Eos Promotional Pack

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Promoti onalPackage Ameli aLeBrui n ContourYear1 FSHN 1100

Contents CompanyProfi le OurPhi li sophy CustomerProfi le MarketResearch I nspi rati onBoard Styli ngBoard ColourBoard I llustrati on&Desi gnBoards Logo,Marketi ng&Promoti on

CompanyProfi le Eosi sani ndependentLei cesterbased companyfoundedi n2014thatspeci ali zei n attracti veandconceali ngswi mwear forfemalestomapati ents.

OurPhi losophy AtEosourmai nai mi stomakewomenfeelconfi dentand comfort ablewhi lstconceali ngthei rstomabag. Wewantourswi mweartolookli keothergarments avai lableonthehi ghstreetsothatotherpassersbywon’ tknow anydi fferent.Usi ngani nnerpouch, ngpri nts,peplumsandfri llsourcustomercanenj oy i nteresti herti meonthebeachwi thouthavi ngtoworryaboutherstoma bagbei ngorunsecurewhi lststi llbei ngbangontrend.

CustomerProfi le Ourcustomeri sanyyoungfemalewhoseconfi dencehasbeen ngtowearastomabag.There’ salreadyenough affectedbyhavi pressureongi rlsthesedaystohave‘ theperfectbeachbody’ wi thouthavi ngotherthi ngsthatareoutofthei rcontrolto dealwi thtoo.Duetoourt argetmarketbei ngsoni chewewant toappealtoasmuchofi taspossi ble.Wi ththi si nmi ndwewi ll havedi fferentpi ecesfordi fferentagesandli festyles.Our t argetagerangei s1830,wi thi nthi stherewi llbemore vefunpi ecesthatwi llappealtotheyoungerandmore supporti acti vecustomersaswellasolderwomenwhowi llfavourother coloursandgarmentshapesmore.Altogether,weai mforthe t argetmarketofEOStofeelconfi dentandsexyi nthei rearl y adultli fe.

Promoti on Ourgarmentswon’ tneed brandedhangersbecause weareanonli necompany .To thelefti sanexampleofthe packagi ngcustomerscan expecttoseethei rEos ordersarri vei n.The productsi nsi dewi llbe wrappedi nwhi teti ssue paper.

Marketi ng DuetoEosbei ngan onli nebrand,our websi tewi llbeour mai nmarketi ngtool. Wewi llalsohavea FaceBookpageand Twi tteraccountto attractpubli ci tyand promoteour products.

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