolts, Hand Tools, Paint Supplies; Pics on FB @KINCAIDAUCTION SERVICE HOUSE & KASH, Auction Zip # 46759, Estate Sales.Net ++++++++++++++JKincaid TX6987++++++++++ KINCAID AUCTION 325-676-4077 or 800-446-5282 ++++++++++++++Calendar+++++++++++++++ 10-15 Kyle White AUCTION @1905Cottonwood,Ab,Tx @10am 10-29 SILVER & OTHERS ESTATE SALE The first of over 2500 pcs of Silver Serving pcs as well as 150+Chest of Flatware. Also Belt Buckles and Costume Jewelry Pattern Names/Inventory & Pictures Coming!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Saturday Oct 1, 2022 10am VIEW: 9:30AM @1905 Cottonwood Ab, TX 79601
GREAT SHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254-967-9985 (or) 254977-4443 https://www. facebook.com/HPS382186575199883/
LOOKING FOR prairie dog areasto hunt, Perm ian Basin preferred. Leave voicemail or text. 432-2367313
ALL RANCHING & Wild life Helicopter Service - www.langehelicopters. com • Aubrey Lange (325) 650-4984 • Kyle Lange (325) 650-4983 • Cody Sedden (830) 279-8119
PAM’S PETS • In-Store Shopping. Quality Pet Food at incredible prices! Specializing in hand-fed birds, small animals like hamster & guinea pigs, ex otic reptiles, hermit crabs, and huge range of both freshwater & saltwater fish. 3366 N. 1st, Abilene, TX 325-675-6285
NEW TAURUS Spec trum 380 auto Pistol, different colors.RE DUCED $200 each. 325-338-0185
WE WOULD like to offer lodging for hunters near Concan, Texas. The cabin sleeps eight with one bathroom and bbq house in Concan, Texas. If you need extra lodging for your hunters please call, 254537-3524.
SIX DAY deer hunt with cabin furnished! 325-9399386
LONG TERM Hunters Wanted! • Rancho Rio Grande — Del Rio,Texas. All: MLD 3, $15/acre, High way 277 Frontage, water and electric. • 6000 acres, axis, duck andquail, live water: Rio Grande River, Tesquesquite Creek and a canal. • 15-30 minutes from Del Rio International Airport.Water and electric available on each lease. Serious inquiries only, contact:jenna@brask.com
Estate Sales
4829 STONE CREST COURT September 30 9am-2pm. October 1 9am-2pm
Furniture: dining table w/6 chairs, 2-China cabinets, Buffet, grandfather clock, full and king size beds, night stands, desk, piano, Yamaha keyboard, 2-TVs, occasional tables and chairs, refrigerator, washer and dryer, lots of small appliances Decor: Lamps, rugs, mirrors, books, China, glassware, linens, quilts, seasonal decor. Tools: spindle sander, 2 compound miter saws, scroll saw, bench grinder, jigsaw, shop vac, hand tools Outdoor: Bar, glider, grill, yard elements, yard tools CASH AND CHECKS ONLY CLEAN AND PRICED TO SELL
Like Us on Facebook
Two Sisters Estate Sales 325-669-3483 / 325-669-6080 10429513
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE 11www.thriftynickelofabilene.com SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 (9/29/22 - 10/5/22) FARM & RANCH • Silage/Bunker Covers • Silage Bags & Machines • Multi-Purpose Plastic Sheeting • Pond Liners • Inoculants HPS PLASTICS 6545 S. US HWY 377 STEPHENVILLE, TX 254-977-4443 254-967-9985 WELLINGTON TRAC TOR PARTS INC. SAVE 50-70% on all your farm tractor and combine re pair parts needs. NEW — USED — REBUILT — we specialize in cylinder heads - blocks - cranks - new tractor replacement seats - interior kits - overhaul kits - starters - clutches - wa ter pumps and iinjection pumps. CALL US — WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSI NESS.Wellington, TX • 800-992-5346 GOATS BLACK SPANISH Goats Syfran Bred - Nannies & Billies - Three Mill Ranch / Mackey Lange, Mgr. (830) 739-7258 — ma cheyd34@yahoo.com HORSES WILL BUY Horses of All Kinds - Truckload Lots of Alfalfa Hay Available Year RoundCattle Hauling - Truck or Gooseneck - Fully Insured - J.L. Keeney 432-558-2679 (h) 432556-0555 (m) HORSES - Bought, Sold, and traded / Any kind • Any time! - G.A. Gossett 806-570-1309 TRAINING FOR Horse & Rider - NRHA, NCHA, SHOT competi tor - Coach - ClinicianJudge • David Maltais / 325-201-3882 HORSE SALE! Cle burne, Texas. Every Wednesday Night 6pm. Selling Good Riding Horses Also, Top Loose Horse Mar ket. 254-744-5563, 469-595-6870. PASTURE FOR LEASE AVAILABLE PASTURE For 100 up to 500 head of cows on year round pro gram. 660/492-2859 PASTURE WANTED LEASE PASTURE or wheat grazing needed for cows or calves. Have equipment/ brush control, fencing. Short term/after deer season. Bart Koerth 254-681-1498 GRAZING LEASE needed for cow/calf op eration. Long term lease preferred. Okay with improving and repairing roads, fencing, pens, etc. References available. Call: 210-381-4249 GRASS LEASE needed by the head, by the month or annually, long term lease preferred, referenc es available. 325-642-278
SMALL 10-ACRE ranchito for sale by owner, joining a large ranch in the beautiful Big Bend area of South west Texas surrounded with mountains, 3000 ft. altitude. Three bed room, two bath home with garage, basement, workshop, barns, new fencing, good well and low taxes because of AG Exemption. $250,000. Call 432-3865854 VANISHING TEXAS river cruises with three boats, two houses, pool, large dock and of fice, six acres on Lake Buchanan. $4M. cob branch1@gmail.com 512-556-3890 SOUTHWEST OKLA HOMA - Hunting/Cattle Ranch • 480 Acres at $1,825/acre. CALL 580678-0662 HUNTING & FISHING 2 MATTHEWS Hunting bows (1 is left handed) and 1 Jennings Hunting bow. 325-677-0734 DO YOU want to Hunt where the Big Deer are? Clearfork River runs through the place. Also Spring & Fall Turkey hunting. Plus all the hogs you want to kill. Call 325721-2517
ESTATE AUCTION For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook page for details. 10429536 Sunday Oct. 9, 2022 1 PM John Ray 1831 Ave. N Anson, TX Watch Next Week’s American Classifieds for complete list. MINI-VAN • FURNITURE ANTIQUES RIDING MOWER
For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook, estatesales.net & auctionzip 10429535 ESTATE AUCTION SAT. OCT. 1ST 10 AM Gene Fischer 108 Montgomery Rd. Haskell, TX (Paint Creek Community) REAL ESTATE 3 Bedroom, 1 bath Country Farm Home situated on 5+/- Acres with Large Barn, Large Trees, Super older home in the Country!!! • Property Sells As Is • Property Sells Cash • Property Sells Subject to Heir Approval • Winning Bidder must put $5,000 in Escrow sale day with Balance due at Closing within 30 days • Property Sells at 12 Noon • Tommy Simons - Broker 325-721-8800 PICKUP • TRACTOR • EQUIPMENT 2007 GMC 4 dr Pickup 3500 4x4 Crew Cab, Diesel, Runs Great 1370 CASE, Cab, shows 1500 hrs, Runs Great 1370 CASE - Parts Tractor Oliver - Ran when Parked JD 450 16’ Grain Drill w/ Packer Wheels; 3p 7 Shank Ripper; 3pt 9’ Blade; 3pt JD 400 Rotary Hoe; 3pt 17 Shank Cultivator w/ 4 Toolbars; Brush Hog 10’ DT Shredder; JD 4 Bottom Rollover Moldboard; 3pt Danuser Post Hole Auger; 3pt 6 row JD Planter; 30 3pt Cultivator; 16’ D.T. Hamby offset Tandem Disc; DT Reynolds 5C Scraper; 30’ 3pt Cultivator; DT Graham Hamey; 3pt 11 Shank Ripper; 3pt 16’ Graham Hoeme Cultivator; Plus Much More!! TRAILERS • 4 WHEELER • MOWER Cotton Trailers; Grain Trailers; Utility Trailers; BP 16’ Cattle Trailer; Spray Trailer; Kawasaki 4 Wheeler; 2 Club Cadet Riding Mower1 near New; Plus Much More!!! SHOP & TOOLS Round Bale Feeders; Squeeze Chute; Job Boxes; Lincoln Gas Welder 250 Amp; Lawnmowers; Ladders; Gas Pump; Chains; Boomers; Compressors; Oxy Acc Torch & Cart; Vise; Anvil; Jacks; Pole Vise; Heaters; Pipe Wrenches; Hand Tools; Yard Tools; Batt. Charger; Lincoln 250 Arc Welder; Miller Matic 35 Wire Welder; Drill Press; Hoist; Tire Changer; Bolt Bin; Snap On; Impacts; Sockets; Wrenches; Plus More!! WOODWORKING SHOP Delta Unisaw; Grizzly Dust Collector; 2-Craftsman Shapers; Craftsman Planer; Molder; Routers; Planers; Drill Press; Band Saw; Sanders; Mitre Saw; Nailers; DeWalt Drills; Plate Joiners; Senco Screw Gun; Toolboxes; Bits; Senco Air Compressor; Plus more!! GUNS • RELOADING SHOP 14 Guns; Ammo; Plus Complete Reloading Shop and Gun Smith Shop HOUSEHOLD Approx 50+ pieces Desert Rose; Pyrex; Fostoria; Cast Iron; Boots; Cameras; Butter Churns; Oil Lamps; Lanterns; Quilts; Old Dresses; Clothing; Dressers; Chests; Beds; Atari; Sewing Machine; Serger; 2 China Cabinets; Buffet; Duncan Phyfe Table w/ 6 Chairs; Plus Much More!! Folks, you cannot imagine how much is here!! Lots Here!! Bring a FriendDO NOT MISS THIS SALE!!! MULE HARNESS DONKEY to sell or trade. Mule is 15 hands, gentle. Located Old Glo ry. $1500 OBO. 940-6139154. Leave message. BLACK POLLED Bulls Angus Limousin & Lim FLEX. 325-669-6452 100% TEXAS Longhorns - Heifer Bulls / Registered Bulls and Cows / Heifers - Rop ing Stock - Trophy Steers • Stone wall Valley Ranch 512/454-0476 or 830/644-2380 SHOW QUAL ITY Boer goats - wethers, does. Born April-May. 325-365-6424 FOR SALE Bantam ducks. Call 325-725-0233 American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © Call us at (325) 673-4521 to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. Print Still works!
NOTICE OF Public Sale: October 19, 2022 at 10 am, the following property will be sold for cash only at Public Sale in order to sat isfy a Landlord’s Lien au thorized by Chapter 59 of the Texas Property code. Property is stored at Sitzes Stonegate LP DBA Stone gate Self Storage Locat ed at 4450 South Clack street. Abilene Texas The following units contain furniture and household goods:unless otherwise stated: James Diers, Jack ie Rickman, Linda Brooks, Ronald Barton, Robert Cockrell, LeFreda Munoz, Valaurie Lozada, Paige Tril lo, Emily Esquivel, Michael Gerrin, Marcia Stevenson, Joshua Jones, McKenzie Hanson, Josiah Flores.
ISSUES WITH your Driver License? Need help with Restoration, Occupational Licenses, DWI, DWLI, Posses sion of Marijuana. FREE CONSULTATION Complimentary DPS License Status Check LET ME HELP! 3301 N. 3rd Abilene, TX 79603 325-268-4344 ATTOR NEY JOHN W. KEN NEDY
NOTICE OF Public Auc tion. October 19, 2022 12:00pm., The following property will be sold for cash at Public Sale in order to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien authorized by Chapter 59 of Texas Property Code. Property is stored at Sitzes Northwest, LP DBA Sitzes Self Storage Located at 2593 N. Danville, Abilene, Texas 79603. The follow ing units contain furniture and household items un less otherwise stated; Daniel Clay Bailey, Baby R Constancio, Teresa A El more, Isaac Charles Hamil ton, Tad A Bratton,Johnna Kirkland, Hazel L Jeffer son, David Paul Liske, Joe Angel Martinez
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: October 19th at 11 am The following property will be sold for cash only at Public Sale in order to sat isfy a Landlord’s Lien au thorized by Chapter 59 of the Texas Property code. Property is stored at LP DBA Sitzes Self Storage at 3617 Dub Wright located at . following units con tain furniture, tools, and household goods:unless otherwise stated. Cesar Herrera, Keegan Karlan, Adrian Saavedra, Christian Duran, Addison SwannerAguirre, and Roxanne Birdsong.
NOTICE OF Public on October 19, 2022 at 9:00 am the following property will be sold for cash only at Public Sale in order to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien authorized by Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code. Property is stored at Sitzes Storage 2433 S. Treadaway Abilene LP, Texas 79602. The follow ing units contain furniture and household items un less otherwise stated. Luann Akin, Tara Young, Frankie Martinez, Daniel Bigham, Brittney Moskal ski, Dustin Davenport, Joe Garcia, Brianna Kristen Mayes. Ruby Alcala