VIEW ONLINE • PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE • Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm Tuesday 8:30am - 6:00pm Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday CLOSED VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 42 • OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) 3900 North 1st Suite 2 (325) 673-4521 HABLAMOS ESPANOL THE MALL OF ABILENE 325-695-3700 3532 NORTH 6TH STREET 325-704-3130 POKEMAN • SPORTS CARDS COMICS • TOYS 10429370 BUY • SELL • TRADE American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. Print Still Works! 10429423 Come work for the Abilene State Supported Living Center! “Work where your work makes a difference” Visit us at or text “Careers” to 325-255-4442 Start your State of Texas CAREER! AbSSLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Provider Abilene State Supported Living Center 2501 Maple • Abilene, TX 79602 Direct Care Professional Now Hiring These Positions: • Rehab Therapy Tech II • Food Service Worker • LVN Come Stay With Us! Monthly $750 and Weekly $280 + Tax ROOM AMENITIES: FREE WIFI Microwave Refrigerator Cable TV Guest Laundry Facility Ground Floor Pet Friendly Trucking Surrounded by all kinds of Restaurants, Grocery & Liquor Stores and Hospital. 3210 I-20 & Pine St. • Abilene, Tx 79601 CALL: 325 677 2687 Always Deliver more than Expected Frontier Inn 10429306 Open 7 Days a Week 601 Scott St Tye, TX 325-690-9028 Check out & our Facebook Page Bingo Sessions at 7pm and 8:30pm RedmenBingo 10429661 • Silage/Bunker Covers • Silage Bags & Machines • Multi-Purpose Plastic Sheeting • Pond Liners • Inoculants HPSPlastics 6545 S. US Hwy 377 Stephenville, TX Made In U.S.A. 10429248254-977-4443 254-967-9985 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL ME CHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $600,000 Call 325-6656106 2017 KAWASAKI Mule Pro-FX Ranch Edi tion. 92.2 hours, comes with trailers $13,000. Call 325-677-6810 7 WEEK OLD CHI HUAHUA puppies. $75. Call or text. 325269-3425. 40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —(Land address is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Selling at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-6693278 - if no answer, please leave message. LOOKING FOR Adult dog, has some train ing to buy, for a house pet, can be medium or large breed. Doberman passed away 2 years ago & haven’t been able to replace yet. Please call Adams 325733-2221 LOOKING FOR the Nurse I met 4 years ago as a Visitor at The Oaks at Radford Hills Healthcare Center. Met her again sev eral years later when she gave me my last Covid shot. Please call 325-733-2221 LOST IN Country Place S between 1102-2300 Buffalo Gap Rd. (FM89 Abilene TX). White w/ Calico head/tail. Name”Betsy” • 13 years old / chipped. REWARD. 325669-2818 PRECIOUS MOMENTS Collection 900 pieces 1993-94 thru 1999. In cludes Anniversary, Com memorative, Member ship, Easter Seal, Birthday Club, Sam’s Sets & others. Call for list. 830-496-3024 FOR SALE or Lease Fast Food Restaurant off I—20 Near Hwy. 351 Abilene Texas For Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440. 10429362 New Renovated Room: Weekly $43.48 pn ( $350 including tax) 2 guests additional guest $50 per week extra. Weekly Full Payment in Advance *Subject to Availability FREE High Speed WiFi • FREE Microwave in Room • Pet Friendly (Pet Fee Applicable) • FREE Fridge in Room FREE Truck Parking 840 East Hwy 80 • ABILENE 79601 CALL 325-677-8100 COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST! $43.48 EconoLodge Inn & Suites Blue J Landscape & Tree Service Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding, Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. New & Old Landscapes with a Modern Touch. Total Yard Clean-Ups. 100 mile radius. Insured & Abilene Chamber Member Victor Hernandez 325-518-8031 10429679FREE Estimates 21 Yrs. Experience SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY/SSI 404-964-7285 Been Denied? Never Ever Give Up! Free Appeal Today! NO Fee EVER Unless Approved! Hearing Scheduled? No Attorney? NEVER, EVER Face SSA Alone! 10429610 GARAGE SALE GUIDE Thurs, Fri, & Sat. Oct. 20, 21, & 22 __3832 State St.......................N...............8-5 Fri. & Sat. Oct. 21 & 22 __2014 Ambler........................N.................. __657 Westmoreland..............N..............9-6 __2034 Green St.....................N..............8-? __1657 Woodard.....................S...............8-? __1349 Meander......................S......8-2, 8-12 __1125 S. LaSalle....................S........8-4, 8-2 Saturday, October 22 __2725 Hickory.......................N...............8-2 __3102 Ventura.......................S...............9-2 __4007 FM 604................ .(Clyde, TX) ..........8-? Sat. & Sun. Oct. 22 & 23 __1473 Shelton.......................N...............8-1 __3910 Carrera Lane..............S...............8-4 ESTATE SALE GUIDE Saturday & Sunday Oct. 22 & 23 326 Eagle Mountainview. ...S...9-2, 11:30-2 __235 Hedges Road................S......8-1, 12-3
Saturday, October 22 881 E Hwy 80................ (Abilene)..........10am 200 E Coliseum Dr...... (Snyder, TX)........10am 1313 S. Austin St.State Hwy 16S........ (Comanche, TX)........10am 13016 Hwy 36......... (Comanche, TX)........10am Sunday, October 23 216 Breckenridge St...... (Albany, TX)..........1pm Be a kind Garage Seller. Please remove all Garage Sale signs and remove your posts from Facebook after your event. PLACE YOUR AD every WEDNESDAY by 11:00AM If you miss the deadline, go to or give us a call at 673-4521 10429374SONNY JONES WELDING 1902 N Treadaway • 325-672-1731 Mention Ad& get $10.00 OffRepairs • Alloy • Aluminum • Magnesium • Steel Repair & Straighten Cracked Wheels Apply in person at 1850 E. Lowden St. Abilene (located behind Wal-Mart on HWY 351) Hill Resources/Living Resources Hiring for: • Direct Support Professionals • Training Technician for Day Hab • Transporters *Must be able to pass background check, drug test and have a valid drivers license 10429751 REPAIR • RESTORE RESTYLE Turn Ordinary INTO EXTRAORDINARY 4541 Catclaw Dr 325-513-2743 Big Country Gold & Custom Jewelry We buy gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, & precious stones Turn your scrap into CASH! 10429348 Turn Your Scrap into CASH!
O Lord. How far can a dreamer go in life? A dream is like a lost shadow that travels behind man, searching for it’s rainbow. Can life be all roses or will we see and feel pain and struggling in our life time? We ask ourselves, why are we here on earth? We dream about things that can become our downfall. Dream away and our life will pass quickly on earth. For we will encounter dust and dust will be our destination. How far can man go living only on dreams? Will God give us the Grace of Light that we can find ourselves on earth? The closer we become with God, the better we will understand his love. Life is reality and a dream is only passing moment, but man’s heart will be the salvation on earth as it will be in heaven.
PAGE 2 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM MISCELLANEOUS LVN’S STARTING Salary $48,000+ Bene fits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 p.m. and 1pm-5p m. Applications are ac cepted until positions are filled. EEO 325-6741220 taylorcountytex LAND FOR Sale By Owner, almost 1 Acre land at 1182 Marc, Buf falo Gap, Texas. Elec tricity, water, sewer, are available. 325-2253030, 325-660-5751 COMMERCIAL PROP ERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL MECHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $600,000 Call 325-6656106 I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 NOTICE OF PUB LIC SALE to satisfy a landlord’s lien. The auction will begin at 11 am 11/03/2022 at A2Z Self Storage 2450 Union Lane Abilene, TX 79601. Property will be sold to the highest bid der for cash. Cleanup and removal of all property is required. Property includes units of the following tenants: Dezeray Ad ams, Shameka Appel, Donald, DePew, Kelsi Firth, Ray Richards Contents: misc boxes, misc household items, Christmas décor, furni ture, lawn equipment. DO YOU want to Hunt where the Big Deer are? Clearfork River runs through the place. Also Spring & Fall Turkey hunting. Plus all the hogs you want to kill. Call 325721-2517 ROMANS 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”. GREAT SHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254-967-9985 (or) 254977-4443 https://www. COUCH & Sofa , Electric BBQ Grill, China Cabinet, 3 piece wood cabinet, Wicker chair & sofa. Office desk, HP Computer all in one desktop. HP Laptop computer, Electric grass trimmer. 325-829-9528
NEEDED. Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770 EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, Microwave Refrigerator, Cable TV, Pet Friendly, Truck parking. Call 325-6772687 Always delivered more that expected. ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Equine Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972 BOOK NOOK! LO CATED in Frontier Flea Market. 781 Wal nut Abilene, Texas. Thousands of Used Books for your reading pleasure. $1.00 and up. Opened Tuesday-Sat 10 - 5 pm 04 MITSUBISHI Lancer . Best Buy Auto, 325-4373677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK. NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547. 55 CADILLAC Sixty Special, 4 door rare factory Limo Project Car, runs needs brakes, solid body, needs paint, seats good, needs in terior & front floors. $4500 obo Text 325669-2122
MO MENTS Collection 900 pieces 1993-94 thru 1999. Includes Anniver sary, Commemorative, Membership, Easter Seal, Birthday Club, Sam’s Sets & others. Call for list. 830-4963024 FIRST REWARD Check ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www. Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details. HOUSE LEVELERS Needed. Call 325-2086072 LIMBS? — We haul those too! Call for a quote! HOGIT-AWAY! 325-627-3975 FIREWOOD- DRY Oak and Mesquite. $195 cord loaded on your truck. Dealers Welcome. Opened everyday. 8 am-5:30. Reed Farm store. 3935 FM 18 Baird, Texas 79504 325-660-8440 REDUCED TO $580,000 11966 High way 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 Bedroom 2 bath plus bonus room over 2,800 square ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for side by side Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440 VACANT LOTS 2669 China street 75x120 $49,000 for all 3 vacant lots. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440. ORDAINED MINIS TER available for Wed dings & Vow Renewal at your location, any setting! Reflecting your personal story. Avail able evenings & week ends. $75 in Abilene, outside add mileage. Call/Text 325-864-9440 Linda 509 RIVERSIDE Blvd, established Elmwood neighborhood.3 bed 2 bath 2 dining 2 car ga rage Updated paint car pet and fixtures.1904 Sq Ft. Custom built in 1997. $260,000 Hall mark Real Estate Ser vices. Call us. 325-6984440 NOW HIRING. No Experience necessary. Apply in person at 525 Oak. Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00. REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028. 601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red and our Facebook Page. REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936 ISSUES WITH your Driver License? Need help with Restoration, Occupational Licenses, DWI, DWLI, Posses sion of Marijuana. FREE CONSULTATION Com plimentary DPS License Status Check LET ME HELP! 3301 N. 3rd Abilene, TX 79603 325268-4344 ATTORNEY JOHN W. KENNEDY STEEL MOBILE Home Roofing Leaks! High energy bill? Roof Rumble Contact us at 800-633-8969 or Roofo Perma- roof from Southern Build ers. Since 1983 ED KINNEY TRUCKING Gravel, Sand,Topsoil, Driveways, Tractor. Mobile 325-668-4491 GENERAL CON STRUCTION Weld ers helper needed. Call 325-725-4062 GWET OILFIELD SERVICE & SUPPLY Rods, Tubing, Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Rebuilds & Service Work. Call Gene 325-338-0185, Scotty 325-668-4882 TOP DOLLAR!! C&L Cores & Scrap, Auto motive Parts, Diesel Parts, Motors & Trans missions, Brass Radia tors, Aluminum Rims & Breakage; & Batteries. CALL 830-220-0960 HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & Machines, Multi-Purpose, Plastic Sheeting, Pond Liners. 254-977-4443 254967-9985 6545 S. US Hwy 377 Stephenville, TX.Made in the USA. TAKING ORDERS! Feed Lot Cattle Whole Angus Beef & Sides $3.99 lb.(Hanging weight) Includes Pro cessing Fees) Using our Patented Technolo gy. Cleanest and Safest Processing. All Bone less High End Cuts. All Meat Vacuumed Packed Contact NSC 325-665-0602 or come by 117 Land Grant Lane, Baird, TX 79504. FOR SALE or Lease Fast Food Restaurant off I—20 Near Hwy. 351 Abilene Texas For Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440. HAULING TRASH Brush & Junk Cleaning Garages, Mowing & Demolition You have it, We will haul it. Free Estimates 325-260-6060 AMERICA’S #1 Safe. Protect your family, valuables and firearms Available. HPS LIB ERTY GUN SAFES 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,Tx. 254967-9985 or 254-9774443 www.libertysafe. com 2000 SQ Ft Office space for lease at cor ner of Buffalo Gap Rd & Chimney Rock. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325698-4440. CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. NOW $14,800 Aprox 80% off . Camp Log Cabin Set, Pre cut log walls, Main Timber Rafter Ridge Beams,all plans, Can Haul. Pay only on delivery.Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 COME TO Rick’s Col lectibles! Buy Sell Trade. 3532 North 6th Abilene. Opened 11 am til 6 pm Abilene’s Hobby Connec tion since 1991. We have fidget Poppers 3” to 15” Size. Star Wars, Topps, Comics, Toys. Buy, Sell, and Trade! In the Mall of Abilene! 325-695-3700 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd Ste 1274 Abilene, TX OCTOBER SPECIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILD ERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DISCOUNTS Check out our web site: MetalShopsAnd Call for pricing. 214-930-1029 LOG CABIN Set Liq uidation. Camp clos ing. Aprox 80% Off. $ 14,800. Can Haul. Pay only on delivery. Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 ATTENTION LARGE Deer Leases: 13ft. x 16ft. Overhead Tank . Will hold 1600 bushels of corn. Ask ing $5500. 254-4424100 HOME2 SUITES by Hilton Abilene is hir ing a Part-time Break fast AttendantWeek days 6:00am-10:00am Weekends 7:00am11:00am Approxi mately 20 hours / week $11-11.50 / hourPlease apply at www.twhospi or come by 2109 Scottish Road. You may call 325-6771100 for additional in formation. 2014 KIA Sorento . Best Buy Auto, 325-437-3677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK. 30X50 BARNDO MINIUM $240,000 with 50x10 front porch, 4 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room & 3 Windows, Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-7947868 AMAZING GRACE REMODELING. No Job To Small. Specializing In Exterior Painting, Flooring, Carpet, Tile, Wood, Vinyl, Paint ing, Drywall, Texture, Plumbing etc... Free Estimates!!! Call Char lie 325-660-2655 ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 2TON Presented by At tHe ABILENE TEACHERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION .orgGet Your Tickets at
GOD BLESS THE UNBORN CHILDREN Telephone Man10429727 10429401 HI-HO SILVER(Ware) So 10-28-2022 is the DATE we will start selling 100’s pieces of serving and decorative Silver. Also about 150 Chests of Flatware, Belt Buckles and Jewelry, All from the Jerry Varnado Collection. There are multiple pieces of Brass, Copper, Pottery & Glass too. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We will also have an excellent collection of High End Furniture and Unique Décor. Sale times and dates next week. Pics on: FB: KINCAID AUCTION SERVICE HOUSE & KASH +++++++++++++++++++++++ 325-676-4077 or 800-446-5282 10429810 N. 8th & Walnut St. Abilene, Tx Wed.-Sat. 10am - 5pm Come explore the Great Frontier! 10429647
ics, 3 Flatscreen T.V’s, Whirlpool Washer and Dryer, Silk Flowers, Stel lar Christmas Decor,
door Furniture/Decor
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) 1349 MEANDER Friday Oct. 21, 8am 2pm. Saturday Oct. 22, 8am - Noon. Canning jars, computer table, microwave, grooming kit, side tables, pic tures, speakers, din ing room chairs, nice women’s clothes! Van ity set, sewing mate rial, pet door, sewing patterns. HUGE SALE!! 3910 Carrera Lane, Saturday & Sunday 8am - 4pm. Vintage, clothes, antiques, collectibles, furniture. HUGE YARD SaleLots of new clothes, most $1. New bras $5. Animal print bar stools. Toys, lots of misc. & more. Friday 8am -4pm. Saturday 8am -2pm. 1125 S. La Salle RETIREMENT & MOVING SALE - Saturday 8am till. 1220 4 wheel drive Ford, 5’ 3 point tiller, 5’ 3 pt. shredder, 6’ 3 pt. shredder, newer spreader, blacksmith forge, sheetrock hanger, chains, 6 saddles, racks, bits & spurs & much more tack, 3 pt. sprayer, electric sprayer, ladders, wire welder, 4007 FM 604, Clyde. 325669-1088 BEDROOM CHEST, good condition. $100 cash. Text 325-513-1620 BABY ITEMS, Toddler bed, Bicycle, Furniture, bunk beds, Doll house Din ing table, Toys, Baby stroll ers. Popcorn machine, lawnmower. Friday & Sat urday 2014 Ambler HUGE YARD Sale - 657 Westmoreland, Friday & Saturday. 9am -6pm. Ap pliances, furniture. Lots of winter clothes, shoes. Too much to list. All clothing $2 & under. YARD SALE - 2034 Green St. October 21-22. 8am - ?? Weed eaters, Lawn mowers, clothes, shoes & misc. 2725 HICKORY St. Saturday only 8-2. Clothes, lots of house hold decor. Nice things. Behind H.S.U. GARAGE SALE1473 Shelton. Saturday & Sunday. 8am - 1pm 3832 STATE St. Thursday - Saturday. 8am - 5pm. Furniture only. Antique Kinilworth Mahogany dining. 1657 WOODARD St. Friday & Saturday. 8am? Outside chairs, swings, furntiure, microwave, dish es, clothes, plants, tools & misc. INTERNET & TECHNOLOGY FIRST REWARD Check ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www.GO2FBT. com Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Mun day. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details. JEWELRY & CLOTHING CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. TEXAS BUY Needing to Place Your Ad All Over Texas? For more info Call Helen @ 325-673-4521 GARAGE SALES NORTH TEXAS BUY Needing to Place Your Ad All Over Texas? For more info Call Helen @ 325-673-4521 Submit Your Ad By Tuesday 6:00pm AmericAn clASSifiedS (325) 673-4521 GARAGE SALES SOUTH LET ME help you find your new dream home or property. Call or text me today! 325-3700686. Alfredo Salas Hablo Espanol. AFFORDABLE MOWING & WEED EATING, Clean up & Hauling. Storage Build ings, Garages & Tree limbs. Free Estimates. 325-238-1614 BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Removal, Stump Grind ing, Planting. Difficult or Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. Insured. Free Esti mates. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius) Victor Hernandez 325518-8031 WYLIE ISD Now Hiring Full Time Bus Drivers. Must have CDL with a P and S Endorsement. Cus todians Salary DOE Ben efits + Insurance. Apply 6249 Buffalo Gap Road, 325-665-7375 (EOE) ATTN: FLEA Market Vendors taking offers on husband’s shed. Large metal stand, skill saw, propane bottle, metal chairs, metal clamps, lots of misc. Cash only by appoint ment. 325-267-4265 SONNY JONES Weld ing. Repair & straighten cracked wheels. Alloy, Aluminum, Magnesium, Steel. Mention the ad and get $10 off repairs. 1902 N Treadaway. 325.672.1731. 1500 SQ. Ft. 40x40 Barndominium $190,000. Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more complete sizes. 325-675-0989, 325-721-2750, 325794-7868 AQUARIUM SETUPS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES PRECIOUS MO MENTS Collection 900 pieces 1993-94 thru 1999. Includes Anniver sary, Commemorative, Membership, Easter Seal, Birthday Club, Sam’s Sets & others. Call for list. 830-4963024 64 YEAR’S of Play boy Collection. $50 per Issue. 775-513-0314 CEMETERY PLOTS ENTERTAINMENT REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028. 601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red and our Facebook Page. ANYONE WHO calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) ESTATE SALES ESTATE SALE HOSTED BY GOOD DEAL HUNTING 326 EAGLE MOUNTAINVIEW DR. SAT 9-2 SUN 11:30-2 Artwork, Jim Shore and Dept 56 Collectibles, Hand Painted Hall Table, 6X4 Peacock Tapestry, 1950’s Navy Uniforms, POW Flag, Matching Bedroom Suite(Wood), Vintage Homer Laughlin China, Teacup Collec tion, Country-Style De cor, Cake Stands,Vintage Fire-King Bowl, Floral Sofa, Large Armchair, Curio Cabinet, Carnival Glass, Area Rugs, Re clining Electric Armchair, Matching Bookcases, Wood Console Table, China Cabinet, Dining Table w 8 Chairs,Trunks, Large Hall Mirror, Metal Ornate Bed(Full), Lane Hope Chest, Matching Storage Cabinet and Nightstand, Ornate Metal
Wooden Book shelves, Hand
Lamps, Rustic Cheval Mirror, L Shape Desk, Cube Stor age Shelves, Lots of Arts & Crafts Supplies, Crafts Table, Books, Electron
and Much More! FAMILY ESTATE SALE #2 235 Hedges Road Abilene, TX 79605. October 22nd and 23rd. Saturday: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM and Sunday: 12:00 Noon3:00 PM. HUGE SALE! DON’T MISS OUT! Glassware, Vintage, and collectibles, Hal loween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and lots of other holiday decor. Floral arrangements, knick knacks and some furniture. Everything in excellent condition and many items are brand new. CASH OR VEN MO ONLY. NO checks or credit cards. FLEA MARKETS FRONTIER FLEA MARKET 781 Walnut, Abilene. Treasures for all ages Tuesday - Saturday 10am-5pm 325-672-2119 ELMDALE FLEA Market 5423 East Hwy 80 Abilene, Rod’s , Reels,Lots of Tools, 2500 Rings and Military Knifes. Opened 7 days a week. 9am - 5pm 325-669-7722 FIRST SATURDAY of the Month . AASR DA Flea Market & Craft Fair. Air Conditioned In door and Outdoor. East of Tye Truck Stop on Access Rd. Vendor In formation Contact 325668-1138, 1023 North St. Tye, Tx FREE GOODIES REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028. 601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red and our Facebook Page. ATTENTION: HISTORY Teachers/collectors Na tional Geographic maga zines. Several 1900’s, The Rest AR 40’s, 50’s, 60’s. Take all or none, come by. 2018 Minter Ln., Abilene 9:00am - 6:00pm. Free Goodiies! FURNITURE MOVING - China Hutch, Executive desk, fullsize sofa bed, kitch en table & 4 chairs. 325-244-0007 COUCH & Sofa , Electric BBQ Grill, China Cabinet, 3 piece wood cabinet, Wicker chair & sofa. Office desk, HP Computer all in one desktop. HP Laptop computer, Electric grass trimmer. 325-829-9528 GARAGE SALES OUT • Driver License Restoration • Occupational Licenses • DWI, DWLI, Possession of Marijuana LICENSE SUSPENDED? 3301 N. 3rd • Abilene, TX 79603 325-268-4344 ATTORNEY JOHN W. KENNEDY 10429546 FREE CONSULTATION Complimentary DPS License Status Check LET ME HELP! 10429529 WHOLE AND SIDES OF BEEF 3.99 LB. Hanging Weight (INCLUDES PROCESSING FEES) USING OUR PATENTED TECHNOLOGY CLEANEST AND SAFEST PROCESSING ALL BONELESS HIGH END CUTS ALL MEAT VACUUMED PACKED CALL TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR BEEF 325-665-0602 FEED LOT CATTLE BEEF PROCESSING 117 Land Grant Lane Baird, TX 79504 BEEF“Star Quality Service” Licensed • Insured TPCL #9129 Abilene 325-690-9245 Big Spring 432-263-5460 Colorado City 325-728-5852 Eastland 254-629-8444 Sweetwater 325-236-6668 PEST SERVICES with no contracts and guaranteed results! 10429204 10429331 10429488 WOOD FRAME BUILDINGS OF ALL SIZES Check out our website: Includes all Labor and Tractor Work and Concrete Slab with Moisture Barrier and Electric Stub. Standard Doors (1) 10x10 Roll Up or 10x8 Garage Door and (1) Steel Walk-in Door. Do not supply pad dirt. Sales 214-930-1029 SHOPS • GARAGES • BARNS EQUIPMENT SHEDS POLICE/FIRE/MILITARY DISCOUNTS CALL FOR PRICING 10429466 October Special 5% Off 10429726 ATTENTION DISABLED VETS! I am starting a small Equine Therapy Clinic for the Disabled Veteran. I need help, advice, and a few clients. Also looking for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, please call Tom at 325-668-5972 10429648
PIZZA BY DESIGN is looking for daytime help Monday-Friday 11-4. Pay depending on experience. Base $9+/ hour with tips $13-$16/ hour. Apply in person at 3753 Catclaw Drive, Abilene.
DISHWASHER NEEDED. Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770
BUSCANDO GRAN JA Experimentada Y Rancho Cercado Con structor. Buen Sueldo. Llame al 325-480-6681
NOW HIRING. No Experience necessary. Apply in person at 525 Oak. Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00.
WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325-5132743.
PATROL DEPU TY- Sheriff’s office. $49,000 Yr + benefits. www.taylor county or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER available for nights. Call Rebecca Abilene Area. 404-3104132
MATH TEACHER $40,000 Yr + benefits. www.taylor county or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
DRUG EMPORIUM IS HIRING! —- Please apply in store: 2550 Barrow St., Abilene, TX 79605 • or Online: https://www.drugem ployment/
ELWOOD STAFF ING - The kids are back in school! What are you going to do with your FREE TIME? Currently recruiting for: Administrative Asst. / CNC Machinist / Custo dian / Packer – Call or text: 325-692-900 (or) apply at 3218 S. 27th St., Abilene EOE
ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Equine Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972
NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547.
HOUSE LEVELERS Needed. Call 325-2086072
MALE JUVE NILE Supervision/ Detention Officers -$40,000 yr + ben efits. www.taylor jobs.aspx or 325674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Criminal District Attorney’s -Of fice. Salary: Commen surate with relevant ex perience plus benefits. www.taylor county or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
CLERK JUSTICE of the Peace PCT. 1 PL. 1 $27,000 + DOE yr.+ benefits. www.taylor aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.
WE ARE hiring for COOKS & Cashiers / All shifts! Monday thru Saturday. (CLOSED on Sunday). Must apply in person. Paper applica tion only. MR. BURGER - 6326 Buffalo Gap Rd.
APPLY TODAY! The Oaks at Radford Hills Healthcare Center is hiring for CNA’s. We of fer great benefits, paid time off, flexible sched ule, & tuition reimburs ment! Apply online at: https://slpoperations. com/theoaksatradfo rhills/ or call 325-6723236 for more informa tion.
FELONY PROSECU TOR $65,000-$85000 yr + DOE + benefits Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220
DEPUTY CON STABLE-BAILIFF $49,000 .yr+benefits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Applications are accepted until po sitions are filled.EOE 325-674-1220
TRANSPORT DEP UTY-SHERIFF Office ,$49,000 yr + benefits. www.taylor county or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
ASSISTANT CRIMI NAL District Attor neys’ CPS and CivilPay DOE + Benefits paid 100% included Ap ply www.taylor county or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
WYLIE ISD Now Hir ing Full Time Bus Drivers. Must have CDL with a P and S Endorsement. Cus todians Salary DOE Ben efits + Insurance. Apply 6249 Buffalo Gap Road, 325-665-7375 (EOE)
911 COMMUNI CATIONS OperatorSheriff $40,000.00 yr. + benefits Apply www. taylor jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
GENERAL CON STRUCTION Weld ers helper needed. Call 325-725-4062
PART TIME ClerkTemporary PCT. 1-1 $10 per hour www. taylor jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE
EXPERIENCED RANCH Hand Must ride, rope, horseshoe, feed and medicate cattle and horses, weld, build fence, repair drink ers, operate heavy equipment, and do stuc co and masonry work. Call (520) 455-5507
& Sheltie puppies. 1st
325829-2943, 325338-5491
OFFICIAL COURT Reporter 326th District Court$96,956.11. Plus benefits. www.taylor aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5. EOE
HIRING EXPERI ENCED Hunters Must be in good physical condition, have clean driving record, clean criminal record and provide references. Need seasonal or part time guides for profes sional hunting service. Hunt multiple species and earn on average from $300-$425 per day. Email resume to jroche@magnumguide
LVN’S STARTING Salary $48,000+ Ben efits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 p.m. and 1pm-5p m. Appli cations are accepted until positions are filled. EEO 325-6741220 taylorcountytex
CREATE YOUR own Financial Bailout simple spare time activity produces UNLIMITED $1000 Money orders. No Selling. Must hear 1-800-808-6794 Referred by #6362, also visit DirectMail
LOST IN Country Place S between 11022300 Buffalo Gap Rd. (FM89 Abilene TX). White w/Calico head/ tail. Name-”Betsy” • 13 years old / chipped. REWARD. 325-6692818
- Havanese
AMERICAN BULL DOG Puppies - (2) - 6 month
females $500 Re-home. 325513-0522
AKC PEM BROKE Welsh Corgi Puppies 325733-8240
COME TO Rick’s
Toys. Buy, Sell, and Trade! In the Mall of Abilene! 325-695-3700 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd Ste 1274
PAGE 4 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) LIST IT HERE! 325-673-4521
THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
is looking for energetic, positive folks who love sweet tea (and a little coffee) and making people SMILE! Now hiring Full-Time, PartTime and Seasonal. Apply at 3210 S. 14th, Abilene
CORRECTIONAL Officers $45,000 yr + Benefits. www.taylor aspx or 325-674-1220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5. EOE
TIME Cus todial position with Benefits. Working evenings & week ends required, For Details to Apply. Call Pioneer Drive Baptist Church 701 South Pioneer Abilene, Texas. 325692-6776
Pom eranians
ROMANS 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”. SHIHTZU
Puppies. 1st shots and wormed. Beautiful small dogs.
3192 3 BLUE Merle pup pies, 3 sheltie pup pies. 1 1/2 year old fe male sheltie (rehome). 3 party poms. 432254-0010 BICHON FRISE PUP PIES born 8/29/22 – 2 boys / 2 girls. Taking deposits. 325-436-4573 LAB PUPPIES For Sale AKC Registered. Chocolate male & yel low males. 8 weeks old, shots, wormed, micro-chipped. $375. 580-841-0841 MALTESE MIX pups. Text 806-777-7212 for pics and info. AMERICAN BULL TERRIER, Two female pups XXL breed, vac cinated, rehoming fee. Prefer text 325-8646283. 7 WEEK OLD CHI HUAHUA puppies. $75. Call or text. 325269-3425.
Collectibles! Buy Sell Trade. 3532 North 6th Abilene. Opened 11 am til 6 pm Abilene’s Hob by Connection since 1991. We have fidget Poppers 3” to 15” Size. Star Wars, Topps, Com ics,
Abilene, TX CLYDE NURSING CENTER Please come by for an On The Spot Interview to 806 Stephens Street Clyde, Tx 79510 325-893-4288EOE LVN’s • RN’s • CNA’s All Shifts NOW HIRING: New Wage Scale for LVN’s, CNA’s and RN’s 10429351 10429681 Home2 Suites by Hilton Abilene is hiring! PART-TIME BREAKFAST ATTENDANT Weekdays 6:00am-10:00am Weekends 7:00am-11:00am Approximately 20 hours / week $11-11.50 / hour Please apply at or come by 2109 Scottish Road. For More Information, Call: 325-677-1100 10429683 Advertise your job opportunity in the Employment & Career Opportunities section in your American Classifieds NEED AN EMPLOYEE THAT FITS THE JOB? Email Donna at or call 325-673-4521
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) ADVERTISE HERE! 325-673-4521 American Classifieds / Thrifty Nickel © (325) 673-4521 Call us to place your next ad. Remember, not everyone is on social media. VIEW ONLINE AT: WANT TO BUY AKC LONG Coat Chi huahua Male; not to exceed over 4-5 lbs; Maturity 1 yr and under. 325-728-8077 WANTED SHORT aluminum Jon Boat. No motor. 325-669-2643 LOOKING FOR 5x8 enclosed Trailer. Call 325-668-1415 HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & Machines, Multi-Purpose, Plastic Sheeting, Pond Liners. 254-977-4443 254967-9985 6545 S. US Hwy 377 Stephenville, TX.Made in the USA. WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325-5132743. COME TO Rick’s Collectibles! Buy Sell Trade. 3532 North 6th Abilene. Opened 11 am til 6 pm Abilene’s Hob by Connection since 1991. We have fidget Poppers 3” to 15” Size. Star Wars, Topps, Com ics, Toys. Buy, Sell, and Trade! In the Mall of Abilene! 325-695-3700 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd Ste 1274 Abilene, TX OCTOBER SPE CIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILDERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DIS COUNTS Check out our website: MetalShopsAnd Call for pricing. 214930-1029 Abilene State Supported Living Center 2501 Maple • Abilene, TX Visit: NOW HIRING FOR OUR ABILENE YARD • CASING HANDS NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED • CDL DRIVERS FOR LAYDOWN MACHINES - 24 HOUR CALL ALL CASING AND LAYDOWN MACHINES24 HOUR CALL, 7 DAYS A WEEK COMPETITIVE WAGES, EXPERIENCED OPERATORS MAKE WELL OVER $100,000.00 COMPANY PAID INSURANCE 401K • PAID VACATION MUST PASS DRUG AND ALCOHOL TEST 4725 Loop 322, Come to Last Building & Go to Dispatch for Appointment (325) 690-0053 Apply Online or Qualified Applicants Can Apply In Person 10429497 LOOKING FOR A CAREER? 10429789 Apply in Person Mon-Fri 8:00am to 3:30pm Or online at Martin Sprocket & Gear Inc. 4300 FM 18 • Abilene, TX 79602 Now Hiring for Manufacturing Positions Part Finishing Operators to CNC Machine Operators No Experience Necessary - We Will Train You! 2nd Shift: 3pm-11pm + shift differential pay 3rd Shift: 11pm-7am + shift differential pay Excellent Benefits: • Medical • Dental • Paid Time Off (PTO) • Profit Sharing Retirement Plan Applicant must be 18 or older to apply Applicants Must Have: • Good Work Ethic & Reliable • Strong Mechanical Ability • Good Math Skills 10429379 • MISDEMEANOR DEPUTY CLERKCOUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE $29,760.00 plus benefits • FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR- JUVENILE $40,290.00 plus benefits • DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT Salary DOE + Benefits • DEPUTY CONSTABLE - BAILIFF $49,000 yr. + Benefits • CLERK JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PCT. 1-2 $30,000-$32,500 (DOE) + benefits • PART TIME CLERK- TEMPORARY PCT. 1-1 $10 per hour • OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER326TH DISTRICT COURT $96,956.11 yr. plus benefits • MATH TEACHER $40,000.00 yr. + Benefits • ASSISTANT CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY - CPS AND CIVIL Salary DOE + Benefits Included - Paid 100% • MALE JUVENILE SUPERVISION/ DETENTION OFFICERS$40,000.00 yr. + Benefit • FEMALE/MALE CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS $45,000.00 yr. + Benefits • PATROL DEPUTY - SHERIFF’S OFFICE $49,000.00 yr. + Benefits • HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORPRECINCT #2 $35,000.00 yr. + Benefits • 911 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR - SHERIFF $40,000.00 yr. + Benefits • TRANSPORT DEPUTY - SHERIFF OFFICE $49,000.00 yr. + Benefits TAYLOR COUNTY is NOW HIRING - 325-674-1220 Full Time benefits include 100% County-paid Employee Medical & Dental Insurance, Paid Life/Disability Insurance, Retirement & Vac/Sick Leave Applications are available on the website at aspx or in the Taylor County Plaza, 400 Oak Street, Suite 120, Abilene, Texas. Office hours are 8-12 & 1-5. EOE • LVN Starting Salary: $48,000 yr. + Benefits Apply at 6249 Buffalo Gap Rd. 325-665-7375 Custodians • Pay DOE • Insurance Bus Drivers • Pay DOE • Insurance • Must have CDL with a P and S Endorsement 10429699 WYLIE ISD NOW HIRING! EOE NOW HIRING EOE 10429625 CDL Drivers with Tanker & Hazmat preferred Equipment Operators Laborers Health Insurance and other benefits. Per Diem Paid. 1-830-833-4547
LET ME help you find your new dream home or property. Call or text me today! 325-3700686. Alfredo Salas Hablo Espanol.
3 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile home in country north of Tye. $700 rent, $450 deposit. No Pets. 325-280-2534
SOUTHSIDE 309 Sayles Blvd. Large 1 bedroom duplex, large living room, full kitch en, appliances includes washer
FEE 2 & 3 bdrm Homes. CH/CA, Stove, refrigerator Washer Dryer hook ups. Most pets wel come. 325-691-0795.
NICE NEIGHBOR HOOD, Southside, 2610 Over St. Totally redone inside & out side. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath. Open Floor plan. New Granite Cabi nets, brand new Ch/a, laundry room, insu lated, new windows & doors, new carpet. $1200/$1000. 325-3704113, 325-669-4277
FOR RENT 3 bedroom 1 bath, 401 Lancaster. Abilene, Tx. 79601. 325733-4505
4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 1773 N. 11th. $1100/$700 deposit. 325-675-5702
CLYDE 2 bedroom, 2 bath. 4 acres. $1500/$700 Appointment only on Sat urday & Sundays. 325-6755702
Rent homes! For a list of
go to
1 Bedroom units:
$850- Central Heat/Air & Water paid. Near CVS, United, and walking distance to ACU.
2 Bedroom units:
$895- Recently redone. Updated CH/CA, paint, texture, appliances and laminate flooring. $895- Minutes to AHS. Spacious kitchen w/appliances and hardwood flooring. $900- Blocks to ACU. House, large backyard & hardwood flooring throughout. $950- Baird. Cute, updated house. 2nd bedrm make a good child’s room or office.
3 Bedroom units: $895- Updated paint, laminate flooring. One car det. Garage. 3 blks to AHS. $995- Brick, large backyard, Pet w/approval & Dep. Laminate flooring throughout. $1050- Clyde, 2 bath, doublewide, updated. Outside pet w/ deposit & approval. $1150-CUTE! Near McMurry, 2 car. Gar. Updated paint and wood floors, CH/CA. $1395- Across from park, brick, laminate floor, 2 bath, 2 car garage. Pet w/dep & approval.
PAGE 6 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE or Rent 708 Spinks Rd,Tye. Owner financing available 600 sqft home with combined bedroom, living, dining, & kitchen. Large bathroom. Metal roof & siding. built in 2014 large lot with cov ered parking & storage building 325-665-9986 REDUCED TO $580,000 11966 High way 36 W. Eula ISD, 3 Bedroom 2 bath plus bonus room over 2,800 square ft, 3 car garage plus extra door for side by side Hallmark Real Estate Services. Call us. 325-698-4440 509 RIVERSIDE Blvd, established Elmwood neighborhood.3 bed 2 bath 2 dining 2 car ga rage Updated paint car pet and fixtures.1904 Sq Ft. Custom built in 1997. $260,000 Hall mark Real Estate Ser vices. Call us. 325-6984440 FOR SALE by owner, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 2083 sq. ft. 2834 Pip ing Rock. $299,000. Appointment only. 325669-1209 HAULING TRASH Brush & Junk Cleaning Garages, Mowing & Demolition You have it, We will haul it. Free Estimates 325-260-6060 HOME FOR SALE - Large 3bd/2ba fixer upper • 1,559 sq ft, Central Heat/Air, dou ble lot - 2736 Roberts St. - $55,000 Cash • 5 occupied rentals under $70,000 each / CALL 325-333-5224 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath house for sale. Pier beam wooden struc ture. Multiple features such as wooden doors, solid and with glass in serts. House must be relocated to the site of the buyer’s choice. Price reduction! Seri ous inquiries 469-3632480. REAL ESTATE
FOR SALE .416% inter est in 409 Kent, Merkel, Tx. for $125,000. 325665*-2821 30X30 $110,000 BARNDOMINIUM, concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989, 325-7212750, 325-794-7868
COMMERCIAL PROP ERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL MECHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $600,000 Call 325-6656106 EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. VACANT LOTS 2669 China street 75x120 $49,000 for all 3 vacant lots. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-698-4440. FOR SALE or Lease 835 CR 207,3000 Sq ft metal building with mini loft apartment, office, shop with 2 overhead doors,4 acres fenced 2 carports 2000 sqft each. 325-6659986
LAND FOR Sale By Owner, almost 1 Acre land at 1182 Marc, Buf falo Gap, Texas. Elec tricity, water, sewer, are available. 325-2253030, 325-660-5751 TREE COVERED 1/2 Acre lot RV w/cover & carport, all utilities, storage shed, Rv 30ft w/super slide. Call/Text 619-309-9688 Clyde. LAKE STAMFORD lots acres 0.367. Electric, water, septic, carport. $16,000. Not waterfront property. 325-514-3715 40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —(Land address is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Selling at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-6693278 - if no answer, please leave message.
Home Roofing Leaks! High energy bill? Roof Rumble Contact us at 800-633-8969 or Roofo Perma- roof from Southern Build ers. Since 1983
& dryer, hard wood floors, carport, freshly painted, very nice! $645/$600. 325721-2429
1 Bedroom Cab in, water paid. $500/$400. Call 325-721-3341
INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E
80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 APARTMENTS FOR RENT DRUG EMPORIUM IS HIRING! —- Please apply in store: 2550 Barrow St., Abilene, TX 79605 • or Online: https://www.drugem ployment/ LITTLE ELM Con dos 5450 S. 7th, 1 /1 Bedroom, $.659/$125, 2 Bed /1 bath, $749/$125, 2 bed 2 bath $799/$125. Wil low Park Apts. 2404 N Willis All bills Paid. 1/1 $759/$99. 2-1 $859$99. 1-1 161 S Pioneer #54 $649/$649. 2 bed room 1 bath 720 High st. $729/$400. See ad for other listings Key Property Call 325-6900123. 1 BEDROOM 1 bath 161 S Pioneer #54. $649/$649. 2 bed room,1 bath 161 S Pio neer 4624 Clover Lane. $1199/$800.910 N Jefferson $1199/$800, See other on the dis play list under Key Property Call 325-6900123.www.werentabi FURNISHED APTS/HOME 2 BEDROOM, cookware, linens, cable TV, all bills paid. $240/week, $240 de posit. No pets. 1 bedroom $200 weekly. 325-6728743 2 BEDROOM house fully furnished near HSU. $40 application Fee. $900 month $500 deposit. No Credit Check. 325-864-4668 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY/ RENT FOR SALE or Lease 835 CR 207,3000 Sq ft metal building with mini loft apartment, office, shop with 2 overhead doors,4 acres fenced 2 carports 2000 sqft each. 325-6659986 FOR SALE or Lease Fast Food Restaurant off I—20 Near Hwy. 351 Abilene Texas For Hallmark Real Estate services. 325-6984440. 2000 SQ Ft Office space for lease at cor ner of Buffalo Gap Rd & Chimney Rock. Abilene. Hallmark Real Estate services. 325698-4440. HOUSES FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM units $895 month Minutes to AHS, Spacious kitchen w/appli ances and hardwood floor ing, Dalzell Realtor. www. 325677-2246 2382 HIGHLAND, 2 bedroom / 1.5 bath1000 sq ft. • $925 mo / $925 deposit. Call 325-698-7014 Impact Realty 1734 EDGEMONT Dr. House. 2/2/1 Appliances,Fenced yard. Cats okay. 1 yr. $995.00 Monthly. Cooksey and Company Realtors, LLC 325-6983820. $895 3 BEDROOM Unit Updated paint, laminate flooring. One car detached . Garage. 3 blks to AHS. Dalzell Realtor. www.dal 325-6772246 FOR RENT - 918 N. San Jose - 3bedroom / 1 bath, 1007 sq ft. RENT $950 / Deposit $950 • Impact Realty. (325) 698-7014 1 BEDROOM units $850 C H/A paid near CVS, United and walking distant to ACU. Dalzell Realtor. 325-677-2246 LOOK HERE!! 2841 San Miguel, 3b / 1.5 bath, 1496 sq ft. $1,300 RENT / $1,300 Deposit. To view a property, please bring a photo I.D. to the office. No appt. necessary. Impact Realty. 1402 Ballinger St. (325) 6987014 BEAUTIFUL HOME for rent! – 638 Kirk wood, 2bd / 1 bath - 648 sq ft. Only $850 mo / $850 deposit. Call 325-698-7014 Impact Realty WE ARE hiring for COOKS & Cashiers / All shifts! Monday thru Saturday. (CLOSED on Sunday). Must apply in person. Paper applica tion only. MR. BURGER - 6326 Buffalo Gap Rd. FOR RENT • 2403 S. 2nd, 1 bedroom / 1bath - $750 mo / $750 deposit. Call 325-6987014 Impact Realty $1050.- CLYDE,3 bed room 2 bath, doublewide, updated. Outside pet with deposit & approval Dalzell Realtor. www.dalzellreal 325-677-2246 AVAILABLE NOW! Call for a tour (325) 698-7014 – 1302 Burg er St, 3bd/1b - 931 sq ft. – $925 rent / $925 deposit 2 BEDROOM house $950 mo. Baird. Cute, up dated, 2nd bedroom make a good child’s room or of fice. Dalzell Realtor. www. 325677-2246 CUTE HOUSE for rent! – 701 Lexington, 3bd / 1 bath - 1260 sq ft. Only $1250 mo / $1250 deposit. Call 325-698-7014 Impact Realty $1150 CUTE! 3 bed room. Near McMurry, 2 car. Gar. Updated paint and wood floors, CH/CA. Dal zell Realtor. www.dalzellre 325-677-2246 AVAILABLE NOW! 2325 Barrow - 2 bd/1.5 bath, 1000 sq ft - $900 RENT/ $900 Deposit. To view a property, please bring a photo I.D. to the office. No appt. neces sary. Impact Realty. 1402 Ballinger St. (325) 698-7014 $995 BRICK, 3 bedroom, large,backyard, Pet w/ap proval & Dep. Laminate flooring throughout. Dalzell Realtor. www.dalzellreal 325-677-2246 FOR RENT - 4 bed room, 2 bath, 1526 sq ft. • 3602 Brookhollow. RENT $1800 / Deposit $1800 • Impact Realty. (325) 698-7014 $900 MO. 2 Bedroom House. Blocks to ACU. large backyard & hard wood flooring throughout. Dalzell Realtor. www.dal 325-6772246 FOR RENT • 2234 Old Anson Rd., 3bd / 1 bath, 992 sq ft. $950 RENT/ $950 Deposit. To view a property, please bring a photo I.D. to the of fice. No appt. neces sary. Impact Realty. 1402 Ballinger St. (325) 698-7014 $1395 ACROSS from park, brick, laminate floor, 2 bath, 2 car garage. Pet w/dep & approval . Dalzell Realtor. www.dalzellreal 325-677-2246 2 BEDROOM UNIT. $895- Recently redone. Updated CH/CA, paint, texture, appliances and laminate flooring . Dalzell Realtor. www.dalzellreal 325-677-2246 WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwanted gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325513-2743. LOTS/ACREAGE/ RENT LAND FOR RENT Cow Pasture approx. 5 acres $400 month. Horse Pas ture approx. 7 acres $600 month. Renters respon sible for feeding & water ing. Renters willing to help with repairs get a discount on the rent. 214-578-7975 Local ROOMS FOR RENT FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, Microwave Refrigerator, Cable TV, Pet Friendly, Truck parking. Call 325-6772687 Always delivered more that expected. LAWN/GARDEN HEAVY EQUIP MENT Operator PCT # 2 $35,000 Annually plus benefits. Apply www. taylor jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE ANYONE WHO calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) LAWN/GARDEN SERVICES LAWN SERVICE Fence Repairs Tree Trimming, Tree Removal. Landscaping, Commercial & Home, Long term Plans available. Call for Estimates Mike 325-668-7755 FOR RENT 809 East Hwy 80 • Abilene, TX 677-2246 10429358 FREE RENTAL LIST BY EMAIL OR FAX!
email:, or
FOR RENT FOR SALE COMMERCIAL 10429367 2,000 SF OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE AT CORNER OF BUFFALO GAP RD AND CHIMNEY ROCK 509 Riverside Blvd. Established Elmwood neighborhood. 3 bed 2 bath 2 dining 2 car garage. Updated paint carpet and fixtures. 1904 Sq Ft. Custom built in 1997. Reduced! $250,000 101 Runnels St. Tye Excellent investment property! Corner lot 2 bed 1 bath 1 garage. Commercial or Residential. $165,000 311 Morgan Street Tye, TX 3 bed 1 bath $1,100 mo/$1,100 dep 101 Belview Tye Tx 3 bed 2 bath $925 mo/$925 dep 101 Runnels Tye Tx 2 bed 1 bath 1 garage $1,100 mo/ $1,100 dep 60 Fairway Oaks Spacious 3 bed 3.5 bath double garage plus 2 bonus rooms $1,895 mo/ $1,895 dep Eula ISD 11966 Hwy 36 Abilene Tx 3 bed 2 bath + office 3 car garage home on 15 Acres $540,000 325-698-3820 10429792 2726 BEECH House, 2/1/1, Stove, Refrigerator, Gas Wall Heat, Window Air, Fenced Yard, Carport, Small Pets OK, 1 Yr. $650 MONTHLY
30X40X10 $170,000
BARNDOMINIUM, Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electrical, Insulation, Sep tic tank, Sheetrock, Paint. 3 Bedrooms, 1 living area. Many more complete sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-794-7868 1500 SQ. Ft. 40x40
Barndominium $190,000. Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more complete sizes. 325-675-0989, 325-721-2750, 325794-7868
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) WEST TEXAS SPECIAL We Can Place Your Ad in 6 Cities in West Texas. For more info Call Helen at 325-673-4521 BUY NOW, PAY LATER! 3945 S. 1st Abilene, TX 325-670-0799 PORTABLE BUILDINGS 30X50 BARNDO MINIUM $240,000 with 50x10 front porch, 4 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room & 3 Windows, Concrete Slab, Plumbing, Electri cal, Insulation, Septic Tank, Sheetrock, Paint & many more sizes. 325-675-0989, 325721-2750, 325-7947868 OCTOBER SPECIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILD ERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DISCOUNTS Check out our web site: MetalShopsAnd Call for pricing. 214-930-1029 REDMEN BINGO Ses sions at 7pm and 8:30 pm Open Nightly 7pm & 8:30pm! 7 Days a week. Call for info 325-690-9028. 601 Scott St., Tye Tx. Check us out www.Red and our Facebook Page. NOW $14,800 Aprox 80% off . Camp Log Cabin Set, Pre cut log walls, Main Timber Rafter Ridge Beams,all plans, Can Haul. Pay only on delivery.Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 LOG CABIN Set Liq uidation. Camp clos ing. Aprox 80% Off. $ 14,800. Can Haul. Pay only on delivery. Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887
30x40x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1- walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $27,400. 30x30x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $20,000. 30x50x10 Metal Building, 4 inch slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $34,500. Call Lee 325-669-0672 30X30 $110,000 BARNDOMINIUM, concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989, 325-7212750, 325-794-7868
ANDY’S ROOFING. Reasonable Prices, Best Quality in Town! Repairs, Re-Decking, Add-ons, Metal Roof, Windows, Siding Re modeling. Bonded & Insured. Cell 325-6694277, 325-672-1208 SALOMON ROCHA CONCRETE WORK Driveways, Side walks, Storm Cellars, Cinderblock fences. Call 325-236-2543, 325-660-4146 STABILITY IS Key! Are cracks showing up in the Sheetrock and brickwork of your home? Do you have sagging floors and doors that don’t shut? Call Key City Founda tion Repair today to schedule a no obliga tion assessment. 325261-4211 TEXAS WIDE ROOFING SYSTEMS All types of Roofs. Metal High Impact Class 4 - 25, 30, 40 & 50 year Shingles. Hot Tar Modified Roll Roofing, Gravel Roofs, TPO, Roof coating & Metal Carports. Radius of 200 miles. Email: Texaswideroofingsys 325-676-0818 “LEE’S CONCRETE “ METAL BUILDINGS 30x40x10 Metal Building 4 inch Slab, 1- walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $27,400. 30x30x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $20,000. 30x50x10 Metal Building, 4 inch slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $34,500. Call Lee 325-669-0672 AMAZING GRACE REMODELING. No Job To Small. Specializing In Exterior Painting, Flooring, Carpet, Tile, Wood, Vinyl, Paint ing, Drywall, Texture, Plumbing etc... Free Estimates!!! Call Char lie 325-660-2655 THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 WILL DO yard work & lot cleaning. Residential or commercial. Reason able rates 325—5135578 contact Eddie. BLUE J Landscape & Tree Service. Trimming, Hedges, Removal, Stump Grinding, Cleanups, Planting, Flower beds, River rocks, Bor ders, Edging, Concrete, Pavers, Flagstone, Side walks, Retaining Wall, French Drains, Yard lev eling, Dirtwork, Patios, Pergolas, Fences. Free Estimates. Insured. 21 years experience. (100 mile radius). Victor Her nandez 325-518-8031 AFFORDABLE MOWING & WEED EATING, Clean up & Hauling. Storage Build ings, Garages & Tree limbs. Free Estimates. 325-238-1614
J Landscape & Tree
Trimming, Removal, Stump Grind ing, Planting. Difficult or Hazardous Jobs & Emergency Services. Insured. Free Esti mates. 21 years experi ence. (100 mile radius) Victor Hernandez 325518-8031
TO Rick’s Col lectibles! Buy Sell Trade. 3532 North 6th Abilene. Opened 11 am til 6 pm Abilene’s Hobby Connec tion since 1991. We have fidget Poppers 3” to 15” Size. Star Wars, Topps, Comics, Toys. Buy, Sell, and Trade! In the Mall of Abilene! 325-695-3700 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd Ste 1274 Abilene, TX OCTOBER SPECIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILD ERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DISCOUNTS Check out our web site: MetalShopsAnd Call for pricing. 214-930-1029 LOG CABIN Set Liq uidation. Camp clos ing. Aprox 80% Off. $ 14,800. Can Haul. Pay only on delivery. Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 ATTENTION LARGE Deer Leases: 13ft. x 16ft. Overhead Tank . Will hold 1600 bushels of corn. Ask ing $5500. 254-4424100 ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 LOST IN Country Place S between 1102-2300 Buffalo Gap Rd. (FM89 Abilene TX). White w/ Calico head/tail. Name”Betsy” • 13 years old / chipped. REWARD. 325669-2818 Duplex/ House 1-1 $615 2-1 $675 610 S. Leggett Under New Ownership/ Management FOR RENT No Deposit Military Welcome HUD Renters Call Us at (325) 677-5625 Call Us at (325) 677-5625 10429387 "We Have The KEY To Your New Home!" CALL FOR DAILY UPDATES! 325-690-0123 KEY PROPERTY LITTLE ELM CONDO 5402 SOUTH 7TH ST: 1/1-$659/$125 2/1- $749/$125 2/2- $799/$125 WILLOW PARK APTS 2404 NO. WILLIS **ALL BILLS PAID!** 1/1- $759/$99 2/1- $859/$99 1 BDRM/1 BATH: 161 S. Pioneer #54- $649/$649 3 BDRM/1 BATH: 5401 Encino $999/$650 934 Luzon $1,199/$600 3 BDRM/2 BATH: 1741 Snipe $1,299/$800 2301 River Oaks $1,699/$700 3941 & 3943 Carrera Ln $1,699/$1,000 4 BDRM/2 BATH: 1602 Rosewood $1,399/$800 4 BDRM/3 BATH: 3557 La Jolla $2,300/$1500 10429455 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes Starting at $500 • Stove, Fridge, W/D Connections • Fenced Yards • Pets Welcome *Some restrictions and conditions apply Meadow Ridge Estates Whispering Oaks Continental Villa Call for Availability 325-692-5006 Close DYESSto AFB 10429355 *WE PAY YOUR UTILITIES ON SOME. 325-695-3700 IN THE MALL 4310 BUFFALO GAP RD ABILENE, TEXAS 79606 TOYS, SPORTS CARDS, FIDGET POPPERS & COMICS 4541 Catclaw Dr 513-2743 Big Country Gold & Custom Jewelry REPAIR , RESTORE, RESTYLE YOUR JEWELRY! Turn your scrap into CASH!
PAGE 8 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) BUY NOW, PAY LATER! 3945 S. 1st Abilene, TX 325-670-0799 CONCRETE SALOMON ROCHA CONCRETE WORK Driveways, Sidewalks, Storm Cellars Cinderblock fences. Call 325-236-2543, 325-660-4146 CONSTRUCTION DIRTWORK ED KINNEY TRUCKING Gravel, Sand,Topsoil, Driveways,Tractor Mobile 325-668-4491 BILLY’S DIRT & CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Work, Septic Systems, Lot Clearing, Demolition. Billy Bilbrey - Owner 325-338-4018 DUMPTRUCKS DRIVEWAYS & ROADS BUILT & REPAIRED. Topsoil, Gravel & Bin 10 Hauled, Tandems & Belly Dumps, Dozers, Motorgraders, Loaders, Box Blades. 40 Yrs. Experience. 325-676-0304 DOZER SERVICE DUMPTRUCKS DRIVEWAYS & ROADS BUILT & REPAIRED. Topsoil, Gravel & Bin 10 Hauled, Tandems & Belly Dumps, Dozers, Motorgraders, Loaders, Box Blades. 40 Yrs. Experience. 325-676-0304 FARM & RANCH CONSTRUCTION BULLDOZER WORK Any type Farm & Ranch Residential or Oilfield. Roads built, Fence Lines, Stock Tanks, Dug or Cleaned 40 Yrs. Experience. 325-676-0304 FENCE LINE CLEARING FENCING KN FENCING CO. Specializing in Barbed Wire, Pipe Fencing, Net Wire, Cattle Guards, Entrances, Gates, Welding & Painting 325-480-6681 FIREWOOD HANDYMAN HAULING HAULING Trash, Brush & Junk. Cleaning Garages, Mow ing & Demolition. You have it, We will haul it. Free Estimates 325-260-6060 HOME IMPROVEMENTS AMAZING GRACE REMODELING No Job To Small Specializing In Exte rior Painting, Flooring, Carpet, Tile, Wood, Vinyl, Drywall, Texture Plumbing etc. Free Estimates!!! Call Charlie 325-660-2655 HOUSE CLEANING HOUSE LEVELING LANDSCAPE SERVICES LAWNCARE LAWN SERVICE Fence Repairs, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Landscaping, Commercial & Home Long term plans available. Call for estimate! Call Mike: 325-668-7755 METAL BUILDINGS WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM BUSINESS & SERVICES DIRECTORY “LEE’S CONCRETE” METAL BUILDINGS 30x40x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1- walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $27,400. 30x30x10 Metal Building, 4 inch Slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $20,000. 30x50x10 Metal Building, 4 inch slab, 1 walk in door, 10x8 Roll up door, Sale Price $34,500 Call Lee 325-669-0672 OILFIELD SERVICES GWET OILFIELD SERVICE & SUPPLY Rods, Tubing, Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Rebuilds & Service Work. Call Gene 325-338-0185, Scotty 325-668-4882 ROOFING SHREDDING SMALL ACREAGE SERVICE: Mowing, Plowing, Fence, Row Clearing FREE ESTIMATES 325-668-5972 BILLY’S DIRT & CONSTRUCTION Billy Bilbrey - Owner 325-338-4018 • Backhoe Work • Septic Systems • Lot Clearing • Demolition 10426760 TREE SERVICES WELDING Submit Your Ad By Tuesday 6:00pm AmericAn clASSifiedS (325) 673-4521
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) L SHAPE Fuel Tanks, good condition $300 each. 325-338-0185 CROSSOVER LARGE Toolboxes, good condition $300 each obo. 325-3380185 SONNY JONES Weld ing. Repair & straighten cracked wheels. Alloy, Aluminum, Magnesium, Steel. Mention the ad and get $10 off repairs. 1902 N Treadaway. 325.672.1731. I BUY JUNK Vehi cles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-514-0427 * Get some CA$H Today! RVS 2015 KEYSTONE Cougar X-lite. 30’ fifth wheel, 3 slides trailer is in great condition. 2 AC’s that work great, solid roof, floor and sides. Trailer has been gently used. Furnace works great. Also has automatic leveling kit. Push a button and it levels itself. For more information send text to 817-692-1049 2021 - 42’ ft Monte Carlo Travel TrailerOWNER MUST SELL - Too many options to list! CALL or TEXT: 817-448-5995. 2010 HEARTLAND Sundance - $18,000 • 3300RLB 2-Ac 2 BR, awning; outdoor shower, very clean! CALL 325-977-0511 325/829-6401 MOTORCADE Your Weekly Automotive Source REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936 SUVS 2016 FORD Explorer Sport, 4wd. $21,600. Arrow Ford 325-6929500 THE LORD Bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 2017 FORD Explorer XLT Suv. $19,900. Ar row Ford 325-692-9500 2006 HUMMER H3 / Runs & drives, but has some engine issues. Recently replaced head, camshaft actua tor & new valve cover. I have a space en gine for parts. Asking $5,000. For more info, please CALL or TEXT 325-6600241. 2013 FORD Edge Limited Suv. $17,900. Arrow Ford 325-6929500 2019 FORD Escape S Suv. $19,900. Arrow Ford 325-692-9500 HUNTER’S, LOOK! Oldie but goodie. 91 Chevy Blazer, 4WD, low mileage. Sacrifice for cash $1750. 325676-9222 32’ FOREST River • 2020 Wildcat by For est River; hardly used. 3 slides, automatic leveling, washer & dryer hookups, skirt ing for winter. Really nice! Call Jim Baker at 325-660-2890 BOATS WANTED SHORT aluminum Jon Boat. No motor. 325-669-2643 DISHWASHER NEEDED. Apply at Spicy India, 243 West Stamford St. Abilene, TX. 325-215-4770 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 2010 - 196,304 miles, SUV 4dr, Automatic, new cond., Maroon ext., VIN #1GNUKJE30AR231585, 6 cyl, 4wd, A/C front and rear, airbag: driver, passenger, side, alloy wheels, anti-lock brakes, CD player, cruise control, fog lights, leather inte rior, power locks, seats and steering, power win dows, premium sound, rear window wiper, re mote keyless entry, 3rd row seating, tinted glass, tow package - $12,000. Newer Jankook Tires! Lauren Cecil (210) 6185007 VANS 2009 SILVER Dodge Journey SXT SUVNew tires, 6 speed shift-able automatic, cold A/C, lots of leg room! Clean interior, keyless remote, power windows, power - heat ed mirrors. 158,500 miles. Asking $4,995Call 325-232-1200 AUTO PARTS ROMANS 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”. REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936 TOP DOLLAR!! C&L Cores & Scrap, Auto motive Parts, Diesel Parts, Motors & Trans missions, Brass Radia tors, Aluminum Rims & Breakage; & Batteries. CALL 830-220-0960 CARS I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! 2018 FORD Escape SE. $19,900. Arrow Ford 325-692-9500 GREAT SHIPMENT of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254-967-9985 (or) 254977-4443 https://www. FRONTIER INN 3210 1-20 & Pine. Abilene, Texas. $750 monthly and Weekly $280 + Tax. Free Wifi, Microwave Refrigerator, Cable TV, Pet Friendly, Truck parking. Call 325-6772687 Always delivered more that expected. ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Equine Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972 04 MITSUBISHI Lancer . Best Buy Auto, 325-4373677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK. 55 CADILLAC Sixty Special, 4 door rare factory Limo Project Car, runs needs brakes, solid body, needs paint, seats good, needs in terior & front floors. $4500 obo Text 325669-2122 FIRST REWARD Check ing Account. “Our Money, Makes Money!” P2P Payments Sending $$ to friends just got easy! First Bank Texas www. Abilene, Baird, Clyde, Haskell Stamford and Munday. Subject to additional terms and conditions, see new accounts department for details. 1999 LINCOLN Continental $3000. 168,000 miles = 11,652 per year. For more details 325-6275229 Sean. 2007 CHEVY Impala - Runs great, and tires still have 24,000 on warranty. 268k (mile age). Asking $3,295 OBO / Text 325-5107674 for details and test drive! TOP DOLLAR!! C&L Cores & Scrap, Automotive Parts, Die sel Parts, Motors & Transmissions, Brass Radiators, Aluminum Rims & Breakage; & Batteries. CALL 830220-0960 2019 FORD Fusion Hybrid. $23,900. Arrow Ford 325-692-9500 2020 FORD Mustang Fastback 4. $30,500. 325692-9500 2019 FORD Fiesta SE, Hatch 4. $16,900. Arrow Ford 325-6929500 2014 KIA Sorento . Best Buy Auto, 325-437-3677 (We Finance) NO CREDIT CHECK. ECONOLODGE INN & Suites New Renovated Rooms, Weekly $43.48 p3 or ($350 including tax) 2 guest. Additional guest $50 per week extra. Micro wave and Fridge in room, Complementary Breakfast. Free Truck Parking. 840 E Hwy 80 ABILENE, TX • CALL 325-677-8100 WE PAY cash for gold, silver, diamonds & coins! Also purchasing unwant ed gift cards! See our ad on the Front Page or call 325-513-2743. CLASSIC CARS 55 CADILLAC Sixty Special, 4 door rare factory Limo Project Car, runs needs brakes, solid body, needs paint, seats good, needs in terior & front floors. $4500 obo Text 325669-2122 1999 LINCOLN Continental $3000. 168,000 miles = 11,652 per year. For more details 325-6275229 Sean. REBUILT CARBU RETORS, Holleys, Eldebrock, Quadrajets performance parts. Abilene - Sweetwater. 806-632-6936 ANYONE WHO calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.Ro mans 10:13 (Living) CLASSIC TRUCKS 1970 FORD long bed truck - one owner / 30,752 miles. No power steering. Paint faded, 351 Cleveland Motor (300). New tires, new fuel pump, standard three on column. Rebuilt ra diator, no rust, clean. $10,000.00 OBO. Se rious inquiries only. 325-529-5579 after 5pm SPORTS CARS EPH 6:10-11 Be Strong in the Lord and in the Strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 947 JET Ski Engine - 150 psi per cylinder. Asking $1300 / price is negotiable. We do install them as well. CALL David at 325-320-6926. 2018 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN $22,000STK#3P1057A 2020 FORD EDGE Stk#3P1080 $27,800 2018 TOYOTA TACOMA DOUBLE CAB Stk#3P1077A $34,000 2021 FORD BRONCO SPORT Stk#3P1012B $32,900 2013 MINI COUNTRYMAN Stk#3P9776A $16,500 Halloween Specials! LOTS OF REDUCED PRICES! $50,800Stk#3P1027B 2019 RAM 2500 CREW CAB REDUCED! REDUCED! 2016 Acura RDX 362061B REDUCED! $18,000 2018 Buick Regal Sportback 3P1075A $21,500 2018 Cadillac XT5 3J1040A REDUCED! $27,000 2020 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible 3J1014BC REDUCED! $43,500 2019 Chevrolet Equinox ................................... 3P1084......................... $25,000 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab ...... 3P1045B .... REDUCED! $24,000 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab 3P1067 $36,000 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe 3J1043A $35,000 2018 Ford Explorer 3P9789A REDUCED! $22,450 2020 Ford Fusion 3P1095 REDUCED! $21,700 2020 Ford F-150 Supercrew ............................ 3P1031B ...................... $38,500 2018 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab .................... 3P1042....... REDUCED! $38,800 2020 Kia Soul Hatchback 3P1073 REDUCED! $22,800 2017 Lincoln Navigator 3P1059 REDUCED! $31,000 2015 Mazda CX-5 362062B $16,500 2020 Nissan Altima 3P1078 REDUCED! $23,800 2018 Toyota Highlander ................................... 3J1003A .... REDUCED! $27,900 2019 Toyota Tundra Crew Max ........................ 362051A .... REDUCED! $47,000 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM!! COME SEE US TODAY! 4131 North 1st Street 325.437.3677 10429346 WE FINANCE • NO CREDIT CHECK AND MANY MORE AVAILABLE! 2011 Mitsubishi Lancer 2012 GMC Yukon 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer 2008 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 2012 Chevy Tahoe 10429725 TOP DOLLAR!! C&L Cores and Scrap, Automotive Parts, Diesel Parts. Brass Radiators, Motors & Transmissions. Aluminum Rims & Breakage; Batteries. CALL (830) 220-0960
PAGE 10 WE’VE MOVED: 3900 N. 1st, Suite #2 (next to Papa John’s Pizza)OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICKELOFABILENE.COM WWW.THRIFTYNICK ELOFABILENE.COM MOTORCYCLE 2006 SUZUKI Burg man 650 • New tires, new battery, new oversized windshield, custom backrest; re cently serviced! 40k highway miles. CALL 325-721-7819 2009 HARLEY Da vidson soft tail cus tom. Low mileage, 5732 miles. $10,000. Call 325-260-3218 1997 HARLEY Da vidson Heritage Clas sic - lots of chrome, new genuine HD parts, custom HD wheels, new AGM battery, low mileage; too much to list. Runs Great! - $6,750 OBO(254) 631-3225 WYLIE ISD Now Hir ing Full Time Bus Drivers. Must have CDL with a P and S Endorsement. Cus todians Salary DOE Ben efits + Insurance. Apply 6249 Buffalo Gap Road, 325-665-7375 (EOE) TOOLS SHOP SMITH Mark IV w/router. Jigsaw, 12” Planer, dust col lector, lathe tools, book covers $2500 firm. 325698-7539 ANGUS PLUS FERTIL ITY TESTED BULLS and CHOICE QUALITY BRED HEIFERS • Calving Now –Allen Brangus Ranch 325483-5554 • After 6 PM FARM & RANCH BLACK POLLED Bulls Angus Limousin & Lim FLEX. 325-669-6452 SMALL ACREAGE SERVICE: Mowing, Plowing, Fence, Row Clearing FREE ESTIMATES 325-668-5972 ALFALFA HAY for sale. All quality delivered in semi truckloads amounts. Toll free. 1-877-285-8200 DUMPTRUCKS DRIVEWAYS & ROADS BUILT & RE PAIRED. Topsoil, Gravel & Bin 10 Hauled, Tan dems & Belly Dumps, Dozers, Motorgraders, Loaders, Box Blades. 40 years experience. 325-676-0304 HEAVY EQUIP MENT Operator PCT # 2 $35,000 Annually plus benefits. Apply www. taylor jobs.aspx or 325-6741220 Apply in person. 400 Oak Street Suite 120, Abilene. 8-12 and 1-5.EOE BILLY’S DIRT & CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Work, Septic Systems, Lot Clearing, Demolition. Billy Bilbrey - Owner 325-338-4018 KN FENCING CO. Specializing in Barbed Wire, Pipe Fencing, Net Wire, Cattle Guards, Entrances, Gates, Welding & Painting. 325-480-6681 juer L SHAPE Fuel Tanks, good condition $300 each. 325-338-0185 ED KINNEY TRUCKING Gravel, Sand, Topsoil, Driveways, Tractor. Mobile 325-668-4491 GENERAL CON STRUCTION Weld ers helper needed. Call 325-725-4062 HPS- PLASTICS. Si lage/Bunker Covers, Si lage Bags & Machines, Multi-Purpose, Plastic Sheeting, Pond Liners. 254-977-4443 254967-9985 6545 S. US Hwy 377 Stephenville, TX.Made in the USA. 40+ ACRES / PRIME LAND for SALE —(Land address is 4137 Forrest Hill) Located right off of Buffalo Gap Road, near Taco Casa. Selling at the right price! • $695,000 • Call or TEXT: 325-6693278 - if no answer, please leave message. GWET OILFIELD SERVICE & SUPPLY Rods, Tubing, Casing & Pump Jacks. Pump Re builds & Service Work. Call Gene 325-338-0185, Scotty 325-668-4882 TAKING ORDERS! Feed Lot Cattle Whole Angus Beef & Sides $3.99 lb.(Hanging weight) Includes Pro cessing Fees) Using our Patented Technolo gy. Cleanest and Safest Processing. All Bone less High End Cuts. All Meat Vacuumed Packed Contact NSC 325-665-0602 or come by 117 Land Grant Lane, Baird, TX 79504. CROSSOVER LARGE Toolboxes, good condition $300 each obo. 325-3380185 AMERICA’S #1 Safe. Protect your family, valuables and firearms Available. HPS LIB ERTY GUN SAFES 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,Tx. 254967-9985 or 254-9774443 www.libertysafe. com NOW $14,800 Aprox 80% off . Camp Log Cabin Set, Pre cut log walls, Main Timber Rafter Ridge Beams,all plans, Can Haul. Pay only on delivery.Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 OCTOBER SPECIAL 5% off. 5 STAR BUILD ERS. Wood Frame Buildings of all sizes. We shine above the rest! Shops. Garages, Barns. Police and Military DISCOUNTS Check out our web site: MetalShopsAnd Call for pricing. 214-930-1029 LOG CABIN Set Liq uidation. Camp clos ing. Aprox 80% Off. $ 14,800. Can Haul. Pay only on delivery. Get Detailed information @ 214-771-6887 CUSTOM JEWELRY! Use your old, heirlooms and make them new again! call 325-513-2743. Big Country Gold. 4541 Catclaw Drive. ROMAGNOLA CATTLE Not A New Breed Or A Combina tion Of Breeds ... A Proven Breed Proud To OfferAmerican Cattle menJanelle Yates — 325/456-5099 BULLDOZER WORK Any type Farm & Ranch, Residential or Oilfield. Roads built, Fence lines, Stock Tanks, Dug or Cleaned. 40 years experience. 325-676-0304 USED T-POST $3.00 each. Hog Panels $25 each. Sucker Rods. 940256-3059 30X30 $110,000 BARNDOMINIUM, concrete slab, Plumb ing, Electrical, Insu lation, Septic tank, sheetrock, Paint, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Many more complete sizes. 325675-0989, 325-7212750, 325-794-7868 FARM/HEAVY EQUIP I BUY JUNK Vehicles - running or not! Must have title. * 325-5140427 * Get some CA$H Today! ATTENTION DIS ABLED VETS! I am starting a small Equine Therapy Clinic for the disabled Veteran. I need help, Advice, and a few clients. Also look ing for 2 more horses. If you would like to be a part of this, Please Call Tom @ 325-668-5972 TRUCKS 2008 CHEVY Silverado Crew cab. We Finance, No Credit check. Best Buy Auto Sales 4131 North 1st Street. 325-437-3677 COMMERCIAL PROP ERTY For Sale - Former DIESEL MECHANIC TRUCKING COMPANY. Property in North Abilene, Texas. 13.09 Acres, 7048 sq. ft. shop with office. $600,000 Call 325-6656106 2019 FORD F-150 XLT, V6. $38,500. Ar row Ford 325-692-9500 2000 FORD F-150, V-6, 5 speed, Good Clean Solid Truck, 2nd Owner, $4900 325-5185038 2010 4DR Chevrolet Silverado HD 2500 4x4 - Vortex V8, Automatic Trans, runs and drives great! Well maintained & no issues. CALL or TEXT for more info to 325-266-5645
NEW TEXAS Bragg 5x8, steel floor, 3500lb axle, $1200. Call 325338-0185 ROMANS 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Je sus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved”. 2011 BISON Trail Hand 3 Horse Trailer with Living Quarters • 31 ft’ long, AC/Heat, Fridge, Microwave, Shower, Toilet, plenty of cabinets, Lg upper bed, water heater, and so much more! TOO MUCH to LIST. CALL or TEXT Matt at 325-721-1894.
NOW HIRING CDL Drivers, Laborers and Equipment Operators Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830833-4547.
NOTICE OF PUB LIC SALE to satisfy a landlord’s lien. The auction will begin at 11 am 11/03/2022 at A2Z Self Storage 2450 Union Lane Abilene, TX 79601. Property will be sold to the highest bid der for cash. Cleanup and removal of all property is required. Property includes units of the following tenants: Dezeray Ad ams, Shameka Appel, Donald, DePew, Kelsi Firth, Ray Richards Contents: misc boxes, misc household items, Christmas décor, furni ture, lawn equipment.
ANGUS BULLS AI sired, EPDs, performance and fertility tested, guaran teed. BUNTING ANGUS DeLeon, TX 254-8429866 Cell 254-893-6427 CHOICE QUALITY Brangus & Angus Plus Bulls & Heifers – 20 Choice quality two year old Brangus & Angus Plus bulls - the six older bulls are fertility tested and ready to work. – 36 fancy yearling past heif ers, ready for the bulls. ALLEN BRANGUS RANCH (325) 483-5554 after 6:00pm BELTED GALLO WAY Cow Calf Pair ($1,475). Cow is 5 years old. She has had two calves. Bull calf was born 7/2/22. 3 months old. His daddy was a Belted Galloway with a full belt. (325) 668-7447 • CASH ONLY. 10429811 HI-HO SILVER(Ware) So 10-28-2022 is the DATE we will start selling 100’s pieces of serving and decorative Silver. Also about 150 Chests of Flatware, Belt Buckles and Jewelry, All from the Jerry Varnado Collection. There are multiple pieces of Brass, Copper, Pottery & Glass too. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We will also have an excellent collection of High End Furniture and Unique Décor. Sale times and dates next week. Pics on: FB: KINCAID AUCTION SERVICE HOUSE & KASH +++++++++++++++++++++++ 325-676-4077 or 800-446-5282 Rector Farms Retirement Auction Saturday Oct. 29th - 10 AM Knox City, TX This is a retirement sale for John & Barbara Rector. Located in Knox City, Texas. Address to be announced. Onsite & Online Bidding available. Photos and list of items to come soon! Online Bid Here: FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: TODD WASHINGTON 806-269-7800 10429713 Terry Luecke TX Lic# 17422 Tammy Quick TX Lic# 17423 Q& L AUCTIONEERING Terry Luecke TXLIC #17422 Tammy Quick TXLIC #17423 All Items sold as is, where is without guarantee of condition. Cash, credit/debit card, check accepted. AUCTION Saturday, October 22 200 East Coliseum Drive, Snyder TX Preview 9:00 am Auction 10:00 am Dining table w/8 chairs (44’x90”), queen bed w/Purple mattress, king size bed, nightstands, dresser, armoire, Ping golf club w/bag, vintage trunks, quilts, new items for Christmas and Fall, new kid’s pedal car, vintage cabinets, Total gym, jewelry, Pyrex dishes, candles (new), vintage Lenox carousel ornament set of 24, dressers, cedar bench, 1943 Coca Cola transportation lithoghaph, much, much more. 10429746 325-574-9210 573-301-3180 Longhorn Bull For Sale, Lease Or Trade - 4 Year Old Bull out of a world champion Warpaints Blanco Grande. Gentle and he throws a lot of color. Getting out of the longhorn business or he wouldn’t be for sale. Reasonable Offers Considered Cary Epley 940/256-3216 ESTATE AUCTION For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook page for details. 10429826 Sunday Oct. 30 2022 1 PM WHITT ESTATE 1490 Minter Ln. Abilene, TX Watch Next Week’s American Classifieds for complete list. FURNITURE • GLASSWARE LINENS • MISC. ESTATE AUCTION For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook page for details. 10429827 Sat. Oct. 29, 2022 9 AM Jaimme Conway 350 B CR 606 (Coronado’s Camp) Tuscola, TX REAL ESTATE 6 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Austin Stone, Home on approx 2 acres. ANTIQUES • ANTIQUES • ANTIQUES TRACTOR • OUTDOOR • GO CARTS Watch next week’s American Classifieds for complete list.
Drop Front Bookcase; Sm. Vintage Pie Safe; Exquisite Iron Bed; Childs Play High Boy; Childs Vanity; Childs Oak High Chair; Chest on Chest; Vintage Drop Front Seed Bin; Very Nice Upholstered Wing Back Chairs; Shaving Mirror; Wicker
Christmas Decor; Cowboy Hats; Ladies Hats; Quilts; Crates; Flags; Wreaths; Boots; Lanterns; Art-Deco Lamps; Vintage Lamps; Hitchcock Lamp; Clocks; Paintings; Linens; Brass; Silverplate; Gun Holsters; Vintage Books; Marbles; Cast Iron; Crystal; Pyrex; Depression; Iron Baskets; Chiminea; Iron Beds; Cast Iron Pedestal Sink; Metal Art; Plus Much More!!
John Deere D130 Riding Mower - Low hrs, Like New; Rigid Radial Arm Saw; Craftsman Mitre Saw; Delta Band Saw; Skil Table Saw; DR Trimmer; Greenlee Job Box; Plant Stands; Ladders; Air Tank; Echo Weedeater; Echo Pole Saw; Large Craftsman Toolbox - Very Nice; Small Craftsman Toolbox; Vise; Grinder; Drill Press; S-K Vintage Toolbox; Dremmels; Straps; Craftsman Hand Tools; 3 - BBQ Smokers; Irwin Bits; Pipe Wrenches; Sockets; Vise Grips; Dewalt Radio; Screws & Bolts;
LEASE PASTURE or wheat grazing needed for cows or calves. Have equipment/ brush control, fencing. Short term/after deer season. Bart Koerth 254-681-1498
GRAZING LEASE need ed for cow/calf operation. Long term lease preferred. Okay with improving and repairing roads, fencing, pens, etc. References available. Call: 210-3814249
GRASS LEASE needed by the head, by the month or annually, long term lease preferred, referenc es available. 325-642-278
VANISHING TEXAS river cruises with three boats, two houses, pool, large dock and of fice, six acres on Lake Buchanan. $4M. cob 512-556-3890
SMALL 10-ACRE ranchito for sale by owner, joining a large ranch in the beautiful Big Bend area of South west Texas surrounded with mountains, 3000 ft. altitude. Three bed room, two bath home with garage, basement, workshop, barns, new fencing, good well and low taxes because of AG Exemption. $250,000. Call 432-3865854
SOUTHWEST OKLA HOMA - Hunting/Cattle Ranch • 480 Acres at $1,825/acre. CALL 580678-0662
SIG SAUER 223, 16” barrel, Patrol Model. Brand new in box. Nev er used. $2900. 530355-4055 local
LOOKING FOR place to hog hunt near Abilene. Leave voice mail 817-2530853
of Alfalfa Hay Available Year RoundCattle Hauling - Truck or Gooseneck - Fully Insured - J.L. Keeney 432-558-2679 (h) 432556-0555 (m)
HORSES - Bought, Sold, and traded / Any kind • Any time! - G.A. Gossett 806-570-1309
TRAINING FOR Horse & Rider - NRHA, NCHA, SHOT competi tor - Coach - ClinicianJudge • David Maltais / 325-201-3882
ENCED Hunters. Must be in good physical condition, have clean driv ing record, clean criminal record and provide references. Need
Victorian Burled Walnut Beveled Glass Marble Top Curio WOW!!
Buffet; Room Dividers;
Queen Anne Dining Table w/ 6 Chairs;
Floor Lamps;
Couch &
w/ 4 Chairs; Large Entrance Table; Metal &
Coffee & End Table Set; Occ. Tables; Super Nice French Dresser - Highly Carved; Mid-Century Wall Unit; Elec Recliner;
Style Metal Hanging Lamp; Couch; Leather Chair;
CALL 325-673-4521 PAGE OCTOBER 20, 2022 (10/20/22 - 10/26/22) ADVERTISE HERE! 325-673-4521 AMCLASS ABILENE.COM FARM & RANCH FELONY PROSECU TOR $65,000-$85000 yr + DOE + benefits Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Ap plications are accepted until positions are filled. EOE 325-674-1220 DEPUTY CONSTA BLE-BAILIFF $49,000 .yr+benefits. Taylor County Plaza 400 Oak St. Suite 120 Abilene Texas 8 am-12 pm and 1pm -5 pm Applications are accepted until po sitions are filled.EOE 325-674-1220 CATTLE GUARDS & Gates - ALL SIZES - Jeryl Priddy (325) 977-0769 WELLINGTON TRAC TOR PARTS INC. SAVE 50-70% on all your farm tractor and combine re pair parts needs. NEW — USED — REBUILT — we specialize in cylinder heads - blocks - cranks - new tractor replacement seats - interior kits - overhaul kits - starters - clutches - wa ter pumps and iinjection pumps. CALL US — WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSI NESS.Wellington, TX • 800-992-5346 GOATS BLACK SPANISH Goats Syfran Bred - Nannies & Billies - Three Mill Ranch / Mackey Lange, Mgr. (830) 739-7258 — ma GUNS / AMMO COLLECTION OF Black Powder Muzzler Loaders with all acces sories. 54 Springfield Hawkens, Kentucky Rifle 45 cal., Hawkens 50 cal., 20 ga. double barrel, 58 cal. Antoniozoli musket (nice), 44 cal. new army pistol (new in box/never fired), bullet molds, new round balls + box es. Melting pot, 2 lead handle to pour lead. Ammunition box, shot gun wads new, sev eral other accessories. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. $1,500. 325529-5579 HORSES HORSE SALE! Cle burne, Texas. Every Wednesday Night 6pm. Selling Good Riding Horses Also, Top Loose Horse Mar ket. 254-744-5563, 469-595-6870. FOR SALE $1,200 (Cross Plains). Sassy is a 6 year old grade paint mare who stands at 15’3 hands tall. She has been out on the trails with a group of horses and does great. She also has been ridden in a field and round pen and does great. Sassy loads and hauls great,pick up all her feet and is great with other horses. Sassy also lunges great and has great ground man ners. She has walked down the road and is good with cars. She is good with being sad dled. She is still green but will make a great horse for someone. TEXT (325) 203-1886 WILL BUY Horses of All Kinds - Truckload Lots
seasonal or part time guides
professional hunt ing service. Hunt multiple species and earn on average
$300- $425 per day. Email re sume to: jroche@ magnumguideser
YOU want to Hunt where the Big Deer are? Clearfork River runs through the place. Also Spring & Fall Turkey hunting. Plus all the hogs you want to kill. Call 325721-2517
of Liberty Gun Safes are in. America’s #1 Safe! Protect your family! HPS 6545 S. US Hwy 377, Stephenville,TX 254-967-9985 (or) 254977-4443 https://www. LOOKING FOR prairie dog areasto hunt, Perm ian Basin preferred. Leave voicemail or text. 432-2367313 2017 KAWASAKI Mule Pro-FX Ranch Edi tion. 92.2 hours, comes with trailers $13,000. Call 325-677-6810 ALL RANCHING & Wild life Helicopter Service - www.langehelicopters. com • Aubrey Lange (325) 650-4984 • Kyle Lange (325) 650-4983 • Cody Sedden (830) 279-8119 CALLAGHAN COUNTY – 80 acres, NW corner of CR 269 & Hwy 36. Farm $900/yr. - Hunt $1200/yr. - Hunt/ Farm $2000/yr. Call Kenneth 850-937-9414 For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook, & auctionzip 10429828 ESTATE AUCTION SUNDAY OCT. 23rd 1 PM Betsy
216 Breckenridge St. Albany, TX Betsy is downsizing and will sell the following by Public Auction.
Baby Bed; Wash Tub Set; Plus Much More!!
PVC; Plus More!! PLUS Knives; Costume Jewelry Folks, There is Super Quality here at this SaleDO NOT MISS! For More Info Call: 325-370-1111 or 325-214-1556 BIG COUNTRY AUCTION CO. ABILENE, TX AUCTIONEER LIC. # TX12058 Jeff Vaughn Visit our Facebook, & auctionzip 10429829 ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY OCT. 22nd 10 AM
7pc Oak
Sofa; Breakfast Table
Leather Office Style Chairs; Metal 7 pc Breakfast Set; Shelves; Armoires; Large Library Table; Hand Painted Round Table; File Cabinets; Sofa Tables; Desk; Conference Table; Plus Much More!! GLASSWARE • COLLECTIBLES Waterford; Frankoma; Pyrex; Art Glass; Red & Blue Glasses; Vases; Pots & Pans; Harley Items; Porcelain Cookware; Books; Linens; Nativity Set; Plus More!!! COINS • JEWELRY Carson City Silver Dollars; Misc Costume Jewelry; 14K & Sterling Rings; Coins; Star Trek; Knives; Belt Buckles; Purses; Ammo; Binoculars; Gun Cases; Lucchese Boots; Plus More!! GUNS • OUTDOOR German Mauser w/ Bayonet; Oklahoma Joe’s Smoker; Plus Much More!! Folks, Really Good Merchandise Here!!! 881 E HWY 80 Abilene, TX NEW TAURUS Spec trum 380 auto Pistol, different colors.RE DUCED $200 each. 325-338-0185 WE WOULD like to offer lodging for hunters near Concan, Texas. The cabin sleeps eight with one bathroom and bbq house in Concan, Texas. If you need extra lodging for your hunters please call, 254537-3524. SIX DAY deer hunt with cabin furnished! 325-9399386 ATTENTION LARGE Deer Leases: 13ft. x 16ft. Overhead Tank . Will hold 1600 bushels of corn. Ask ing $5500. 254-4424100 LONG TERM Hunters Wanted! • Rancho Rio Grande — Del Rio,Texas. All: MLD 3, $15/acre, High way 277 Frontage, water and electric. • 6000 acres, axis, duck andquail, live water: Rio Grande River, Tesquesquite Creek and a canal. • 15-30 minutes from Del Rio International Airport.Water and electric available on each lease. Serious inquiries only, BLACK POLLED Bulls Angus Limousin & Lim FLEX. 325-669-6452 100% TEXAS Long horns - Heifer Bulls / Registered Bulls and Cows / Heifers - Roping Stock - Trophy Steers • Stonewall Valley Ranch 512/454-0476 or 830/644-2380 TOP DOLLAR!! C&L Cores & Scrap, Automotive Parts, Diesel Parts, Mo tors & Transmis sions, Brass Ra diators, Aluminum Rims & Breakage; & Batteries. CALL 830-220-0960 MULE HARNESS Donkey to sell or trade. Mule is 15 hands, gen tle. Located Old Glory. $1500 obo. 940-6139154 Lv. message.