9 Reasons You Need To Make Better Self-Care A Priority Now!
Ameer Rosic Friday June 20th 2014
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Do you practice self-care? If not, guest writer and life coach Valerie Groth believes your health is at risk! Read on to discover more.
One of the first questions I always ask my coaching clients is “How do you make time for yourself?” Which is often followed by my second question, which is “What sacrifices have you made for YOU?” We are all experts at working our asses off, we are all professionals at sacrificing – when it comes to doing things for OTHER people that is. The problem is, that often comes at the expense of our own time, our own happiness, and our own wishes. We set aside our own hopes and dreams in order to put the needs of our family members, friends, colleagues, and clients ahead of our own.
When I ask my clients what brings them joy, they are usually able to easily list off many things that they enjoy doing. Some people crave adventure and spontaneity in their life, while others cherish time spent with family or “down time” spent doing absolutely nothing. However, when it really comes down to it, it’s rare that we actually make the time to do these activities on a regular basis. And we wonder why we go through life overwhelmed and stressed every damn day. In order to practice what I preach, I tried this myself last night. After working 100+ hours over the past week, I decided enough is enough. I turned off my computer at 6:00pm, kicked back with a Bloody Mary and some brownies, and I enjoyed my night profusely without the slightest bit of guilt. I know how hard it can be to change our plans midway through. Often that nasty guilt voice creeps in and reminds us what we are “supposed” to be doing. Guess what? Screw the guilt, I’m here to tell you what you are “supposed” to be doing: taking time for yourself. Here’s why self-care is important, and how you can start to prioritize it in your life: Spend some time thinking about what you would love to do if you spent more time for yourself. If your idea is too vague (“I want to relax”), this won’t be specific enough of a goal for you to work toward. Really hone in on the feelings that you want to experience, and focus on those feelings you hope to achieve the next time you are considering skipping out on your “me” time. Remember the last time when you did make time for yourself, and think back to the specific feelings and emotions that you remember from that day. Chances are, many of those positive emotions popped up just thinking about it! Taking time for yourself is not only important in the moment but those happy and content feelings stay with us and turn into positive memories for us to look back on. That time when you spent time on yourself and felt really great? I’m willing to bet that you were a much happier and friendlier person to be around. When you are happy and stress-free, you are better able to take care of those around you. Think of the kickass domino effect that you can create if you simply take some time to be good to yourself! Studies show that individuals who take time for self-care have increased concentration, improved memory, increased decision-making skills, and are more creative. And as a bonus – they are less likely to get sick! So, that “me” time is actually good for your health! What would you tell a friend if they were in your shoes? I’m sure you encourage your friends and family members to spend time doing things that they love, so there’s no reason to treat yourself any differently. Think of what a fabulous example you will be setting for those around you, from your children to your friends to your colleagues – if you show that you prioritize yourself.
When you do prioritize self-care, this positively contributes to your confidence and overall sense of selfworth. Each time we spend time doing something for ourselves, this is like adding a deposit to your confidence bank account. The more deposits you make, the more you are sending the message to yourself that you are a valuable human being. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and before you know it you will be feeling better about yourself because you took the time to take care of yourself. Make a list of things that make you happy, both big and small. No, really – write that shit down! Keep a copy of the list in various locations so that you can access it at any time, such as a copy on the refrigerator, a copy in your smart phone for easy access, a copy on your desk at work, etc. The next time you start to feel stress creeping in, consult your easily accessible list and choose an activity to complete sometimethat day – don’t wait! Create a daily ritual that you look forward to. That could mean getting up before the rest of your family to exercise or read the paper, or it could mean a nightly routine of curling up with your favorite novel for 45 minutes before bedtime. So many people claim that the number one reason they don’t make time for themselves is due to a lack of time. I don’t doubt that time is of the essence, but I will go as far as to guarantee you thatyou have more time than you think. If you want to see for yourself, keep a time log where you keep track of each activity that you complete over a two week period. Try to be detailed enough so that every 15-30 minutes you are noting what you are doing. After the two weeks are over, go back and calculate how much time was spent on various activities such as sleep, work, Facebook, time with family, etc. Vow to cut back on activities that are extraneous (time spent procrastinating, for example,) or on activities that do not either serve a purpose or make you feel rejuvenated and refreshed after completing them. Let’s be honest here: doing dishes is fine since that serves a purpose; Facebook, however, does not.
What’s your favorite way to take time for yourself?
Ameer Rosic
Ameer Rosic is obsessed with health. A Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Practitioner and Functional Medicine Practitioner, Ameer has spent years empowering himself with knowledge about optimal health, and now his passion is to share that with you! From interviews with top health experts to fitness and nutritional advice and more, Ameer Rosic can help you live a life of optimal health!
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