The Nationalist Times - March 2013

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THE NATIONALIST TIMES Voice of the Real America No. 301

March 2013


Drone Wrath For A Compliant Society

Drones used to exist only in the bleakest science fiction movies set in totalitarian societies; but 30,000 of them are scheduled to be in the skies watching Americans over the next several years. - See Page 2

How Radical Change Occurs - Page 4

The Weimar Republic Revisited - Page 9

Why the 1950s Were Better - Page 14

Page 2 The Nationalist Times March 2013

U.S. Fast Becoming ‘Land of the Drones’ use of drones by police. Rutherford Institute attorneys have drafted and made available to the public language that can be adopted at all levels of governThe military has transformed warfare into a ment in order to address concerns being raised about deadly computer game thanks to drone weapons. the threats posed by drones to citizens’ privacy. Media programs like “Weaponology” and “Future When was the last time that a civil liberty issue Weapons” on the Military Channel provide detailed developed an alliance of purpose to oppose the desexamples of the lethalness of autonomous technolpotism of the totalitarian murder regime? Judge Anogy. The use of drones as the preferred method of drew Napolitano’s YouTube video called “Killing carnage is now well established. Seldom do moral Americans with Drones is Nowhere Justifiable Unquestions come into the discussions of eliminating der The Constitution,” goes unheeded as the counenemies of the state. The rules of engagement vested try sinks into a zombie trance of public acquiescence. in international law and the Geneva Convention, eiThe compliant society is rooted in denial and disbether ignored or rewritten for high-tech 21st Century lief. combat, becomes the foundational tactic to maintain Even so, some of the more perceptive state legthe killing force of the grand empire. islatures are waking up to the danger of domestic Beware of the unseen predators over foreign drone operations. Texas’s prolands for blowback is the real posed anti-drone laws would be source of instability and a root the toughest in the country and cause of hatred for American glo“prohibit federal law enforcement bal hegemony. or federal officials from flying What we are witnessing is the drones over Texas to spy on ranimbalance between the legislative dom citizens. Only individuals who branch of the central government are suspected with reasonable and the presidency. The war powcause could be the target of drone ers responsibility of Congress, surveillance, and only with a warlong surrendered to the imperial rant issued by a judge of an open commander in chief of Killing Inc., and public court.” is a national tragedy. details that in VirIn an article from This ginia, “Gov. Bob McDonnell has, Peter Weber raises an not decided whether he will sign a essential question: “Will Congress bill barring state and local agencies curb Obama’s drone strikes?”, from using drones for two years — and provides a mainstream asthe first legislation of its kind in the sessment that seems lacking within country that passed through the the federal government: state’s General Assembly Tuesday “Since at least the 9/11 atwith bipartisan support.” tacks, Congress has been less The National Defense Authothan confrontational with the rization Act (NDAA) is the latest White House over presidential unconstitutional measure that tarpowers to conduct war and antigets domestic citizens for punitive terrorism operations, to the dispunishment. Due process, now remay of civil libertarians. So we duced to “due or die,” is the harhad President George W. Bush’s binger of the use of domestic drone warrantless domestic wiretaps capitulation. What will it take to retroactively green-lighted by awaken submissive citizens to the Congress, torture only officially reality that the capability of foreign nixed by a change in presidents, Drones are being developed in all sizes, including some as small as insects deployed drones easily can — and and a big ramping-up of lethal is — being weaponized for local drones being used to kill terrorism suspects under “‘The prospect of cheap, small, portable flying operations? President Obama.” The Obama administration has demonstrated an The “esteemed” New York Times, part of the video surveillance machines threatens to eradicate existing practical limits on aerial monitoring and aleagerness to trump up a bogus domestic terrorist Obama-fawning media, continues to carry water for the administration. In the article “Congress to See low for pervasive surveillance, police fishing expe- threat that requires a surrender of the Bill of Rights. Memo Backing Drone Attacks on Americans,” it’s ditions and abusive use of these tools in ways that Reaper drones are a much greater peril than just a reported: “This week, NBC News obtained an un- could eliminate the privacy Americans have tradi- violation of privacy. A technology that is rapidly exclassified, shorter ‘white paper’ that detailed some tionally enjoyed in their movements and activities,’ panding and designed to militarize the police state of the legal analysis about killing U.S. citizens and the bill’s author, Sen. Robyn Driscoll, a Democrat into a killing field of reputed rebellious Americans violates true national security. was apparently derived from the classified Awlaki from Billings, testified.” With at least 30,000 drones expected to occupy “Making warfare more convenient and less emomemorandum. The paper said the United States U.S. airspace by 2020, John W. Whitehead, presitionally taxing” is the direct opposite of the horror of could target a citizen if he was a senior operational leader of Al Qaeda involved in plots against the coun- dent of The Rutherford Institute, has called on gov- battle. When a false flag surgical strike targets your ernment officials at the local, state, and federal level location and your person, it will not be an episode in try and if his capture was not feasible.” One might be accused of New York Times bash- to do their part to safeguard Americans against the a computer simulation. by Sartre

ing if you dare point out that their reporting resembles a briefing session from White House press secretary Jay Carney. The use of warbots on home soil is a short step from the spreading terminal sanctions of “homeland security.” warns of the threat from a robotic police state and the common ground to oppose this misuse of surveillance in the essay, “The Bipartisan Opposition to Domestic Drones”: “Both the progressive American Civil Liberties Union and the libertarian Rutherford Institute cheer legislative efforts to place strict limits on unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs. And, prodded by privacy groups, state lawmakers nationwide — Republicans and Democrats alike — have launched an all-out offensive against the unmanned aerial vehicles.

In this issue of The Nationalist Times: Drone Wrath Over America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 -- by Sartre How Radical Change Occurs in America . . . . . . Page 4 -- by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

The Nationalist Times March 2013

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The Nationalist Times Voice of the Real America Vol. XXIX No. 3 Issue #301 March 2013 “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes; 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests.

The Rise and Fall of Scott Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 -- by Ralph Filicchia

“In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, or write, they will declare themselves.” - Thomas Jefferson

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

The Nationalist Times is dedicated to returning Liberty to the Land by helping the American People liberate themselves from the elites who have manipulated and plundered the People and the Constitution in order to attain total power for themselves.

Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 The Power Structure Keeps Winning . . . . . . . . . Page 8 -- by Paul Craig Roberts The Weimar Republic Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 -- by John W. Altman The Changing American Character . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 -- by Fred Reed Conservatism Inc. and Sam Francis. . . . . . . . . . Page 12 -- by James Kirkpatrick

The Nationalist Times is published monthly, except for an occasional double issue, by the American Nationalist Union. Phone: 702-851-5861 E-Mail: Internet Domains: Subscription rates: $59 for one year, $109 for two years, $159 for three years. Outside the U.S.: Canada $70 per year, elsewhere $75 per year. Subscription rate is payable to The Nationalist Times, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89145. For subscriptions outside the U.S. payment must be made by international money order, a check drawn on a U.S. bank, or with U.S. cash. Advertising is generally on an agreed to reciprocal basis. EDITOR and FOUNDER: Don Wassall CONTRIBUTING WRITERS:

The White Geek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 -- by Ralph A. Brandt Why the 1950s Were Better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 -- by Yancey Ames Intelligence Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 -- by Don Wassall The U.S. Needs a Strong AFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 -- by Tom Sunic, Ph.D. AFP Supporters Rally Across Country . . . . . . . . Page 19 -- by Justin Rossi

John W. Altman Yancey Ames Ralph A. Brandt J. B. Cash Ralph Filicchia Dr. Adrian H. Krieg Patrick McCaffrey H. Millard Dr. Harrell Rhome Dave Rollins Nelson Waller Carson Watkins

The Nationalist Times believes strongly in the First Amendment, thus the opinions expressed in each issue are those of the author only and not necessarily endorsed by The Nationalist Times or the American Nationalist Union. Nothing may be reprinted from The Nationalist Times that is protected by the author’s copyright without that author’s permission. Other material contained herein may be reprinted provided The Nationalist Times is identified and full address and subscription rate given. The Post Office does not forward third class mail. Send all address changes to The Nationalist Times well in advance.

Page 4 The Nationalist Times March 2013

How Radical Change Occurs in America conservative and rural, turned into an ultra-liberal nightmare. The socialists took over the entire state. Burlington had an openly socialist mayor who later became a congressman and then one of Vermont’s U.S. senators. The indigenous populations of all the states where this shift took place did not change, and neither did that of their offspring. The demographics of the states changed due to being inundated by liberals who had systematically destroyed the states of their previous occupancy and now were doing the exact same thing to the states into which they had moved. “Progressives” never learn! I find it particularly interesting that the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), the spearhead of politically motivated attacks against Whites and conservatives, refuses to investigate or cover any event perpetrated by leftists. The SPLC has been abundantly clear to say, “We only investigate the political right.” The fact of the matter is that the political left is the home of people who want to harm others. This has always been the case. Socialism and communism was the source of all society-opposed actions of the 20th century. Nazism was a nationalistic socialist opposition to Soviet-inspired socialism and communism. The terrorists of the 20th century were the Bolsheviks, and Zionist terror groups such as Haganah, Irgun, Bat Ayin, Brit HaKanain, Malchut Yisrael, and the Tzrifin Underground. The political left controls mainstream media from

radio to movies to TV to print publications and all forms of advertising. Through this control they are able to hide the truth from Christians and the politiIt has come to my attention that any number of cal right conservatives, and thus from most of the previously conservative states have become quite libAmerican population. Through their control of bankeral in the last ten years. ing, as Theodor Herzl, first president of the World Now, most people would assume that this transZionist Federation, said, they “have the terrible power formation is due to a shift of public opinion, or a of the purse strings.” And as Baron Rothschild said change of mind by individual citizens; however they “Give me power over the money and I don’t care would be wrong. I lived in rural New Hampshire for who runs the government.” The fact that America’s 19 years in the northwestern part of the state, far left is wholly controlled by Zionist elements within away from Boston and the influences of liberal Masthe “progressive” movement is not disputable. sachusetts and New York. The Vermont border not Gradualism is the socialist means of accomplishfar away was rural and very conservative. When we ing their ends. It has been so from the beginning of built our home in the high hills of Acworth in the early all socialist movements. Application of these efforts 1970s, New Hampshire was staunchly conservative is more than just apparent in the U.S. at this time, with Republicans in control of both houses as well i.e., relentless uncontrolled immigration and the abas the governor’s seat. New Hampshire was the solute refusal to control our borders. The disarming most conservative state in New England or the Midof America by blaming weapons for crimes commitAtlantic. What changed? ted by men. The refusal to permanently incarcerate Beginning in the late ’70s, Massachusetts came violent criminals, sexual offenders, child molesters, to be called Taxachusetts. Liberals in that state who and social deviants. Sending hundreds of thousands could no longer afford the cost of living and taxes of Americans to fight in foreign wars for Israel. Esthere inundated Nashua, New Hampshire, an old mill tablishing a welfare system specifically designed to town. Boston is an easy commute from Nashua and break up families. The destruction of the dollar as a Concord and the balance of power changed from world reserve currency. The economic destruction conservative New Hampshire people to the new of America’s middle class. The systematic immigrants from Massachusetts. deindustrialization of North America through “free As they had done in Massachusetts, these new trade” policies instead of fair trade policies; all of immigrants immediately began to vote in people of these and much more are in play. like mind, the same type who had destroyed the Combined, these actions are designed to elimieconomy and social makeup of their former home nate America, state. Even the to utterly deRepublican stroy this nation Governor of and to make our Massachusetts, population desMitt Romney, titute and third purchased a world. The two home on Lake greatest spearWinnipesauke in heads of this are New Hampthe states of shire. New York and Meanwhile California. Both taxes in Constates have necticut and made industrial New York, both expansion imbastions of liberpossible, both alism, were skyhave instituted rocketing and taxes that are people from incompatible there also with managing a moved to Verstate; both are mont and New losing populaHampshire. tion just as DeNew Yorkers troit has, bemoved en mass cause all people into Vermont in gravitate to such huge numplaces where bers that the enthey are able to tire makeup of have gainful the state employment changed. Verand a reasonmont, which had able existence. previously been After ruining an area, instead of learning anything, white liberals migrate and destroy a new place by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

The Nationalist Times March 2013

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The Rise and Fall of Scott Brown by Ralph Filicchia Except in his own area of Massachusetts, most citizens of that state had never heard of Scott Brown. He was a state representative from 1998 to 2004 from the small town of Wrentham, not too far from the northeast border of Rhode Island, and then served as a state senator from same from 2004 to 2010. In 2010 Brown came into his own when he announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate to finish out the term of the recently departed Sen. Ted Kennedy. His opponent in that race was Massachusetts’ Democrat Attorney General, Martha Coakley. Fortunately for Scott Brown, Martha Coakley was not an inspiring candidate. She was a plain looking woman whom most voters thought did her job well — and that was it. She did not appear very personable and was even quoted as saying she should not have to campaign by standing out on street corners talking to people. But her followers still felt she had enough to win. After all, Scott Brown was a Republican from “nowhere,” and Massachusetts is pretty much a one party state. So, why worry? But soon voters noticed this tall, nice looking, well-spoken man traipsing around the state in his pickup truck and began to take notice. At that time Coakley was well ahead in the polls, but things soon began to change, especially after it was learned that Scott Brown had once posed partially nude in a national women’s magazine. But even that was not reason to vote for the man. The denizens of the most-blue state in America needed something more, and Brown finally gave it to them. The debate about Obama’s national health plan was in the air. Charges, rumors, misinformation and lies were flying everywhere, and according to the polls at that time, the majority of voters were opposed to the plan. And then Scott Brown hit one out of the park. He announced “I will be the forty-first vote against Obamacare.” which, if things had gone properly, would have killed it in the U.S. Senate. The reader should understand that by doing this, Scott Brown went as far to the right in a strong blue state as one could go. Ted Kennedy, the hero of Massachusetts who could do no wrong, and who had championed a national health care plan for years, had just recently passed away, and here was this young upstart publicly claiming that he was going to sink one of Ted Kennedy’s major goals in life. That took guts. But it paid off. Scott Brown not only won the election by a healthy margin — he even won in Hyannisport, the home of the famed Kennedy compound, and where Ted Kennedy spent much of his time and was well known. Republicans were ecstatic, both locally and nationally. There was even talk that some day Scott Brown could run for president. No longer would Massachusetts be a one party state. But once in Washington, Scott Brown began his long walk toward political suicide. He began listen-

ing to those who told him that if he wanted to get reelected from a state like Massachusetts he would have to move more toward the center. He would have to show that he was bipartisan and could work with Democrats to get things done, etc. This is the way to get along in Washington, and soon Scott Brown was heralded as one of the most bipartisan Senators in the Senate. He was even known by some Democrats as “their favorite Republican.” (Hardly a statement in which one should take pride.) It is true that Brown was never known as a conservative, as the term is commonly understood, but in his run for the Senate he did not exactly advertise himself as a liberal either. He was known mostly for possibly being “the 41st senator who could sink Obamacare.” And with this he won. But soon doubts about Brown began to sink in. What good was a bipartisan Senator? For many

Scott Brown people, being bipartisan meant knifing your supporters fifty percent of the time and expecting them to be happy about it. But why should they be happy with that? It didn’t ring right. This is not what we voted for. And then Scott Brown made one of his most fateful decisions. He voted against “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” and in the process did his part to help institutionalize sexual perversion into the culture. He tried appealing to 3 percent of the electorate at the expense of 95 or more percent of regular voters who he probably thought might not notice or really did not care. But he was wrong. Even in liberal Massachusetts there is a limit to the patience of common sense activists. After his book “Against All Odds” was published, Brown toured the state at book signings. One of his stops was in the nearby town of Belmont. I attended that event, not to buy a book, but to ask him a question. I caught up with him in one of the

corridors where he was surrounded by a small crowd and asked if he would take a question. He agreed, and I asked: “Senator, why did you vote against don’t ask, don’t tell? That seemed to be working fine. What do we gain by getting rid of it?” He looked me straight in the eye and said, “Gay soldiers come back in body bags just like everyone else. They deserve the same respect.” I answered, “They did not get shot because the were gay. Enemy soldiers don’t know your sexual orientation so I don’t see that as much of an argument. If a soldier comes back in a body bag and no one knows he’s gay why wouldn’t he get the same respect as anyone else? Furthermore, I was a member of the Massachusetts National Guard for 6 years and no one knew my sexual orientation and no one cared, and everything worked out just fine. Why wouldn’t it have worked out the same if I had happened to be gay?” After another one or two quick comments that made no more sense than his first comment, Brown turned away and left. At that moment I knew that I would not be voting for Scott Brown a second time. He did not seem to possess any core beliefs, and instead came across as the usual Washington establishment politician, seeking more to ingratiate himself with every possible group and interested mainly in getting re-elected at any price. In 2012 Brown ran for re-election against Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren, a fast talking chatterbox who claimed to be part Cherokee Indian. She talked about fairness for everyone, intimating that if you felt life had somehow shortchanged you (which probably included 80 percent of everyone everywhere) you should vote for her. Scott Brown, while occasionally taking digs at the “Indian stuff,” more or less said nothing apart from being a good family man and that he was the most bipartisan Senator in the U.S. Senate. (Why he thought that last comment was important, no one knows.) During the debates Brown rarely, if ever, mentioned that he was a Republican, and in answer to the question, “Will you be voting for Mitt Romney?” used some artful verbal footwork to avoid giving a direct answer. Soon rumblings were heard in various town Republican committees. “He’s no conservative — is he ashamed of being a Republican? He’s not talking about any issue that I care about. He’s like Romney, he won’t even criticize the Democrat Party etc, etc.” Scott Brown, the new hero on the block two years before, foolishly lost his base and went down to a 53 to 46 percent defeat at the hands of an extreme left Harvard professor who claimed to be part Indian but who could never prove it (even the Indians said she was not an Indian), and in the process became a struggling political joke. Yet she still won. But remember, this is Massachusetts.

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The Nationalist Times Founded 1985

Voice of the Real America

Genocide, USSA Style There is little doubt that the various advanced sicknesses afflicting America are rapidly metastisizing into full-blown psychoses. At Oberlin College outside of Cleveland, a single student claimed to have seen an individual wearing what he claimed was a Klan outfit lingering on the campus in the early morning hours. This single, unsubstantiated alleged sighting caused the school to cancel all the following day’s classes, to, as Steve Sailor put it, “hold a frenzied, Cultural Revolution-style rally against the rising tide of racism” at the ultra-liberal school. The Cultural Marxist corporate media went into a predictable frenzy over the incident, but it turns out that when the police had been called to the scene to investigate, instead of a robed Klansman, what they found in the area was a female pedestrian covered in a blanket. But only two newspapers in the country reported that inconvenient fact. So, like so many other “hate” incidents, this one appears to be a hoax. But truth is irrelevant in the contemporary U.S., where adherents of poisons such as liberalism are in witchhunt mode reminiscent of Salem in the 1700s. Just as with the non-existent “domestic terrorists” that Hollywood repeatedly revolves plots around on its prime-time hypnotic garbage, genuine “White racists” are few and far between to hunt down, and the resulting frustration from having no witches (White racists) to burn at the stake is driving elements of U.S. society mad. What term other than insane describes a land where the government on any given day is shooting, torturing and bombing people with state of the art military weaponry in a dozen or so Third World countries, but where six-year-olds who point their fingers like a gun, or who chew a muffin in such a way that the uneaten portion looks like a gun according to a teacher (true story) are suspended and publicized nationally? The witchhunt originates at the top. Let’s take a look at Barack Obama’s 35 pending nominees to be federal court judges. Of the 35, 17 are women, 15 are racial minorities, five are open homosexuals (there is some overlap between the categories), and just 6 are straight White men. That’s right, 6 judicial nominees out of 35 are non-homosexual White men, and those 6 are all likely anti-White liberals. White men are now a minority of Democrat Congressmen in the House of Representatives. The Republican Party leadership is doing everything possible to demographically mold their party to resemble that of the Democrats. In the USSA, there will not be total genocide against Whites. Whites will be “allowed” to exist, but as a small reviled minority dominated by lesbians and male homosexuals. This model is already the norm on television and commercials. It is quickly becoming the norm in “real life.” The re-election of Barack Obama has set off a feeding frenzy by Cultural Marxists to literally finish off White America. Other than the significant portion of America that supports the witchhunt, only the blind can deny what’s going on. There is no such thing as “equality.” The civil rights advocates, the feminists, the homosexuals, and the hypocritical Zionists, will never relent or show any mercy or compassion. The endgame is nothing less than total victory over their enemy of straight White men, traditional White women, and the White family, and of course the elimination of the accompanying White values of freedom, liberty, self-responsibility, morality, and truth. Don’t be among the blind. Support those who are opposing the witchhunters to the best of your ability.


Gun-Grabbing is Part of the One World Agenda If the purpose of the proposed legislation to outlaw certain guns is to reduce crime involving guns, the gun-grabbers are going about it ass-backwards. The city of Chicago is a perfect example that shows gun laws to be totally ineffective. If, on the other hand, the purpose of this anti-gun legislation is to disarm U.S. citizens and to prevent them from acquiring guns, then the proposed legislation makes sense. But one should ask the question: “Who benefits?” The beneficiaries of a disarmed public are the criminals and the government. But I repeat myself. If reducing crime with guns is a desirable goal, then I suggest that citizens insist that their servants in the government enforce the laws that are already in existence. I suggest that they fire any of them who refuse to do so, especially the prosecutors and judges who like to coddle criminals with mere slaps on the wrist and let them go with the admonition “mustn’t do.” I believe there should be a stronger law pertaining to crime with guns. Therefore, I propose that an “assaulter” ban be enacted. An assaulter would be defined as anyone who commits a crime using a gun. Someone who defends himself from attack by anyone, and uses a gun in doing so, would be specifically excluded from being defined as an assaulter. Under the “assaulter” ban, a gunrelated crime would be elevated to the status of a capital crime, subject to its attendant penalties. The gun-grabbers, who are a tool of the one-worlders, are becoming more vociferous — so much so that it can be seen that a state of war exists between us and them. The recent atrocity at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in which many children were slaughtered, could very well have been a false flag attack perpetrated by the one-worlders/gun grabbers. The crazed gun-wielder conveniently committed suicide, so that determining who his associates were prior to the disaster has been made more difficult. But not impossible. I’m certain that a connection exists between he and the gun-grabber establishment, and that he was acting under their direction. William Langman Bridge City, Texas Reality vs. Utopia People sometimes think of a perfect world with no problems, a utopian mindset so to speak. The reality is, utopia is confined only to a person’s mind. It just will not happen in the real world. The real world does consist of the good, bad and ugly. Each of these things do affect people in various ways. Unfortunately some bad and ugly things do occur to good people. Some people think getting rid of all guns will end all the bad/ugly and everything will be just “hunkie dory.” Those who believe in gun control are not going to be there to protect you. They will put you in a defenseless position. You are on your own. Calling 911 for help is limiting and gives a false sense of security. The minimum response time for a cop to show up is about four minutes. When someone is trying to harm you, four minutes is a long wait. Someone who is hell-bent on killing you is not going to take a “time out” to listen to your “reasoning.” You must meet deadly force with deadly force. As serious as it is, you must be prepared to defend yourself. Being well armed, well prepared and well trained is the best course to take. The only gun control a person should be concerned about is hitting what he is aiming at. Jack McNeely Armstrong, Illinois The Allies have been torturing for a long time The February issue of The Nationalist Times has a quote from Chris Floyd on Page 8 which begins as follows: “This is the reality of our age. What Americans and Britons once refused to do to Hitler’s minions — torture, abuse, and deprive them of legal rights — they now do routinely,” etc., etc. That is not true. Americans and Britons did not refuse to torture, abuse, and deprive of legal rights their prisoners of war after World War II. Quite the contrary. I suggest we study the archives and the facts, and stop repeating that type of post-WWII propaganda driven by financial motives. Many sources document the brutal torture used by Americans and Britons against their vanquished enemies. I will answer the quote from Chris Floyd with a quote from a genuine historian’s book: “[T]he French resistance summarily executed 8,348 people without trial. The U.S. Army war crimes trials at Dachau were a mockery of the law: defendants and witnesses there were savagely beaten or intimidated to make them sign false confessions; hooded prisoners were subjected to mock trials, ‘condemned

The Nationalist Times March 2013

to death’ and offered a ‘reprieve’ if they would sign statements incriminating other prisoners. . . U.S. Army officers in Nuremberg had brutalized aspects of [the] trial. . .” — David Irving, Nuremberg — The Last Battle, pg. 280. James Bacque’s book “Other Losses” documents the way Americans and Britons treated German prisoners of war after WWII — exterminating approximately 1,000,000 through starvation and exposure in prisoners’ camps. Dora Kennedy Miami, Florida Light will prevail Turn in your Bibles to the gospel of John 1:4 and 5. Here we read: “In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.” From these verses we can deduct that light and darkness are incompatible with each other and that light always prevails over darkness. The same principle applies to politics. In this case, light is knowledge and is a menace to the forces of darkness that rule our Evil Empire, because even a few individuals bearing their lighted candles in a dark room will expose their works. This means that more people will see and that more candles will be lit. Of course, when push comes to shove, those that foist their wicked policies on us will try to extinguish all the candles. But they cannot. For each one they souse, three or four will light up in their place. Even a lie that is repeated a thousand times cannot defeat the plain truth in the end, the result being that the brightness begins illuminating everything. Then the people will rise up to overthrow tyranny by force of arms and return the government to its rightful owners, who must not fear to do so, for God is on their side. God bless you and all your readers. Karl Schiffbauer Elizabeth, New Jersey Edward G. Robinson and HUAC The late Edward G. Robinson, or Emmanuel Goldenberg, had a string of Communist front citations ten miles long. These all arose in the late 1930s as he crusaded to alert the nation to the “Nazi threat.”

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that that the Communists had infiltrated Hollywood.” Communism never infiltrated Hollywood; the Jewish moguls and screenwriters simply welcomed the Jewish comrades with open arms. Edward G. Robinson is an outstanding case in point. Yancey Ames Cincinnati, Ohio

Edward G. Robinson But after World War II, when Soviet Russia became the new threat his crusading anti-Nazism (read: proCommunism) came back to haunt him. Robinson essentially got blacklisted for five years as a Communist, all the while claiming that he was a “100 percent American.” Finally, Eddie Robinson cracked. He published an article in which he claimed he had been “duped” and “taken advantage of” by Reds. Naturally, he had no idea, in his naiveté, that these were really Communist front organizations. In his anti-Nazi fervor he had been innocently deceived. Eventually, Cecille B. DeMille hired Robinson and the blacklist gradually lifted. Robinson’s last great role was with Steve McQueen in “The Cincinnati Kid.” He died in 1970. How believable was Robinson when he claimed that he had been duped? Robinson was essentially asking the public to believe that he, a Romanian Jew, working in Communist Hollywood at a time when Communism world-wide was a Jewish movement, had no idea what he was doing when he joined innumerable Communist fronts demanding war against the anti-Jewish Nazis. It is unlikely that the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) actually believed the recantation. More probably, they decided that Edward G. Robinson had had enough. It was never the intent of HUAC to drive the Reds out of Hollywood, merely to control and corral them. The strategy worked for approximately ten years. Then, in the 1960s, the Communists came out of the closet once more. Senator Jack Tenney of the California State Un-American Activities Committee once stated that if “the open door, the engraved invitation and the welcoming mat were the attributes of infiltration, then it could fairly be said

Become part of the solution Our rally against illegal immigration in Charleston, West Virginia on February 23rd was a successful one. It’s important to point out to those who weren’t there just much effect our presence on the streets has. For the most part, Nationalists can pass out literature with no problem whatsoever. We are bombarded 24/7/365 with liberal and globalist propaganda from all media sources. That’s why we need to pick up our activism and spread as much information around the country as possible. Don’t sit around and do nothing! Instead of being part of the problem, become part of the solution. Harry Bertram Maidsville, West Virginia Editor’s note: Harry Bertram is the Ballot Access Coordinator for the American Freedom Party and a long-time American Nationalist Union activist who passes out 300 copies of each issue of The Nationalist Times. Send your letters to The Nationalist Times, Letters to the Editor, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89145; e-mail: “The bedrock values of Reagan — work, family, faith — still hold an appeal for tens of millions. But the faith of our fathers is dying, the family is crumbling, and work is less desirable when the social welfare state offers a cushioned existence for life. . . [But] our economic course is unsustainable. And our regnant elite are more arrogant than the establishment of the 1960s, though less able to satisfy the clamors of their bawling constituencies for more and more from a country that is approaching an end of its tolerance and an inevitable crash.” — Pat Buchanan

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While Left and Right Fight, Power Wins by Paul Craig Roberts


y experience with the American left and right leads to the conclusion that the left sees private power as the source of oppression and government as the countervailing and rectifying power, while the right sees government as the source of oppression and a free and unregulated private sector as the countervailing and rectifying power. Both are concerned with restraining the power to oppress, but they take opposite positions on the source of the oppressive power and remedy. The right is correct that government power is the problem, and the left is correct that private power is the problem. Therefore, whether power is located within the government or private sectors cannot reduce, constrain, or minimize power. How does the progressive Obama Regime differ from the tax-cut, deregulation Bush/ Cheney regime? Both are complicit in the maximization of executive branch power and in the minimization of citizens’ civil liberties and, thus, of the people’s power. Did the “progressive” Obama reverse the right-wing Bush’s destruction of habeas corpus and due process? No. Obama further minimized the people’s power. Bush could throw us in prison for life without proof of cause. Obama can execute us without proof of cause. They do this in the name of protecting us from terrorism, but not from their terrorism. Americans who have no experience with, or knowledge of, tyranny believe that only terrorists will experience the unchecked power of the state. They will believe this until it happens to them, or their children, or their friends. The view of human nature held by the right and the left depends on whether the human nature is located in the private sector or the government sector (“public sector”). For the right (and for libertarians) human nature in the private sector is good and serves the public; in the government sector human nature is evil and oppressive. For the left, it is the opposite. As the same people go back and forth from one sector to the other, one marvels at the transformations of their character and morality. A good man becomes evil, and an evil man becomes good, depending on the location of his activities. One of my professors, James M. Buchanan, who won a Nobel Prize, pointed out that people are just as self-serving whether they are in the private sector or in government. The problem is how to constrain government and private power to the best extent possible. Our Founding Fathers’ solution was to minimize the power of government and to rely on contending factions among private interests to prevent the rise of an oligarchy. In the event that contending private

interests failed, the oligarchy that seized the government would not have much public power to exercise. The Founding Fathers’ design more or less worked except for interludes of civil war and economic crisis until the Cold War built up the power of government and the de-regulation of the Clinton and Bush presidencies built up the power of private interests. It all came together with the accumulation of new, dictatorial powers in the executive branch in the name of protecting us from terrorists and with de-regulation’s creation of powerful corporations “too big to fail.” Now we have a government whose elected members are beholden to a private oligarchy, con-

sisting of the military/security complex, Wall Street and the financial sector, the Israel Lobby, agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, and the energy, mining, and timber businesses, with the power to shut down people’s protests at their exploitation by robber barons and government alike. Vast amounts of government debt have been added to taxpayers’ burdens in order to fight wars that only benefit the military/security complex and the Israel Lobby. More vast amounts have been added in order to force taxpayers to cover the reckless gambling bets of the financial sector. Taxpayers are denied interest on their savings in order to protect the balance sheets of a corrupt financial sector. Legitimate protestors are brutalized by police and equated by Homeland Security with “domestic extremists,” defined by Homeland Security as a close relation to terrorists. Today Americans are not safe from government or private power and suffer at the hands of both. What can be done? From within probably very little. The right blames the left, and the left blames

the right. The two sides are locked in ideological combat while power grows in the private and public sectors, but not the benevolent power that the two ideologies suppose. Instead, a two-headed power monster has risen. If the power that has been established over the American people is to be shattered, it will come from outside. The Federal Reserve’s continuing monetization of the enormous debt that Washington is generating can destroy the dollar’s exchange value, sending up interest rates, collapsing the bond, stock, and real estate markets, and sinking the economy into deep depression at a time in history when Americans have exhausted their savings and are deeply in debt with high levels of joblessness and homelessness. The rise in import prices from a drop in the dollar’s exchange value would make survival an issue for a large percentage of the population. Overnight the U.S. could transition from superpower to third world penitent begging for a rescue program. Who would grant it? The Russians encircled by U.S. military bases and whose internal security is disrupted by inflows of American money to dissident groups in an effort to destabilize the Russian state? The Chinese, the government of which is routinely denounced by a hypocritical Washington for human rights abuses while Washington surrounds China with newly constructed military bases and new deployments of troops and naval vessels? South America, a long-suffering victim of Washington’s oppression? Europe, exhausted by conflicts and by Washington’s organization of them as puppet states and use of them as mercenaries in Washington’s wars for hegemony? No country, except perhaps the bought-andpaid-for puppets of Britain, Canada, Australia, and Japan, would come to Washington’s aid. In the ensuing collapse, the power of Washington and the power of the private robber barons would evaporate. Americans would suffer, but they would be rid of the power that has been established over them and that has changed them from a free people to exploited serfs. This is, perhaps, an optimistic conclusion, but those relatively few Americans who are aware need some hope. This is the best that I can do. The majority of Americans remain trapped in their unawareness, which implies a bleak future. The insouciance of the American population is its downfall. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration and was associate editor of The Wall Street Journal.

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The Weimar Republic Revisited by John W. Altman


lthough I am not an economist and have scant interest and no proficiency whatsoever in the intricacies of finance and money-making, however, as a student of history and a former teacher, I am well-enough acquainted with some of the essentials of Economics 101 to know something about the subject. One of the “essentials,” of course is inflation, or the decrease in the value of money as its supply is increased. Are Americans now concerned about the unpleasant reality of rising prices of food and other commodities and of their hard-earned money buying less and less? Are they worried about inflation, and do they remember hearing in school or reading somewhere of the Weimar Republic of Germany in the early 1920s? Unfortunately, this was the government imposed upon the German people by Woodrow Wilson and the Allies as a result of their defeat in World War I, and they bitterly resented the foreign intrusion into their internal affairs. As such it became a symbol of humiliation and defeat to many Germans and a cause for revenge, should the opportunity ever arise. To further irritate and compound the situation, there was the widespread belief among many Germans that Weimar culture was inspired and controlled by Jews. To quote the British historian Paul Johnson, “The Jews, it is true, had been prominent in the first Communist movements. . . [and] Jews were very active at the foundation of Weimar. . .” In particular areas of culture was this especially the case. “In every department of the arts,” Johnson wrote, “where change had been the most sudden and repugnant to conservative tastes, Jews had been active in the transformation.” Weimar rapidly became a milieu of culture decline where “sexual freedom and pacifism were exalted, the army, the state, the university, the Church and, above all, the comfortable, industrious middle classes, were savaged and ridiculed,” inciting traditional Germans to fury. Not surprisingly, the “darling” of Weimar society and veritable personification of Weimar decadence was the disgusting, much hated writer and satirist Kurt Tucholsky, a Jew who wrote: “There is no secret of the German Army I would not hand over to a foreign power.” Founded in January of 1919, the Weimar Republic lasted for 14 years and expired on January 30, 1933, a date that would alter the course of Germany and the Western world. Faced with enormous war debts (reparations) and other expenses it could not pay, as well as a rapidly declining economy and the threat of an invasion and occupation of the Ruhr by the French if it did not pay (which later happened), the Weimar government resorted to desperate measures. It began to print more and more German marks, the Ger-

man presses working at top speed day and night to supply the demand. The effect on the value of the German mark was catastrophic. In June of 1923 the mark fell to 100,000 for a U.S. dollar; by August to 5,000,000; by September to 100,000,000; by October to more than 1,000,000,000,000 marks for a dollar. Try to imagine, if you can: Ten years earlier, in 1913, one German mark was worth two dollars and 38 cents. By November 15, 1923 it took 4,000,000,000,000 (4 trillion, two hundred billion) marks to equal one dollar, or a little less than what it would cost to buy a loaf of white bread at a Walmart store today! The consequences? As recorded in one history book: “The inflation crisis was unprecedented in the history of modern industrial states. Fortunes that had been built up over a period of centuries disappeared overnight. Hardest hit was the lower middle

A woman with bundles of worthless German marks in 1923 class. At one fell swoop inflation wiped out pensions, savings, and insurance. This class never recovered from the blow, and many of its members became embittered toward the republic.” Nearly a million German civilians had died from starvation as the result of the wartime British blockade. Now, again, facing abject poverty and starvation, what did they do? They desperately looked for a leader (Ein Fuhrer) who would come to their aid, bring order to their society and the government, and save their nation. You do not have to guess who was waiting in the wings to snatch political victory from the jaws of national humiliation and defeat. It was from the ranks of these impoverished Germans that the leader later gained many of his most fanatical followers. It was something that nearly every German would long remember. “For millions of its victims,” wrote Johnson, “the legacy of the Great Inflation would be

an inextinguishable, burning hatred of Weimar and its managers. . . of the Treaty [of Versailles] and the Allies and those in Germany who had been associated with them. In a nation that is rapidly becoming a veritable cesspool of human garbage, what will middle class Americans do if they are wiped out financially by runaway inflation caused by the privately-owned Federal Reserve and other abuses from the policies of corrupt politicians and a “leader” who is and always has been a crypto-Marxist and liar? The answer: They must return to the Constitution of the Founding Fathers as embodied in the principles and platform of the recently formed American Freedom Party. What will I do? I will adhere to a nationalist party with able, charismatic leaders who will strive to give our country victory, recovery and stability, as well as cultural and ethnic solidarity. “Having known a few European-background foreigners of exceptional mien who journeyed through the (legal) U.S. citizenship gauntlet instead of just doing the easy thing and jumping the border, and having heard their stories of woe navigating layer upon layer of inexcusably combative [feminists] and sneering diversity hire ballast, I can attest to the authenticity of [internet blogger] PA’s experience. “So this is what America is becoming: Land of the Ivy League dyke and home of the antiWhite bigot. A degenerate army of feminist and racialist bureaucrat multicultists who not-sosecretly despise White men staffs our government agencies, top to bottom, front to back, floor to ceiling, cubicle to cubicle, shore to shore. The very immigrants we should be welcoming with open arms — smart, White Europeans — are the immigrants to which our (literal) gatekeepers are most hostile, preferring instead to smile broadly and swing the doors widely to indigent Somali tribesmen. “Way to put your best face forward, America! “I would trade one million American lesbian feminists for one foreign-born PA. It wouldn’t increase my competition — that’s one million fewer man-hating beasts despoiling my environment and spreading the virus of slothful [obesity] among the few remaining slender American women — and it would add one more ally in the war against the ideological perversion known here as equalism. And if you think America isn’t stacked and packed with one million quasidyke feminists, well, you haven’t been here long enough to appreciate the comprehensive cave the voices of reason made to the forces of treason. “America is no longer the country she once was. She’s now a fragile papier-maché prop containing nothing but wire hanger and air inside her. Won’t take much more than a match to burn her sad effigy to the ground.” — Roissy

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Gun Control and the Changing American Character by Fred Reed


staple of American self-esteem is that we Yanks are brave, free, independent, self-reliant, ruggedly individual, and disinclined to accept abuse from anyone. This was largely true in, say, 1930. People lived, a great many of them, on farms where they planted their own crops, built their own barns, repaired their own trucks, and protected their own property. They were literate but not educated, knew little of the world beyond the local, but in their homes and fields they were supreme. Even in the early 1960s, in rural King George County, Virginia, where I grew up, it was still mostly true. The country people built their own boats to crab in the Potomac, converted junked car engines to marine, made their own crab pots, planted corn and such, and hunted deer. There was very little contact with the government. One state trooper was the law, and he had precious little to do. I say the following not as an old codger painting his youth in roseate hues that never were, but as serious sociology: We kids could get up on a summer morning, grab the .22 or .410, put it over our shoulder and go into the country store for ammunition, and no one looked twice. We could go by night to the dump to snap-shoot rats, and no one cared. We could get our fishing poles — I preferred a spinning reel and bait-casting tackle — and fish anywhere we pleased on Machodoc Creek or the Potomac. We could drive unwisely but joyously on winding wooded roads late at night and nobody cared. Call it “freedom.” We were free, and so were the country folk on their farms and with their crabbing rigs. Because we were free, we felt free. It was a distinct psychology, though we didn’t know it. Things then changed. The country increasingly urbanized. So much for rugged.

It became ever more a nation of employees. As Wal-Mart and shopping centers and factories moved in, the farmers sold their land to real-estate developers at what they thought mind-boggling prices, and went to work as security guards and truck drivers. Employees are not free. They fear the boss, fear dismissal, and become prisoners of the retirement system. So much for Marlboro Man. Self-reliance went. Few any longer can fix a car or the plumbing, grow food, hunt, bait a hook or install a new roof. Or defend themselves. Government came like a dust storm of fine choking powder, making its way into everything. You could no longer build a shed without a half-dozen permits and inspections. You couldn’t swim without a lifeguard, couldn’t use your canoe without Coast Guardapproved flotation devices and a card saying that you had taken an approved course in how to canoe. Cops proliferated with speed traps. The government began spying on email, requiring licenses and permits for everything, and deciding what could and could not be taught to one’s children, who one had to associate with, and what one could think about what or, more usually, whom. With this came feminization. The female preference for security over freedom set in like a hard frost. We became afraid of second-hand smoke and swimming pools with a deep end. As women got in touch with their inner totalitarian, we began to outlaw large soft drinks and any word or expression that might offend anyone. Thus much of the country morphed into helpless flowers, narcissistic, easily frightened, profoundly ignorant video-game twiddlers and Facebook Argonauts. As every known poll shows, even what purport to be college graduates do not know who fought in World War One, or that there was a Mexican-American War, or where Indochina is. Serving as little more than cubicle fodder, they

could not survive a serious crisis like the first Depression. And they look to the collective, the Hive, for protection. The notion of individual self-defense, whether with a fist or a Sig 9, is, you know, like scary, or, well, just wrong or macho or something. I mean, if you find an intruder in your house at night, shouldn’t you, like, call a caring adult? Many who grew up in the former America, and a good many today in the South and West, substantially adhere to the old values. They won’t last. We live in the day of the Hive,. But for these relics, who like to wind the Harley to a hundred-and-climbing on the big empty roads out West, who throw the deer rifle in the gun rack on the first day of the season, who set out into the High Desert for sheer love of sun and barren rock and sprawling isolation — the terror of guns, of everything, makes no sense. They — we — grew up with guns. Since nobody ever shot anybody accidentally or otherwise, we accepted as obvious: that people, not guns, committed murder. Did shotguns leap into the air of their own volition, point themselves, and open fire? Or did someone pull the trigger? If a murderer shot his victim, did you put the gun in jail, or the murderer? If remote urban barbarians below the level of civilization shot people, what did that have to do with us? A different America, a different culture. We really were free. You could come out of the house on a summer morning and let the dogs run loose in the fields, nobody ever having heard of a dog license. You could change the oil in your car or rewire your basement without the county meddling. You could shoot varmints eating your garden and no one cared. The government left you alone. This is not an unimportant part of the dispute over guns — wanting to be left alone. Nobody in America, ever again, is going to be left alone. Not ever.

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The Nationalist Times March 2013

Page 11

The American Nationalist

Hot off the presses, “The American Nationalist, Essays on the American Experience,” is a compilation of the best articles appearing in The Nationalist Times newspaper from 2003 through 2012. Provocative and prescient, read the timeless wisdom of Nationalist Times Editor Don Wassall and other great writers like Dr. Adrian H. Krieg, John W. Altman, Dr. Harrell Rhome, Yancey Ames, John Otis, Nancy Levant, Sartre, Dave Rollins, Ralph Filicchia, John Bell, J. B. Cash and others. “The American Nationalist” is a must-have for Nationalist Times subscribers, and also makes a great educational gift for those who are just learning about the causes of America’s ills and the solutions needed to get our oncegreat Republic back on course. “The American Nationalist” is a 272 page softcover book. Price is $13.95 per copy. Postage and handling is $3.00. Add an additional $1.50 per book if ordering more than one. Send your order to: Northern Voice Bookstore, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89145.

Page 12 The Nationalist Times March 2013


Conservatism Inc. and Sam Francis by James Kirkpatrick Sam Francis died eight years ago today (February 15). To a significant extent, the Conservatism Inc. parasite that captured the movement to which he gave his life depends on a diluted version of his work — while struggling to prevent the emergence of another Sam Francis. Until he was purged, Francis’ career could be regarded as a successful model for young Beltway conservatives. He worked as a faithful Cold Warrior and analyst at the Heritage Foundation (where he authored “The Soviet Strategy of Terror”), did his time on Capitol Hill with Senator John East, and received awards for his commentary at The Washington Times — the newspaper to which Reagan gave partial credit for winning the Cold War. Francis was not a marginal figure throwing bombs from the outside, but a product of the late, great Conservative Movement™ at the height of its power. Francis frankly acknowledged his intellectual debt to his conservative predecessors, especially James Burnham of National Review. From Burnham, Francis took the concept of the “New Class” — the apparatchiks who actually run the managerial state. The “New Class” has an institutional hostility to traditional familial and patriotic loyalties, seeming them as a barrier to their totalitarian control of economics, culture, and government. Burnham’s used this analytical framework to study Cold War geopolitics. Francis applied it to something ultimately more important — the Death of the West. The thought of Sam Francis can be summarized in three words — “who not what.” The New Class is pushing through a cultural, economic and governmental program that dispossesses the historic American nation. In theory, this should lead to a purely rationalistic and materialistic order where Americans become disposable cogs in the global economy. In practice, because race at the least “carries and parallels culture” if it doesn’t actually determine it, America as a meaningful national entity is being displaced and replaced by a distinctly alien order, gradually stripping White Americans of cultural, economic, and governmental power. Whether the emerging non-white America will be in fact more amendable to technocratic rule, or whether short-sighted corporate elites are selling the rope that will be used to hang them, is a separate (and very interesting) question. In Francis’s view, Americans who want to keep their country must be “willing to challenge and derail the ruling class that gains money and power from the mass immigration it has permitted. It is doubtful that working through either of the two major political parties today can accomplish that, and Americans who seek to preserve their nation from the destruction that immigration brings will have to start building new parties and constructing new coalitions. And to do so, they will have to think seriously about how to rid their country of the elites that are destroying it.” [America Extinguished: Mass Immigration and the Disintegration of American Culture, 2002]

Francis further developed his thesis to identify the key importance of race as a necessary (but not sufficient) basis for preserving historic America and its nation-state. Anti-white racism is the ideological justification for destroying it. As Francis put it in the book Race and the American Prospect: “At a time when anti-white racial and ethnic groups define themselves in explicitly racial terms, only our own unity and identity as a race will be able to meet their challenge. If and when their challenge should triumph and those enemies come to kill us... as Robert Mugabe has threatened to do to whites in Zimbabwe, they will do so not because we are ‘Westerners’ or ‘Americans’ or ‘Christians’ or ‘conservatives’ or ‘liberals,’ but because we are White.” Burnham had it right when he called liberalism the “ideology of Western suicide.” But the genius of

The late, great Sam Francis Sam Francis was that he fully developed what Burnham only hinted at. Just as Francis identified the destruction of America as a part of a social-historical process driven by the New Class, he also identified the constituency that could oppose it — the marginalized and mocked “Middle American Radicals.” They had supported George Wallace, transformed into Reagan Democrats, and formed the backbone of the Buchanan Brigades that mounted the desperate Pickett’s Charge to save conservatism. Given the proper political leadership, the “Radical Middle” composed of the dispossessed core of the country could overturn the power structure. Francis’s identification of the American nation’s racial core doomed his career within the increasingly Politically Correct Beltway Right. But his most subversive (and interesting) theoretical work was in describing how the anti-White System developed and how the corporate and cultural elites were critical components of it. So, even if Francis had adopted Conservatism Inc’s official tactic of simply lying to

its supporters about racial realities, his lèse majesté against globalism would have threatened his job security. While Reagan talked of winning the Cold War, Samuel Francis talked of winning the (far more important) Culture War. And he actually had identified the strategic framework and constituency to do it. Not for nothing did Buchanan call him the “Clausewitz of the Right.” Living in Obama’s Post-America, we know the tragic end of this story. Conservatism Inc. chose respectability over even the possibility of victory. However, Francis’ work has provided fuel for the furnace — or rather, for America’s funeral pyre. Thus Tim Stanley’s biography of Pat Buchanan, “The Crusader,” shows that that the contemporary conservative movement apes Buchanan’s confrontational style but has stripped out the substance; David Brooks, Ross Douthat, and Dinesh D’Souza make a living rendering Steve Sailer’s work down into an Acceptable Republican Narrative. Similarly, Sam Francis’s analysis of elites has been rendered anodyne so it can better fit into conservative talk radio. CONSERVATISM INC. IS A DELIBERATE DEAD-END Angelo Codevilla’s 2010 “The Ruling Class,” enthusiastically promoted by Rush Limbaugh as an “important work,” served as a useful theoretical guide for the Tea Party insurrection. It echoes Francis in many ways, noting, “Today’s Ruling Class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, compete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment) and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters — speaking the same language — serves as a badge of identity.” [See America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution, American Spectator, July/August 2010] Codevilla identifies the opposing sides as the “Ruling Class” and the “Country Class” — home of the civil society and the real America. Of course, Codevilla then careens wildly off the rails: he identifies the key characteristic of the “Ruling Class” as “whether in government power directly or as officers in companies, their careers and fortunes depend on government.” This must be a surprise to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and corporate leaders like the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, the leading executives of Google, and Mark Zuckerburg — all of whom supported Democrats. Thus Codevilla lets globalization, left leaning corporations, and the destructive effects of capitalism qua capitalism off the hook. It’s wildly inaccurate and lazy — but it’s also necessary. Conservatism Inc. requires that the questions of who raised by Sam Francis must be transformed into questions of what. Rather than progressive liberalism being part of a social-historic process guided by certain constituencies, the Beltway Right

The Nationalist Times March 2013

has to believe this is simply an ideological dispute; and that if we can get people to read the right books about economic growth, it will all be OK. Not surprisingly, Codevilla, self-appointed champion of the “Country Class,” is also an advocate for amnesty and thinks one of America’s biggest problems is a labor shortage. To admit otherwise would require recognition of racial realities, of the conflict between national patriotism and international finance; and a policy realignment to actually defend the interests of the core American population. That admission would destroy the Conservative Establishment as it currently exists. Far better for all factions (“liberty movement” and Establishment alike) to fantasize about converting all the imported diversity to an abstract agenda of “limited government” — by talking to them in Spanish if necessary. Conservatism Inc. does rely rhetorically on a theoretical framework that identifies a post-national elite hostile to the “real America” pushing a leftist worldview through its controlled media, academic, and cultural organs. But it simply transfers the re-

sponsibility from a New Class animated by antiWhite sentiment into “big government.” The result: “real” Americans’ concrete resentments are harnessed but frittered away on tangential targets, or funneled into simplistic “free market” rhetoric that makes things worse. Thus when Obama speaks about immigration to a crowd of Latinos and tells them to “punish” their “enemies,” John Boehner sobs that it’s an attack on “the values of limited government.” Because of the these ideological false starts, one could argue that when the Middle American Revolution finally arrived, the only results were patriots in the Heartland eating “freedom fries,” burning Dixie Chicks CDs, and preparing for the great crusade to bring gay rights to Baghdad. And this is the way Conservatism Inc. wants it. The entire propaganda apparatus of the movement (the “Republican Noise Machine” as Media Matters chief David Brock calls it) is built upon harnessing the resentments of the Middle American Radicals and exploiting their implicit White identity in the interests of a corporate agenda. It runs a dumbed-

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down version of the playbook bequeathed to them by Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis. Meanwhile, the entire internal structure of the movement is dedicated to making sure no one connects the dots between the power of the Beltway Right and the contrasting interests of its White constituents on issues like racial preferences, trade, fiscal policy, and most critically, immigration. Rather than challenging the “Ruling Class,” Conservatism Inc. serves as an indispensable support. Like the dispossessed creatures of Animal Farm, marginalized at the very moment of victory, we are on the outside looking in: “[They] looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again but already it was impossible to say which was which.” On this sad anniversary of Sam Francis’s death, the mission he set out for us remains the same — dispossess the dispossessors, break the power of the New Class, and rally the traditional American nation to capture or replace its stolen birthright.

The White Geek by Ralph A. Brandt This month’s column was an easy one for me to do. I simply copied what I read off a website. Sergeant Joe Friday used to say, “I want the facts, ma’am, just the facts.” Sometimes reporting the facts without any editorializing is the best way to go. The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) for this website is http:// . Most U.S. federal gun control legislation has been written, introduced, and sponsored by Jewish Congressmen and Jewish Senators. The Gun Control Act of 1968 came from Congressman Emanuel Celler’s House bill H.R. 17735. It expanded legislation already attempted by the nonJewish Senator Thomas Dodd. America’s biggest and most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew. In 1988 Senator Howard Metzenbaum sponsored Senate bill S.1523. It proposed legislation turning every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses. In 1988 Senator Howard Metzenbaum co-sponsored a bill — S.2180 — to ban, or limit/restrict socalled “plastic guns.” In 1990 Senator Herbert Kohl introduced bill S.2070, the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, which banned gun possession in a school zone. The law was later struck down in court as unconstitutional. In 1993 Senator Howard Metzenbaum sponsored Senate Bill S.653. It banned specific semiautomatic rifles. It also gave the Secretary of the Treasury the power to add any semiau-

tomatic firearm to the list at a later date. In February of 1994 the Brady Law, which required waiting periods to buy handguns, became effective. Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill. Senator Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill in the House was Congressman Charles Schumer. In 1994 Senator Howard Metzenbaum introduced S.1878, the Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1994, aka “Brady II.” Congressman Charles Schumer sponsored “Brady II’ sister legislation (HR 1321) in the U. S. House of Representatives. In September of 1994 the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 went into effect, including a provision that banned the manufacture and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as “assault weapons.” This gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Senator Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Charles Schumer. In 1995, Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg, and others introduced the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down

Charles Schumer

in court as being unconstitutional. In September of 1996, the Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision became law. It was part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It was sponsored by Senator Frank Lautenberg. It banned people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun. In 1997 Senate bill S.54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997, proposed much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws, including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It was introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Hatch, among others. It returned the idea of turning every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense. In January of 1999 Senator Barbara Boxer introduced bill S.193, the American Handgun Standards Act of 1999. In January of 1999 Senator Herbert Kohl introduced bill S.149, the Child Safety Lock Act of 1999. It would require a child safety lock in connection with transfer of a handgun. In February of 1999 Senator Frank Lautenberg introduced bill S.407, the Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999. In February of 1999 Senator Frank Lautenberg introduced S.443, the Gun Show Accountability Act of 1999. In March of 1999 Senator Frank Lautenberg introduced bill S.560, the Gun Industry Accountability Act of 1999. In March of 1999 Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced bill S.594, the Large Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999. In May of 2000 Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Lautenberg, and Schumer sponsor Senate bill S.2515, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2000. It was a plan for a national firearms li-

Page 14 The Nationalist Times March 2013 censing system. In January of 2001 Senators Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer sponsored Senate bill S.25, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2001. It was a nationwide gun registration plan (apparently there were two versions of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill). In May of 2003 Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer, and others introduced legislation that would re-authorize the 1994 federal assault weapons ban, and close a loophole in the law that allowed largecapacity ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban had been set to expire in September of 2004. In October of 2003 Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin, and Schumer co-sponsored bill S.1774, designed to drop the sunset (ending) of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988. In March of 2005 Senator Frank Lautenberg introduced bill S.645, “to reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act,” in other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban (also known as the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994”) which had expired in late 2004. In July of 2005 Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced bill S.A. 1721 – Fifty-Caliber Sniper Weap-

ons. This amendment would convert all .50 BMG firearms to NFA weapons. In July of 2005 Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced bill S.A. 1622 – Fifty-Caliber Exclusion to S.397. This amendment would modify S.397 to allow suits when the firearm involved was a .50 caliber weapon. In July of 2005 Senator Barbara Boxer introduced bill S.A.1633 – BATFE Safety Standards. This amendment allowed lawsuits to continue/be brought if the product did not meet the safety standards as defined by the BATFE. In July of 2005 Senator Barbara Boxer introduced bill S.A.1634 – “Sporting Use” on Domestic Handguns. Applying “sporting use” clause requirements to domestic handguns could, almost completely, dry up the handgun availability in the United States. If you do go to the website, you will get a good set of mug shots of the main players in this legislation. If you do go to the website, be warned that some of the comments are . . . uhh . . . shall I say . . . low class. * * * * * One phrase that has been appearing in a lot of places is “social media.” The social media is the many

digital ways that people can communicate with one another. There are new variations of social media coming out every year. Sometimes trying to stay current with all the new versions of social media is like trying to drink out of a fire hose. I would like to comment on one obscure but interesting corner of the social media. This is called PalTalk. All it takes to participate in PalTalk are either a laptop computer with a built in mic and speaker, or a desktop computer with a set of headphones with a mic. The software for PalTalk can be downloaded for free. PalTalk is like the AM radio of the social media. When you first log onto PalTalk you will see a list of browse categories. The category you want to select is “Social Issues and Politics.” When you click on this category, another list will pop up. From this second list, you want to select “Government and Politics.” It will then show the names of the individual chatrooms with the number of users in each chatroom. A lot of these chatrooms come and go. One of the more interesting ones has the name “which group we can not criticize.” You will encounter a lot of people with British accents in these rooms. PalTalk has become popular with people in the BNP.

Why the 1950s Were Better by Yancey Ames American conservatives frequently decry the collapse of the American social structure starting in the late 1960s. But they rarely get to the heart of what caused the collapse. The 1950s were great because the Jewish Communists in Hollywood were driven underground. Once these Jewish Reds returned to the movies it was only a matter of time before White, middle class America was destroyed. There will be those who will call this a gross oversimplification of an issue. But it really is not. America in the 1950s was strong because the value system of the country was largely unchallengeable in those days. Communists like Paul Jarrico, Joseph Losey, Jim Berry and Hannah Weinstein were driven overseas and had to work out of England and Europe. Weinstein in particular worked out of Great Britain and produced the Robin Hood TV series from

1955-1959 in which the poor robbed the rich in accordance with Communist doctrine. Losey produced an infamous screen biography of Trotsky starring Richard Burton. Jarrico, writer of the infamous Song of Russia starring Robert Taylor, finally returned to the U.S. after many years to become a professor of film at UCLA. Of course, the Communists never did disappear from Hollywood even at the height of the HUAC purge. CBS produced the highly rated “You Are There” show written by three Jewish Communists — Abe Polonsky, Walter Bernstein and Walter Manoff. Communists Frank Rinaldo and Robert Lees wrote the popular Abbott and Costello comedies that continued to be produced until the early 1950s. Still, it was the 1960s that brought the Communists back to Hollywood. Kirk Douglas brought Dalton Trumbo back into the open by formally crediting him and Jewish Communist Howard Fast with writing Spartacus. By the end of the decade the son of the former Hollywood Ten screen writer, Ring Lardner, Jr., was writing subversive comedy, ala the movie M.A.S.H. The “sexual revolution” of the 1960s was triggered in 1959 by the comedy Pillow Talk directed by “former” Communist Michael Gordon. He followed this smash success with Boys Night Out with Kim Novak in 1962 and Texas Across the River with Rosemary Forsyth in 1966. The 1960s mania for civil rights and racial equality was largely triggered by another “former” Communist, Jerry Robbins (Rabinowitz), the director of West Side Story. The movie was scripted by the Jewish neoCommunist Arthur Laurents and scored by the Communist fronter Leonard Bernstein. The formerly blacklisted also started making their way back into the movies. Herschel Bernardi, the

voice of the Jolly Green Giant, starred with Natalie Wood in Love with the Proper Stranger. Elmer Bernstein, the composer for the film, had caught the notice of the House Un-American Activities Committee for having written musical reviews for a New York Communist newspaper in his youth. Zero Mostel, blacklisted in the ‘50s, returned in 1966 in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. By the end of the decade pure Communist propaganda was appearing in Alice’s Restaurant with Arlo Guthrie, and Tell Them Willie Boy is Here directed by Abraham Polonsky. The 1970s brought crud like Archie Bunker with Carroll O’Connor and Mary Hartmann, Mary Hartmann with Louise Lasser. And let us not omit to mention 1969’s Midnight Cowboy directed by Communist Waldo Salt and starring his daughter Jennifer. The reader will note that these Communist productions are not the “in your face” productions like Mission to Moscow. They are essentially soft-core productions designed to implant Communist ideas by slant and indirection. If you do not like blacks you are an Archie Bunker style bigot, not a legitimately afraid of black crime and reduced property values. If you believe in traditional sex roles, then you want a “Stepford Wife,” per Nora Levin. But it is pure Communism sold by the medium everyone watches. “The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.” — Samuel Adams

The Nationalist Times March 2013


With each passing day, the gulf between the ruling tyranny and the American people grows wider, as does the gulf between the fairy tale version of “reality” presented by the corporate media and the actual facts. The stock market surges to an alltime high, yet the economy has not improved for the vast majority of Americans. Even the mega-retailers that have replaced small business stores are continuing to dramatically retrench. According to a Yahoo Finance article, Best Buy is forecast to be closing 200 to 250 stores, Sears will be closing 100 to 125 Sears stores and 175 to 225 K-Marts, J.C. Penney will be closing 300 to 350 stores, Office Depot will be shutting down 125 to 150 stores, OfficeMax is forecasting 150 to 175 closed stores, Barnes & Noble will be closing 190 to 240 stores, and Radio Shack will be closing 450 to 550 stores. Even WalMart is struggling; Jerry Murray, Wal-Mart’s vice president of finance and logistics, wrote in a company email to other executives: [February was] the worst start to a month I have seen in my 7 years with the company.” Unemployment is not going down and just as it is under-reported by the government, so is inflation rising much faster than the “official” government rate. The stock market has gone up by deliberate design of Federal Reserve policies. With interest rates at zero and the price of precious metals methodically suppressed despite tremendously bullish fundamentals, the only place for investment money to possibly make a decent return has been the stock market, and even there few Americans have the money or faith to invest in stocks. Most of the rise in equities has come from a portion of the endless billions of dollars of “quantitative easing” Monopoly money flowing into them from big money sources, combined with computer driven trades and algorithms that have replaced human traders and investors. There’s no longer a single market or government statistic that isn’t rigged. . . . . . . . . . . . Besides trying to placate the masses with corporate media whoppers about an ongoing “economic recovery,” Washington is also fighting tooth and nail to preserve the fiat dollar as the international currency of exchange in the

face of a heating up global currency war that, typically, Americans are oblivious to thanks to a corporate media blackout. Central banks are scrambling to buy physical gold even as they jockey to position their declining fiat currencies against each other. Among other phenomena currently taking place, more and more countries are slowly but surely moving away from the dollar as the medium of exchange for trade and are turning to the Chinese yuan and other currencies. China and Russia (and India and other countries) are buying up as much gold as they can in anticipation of the collapse of the dollar, or at the least its replacement as the global currency of exchange, which if it occurs will rapidly impoverish a very large chunk of Americans far faster than they have been losing ground over the past five years. One of the reasons for the invasion of Iraq was Iraq’s move to accept gold and currencies other than the dollar for its oil; now, not just Iran is moving that direction but powerhouses China and Russia and other forming alliances. As The Nationalist Times has reported for years, Washington’s world hegemony, enforced through the combination of high-tech weaponry, global Cultural Marxist propaganda, and the use of the dollar as the international currency of exchange, was never going to be challenged directly but subtly through many different directions and policies, and this is now taking place with greater momentum even as Washington is more determined than ever to rule the world. This, along with the power of the U.S.Israel alliance, is the main issue intensifying world tensions and increasing the chances of not just a regional war in the Middle East but of a global conflict. There is far more going on than can be summarized in the monthly Intelligence Report, and for daily reports on the real issues of the day, all Nationalist Times readers with internet access should be reading ANU News (, the best regularly updated source of information on the internet. . . . . . . . . . . . . The extremist regime in Washington continues its terrifying domestic military build-up. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in early March purchased 2,717 mine resistant armor protected vehicles

(MRAPs), this in addition to the 1.6 billion bullets it has purchased in recent months, or approximately 5 bullets for every man, woman and child in the United States. And if there was any doubt who the perceived “enemy” is, it was answered when reported that a U.S. company called “Law Enforcement Training, Inc.” has been selling millions of dollars worth of “no hesitation” targets to DHS. Instead of the standard cartoon-style drawing of a nebulous male figure, these targets have clear photographtype targets that depict not just men but pregnant women, old people, and children. Oh, and there’s no “diversity” — all of the targets are White people. After word spread about the targets, DHS claimed not to be using them. . . . . . . . . . . Unchecked, unaccountable governmental power grabs continue not just domestically but globally. With little more than a note to Congress, Emperor Obama announced that U.S. soldiers would be deployed to the west African country of Niger. Congress of course instantly bowed to the all-powerful “unitary executive” of an alleged “democratic” government and said nothing. In Somalia, so many U.S. drones are flying around that it there is a “danger to air traffic” because of the congestion, according to a Washington Post article. There are reportedly 63 drone bases now just in the U.S. “homeland,” and hundreds more overseas, all part of Washington’s madcap “Empire of Bases.” The government and its relentless militarism abroad and fanatical Cultural Marxism domestically have become surreal to put it mildly. Quick to brand its critics as “extremists,” those capable of rational thinking know that it is the Washington/New York/Hollywood Axis that is extreme to the core. Writing for News With, Lee Duigon asks the question, “Is Our Ruling Class a Cult?”: “Is America governed by space aliens? Mad scientists? Or by some kind of weird religious cult? By now you may have seen news video of federal Department of Agriculture employees being subjected to ‘cultural sensitivity training.’Attendance was compulsory. In the video we see some prat from a firm of ‘diversity trainers and consultants’ lord-

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ing it over a captive audience of USDA employees, who must do everything he says if they want to keep their jobs. He compels them to chant, in unison, ‘The Pilgrims were illegal aliens!’ What do you call it when a whole roomful of people say and think the same thing at the same time? ‘Diversity!’ Somebody in D.C. needs a dictionary — paid for by the taxpayer, of course. But this little exercise in synchronized chanting and table-pounding cost you and me some $200,000. The ‘diversity expert’ bragged about it. By the way, you can tell he’s a putz because he describes himself as ‘a citizen of the world.’ That was stale in the 1930s; it’s pure foaming idiocy now. But at least he’s an expensive putz. This teaches us an important lesson: the federal government already has way, way, way too much of our money. If they can afford to hold sensitivity training sessions, they have more money than is good for them — and certainly more than is good for us. Government must be pruned back, with a chainsaw, until it just doesn’t have the funds for such frolics. Besides which, if a whole roomful of employees can be spared from their duties for this, then assuredly the USDA has many more employees than it needs. We also get a lesson in just how wide is the gulf between us and our ruling class. The politicians we see; but out of sight, out of mind, there’s a multitude of lawyers, judges, teachers, professors, media stooges, and diversity experts who might as well be Martians, madmen, or cultists, for all they have in common with the rest of us. They gnaw away at the foundations of the country, hating America’s history, traditions, and culture, laboring incessantly to ‘transform’ her into something else. . . Compared to the others, our country is spectacularly good just the way it is. All it really needs is a whole new ruling class.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . It’s debatable whether or not the Supreme Court is a “cult,” but it’s clearly an enemy of freedom and liberty. The Court in late February rejected a challenge to the “constitutionality of government wiretaps and monitoring of citizens’ e-mails, telephone calls, and electronic messages,” reports the New “Those targeted for the surveil-

Page 16 The Nationalist Times March 2013 lance are not suspected of committing any crime, so searching their communications is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.” John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute writes in “The U.S. Supreme Court: Architects of the American Police State”: “From time to time throughout history, individuals have been subjected to charges (and eventual punishment) by accusers whose testimony was treated as infallible and inerrant. Once again, we find ourselves repeating history, only this time, it’s the police whose testimony is too often considered beyond reproach and whose accusations have the power to render one’s life over. In the police state being erected around us, the police can probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts. Making matters worse, however, police dogs – cute, furry, tail-wagging mascots with a badge – have now been elevated to the ranks of inerrant, infallible sanctimonious accusers with the power of the state behind them. This is largely due to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Florida v. Harris, in which a unanimous Court declared roadside stops to be Constitution-free zones where police may search our vehicles based upon a hunch and the presence of a frisky canine. This is what one would call a slow death by a thousand cuts, only it’s the Fourth Amendment being inexorably bled to death. This latest wound, in which a unanimous Supreme Court determined that police officers may use drug-sniffing dogs to conduct warrantless searches of cars during routine traffic stops, comes on the heels of recent decisions by the Court that give police the green light to taser defenseless motorists, strip search non-violent suspects arrested for minor incidents, and break down people’s front doors without evidence that they have done anything wrong. These are the hallmarks of the emerging American police state, where police officers, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace, are part of an elite ruling class dependent on keeping the masses corralled, under control, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens. Whether it’s police officers breaking through people’s front doors and shooting them dead in their homes or

strip searching innocent motorists on the side of the road, in a police state such as ours, these instances of abuse are not condemned by the government. Rather, they are continually validated by a judicial system that kowtows to every police demand, no matter how unjust, no matter how in opposition to the Constitution. The justices of the United States Supreme Court through their deference to police power, preference for security over freedom, and evisceration of our most basic rights for the sake of order and expediency have become the architects of the American police state.” . . . . . . . . . . . . Some of the states are fighting back against some of the excesses of the Permanent Regime. There is pushback in some locales and states against the use of drones, and some states have introduced antiNDAA bills. The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) is the noxious piece of federal legislation that allows the Emperor of the Glorious Imperial High-Tech Banana Republic to authorize the indefinite detention, and even murder, of any U.S. citizen without due process. By a 20-0 vote, the Montana House Judiciary Committee passed a bill that bans cooperation with federal agents acting in conjunction with the NDAA. Similar legislation has been introduced in Kansas, Texas and Washington State. Bills upholding the Second Amendment have also been introduced in a number of states; although antiSecond Amendment legislation has been pushed in other states, most successfully in New York. Local and state politics remain the best way to counter Washington’s ongoing totalitarian agenda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After ten years of occupation and slaughter, Iraq’s government was expected to be a dutiful puppet of Washington. However, Iraq just signed a deal to buy $4.2 billion worth of weapons from Russia, the largest foreign weapons deal for Russia since 2006. And after trillions of wasted U.S. taxpayer dollars, and thousands of dead soldiers and tens of thousands of seriously injured American soldiers, Iraq is close to being what is was a decade ago — an ally of Moscow. Washington’s hyper-interventionism in the Middle East is also failing in other countries in the region, notably Egypt and Libya. But because the U.S. has a closed political system with two nearly identical political gangs sharing power in perpetuity, there will be no repercussions for the horrendous policy failures, indeed the military/ security/entertainment complex will continue to grow stronger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comments by Russian General Leonid Ivashov reflect current tensions between Moscow and Washington. Ivashov told Pravda in a recent interview that America must “be held at gunpoint” by means of nuclear weapons which “should constantly be aimed at the United States.” Ivashov said that Russia and China are the two main targets of U.S. expansionism and that Russia’s only deterrent to the threat of a U.S. attack is tactical nukes. Ivashov said that Russian leaders need to “reformat the world” in a different mold to the Anglo-American model in order to avoid a “disastrous scenario” that would be “catastrophic” for the planet. Ivashov believes in a EuroAsian union that would include Russia, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, and other countries to counterbalance the “New World Order” being promoted by Washington, Britain and NATO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There is precious little opposition to the NWO among functionaries of the two monopoly parties. For instance, Marco Rubio, the young Republican U.S. Senator from Florida, is being heavily promoted as a “conservative,” yet Rubio believes in amnesty for illegal aliens as well as expand-

Marco Rubio ing what he calls the “liberal international order.” One of the few Republicans who opposes rabid globalism and Washington’s endless wars of aggression around the globe is Pat Buchanan, whose days as a politician are long over. But Buchanan is still an effective commentator and writer, and he recently wrote: “In his 1951 address to Congress, Gen. Douglas MacArthur declared: ‘Once war is

forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. War’s very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.’ Congress, the administration and the American people need to ask: Why have we been unable to bring this war on terror to a ‘swift end’? Why this ‘prolonged indecision’? Why has the battlefield in the war on terror not narrowed, but expanded from South Asia to the Middle East to North Africa? Is the war on terror to be like the war on crime, eternal, with U.S. soldiers policing the world forever, even as cops police our cities? What is Obama’s plan, the Republicans’ plan for ending or winning this war, whose scope widens with each year? ‘No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare,’ wrote the author of our Constitution. As we see the great buildings of our capital enveloped in concrete barriers, as U.S. citizens are forced to submit to intrusive searches before boarding airliners, one wonders: How long before the Republic becomes a garrison state? If we do not end this war, this war will one day bring an end to the freedom for which the Fathers fought.” . . . . . . . . . . . . “Conservatives” like Rubio and fellow White-looking hispanic Ted Cruz (RTX) are already being pushed front and center by the GOP in its eagerness to fully reject its White base of support and join the Democrats in having a “rainbow coalition” that fights for the supposed “rights” of every conceivable group except Whites. The media is always doing its part, scolding the party for being “too White” and publishing polls that suddenly show large support among Americans for granting amnesty to illegals. To illustrate the party is heading, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval and New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, both hispanics and both Republicans, announced the formation of the “Future Majority Caucus,” which envisions a “majority” in the GOP of hispanics and women, in other words a party that does not include heterosexual White men. And considering that the likes of Zionist casino mogul Sheldon Adelson is pumping millions of dollars just into the Nevada Republican Party to speed up its “hispanization,” the transition of the Republican Party to one in which White men are a small minority of its elected politicians is likely to take place quickly over the next decade or so as the older generation of White male system sellouts retire from politics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis’s city council, consisting of 7 black and 6 white members, voted to rename three city parks that honored the War Between the States. Apparently anything that keeps alive memories of the war is now considered “racist” in the USSA . . . . . . . . . . . . In many cities, “Knockout King” — black thugs randomly picking a White man or woman to brutally batter, often times while the assault is filmed and cheered on by a group of feral creatures — is the favored racist endeavor in the 45 year long undeclared and totally one-sided War of Blacks Against Whites. But in Los Angeles, hit and runs — using a car to hit pedestrians crossing the street and then fleeing the scene — is now competing with soccer as that city’s favorite sport. In the U.S., 11% of vehicle collisions are hit and runs. But in LA the number is an incredible 48%, with some 20,000 hit and run crashes recorded each year by the LAPD. An article on the epidemic in Los Angeles Weekly by Simone Wilson (12/6/12) doesn’t mention the racial breakdown of the victims and perpetrators, but does anyone doubt what the demographics involved are? We can be sure that few Whites are hit and run drivers, and equally sure that a disproportionate number of the victims are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ruling Cultural Marxist subversives conquered the U.S. from within by eschewing the class warfare methods favored by old-line communists, and instead employing racial warfare followed by gender warfare (so-called feminism), and then topped off with “lifestyle warfare,” foisting homosexuality as the norm and rejecting heterosexuality as outdated and oppressive. Homosexuals flaunt their utter, unchallenged control of the media by promoting homosexual characters and images and themes constantly on TV shows and movies, and other forms of media. To give just one example of “the new normal,” as a homosexual oriented television series is called, Las Vegas is currently advertising for tourists by using a campaign with the theme “Las Vegas — everyone’s welcome, even straight people.” Only in Amerika. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amerika’s tag team twin in cutting edge

The Nationalist Times March 2013

totalitarianism — Britain — has announced plans to install “black box” spy devices to monitor all British internet traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . France’s “democratic” government legalized homosexual marriage despite polls showing the majority of French opposing it. An amazing 500,000 people took to the streets of Paris on January 13th to show their strong opposition, but to no avail, with France becoming yet another one-time bastion of Western civilization where the once unthinkable has become normalized. Send clippings and other items of interest to The Nationalist Times, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89145; e-mail: The date and origin should be on all items for proper identification and credit. All items are appreciated but cannot be individually acknowledged.

“The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”

Caste Football Caste Football is the world’s only media outlet dealing with sports and race from a pro-white perspective. The party line that blacks are the best athletes is a Big Lie. Whites are discriminated against in football, basketball and other sports and are systematically demeaned by the corporate media. Caste Football covers sports and race from a unique and very much needed perspective.

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Page 18 The Nationalist Times March 2013


The United States Badly Needs a Strong American Freedom Party by Tom Sunic, Ph.D.

and moral society that rejects all the “isms” imposed strong start in 2012 by running Merlin Miller as its from the top-down upon Americans as if they were presidential nominee. A West Point graduate and “What will you do without freedom?” guinea pigs; freedom of association, including self- noted filmmaker, Miller made an outstanding candiThat is the question the American Freedom Party determination and the right of all races and peoples date and helped give the fledging party much-needed is asking to celebrate name recognition. His running mate was retired Americans as their heritage; Vanderbilt University professor Virginia Abernethy, a full-bore greatly re- Ph.D., the noted patriotic writer and activist. high-tech poThe American Freedom Party intends to become ducing the lice and sursize and a force in American politics by the election of 2016 veillance state scope of the if not sooner. Although “third” parties face extremely continues to be federal gov- difficult obstacles in the U.S.’s closed and tightly built at breakernment and regulated political system when it comes to ballot neck speed in dismantling its access, campaign financing laws and media coverthe one-time domestic po- age, it is the only peaceful outlet Americans have left Land of Liblice state and as the Democrats and Republicans have proven conerty. overseas mili- clusively over and over that they are bought and Just two tary empire; owned lock, stock and barrel by the globalist and years old and and rebuilding totalitarian forces ruthlessly plundering America from formerly the American within. known as the The hour is late, but America can yet survive economy and American its industrial and begin to thrive again — if enough Americans act Third Position, might and in- to regain their freedom. The alternative is too bleak party leaders dependence. to contemplate. decided to reT h e name the orgayoung party The website of the American Freedom Party is nization the got off to a American Freedom Party to make clear exactly where it stands in the ongoing struggle in the U.S. between those who love and cherish freedom and the powerful forces attempting to enact a totalitarian Building a “third” party to challenge the two long-entrenched, corrupt monopoly parties is a daunting task agenda. — but one which must be attempted, otherwise we are ceding the country we love to the Big GovernThrough methodical gradualism over many years, ment/Corporate/Bankster/Zionist/Military/Entertainment Complex that is plundering America with no acthe United States has been hollowed out morally and countability or opposition. economically. The Republican Party is little more than a partner in crime to the open globalism and AFP needs your support. If you believe that it’s time to challenge the two-party tyranny, then please join Cultural Marxism of the Democrats. Both parties the American Freedom Party today. support the off-shoring of American industry, open borders, endless wars of aggression all over the _____ American Freedom Party membership for 2013 — $40 world, slavish obedience to Israel and to the banksters and gangsters of Wall Street, and many _____ A3P membership for 2013 plus a one-year subscription to The Nationalist Times newsother poisons rotting the nation from within. paper — $65 (Note: this offer is for new Nationalist Times subscribers only; it is not a renewal The American Freedom Party has a populist, rate for current subscribers) nationalist platform which is guided by the sole principle of supporting what is good for America and NAME____________________________________________________________________ Americans. The party rejects the archaic “left-right” and “liberal-conservative” paradigms in favor of an ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________ outspoken advocacy of freedom and liberty that rings true to America’s traditional values and way of life. CITY, STATE, ZIP__________________________________________________________ Among other positions, the party strongly supports the Second Amendment; closing and securing Checks and money orders should be made out to American Freedom Party (or AFP) and mailed the southern border with Mexico; living in a healthy to: American Third Position, 9811 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 2-441, Las Vegas, NV 89117.


The Nationalist Times March 2013

Page 19

AFP Supporters Take Part in Nationwide Rallies Against Illegal Immigration man of the American Freedom Party, addressed a captivated audience of hundreds. Speakers adOn Saturday, February 23rd, hundreds of nadressed the anti-White ideology that prevails in much of establishment politics, educational institutions, tionalists from across America, including many supacademia, and pop culture. Johnson was followed porters of the American Freedom Party, rallied to by several other speakers, each one having to make protest the radical demographic changes that are occurring in the U.S. population through current imhis or her voice heard above the chanted mantras of leftist counter-demonstrators, who willingly corrobomigration policies, especially the blind-eye, handsoff attitude the government has taken toward the tens rated the leftist doctrines that were being protested! Saturday’s other notable FAR events included a of millions of foreigners who are in the country in rally at West Virginia’s capitol in Charleston, orgaviolation of immigration laws. nized by Harry Bertram, the American Freedom Holding coordinated demonstrations in nearly a Party’s Ballot Access Coordinator; and a demondozen states, activists from the Free America Rally stration outside a federal building in Spokane, Washington. FAR activists also held less formal sign-waves and/or pamphlet distributions in Arizona, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and at two locations in Tennessee. Although weather prohibited planned events in New Jersey and New York, FAR activists from both areas have committed to rescheduling and will be heard from in the next couple of weeks. By all reports, every rally was met by a supportive overall reception, indicating a potentially welcoming political environment for those willing to take honest stances on the tougher issues facing our country. It has been asked by several coordinators that mention be made of the supportive environment provided by local law enforcement at those demonstrations where FAR coordinators sought legal sanction to hold their rallies. While it is understood that certain federal agencies essentially pander to Marxist hate groups (such as the Southern Poverty Law Center) and antiWhite ethnic advocacy organizations (such as the Anti-Defamation League), FAR participants and other seasoned patriotic activists know that the personal opinions held by individual police officers are usually distantly removed from anything anti-American. Everyone who attended the rallies is determined to make sure our people prosper into the extended future, and vowed to continue moving forward with activism. American Freedom Party National Chairman William Johnson addresses a large crowd in Sacramento by Justin Rossi

(FAR) project spent the afternoon in their respective communities providing Americans with a patriotic perspective on national sovereignty that is ignored by the corporate media. Employing the admittedly low-tech (but timetested) method of sidewalk demonstration, rally participants were able to reach thousands of passersby who saw signs and banners from the road and who were given a pamphlet or two. Saturday’s largest Free America Rally demonstration took place at the steps of California’s capitol building in downtown Sacramento, where politicians, including William Johnson, the National Chair-

Page 20 The Nationalist Times March 2013

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