o you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for teh prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown...... 1 Corinthians 9:24-25
BED ALL BRAND new! C o m p l e t e m a t t re s s sets all in plastic w/ warranty. Twins-$99, Fulls-$125, Queen Pillowtops-$150 King Pillowtops-$225, Queen Slate wood bed $299. Free delivery, in some areas. 317-727-1920. AUTOS WANTED; CASH paid; Running or not; cars, trucks, v a n s , m o t o rc y c l e s . Must have title. Will pick up, 7 days/week. 317-782-2532. BED - A Brand new Q u e e n P i l l o w To p mattress set, $150, can deliver, 317-2239301. 2 BURIAL PLOTS Side by Side, Raymond & Churchman, $1390 for Both, 317374-4147 PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION!! Every Friday at noon. A-Mass Towing, 1790 S. Meridian (317)951-0200 A A A A * * D O N AT I O N DONATE YOUR Car Boat or Real Estate. IRS Tax Deductible. Free Pick-Up/Tow. Any Model/Condition. Help Under Privileged Children. Outreach Center. 1-800-928-7566
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ROTO BRUSH VENT cleaning system, camera, TV, hose, vacuum, chemicals, fogger, used 6-8 times, list $15,000, $6000, 317-512-0994
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GIGANTIC GYM MIRRORS, $99 48”x100” (11 available) @ $99/each. 72” x100” (9 available) @ $149/each. 60” x84” beveled (3 available) @ $135/each. Will deliver free. 1-800-473-0619
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