Thirfty nickel pub 7 20 17

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Pick One up




“Brothers Keeper’s” Firefighting Club 719-544-4752 226 E. Abriendo •

Vol. 42 No. 41 • July 20, 2017 Delivered to: Pueblo, Upper & Lower Arkansas Valleys, La Veta, Colorado City, Rye, Walsenburg, Trinidad, San Luis Valley

Heavy duty 20x20 carport, $895. Materials for all sizes. Metal Mart, 66 North Dynamics Drive, Pueblo West. 719000-7170. Well saver tank, slightly used, LPT86. Asking $300, offer. Antique cedar chest with key, inside perfect, water marked outside, and others call 718-120-1234.

Serious buyers only! 719-5556131 or www.000 wanted items! The Thrifty Nickel readers are rAdvertise your stuff everywhere, all the time, across the country and even all over the world. www. thrifty Selling and trading has never been this easy.

Kitchen sink. $25. Imperial Gar- 719-564-6965. dens, 2 plots in Pieta section. $1,300 total. 1998 Dodge Cummins diesel, new tires, 719-334-9920. 5 speed, $16,500 best Acoustic guitar, offer! 719-225-3566. pink, plays great, like new, $85. 719-468- Table, 6 arm chairs, $125. Crab traps, 5016. including rope buoy, Free Wood for burn- $25 each. 719-545ing, you haul! 719-766- 8337, 719-250-0472. 3776. Small Freezer, 785-656-2076. Baby grand piano, $50. Kawai, walnut, 5 feet, 719-469-1833. excellent condition. $4,500, negotiable. Swamp cooler, 32 inch, reconditioned, 719-564-9494. new parts, clean, win2 window mount dow mount. $300. 719water coolers, $115, 242-6240. each. 2 Goodyear German tires, 225/70r16’s good Female shepherd, obedience tread. 719-542-8160. trained, naturally protecBarbecue grill, tive. Would make great 2 burner, full propane security dog! Parents on tank. All for $50. 719- site, hip tested. Registered. 719-379-4179. 406-3623.

Heavy duty 20x20 carport, $895. Materi Dynamics Drive, Pueblo West. 7100-7170.

Kenmore electric stove, clean, $100, 719-543-6466 before 9am, after 6pm.

Well saver tank, slightly used, LPT86. Asking $300, offer. Antique cedar chest with key, inside perfect, water marked outside, and others call will please make run.

34 Hope in the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it. Psalm 37:34

Keep your mower in “Tip-top Shape” for a beautiful lawn! 719-561-2222


563 S. Pueblo Blvd,

Pueblo CO 81005

Blade Sharpening with the purchase of every Tune-up!

($12 value - *Some restrictions apply)

Top Dollar Pawn % 0




Don’t Sell Your

“Brothers Keeper’s” Firefighting Club

Let Thrifty Nickel help you, as you Help others!

50% OFF

All non-profit ads

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


226 E. Abriendo Ave., Pueblo Open Mon-Tues 8:30-5:30, Wed 8:30-3, Thurs/Fri 9-4


We’re the Largest Gold Buyer in

Southern Colorado!

to Just Anyone! TOP DOLLAR PAWN

902 US Hwy 50 West 719-295-7296

(Two Locations In Pueblo!)

Open Mon-Sat 9am-7pm

1301 W. 4th Street 719-545-5626

Super Center: 275 S Academy, Colorado Springs • 719-302-7296 6385 N. Academy, Colorado Springs • 719-272-7296


Connecting Connecting Buyers Buyers with Sellers with Sellers in Pueblo, in Pueblo, Colorado Colorado sincesince 1975 1975


Table of Contents Adoption..................................... 12

Coupons....................................... 6

Miscellaneous.............................. 2

Antiques & Collectibles............... 5

Duplexes for Rent........................ 7

Motorcycles/ Snowmobiles....... 19

Apartments for Rent.................... 7

Education...................................... 9

Mountain Land & Homes............. 7

Appliances.................................... 4

Employment................................. 9

Musical.......................................... 5

Auctions........................................ 4

Farm & Ranch............................. 10

Nationals....................................... 9

Divorce & Family Law

Gophers and burrowing pests eliminated. Gopher Busters, 719-569-7351.

• Divorce & Legal Separation • Grandparent Rights • Child Custody & Support • Dependency & Neglect • Interstate Child Custody

“Let me hassle for you!”

Pets............................................. 10

ATVs............................................ 19

Financial....................................... 9

Auto Parts................................... 18

Food.............................................. 5

Boats & Watercraft..................... 18

Furniture....................................... 6

Building Materials........................ 5

Garage Sales & Boutiques.......... 5

Business Opportunities.............. 9

Heavy Equipment....................... 18

Campers & Toppers.................... 18

Houses for Rent........................... 7

SUVs............................................ 15

Cars............................................. 13

Hunting & Fishing...................... 10

Tools.............................................. 6

Classic Vehicles......................... 15

Lawn & Garden............................. 6

Trailers........................................ 19

Clothing & Accessories............... 6

Livestock.................................... 10

Trucks.......................................... 16

Commercial Property................... 7

Lots, Land & Acreage.................. 7

Vans............................................. 18

Computers & Electronics.......... 10

Medical & Health........................ 12

Wanted.......................................... 5

Real Estate for Sale..................... 7 Real Estate Wanted...................... 7 RVs.............................................. 18 Sporting Goods.......................... 10 Steel & Storage Bldgs................. 6

View local information at..

Office Hours

Monday & Tuesday 8:30am - 5:30pm Wednesday 8:30am - 3:00pm Thursday & Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm


Business/Service, Tuesday 5:30pm Display Ads, Tuesday Noon Cancellations, Tuesday 5:30pm


Private Party Tuesday 5:30pm Business Classifieds, Tuesday 4pm Display Corrections, Tuesday. 5pm

Classified Prices

Private Party (10 words).....$5/week Border.......................$2 per week Each additional word........25¢/week Front page..............$10 per week Star, checkmark & more... $1.00 ea. Bold centered words........$1 each Colored background w/ Border… $6 per week Business & Service Directory 15 words  •  4 weeks $24 Each additional word 84¢  •  4 week minimum  •  Choose heading Business card ads  •  4 weeks  •  $140

Distributed to Almost 600 Locations! Aguilar, Alamosa, Antonito, Avondale, Blanca, Boone, Buena Vista, Cañon City, Coaldale, Colorado City, Cotopaxi, Florence, Fort Garland, Fowler, Hasty, Howard, La Jara, La Junta, La Veta, Lamar, Las Animas, Manassa, Manzanola, Monte Vista, Olney Springs, Ordway, Penrose, Poncha Springs, PUEBLO, Pueblo West, Rocky Ford, Rye, Salida, San Luis, Silver Cliff, Swink, Trinidad, Walsenburg, Westcliffe, Wetmore.

How to place an ad... 1. Call us at 719-544-4752 2. Online at;   3. Mail it to 226 E. Abriendo Ave, Pueblo, CO 81004 4. Place your ad in person at 226 E. Abriendo Ave. Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ City_____________________________State____________ Zip___________________Phone______________________ Ad copy:__________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ # of Words___________# of Weeks____________________ Total Amount_________Classification__________________ Credit Card #_______________________ Exp. Date_______ YES! Please send me e-mail regarding specials and other news from The Thrifty Nickel!

My e-mail address_____________________________ Send with check, money order or credit card number to: THRIFTY NICKEL 226 E. Abriendo Ave. • Pueblo, CO 81004 Abbreviations not allowed. Abbreviated ads may be edited. For your benefit, you may not mix classifications in a single ad. In case of errors or omissions in your ad, YOU MUST notify The Thrifty Nickel by Monday following first publication. Our liability will not exceed the cost of the affected portion of the ad. We reserve the right to refuse or edit any ad. Returned check fee is $20. Views or opinions expressed in advertising contained in The Thrifty Nickel do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, management or owners of The Thrifty Nickel of Pueblo, LLC. Acceptance of paid political advertising does not imply endorsement of any candidate or position. AD DEADLINES - Real Estate: Tuesday, 12 noon; All Other: Tuesday, 5:30pm; no cancellations or changes after Monday, 5:30pm.

IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE It probably is! The Thrifty Nickel of Pueblo, LLC, makes no endorsement of nor guarantees the validity of any ad or the integrity of the person(s) who placed it. Readers responding to any ads do so at their own risk; therefore, it is recommended that consumers contact the appropriate consumer protection agencies, such as your local Better Business Bureau, State Attorney General or Federal Trade Commission before sending payment to anyone offering financial services, employment or investment opportunities services. We reserve the right to refuse or edit any ad.

Lowest liquor prices, coldest beer in Pueblo! Shanty Liquor, 2212 East 4th Street.

July 20, 2017


Wesley D. Hassler 719-544-2929 616 W. Abriendo Ave., Pueblo, CO

B AN K RUPTCY . CHAPTER 13/ 7. Marital debt? 13. House saving? 13. Gold mine/ shaft? 13. Just did a 7? 13. Keep 57 Chevy? 13. Bankruptcy is a get back law, a kind law. Cross Law Firm is a U p h o l s t e r y kind firm with lots of 13 machine, new. Also, experience. 719-632household Singer, 9991. reconditioned. John Grimes, Pueblo. 719545-8337, 719-2500472. CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed diabetic test strips, highest prices! Shipping prepaid. 1 day payment. 1-888-366-0956. www. Cash4DiabeticSup

Free large exercise machine. Keyboard free also. J’s Storage Con719-561-0853. tainers. 20, 40 foot Free haul-away for available. All containare mouse, unwanted cars, met- ers als, batteries. 719-252- weather proof. 719250-8164. 3127.

INVITE YOUR friends to PAKRAT Junkies. Thrifty Nickel / American Classifieds now has a new website for image ads only. Ads with images get looked at over 70% more online. PAKRAT Junkies is a website created to help the community buy, sell, and trade. It is free to join and free to add Images with your ads. Get rid of unwanted items while finding great deals. PAKRAT Junkies helps put cash in your pocket. It is as simple as typing in We love to help out our community!


Custom chaps, reins, buckles and hardware. D&W Leather, 515 South Santa Fe Avenue. 719-5424117. TV+ INTERNET $29.99 each! That’s $60 month for TV and high speed Internet! We are your local installers! 1-888-8580262. Cash discounts! Let us set you up with one of our dentists! Dentures, partials, relines. 719-5451810. Altra Dental Lab.


Cash for your scrap from our ATM! Top prices paid. Dionisio Metal & Iron, 700 South Portland Avenue, Pueblo, CO. 719544-3488. Swamp cooler, 32 inch, reconditioned, new parts, clean, window mount. $300. 719242-6240.

Need Cash? sell your

no longer needed stuff in the Thrifty Nickel.

Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks, get one free! 719-544-475 2

Ball field bag, $50. Grave plot, Roselawn. Block 58, lot-96, 719-406-3360. space 4. $1,000. 719Table, 6 arm chairs, 281-8699. $125. Crab traps, including rope buoy, Same day service $25 each. 719-545- on denture relines, repairs! Feel more 8337, 719-250-0472. confident! Altra Dental Lab, 719-545-1810. Firewood, dry and Free Wood for burncut. Ready to burn! ing, you haul! 719-766$120 cord. 719-994- 3776. 6910. CABIN 2 window mount LOG (original water coolers, $115, $5,800, $23,800). each. 2 Goodyear price, tires, 225/70r16’s good 768 square feet, expandable to 1,152 tread. 719-542-8160. square feet, 101 “UNIQUE WOODS” solid oak logs, fully Sawmill rough-cut and dove-tailed, complaned lumber, shiplap, custom beams, deco- plete pre-cut wall rative poles, logs. Fire- set with all plans wood: $80-$160 pine, for stone fireplace, $180 aspen. Westcliffe. 10-1/2 foot high ceilwww.greenleafforestry. ings, porches, loft, com 719-429-4404. stack walls in two days, add roof in BIKERS two days, extra nice, New chaps, coats, pay when received, vests, gloves, saddle- will haul to Pueblo bags. D&W Leather, for $1,850. 870-577515 South Santa Fe, 5757, owner. 719-542-4117.

TheConnecting most trusted Buyers way to with BuySellers & Sell in in Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado Colorado since since 1975 1975 3



Coats, purses, dles, zippers, D&W Leather, South Santa Fe, 542-4117.

sadetc. 515 719-

CABLE AND Internet $29.99 each! That’s $60 month for TV and high speed Internet! We are your local installers! 1-888-8580262.

S p e c ia l P ri c in g B a rg a in B o a rd !


Heavy Duty 20x20 Carports


We Won’t Be Undersold!

Leather kits and tools. Furs, beads. D&W Leather, 515 South Santa Fe Avenue. 719542-4117. Free pickup of scrap metal items, batteries and cars. 719-289-6791.

Bird, animal, crafts swap! Free, at our new Pueblo Tractor Supply location. 5075 North Elizabeth. Sunday, LIVELINKS IS the 23rd, 8am-noon. Exits best chatline for 101,102. Sellers provide meeting real singles shade, water. 719-5468678, Raypex. Thanks! who know how to have a good time! PORTA-POTTY Wanna flirt and have RENTAL some fun? Call 866- Special events, long678-4895 and make a term, short-term, great prices and customer real connection. service! We also service VIAGRA 52 pills! RV’s! 719-542-6910. Only $99! Save! Save! Save $500 KILL BED bugs! Buy now! Call us today! Harris Bed Bug Killers/ KIT Complete Treatment 1-888-439-1431. System. Available: HardWANTS TO purchase ware stores, The Home minerals and other Depot, oil and gas interests. Barbecue grill, Send details P.O. Box 2 burner, full propane 13557, Denver, CO tank. All for $50. 71980201. 406-3623.



Need Cash? sell your

For Limited Time Reduced To


1050 $


Custom Trim & Flashing

Dektite Pipe Flashing

Panel Profiles


get one free! 719-544-475 2

Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm Closed Sat. & Sun.

Dynamics, 719-547-7170 66Suite 130 866-705-4591 Pueblo West, CO

Sheds Best price!

Roll Up Doors

Universal Closure Tenryu Pro Cutting Blades Sealant Tape

no longer needed stuff in the Thrifty Nickel.

Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks,

Fences Any size!

Sunsky Skylights


Structural Steel

Wiss Aviation Snips




Walmart ★ to Cañon City




Hwy 50

Exit 108

I-25 to Colorado Springs

$2,775 PETERSON HIGH REACH 719-688-0081

Loudspeaker reconing. Replace foam surrounds, diaphragms, terminals. PLRA Member. 719547-7193,, http://www.

Help! Low income grandmother needs $3,000 loan with low Top prices paid. Dionipayments. sio Metal & Iron, 700 monthly 719-778-3896. South Portland Avenue, Pueblo, CO. 719-544- Healthy coffees Baby grand piano, 3488. and teas: Organic, Kawai, walnut, 5 feet, Storm door, self- black bold, creamy excellent condition. storing, 36 inch. $25. latte, mocha latte, lean $4,500, negotiable. 719green tea for weight 564-9494. 719-564-6965. loss and Chai. All deliKitchen sink. $25. cious and easy on the Acoustic guitar, 719-564-6965. stomach! http://java pink, plays great, like new, $85. 719-468-5016. Hundreds of holsters in stock! Nylon, Kydex, and leather. We have a holster to fit your gun! Arctic Shooting Supply, 411 West 6th Street, 719545-1800. www.arctic THE RIGHT MATERIALS FOR THE RIGHT PRICE!

$4 - $6 per gallon. Many colors! 1731 Erie Avenue, Pueblo. 719542-6910.

Lawn & Garden


2-7 GMP variable speed control box with automatic shut-off and low water sensor, package includes 100 feet 1-3/4 pipe, 110 feet 10/2 wire, tech support and 5 year warranty. Larger systems available. New and rebuilt windmills for sale!

Garage Sales South

5-12 foot steel roof trusses, $70. Metal Craftsmen lawn Mart, 719-547-7170 or 866-705-4591. 1524 Claremont mower, 6.5 horsepower, $130. 719-415-2410, 1055 Della Lane, Avenue, Thursday and Antiques & call anytime. Friday, Saturday, 7am- Friday, 8am-? Huge two Collectibles Noon. Kids clothes, family yard sale, dress- “I sold my boat in just ers, antiques, tools, a couple weeks, and toys, cribs, etc. clothes, much more. received cash for it!! Christmas in July! POT OF GOLD Bulbs, decorations, WUMC Estate Sale. Thank you American ANTIQUES ornaments, lights. 24 Drake, Friday- Sat- Classifieds!” G.M. Reopen after Ceramic bisque, and urday, 9am-2pm. Combeing closed 10 tools! 8am-4pm, Fri- plete household. No Steel/Storage years! Hours: day, Saturday. 1163 early birds. Cash only Buildings 9am-3pm, MonWago Drive. Not responsible for d a y - T h u r s d a y. accidents. STEEL BUILDING Lots of primitives, Garage Sales New inven- antiques, vintage Garage Sales inventory. Pueblo West tory coming in 15-30% and collectibles. West higher. Old inventory Opening July 31! going out very limited. Moving! Leather Atlanta. Call for availability at living room, oak dining, 2502 claw foot desk, Washer/ ThursdaySunday, old price from factory. dryer, household mis- 7am-7pm. Big yard full Supplies won’t last get PAY CASH FOR cellaneous. 169 East of furniture, vintage, in on old price. www. Cars, trucks, trailers. Running or not. Kipling, Thursday, 7am- electric vacuums, and s u n w a r d s t e e l . c o m 719-229-8375. 800-964-8335. till gone! household items.



We buy, sell, trade and pawn! Arctic Shooting Supply, 411 150 gallon aquarium West 6th Street, 719for free to good home. 545-1800. www.arctic 719-214-2589.


Garage Sales Mesa /Avondale /Boone

SOON THE MARK OF THE BEAST will be enforced! Let the Bible explain! Free book and Bible study. Call 205-3394837.


PIZZA KING carryout special! 1 topping large pizza, only $5.99 plus tax! Carryout only, must present this ad. Order now! Pueblo, 719542-0193. Pueblo West, 719-547-2977.

1998 Dodge Cummins diesel, new tires, 5 speed, $16,500 best offer! 719-225-3566.

BRANSON GETAWAY! Stay and play in Branson, MO. $99 includes show tickets and lodging. Not timeshare related. 1-800-4220076 extension 103. Check out www. B e s t Va l u e I n B r a n


Critter swap, July 22, Big R, Pueblo West. Crafters, vegetables, farm animals. 9am-2pm. 719-5519063.

Let us hassle for you! *DUI *Divorce *Legal custody *Auto accidents *Bankruptcy *Social Security Claims *Appeals. We have Spanish speaking attorneys to help you! 719544-2929.

cC u

SOLAR SALE! Large amount of 235 watt solar panels in stock, $230 each. We also stock Magnum inverters, Outback charge controllers, Rolls batteries, 8/2, 4/0, 2/0 wire, and more. Quality products at affordable prices! Bontrager’s Variety Store, 9726 South CR 3E, Monte Vista. 719-852-0500.


July 20, 2017


Connecting Buyers with Sellers Pueblo, 1975 We’re responsible for the mostinBuying & Colorado Selling insince Pueblo, Colorado


Food PIZZA KING carryout special! 1 topping large pizza, only $5.99 plus tax! Carryout only, must present this ad. Order now! Pueblo, 719-542-0193. Pueblo West, 719-547-2977.


Small refrigerator, $90, works good. 719-406-3360. Electric Stove, almond, Maytag, double oven set with microwave, $275. 719564-2989. Full-Size Refrigerator, $150. 785-656-2076. 719469-1833.

Kenmore elec- Pellet Stove tric stove, clean, and ceramic kiln with $100, 719-543-6466 molds. 719-647-9098. before 9am, after 6pm. New Side-by-side Small refrigera- Whirlpool refrigerator $50. 785-656- tor. About 2 years old, 2076. 719-469-1833. $650. 512-415-9295.

July 20, 2017

2200 North freeway

50% off! Mattress Warehouse

We closed all our mall stores in Colorado to sell our famous brand mattresses at half off! Low overhead, best quality, and same day delivery! Never pay retail again! Sealy, Broyhill, Therapedic, all at 50% OFF! Huge selection and all new still in the plastic. Lowest price guarantee. We are on the Frontage Road of I-25, Exit 100A.

2200 North Freeway, Pueblo Colorado • 719-595-1776

Washers and dryers. Refrigerator and upright freezer. Stackables. Pick up unwanted appliances. SCRAP GE flat-top range, Also, very reasonable APPLIANCES works good. $100. repairs. 719-821-5288, Top prices paid. Dioni- 719-251-3468. 719-423-0104. sio Metal & Iron, 700 Freezer, South Portland Ave- New Glass top Small nue, Pueblo, CO. 719- stove, Samsung, $425. $50. 785-656-2076. 544-3488. 512-415-9295. 719-469-1833.


I’m amazed! I have had over 125 calls on my ad. Your paper Carpet installa- gets read! Jim tion tools, stretcher, Lost & Found irons, kickers, all hand tools, $600. 719-9890787. Reward: Lost Prescription sunglasses Skilsaw, 7-1/4 cir- in Southside Walmart, cular saw. Used once. Smoky blue with animal print. 719-214-9138. $24. 719-821-8836.


ATV Wanted! Good Storage sheds for condition, low mileage, sale: 8x8-12x12. Built on your lot, starting PIZZA KING carry- 719-542-6999. out special! 1 topping at $920, material and POSTCARDS labor. 1 year labor warlarge pizza, only $5.99 plus tax! Carryout only, Old postcards of ranty. Don, 719-289must present this ad. places, things, humor, 2880. Order now! Pueblo, political, holidays, etc. 719-542-0193. Pueblo 719-543-0003. West, 719-547-2977. DIABETIC TEST Jewelry strips wanted. Must be unexpired. Will pay up to $30 a box plus shipping. Call T.S.C. free 866-3682269. 200 linear feet one side, 4 foot wide by 1 inch thick Simplex forms, $1,500 best Toilet, water saver. offer. 719-994-4192 $25. 719-564-6965. Frank.

Building Materials

Free old house to tear down. Lots of One of a kind 14K good reusable lumber gold and ivory pendant. and firewood. Doug Member Elks Lodge 719-564-2801. #90, Pueblo, born 1881, lodge member CLASSIC, power1908-1934. All informa- ful and quick! Looks tion verified through great, works great! It’s Elks Lodge archives. American Classifieds! 719-369-8708. EXTRABUILD.COM COMPOSITE decking, Wanted doors, windows, trim Junk & Disorderlee, and more! Extra Build811 West 4th Street. ing Materials, off I-25 Great stuff! We buy at 58th Avenue, North Denver, 303-296-8090. and sell!



Saturday July 22 Eads, Colorado Mowers, tools, furniture and more. Everything sells regardless of price! Go to http://www. or call Heart G Auction at 719-384-4797 or 719-688-0253.




Pueblo For Over 30 Years!

se habla ~ espanol





Medicaid Covering Complete Dentures, Partials & Relines


Let us set you up with one of our dentists in Pueblo, Pueblo West, or Canon City! Most Insurances Accepted!




1120 W. Northern Ave. Pueblo CO 81004


We’re Connecting responsibleBuyers for the with mostSellers Buyingin & Pueblo, Selling in Colorado Pueblo,since Colorado 1975 5

July 20, 2017

NOW OPEN! Over 25 Local Produce & Specialty Vendors!

Every Friday 7am-1pm

Located in the Midtown Shopping Center Parking Lot

MIDTOWN Farmer’s Market  AUCTION  Saturday, July 29, 9am

825 S. 7th Street, Canon City

From Hwy 50 in Canon City, go south on 9th street, right on Griffin Avenue, left on to 7th street to sale. Watch for signs. ‘14 JEEP PATRIOT 4X4 (LIKE NEW) • COINS ANTIQUES• HOUSEHOLD • SHOP & TOOLS

Go to website for pictures: *LUNCH AVAILABLE

Terms: Cash or cashable check with proper I.D. Nothing removed until settled for. Everything sold as is. No warranties expressed or implied. Announcements sale day take precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents or losses.Sale conducted by:


Computers & Electronics GET FREETV-4LIFE Small one time charge only, zero bill 4Ever!! All channels, sports, shows, movies. Call 870-405-6225. Visit w w w. p e n ny - e s s.

Internet & Technology CABLE+ INTERNET? Start up just $1! 3 months free of HBO, Starz, Sho, Cinemax. 888-355-4822.

Auction & Real Estate Bill Beamon 719-251-5030


“A Bid Above The Others”


2nd and 4th Saturdays, 11am. Go to www.Pyramidauto 719547-3585.


Bob Beamon 719-250-0527

Living room microfiber set, very, very nice! Sofa, 2 rocker recliners, no pets no children. $400. 719276-2719.

Two twin bed sets, frames, matFurniture tresses, night Power recliner, stands, dressers, TV leather, large, Divani stands. $150 each. Chateau d’ax. Excellent, 719-369-9762. $250. 719-671-8449. Bookcase, 30-3/4 Two brown recliners, excellent condi- wide, 45 inches high, tion. $100 each, or best 3 shelves of smoked black glass, excellent offer. 719-547-1492. condition. $40. 719Queen bedroom 406-3623. sets, all wood, dresser, chest, night stand, 2 oval mirrors, pillowtop mattress, excellent condition. $650. 719-5649494. Three chandeSectional sofa, liers, brushed chocolate, new condinickel, with 1 light, 3 tion, $600. Oak table lights and 6 lights. with 6 chairs, $300. 719$150. 719-369-9762. 252-0651.

AKC Boxer puppies, 10 weeks, first shots. Ready now! $1,000. 719334-3586.

Two chocolate Poo-Chi puppies, females, first shot, dewormed. 8 weeks, 1long-haired, 1- shorthaired. $300. 719-242-6707.

I am a finalist for the

2017 American Hero Veterinarian Award I would appreciate your vote each day.

“Dr. Patti” Visit: Canchola Everyday until

12pm July 27, 2017

75% Wolf, 25% Siberian husky hybrid puppies with shots. Ready now, singularly pure, ancient wolf/ Spitz breed. $200 firm. Call/ text 719-588-2909. Pueblo couple seeking miniature Schnauzer puppy or young adult, with updated shots and good health record. Male or female, any color, AKC not necessary, not for breeding, companionship only. Price negotiable. 719-924-8114. AKC Lab puppies, yellow and black. Hunting parents, championship bloodlines, dewclaws. $600. 719240-4144.

Doberman puppies. Ready July 7. Tail and dewclaws removed, first shots, dewormed. PAPERED, Registered Aus- vet checked. $50 tralian cattle dogs, deposit. 719-859-2274, blue or red, champion text please. bloodlines, 6 weeks Owl finches, paraold. 719-468-8591. keets, cockatiels. VariFemale German ous prices. Chocolate shepherd, obedience trained, naturally pro- chiclids (fish). 719tective. Would make 369-7180. great security dog! Female chihuaParents on site, hip hua, 2-1/2 years. No tested. Registered. kittens. Not breeder. 719-379-4179. $250. 719-717-8494.

Half Persian, female kitten, dark gray tiger striped, $300. 719-717- AKC miniature long8494. haired Dachshunds, 3 Wolf/ husky pups, males. Ready August shots, dewormed. $700. 29. Taking hold deposWill deliver. 719-859- its. 719-994-8486. 1624.

German shepherd puppies, AKC registered. Ready now. Military discount available. 719-250-0804.


Covers Children, Etc. Only One Signature Req. *

excludes gov’t fees

888-633-6076 x100 Budget Divorce ESTABLISHED 1973

Sporting Goods Schwinn bike trailer, 2 seater, $50. 719-564-2989. Fort Knox Security Safes at Silver Gun Sports, 2021 Santa Fe Drive, 719-584-2717. Need a safe moved? Epie, Silver Gun Sports, 719-584-2717.

White German shepherd puppies, first shots. Ready now! 815-685-2580. Steel City Alley Cat Coalition offers an emergency pet food pantry, dogs/ cats. 719582-1043. German Shepherds, 6 females, 2 males. $200. 719-4801419, Blanca, Colorado.

Pets Lost & Found

Farm Equipment

JOHN DEERE hay baler Model 336. Wire tie baling now. See the bales. New tires, new slip clutch and new restricter plates last year. Located at Colorado City, CO. Phone 719-248-6334. Price $2,500.



1986 Royal slant 4 horse trailer, new tires, hydraulic lift, 719-225Rusted, busted, or bro- $5,500. ken okay! Call the BB 3566. Gun Man, 719-351Five bred cows, 5628. black, and 1 black Winchester Model Angus bull. 719-25070 Classic Sporter, .300 8487. Win Mag, claw extractor. $790. 719-845-7020. Boer show Personal Pro- goats. $200 a head. tection at it’s finest! 719-696-1083. Mace pepper spray, tasers, and firearms all at Arctic Shooting Supply, 411 West 6th Street, 719-545-1800. w w w. a r c t i c s h o o t i n g

Bird, Bunny and more sale, Saturdays, 9am-1pm, in Olney Springs. For information, call 719-6919979.

Concealed carry training on your schedule! Top rated instructor. 719-821-3958.

Free Kittens! Pigs and chickens, call for prices. 719-778-3414.

AKC Lab puppies, yellow and black. Hunting parents, championship bloodlines, dewclaws. $600. 719-240-4144. Reward! Lost from home, just north of La Veta. If found please call 719-989-8858.

Top prices paid for all your unwanted guns or ammunition. Arctic Shooting Supply, 411 West 6th Street, 719-5451800. www.arctic

Young rabbits, young hens, starting to lay. 2 nice mares, best offer. 2 donkeys, best offer. Many varieties of pigeons. 315-8131455.


Call for Discounts! POLE BUILDINGS




FIN Bichon Frise male puppy, 10 weeks old, shots. $1,000. 719242-7224. Cute 8 week Chihuahua puppies, $200. 719-544-2779.

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Connecting We’re responsible Buyers with for the Sellers mostinBuying Pueblo, & Colorado Selling insince Pueblo, 1975 Colorado


Business & Services Classified Ads

4 weeks - $24 Mini Includes 15 words Business Card & the appropriate

4 weeks - $140 Full Color


Auto Glass

Pueblo & Southern Colorado

Additional words slightly higher. Ad must run for 4 weeks. Stop by or call us today!


“Our Service Speaks for itself”

Lenny Valdez

Pre-Planning Counselor

(719)544-4368 Pueblo/ Colorado Springs

New windshields! $149.99 installed. Most cars. Free mobile service. Serving Pueblo, Fremont, El Paso Counties. 719-250-6024.


Sewing Machine Sales & Service

Good Worker! Will do yard work for $10 hour. Must use your tools, 3 hour minimum. Expert sewing machine repair, household, Pueblo area only! Call Tor 719-289-1692. industrial. Upholstery machine. Used household Affordable lawn and garden work. Trim- machines available. John Grimes, Pueblo. 719545-8337, 719-250-0472. ming and hauling. 719-415-2726.

Small Engine Repair


funeral services

American Auto Glass. Back to school special! Auto glass starting at $99. 719-545-5242, toll free 877-545-5220.

Lawn & Yard Care

Handyman & Maintenance G&M HOME REPAIR

Painting, plumbing repair, rental clean-outs and cleaning, tile work, and remodeling. 719-250BANKRUPTCY. CHAPTER 13/ 7. Marital debt? 1262. 13. House saving? 13. Gold mine/ shaft? 13. Just did a 7? 13. Keep 57 Chevy? 13. Bank- Mom’s Handyman! Discount- disabled vets, ruptcy is a get back law, a kind law. Cross Law handicapped, single parent. Complete repair. Firm is a kind firm with lots of 13 experience. New, existing, or patchwork. 719-242-6303. 719-632-9991. Handyman Repair More than 30 years experience. A/C cooler install/ Billiards repair. Licensed, certified electrician, wiring, switches, all major appliances repairs and installs, and ceiling Billiards Emporium. Southern Colorado’s fans. Free phone estimates. Don, 719-565-8363. only full service billiards store. Recovering, moving, repairs, refinishing. Established 1990. 719- Clyde’s Handyman Service. 20+ years experience. Complete construction, home maintenance. Free esti542-7665. mates, 20 miles. 719-240-9749.

Free estimates! Painters for hire for all your Affordable and effective small engine painting needs. Have references and we do it repair of all types, including lawn equipment your way! 719-369-4288. and a wide variety of construction tools. Factory trained. Pickup and delivery available. Call Roofing David, 719-582-0763. Free Estimates! All types of roofing! Commercial/ residential. Licensed, insured. JR Roof Maintenance, 719-660-9365, 719-821-9544, 719-258-7888.








We have the solution for less money. Never remove your flat roof again! Energy certified. 50 year warranty. System works on most flat roofs and metal. We also do other types of roofing!

A&K ROOFING & GUTTERS 719-320-5103 or 719-369-0277

PJ’s Handyman all types of jobs. No job is too small or too large. Call for a quote 719-289-6051, 719-994Truck mount unit, steam clean. Over 37 8005. Ray Shetler Construction. Metal roofing, pole barns, garages. 40 YEAR METAL! Free estiyears experience. Rental owners, special rate! mates! Cotopaxi, 719-431-1870. Classy Glassy Cleaning Specialists. Free esti- Hauling mates. 719-561-9968, 719-248-9673. All hauling - move-outs, clean-outs, yard Cleaning Service debris. Will haul anything! Professional and prompt. Jesse, 719-994-6910. AN EXCEPTIONAL Home by Ally, repairs, cleaning. Licensed, professional, dependable. Janitorial 719-290-4971. Free estimates. Check us out Homes, offices, rentals. Complete cleaning online. Bob Paradiso 719-569-7681 service. Floors, walls, windows, furniture, carpets. 1992 Aspen Cr., Pueblo Computers One call does it all! Classy Glassy Cleaning Specialists. Over 37 years experience. Free estimates. Call for frEE roof InspECtIon! COMPUTER NEEDS including repair, lessons, 719-561-9968, 719-248-9673. Truckload upgrades, Website management, and more! Call 2 Landscaping Gauge W 9 us today at 719-470-0607. hite

Now Taking Orders!

Complete landscape design and maintenance, Xeriscaping, fences. Commercial/residenFence Tech Fencing. Wood, chain link, vinyl tial. Cold Creek Lawn and Sprinkler. 719-948-2701. and pipe. Residential, commercial, agricul- Weekly mowing, aeration, power raking, spring tural. New and repairs. Free estimates. Also clean-up. Sprinkler start-up, installation, repair. selling 2-3/8 inch drill stem post and pipe. Over 20 years experience. All your landscaping Accepting debit/ credit cards. 719-468-6658, needs! Licensed, insured. 719-948-1559. www. 970-302-0669.

26 & 29 Gauge Metal Roofing 40 Year Paint Warranty Seconds Available

Call for Pricing:

719-688-9013 • 719-336-9535

Employment Pueblo & Southern Colorado

Time for something new? We have job listings! Make your way through our employment section to find what you’ve been looking for.

Dry cleaners for sale! Great South side location with good clientele, lots of parking. New eco-friendly dry cleaning machine. Lots of potential! Enlarge dry cleaners or open into laundromat. All plumbing for washers, dryer hookups still intact. Owner will train. 719252-9179.

E s ta b l i s h e d small business for sale. A Peak Construction, LLC, A+ BBB rating, residential class C license, Handyman service, trucks, van, tools, storage shed. Serious inquiries only! BE YOUR own boss! Set your schedule and 719-994-4192 Frank. make $1,000’s working B a b y - s i t t e r @ home. Find out how: needed for toddler. freedom to 802-227719-225-9587. 0591.

Education HIGH SCHOOL proficiency diploma! 4 Week program. Free brochure and full information. Call now! 1-866-562-3650 extension 55. www.south


MAKE $1,000 weekly! Paid in advance! Mailing brochures at home. Easy pleasant work. Begin immediately. Age unimportant. WWW.HomeBucks.US ##### Earn MEDICAL BILLING and $1,000’s! Send SASE: Coding training! Train at LISTS/CO, Springhouse, home to process medical PA 19477-0396. billing and insurance! No needed. experience needed! CTI Driver can get you job ready! Haul Amish crew and High school diploma/ work. Experience helps, GED and computer Cotopaxi. Ray, 719-431needed. 1-855-244-3118. 1870.

58¢ Sq. F t. No Warra nty No Blemis hes

Riders’ Metal, LLP

Business Opportunities

563 S. Pueblo Blvd,

Carpet Cleaning


July 20, 2017

$$$HELP WANTED$$$ Earn extra income assembling CD cases from home. Call our live operators now! 1-800405-7619 extension 179 AVIATION CAREERS. Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 877-206-1503.

Pueblo CO 81005

Steel Buildings A BETTER CARPORT

Free delivery! Carports, garages, storage and commercial metal buildings, $795 and up. 719-299-7728, 719-948-7189.

Sprinkler Repair & Service Sprinkler installations, repairs. Commercial/ residential mowing. Complete landscape design/ maintenance. Cold Creek Lawn and Sprinkler. 719-948-2701. Sprinkler start-up, installation, repair. Weekly mowing, aeration, power raking, spring clean-up. Over 20 years experience. All your landscaping needs! Licensed, insured. 719948-1559.

Weddings Wedding photography! Storybook Memories, photos by Debi has relocated to Las Animas. Now serving all Arkansas Valley area. Call to secure date! Like me on Facebook. 719-7449498.

waste management

C & C Disposal Transfer Station Your Alternative to the Landfill! * Garbage * Green Waste * Shingles * Tires * Concrete & Bricks * Televisions * Carpet * Mattresses & Couches * Railroad Ties

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B a b y - s i t t e r CONSTRUCT I ON needed for toddler. TRAINING Instructors 719-225-9587. PART-TIME. PUEBLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE CDL CLASS A Driver S Pueblo Corporate Colneeded PART-TIME. lege is seeking qualified Pueblo Corporate Col- part-time instructors to lege at PUEBLO COMteach customized conMUNITY COLLEGE is seeking qualified struction training courses. part-time CDL Class Areas of expertise needed DRYWALL, A drivers to trans- include port technical training PAINTING, and ROOFequipment and mobile ING. Course schedules learning labs to vari- are flexible and are taught ous locations in the in PCC’s Pueblo Campus State of Colorado. or at client facilities located Schedules are flex- in Pueblo and cities ible. Interested candi- throughout the state. Interdates please forward ested candidates please a resume and/ or any forward a resume and/ or questions to Amanda any questions to Amanda Corum at: Pueblo ComCorum at: Pueblo Community College, 900 West Orman Avenue, munity College, 900 West Pueblo, CO 81004 Orman Avenue, Pueblo, 719-549-3163. PCC is CO 81004, 719-549an EEO/ AA Employer. 3163. PCC is an EEO/ amanda.corum@pue- AA Employer. amanda.

25 DRIVER Trainees needed now at Steven’s Transport! No experience needed! Earn $900 per week! Paid CDL training! All costs covered! 1-844-3117515 drive4stevens. com DRONE CAREERS. Prepare for FAA Unmanned Aircraft System operator certificate for commercial use. Weekend courses available in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Oakland, Philadelphia, Virginia Beach and DC. Call AIM 877-202-0386 http://www.AIMUAS. com

We’re Connecting responsibleBuyers for the with mostSellers Buyingin & Pueblo, Selling in Colorado Pueblo,since Colorado 1975 7

July 20, 2017

Real Estate

& Pueblo Southern Colorado

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” We will not knowinly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.



2 BEDROOM 819 E 10th #B 2/1/1 .......................................... $625 827 1/2 W 15th St 2/1 ....................................... $625 3 BEDROOM 803 E 6th St 3/1 ................................................ $850 1229 W. 15th St. 3/1...................................... $1,050 844 Acero Ave 3/1.5/1 .................................. $1,250 4 BEDROOM 75 Bonanza 4/2/1 ......................................... $1,500 COMING SOON 16 Ironweed 3/1.5/2 ...................................... $1,550 43948 Hunsaker 3/3.5/3 ............................... $1,650 14 Royal Crest #C 2/1.5 ................................... $700 1105 N La Crosse 4/1/1.................................... $900

1201 Court St, Pueblo

Acreage west of Walsenburg, State Highway 69. Power, well, fenced. Possible owner financing! $190,000. Barb Razey, 719-671-2612. B. Razey Real Estate.

2-4 BEDROOM homes from $500/ month! Free listings/ free service! Foreclosures, HUD, seize, FSBO. Bad credit/ Price reduced! poor credit OK free 1215 West 18th. credit consultation call Two bedroom, 1 today 1-888-285-2858. bath, big lot, shed/ shop with electricity. $69,900. 719-568-0468. FOR RENT! 11 PUEBLO properties for sale. $30,000$115,000. South, West, East. Empty, need work. Owner will carry. 719550-0010.

Visit Our Website!

Real Estate for Sale By owner: 3 bedroom rancher, attached 2 car garage, full basement, corner lot, swamp cooler, wood stove. Northridge area, Pueblo, 81008 zip code. 719-5869225. Reduced! 35 acres with building. South of Pueblo. $83,900. Call Barb Razey, 719-6712612. B. Razey Real Estate Raton, New Mexico, old landlord retiring, rentals for sale, below appraisal. Rented and well maintained. Very positive cash flow,, office 575-445-5994. 1623 Jerry Murphy, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $120,000. 719-2501262. Fredericksburg, Texas, home of Admiral Nimitz Museum, .6 acre on Cherry Mountain, 4 bedroom, 3 bath home, fireplace. $300,000. email: melian47@outlook. com TRAILER PARK for sale in Rocky Ford. Ranch home with 19 unit park. $219,900. For showings please call: Stephen Arnold, 719469-9021, Renee Hassebroek, 719-582-6644. 2 bedroom, Westcliffe, 15 acres, new well, big trees. $95,000. 719-285-5540.

South: 3 bedroom, 2 bath modular. 82 inch ceilings. $868. September. 719-281-6133.

2612 Cedar, 4-5 bedroom, 1 bath, $130,000. 719-250- Starter or invest1262. ment. New roof, remodeled kitchen, 4 bedroom CRIPPLE CREEK (18x20), 1 bath, area: 2 fishing ponds, detached garage, on 4 just below sunny, lots. 100 feet of frontage. secluded 5.4 acres Lots of possibilities with behind security gate, TLC! Move-in ready! borders BLM. $69,000. 1622 Spruce. $105,800. 10 ACRES, Pikes 719-229-1315. Peak view, 10x12 shelter with water supply, Houses bordering BLM on 3 for Rent sides, underground power at property line. $89,900. LA VETA South side very AREA: Stream front nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath 90 acres bordering home with hardwood BLM, power, phone, and tile floors, $750 year-round access, rent and deposit. Call $199,000. Owner Kim Schwab, Jonesfinancing. Unlimited Healy, 719-545-8181. government land, bor- 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 ders creekside cabin, bath, large garage, on 60 acres, $309,000. South side near St. 35 acres, power, Mary Corwin Hospital. phone, trees, county $1,200 per month, plus road, $49,000. Owner $1,200 deposit. No financing. Call for fliers. smoking, dogs or cats. Dave Warren & Asso- No marijuana growing. ciates, 719-687-2036. 719-334-7452.

ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE-IN SPECIALS! DUPLEXES 2515 Pine Street. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. $685.

Roommates Wanted Roommates/ rooms for rent, furnished rooms available. $375 and up. 4/20 smoker friendly. Ground level, pets welcome. Will help you move! 719-766-3776.

Commercial Property


2 bedroom, garage, covered patio, fenced yard. Pueblo West. $650, $650. 719-5473237, 719-568-5203.


Southside, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, garage, $700 deposit, rent, plus utilities. Trash paid, no smoking, no pets. 719250-2252.

2709 Himes Avenue. 4 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath. $900 (half off 1st month’s rent with 12 month lease). 2505 Cedar Street. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. $750.

Apartments for Rent

820 West Abriendo Avenue, 4 bedroom, 3 bath. $1,400.

FOWLER 1 bedroom/ 1 bath, newly updated floors/ paint, shared laundry, gas, water and trash included, $500/ month, $500 deposit. 719-240-2243.

406 Aqua Lane, 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, garage. $800.

KEYSTONE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 719-543-4575 Mesa. 4 bedroom, 1 bath home, $875 rent and deposit, tenants pay all utilities, no pets. Call Kim Schwab, JonesHealy, 719-545-8181.

Real Estate Wanted I BUY HOUSES 719-415-3636 FAST CASH



• Condo, 2 bed, 1½ bath, $695 rent & deposit, no pets, tenants pay gas and electric. • 3 bedroom, 1½ bath apartment, $625 rent & deposit, no pets.


• 4 bed, 1 bath home, $875 rent & deposit, tenants pay all utilities, no pets.


Storage Units Available!

• Very nice 2 bed, 1 bath home, hard wood & tile floors, $750 rent & deposit. • Duplex, large 1 bed with lots of storage $695 rent & deposit, all utilities included, no pets. • Duplex, 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 car garage, $625 rent & deposit, no pets.


• Large 1 bed apartment, new paint, $625 rent & deposit, no pets.

Call Kim

Manufactured Housing

Schwab 719-545-8181

Our real estate company advertises every week in American Classifieds. Response is good and the rates are great – the best advertising we have! B.S.

$0 DOWN with your 40 acres for sale land = new home. Top in Beulah. No cove- $$$ for trades. 970nants! 719-240-1258. 339-5500 www.cmh Land for sale: $200 down. Owner $ CASH PAID $ Mountain home on financing. 719-267- For your mobile home. 21 acres, with stream, bordering national for9963. 719-964-9524. est. Newly remodeled, 5 ACRES in South- Free: Tear down on 4 bedroom, 2 bath, deck. ern Colorado, fantas- property or remove wrap-around tic mountain views, old mobile home. 719- Huge detached build221-6148. ing. $420,000. www. hunting, fishing, and camping, $9,995 with Mountain Land 719-458-3543. only $99 down and

Commercial building for sale, lease, investment property and grower friendly. Pueblo West, I-2. Approximately 1,800 square feet, 1 acre owner financing. 719fenced. 719-240-1258. 231-2025.

Duplexes for Rent

1922 North Salem Avenue, 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath. $750.

Lots, Land & Acreage

MONTANA AND Wyoming land starting at $569/ acre. Family run business. Owner financing O.A.C. - Building sites, roads, views, elk, national forest! 1-800-682-8088

& Homes

Close out on mountain building lots in Fremont County between Canon City and Westcliffe. Good roads, views, trees. Call for details and private showing. Cash or owner will carry short term with down payment and monthly payments. 719-221-5402, 303-8099092.

Need Cash? sell your

no longer needed stuff in the Thrifty Nickel.

Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks, get one free! 719-544-475 2


Money Down!

POLE BUILDINGS Specializing in:

• Shops • Garages • Horse Barns • And Much More! 100% Financing Available!

Call Today for FREE Estimate!



Connecting Buyers with Sellers Pueblo, 1975 We’re responsible for the mostinBuying & Colorado Selling insince Pueblo, Colorado


Farm & Ranch Big Ox 8 foot, 3 point blade, 2-way hydraulic, new paint and hoses. CVM SHEEP, ewes, $2,500. 719-248-9836. wethers and rams for S t r u c t u r a l sale. Dual purpose, steel oil field, drill meat and wool. Varystem pipe, multiple ing ages and prices. sizes, great prices, 719-947-1144. will cut to length and First cutting, deliver. Pitchfork Trad- quality, barn stored, ing Post, 719-849- alfalfa hay. 719-9488261. 4234.

HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA!!! FREE Brochure. CALL NOW! 1-866-562-3650 Ext. 54

Tw o - h o r s e trailer, 1994 WW, single torsion axle, extra wide, extra tall, new wiring with LED lights, good floor/ mat and tires. Longer tongue for easier backup. Very good condition, no rust. Road-eo ready. $2,500. 719-468-0330. John Deere 1525 pull-type 14 foot swather parts. $1,000. 719-248-9836.

B A LEW A GO N S : SELL or buy. New Holland pull-type or self-propelled, 2 and 3 bale wide models. Parts/ tires/ manuals. 1979 JD 4640 Quad 208-880-2889. Range, weights front and back, quick hitch, duals, triple hydraulic, new cab interior with heat and air conditioning. 18.4.38 poor tires, straight, no leaks. $15,000. 719-248- J’s Storage Containers. 20, 40 foot 9836. available. All containers MOUNTAIN GRASS are mouse, weather horse hay for sale. $5 proof. 719-250-8164. a bale in the field. Call Alfalfa/ grass for dates. 719-489- mix hay. $3 bale. 7192287 or 719-250-3561. 778-5964. Katahdin ram lambs, 4 months old, for sale or trade for Katahdin or Barbado ewe lambs. 719-4680330.

July 20, 2017

1985 1-ton, Chevy dually pickup, diesel, plus 1981 5th wheel Turnbow 4 horse trailer, with 3 ramps and 8 foot dressing room, $5,000 total. 719-547-3114.

1986 IH 5488, 7,000 Need Cash? hours, 190 horsesell your power, front and rear no longer needed weights, 50% radial stuff in the Thrifty Nickel. duals, triple hydraulic, near new rear 20.8R-38. Cab, heat, air conditioned. Nice paint. $24,500. 719Alfalfa, small 248-9836. Only $5 per week! bales. Corn, cracked Buy 2 weeks, Alfalfa hay, large or whole, bagged or get one free! bulk, quantities. 719- bales, $110. Cow 719-544-475 2 568-3716, 719-948- hay, small bales, $4. 719-240-9861. Transport Chair, 4412. 19 inch seat, foot classifieds Vermeer R23 twin Your pedals, brakes, folds rake. Many new bear- are included online nicely, like new. ings, new hydrau- when you place Approximately $160 at lic hoses and paint. your ad with Ameri- Walgreen’s, first $95 Classifieds. Nice! $5,000. 719- can takes it. 719-566-3093. See our weekly 248-9836. specials online. Medicaid covers Reach millions of complete dentures, potential buyers by partials and relines! placing your ad at Altra Dental Lab, 1120 www.thriftynickel. West Northern Avecom or call us at nue, Pueblo. 719-545719-544-4752. 1810. 1989 Chevy 1-ton diesel dump truck, PIZZA KING carry$6,000. Vermeer 935 out special! 1 topping diesel, self-feeding large pizza, only $5.99 chipper, $14,000. plus tax! Carryout only, John Deere 450 C must present this ad. bulldozer with ROP, Order now! Pueblo, 6 way blade, remov- 719-542-0193. Pueblo able brush blade, West, 719-547-2977. and rear rippers, OXYGEN CONCEN$25,000. New HolTRATORS, $400 with land, side delivery warranty. Also sell rake, $900. 719-746portable concentrators 0123. and oxygen supplies. Repair and service Medical of equipment. Aspen & Health Concentrator Repair Service, 3112 Century VIAGRA AND Cia- Street, 80909. 719lis users! 50 Pills + 471-9895. 10 free special $99. Free shipping! 100% Adoption guaranteed. Call now! 1-800-849-4243. A CHILDLESS marHablamos espanol. ried couple seeks New hospital to adopt. Will be mom bed, never used. hands-on 3 walkers, bath and devoted dad. bench, wheel chair, Financial security. paid. new commodes, Expenses lot’s more. No junk! Cara and Pete (ask Reasonable offers for Adam). 1-800accepted! 719-543- 790-5260. 6466 before 9am or ADOPTION: MARafter 6pm. RIED couple promises ERECTILE DISFUNCTION! V and C users! Special 60 pills for $99. Free shipping. No prescription needed. Money back guaranteed! 877-5937571. VIAGRA AND Cialis users! 70 Pills + 10 free sample pills $99. Free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Get discounts on the price. Call now 347-6186393. Same day service on denture relines, repairs! Feel more confident! Altra Dental Lab, 719-545-1810. 48 PILLS + 4 free! Viagra 100 mg/ Cialis 20 mg free pills! No hassle, Discreet shipping. Save now. Call today 1-877-560-0842.

baby loving home, secure future. Educational opportunity, devoted grandparents, gentle pets. All expenses paid. Mary and Chad 1-720515-0286 or attorney 1-310-663-3467. A stray cat adopted us and we needed to find her a good home. Thanks to my ad in American Classifieds, we found her a good home the same day the ad came out! C.Y.

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING adoption? Call us first! Living expenses, housing, medical and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. Adopt Connect 855-668-7904 (void in Illinois, Indiana and Georgia).

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975 9

July 20, 2017

Pueblo & Southern Colorado’s

Automotive Showroom Displaying cars & trucks to RV’s, classics & MORE! Both private party and trusted car dealers. Looking for something with “wheels”? Be sure to check these deals.

2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse, $7,999. #2960. 5 Star Auto Sales, 719-296-1350. M o bi l e Mechanic. Air conditioning service. We come to you! $80. I buy starters, alternators, batteries. Also, driver available, any destination. Oscar, 303-505-7115.


2nd and 4th Saturdays, 11am. Go to www.Pyramidauto 719547-3585. For trade, 1931 5 window Ford Coupe, complete off frame restoration. Would like to trade for running hot rod. 719240-2138.

Cars 1996 Acura, automatic, runs good, new tires, AM/FM, CD player, $1,500. 719415-0621.

Car Care Package in just minutes. Air condition evac and recharge, $129.99, includes Freon. Grease Monkey, 421 West 29th Street, 719545-3389. 1998 HONDA Accord, 5-speed, high miles, cheap transportation, $750, 970-482-8604 evenings. 1989 MUSTANG race car, $5000, Lynn 970493-2108. PRICE REDUCED! 1992 Park Avenue, super charged, $3500/ offer, Lynn 970-4932108. 2016 FOCUS, 4 door, automatic, air conditioning, [b90 actual miles.b] Won this car, $13,000. 719-6412952. 2001 TOYOTA Camry, 90k, 4 cylinder, runs excellent, $5200, 719459-4747. LOOKING TO buy 1972-1982 Chevy Luv pickup trucks, short box. 307-421-6511.

A/C Evac and Recharge




1936 MERCEDES Roadster replica., mint, must see, $16,900, 970-3772570 Stan.

1968 CAMARO convertible, moving must sell! 350 auto, Edelbrock 670 Interceptor IV barrel, Edelbrock manifold, ceramic Tiny’s Custom Pol- pipes, 75% chromed ishing and Powder out engine, $37,500/ Coating. Stainless trim offer, 970-381-4027. repair, chrome plating, powder coating, media 1976 Chevrolet blasting. 719-406- El Camino, 719-3712482. 0172.

Ultimate Detail! only $ (719) 582-1875


1711 S. Pueblo Blvd.

Driving Towards a Better Quality of Life. Like Connor & Floyd we are boxing hard with the banks to get you the best interest rates!

2014 FIAT 500L 4 cyl, Turbo, Auto, #1223

2013 NISSAN ARMADA V8, 5.6L, Auto, 4x4, #1096



2014 SCION FR-5 4 cyl, 2.0L Auto, RWD, #1066



2017 FORD FUSION 4 cyl, Eco Boost, Auto, AWD, #1018


2013 FORD EDGE V6, 3.5L, Auto, AWD, Leather, #1141


2014 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE V6, Flex Fuel, Auto, 4WD, #1188


2008 LEXUS ES 350 V6, 3.5L, Auto, #1107

2015 NISSAN SENTRA 4 cyl, Auto, FWD, #1191

2014 CADILLAC CTS V6, Auto, 3.6L, Leather, #1044

2007 ACURA MDX V6, 3.7L, Auto, #1158

2012 HONDA CRV 4 cyl, VTEC, Auto, #1212

2016 JEEP COMPASS 4 cyl, 2.4L, Auto, #1185

2011 TOYOTA VENZA WAGON V6, 3.5L, Auto, #1197

2016 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 cyl, FWD, Auto, #1206

2014 NISSAN MAXIMA V6, 3.5L, Auto, #1192




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1301 N. Santa Fe Ave, Pueblo 719.582.1620

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975

10 FOR SALE, 1986 Toyota 4x4 truck. Doesn’t run. $500, offer. Located in La Veta, CO. 719-250-2198.

2010 Mini Cooper S Clubman, 3 door, leather, 6 speed manual, 32 miles per gallon highway, turbo, $8,950. #8246. Fulton’s Used My 1986 Ford Bronco Cars, 719-542-2268. was sold to a student here in Crestone. 1995 Ford Aspire, Thanks for running automatic, 4 cylinder, the ad in your excel- low miles. #037780, $1,995. Massa Auto lent paper. D.C. Sales, 719-545-7296. 2002 Audi A4, manual, 136,000 miles, 1997 Lincoln Town $4,999. #2851. 5 Star Car. #038047, $1,695. Auto Sales, 719-296- Massa Auto Sales, 719-545-7296. 1350.

NO NO 0% Down Financing W.A.C. Trades Welcome!




2005 Chevy 2500HD

2003 Chevy Suburban Z71 Htd Leather, Rear DVD, 3rd Row, Rear AC, V8, Auto, Good Tires, #T2389



2005 Ford F-150 XLT

Crew Cab, 4x4, Short Bed, 5.4L V8, Auto, Runs Great! #T2414





2000 Ford F-250 Lariat

2008 Dodge Ram 1500

7.3L Powerstroke, Auto, 4x4, Leather, Ext. Cab, Runs Great! Just 133K Miles! #T2419

Mega Cab, 4x4, 5.7L Hemi, Auto, SLT Pkg, Good Tires, Runs Great! #T2420



2016 VW Passat TDi

Emissions Ready! Htd Leather, Sunroof, FWD, Auto, Only 37K miles, #T2418





2011 Dodge Charger R/T Hemi, Sunroof, Nav,

Heated and Cooled Front Seats, #T2366





4x4, 6.0L V8, Auto, New Tires, Ext Cab, Long Bed, Only 106k Miles! #T2409

2008 BMW 328xi, sedan, 3.0 liter, V6, automatic, leather, sunroof, navigation, 1 owner, all wheel drive, $10,950. #8176. Fulton’s Used Cars, 7191993 CHEVY, runs, $700. 1975 Dodge 542-2268. van, $600. Call Jef, JUNK CARS 719-237-4807. Cash for your scrap 2002 Buick Regal, 4 from our ATM! Top door. #R582, $1,500 prices paid. Dionidown. Ray’s Truck sio Metal & Iron, 700 Plaza, 1715 West South Portland Ave29th Street, 719-542- nue, Pueblo, CO. 7197160. 544-3488.

Auto Sales

We Buy Cars!

2 door Coupe, 260hp, V8, 5 Speed, Leather, Local Trade, Only 52K Miles! #T2424

1999 SATURN SL1, 4 door, 5 speed, front wheel drive, 1.9 liter, air conditioning, power steering, good tires, clean inside and out, green color, $1200. Adams Autos, 631 North Union Boulevard. 719-6519987.

1987 MERCEDES 560SH, 7770 Black Forest Road, 1 block north of Woodmen or call Don at 719-4957197.


Pressure Sales! Dealer Handling!

2002 Ford Mustang GT

2000 Pontiac Grand Am GT1, leather, V6, #228 $2,195. Big Daddy’s Used Cars, 719-7661600.

2006 Honda Odyssey EX 8 Passenger, V6, 3rd Row, Low Miles, 1-Owner, #T2386


2001 Ford F-150 XLT

Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.4L V8, Auto, Good Tires, Runs Great! #T2383





2007 Ford F-150 XLT

Super Crew, 4x4, Short Bed, 5.4L, V8, Auto, 2-Owner, Loca Trade, #T2416

2014 Chrysler Town & Country Leather, Stow-n-Go 2nd & 3rd Row, Rear DVD, New Tires, Only 59k Miles! #T2410




2007 Chevy Tahoe

4x4, 3rd Row, Custom Lift, New Tires, V8, Auto, #T2365


2010 Ford F-150 XLT

4x4, Crew Cab, Short Bed, V8, Auto, New Tires, Runs Great! #T2406

2012 Ford Fusion, automatic, 4 cylinder, $4,800. #3049. Gallery Auto Auction, 719-8217491. 1969 Volkswagen Beetle, #104106, $3,995. Auto World, 2825 Highway 50 West, Pueblo. 719404-0404. Free pickup of scrap metal items, batteries and cars. 719-289-6791.

Pueblo Auto Shine $ Starting at

We accept all major credit cards. For more information and to make an


2010 Ford F-150

Platinum Edt, Crew Cab, 4x4, Htd Leather, Sunroof, Nav, 1-Owner, Only 59K! #T2422


2012 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4-Door, Hard-Top,


2001 Dodge Ram 2500

2005 Chevy Silverado


We have what You Want!

2500HD, 4x4, 6.6L Duramax, Allison Automatic, Leather, Only 123K Miles! #T2421

Summer Sale! 4.6L V8, Auto, #151742A MONTHLY ESTIMATE


2015 Ram 1500 Big Horn 1 Owner, Leather, 4x4,

2012 Ford F250 Lariat


6.7L, Diesel, 4x4, Crew Cab, Htd/Cooled Leather, Nav., Sunroof, Runs Great! ! T2401







New 35” Tires, New Front Winch, Crew Cab, 5.7L Hemi, 34K Custom Lift, Only 65k! T2375 MIles! Factory Warranty! #T2397

1107 Hudson

2015 Nissan Sentra appointment 544-8760 4 cylinder, front wheel call today! drive, automatic, $14,995. #1191. Car- Let us hassle for Need Cash? Pros, 719-582-1620. you! *DUI *Divorce sell your *Legal custody *Auto no longer needed 2000 Mercedes accidents *Bankstuff in the Benz E320, 4-matic, ruptcy *Social SecuThrifty Nickel. 120,000 miles, great rity Claims *Appeals. condition. $1,950, We have Spanish offer. 719-468-5016. speaking attorneys American Classi- to help you! 719-544Only $5 per week! fieds has worked for 2929. Buy 2 weeks, me dozens of times 2004 Volkswaget one free! over the years. It gen Bug con719-544-4752 really is an effective vertible, beautiful classified paper. D.F. condition, 60,000 2013 Chrysler 200 2005 Toyota Corolla miles. Loaded! 719- Touring, 86,000 miles, front wheel drive, Matrix, 1.8 liter, 4 cyl- 738-2161. inder, all wheel drive, Tiny’s Custom $8,999. #3047. 5 Star automatic, $3,800. Polishing and Powder Auto Sales, 719-296#3067. Gallery Auto Coating. Stainless 1350. Auction, 719-821- trim repair, chrome 1993 Chevy Camaro 7491. plating, powder coat- T-top, V8, 3500 autoing, media blasting. matic. #R502, $1,500 2001 Chevy Mal719-406-2482. down. Ray’s Truck ibu, 4 door. #R527, Plaza, 1715 West 29th $1,500 down. Ray’s Will buy and tow Street, 719-542-7160. Truck Plaza, 1715 away junk autos and West 29th Street, trucks. 719-568-3875. 2009 Nissan Cube, 4 cylinder, 6 speed, 719-542-7160. 2014 Fiat 500 L $2,800. #3010. Gal2003 Ford Escort, 4 cylinder, turbo, lery Auto Auction, automatic, 4 cylinder. automatic, $11,595. 719-821-7491. #038026, $1,995. #1223. CarPros, 719CARS/ TRUCKS Massa Auto Sales, 582-1620. wanted! We buy 2000719-545-7296. 2003 Volkswagen 2015 cars/ trucks, run2004 Ford Taurus Jetta, 1.8 liter turbo, ning or not! Nationwide SE, V6, #183A $3,295. sunroof, 5 speed, free pickup! America’s Big Daddy’s Used leather. $1,100. 719- top car buyer! Call Cars, 719-766-1600. 689-3427. 1-888-513-1505.

Only 75k Miles! $

and up

For A Complete Detail Of Your Car or Truck

1997 Cadillac DeVille






5.9L Cummins, 4x4, Ext Cab, New Tires, Only 124k Miles! #T2411

Transmission repair! Open 7 days a week! Avondale, Colorado. 719-947-1107.

July 20, 2017

2015 Ford Focus 4 cyl, Auto, Alot of Extras, #151730





$ 36,900






2014 Toyota Tundra SR5

2011 Ram 3500 Laramie,

2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Completely

2016 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Hard Rock Edition,

Custom Lift, Custom Rims/Tires, 4x4, CrewMax, V8, Auto, Only 32K Miles! #T2413


Mega Cab, DRW, 4x4, Heated & Cooled Front Seats, Leather, Sunroof, #T2396


Custom, Truly 1-of-a-Kind, Over $15k in Adds, only 40K! #T2248

2015 Chevrolet Malibu LS. 2.5L, 4 cyl, Loaded! #151734


Over $10k in Adds, Only 7200 Miles! 1 Owner, #T2338



525 West 5th, Pueblo - Corner of 5th & Elizabeth

THOMPSON Auto Sales (719) 545-5421 Monday-Saturday 8:30am to 6:00pm





Se Habla 719.429.7610 Espanol 719.696.0833

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975 11

July 20, 2017

Tiny’s Custom Polishing and Powder Coating. Stainless trim repair, chrome plating, powder coating, media blasting. 719-4062482.

FINANCING AVAILABLE W.A.C. ’07 Cadillac DeVille DTS Clean Ride! #238



2008 Suzuki SX4, 4 door, about 67,000 miles, automatic, clean. $5,500. 719557-9486.

’05 GMC Denali

Check us out online! See classified ads from any American Classifieds paper across the country! www.thriftynickel. com


New and used tires! Cars, trucks, boats, PAY CASH FOR RV’s, skid steers and Cars, trucks, trailers. campers! Steve’s Tire Running or not. World, 2825 Hwy 50, 719-229-8375. Pueblo, in Auto World 2004 Subaru car lot. 719-214-8327. Impreza WRX, Mercury 115,000 miles, 2.0 1998 Sport, liter, manual, $9,999. Mystique #3078. 5 Star Auto 102,000 miles, 16 Sales, 719-296- valve Zetec engine, no title, complete car, 1350. $450. 719-671-3356. AUDI A4 Quattro, 1998, $3,500. Good condition, 6 cylinders, AWD. Odometer: 154,085. Title is clean. This is a midsize silver wagon with a manual transmission. 719-3307344 mimijean@

1985 Ford F150 4x2, silver, 86,000 miles, runs good, must sell, Trinidad, $600 offer. 505-4697246.

1976 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, V8, leather, only 200,000 miles. $8,995. #1174. CarPros, 719-5821620.

2016 Volkswagen Passat TDi, emissions ready! Heated leather, sunroof, front wheel drive, automatic, only 37,000 miles, $19,900. #T2418. Thompson Auto Sales! 719-5455421.

2008 Lexus ES, 350 V6, 3.5 liter, automatic, front wheel drive, leather, luxury ride, $13,995, #1107. CarPros, 719-582-1620.

2010 Ford Mustang, leather, V6. #104281, $9,995. Auto World, 2825 Highway 50 West, Pueblo. 719404-0404.




The vehicle that you no longer need is the one someone else is looking to buy!

Place your ad today!



only per week Buy 2 Weeks Get 1 week for...




In Print and Online



Serving Pueblo since 1975

226 E. Abriendo Ave.


2000 Cadillac DeVille, front wheel drive, V8, 4.6 liter, automatic, $5,995. #1100. CarPros, 719582-1620.

2012 Dodge Avenger SE, automatic, cloth, low miles, $9,944. #10245. Discount Motors, 719-242-9088.

CARS/ TRUCKS wanted! We buy 20002015 cars/ trucks, running or not! Nationwide free pickup! America’s top car buyer! Call 1-888-513-1505.

2014 BMW X3, X28i, 48,000 miles, 2.0 liter, $25,999. #3067. 5 Star Auto Sales, 719296-1350.

2013 Chevy Camaro, 53,000 miles, convertible, $17,499. #3019. 5 Star Auto Sales, 719296-1350.

1994 Chevy Corsica, 147,000 miles, good transportation, automatic, $900. 719-4685016.



’05 Toyota 4-Runner

Sports Pkg, Tow Pkg, V8, Hard to find! #131



’01 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited


’03 Lexus EX 300

V8, #220



Sports Pkg, Tow Pkg, V8, Hard to find! #131



2000 Pontiac Grand Am GT1 Leather, V6, #228....................................... $2,195 2004 Ford Taurus SE V6, #183A ................................................................... $3,295 2001 Nissan Pathfinder SE 4WD, V6, #224 .............................................. $3,995 2003 Honda Pilot Loaded, EX, #227 ............................................................. $4,895 2006 Kia Sorento EX 4WD, Leather, #166 ................................................... $5,595

BIG DADDY’S USED CARS w w w. b i g d a d d y s u s e d c a r s . c o m

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Se Habla Español


Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975


A+ Mobile Auto Service “We Come to You” (Home or Office)

Auto Repair, Alternator, Battery, Brakes, Check Engine Light, New & Used Tires, Flat Repair Service, Service Call $19.95

Call Phil Olivas 719-406-7473 4750 Thatcher Ave Pueblo, CO 81005

2008 BMW 535xi, sedan, leather, sunroof, navigation, all wheel drive, twin turbo! $12,950. #8158. Fulton’s Used Cars, 719542-2268.


Will Match Up to 500 on Your Down Payment! $



GMC Sierra

Hybrid, Showroom Condition, 80k Miles, #10287

SLE, Good Miles, Sharp, #10289

300 C



AWD, Leather, Well Taken Care of, 50k Miles, Nav, #10255












Benz C300




Ford F-150 Lariat





Only 48k Miles!!!

‘15 Chevy Suburban LT 4x4, Leather, 1-Owner ... #10207 ’14 Chevy Cruze 4 cyl, Turbo, Only 60K miles ............ #10245 ’13 Ford Taurus Limited V6, Leather, Fully loaded, Must See to believe! .... #10304 ’13 Chevy Impala V6, low miles, very roomy! ... #9982F ’13 Ford F-150 Super Crew, 4x4, XLT, Nice Truck ...... #10288 ‘12 Honda Accord EX-L ..... #10332 ‘12 Chevy Avalanche 4x4, Showroom Condition, ... #10231 ’12 Ford Focus Low miles..................... #10057






AWD, Leather, Sunroof, V8, #10221



Chevy Tahoe LTZ

AWD, Factory Warranty, Show Condition, #10319

4x4, Leather, Great Condition, 3rd row seating, #10311

200 S



Dodge Ram 1500



Charger SRT8


SLT 5.7L HEMI Lifted #10320

6.1L, Good Miles, Hemi, A lot of Extras! #10283








’08 Chevy Suburban LTZ 3rd Row Seat, Nav, Rear Entertainment ....... #10074 ’08 Chrysler 300C SRT Design, Only 70k Miles .. #10292 ‘07 Ford F-150 Super Crew, 1 Owner, Sharp............. #10296 ‘07 VW New Beetle ............ #9893 ‘07 Hyundai Santa Fe SL Leather, 79K Miles, Awesome Condition....... #10277 ‘06 Dodge Viper ............... #9924 ‘06 Chev Silverado 1500 Crew Cab, 4x4 ............. #10291 ‘06 Ford Fusion SEL Leather, auto, FWD ......... #9288 ‘06 Jeep Commander A lot of extras ............... #10214

Limited, 4WD, Well Taken Care of, Must See! #10324


Ride in Style - Fast!


Removable Top, Auto, 6.2L, V8, Leather! #10321


’11 Dodge Charger SE ...... #10032 ’11 Ford Ranger Ext. Cab, 4cyl, Auto, 80K ............ #10249 ’11 Cadillac CTS AWD, 3.0L, Low Miles! .. #10141 ’11 Jeep Patriot 4 cyl, Auto, Only 70K miles ........... #10270F ’10 Toyota Corolla Great Gas Saver, Auto, Priced to Sell ....... #10244 ’10 KIA Soul Plus Leather, Auto, Great MPG! ................ #10178F ’10 Honda Insight EX ...........#10086 ‘10 Chevy Equinox AWD LTZ, Backup Camera, Leather ........................ #10143 ‘09 Mitsubishi Eclipse Auto, 4 cyl, only 70K miles.... #10293

Chevy Trailblazer


2008 Chevrolet Corvette

Super Crew, Leather, NAV, Rear Entrance, #10277

’16 Chrysler 200 Low Miles, Black Beauty ................ #10276



Mercedes AWD, 83K miles, Black Beauty, Fully Loaded, #10305



Only 80K miles ,AWD, Very nice #10315




2007 AWD, Awesome Condition, #10082


Chevy Silverado




’00 Toyota Tundra Ext. Cab, SR5, Great shape ........ #10284

‘06 Dodge Ram 4x4 3500 Laramie, 5.9 Cummins, Dually, Leather ........................ #10230

’93 Chevy Corvette Only 10k Miles, 1-Owner ........................ #9884

’05 Dodge Durango 4WD, SUV.................. #9892R1 ‘04 Toyota Sienna 7 Passenger Van ........... #10134 ’02 Ford F-150 4x4, Lifted Must See ..................... #10280 ’01 Chevy S10 Crew Cab, 4x4, Lifted .... #10285

’81 Chevy Camaro Showroom Condition, T-Top, Only 87k Miles ...... #9766 ’71 Oldsmobile Cutlass 455 Rocket V8, Auto ...... #7655

se habla español

sell your no longer needed stuff in the

Thrifty Nickel.

Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks, get one free!


2002 Mitsubishi Montero, not running. $500, or best offer. 719-251-8832.

Classic Vehicles

1964 Chevrolet, 2 door hardtop Impala, rust free Colorado car, fresh silver blue paint, new black interior, 283 with turbo 350, new exhaust, brakes and fuel system. New exterior 2006 Chrysler 300. trim. $20,000. Call #3045. Gallery Auto for more information. Auction, 719-821- 719-846-8484. 7491. “Your advertising CARS/ TRUCKS really works! I put wanted! We buy 2000- several cars in your paper and had 21 2015 cars/ trucks, runcalls by Friday! I ning or not! Nationwide heard from people free pickup! America’s all over the state, top car buyer! Call and sold some 1-888-513-1505. items to people who 2012 Honda CR-V 4 drove from Denver cylinder. VTec, auto- and from Lamar.” D.G. matic, $15,995. #1212. CarPros, 719-582- 1962 FORD DUMP 1620. truck, 1 ton, good motor, body rough, Batteries! Buying has been sitting, $500 used auto batteries. $7 firm. 719-577-0003. each, minimum. 719252-3127. 1976 FORD PICKUP, extended cab, V8, 2010 Chevrolet long wheel base, Aveo. #3070. Gallery runs, has been sitting, Auto Auction, 719-821- $500 firm. 719-5777491. 0003.

I BUY CARS PAY CASH FOR Cars, trucks, trailers. Running or not. 719-229-8375.

1965 AMC MARLIN parts car, 6 cylinder, no transmission or rear end, no title. $500. 719-577-0003.


1999 GMC Sierra SLE



V8, 4x4, Auto, Very Nice!


2006 Lincoln Zephyr



V6, Auto, Leather, Nice Ride!

’67 Rolls Royce ................ #9389 ’66 Chevy Impala SS 2 Dr, Hard Top, Custom Interior, Fresh Restoration, Showroom Condition, Beautiful....... #E1267 ’49 Chevy 3100 Fresh Restoration, 3 Spd, V8 ...................... #9764



2005 Ford Focus ZX4



4 cyl, Auto, Power Group, 84k Miles

2005 Acura MDX



6 cyl, Leather, 3rd Row, Nice!

’35 Diamond T Pickup........ #9865

Discount Motors

29th & Elizabeth, Pueblo • 719-242-9088

Affordable used auto parts, good tires. Also, cars, some complete with titles, not running. 719-4069503.

Need Cash?

4x4, 6 Speed, 4Dr, Great Shape, #10163

’06 Kia Sorento Ex 4x4, Well, Maintained .. #10256

‘05 Dodge Magnum Very sharp, Low miles, Must see ..... #10274

1998 Oldsmobile Regency, automatic, 6 cylinder. #037465, $995. Massa Auto Sales, 719-545-7296.

Tiny’s Custom Polishing and Powder Coating. Stainless trim repair, chrome plating, powder coating, media blasting. 719-406- 2004 CHRYSLER 2482. Crossfire, black, 2008 Chevrolet 58,000, 6 speed manCorvette, coupe, 6.2 ual, V6, 719-547-8168. liter, V8, red, $25,944. #10321. Discount 1996 Isuzu Trooper, Motors, 719-242-9088. $1,800. 4 wheel drive. 785-656-2076. 7192005 Dodge Mag- 469-1833. num wagon R/T, 5.7 Hemi V8, leather, 2002 Ford Mustang sunroof, good miles! GT, 2 door coupe, $7,950. #8259. Ful- 260 horsepower, V8, ton’s Used Cars, 719- 5 speed, leather, local 542-2268. trade, only 52,000 miles! $7,900. #T2424. As Low A Thompson Auto Sales! s 719-545-5421.

Summer Savings 2.49% Chrysler

July 20, 2017

Family Owned & Operated Locally Since 1988! *All prices include $449 dealer fee. Just add tax, tag & license fees.


2005 Nissan Pathfinder LE



4WD, Leather, 3rd Row, Nav, DVD


2005 Nissan Murano SL



V6, Auto, AWD, Nice, New Tires


Many More Vehicles to Choose From!

290 Santa Fe Dr. • 719-544-1160

July 20, 2017

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975 13

ASSIV E BLOWOUT M 3025 N. Freeway Road • 719-545-7296

‘07 Yamaha V-Star


‘03 Honda Goldwing


‘06 Yamaha Virago

‘98 Honda Shadow



‘05 Harley Elec. Glide

‘97 Nissan Maxima



1100cc, 20k miles, #037608

5spd, 1800cc, #038138

250cc, #038020

1100cc, #038061

1450cc, 28k Miles, #038132


‘91 Mazda B2600

‘73 Dodge Dart

‘00 Hyundai Elantra

‘03 Ford Escort

‘95 Ford Aspire

‘00 Pontiac Grand Prix







4x4, 6 cyl., 5 speed, #038069

Must See! #038195

Auto, 4 cyl., low miles, #037808

Auto, 4 cyl., #038026

Auto, 4 cyl. low miles, #037780

GT, Auto, 6 cyl., #037650

‘93 Jeep Grand Cherokee

‘98 Honda Civic

‘99 Chevy Monte Carlo

‘97 Lincoln Towncar

‘02 Kia Spectra

‘92 GMC Safari







Laredo, 4x4, #038009

Auto, 4 cyl., #037590



Auto, 4 cyl., low miles, #037600


‘03 Ford Taurus

‘93 Buick Regal

‘99 Mercury Cougar

‘98 Olds Regency

‘98 Mitsubishi Diamante

‘02 Chevy Malibu







Auto, 6 cyl., #037888

115k Miles, #038066

Auto, #038095

Auto, 6 cyl., #037465

ES, Auto, 6 cyl., #037669

Auto, V6, 037545

‘99 Ford Explorer XLT

‘03 Buick LeSabre

‘89 Nissan Maxima

‘95 Plymouth Neon

‘96 Ford Taurus

‘95 Cadillac DeVille







4x4, #037666



146k Miles, #037919

171k Miles, #037921


‘96 Jeep Grand Cherokee

‘02 Lexus IS300

‘68 Chevy Impala

‘00 Honda Odyssey EX

‘99 Ford Expedition XLT

‘97 Honda Civic

$1,000 Down $1,795




Laredo, 4x4, #037839

$6,995 #038084


Auto, 6 cyl., #037703

$1,995 #037525

5 speed, 4 cyl., #038142


$1,000 Down #037793

‘98 Ford F150 XLT

$1,000 Down X-cab, Auto, V8, 113K, #038160

‘01 Pontiac Firebird

$800 Down Auto, 6 cyl., 121K, #037802

‘01 Honda Accord LX

$500 Down Auto, 4 cyl., #037918

‘07 Mercury Milan

‘08 Volvo XC90

$,1000 Down

$500 Down AWD, Auto, 6 cyl., #038136

Loaded, V6, 037843




Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975

14 Need Cash?

sell your no longer needed stuff in the

Thrifty Nickel.

Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks, get one free!


Tiny’s Custom Polishing and Powder Coating. Stainless trim repair, chrome plating, powder coating, media blasting. 719-4062482. 1972 VW BAJA, standard Bug, nose and tail cut for Baja, no title, clean numbers, $1000. 719-5770003.

1962 Chevy stepside truck on S10 frame, with disk brakes, power steering, automatic, solid metal. $7,500, best offer. 719778-7808.

Sold my car the first day after the ad came out. I never bother going to larger papers anymore. People that call about American Classifieds ads are serious customers. S.A.

1984 Chevy El Camino. Low, low miles. $5,200, offer. 719-547-1942.

CARS/ TRUCKS wanted! We buy 2000-2015 cars/ 1962 FORD F-350 trucks, running or truck, 292 V8, was 1936 MERCEDES not! Nationwide free running when parked, Roadster replica, mint, pickup! America’s top asking $4000.. 719- must see, $16,900, car buyer! Call 1-888970-377-2570, Stan. 243-0056. 513-1505.

1939 FORD DELUXE Coupe, street rod project. Frame is finished, brake work is done, new differential, new rear chassis engineering suspension has been installed. Car is dismantled at present. Many parts including: dashboard, with full set Moon Eyes gauges, original bench seat and door panels, restored steering column and Banjo wheel, extra tires and wheels, Ford flathead engine. Seller has too many projects going. Car has clean title. Asking $8500. 719-205-1560.

2007 Acura MDX, V6, 3.7 liter, leather, automatic, all wheel drive, $15,995. #1158. CarPros, 719-5821620.

2009 Nissan Murano, Free pickup of all wheel drive, V6, scrap metal items, 3.5 liter, leather, batteries and cars. automatic, $12,944. 719-289-6791. #10335. Discount Motors, 719-242-9088. 1996 Jeep Grand Lar1972 INTERNA- Cherokee edo, 4x4. #037839, TIONAL Scout II 4x4. Great restoration proj- $1,995. Massa Auto ect. NADA estimated Sales, 719-545-7296. value at $27,000 when 2008 Ford Escape restored. Asking price XLT, choice, $8,499. is $6,000. sgtmegull@ #2999. 5 Star Auto Sales, 719-296-1350. 1977 CJ7, 258 straight 6, T5 3 speed trans- 2006 Jeep Libmission, painless wir- erty, Limited, diesel, $9,995. ing wiring harness, #139333, Redline/ Weber carbu- Auto World, 2825 retor, all have less than Highway 50 West, 719-40420k, extensive mainte- Pueblo. nance records for last 0404. 20 years, $3995. 7192012 Dodge 660-2492. Durango, V8, Hemi, 1997 JEEP WRAN- 5.7 liter, $22,995. GLER, new top, new #1214. CarPros, 719seats, fairly new 582-1620. tires, 6 cylinder, fuel injected, runs great, 2007 Ford Explorer, clean as a pin. $6200. 4 wheel drive, V8, 4.6 liter, automatic, 719-661-8480. $10,995. #1230. Car2005 Acura MDX, 6 Pros, 719-582-1620. cylinder, leather, 3rd row, $6,495. #05AM. 2007 Nissan Mesa Motors, 719- Murano, leather, 544-1160. automatic, #104220, 2005 Nissan Path- $9,995. Auto World, finder, 4.0 liter, 6 cyl- 2825 Highway 50 inder, all wheel drive, West, Pueblo. 719automatic, $4,800. 404-0404. #3066. Gallery Auto Tiny’s Custom Auction, 719-821Polishing and Powder 7491. Coating. Stainless trim repair, chrome 2007 Mazda CK7, Grand Touring, plating, powder coatturbo, #104266, ing, media blasting. $9,995. Auto World, 719-406-2482. 2825 Highway 50 1999 Jeep Wrangler, West, Pueblo. 719- 4x4, 5 speed, hardtop 404-0404 and softtop, runs and

1991 Jeep Wrangler YJ, 4.0, 6 cylinder, 5-speed manual, fun toy! $2,750. 719-2815242.

2003 Land Rover Range Rover, HSE, 103,000 miles, all wheel drive, 4.4 liter, $7,999. #3014. 5 Star Auto Sales, 719-2961350.

SUV’s 2006 Kia Spectra, automatic, FWD, #TR101300, $3,995. Auto World, 2825 Highway 50 West, Pueblo. 719-404-0404 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, “trail rated,” 32,250 miles, 70th Anniversary Edition, one owner, 20 inch wheels. $30,000. 719-564-2183, 720244-1831. 2005 Nissan Murano SL V6, automatic, all wheel drive, nice, new tires, $6,495. #05NM. Mesa Motors, 719544-1160.

9 7


32 oz


July 20, 2017

2005 Nissan Pathfinder LE, leather, 3rd row, navigation, DVD, $6,995. #05NP. Mesa Motors, 719-544-1160. 2016 Jeep Compass 4 cylinder, 2.4 liter, automatic, $16,495. #1185. CarPros, 719582-1620.

drives well, needs carburetor. $5,000. 719-980-0325.

July 20, 2017

Trucks 2014 Toyota Tundra SR5, Custom lift, custom rims and tires, 4x4, Crew Max, V8, automatic, only 32,000 miles! $36,900. #T2413. Thompson Auto Sales! 719-5455421.

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975 15 2 Dodge trucks 2500, 5 speed, 12 valve Cummins, extended cab. $6,500 each, will consider offers. Both with 300,000. 719-5618846.

OLDER 18’ RANGER, center console, tandem, trailer, 150 hp Merc, 5-1/2 horsepower Johnson, 4 1988 Chevy S10, speed electric, asking 4x4, long bed. #R201, $4000. 719-392-3588. $1,500 down. Ray’s Truck Plaza, 1715 1983 FORD F-250, West 29th Street, 719- 4x4, diesel, make offer. 719-749-2991. 542-7160. 1988 Chevy 4x4 Extended Cab, long bed. #R176, $1,500 down. Ray’s Truck Plaza, 1715 West 29th Street, 719-542-7160.

Tiny’s Custom Polishing and Powder Coating. Stainless trim repair, chrome plating, powder coating, media blasting. 719-4062482.

2008 Dodge Ram 1500, Quad Cab, 4 wheel drive, 5.7L, automatic, low miles. #10320, $17,444. Discount Motors, 719242-9088.

2007 Ford F150, automatic, 8 cylinder, $4,800. #3043. Gallery Auto Auction, 719-8217491.


Cash for your scrap Free pickup of from our ATM! Top scrap metal items, prices paid. Dionibatteries and cars. sio Metal & Iron, 700 South Portland Ave719-289-6791. nue, Pueblo, CO. 7192004 GMC Sonoma, 544-3488. Crew Cab, 4x4, SLS, 2005 Toyota Tundra, 4.3 liter V6, automatic, automatic, #104005, 114,000 miles, nice $9,995. Auto World, truck! $8,950. #8247. 2825 Highway 50 Fulton’s Used Cars, West, Pueblo. 719719-542-2268. 404-0404.

1991 CHEVY, extended cab, 4WD, nice tires and rims and topper, very good condition. Needs head 1999 Dodge Ram gasket. Best offer. 7192500, Quad Cab, 4x4, 641-5152. 5.9 liter turbo diesel 1993 CHEVY 1 ton Cummins, shortbed, dually, 4x4, utility bed, automatic, clean Car150,000 miles, $2700. fax. $10,950. #8262. 719-687-2615. Fulton’s Used Cars, For Sale: 1986 Toy719-542-2268. ota 4Wd Truck. Doesn’t 1990 Chevrolet Run. $500 Obo. single cab, long bed, Located In Laveta Colhalf ton, automatic, orado. 719-250-2198. 4 wheel drive, good SCRAP METAL truck! $4,000. 719Cash for your scrap 989-0787. from our ATM! Top 2005 GMC Sierra prices paid. Dioni1500, automatic, sio Metal & Iron, 700 #104161, $7,995. Auto South Portland AveWorld, 2825 Highway nue, Pueblo, CO. 71950 West, Pueblo. 719- 544-3488. 404-0404 2004 Dodge Ram 1500, automatic, 2004 Ford F150, 8 cylinder, $3,800. 4x4, off-road, all the #3011. Gallery Auto bells and whistles! Auction, 719-821Excellent condi- 7491. tion, 113,000 miles. $14,000. 719-568- 2007 Ford F150, automatic, V8, 1508. #104250, $12,995. 2015 Chevrolet Auto World, 2825 Suburban, 4x4, LT, Highway 50 West, 719-4041500, 5.3 liter, V8, Pueblo. automatic, hitch, 0404. $33,444. #10207. DisNeed Cash? count Motors, 719sell your 242-9088. no longer needed stuff in the 2010 Ford F150, Thrifty Nickel. Platinum edition, Crew Cab, 4x4, heated leather, sunroof, navigation, 1-owner, only 59,000 miles! $26,900. Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks, #T2422. Thompson get one free! Auto Sales! 719-545719-544-4752 5421. 1995 Ford F150 XLT, 4x4, 5.0 liter 5 speed, power everything. $3,800. 719-544-0647.

2014 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup, 4x4, SLT, Quad Cab, 5.7 liter V8, automatic, $20,444. #100300. Discount Motors, 719-242-9088.

2009 Chevy 1500, 4x4, automatic, #104166, $16,995. Auto World, 2825 Highway 50 West, Pueblo. 719-4040404. 1998 Dodge Cummins diesel, new tires, 2004 Nissan Titan 5 speed, $16,500, best XE. #3055. Gallery offer! 719-225-3566. Auto Auction, 719Complete auto 821-7491. detail for cars or trucks, $130. Pueblo 2008 Dodge Ram Auto Shine. 719-544- 1500, Mega Cab, 4x4, 5.7 liter Hemi, auto8760. matic, SLT package, 2000 Ford F250 good tires, runs great! Lariat, 7.3 liter Power$16,900. #T2420. stroke, automatic, 4x4, Thompson Auto leather, extended cab, Sales! 719-545-5421. runs great! 133,000

Gre Big anadt Deals No Deale Small! r Ha ndlin ure Sale g! s!

No Press


2009 Jeep Liberty


miles! $16,900. #T2419. Thompson Auto Sales! 719-5455421.

1991 Mazda B2600, 4x4, 6 cylinder, 5 speed. #038069, $1,995. Massa Auto 1988 Chevy, 2x4 long Sales, 719-545-7296. bed. #R539, $1,500 down. Ray’s Truck 1965 Ford shortPlaza, 1715 West 29th bed pickup. 719-564Street, 719-542-7160. 2153, 719-225-3477.



2006 Hyundai Tucson $


1996 Buick Century 2,799 #R4222 1540 W. Pueblo Blvd

2004 Hyundai Accent $

GT #R4345



Call / Text 719-369-7788 Call 719-214-5506


USED CARS INC. |800-610-1671| 719-542-2268 “5 New Wheels”

New Tires


Ford F150 SV Raptor

“114k Miles”





2008 Jeep Wrangler

2006 Ford F150 Supercrew


“Ultimate Package”

Unlimited, 4x4, 3” Lift, Winch, LED’s, New 35” Tires, #8183

4x4, Lariat, Leather, 5.4L Triton, Nice! #8272





2014 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE Crew Cab, 4x4, 5.3L V8, Power Seats, Only 47k Miles, #8265

“Twin Turbo”



Supercab, 4WD, Leather, Extras! #8268


2008 Dodge Ram Mega Cab, 4x4, Laramie, Shell, Leather, New 20” wheels, with 35” tires, #8199




5.7L Hemi V8, Auto, Leather, Sunroof, 20’s, #8203



Quad, Cab, 4x4, SLT, New 20’s, Super Clean! #8237

2008 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab, 4x4, SLT, Leather, New Wheels & Tires, #8249

Crew Cab, 4x4, SLE, Longbed, Allison Auto, #8166

“Only 94k Miles”



2007 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab, Longbed, SLT, 5.9L Cummins Diesel, #8186

2008 Dodge Ram 2500

Quad Cab, 4x4, Shortbed, 6.7L Cummins Diesel, Auto, New Tires, #8226


“5” Lift Kit”


2005 GMC Sierra 2500HD

“6 Speed Manual”

4WD, 4.0L V6, Auto, TRD Package, #8204


2004 Dodge Ram 1500

Supercrew, 4x4, Leather, Navigation, Power running boards, #8255


2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser

“Hemi Sport”




“6.6L Duramax”


2010 Ford F-150



2008 Dodge Charger R/T

Crew Cab, 4x4, LTZ, 5.3L V8, Leather, Sunroof, New Tires, #8261



Sedan, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, AWD, #8158

2011 Chevy Silverado 1500


“New 5” Lift”


2008 BMW 535xi



“114k Miles”




2014 Jeep Patriot


FWD, 2.0L 4 cyl, Auto, New Tires, Nice in & Out, #8211

2004 GMC Sonoma

Crew Cab, 4x4, SLS, 4.3L V6, Auto, Nice Truck! #8247

CORNER OF 6TH & ELIZABETH - PUEBLO On-The-Spot Bank Financing 2.99% APR WAC Credit Union Financing For Most Credit Situations WITH APPROVED DOWN


45 Years

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975

16 2006 Chevrolet 2500HD, single cab, 4 wheel drive, automatic, high miles, looks good. $4,500. 719-252-6587.

2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 HD, 4x4, 6.6 liter, Duramax, Allison, automatic, leather, only 123,000 miles! #T2421. 1995 Chevy 4x4, $22,900. Extended Cab, short- Thompson Auto Sales! bed. #R498, $1,500. 719-545-5421. Ray’s Truck Plaza, 1992 Chevy 4x4, 1715 West 29th Street, 5 speed, shortbed. 719-542-7160. #R527, $1,500 down. Ray’s Truck Plaza, 2011 Chevy Sil1715 West 29th Street, verado 1500, Crew 719-542-7160. Cab, 4x4, LTZ, 5.3 liter V8, leather sunroof, 2007 Ford F150 new tires, Ultimate XLT, Super Crew, 4x4, Package! $29,950. shortbed, 5.4 liter, V8, 2-owner. #8261. Fulton’s Used automatic, Local trade. $14,900. Cars, 719-542-2268. #T2416. Thompson 2002 Ford diesel, 7.3 Auto Sales! 719-545Powerstroke, 6 speed, 5421. flatbed, 4 wheel drive, 1993 Ford F250, 4 door, 280,000 miles. 2x4, long bed. #R455, Newer tires, runs and $1,500 down. Ray’s drives, some mechani- Truck Plaza, 1715 cal issues. $3,500. West 29th Street, 719542-7160. 719-248-9836.

Vans 2001 Chevy Venture, Warner Bros. package, new battery, good tires, runs good. $1,500, offer. 719-406-7465, please leave message.


Top prices paid. Dionisio Metal & Iron, 700 South Portland Avenue, Pueblo, CO. 719544-3488. Free pickup of scrap metal items, batteries and cars. 719-289-6791.

Need Cash?

sell your no longer needed stuff in the

Thrifty Nickel.

Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks, get one free!


1988 VW VANAGON, runs, needs motor work, dirty but will clean up, $2900. 719577-0003. LIKE TO TINKER, 1990 Mark II step van, best offer. 1026 Rice Drive, Apt 240, Audrey.


1976 Dodge overhead RV, 51,000 1984 fifth wheel, original miles, sleeps 40 foot, $5,000 or 6, dual wheels, 460 best offer. 719-248- engine. $3,000, best offer. 719-859-3632. 2874.

2006 BOUNDER 35E, Class A motorhome, new tires and batteries, well equipped, low miles, 303-776-2396 or 720394-4609.

AUTO AUCTION Auction Starts 11am

Auto, 8 cyl, #3087

2004 Dodge Ram 1500 Auto, 8 cyl, #3011

2005 Nissan Pathfinder 4.0L, 6 cyl, AWD, Auto, #3066

Get Ready with your Wallets, ID and Insurance! Terms: Cash, VISA, Master Card

2003 GMC Sierra Auto, 8 cyl, #3095

2006 Chrysler 300 Auto, 6 cyl, #3045

2005 Toyota Corolla Matrix 1.8L, 4 cyl, FWD, Auto, #3067

2012 GMC Acadia

Vehicles a incredib re sold at le prices Trucks, ! c 4x4’s, S ars, minivans , UV’s an d Much More!

FREE Pa FREE Ad rking, FREE Re mission, gistrat ion!

2009 Nissan Cube

Auto, 6 cyl, #3122

Auto, 4 cyl, #3010

2004 Nissan Titan XE Auto, 8 cyl, #3055

Tiny’s Custom Polishing and Powder Coating. Stainless trim repair, chrome plating, powder coating, media blasting. 719-4062482.

Vehicles may be purchased daily!

Saturday July 22nd • Gates Open 9am

2004 Nissan Armada

July 20, 2017

2010 Chevrolet Aveo Auto, 4 cyl, #3070

ALPENLITE 5TH wheel, 33’, 2 slides, hardly used, all the best equipment, call for details, 970-4613656.

2014 Ram bedliner, 8 foot, good condition. $100. 719-2526587.

2012 STARCRAFT pop-up, 12’, sleeps 7, electric, gas, refrigerator, furnace, stove, water, everything works, $7000, 970308-3009 cell.

excellent condition, $400. 719-460-8455.

1979 Service manual for Plymouth and 2010 Jayco Jay Dodge, $65. 719Flight, super clean, 468-5016. lots of storage, slide- The cost to adverout, 24 feet. $12,500. tise in American 719-641-9391. Classifieds is reasonable with good results. I have been advertising in the paper for close to six years now. Thanks American Classifieds! 2005 Mountain- Tom C. eer, bumper pull, 32 foot, 2 slides, Fiber- Chrysler, 2005, glass exterior, many Stow ‘N Go, bad transmisextras. Very nice! motor, sion and front end. $14,500. Photos on Craigslist. 719-691- Needed: right side door, power door and 9637. headlight. 719-4892004 WINNERS 2840. Circle by Four Winds NEW!! NERF BAR 5th wheel, 39’ toy running boards for hauler, good condi- 2001- 2003 Ford Ftion, $12,500 firm, Series super Crew 970-227-6842. Cab, $275. Call 719Internet adver- 596-7226. tising!!! Yes, you USED HEADLIGHT receive Internet HOUSINGS, 1997advertising when 2003 Ford 150 & you place your Expedition, $75- 4 classified ad with set. Call 719-596American Clas- 7226. sifieds. See your 4 TOYOTA FACTORY ad online at www. mags, 6 lug, hama, 265/60R70,

Travel Trailer, sleeps 5-6, shower, electric tongue lift, $900, negotiable. 719-281-9297.

2012 Ford Fusion Auto, 4 cyl., #3049

2007 Ford F150

Auto, 8 cyl., #3043

Open 9am-6pm Monday thru Saturday 2641 North I-25 • Pueblo Off exit 104


SNOW TIRES, BRIDGESTONE Blizzak WS70, 245/45R17, used 1/2 season, $500 obo. Wheels/ tires, Rock Star 20”, black, with Nitto extreme Z4 215/30ZR20, $200 obo. 719-576-0154.

1984 Sun Stream, by Chevy, Class A motor home, 27 foot, runs good. $4,500, best 20 inch Panther rims, offer. 719-248-6240. Goodyear tires, 5 hole Unilug, Chrysler or Auto Parts Ford SUV, $1,000 firm. 719-994-4192. Goodyear Eagle tire tire, 225/60-16, like Dunlop new, $30. 719-468- 205/55-16, like new, $30. 719-468-5016. 5016.

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975 17

July 20, 2017 FREE AUTO repairs for 4 years with only $148 up front! Use Code: BJK7 Call now for details: 1-800-293-4424.

Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe, 2005, Screamin’ Eagle pipes, crash bar, sissy bar, saddlebags, 12,000 miles. $9,000. 719671-5901.

Mini Ninja bike, 4 stroke engine. New, never started, $300. 719-289-4519. 2015 Polaris RZR 900 S, side-x-side, power steering, only 700 miles, tons of fun! $11,950. #8164. Fulton’s Used Cars, 719-542-2268.

Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 2007 HONDA Gold Wing. Silver, 17,300 miles, great condition. $13,500 firm. Great touring, great for city riding. Will not finance purchase. 719-4333793.

2014 Harley Davidson FLHXS, Street Glide, 2012 Kawasaki Vul- navigation, Matte Black, extras! $17,950. #8061. can 900 trike, new tires, Fulton’s Used Cars, 719stereo, loaded! 30,000 542-2268. miles, regularly serviced. Mint condition. 2012 Harley Davidson Safe, easy ride. $6,800, Road Glide Ultra, excelbest offer. 719-588- lent, red, lots of chrome and extras, touring pack, 2932. 15,962 highway miles 1996 Harley David- only, 103cc, $15,000. son Road King, 113 719-568-3875. inch SS. $7,999. 719ATV’s 696-1943.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 883 low. Great starter motorcycle. 2008, 2,600 miles, $4,300 firm. Maroon and black. Lots of extras. Will not finance. 7192008 Yamaha Classic, 433-3793. lots of add-ons. $3,400 2000 Harley David- sharp! 719-564-7208. son Sportster, 6,300 WANTED OLD Japamiles, extras. $4,200, nese motorcycles offer. 719-561-5285. (1969-1983). Kawa3 rail motorcycle saki: Z1-900, KZ900, trailer, $400. 719-564- KZ1000, Z1R, any Kawasaki Triples. 7208. Suzuki: GT380, GT750, GS400. Honda: CB750. Cash paid! 1-800-7721142, 1-310-721-0726. usa@classicrunners. com 2013 Yamaha XT250, fuel injected, dual sport. Heated hand grips with brush guard. $3,200. 719320-9707.

1969 Dodge 1/2 ton recogedor, un montón de piezas nuevas, funciona bien. $1.500, oferta. 720-273-7271. Reunir a vendedores y compradores en Pueblo desde 1975. 1969 Dodge 1/2 ton recogedor, un montón de piezas nuevas, funciona bien. $1.500, oferta. 720-273-7271. 2006 Saturn ION, 4 puertas sedán automático, se ve y funciona muy bien, 165.000 millas, 2.100 dólares. 719-251-4513. Vender, comprar o intercambiar. 719-544-4752.

Chihuahua hembra, chocolate, bronceado, blanco, $300. Cockatiel macho, $75. Rokon Trail719-717-8494. breaker, 2x2, All Terrain bikes, new models Gran bañera de in stock. City Auto Parts, agua caliente, tubos, 600 West 7th, Walsen- motores y tapa. Puede burg. 719-738-2525. encerrar. 719-9423213, Howard, Coloespagnol rado. 1952 Chevy Styeline, 3 velocidades, funciona bien, neumáticos nuevos, motor nuevo, nueva transmisión. $8.500. 720229-5601. 2004 KIA Sedona min van, se ve y funciona muy bien, 154.000 millas. $1,800. 719-251-4513.

2008 CanAm Spyder, Premier Edition, No. 727, 11,539 miles, lots of extras. $8,500 or best offer. 970-3895468.

2005 Harley Davidson Softtail Deluxe, Screamin’ Eagle tubos, crash bar, sissy bar, alforjas, 12,000 millas. $9.000. 719-671-5901. TAMALES DOCENA $13.99. Para dias de fiesta 719-553-6434.



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CBR 650F


CBR 650F a responsible rider. For your safety, Always read the owners manual. Always a helmet, eyeeye protection and protective clothing. Never protective ride under the influenceclothing. of drugs or alcohol. Never Never Be a responsible rider. For your safety, read theBe owners manual. wear a wear helmet, protection and ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Never ride ATV’s on paved streets or public roads, and never carry passengers on your ATV. Never engage in stunt driving or ride at excessive speeds. Be careful on difficult terrain. All Honda ATV’s are ride ATV’s on paved streets or public roads, and never carryonly passengers your ATV.Be Never engage in stunt driving or ride atbuyers excessive speeds. Be careful on difficult terrain. All Honda ATV’s are recommended for riders 16 yrs. of ageon or older. Honda recommends that a all riders take a training course. Professional rider on a closed course. New ATV should take advantage of free responsible rider. For your safety, ASI training andrecommends competition incentives. For further obtain a copy of Off-Road Tips available from your local Honda dealer or call 800-905-5565. Email recommended only for riders 16 yrs. of age or older. Honda thatinfo, all takeSafety a training course. rider on a closed course. New ATV buyers should take advantage of free theriders owners manual. wearfrom a Professional helmet, ASI training and competition incentives. For further info, obtain a copy ofread Off-Road Safety Tips Always available your eye local Honda dealer or call 800-905-5565. Email





protection and protective clothing. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Never ride ATV’s on ective clothing. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Never Be a responsible rider. For your safety, read the owne paved streets or public roads, and never carry pasat excessive speeds. Be careful on difficult terrain. All Honda ATV’s are ride ATV’s on paved streets or public roads, and never carry passe rider on a closed course. New ATV buyers should take advantage of free sengers on your ATV. Never engage in stunt driving recommended only for riders 16 yrs. of age or older. Honda recom Honda dealer or call 800-905-5565. Email ASI training and competition incentives. For further info, obtain or ride at excessive speeds. Be careful on difficult terrain. All Honda ATV’s are recommended only for Be a responsible rider. For your safety, read the owners manual. Always wear eye protection and clothing. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcoh ersone 16 yrs. ofpurchase ageaorhelmet, older. recommends that protective per • Honda cannot be driving combined with other offers oneatany per purchase • cannot be combined with terrain. any other de ATV’s on paved streets or public roads, and never carry passengers on your ATV. engage stunt or ride excessive speeds. Be careful on difficult Alloffers Honda A all riders takeNever a training course.inProfessional rider on commended only for riders 16 yrs. of age or older. Honda recommends thata all riders take a training course. Professional rider on a closed course. New ATV buyers should take advanta closed course. New ATV buyers should take advanexp 9/20/17 exp 9/20/17 SI training and competition info, obtain a copy of DETAILS Off-Road Tipsand available from your tage of freeSafety ASI APPOINTMENT training competition incenti ves. local Honda dealer or call 800-905-5565. Email RNDhonda@earthl CALL FORincentives. DETAILSFor&further APPOINTMENT CALL FOR & For further info, obtain a copy of Off-Road Safety Tips exp 9/20/17 available from your local Honda expdealer 9/20/17 or call 800905-5565. Email



Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975

18 ¡Vamos a negociar para usted! DUI, Divorcio, Custodia Legal, Accidentes Automáticos, Bancarrota, Reclamaciones de la Seguridad social, Peticiones. ¡Tenemos el abogado de hablar español para ayudarle! 719-544-2929. viagra Y Cialis consimidores! 50 pildoras especiales $99 envos gratis! 100% garantizado. Llame ahora! 855-670-8122. Tiny’s Custom Polishing and Powder Coating. Stainless trim repair, chrome plating, powder coating, media blasting. 719-406-2482.

2001 Buick Century, funciona muy bien! $1,500 negociable. 719242-6916.

GalLERY Auto Auction. Los vehículos pueden ser comprados diariamente a precios increíbles! 719-821CARS/ TRUCKS 7491, 2641 North I-25, wanted! We buy 2000- Pueblo. 2015 cars/ trucks, running or not! Nationwide Reunir a vendefree pickup! America’s dores y compradores top car buyer! Call 1-888-513-1505. en Pueblo desde 1975. 226 W. Abriendo 719wanted: Hot tub, 544-4752. 6-8 personas, debe estar en muy buenas Basura y Basura condiciones y con un Alternativa de relleno precio razonable. 719- sanitario. C&C Disposal 248-8980. 719-924-1884.

DISH NETWORK Obtener mas por menos! A partir de $19.99 al mes (durante 12 messes). Paquete y ahorre (rapido mas Basura y Basura internet por $15/mes.) Alternativa de relleno 800-261-8091. sanitario. C&C Disposal Mismo día servicio de 719-924-1884. prótesis dentales comCars, Trucks, SUV’s. pletas, reparaciones! Felicia, 719-560-9748. Sentirse más seguro! Compre Aqui - Paga Altra Dental Lab, 719Aqui! 545-1810.

Need Cash?

sell your no longer needed stuff in the

Thrifty Nickel.

Imagine The Difference You Can Make


Only $5 per week! Buy 2 weeks, get one free!


Pizza King carryout especial! 1 Topping pizza grande, sólo $5.99 más impuestos! Carryout sólo debe presentar este anuncio. Ordenar ahora! Pueblo, 719-542-0193. Pueblo West, 719-5472977.

Edificio de almacenamiento de información todo el acero, entregado a su hogar o negocio. Comprar o alquilar con opción a compra! 866-374-3348. Vamos a negociar por usted! *DUI *custodia Poner dinero en *Divorcio *accidentes su bolsillo hoy! Llame Legal Thrifty Nickel y vender Automáticos tenemos sus ya no necesitaban el abogado de hablar cosas ! 719-544-4752, español para ayudarle! 226 E. Abriendo. 719-544-2929.


Help Prevent Blindness Get A Vision Screening Annually Ask About A FREE 3 Day Vacation Voucher To Over 20 Destinations!!!

Boats & Watercraft 1994 14 foot boat, 35 horsepower outboard. $900, offer. 719-7786249. 1978 Corina deep V fish and ski boat, 140 Evinrude motor, 6 horsepower trolling motor. New interior, tires. needs fuel system cleaned, new water pump, battery. Boat under shed. New $11,000, asking $2,000. 719-5425627.

Heavy Equipment

2017 Falcon 77x16 standard duty, utilities, brake breakaway. #7203, $2,795. Gage ONE STOP LLC. Exca- Auto and Trailer, 719vating, demolition, 545-1461, 719-251pads, driveways, utili- 0110. ties, general site work, and clean-up. Licensed Big Tex single axle and insured. 719-683- landscaping trailer, 15 5092. diggersmith20@ feet X 83 inch interior X 48 inch sides. Line mer rack, storage cage, rear ramp, excellent Trailers condition. Clean title. 2017 Falcon 7x10 $2,000. 719-431-9337, dump trailer, bumper Cotopaxi. pull, tandem. #7809, $6,995. Gage Trailers, 719-545-1461, 719251-0110. 1997 Factory built 20 foot enclosed cargo trailer, $4,000. 719269-0713. 2016 Falcon 5x8 foot utility, 35K, single axle. #7806, $1,295. Gage Trailers, 719545-1461, 719-2510110.

Fishermen, partyers, tours, birthdays, any occasion! Pueblo Reservoir, 7 days a week. Up to 11 people on brand new pontoon, $50 per person covers fuel, food, keg of beer of your choice! Call Matt, 719-7171601.


CARS/ TRUCKS wanted! We buy 20002015 cars/ trucks, running or not! Nationwide free pickup! America’s top car buyer! Call 1-888-513-1505. 2017 used tilt trailer, 82x20. 5,200 pound axles, $3,995. #7205. Gage Auto Sales, 719545-1461, 719-2510110.

Motorcycle trailer, holds 3 bikes, $300, or best 1978 Great Northoffer. 719-225-6828. ern, 3, 2, single. Park. $4,500, negotiable. Tiny’s Custom Pol719-717-8494. ishing and Powder I ran a classified in last Coating. Stainless trim weeks paper to sell my repair, chrome plating, utility trailer. I sold it to powder coating, media 719-406the 3rd or 4th caller at blasting. 2482. a reasonable price EM

2017 Falcon 83x18 heavy duty car hauler, brake, breakaway. #7204, $2,895. Gage Auto and Trailer, 719Utility trailer, 545-1461, 719-251Haulmark, 2012, 6.5 0110. feet long, 4 feet wide, 5 high, inside pan- 2017 Falcon 7x12, eled, like new. Ideal tandem axle dump for vendors traveling trailer, 14K. #7810, to conventions. $1,250. $7,995. Gage Trailers, 719-545-1461, 719-251719-647-2550. 0110. 2017 Falcon tandem 83x22 flatbed car 2016 Falcon 5x10 hauler. #7202, $2,995. foot utility, 35K, single Gage Auto Sales, 719- axle. #7807, $1,495. 545-1461, 719-251- Gage Trailers, 719-5450110. 1461, 719-251-0110.

Travel Trailers • Fifth Wheels Toy Haulers • Destination Trailers

12’ x 6’, Single Axle, Rear Ramp Door


July 20, 2017

Starting at

2017 Falcon 83x18 Super duty, pipe top, flatbed, brake, 5,200 pound axles. #7201. $3,695. Gage Auto and Trailer, 719-545-1461, 719-251-0110. 2016 Falcon 77 inch X 12 foot ATV trailer, single axle. #7808, $1,795. Gage Trailers, 719-545-1461, 719251-0110. 1977 Great Divide camp trailer, 2 axle bumper pull. $1,200 best offer. 719-4159572.

We’re Year- Open R M-F 8 ound! am-6 Sat 8


pm pm


Ask For Tony

JDL Trailer Sales

2735 Lake Avenue, Pueblo, CO Sales 719-214-5146 • Parts/Service 719-564-8056

Come by Today for a Great Deal!

JDL has a wide variety of models and floorplans to fit your lifestyle. We take consignments!

Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975 19

July 20, 2017

Pueblo & Southern Colorado’s a Cardon y m e r e O J eblo, C Pu

WHATS GOING ON? Guest Speaker

Rev. Sean Furlong

Bikers vs. Sheriffs Softball Game


“Inner Voice v. Inner Child” 115 E. Routt, Pueblo CO

JUL 21ST 2017 - 5:30PM

Free Family Movie Day

at the Joe Santos Field (Bessemer Park). 843 W. Northern Ave. in Pueblo. Beer and Burgers will be sold.Admission $2 or School Supplies!

JUL 23RD & 30TH 2017 - 2:00 PM RAWLINGS LIBRARY Please join us EVERY Saturday and Sunday for a FREE movie afternoon!

Foosball Players! THURSDAYS, 7PM Foosball players! Tournaments on three tables. Thursdays 7:30pm, 140% payoff! Blind draws, split draws and bring your partner. Classic Q’s, 1715 South Prairie.

Bikers vs. Sheriffs Poker Run & Fun JUL 22ND 2017 - 11AM - 5PM

1ST STOP ......................................................... 11AM-12PM - SHORTY’S IN PW 2ND STOP .............................................................12:45-1:45PM - CLASSIC Q’S 3RD STOP .................................................2:00-3:15PM - CHUCKS (AVONDALE) 4TH STOP ................................................... 3:30-4:30PM - VETERAN’S TAVERN 5TH STOP .........................5:00PM - AMERICAN LEGION POST 2 (9TH & WEST)

Join us as money is raised for kids in the Pueblo Community! Dinner Plates, Roast, Live Music! Admission $2 or School Supplies! Questions or for more details call Melissa at 719-281-6313.

Cruisin’ Pueblo Weekly Bicycle Rides AUG 3 2017 - 6:00PM ALL AGES!

FREE family friendly bicycle rides every Thursday through the end of September! We meet at Bingo Burger in Pueblo at 6 pm and the ride starts at 6:30 pm. All ages, skills and abilities welcome, and no one is left behind. Plus, 10% off food and $1 off craft beer and milkshakes for Cruiser’s after the ride! Come learn how to better share the road and check us out on Facebook! Contact Stephanie:

Wine Tasting! 80 TWENTY WINES

Wine Tasting, Fri’s 4-6pm, Sat’s 1-4pm. 4 different wines each day 80/Twenty Wines, Cheese from Springside Cheese. FREE! 415 N Greenwood Phone: 719-543-9463

Art Detective:

The Great Masterpiece Mystery JULY 28 2017 - 10:00AM TO 5:00PM

Through October 28. Can you solve the Great Masterpiece Mystery? Search for clues in order to solve the case! Create art projects using historical art styles and techniques, learn about the science of fingerprinting, dress up, and more! Open Daily 10AM-5PM through Labor Day, Tues-Sat 11AM-4PM After Labor Day. Admission $8 Adults, $6 Children, Military, and Seniors 65 . Buell Children’s Museum, Members always free.

Open Mic Nigh T U E S DAY S

, 5:30-8:30 Open Mic N PM ight at the C oyo 5220 Nature Ctr. Rd, Puete Grill! blo.


Connecting Buyers with Sellers in Pueblo, Colorado since 1975


July 20, 2017

$$$ REWARD $$$



2014 BMW X3

X28i, 48k Miles, 2.0L, #3067

AWD 100k miles, #2997






4WD, Platinum, Turbo, #3032




133k Miles, #2934




1.66, #3074




FWD, #3049









SLT, 5.7L, 110k Miles, 4WD, #3075



1.8T Manual, #2851




V6, 98k Miles, #3039


53k Miles, Convertible, #3019

2005 DODGE RAM 1500

2005 FORD F-150 FX4

Super Crew, 4WD, #3030A

2000 BMW Z3








4WD, #3045




Choice, #2999




Leather, DVD, #302E




94k Miles, 3.8L, #2960




2.5L FWD, 95k Miles, #2955






86k Miles, FWD, #3047



2007 DODGE RAM 2500 ST

Cummins, 5.9L, 116k Miles, #3062




5.7L, 4WD, 1500, #3073




Dually, 2WD, DRE, 6 Speed, #2985

2.3 Roadster, 74k Miles, 2.5L, #3042




3.6L, #2941



2010 FORD F-150





Leather, #2931








2.4L FWD, 80k Miles, #3028



103K Miles, #3014



FIVE STAR AUTO SALES 402 W 29th Street | 719-296-1350 |

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