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Volunteer Service
Anderson Mason Dale believes that one of the most profound ways to build a deeper understanding, respect and trust with underserved and historically marginalized communities is to spend time working side-byside with the community. This shared experience can be an important first step towards more honest and open dialog and a more complete understanding of the challenges and inequities faced by our communities.
This will not only make our design studio more sensitive to and responsive to our communities, but will also provide direct, tangible support. Out of incredible necessity and strength, many underserved communities have built resilient institutions drawing on a community of strong internal leaders; it is critical to leverage these existing institutions who have long built relationships of trust and respect.
Serving Our Communities
Continue to support and codify process around AMD staff volunteering.
• Track volunteer hours annually through timesheets.
• Update handbook to clarify how employees engage in volunteering.
• Record volunteer work from years past including the DAFCAL program, Habitat for Humanity, Struggle of Love Food Bank, etc.
• Promote volunteer experiences on our website and social media as an intentional recruitment and retention strategy.