BULLY PREVENTION AND AWARENESS WEEK NOVEMBER 2011 How to use this guide: This is a guide of activities which you may choose from as an entire school approach to bully prevention and awareness or for use in individual classrooms. Strategies have been sorted by division where possible but most are useful for all grades/ages. In addition to the singular week of focus on bully prevention, the entire month of November will be featured as bully prevention month in our board. A calendar of ideas is attached. Additional resources are on the final page although many others can be accessed through the media centre and by contacting Anne Copeland, Coordinator of Student Support Services. It is our hope that you will engage in many opportunities to consider bully prevention and awareness in your schools. Our active website and bullying campaign BE A VERB www.beaverb.ca plays host to student forums, student/teacher work and allows for students to Speak out and speak up about bullying. We encourage you to engage your students to populate this site further.
Tweet it! Shout it! Stop it! Address it! Speak up! Speak Out! Stand Up! Take Action!
Be A Verb
14 School-wide assembly. Access www.beaverb.ca to explore the options.
13 National Bullying Awareness Week
27 First Sunday of Advent (Christian)
30 Create your own bullying audio or video Public Service Announcement (PSA)
26 Pay it Forward - ask students to participate in a pay it forward activity. 24 www.grababullybythehorns.c om/wpcontent/downloads/bullyactiv itybook.pdf
23 Choose a television show to watch. Make a list of examples of bullying. Share it with family and class.
22 Make a choice to stand up against bullying - Record all the ways you can speak out.
25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UN)
19 18 International Transgender Host a wrap-up assembly. Take the bullying pledge from Day of Remembrance beaverb.ca., print posters, share stories, video clips, music and drama.
17 Stand up and speak out - take a stand against bullying. Address that comment you just heard in the classroom or hallway.
16 Louis Riel Day (Metis) Pay it forward day Use the Be-A-Verb smile cards to help you reach out!
15 Arrange for a guest speaker i.e. Victim Services, OPP, local police, Huron Perth Centre. CMHA, health unit..
Saturday 12 Birth of Baha’ullah (Baha’i)
Friday 11 Remembrance Day Thank a veteran today.
Thursday 10 Birthday of Guru Nank Deb Sahib (Sikhism) Discussion point on war and oppression.
Wednesday 9 Share the Reena Virk story. Have students discuss, role play or share their thoughts.
Tuesday 8 Read stories, listen to music and watch videos that relate to peace, caring, kindness
28 29 Hold a school/community walk Host a student and community to spread the messages about forum on bullying strategies. bullying.
20 21 Universal Children’s Day (UN) Write a poem from the eyes of the bully , bullied or bystander.
Monday 7 Create a mural showing various situations where bullying takes place at school.
Sunday 6 Eid al Adha (Islam)
Take Action! in November 2011
Monday’s Tweet!
Stand up for something, even if it means standing alone.
Bully Prevention Lesson Plans (10 lessons) Primary/Junior/ Intermediate
Empower the bystander
That was Sooo yesterday!
- Collect Data Challenge -
how many times do we hear derogatory terms in the classroom & hallways i.e.: “that’s gay; that’s stupid; that’s so easy why can’t you do it?
Address it, Speak up and change it!
by keeping track & setting a goal to reduce the use! Record the change by the end of November & let us know how your class does at beaverb.ca A number of experts say:
Capture it!
to drastically reduce bullying
Pink Day
Create a video journal of your experience with bullying behaviour– name it, take action, stand up & speak out!
We challenge all AMDSB schools to wear pink today & announce that we will
take action against bullying!
Compliment Chain: Primary/Juniour/Intermediate
Build a paper chain to encircle the classroom. When a teacher hears a compliment, they write it on a piece of paper, and add as a link to the chain. Keep going to see how long of a chain you can make in a month or year!
Tuesday’s Tweet!
“The world is a dangerous place. Not because of those who do eveil, but because of those who stand by and do nothing.” Einstein
View pacerteensagainstbullying.org during a lesson in creative writing, persuasive writing or the impetus for a social justice committee project. Create a peer advocacy group; identify how students are marginalized by each other. Then stand up, speak out & take action! Log onto beaverb.ca & post your creative writing to Letters to Me or Speak Out
Orange Day
UNITY DAY: Make it orange and make it end! Unite Against Bullying!
Jar of Marbles Set out a large jar at the front of the room and drop in a marble/ stone/ cotton ball for every positive statement students and staff give to each other
Check This out!
Intermediate and secondary students are leading elementary students through lessons on spotting and stopping bullying. Activities & a brief lesson plan on how to stop bullying. www.pacerteensagainstbullying. org/pdf/lessonPlan.pdf
- Be creative! -
Teens Against Bullying
Wednesday’s Tweet!
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
-Dr . Martin Luther King
Watch a Webisode Primary/Junior/Intermediate:
View one or more of the” webisodes” at www.stopbullying.gov Students can create their own webisodes using technology in the classroom and upload to beaverb.ca
Yellow Day
! t I e t a e r C
You are challenged to wear yellow today as a sign of peace and friendship and hope.
Create a play Create a poster
Create posters to decorate hallways, classrooms and gym areas with encouraging, proactive and helpful statements.
Encourage students to help out, stand up, speak out and take action! Upload to beaverb.ca
Develop a script about how adults and students in your school & community view bullying & what they can do to make a difference. Interview students, teachers, administrators, bus drivers, parents and others for their points of view. Recruit students to act, direct, create scenery, create costumes for the play & present to others. Upload to beaverb.ca
Check it out at pacerteensagainstbullying.org
non-perishable food, winter clothing items and gently used toys to donate to a community organization that will support families and children who are in need.
Thursday’s Tweet!
Bullying stops within 10 seconds 57% of the time when peers intervene.
Commit to a fundraising activity or letter writing campaign to support students who are marginalized in their own countries due to poverty, race, etc.
Rainbow Day
We challenge all AMDSB schools to wear a rainbow of colours today to celebrate diversity
‘Play’ it out FishBone
Use the fishbone strategy for student groups to discuss, plan and organize schoolwide strategies to address bullying
Assign scenarios to small groups of students to discuss, debate and explore alternative strategies. Allow students to take roles of the bully, victim, bystander, parent, teacher and administrator.
Challenge: Find a new word
Pay it forward
“Retard”. “Gay.” The words students use can affects school culture and promote intolerance of differences. Create a campaign promoting language that is accepting of others. It might include starting a poster contest, making a video, or reading morning announcements. Take a look at some ideas at pacerteensagainstbullying.org
Use our smile cards to create a culture of caring
download at beaverb.ca/?p=154
Be the Change
Friday’s Tweet!
be a
Stop, Ignore, Report
B E Y O N D - T H E - B U L LY
Shout it Out! Stand up and take Action!
Take the Pledge!
As a school– take the anti-bullying pledge. Download the poster and print it off. Have each classroom sign in agreement to stand up, speak out and take action against bullying. download atbeaverb.ca/?p=162
White Day
Wear white today as a sign of peace for all victims of violence & oppression
Share It!
What will you do?
Student action is needed! Go ahead and start your own advisory group. Watch this & be inspired! http://youtu.be/Bp7--b6raVo
Ask students and staff to share their week’s worth of activities at a wrap up assembly and invite parents & community members to come. Highlight activities on your website, school t.v. screens, smart boards and newsletters. Invite a guest speaker to come into the school to talk with students (see resources). Upload your creativity and action to beaverb.ca
Be A Verb
Peel Region Bullying Prevention
Grab the Bully by the Horns
York Region Anti-Bullying
Public Safety - Bullying Prevention
Teens Against Bullying
Name It 2 Change It
Avon Maitland District School Board
Other Resources Click on the document link you would like to see and it will open. Bully Prevention and Pro-Upstander Efforts Stand Up! Bullying Prevention Lesson and Activities Fishbone Activity Making a Difference in Bullying -Primary What teachers of young children need to know
Making a Difference in Bullying - Elementary What teachers of elementary students need to know
Making a Difference in Bullying - Adolescents What teachers of high school students need to know
Making a Difference In Bullying - On the Bus What school bus drivers need to know
Family Channel PSA - Teacher’s Guide for Grades 4 to 6 Student Checklist Teacher Checklist Formative Consequences for Students Who Bully
Anti-bullying Pledge (from www.bullying.org)
This is for me My friends today, and my friends tomorrow.
I think being mean stinks! I won’t watch someone get picked on because I am a do something person,
Not a do nothing person.
I care
I can help change things I can be a leader In my world there are
no bullies
Bullying is bad. Bullying bites.
Bullying bothers me. I know sticking up for someone is the right thing to do
My name is And I won’t stand by. I will stand up.