1039 WINFIELD, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, full basement, Speedway area, $400 month, 317-8622866 lv msg BED ALL BRAND new! Complete mattress sets all in plastic w/warranty. Twins-$99, Fulls-$125, Queen Pillowtops-$150 King Pillowtops-$225, Queen Slate wood bed $299. Free delivery, in some areas. 317-7271920. MOVING SALE, 4626 Yuma Dr,Southwest Hills Addition,North of kentucky ave. fri/sat 1819,7am-6pm only, Rain or Shine. YARD SALE! 9830 Stardust Dr, Sept 17-19th, 8:30am to 5pm, Men, Women, & Boys GULBRANSON SPINET PIANO, with wood Bench, Light Walnut Finish, well taken care of, 1 owner, excellent condition, $795, 317547-2211 TERRI APSO FEMALE pup, 4 mos, mom is wire-haired fox-terrier, dad is Laso Apso. Shots, dewormed, $200 Cash, 317-535-8348
CEMENTMIXER,REDlion, BigCatMixer,Likenew,Asking $ 200.00. 317-784-6212 8”TABLE SAW,DRILL PRESS, 14”Jig Saw, $30 each Or All for $75. 317-786-6324
Join the fun at White River Sound Chorus’ Guest Night, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009, Hope Community Church, 7440 Hague Road, Indianapolis, beginning at 6:45 p.m. Call Shar: at (317)
446-6103 or visit Web site:
KENMORE WASHER 70 Series, Heavy Duty Super Cap, A-1 Condition, $125 Cash Only, (317)856-6051
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AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIOR. ADBA & he Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has UKC registered female, anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim lib7 Weeks old, Jet Black, erty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, White Chest, Grandfato set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim ther - Notorious Juan the acceptable year of the Lord”............ Luke 4:18-19 Gotti, With Strong RaGARAGE SALE! MISC, DINING ROOM SET, zors-Edge In�uence, Sept 17-19th, 2549 C h e r r y w o o d , L a rg e CHIPPER AND SHREDLighted China Cabi- DER, Chip up to 3’ Beechcrest Dr. 1 MALE, 3 female, boxer net, Four Chairs, Din- branches, Asking $ ing Table, $550 OBO 200.00. 317-784-6212 -pittbull puppies. $100/ (317)546-6492 each. Black, Brown, Fawn-Brown. Beautiful pups. 8 weeks. 317-7022914 Ann LABRADOODLE PUPS CKC, AKC champion retriever and Pointing British Lab pedigree, incredibly gentle with children & family, less shedding. 270-5707500. DOO’IN THE DOO! “We’re Doo’in the Doo, So You Don’t Have Too!” Yards and Litterboxes! Free Estimates, Yearround Service! (317)6541366 FOX TERRIER MALE, 4 mos, mom is wire-haired, dad is smooth coated, shots & wormed, $200 Cash, 317-535-8348 56” SAMSUNG TV, Great Picture, Great Condition, Remote, PIP, Protective Screen $375 (352)2588561 2 WHEEL APPLIANCE dolly, heavy duty built, Has Heavy Duty strap with it. Asking $ 50.00. 317-243-7444 NEW LOVE SEAT, Jean Fabric, Gray Color, Queen Pillowtop Matress & Box, Full Size Bed, Twin Matress & Box, $55 Each (317)894-3530
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