Learn with the world through videoconferencing and virtual collaboration

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Learn with the World through Videoconferencing and Virtual Collaboration

Wise Machines Pvt Ltd

Virtual collaboration is the method of collaboration between virtualteam members that is carried out via technology-mediated communication.

Sharing of information: Collaboration, by definition, is a process of assembling knowledge from different parties towards a common goal. Virtual collaboration is meant to enable the sharing of knowledge between parties who cannot exchange information due to physical separation. Virtual collaboration platforms allow the transfer of different types of information between collaborators to work towards a common goal. Dispersed Collaborators: Collaborators within virtual collaboration are physically separated from each other and can only interact virtually. Being able to physically interact with a team member affords many benefits that virtual collaboration cannot provide, and eliminates any need for virtual meetings (sharing of context, interpersonal relationships, etc. Technology-mediated: : Because virtual collaborators cannot interact physically they use technology to share information over several mediums. Most virtual collaboration platforms are carried out via the internet, for example email, video conferencing, and virtual workspaces. Audio conferencing can also be a means of virtual collaboration, as information is shared over a telephone or other audio device.

Synchronous: Synchronous collaboration occurs when team members are able to share information and ideas instantaneously. Examples of synchronous virtual collaboration include instant messaging, chat rooms, and video or audio conferencing. Asynchronous: Asynchronous collaboration occurs when team members communicate without the ability to instantly respond to messages or ideas. Examples of asynchronous virtual collaboration include e-mail, discussion boards, application-specific groupware, or shared databases. Audio-conferencing: Audio conferencing allows collaborators to communicate verbally in real-time without the use of continuously updated, shared imagery. Examples of audio conferencing include phone calls, conference calls, or conference calls where people are also sharing views of images or documents. Video-Conferencing: Video-conferencing is communicating with the use of real-time sharing of verbal and visual information. Video-conferencing includes continuously updated visuals of collaborators, diagrams, physical objects, or computer screens. Examples of video-conferencing are group video-conferencing in dedicated rooms and desktop video-conferencing. Computer-mediated communication: Computer-mediated communication is defined as text, images, and other data received via computer without effective real-time voice or video images from collaborators. Examples of computer-mediated communication include E-mail, chat rooms, discussion boards, text messaging, instant messaging, shared databases, wikis, and application specific groupware.

Pooling of expertise: Virtual collaboration provides more opportunities for experts to join project groups where their knowledge can be best used, and be complemented with other experts whose knowledge contributes to a common goal. Virtual collaboration allows teams to be formed based on subject and expertise, without the restriction of physical proximity of collaborators. Cost Effective: Compared to face-to-face meetings of distributed group members, virtual collaboration is much less costly. The time and costs associated with transportation to physically bring together team members from different geographic locations can be substantially higher than the cost of a virtual collaborative application.

Technological limits: Many of the disadvantages that come with virtual collaboration are the same as those found in virtual groups, due to the fact that virtual groups cannot physically interact with each other. Technology that does not effectively support either collaborators’ abilities or the process of the collaboration will result in a “signal loss,” or a great reduction in the power of virtual collaboration. Reliance on Technology: Any problems that arise with the technology can obstruct a collaborative effort due to virtual collaboration’s complete reliance on technology for communication. Teams that have do not understand how to use the virtual collaboration technology cannot perform their tasks as efficiently and have higher frustration levels. Asynchronous and lagged communication: Collaborators that are interdependent on each other’s information can experience problems due to the lack of synchronization due to technology. Asynchronous communication does not give team members constant updates in real time, which can lead to coordination and sequencing problems for a task. Means of exclusion: The method of information transfer in virtual collaboration can allow for team members to choose who does and does not receive information.

1. Connect with Experts 2. Virtual Field Trips 3. Working Together 4. Accessing Previously Unavailable Courses 5. Teaching the Teachers

1. Increase Completion Rates and Retention 2. Eliminate Geographical Barriers 3. Build Online Communities 4. Save Travel Costs 5. Increase Staff Productivity 6. Accommodate Multiple Learning Styles 7. Incorporate Technology in the Classroom 8. Scale Information and Knowledge. 9. Leverage Limited Teaching Resources 10. Provide Professional Development

Business: Virtual collaboration is widely used in corporate businesses for its efficiency, innovation, and ability to gain or keep competitive advantages in the market. Businesses commonly use virtual collaboration technology to facilitate problem solving between teams within the company, and also to collaborate with other companies. Education: Virtual collaboration is often used to connect experts in a scientific field to others that wish collaborate for researching or educating purposes. Many colleges and learning institutions use virtual systems to host information where both students and experts can share information on a certain subject. Wikis: Wikis are a form of virtual collaboration because they enable people to contribute to an online document that can be seen and edited by other users via the internet. Wikis are considered a Web 2.0 technology, and fall into virtual collaboration due to the collaborative process that documents go through when put into a wiki.

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