The Nationalist Times - October 2011

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THE NATIONALIST TIMES Voice of the Real America No. 286

October 2011


Sheeple in Revolt

Americans are finally beginning to break free of corporate media propaganda, as evidenced by movements like Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Parties. - See Page 2

A Culture in Regression - Page 9

The Immigration Act of 1965 - Page 12

Intelligence Report - Page 17

Page 2 The Nationalist Times October 2011

Sheeple in Revolt beginning that this would fail. In other words it was project designed to fail and produce a preplanned and expected result, which is the state This month I will be 73, so I want to tell you of the U.S. economy today. what’s really going on based on that perspective, See, its not about housing, its not about bankbecause what the media and government report ing, its about centralized control of everything is pure bunk. What is taking place on the world — government, banking, society, everything. The stage today is a repeat of the German collapse in Sheeple have once again been duped. The Sheeple the Weimar Republic, but it is on a world-wide are in revolt in the wrong places, they are revoltscale and it’s led by the exact same communists ing against the fall guys; they should be revoltwho are leading the sheeple just as they did in ing in Washington and their state capitals, not at Germany 80 years ago. banks. As Baron Rothschild said, “I care not who Let us right up front understand that we have makes the laws so long as I am allowed control begun the revolution that I have predicted for the of the money.” The banks are the largest dollar last ten years. Germany and Austria saw the exvolume contributors to electoral campaigns. As I act same thing 80 years ago. On Friday the 30th keep saying, banks are the symptom not the obof September the New York City police arrested ject of the occurrence. While the banks own al700 people at the Brooklyn Bridge for purposely most everything, it’s not the banks it’s the ownobstructing traffic, it was all part of a greater Wall ers of the banks who are the elites. Street protest that had been ongoing for two In 1913, Congress passed a series of laws that weeks and which resulted in the arrests of scores were part of a great conspiracy by European bankof people every day, but was almost totally ers in collusion with American bankers. It was blacked-out by the Lamestream news. The pronot the investment banks or commercial banks, test is massively expanding with the joining up it was the owners of them. Today about 100 famiby veterans and labor unions. Simultaneous prolies own the FRS (Federal Reserve System), tests against the Ponzigoniff Banksters took place which is not federal, has in Los Angeles, San no reserves, and is not a Francisco, Chicago, and system but a corporation other places around the incorporated in the state nation. of New York as reported My father at age 20 in The New York Times was attending textileon September 23, 1914. engineering university By provisions of this in Wurzburg Germany. law it is illegal to sell He began as a freshman shares of the stock, so in 1919. The Great that the same identical Weimar monetary colfamilies retain total conlapse ran its course from trol. The U.S. has a na1920 to 1923. The cause tional debt of almost $15 is almost identical to trillion based on a stock what is transpiring value of $144 million worldwide today. My when issued. The solugrandfather used to send tion is simple — dissolve my father two Swiss the FRS, pay the owners franc coins (silver) every back the $144 million month. My father would and repudiate the outtrade them for German standing $15 trillion debt The American People must aim their efforts at abolishing the Federal Reserve, which marks one at a time, to the banksters. picking up an entire suitwas created by Congress in 1913 and is still enabled by it. 1913 was the worst case of paper money for each two franc coin. My father used to tell me dominated by “progressives,” are the primary year in American history; the 16th as well as the horrid 17th Amendments to the Constitution were that his friends would come to his room and ask culprits. enacted. The Federal Reserve and the IRS were Remember the closed sessions under socialif they could take a handful of paper money to go established, and the banksters took control of all ists Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for the out and buy a beer. Americas finances. In 1913 we had no national Obamacare bill? Blue Dog Democrats, all ReIn order to understand this you must be a redebt. We had state banks, which were gobbled publicans, all Independents were locked out, only alist, and as we all know there are darn few of up by the elite’s banks and federalized, and those left. While the Bankster Ponzigonifs are “progressive” were invited to the discussion. The socialists under the banner of compas- money, money issuance, debt, interest rate setmost certainly crooks well deserving of our ire, they are not the problem, they are the symptom. sion demanded and got Freddie, AIG and Fannie ting, borrowing, lending, and even housing was The problem is not the Keynesian banking sys- to underwrite mortgages that were totally unten- taken away from the private sector and became tem however crooked it may be, it is the politi- able. These were instruments requiring no de- the purview of a legislated monopoly granted by cians who facilitate the bankers’ ability to rob posit, no down payment, no principal payments legislative decree. The result has been devastating to Americans. you and your posterity blind. All the banksters for two years, no equity for the buyer, not even a Middle class income continues to fall, while the viable credit check of the buyer, and no collatdo is to carry out the shameful theft of the electorate on behalf of their patrons, the elite owners eral at all. Anyone with even a moderate under- poverty rate has climbed to 15.1 percent, the highof the multinational corporations and interna- standing of finance could tell you right at the est national level since the fedgov began pubBy Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

tional banks. Just think about it: Who will gain by what is taking place? Who gained in the 1920s in Germany? Who got richer in the 1929 Great Depression? Who is getting richer while all the rest of us are getting poorer? And lastly, who is exploiting this for political gains? The “progressives,” that’s who — and who are the “progressives,” they are the socialists and communists of America. They have turned this issue into one of class warfare, while providing the public their lamb for slaughter, the banksters who are in fact their implementers. The Legislative branch of our government contains 74 “Progressives,” i.e. socialists, as members of the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America), all pretending to be Democrats. In both houses of Congress along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and then with the uberleft Obama, they orchestrated changes in laws and the Constitution that facilitated the entire ongoing collapse. Laws and regulations passed by Christopher Dodd as Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and Barney Frank as Chairman of the House Banking Committee, both of which were

(continued on Page 4)

In this issue of The Nationalist Times: Sheeple in Revolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 -- by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg The Criminal Federal Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4 -- by Sartre Jews and the Occupy Wall Street Movement . . . . Page 5 -- by Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D. Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 A Culture in Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 -- by Fred Reed Is the War on Terror a Hoax? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 -- by Paul Craig Roberts The Immigration Act of 1965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 -- by John W. Altman What 2016 Might Look Like . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 -- by Philip Giraldi

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 3

The Nationalist Times Voice of the Real America Vol. XXVII No. 10 Issue #286 October 2011 “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes; 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests. “In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, or write, they will declare themselves.” - Thomas Jefferson The Nationalist Times is dedicated to returning Liberty to the Land by helping the American People liberate themselves from the elites who have manipulated and plundered the People and the Constitution in order to attain total power for themselves. The Nationalist Times is published monthly, except for an occasional double issue, by the American Nationalist Union. Phone: 702-851-5861 E-Mail: Internet Domains: Subscription rates: $59 for one year, $109 for two years, $159 for three years. Outside the U.S.: Canada $70 per year, elsewhere $75 per year. Subscription rate is payable to The Nationalist Times, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89145. For subscriptions outside the U.S. payment must be made by international money order, a check drawn on a U.S. bank, or with U.S. cash. Advertising is generally on an agreed to reciprocal basis. EDITOR and FOUNDER: Don Wassall CONTRIBUTING WRITERS:

The White Geek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 -- by Ralph A. Brandt Khazar Conservatism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 -- by Yancey Ames From 1929 to the Present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 17 -- by Yancey Ames Intelligence Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 17 -- by Don Wassall Race as an Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 20 -- by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

John W. Altman Yancey Ames J. B. Cash Dr. Adrian H. Krieg Patrick McCaffrey Michael X. Collins H. Millard Dr. Harrell Rhome Dave Rollins Nelson Waller Carson Watkins

The Nationalist Times believes strongly in the First Amendment, thus the opinions expressed in each issue are those of the author only and not necessarily endorsed by The Nationalist Times or the American Nationalist Union. Nothing may be reprinted from The Nationalist Times that is protected by the author’s copyright without that author’s permission. Other material contained herein may be reprinted provided The Nationalist Times is identified and full address and subscription rate given. The Post Office does not forward third class mail. Send all address changes to The Nationalist Times well in advance.

Page 4 The Nationalist Times October 2011 lishing numbers. As of 2010, 86.7 million Americans over the age of 16 were not employed, an increase of over five million since Obama’s inauguration. And still, half of Americans, if we are to believe the media, support the “progressives” and the debilitating attack on our society by Obama and his minions. Things are going to get much worse because the “progressives” continue with the failed policies as have been implemented in the last two and one half years. There are no parallels between the Tea Party and the political left Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in Manhattan. The Tea Par-

ties have seen conservative and politically right meetings that have been polite, well-mannered demonstrations without arrests, and minimal required clean-up by government services after the meetings. Conservative demonstrators when asked questions give lucid answers. Politically left demonstrations are the exact opposite, unruly, making a filthy mess, with most participants unable to even articulate why they are there. What people really don’t grasp is the enormity of this operation. To gain knowledge of this you must read the Communist Manifesto and learn of the ten pillars of communism, that seven of them have been made into law in the U.S., and the remaining three are well on the way to acceptance. Understand that the elite have been the financiers of communism from day one, then you will understand what and why these things are taking place here and now. The violent overthrow of the republic is the starting point for a New World Order, remember Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Clinton, G. Bush, and W. Bush all used the phrase “New World Order.” A good introduction to the cabal is my new book, “Rendezvous with the New World Order.”

The Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets By Sartre The American Revolution, in no small part, was a repudiation of the central banking tyranny exported to the New World by the Bank of England. Few legacies have grown more despotic than the consequences of living under the rule of fractional reserve banking. Many good-willed conservatives understand that the system is imploding. Some envision a second American Revolution that expels the remnant Tories that have hijacked our separation of powers form of government. Woefully, the prospects for a States Rights revolt are slim. However, the scenario of a domestic French Revolution style carnage is brewing with every escalation of the pompous arrogance worthy of a Jean-Joseph, marquis de Laborde or the manipulative usury of the House of Rothschild. The eruption of populist outrage is long overdue. The lack of objective mainstream media coverage is expected. Their attempt to spin the natural disguise for a corrupt establishment in the hearts of sincere and persecuted citizens is typical. The elite’s message is that they will either control the movement, or at the very least, strip it from any positive synergism. Send in the clowns, like Michael Moore Street theater no longer is enough. The peasants are rallying their pitchforks, as they storm the Bastille; however, they got their GPS coordinates wrong. The correct address is 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY. That is the location of the Federal Reserve temple. When the public finally comes to grips with the real cause of the unsustainable debt, they will understand that the private central banking system bears the ultimate redress for their sins against America and all humanity. Theft operates as the normal course of business for the Federal Reserve. What the banksters do with the money they obtain from debt created money is even more repulsive. All the financial speculative instruments of leveraged trading just compound the heist. So what do these outlaws do with all the money? The end net result is that they buy, especially at rock bottom prices, all the real assets that the filthy money can purchase. When you think of Wall Street greed, go beyond the usual suspects and focus on the controllers of the assets that are

under the hegemony of the central bank. Here lies the reason why the rebellion must remove the engine of enslavement from the landscape for any future financial system of commerce. Think about who really owns the land, the buildings and the resources in our country. In order to really understand the scope and extent of the economy, the differential between actual Main Street enterprise, that feeds, clothes and shelters the population, is minuscule when compared to the financial assets, both liquid and real property, that are under the command and control of the

Ron Paul has steadfastly educated many Americans about the Fed central bank. Most individuals do not own property encumbrance free. Most debt is owed to the banksters. The middle class is in a tailspin because the Fed has a zero interest rate policy that effectively diminished your return on capital of your savings to nothing. The same is not true for the banks. The fact that they have in excess of a two trillion dollars cash hoard on their balance sheets and refuse to lend out money to the general public, demonstrates that the inside money is waiting to

pick up even more real assets, when the signal comes for the total collapse. TARP, QE2 and the Twist are all ploys to enrich the selective banks that are part of the orthodox Fed fraternity. Technically all federal charted banks have an ownership interest in the Fed. Who among us are so naive to think that every bank is equal to the sacredly held corporate interlocking directorates that make and direct monetary policy? Only when the middle class takes to the streets with a spontaneous civil disobedience commitment that dwarfs the Tea Party movement, will the central banking tyranny be eliminated. All the fraudulent debt that funded the asset acquisitions of crooks must be clawed back. As long as the banksters hide behind the shield of corporation personhood, LLC liability exemption and government guaranteed loans, the ordinary family will continue to be reduced to perpetual and permanent poverty. What kind of revolution is coming to America? The lesson of the French élan of bloodletting to remove an aristocratic class is not pretty. However, a national discussion needs to concentrate on: - Methods of eliminating the Federal Reserve fraud and restoring an honest money system for commerce. − Repudiation of the corporatist “Free Trade” global business model and a return to a merchant class free enterprise independent domestic economy. - Confiscation of assets and wealth acquired through illegal systematic RICO style schemes that demand treble damages from their ill-gotten gain. Americans deserve property right protections from the criminal extortion and the cold-blooded offenses that the banksters used, to steal the national wealth. The expanding protest must result in a true restoration of a traditional upwardly mobile society, not an expanded nanny state. The suffocating debt and the profane system that spawned it must end. The term “Citizen” does not apply to elitist plutocrats. If Americans want to stave off a 21st century version of the Committee of Public Safety, get behind the “Revolt against the Fed.” Tear down the House of Rothschild. This is one time the concept of “reparations” has standing in a legitimate court of law.

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 5

Jews and the Occupy Wall Street Protests By Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D. The Occupy Wall Street movement and its many offshoots have clearly become creatures of the left. Although it’s hard to say what it was originally, it is becoming the left’s answer to the Tea Party’s angry middle-aged and middle-class White people: angry young, mainly White people worried about their prospects and expressing themselves in left-speak. Locally, the campus liberals at CSULB are promoting Occupy Long Beach, and nationally one hears the likes of Michael Moore on MSNBC touting it. On the other hand, from conservatives there is a reflexive disdain and accusations that the OWS movement is funded and organized by activists associated with leftist organizations like the SEIU and ACORN. There are certainly a lot of reasons to complain about Wall Street. The financial meltdown is the greatest elite malfeasance/fraud in memory, and to date none of the high-level perpetrators have been prosecuted — those who made the markets for bundled mortgages given to people who could not possibly repay. The financial meltdown of 2008 continues to reverberate in world economies, resulting in enormously increased debt loads at all levels of government, politically volatile levels of unemployment, and an as yet uncertain outcome. It’s ironic perhaps that there has been a very visible Jewish presence to the OWS movement. For example “Occupy Wall Street protests taking on a Jewish flavor, ” JTA, Oct. 11, 2011, which states: “From progressive activists who seek to conflate the protesters’ aspirations with Jewish values to Chabadniks looking for oppor-

tunities to have Jews to perform mitzvahs such as sitting in a sukkah, the Occupy Wall Street protests are becoming a fulcrum of Jewish ferment. In Boston and Philadelphia, too, Jewish activists held Yom Kippur services at the site of the demonstrations. “’For many of us, social justice is where we find our Judaism,’ said Regina Weiss, the communications director for the Progressive Jewish

The Tribe is disproportionately represented in the OWS movement Alliance & Jewish Funds for Justice. ‘For many there is no more important way to stand up and express Judaism on the holiest night of the year [Yom Kippur] than to stand with people who are hurting and to stand up for greater equality in the country’.” What we won’t find among the Jewish protesters is any allusion to Jewish involvement on Wall Street. Last Thursday I was driving to work

listening to Bill Handel, a Jewish L.A.-area talk show host discussing the protests. He said he was not angry with Wall Street — ”It’s my tribe that controls Wall Street. Why would I be upset?” (followed by nervous laughter from his co-host). Call the ADL! Notify the SPLC! But of course, since Handel is a Jew, it’s okay for him to say it; there will be no campaigns to get him off the air, although we shouldn’t expect to see his comments picked up by the national media. On some topics, silence is golden. In fact, of course, Jews do have a dominant position on Wall Street, a fact that has not gone unnoticed even by Jewish scholars like Benjamin Ginsberg, who noted in his 1999 book “The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State” that 50 percent of Wall Street executives were Jewish. It’s doubtless at least that high now, and that number doesn’t really get at the extent of Jewish control of key Wall Street players like Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein) and JP Morgan Chase (Jamie Dimon). But don’t expect that the Occupy Wall Street protesters will breathe a word of this — apart from a lonely guy who had to put with a lot of abuse for saying it. And of course another irony is that the OWS movement has been embraced by the left and vilified by the mainstream right, even though Wall Street typically gives far more money to Democrat causes than Republican causes. Thus far, Wall Street has given more to Republicans this year, but that may well change after the Republican candidate has been decided. It is well known that in general around 75 percent of donations to the Democrat Party are from Jews and around 80 percent of American Jews voted for Obama.

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Page 6 The Nationalist Times October 2011

The Nationalist Times Founded 1985

Voice of the Real America

Debt Serfdom The economic news continues to worsen by the day, though it is easy to remain mostly oblivious to it if one watches only corporate news outlets. But the resulting pain is affecting more Americans by the day. Most American families and single individuals live paycheck to paycheck and have no savings. The typical American household is insolvent, in that its debts exceed its assets. This is in large part due to the collapse of the housing bubble, a collapse still in progress and which will likely go on for a long time since the banks are withholding most foreclosed houses from the market in order to keep housing prices from completely deflating, but also because so many households are deep in other forms of debt. Credit card debt is the best known, but it has actually been surpassed by student loan debt, which is now over a trillion dollars. College for many majors is little more than four years of intense Cultural Marxist indoctrination with little practical use after graduation. Even law school graduates are finding very tough going in finding employment these days. Student loans are a way of trapping college graduates into America’s new way of life – debt serfdom – for their entire adulthood. What’s amazing is that the U.S. financial system is almost healthy compared to that of Europe. The continent’s central banks – junior partners in the global Ponzi scheme run by America’s privately-owned Federal Reserve – are awash in unpayable debt, and given that they cannot merely “print” more money ala the Fed (computer entries are replacing the actual printing of fiat money) since only the dollar is the (fast weakening) international currency, their debt problems cannot be papered over as easily as Washington’s. At a joint press conference in late October with German President Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy burst out laughing when asked if Italy will implement reforms to pay off its $2.2 trillion debt. And on the casino capitalism front, Ray Dalio, head of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, told PBS’ Charlie Rose that “there are no more tools in the tool kit” of fiscal and monetary policy to help America keep kicking the can down the road. In other words, incurring trillions of dollars of additional debt to pay off existing debt in the tens of trillions of dollars isn’t going to work. Will wonders never cease? Yet we can expect more happy talk from Washington’s corporate media arm about additional “quantative easing” and “soft landing recoveries” and the usual papering over of the severe, unsolvable problems of a hopelessly corrupt and bankrupt ruling class. And with the endless presidential election cycle about to rev up into hyper-mode for the next 12 months, we can be doubly sure that nothing constructive will be offered by politicians, other than the timeless but still mostly ignored wisdom of Ron Paul. The not-so-slow, permanent impoverishment of most of the middle class will become more manifest with each year. Permanent under the current system that is. Expect the system to hold through the 2012 election barring the miraculous election of Dr. Paul, following which economic decline will begin to hasten. This month’s Intelligence Report contains perspectives on the future of the Glorious Multicultural Imperial Empire from two respected commentators, one very gloomy, the other optimistic. All we can do for now is prepare ourselves and our loved ones for likely very difficult days ahead, and do everything we can to awaken those that can be awakened. The end-game is far from certain – in fact there are a host of possibilities, many too tragic to dwell on, but some positive, and as long as there is the possibility of a way out of the current madness, Nationalists must keep the torch of Liberty lit.


Disgraceful Psychiatrists A recent Washington Times headline read: “After Demise Of ‘Don’t Ask,’ Activists Call For End Of Military Ban On Transgenders.” “Gender-identity disorder” was virtually unheard of until 1952. That’s when George William Jorgensen, with much fanfare, submitted to sex-organ mutilation, and morphed into “Christene” Jorgensen. Now unscrupulous psychiatrists and surgeons find it obscenely lucrative to make creative diagnoses, and prescribe ”gender-changing” procedures to their mentally-challenged victims. The MD’s oath begins with “First do no harm.” Nowadays it’s about as meaningful as Obama’s oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Radically altering the appearance of genitalia doesn’t change a person’s God-given gender. Docs can amputate a man’s penis and testicles, but they can’t transplant female ovaries, uterus and cervix from a cadaver. The man will never deliver — or nurse — a baby. Likewise, in the case of women — given sufficient supplemental testosterone, females can sprout whiskers and feign baritone voices, but, trust me on this, “Chaz” Bono will never ejaculate. It’s the same sick idiocy as ADD, AADD and a dozen other pseudo mental disorders conveniently invented by Freud’s (Fraud’s?) disciples purely for profit. They were created out of thin air — not unlike Ben Shalom Bernanke’s Federal Reserve Notes. Statistics indicate that among doctors, psychiatrists are the least religious. Most are atheists lacking a conscience to whom the concept of moral and ethical codes is foreign. They are a disgrace to humanity and the medical community. Warren Wilson, WWII veteran Kirkland, Washington The wrong target I believe the Wall Street demonstrators are completely within their rights to voice their complaints on what has been going on in recent years: bailouts, insider trading, collusion with government, just to name a few highly questionable, not to mention unconstitutional, activities. However, Wall Street is the wrong target. The demonstrators ought to get with it and focus on the secretive Council on Foreign Relations, an organization at the root of many if not all of our financial and political problems. The history of this organization is easily researched in an excellent book by James Perloff, “The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline.” Frank St. George East Rockaway, New York The war against the Constitution The United States was the first great government in which the people entered into a compact, which they put in writing and called it a constitution. It is to protect our liberties and freedoms. But it has

not. The war against the Constitution has been going on for many years. The Constitution has become a dead document. We are not living under it today. The Congress, Supreme Court and Presidents have shredded it. We are living under unconstitutional laws passed by Congress, unconstitutional opinions of the Supreme Court, and unconstitutional Executive Orders by Presidents. By their laws, opinions and orders they have eroded our society. We have been losing our freedoms more and more as time goes by. In reality, we have very little liberty left. Americans have been the freest people on earth, but will not remain free unless we return to the Constitution, the Bible and the Christian principles on which this country was founded. The Constitution must be restored! Also, the Constitutional Republic which the Founding Fathers established.

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 7 Ray F. Dively Baden, Pennsylvania

The origins of interesting ideas It is amazing that so many people take essentially Communist positions without even realizing that they are doing so. One such is the assimilation of the Jews. No one today even remembers that Jews were once considered a problem. But they were — and the question was: what to do about the problem? The solution of the Communist Party was assimilation of Jews within the context of a socialist society. The Jew, once he gave up money making and became a productive worker, would become “normalized” and just like everybody else. The Communist solution to Jewish nationalism was similar to the nineteenth century liberal view of Jews, that they should enjoy equal rights while abjuring Jewish nationalism. The liberal, unlike the Communist, did not require Jews to become a socialist but otherwise the assimilation theme was the same. The Communists viewed Jewish nationalism as a threat, much as the liberalism of the nineteenth century viewed Jewish nationalism as a threat. When Napoleon Bonaparte convened the Sanhedrin in 1807 on the question of Jewish civic equality, he forced the Jewish leaders to answer some very pointed questions: Did Jews regard themselves as Frenchmen or Jews? Were they a religion or a nation? Did they desire to recreate their ancient temple in Palestine? Where did their ultimate loyalty lie? Only when the Jews renounced any loyalty to Palestine did Bonaparte make them French citizens, equal under the law. The liberal Jews of England objected to Lord Balfour’s declaration on Palestine, fearing that it would raise the specter of dual loyalty and compromise Jewish rights in the British Empire. The Communists, who were themselves heavily Jewish, always regarded Jewish nationalism as heresy. Socialist internationalism, in which Jews would have full equality, was Communism’s path to uto-

pia for Jews. Jewish nationalism was frequently coupled with Marxism, as in the Poale-Zion Party or the Zionist-Socialist Workers Party. Even Stalin was willing to concede somewhat to Jewish nationalism with his Birobidzhan or “Palestine in Siberia” plan of 1928. The Jewish Communist agricultural colonies in the Crimea also had elements of Jewish nationalism in them, a fact which led the Evsektsiia, the Jewish section of the Communist Party, to originally object to them. It is entirely possible to advocate Jewish assimilation without being a Communist. However, the fact that Jewish assimilation into society has been a long time Communist position is food for thought, just as Communist advocacy of racial equality, recognition of various nationalities and “equality” for women is also food for thought. Ideas have interesting origins and the origins of allegedly progressive social movements leads into channels that few would suspect. Yancey Ames Cincinnati, Ohio Where are our Statesmen? Why do young men and women who serve in the U.S. military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, only get 50 percent of their pay when they retire back into civilian life, while politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, receive full pay retirement after serving just one term in office. It just doesn’t make sense. But then again, given the current legislative actions going on in our U. S. Congress, does anything really make any sense? The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living. What is happening to our once great nation? Think my fellow citizens, think! Our Founding Fathers established a Republic not a democracy, a government under the rule of law with a Constitution containing a system of checks and balances. They established the Congress which is composed of two parts, or Houses; the Senate and the House of Representatives. The elected members of Congress back then were true statesmen, not politicians. They remained that way for many decades. I ask today: “Where have those statesmen gone?” The late Robert

Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, gave a wise definition of members of Congress, which I consider to be so true. He said: “A statesmen asks himself, ‘What must I do for the betterment of my constituents’? A politician asks himself, ‘What do I need to do to get elected’?” Our nation has deteriorated into control of the people by a powerseeking bunch of politicians, backed by the powerful media and manipulating lobbyists. To some degree, the voting public are to blame for the state of our nation today. I am saddened that our national dilemma has likely reached a point of no return. At my age I may not be too adversely affected, but I feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to live in the world these greedy fools are making. Let me end with, possibly, the five truest sentences you’ll ever read: • You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealthy into poverty. • What one person receives without working for, another person must work for, without receiving. • The government cannot give to anyone anything that the government does not first take from someone else. • You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. • When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for; that is the beginning of the end of any nation! George Kelly Bedford, Virginia Send your letters to The Nationalist Times, Letters to the Editor, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89145; e-mail:

“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” — Thomas Jefferson

Page 8 The Nationalist Times October 2011

HALF OFF BOOK SALE -Every title is marked half off! Racism, Schmacism, by James Edwards. The host of the popular radio show The Political Cesspool has zeroed in on one of the greatest cultural and social problems of the age, the transformation of self-governing citizens into robots trained to engage in politically correct drivel. The charge of “racism” that resounds everywhere in U.S. society is the most pernicious tool being used to create a mood of repression. The author points out than unless the majority population can be made to throw off the muzzle that they are allowing the thought police to impose on them, there can be no future of freedom for our children and grandchildren. Softcover, 161 pgs. $10.00 (13 copies left in stock) Oz in the New Millennium, by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg. This book by the prolific Dr. Krieg describes the collapse of America as a republic and its conversion into a failing empire, now presided over by “progressive” Democrats. The current “Obamanation” is the destruction of independent thought through media control, and the elimination of private enterprise through the conversion of the U.S. into European-style socialism. Solutions to the present problems are given. Softcover, 218 pgs. $12.50 (16 copies left in stock) Might is Right, by Ragnar Redbeard. Very hard to find in print. Brutally realistic and eloquently argued, this is a “masculine,” no-holds-barred blow against “political correctness” and egalitarian Christian humanism. Written under a pen name, this underground best-seller is not for the soft-hearted or “immature” reader. “The natural world is a world of war,” writes the author. “The natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error. A condition of combat everywhere exists. We are born into perpetual conflict.” First published in 1896, this handsome new edition includes an informative editor’s introduction and more than 350 footnotes and explanatory annotations. Large softcover, 98 pgs. $5.50 (12 copies left in stock) The Camp of the Saints, by Jean Raspail. An underground classic that has sold hundreds of thousands of copies since being written in 1973. A nightmarish but prophetic tale of tens of millions of Third Worlders swamping decadent European countries en masse. Is this novel coming true? 1995 updated version of the original. Third World immigration is the key weapon of the New World Order revolutionaries in their scheme to rule the world. Softcover, 311 pgs. $6.00 (4 copies left in stock) Total Resistance, by Maj. H. von Dach. This is a legendary work by the famed Swiss expert on guerrilla warfare. Survivalists have rediscovered this important study on resistance and underground operations, some making it the keystone of their libraries. Well-written and illustrated with easy-to-understand drawings, “Total Resistance” analyzes and overviews the techniques needed to overcome an invading force: formation of guerrilla units, weapons, food and medical considerations, ambushes, sabotage and much more. Softcover, illus., 192 pgs. $10.50 (3 copies left in stock) Race and the American Prospect, edited by Samuel Francis. Fearlessly disregarding what he considered happy talk about American racial relations, Dr. Francis, in this posthumous act of intellectual courage, challenges one of the fundamental expressions of the current belief in human equality. Fourteen authors reflect on how race and ethnic differences have shaped America’s cultural, historical and political landscape. Softcover, 446 pgs. $10.00 (8 copies left in stock) The Secret Empire, Part I, by Cushman Cunningham. The sinister forces behind world conquest and revolution. 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The futuristic HAARP technology is everything from superbeam weapon to worldwide mind control device. HAARP has many possible scientific and military applications, from raising a planetary defense shield to peering deep into the earth. The author gives the history of the HAARP project and explains how it can be used as an awesome weapon of destruction. Softcover, illus., 258 pgs. $7.50 (7 copies left in stock)

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The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 9


A Culture in Regression By Fred Reed

lower his passing percentage so as not to wound the self-esteem of his colleagues.) he night closes in. Read the surveys of what It is literally true that the better is suspect. If children know, what students in universiyou correct a high-school teacher’s grammar, she ties know. Approximately nothing. We will accuse you of stultifying creativity, of rachave become wanton morons. As the intellectual ism, of insensitiviy. If you reply that had you shadows fall again, as literacy declines and minds wanted your children brought up as baboons, you grow dim in the new twilight, who will copy the would have bought baboons in the first place, she parchments this time? will be offended. No longer are we a schooled people. Brash Home-schooling, it seems to me, becomes a new peasants grin and peck at their iPods. Untowering social responsibility. I have actually seen knowing, incurious, they gaze at their screens and a teacher saying that parents should not let chiltwiddle, twiddle. They will not preserve the works dren learn to read before they reach school. You of five millenia. They cannot. They do not even see, it would put them out of synch with the mamknow why. malian larvae that children are now made to be. Twilight really does come. Sales of books Bright children not only face enstupiation fall. Attention spans shorten. Music gives and hideous boredom in schools taught by way to angry urban grunting. The young complacent imbeciles. No. They are also encount on their fingers when they do not have couraged to believe that stupidity is a moral a calculator, know less by the year. We have imperative. already seen the first American generations Once they begin reading a few years less educated than their parents. College ahead of their grade, which commonly is at graduates do not know when World War One once, school becomes an obstacle to adhappened, or what the Raj was. They have vancement. This is especially true for the read nothing except the nothing that they very bright. To put a kid with an IQ of 150 read, and little of that. Democracy was an in the same room with a barely literate affirinteresting thought. mative-action hire clocking 85 is child abuse. Ours will be a stranger Dark Age than Essential, even crucial, to the preservathe old one. Our peasants brush their teeth tion of civilization in the deepening gloom and wash, imagine themselves of the middle is a grim, intransigent determination not to class, but their heads are empty. apologize. You cannot cleanse the schools And they rule. We have achieved the dicof teachers who barely speak English. The tatorship of the proletariat. Hod-carriers in country is too far gone. But you needn’t be cowed into regarding cretins as other than designer jeans, they do not quite burn books but simply ignore them. Their college degrees cretins. In front of your kids especially, don’t amount to high-school diplomas, if that, but be cowed. If your child in the second grade is reading at the level of the sixth grade, she they neither know nor care. The things that have forever constituted (I have daughters, which clouds my mind) civilization — respect for learning whether is superior. It is not that “she tests well,” with one had it or not, wide reading, careful use the subtle implication that testing well is of language, manners, such notions as “lady” some sort of trick, having nothing to do with and “gentleman” — these are held in conintelligence, which doesn’t exist. She is tempt. smart, literate, superior (oh, forbidden word). The 1994 comedy Dumb and Dumber applys to the She will have figured out the “smart” Yet ours is a curious bleakness. Good things of everywhere and all time lie free for part anyway. You need only to let her know awareness level of a large number of Americans the having. When I was a child, you went to that smart is a good thing. In an age of blinkered specialization perhaps a library for books and the libraries often didn’t learn almost anything with a cheap computer and have many. Today you can get even the Chinese broadband: mathematics, literature, languages. we should revive the idea of the Renaissance man. classics, or those of Greece and Rome, or almost The internet also allows a terribly needed ar- Today the phrase is quaint and almost condeany book ever written in any language, from the istocracy, by which I mean not a govermental scending (though how do you condescend up?), web in five minutes. Do you want Marvin Minsky arrangement but the community of those of dis- arousing the mild admiration one has for a dancon finite automata? Papinian and Ulpian on Ro- crimination. They will shortly amount to a secret ing dog. A time was when the cultivated could man law? Balzac? Raymond Chandler? Tolkien? society, perhaps with a distinctive hand-shake for play an instrument, paint, knew something of All are there. The same is true for any music, any mutual recognition. It could become dangerous mathematics and much of languages, traveled, painting, any movie, almost any historical curi- to speak correct English. It would indicate Elit- could locate France, attended the opera and knew osity: Ozzie and Harriet, Captain Video, Plastic ism. We live in a society in which elitism is what they were attending. They wrote clearly and Man. You can have cultivated friends in thought far more criminal than mere pederasty elegantly, this being a mark of civilization. I think of Benvenuto Cellini, born 1500, superb sculpKanmandu or Yuyuni in the Bolivian alitplano, or cannibalism. and talk to them face-to-face with Skype. “Elitism” of course means only the principle tor, professional musician, linguist, elegant writer, This is news to no one. Yet it may prove im- that the better is preferable to the worse, but so- and good with a sword. If there is any refuge, it is the internet. Let us portant in ways we do not think. The internet al- ciety today, except in matters of football, believes lows an electronic community of those who have the worse to be preferable to the better. (One does make the most of it. not been peasantrified. On the Web, learning and not readily imagine a quarterback being urged to


taste will live or, perhaps I should say, hide out. When there is no longer enough interest in books to support bookstores — they close now in droves — the residual demand integrated over the surface of the earth will provide enough of a market to keep the One True Bookstore, Amazon, going. Project Gutenberg will do the same for works not in copyright. Things grow worse for the many but better for the few. Odd: In one sense the internet is highly democratizing, giving any teenager in Tennessee resources greater than those of the Library of Congress. It does this equally for a Cambodian teenager in Battambang. A bright youngster can

Page 10 The Nationalist Times October 2011

Is the War on Terror a Hoax? By Paul Craig Roberts

Ferdaus’ FBI-organized plot to blow up the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol with model airplanes n the past decade, Washington has killed, has produced charges that he provided “material maimed, dislocated, and made widows and support to a terrorist organization” and plotted orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, to destroy federal buildings — the most serious all in the name of the “war on terror.” charge which carries 20 imprisoned years for each Washington’s attacks on the countries constitute targeted building. naked aggression and impact primarily civilian What is the terrorist organization that Ferdaus populations and infrastructure and, thereby, conis serving? Surely not al-Qaeda, which allegedly stitute war crimes under law. Nazis were executed outwitted all 16 U.S. intelligence services, all precisely for what Washington is doing today. intelligence services of America’s NATO and IsMoreover the wars and military attacks have raeli allies, NORAD, the National Security Councost American taxpayers in out-of-pocket and alcil, Air Traffic Control, Dick Cheney, and U.S. ready-incurred future costs at least $4,000 bilairport security four times in one hour on the same lion dollars — one third of the accumulated pubmorning. Such a highly capable terror organizalic debt — resulting in a U.S. deficit crisis that tion would not be involved in such nonsense as a threatens the social safety net and the value of plot to blow up the Pentagon with a model airthe U..S dollar and its reserve currency role while plane. enriching beyond all previous history the miliAs an American who was in public service tary/security complex and its apologists. for a number of years and who has always stood Perhaps the highest cost of Washington’s up for the Constitution, a patriot’s duty, I must “war on terror” has been paid by the U.S. Conhope that the question has already popped into stitution and civil liberties. Any U.S. citizen that readers’ minds why we are expected to believe Washington accuses is deprived of all legal and that a tiny model airplane is capable of blowing constitutional rights. The Bush-Cheney-Obama up the Pentagon when a 757 airliner loaded with regimes have overturned humanity’s greatest jet fuel was incapable of doing the job, merely achievement — the making a accountability of hole not big government to law. enough for If we look an airliner. around for the terWhen I ror that the police observe the state and a decade gullibility of of war has allegmy fellow edly protected us citizens at from, the terror is the absurd hard to find. Ex“terror plots” cept for 9/11 itself, that the U.S. assuming we acgovernment cept the manufacgovernment’s imtures, it probable concauses me to spiracy theory exrealize that planation, there fear is the have been no terror most powerattacks on the US. ful weapon Indeed, as the teleany governvision network ment has for Russia Today advancing an pointed out on Auundeclared gust 23, 2011, an agenda. If investigative proFerdaus is brought to gram at the University of California trial, no discovered that the doubt a jury will convict domestic “terror plots” hyped in the him of a plot media were plotted to blow up the Pentagon by FBI agents. FBI underand U.S. cover agents now Capitol with model airnumber 15,000, ten times their number planes. Most during the protests likely he will be tortured or against the VietWar is a lucrative racket for the U.S.’s ever-growing, unaccountable military-surveillance state complex


nam War, when protesters were suspected of communist sympathies. As there apparently are no real terror plots for this huge workforce to uncover, the FBI justifies its budget, terror alerts, and invasive searches of American citizens by thinking up “terror plots” and finding some deranged individuals to ensnare. For example, the Washington D.C. Metro bombing plot, the New York City subway plot, and the plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago were all FBI brainchilds organized and managed by FBI agents. RT reports that only three plots might have been independent of the FBI, but as none of the three worked, they obviously were not the work of such a professional terror organization as alQaeda is purported to be. The Times Square car bomb didn’t blow up, and apparently could not have. The latest FBI sting ensnared a Boston man, Rezwan Ferdaus, who is accused of planning to attack the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol with model airplanes packed with C-4 explosives. U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz assured Americans that they were never in danger, because the FBI’s undercover agents were in control of the plot. coerced into a plea bargain. Apparently, Americans, or most of them, are so ruled by fear that they suffer no remorse from “their” government’s murder and dislocation of millions of innocent people. In the American mind, one billion “towel-heads” have been reduced to terrorists who deserve to be exterminated. The U.S. is on its way to a holocaust that makes the terrors Jews faced from National Socialism into a mere precursor. Think about this: Are not you amazed that after a decade (2.5 times the length of WW II) of killing Muslims and destroying families and their prospects in six countries, there are no real terrorist events in the U.S.? Think for a minute how easy terrorism would be in the U.S. if there were any terrorists. Would an al-Qaeda terrorist from the organization that allegedly pulled off 9/11 — the most humiliating defeat ever suffered by a Western power, much less “the world’s only superpower” — still in the face of all the screening be trying to hijack an airliner or to blow one up? Surely not when there are so many totally soft targets. If America were really infected with a “terrorist threat,” a terrorist would merely get in the massive lines awaiting to clear airport “security” and set off his bomb. It would kill far more people than could be achieved by blowing up an airliner, and it would make it completely clear that “airport security” meant no one was safe. It would be child’s play for terrorists to blow up electric sub-stations as no one is there, nothing but a chain link fence. It would be easy for terrorists to blow up shopping centers. It would be easy for terrorists to dump boxes of roofing nails on congested streets and freeways during rush hours, tying up main transportation arteries for days. Before, dear reader, you accuse me of giving terrorists ideas, do you really think that these ideas would not already have occurred to terrorists capable of pulling off 9/11? But nothing happens. So the FBI arrests a guy for planning to blow up America with a model airplane. It is really depressing how many Americans will believe this. Consider also that American neo-conservatives, who have orchestrated the “war on terror,” have no protection whatsoever and that the Secret Service protection of Bush and Cheney is minimal. If America really faced a terrorist threat, especially one so professional to have brought off 9/11, every neo-conservative along with Bush and Cheney could be assassinated within one hour on one morning or one evening. The fact that neo-conservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, William Kristol, Libby, Addington, et. al., live unprotected and free of fear is proof that America faces no terrorist threat. Think now about the airliner shoe-bomb plot, the shampoo-bottled water plot, and the underwear-bomb plot. Experts, other than the whores hired by the U.S. government, say that these plots are nonsensical. The “shoe bomb” and “underwear bomb” were colored fireworks powders incapable of blowing up a tin can. The liquid bomb,

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 11 allegedly mixed up in an airliner toilet room, has been dismissed by experts as fantasy. What is the purpose of these fake plots? And remember, all reports confirm that the “underwear bomber” was walked onto the airliner by an official, despite the fact that the “underwear bomber” had no passport. No investigation was ever conducted by the FBI, CIA, or anyone into why a passenger without a passport was allowed on an international flight. The purpose of these make-believe plots is to raise the fear level and to create the opportunity for former Homeland Security czar Michael Chertoff to make a fortune selling porno-scanners to the TSA. The result of these hyped “terrorist plots” is that every American citizen, even those with high government positions and security clearances, cannot board a commercial airline flight without taking off his shoes, his jacket, his belt, submitting to a porno-scanner, or being sexually groped. Nothing could make it plainer that “airport security” cannot tell a Muslim terrorist from a gungho American patriot, a U.S. Senator, a U.S. Marine general, or a CIA operative. If a passenger requires for health or other reasons quantities of liquids and creams beyond the limits imposed on toothpaste, shampoo, food, or medications, the passenger must obtain prior approval from TSA, which seldom works. One of America’s finest moments is the case, documented on YouTube, of a dying woman in a wheelchair, who requires special food, having her food thrown away by the gestapo TSA despite the written approval from the Transportation Safety Administration, her daughter arrested for protesting, and the dying woman in the wheelchair left alone in the airport. This is Amerika today. These assaults on innocent citizens are justified by the mindless rightwing as “protecting us against terrorism,” a “threat” that all evidence shows is nonexistent. No American is secure today. I am a former staff associate of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee. I required high security clearances as I had access to information pertaining to all U.S. weapons programs. As chief economist of the House Budget Committee I had information pertaining to the U.S. military and security budgets. As Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, I was provided every morning with the CIA’s briefing of the President as well as with endless security information. When I left the Treasury, President Reagan appointed me to a super-secret committee to investigate the CIA’s assessment of Soviet capability. Afterwards, I was a consultant to the Pentagon. I had every kind of security clearance. Despite my record of highest security clearances and U.S. government confidence in me, including confirmation by the U.S. Senate in a presidential appointment, the airline police cannot tell me from a terrorist. If I were into model airplanes or attending anti-war demonstrations, little doubt I, too, would be arrested. After my public service in the last quarter of the 20th century, I experienced during the first decade of the 21st century all of America’s

achievements, despite their blemishes, being erased. In their place was erected a monstrous desire for hegemony and highly concentrated wealth. Most of my friends and my fellow citizens in general are incapable of recognizing America’s transformation into a warmonger police state that has the worst income distribution of any developed country. It is extraordinary that so many Americans, citizens of the world’s only superpower, actually believe that they are threatened by Muslim peoples who have no unity, no navy, no air force, no nuclear weapons, no missiles capable of reaching across the oceans. Indeed, large percentages of these “threat populations,” especially among the young, are enamored of the sexual freedom that exists in America. Even the Iranian dupes of the CIA-orchestrated “Green Revolution” have forgotten Washington’s overthrow of their elected government in the 1950s. Despite America’s decadelong abusive military actions against Muslim peoples, many Muslims still look to America for their salvation. Their “leaders” are simply bought off with large sums of money. With the “terrorist threat” and al-Qaeda deflated with President Obama’s alleged assassination of its leader, Osama bin Laden, who was left unprotected and unarmed by his “world-wide terrorist organization,” Washington has come up with a new bogeyman — the Haqqanis. According to John Glaser and anonymous CIA officials, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mike Mullen “exaggerated” the case against the Haqqani insurgent group when he claimed, setting up a U.S. invasion of Pakistan, that the Haqqanis were an operating arm of the Pakistan government’s secret service, the ISI. Adm. Mullen is now running from his “exaggeration,” a euphemism for a lie. His aid Captain John Kirby said that Mullen’s “accusations were designed to influence the Pakistanis to crack down on the Haqqani Network.” In other words, the Pakistanis should kill more of their own people to save the Americans the trouble. If you don’t know what the Haqqani Network is, don’t be surprised. You never heard of alQaeda prior to 9/11. The U.S. government creates whatever new bogeymen and incidents are necessary to further the neo-conservative agenda of world hegemony and higher profits for the armaments industry. For ten years, the “superpower” American population has sat there, being terrified by the government’s lies. While Americans sit in fear of non-existent “terrorists” sucking their thumbs, millions of people in six countries have had their lives destroyed. As far as any evidence exists, the vast majority of Americans are unperturbed by the wanton murder of others in countries that they are incapable of locating on maps. Truly, Amerika is a light unto the world, an example for all. Dr. Roberts is a former editor of The Wall Street Journal editorial page and served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration.

Page 12 The Nationalist Times October 2011

The Immigration Act of 1965 By John W. Altman


nic mix of this country will not be upset. . . [This bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area.” He concluded by saying those who disagreed with his assessment promoted “hate of our heritage.” The only man to offer any real opposition to the bill and to ask the right questions was Sen. Sam Ervin of North Carolina. What is wrong, he asked, with the national origins of the American people? What is wrong with preferring as immigrants one’s own kinsmen who made the greatest contribution to America? If there were any replies, they are not worth recording. Now, 46 years later, everything that Kennedy said was wrong, or he and his crowd were lying. When the vote was taken, it was 326 to 69 in the House, a four and one-half to one margin; in the Senate it was 76 to 18, a four to one margin. Viewed in retrospect and by the enormous harm it has created demographically, a sane observer must conclude that the supporters of the bill were either totally oblivious to what they were doing, or under tremendous ideological and propagandistic pressure to do what they knew could destroy the ethnic character of the country. I am of the opinion that they knew what the consequences might be when they voted for the bill. And what were the consequences of this suicidal legislation? Consider just a few of them: • Before 1965, more than 90 percent of new immigrants had come from Europe. After 1965, more than 90 percent came from the Third World. By this act the National Origins Principle and quotas, giving preference to Europeans, was scrapped and given instead to those from the Third World. • Since 1960, Americans have been told that “diversity is our strength,” when in reality diver-

sity is not only a ruse used to dilute and destroy White America’s unity and strength and ultimately the race itself, but the most asinine pronouncement ever uttered about America. • What the 1965 Immigration Act guaranteed was a Third World invasion from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America that is transforming America into a Third World country. Are we aware that massive non-White immigration is also destroying Western Civilization? • In 1960 Americans were almost 90 percent European and one-tenth minority. By 2007 America had become one-third minority, with the U.S. Census Bureau predicting that by 2042 European Americans will be a minority in their own country at 47 percent of the population. • The initiator of this act, the Democrat Party, is now the party of the minorities, the anti-Constitution party, the party of socialism and Marxism, and totally antagonistic to the White race, culture and once-heralded federal republic of the Founding Fathers. How could 402 Congressmen make such a mistake? Surely, they must have known the clear, undisputable facts of our demographic history: that our European (primarily English) ancestors settled this country, won our independence, wrote our Constitution and established this government for “ourselves and our posterity,” with no thought or intention of it becoming a “universalist nation” or a sanctuary for the numberless hordes of other continents, excepting Europe.

ne of the last things journalist, author and patriot, Dr. Samuel Francis, wrote before he passed away in 2005 was concern about the quality of our nation’s population: “The civilization that we as Whites created in Europe and America could not have developed apart from the genetic endowments of the crating people, nor is there any reason to believe that the civilization can be successfully transmitted to a different people. If the people or race that created and sustained the civilization of the West should die, then the civilization also will die.” Today it is the economy, however, that is of major concern to most Americans. Who would argue that manufacturing, industry, the national debt, taxation and the like are not important, that jobs and employment are not the sine qua non of food, clothing and shelter? The point I am making here is that with efficient, resourceful management on the part of economists, businessmen and government officials, failing economies can be healed and prosperity restored. What cannot be restored, if once transformed or displaced, is a nation’s founding population and its ethnic character. Once gone, it is gone forever! Sooner or later – and later may be too late – Americans must come to the realization of what is really destroying their nation and any future they may wish for their descendants. It is massive Third World immigration, legal as well as illegal. It must be stopped and even reversed, ‘DIVERSITY’ DESIGNED TO PROif we are to survive. TECT JEWS BY DESTROYING WESTERN The most lethal, treasonous act ever passed CIVILIZATION by the Congress of the United States was the Immigration Act of 1965. Referred to by one Only an enemy or traitor to White America, writer as “stealth law,” is has done more to change plotting its destruction, would have advocated America than anything in our and enacted such a law with its history. What were Congresswell-nigh inevitable results. If men thinking when they perthe American people had only petrated this crime against realized what would happen to their own people? their country, would they not As luck would have it, the have risen up in such anger and chairman of the Senate subfury as to dissuade their reprecommittee that conducted sentatives from such a course; hearings on the bill was none or, failing that, recalled or voted other than Edward “Teddy” out every member who voted for Kennedy, youngest of the this act and replaced them with rich, privileged, spoiled brats others who would have repealed of the Kennedy clan, and an it immediately? The fact that it ardent supporter of the bill. In has not been repealed in the last the heat of the debate, as out46 years is a stain on the integnumbered Southern represenrity and patriotism of many of tatives and Senators struggled the people and the party that call to defeat what they knew themselves “conservatives.” would be a dagger in the heart In his informative and interof America, Kennedy assured esting book, “The Perils of Dihis listeners that, “Our cities versity, Immigration and Human will not be flooded with a Nature” (2010), Professor million immigrants annually. Byron M. Roth sums up the efUnder the proposed bill, the fects of the act as follows: “The present level of immigration lawmakers who passed the bill remains substantially the LBJ signs the Immigration Act of 1965 while notable proponents of the bill were completely wrong in their same.” He added: “The eth- such as Hubert Humphrey and Ted Kennedy look on. estimates of its effect. Had any sound demographic modeling been done, this outcome could have been anticipated. As it was, the lawmakers voted in almost total ignorance of the consequences of their actions, and by any standard were grossly irresponsible. It is undeniable that the general public, who did not wish to see increased immigration, and did not desire these massive changes, were treated shabbily by their elected representatives.” Prof. Roth is correct in his assessment, but is far too kind. Two questions arise concerning this matter: What motivated this immigration movement and act, and what or who was the driving force behind it? The answers may reveal more about the nature and intent of this suicidal legislation than anything else we know. Is there any credibility to the notion that World War II and its outcome was a factor in creating the massive Third World immigration to the West? In his interesting and acclaimed book on America’s immigration crisis, “Alien Nation” (1995), English immigrant and journalist Peter Brimelow sees U.S. immigration policy as a reaction to the crimes of Hitler and Nazi Germany: “There is a sense in which current immigration policy is Adolf Hitler’s posthumous revenge on America. The U.S. political elite emerged from the war passionately concerned to cleanse itself from all taints of racism and xenophobia. Eventually, it enacted the epochal Immigration Act of 1965. . . and thus, quite accidentally, triggered a renewed mass immigration, so huge and so systematically different from anything that had gone before as to transform – and ultimately, perhaps even to destroy – the one unquestioned victor of World War II: the American nation, as it had evolved by the middle of the twentieth century.” This coincided, of course, with profound changes taking place in the U.S. and throughout the world, perhaps from the war: the de-colonization of Africa and Asia, the communist Civil Rights movement in the U.S., and a time when, to quote Pat Buchanan, “Discrimination against people of color came to be seen as the original sin of Western man and its extirpation his highest moral duty.”

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 13 But, are we to believe that because of Nazi atrocities of whatever degree, we must destroy our own White national identity, unity and strength? What incredible nonsense and sheer insanity! Then, there were those who defended mass immigration with the argument that it would demonstrate to the communists our generosity and acceptance of all of the world’s people. This is even beyond stupidity. While to some this whole argument may seem plausible, I am convinced that our worst communist enemy could not have devised a more sinister and diabolical way to destroy our race, culture and civilization. I am also skeptical of Brimelow’s use of the two words “quite accidentally.” In short, by 1965 the virus of Cultural Marxism, including diversity, had so permeated academic and elitist thinking that many politicians outside the South no longer had any qualms about taking anti-White, pro-communist positions on minority-related legislation. The chief players or driving force behind the Immigration Act of 1965, as every well-read American Nationalist and patriot knows, were intellectual, elitist Jews, who, in their organizations such as The American Jewish Committee and The American Jewish Congress, worked day and night for over 40 years to accomplish this goal. The question is immediately raised: Why, living in our midst and enjoying the advantages of our culture and way of life, would they become the driving force for its destruction? Professor Kevin MacDonald, in his thoroughly researched and fascinating book, “Cultural Insurrections” (2007), tell us why. In chapter after chapter he writes of “Jewish hatred toward the traditional peoples and cultures of the United States. This hatred stems from Jewish memory of the immigration law of 1924, which is seen as having resulted in a greater number of Jews dying in the Holocaust because it restricted Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe during the 1920s and 1930s.” But it is more than that, as MacDonald describes how “Jewish hostility toward the European-derived people and culture of the United States has been a constant feature of Jewish political behavior and attitudes throughout the 20th century. In the present, this normative Jewish

hostility toward the traditional population and culture of the United States remains a potent motivator of Jewish involvement in the transformation of the United States into a non-European society.” And how would they accomplish this? Answer: by one clear example “of Jewish political strategizing – in particular, the role of the entire Jewish political spectrum and the entire organized Jewish community as the moving force behind the immigration law of 1965, which opened the floodgates to non-white immigration.” Or, as Leonard S. Glickman, president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), expressed it, “The more diverse American society is, the safer [Jews] are.” Prof. MacDonald adds that the HIAS, having run out of Russian Jews, “is now deeply involved in recruiting refugees from Africa.” In short, to ensure their own ethnic survival, these groups and individuals are at work trying to destroy all of us. And may true Americans never forget that Barack Hussein Obama is “the rotten fruit of democracy” given to us by the enormously wealthy Jews of New York and Southern California, not to mention George Soros. What do White Americans do now? Do nothing, knowing that in a few years their descendants will be a despised minority in a Third World country, a land that once belonged to them and their ancestors? “I am quite certain,” author Jared Taylor wrote some years ago, “that my ancestors did not fight for independence from Britain in order for our generation to turn the country over to Mexicans and Haitians. The Founders did not frame the Constitution to celebrate diversity. Americans did not spill their blood at Gettysburg or in Europe or the Pacific for multiculturalism. And yet, we are giving up our country without a struggle.” Or do we put our government in the hands of dedicated, patriotic Nationalists who have the plan and the will for our restoration and assured security? Our traditional people can survive, if they want to survive and are willing to do what is necessary to survive. In the meantime, let us hope and pray it is not too late. God Bless America, and God Save America!

What 2016 Might Look Like By Philip Giraldi


any traditional conservatives, libertarians, and progressives who are no longer mesmerized by the Obama persona are beginning to realize that the 2012 elections might be the last chance to right the ship of state. Either we Americans can continue down a fear-driven path that will lead to our transformation into a police state with a declining economy, retaining only the trappings of a constitutional republic, or we can admit that the legacy of the past 10 years has been like a metastasizing cancer, something that should be surgically removed and discarded.

To be sure, the field of Republican candidate wannabes is not reassuring and offers little to distinguish itself from President Barack Obama. Indeed, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann sound very much like George W. Bush, only more incoherent. Because Ron Paul deviates from the GOP orthodoxy on foreign and domestic policy issues, both the Republican leadership and the mainstream media continue to do their best to make him go away. So what kind of country will four more years of the same old same old produce? A few things seem likely. The U.S. economy continues to contract, with the Fed and Treasury manipulating the quarterly statistics to confirm the White House

claims that the country has avoided sliding into a double-dip recession. Unemployment hits 13 percent with an equal number having given up the search for work and 20 percent more underemployed, making the United States number one in unemployment among industrialized nations. As a result of the budget crisis, unemployment benefits are limited to 13 weeks and 80 million Americans lack health insurance. Medicare and Social Security eligibility now begins at age 70. One in five houses has gone into foreclosure since the housing bubble burst in 2008. The national debt is over $26 trillion, making the U.S. also number one in the debt-to-grossnational-product ratio, with a debt twice as big

Page 14 The Nationalist Times October 2011 as the total of all goods and services produced by the country plus income from foreign investments in a year. Economists agree that the only reason the U.S. hasn’t moved to default is that growing economies like China, Brazil, and India are reluctant to pull the life-support plug on the cow they have been milking for so many years, so they keep buying worthless Treasury bonds. The use of federal soldiers and National Guardsmen to put down riots by the unemployed and hungry in several cities in 2013-14 is controversial but is supported by most Americans and the media. The resulting deaths have been blamed in some cases on agents provocateurs of overseas terrorist groups deliberately seeking to create problems for the administration. In foreign and defense policy, the U.S. military “trainers” are finally out of Iraq, kicked out by the Moqtada al-Sadr government, with Baghdad signing a mutual defense treaty with Iran on the day that the last GIs departed. Twenty thousand U.S. advisers remain in Afghanistan, hemmed into the area around Kabul supporting an aging and incoherent President Hamid Karzai. All the other NATO nations have already left Afghanistan. The provisional Taliban government based in Kandahar controls the rest of the country and has offered terms for a U.S. surrender, resulting in a White House threat to nuke all of Afghanistan before that is allowed to happen. Meanwhile in neighboring Pakistan, the government in Islamabad continues to fight its civil war against the breakaway tribal areas and the Free Republic of Karachi. The government claims the country’s nuclear arsenal is safe, but sources in London report that at least two suitcase bombs made in Pakistan have shown up on the international arms market. Israeli Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman has completed his annexation of major settlement blocs on the West Bank and has expelled more than 150,000 Israeli citizens of Arab descent under the new racial purity laws. He plans to remove the remaining Arabs from Israel proper by 2020. The White House has described the moves as “not helpful” and has called on both sides to set conditions for new peace talks to begin. Elsewhere, the string of Predator drone bases across Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia continue to strike terrorist targets as part of the “Keeping America Safe” program. The expansion of the program to hit targets in Turkey, Greece, France, Egypt, Mexico, Canada, and Saudi Arabia has been a huge success, according to the White House, which has described the drone as “the most effective weapon available against international Islamofascist terrorism. It is really winning the war. Honest.” The U.S. declaration of victory over al-Qaeda in 2013 is attributed to the targeted assassination by drone of 53 American citizens overseas who were believed to be involved in supporting terrorists, with an anonymous intelligence source revealing the reasoning behind it: “These guys speak good English and know how to use the Internet. We had to take them out.” The good news was coupled with a warning against complacency and a bump in the defense and intelligence budgets justified by concerns that new ter-

rorist groups might be forming somewhere that the CIA has not yet discovered. The administration, arguing that it is necessary to keep America safe from all the foreign and domestic threats, dismisses criticism of a defense budget that is 50 percent of all government expenditures. Defense Secretary Douglas Feith, attending the signing of the so-called Shoot and Fuggedaboutit Law indemnifying all military personnel from any responsibility for anything they do, warns that “if we don’t fight them over there we’ll have to do it over here.” The government of Nuevo Leon-CoahuilaChihuahua has successfully concluded a mutual defense treaty with Washington. Mexico City insists that the breakaway region cannot conduct its own foreign policy, particularly as the new government is a proxy for the Zeta drug gang, but Washington maintains that it must encourage new democracies wherever they spring up. Vice President John McCain has described a

“new dawn for Latin America” and is preparing a high-level fact-finding mission to demonstrate U.S. support for the new regime. Back at home, PATRIOT Act Three has also been praised by the administration, Congress, and the mainstream media. Real-time screening of all emails originating in the United States and monitoring of all bank transactions by the National Security Agency has produced valuable leads in a number of terrorist cases, according to the White House press spokesman Charlie Sheen. Director of National Intelligence Joseph Lieberman reports that the increased tempo of midnight raids by FBI SWAT teams has also thwarted a number of terrorist plots. The White House has dismissed criticism over the reported deaths of more than 300 homeowners shot dead while resisting the intruders, noting that the FBI action is necessary because of the terrorist threat and has made Americans safer. FBI Director Lindsey Graham advises people to lie down with their fingers interlaced behind their heads and not resist when their front door crashes open at 3 a.m. because his men have a right to defend themselves. The suspension of habeas corpus for the duration of the crisis, which has resulted in more than 10,000 citizens and resident aliens being held without charges in military detention centers, is also defended by Attorney General George Tenet Jr., who notes that those in prison have been constructing huge gliders capable of carrying weapons of mass destruction across the Atlantic Ocean or have been otherwise connected to terrorist activity. They are hardly innocent American citizens, which is why they are being kept in small cells and are being fed only high fructose corn syrup. The Department of Homeland Security has announced that there are now more than 2 million names on the no-fly list, adding that the growth of the list is a tribute to effective police and intelligence work, making all Americans safer. It is also calling its orifice-probing screening for air travelers a tremendous success and intends to extend the procedure to train and bus travel. Some local authorities have decided to adopt the orifice probe as a regular law enforcement measure in Main Street America, setting up random road blocks in parts of town where malcontents regularly criticize the government. Homeland Security Secretary Rudy Giuliani has also ordered 200 more Predator drones armed with Hellfire missiles to patrol the Mexican and Canadian borders, calling the initial deployment of 10 drones between Laredo and McAllen a “game changer,” reducing the flow of illegals at the relatively low collateral damage cost of under 100 deaths. Some of the drones will be able to identify people speaking Spanish on the ground and take appropriate action. Several state and local law enforcement agencies have also decided to order the drones to help police high-crime areas, funded under 2013’s America Armed and Ready Act. The 2014 suspension of congressional elections for the duration of the crisis under emergency legislation has also been criticized, but the president has assured the people that it is necessary to keep experienced office holders in place to deal with the problems that are emerging. He has promised that as soon as the crisis is over elections will again take place. Presidential elections for 2016 will be held unless the state of emergency Cabinet decides that they should be delayed for national security reasons. Fantasy? Well, maybe. But who would have thought during the summer of 2001 that the United States would declare war on the entire world and become embroiled in a number of unwinnable conflicts in Asia, that it would willingly bankrupt itself to do so, that Americans would accept the wholesale dismemberment of the Bill of Rights, and that electoral and political corruption would reach unprecedented levels. Osama bin Laden, the man blamed for the terrorist attacks in September of that year, openly boasted of his plans to bankrupt the U.S. by getting it to overreact to presumed threats. Did he ever get that right, with Bush and Obama acting predictably and cluelessly. Unless someone in Washington is smart enough to turn around the playbook, America will continue to slide into despair and disillusionment, and the answer will always be the same: more repression, more blame directed at outside forces, more lashing out like a wounded giant. Do nothing and 2016 could easily mark the death of America.

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 15


The White Geek By Ralph A. Brandt Second Life is a SIM (simulator). It is a virtual three–dimensional world where humanshaped avatars interact with one another. When I am in Second Life, I chat regularly with a lady who lives in Adelaide, on the southern coast of Australia. For reference purposes I will call her Silvia. Silvia’s avatar used to have an Amazonian stage presence. She changed that one day. Now her avatar is a ferret that runs around on all fours. She said that she did it because she grew tired of being hit on. I told her one time about how we had a local study group here in Arizona. We studied the book “Race and the American Prospect,” edited by Samuel Francis. This book was a collection of essays by various authors. One of the essays was authored by Richard Lynn. Its title was “Racial Differences in Intelligence , Personality, and Behavior.” According to Richard Lynn, aborigines are even less intelligent than American blacks. Silvia said she knew through first-hand experience that it is so. I recently looked at the profile of the British National Party’s group in Second Life. It indicated that one of its members was online at the time. A glance at this member’s profile showed in no uncertain terms that this member was female. I introduced myself and told her that I was a member of A3P (American Third Position). She said that she didn’t know what it was but that it had a familiar ring. For reference purposes, I will call her Jay. Jay told me that it was difficult to find like-minded people on Second Life. I mentioned to her that I had read about Nick Griffin having difficulties. She said that it was internal squabbling. In her opinion it was not a big issue. I asked her if she had experienced the riots in London. She said that she had not, but a few of her friends had. Jay told me that she was quite busy in real life (First Life, if you will). She came onto Second Life for an occasional bit of escapism. I mentioned to her that I was interested in holding monthly meetings for white nationalists in

Second Life. She said that she would be interested in attending. She then made a request to add me to her friends list. That is always a good sign. Anyone who has been around the white nationalist movement for any length of time will know that a lot of infighting goes on. If you are a fan of tabloid drama, there is plenty to be had. One of the more notorious dramatis personae is Harold Covington. This is his webpage: When you enter his webpage, the first thing you see is the tricolor flag. The green is for the earth below us. The white is for the people. The blue is for the sky above us. Covington does a weekly podcast. He has different guest speakers on every week. His most popular speaker has a stage name of Axis Sally. The original Axis Sally was a lady named Mildred Gillars. She was born in Portland, Maine in 1900. She started work as an announcer on German State Radio in 1940. She was arrested in 1946. Her theme music for her radio broadcast a male chorus singing Lili Marleen in German. Harold Covington’s Axis Sally got a hold of an mp3 of this chorus. Now she uses Lili Marleen as her theme music. In one episode, Axis Sally read the riot act to the skinheads. She said that they are an embarrassment to their race. In another episode, Axis Sally read the riot act to the

computer geeks. She said that there is nothing more pathetic than a geek who tries to change the world by tapping away at his keyboard. I don’t know why I keep listening to her. Maybe she appeals to the masochistic side of me. For people with an intellectual bent, there are some obscure but interesting corners of the Internet. One of them is the Occasional Papers put out by the Conservative Citizens’ Foundation. I first got exposed to the Occasional Papers when I went to the Council of Conservative Citizens convention in Jackson, Mississippi. I had forgotten about them until I got another one a few days ago. Issue #7 of The Occasional Papers has two articles. The first one is “Neo-Conservatism as Source of Anti-Semitism” by Miles D. Wolpin. The second one is “Pre-Emptive Ideology” by Brent Nelson, Ph.D. If you are interested in ordering any of these Occasional Papers, you can go to this webpage: Also I want to make a comment about Often amazon will offer books in less than ideal condition. I have become a compulsive shopper of subprime books. I recently ordered a book by Richard Lynn about the history of the Pioneer Fund. The cost of the book and the shipping fee together were less than ten dollars. I inspected the book when it arrived. There were some blemishes on the back cover. When I put it on the table face-up, however, it looks new. I would like to end this article with a trivia question — or rather two trivia questions. On May 29 of 2004, David Duke held a convention in New Orleans. During that convention he drew up the New Orleans Protocols and had several leaders sign them. My first trivia question: What did the three protocols say? My second trivia question: Who signed these protocols? You can look the answers up on Wikipedia. For the benefit of anyone who still may be on the digital darkside, I will include the answers in my next installment of “The White Geek.”

Page 16 The Nationalist Times October 2011

Khazar Conservatism against, the Christian states of Europe. These Jews had many contacts among their brethren still Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, in Europe. They used these contacts to report to the United States has been awash in what might the Sultans on Christian military strength, naval be called “Khazar Conservatism.” Khazar Con- dispositions and the like. These Jews believed servatism ardently desires that the United States that “Islamo-Fascism” (whatever that is) was a fight Israel’s wars of Middle East Empire. Ac- good thing. Today, Khazar conservatives like Geller, cordingly, a Khazar Conservative school of hisHorowitz, Bernard Lewis and others, want tory has been created, which holds that the U.S. Whites to beand Europe now lieve that the Isface a menace lamic crusade called “Islamoagainst Europe Fascism,” a conwhich these tinuation of the Jews once supOttoman Turkported, is a bad ish invasions of thing. The lack Europe in the of credibility is fourteenth obvious. The through sevenreal source of teenth centuries. present day tenAn outstanding sions, as noted, example of this is the disastrous Khazar Consercarving up of vative history is the Middle East the Zionist blog after World War “Gates of One. This misVienna” which take, plus the attempts to paint planting of a the present diffiJewish state in culties with IsArab Palestine, lam as another is the cause of siege of 1683 Islamic resentthreatening the ment against the very existence West. of the West. The Khazar Of course, Conservatives this is all nonassert, without sense. Islam as a proof, that Islam militant ideolhates the West. ogy on the David Horowitz was a Marxist agitator who now calls himself Yet when the march died sevArab nationaleral centuries a neo-conservative, but he remains rabidly anti-White rights ists began their ago. Ottoman revolt for independence against the Ottoman SulTurkey was the “sick man of Europe” in World tan, Abdul Hamid, in the War One days. Its empire collapsed in the postWorld War one peace settlements that are the real early twentieth century, they looked to the West, cause of present day difficulties. Before getting into that subject it is first nec- specifically the British essary to examine certain facts of Islamic-Chris- Empire, for assistance. tian warfare that the Khazar Conservatives, such Many of these young as Pamela Geller and David Horowitz, deliber- Arab intellectuals were ately ignore. The Jews, during the heyday of Is- educated at Cambridge lamic-Christian warfare, were the allies of the and Oxford before reMoslems. Moslem Spain, for seven hundred turning to their homeyears, used the Jews as finance ministers and tax lands. They brought with collectors to exploit the Christian population. them English ideas of Anti-Jewish riots broke out, again and again, as constitutional governthe population rebelled against Jewish-Moslem ment and liberal democfinancial extortion. And indeed, it was the Jews racy. When the revolt who opened the gates of the cities of Visigothic against the German alSpain to the Arab general, Tarik. lied Ottoman Turks beWhen the monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, gan in 1915, the second expelled the Jews in 1492, the Jews fled to Ottoyear of the Great War, man Turkey, where they became the leading finthe Sheriff Hussein anciers and advisors to the Turkish Sultans. Donna Gracia Mendoza, Joseph Nasi and sought out the assistance Solomon Ashkenazi, among others, counseled the of the much admired Sultans on how to make war on, and take revenge British Empire. He believed to the end of his By Yancey Ames

life that the English were a great and honorable people whose word was to be trusted. When he found out otherwise, he blamed the betrayal on David Lloyd George, the Prime Minister who was indeed a Zionist agent. The English military and colonial administration in mandatory Palestine was always opposed to the Balfour Declaration, which they rightly regarded as a betrayal of the Arabs who had been their battlefield comrades in the Great War. The Arabs themselves had several “Arab Offices” in London, where former British soldiers and Palestine officials pleaded their case before the Zionist controlled officials in London and Parliament. Albert Hourani and Izzat Tanous were prominent in these efforts. Englishmen such as the MP Edward Spears and the journalist J.M.N. Jeffries, participated in these overtures. An American investigatory commission to Palestine, headed by Charles C. Crane and Henry King of Oberlin College, reported to President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 that the Arabs of Palestine-Syria were overwhelmingly opposed to the creation of a Jewish state in their country. They further opined that a Jewish state could only be created by force and that such a state would permanently inflame the Middle East. Their wise prognostications were ignored. A further expression of support for the Arabs came from the English press lord, Lord Northcliffe. As chief proprietor of The London Times, Northcliffe was planning a series of articles exposing Zionist ambitions in the Holy Land. He was probably kidnapped and murdered by Zionists in Paris, using the excuse of increasing insanity. As these examples show, there never was any inherent conflict between Islam and the West. Many efforts were made for Islamic-European rapprochement, only to be thwarted by Zionist intrigue. That was the problem in Lord Northcliffe’s day; it remains the problem today.

From 1929 to the Present By Yancey Ames The American Consul General in Palestine, 19281932, Paul Knabenshue, wrote a report to the State Department regarding the Wailing Wall riots of 1929. In that report he included two rather amazing statements by two renowned rabbis. The first was by rabbi Judah L. Magnes. It read: “The Jews are, and always have been, a revolutionary race. They have ruined empires in the past, and if we are thwarted now and not given our just rights in Palestine, we will probably again ruin empires.” The second statement is by Rabbi Louis I. Newman: “Israel’s right to be in the Holy Land outdates England’s. England has risen to power as an empire but empires which have sought to place their heel upon Judea have fallen…England will find there is a nemesis in the persecution of Jewry.” These statements are rather reminiscent of the subsequent proclamation of The Jewish Chronicle of London at the time of the 1939 White Paper that if the British persisted in trying to limit Jewish immigration into Palestine, that “a thousand hydras would rise from the ground all over the world to oppose them.” These statements form an amazing contrast to the formal Jewish pretense of powerlessness. That Jews are talking out of both sides of their mouth is obvious. The truly relevant question is: Is there objective evidence to show that Jews are capable of exercising such power? Actually, there is. When the British Empire issued its Passfield White Paper of 1930 objecting to discriminatory labor practices in Palestine, the Zionists demanded retraction of the attempts by the British to overturn “Jews only” hiring practices of the Jewish National Fund. In 1931, Ramsey MacDonald, the Prime Minister, capitulated with his famous “Black Letter.” Another example is the vote on the partition of Palestine before the United Nations in November 1947. Innumerable nations originally opposed to partition swung over because of immense U.S.-Zionist financial pressure. The case of Panama is instructive. The Panamanian ambassador gave an impassioned speech denouncing partition before the General Assembly. When the U.S. threatened Panama with the loss of four to five key loans if it continued to oppose partition, the Panamanian government instructed its ambassador to reverse his position. Similar tactics were used on other countries. It would appear then, that Consul General Knabenshue was correctly analyzing the power of Jewry to carry out its threats. Nothing has changed since Knabenshue’s time. AIPAC terrorizes the American Congress into supine submission to Israel’s every demand. The charge of antiSemitism terrorizes every public official. Laws against denying or questioning the Holocaust proliferate in Europe. Holocaust Museums mushroom in every metropolis of Europe and America. Even Paul Knabenshue would be amazed at how far the Zionists have come since the Palestine riots of 1929. “A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 17

INTELLIGENCE REPORT As Nationalist Times readers know, Paul Craig Roberts is a powerful writer. Like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan, he is one of a very few men who have been on the “inside” of the U.S. power structure who will speak out strongly against it in a country that is literally dying because of its tragic lack of fearless leaders and statesmen. In fact, Roberts believes that the Permanent Regime’s assassination on September 30th of two U.S. citizens living in the Middle East, Anwar Awlaki and Samir Khan, marks the official death of America. The killings were wildly cheered by “conservative” and “liberal” and Democrat and Republican alike, showing again that the closed U.S. political system consists of a single globalist party with two competing wings, with everyone else shuttered to the fringes or labeled “extremists” of one kind or another. In a long must-read article entitled “The Day America Died,” Roberts pulls absolutely no punches, and after a brief bit of optimism about Americans waking up, ends with unabashed gloom. Nationalist Times readers should read it

in its entirety, but here are some pertinent excerpts: “All we know that Awlaki did was to give sermons critical of Washington’s indiscriminate assaults on Muslim peoples. . . Having murdered its critic, the Obama Regime is working hard to posthumously promote Awlaki to a leadership position in al Qaeda. . . But what Awlaki did or might have done is beside the point. The U.S. Constitution requires that even the worst murderer cannot be punished until he is convicted in a court of law. . . Attorneys Glenn Greenwald and Jonathan Turley point out that Awlaki’s assassination terminated the Constitution’s restraint on the power of government. Now the U.S. government not only can seize a U.S. citizen and confine him in prison for the rest of his life without ever presenting evidence and obtaining a conviction, but can also have him shot down in the street or blown up by a drone. Before some readers write to declare that Awlaki’s murder is no big deal because the U.S. government has always had people murdered, keep in mind

Great ‘Politically Incorrect’ Books by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

Page 18 The Nationalist Times October 2011 that CIA assassinations were of foreign opponents and were not publicly proclaimed events, much less a claim by the President to be above the law. Indeed, such assassinations were denied, not claimed as legitimate actions of the President of the United States. . . As civilian and military leaders have been telling us for years, the war on terror is a 30-year project. After such time has passed, the presidency will have completed its transformation into Caesarism, and there will be no going back. Indeed, as the neo-conservative Project for a New American Century makes clear, the war on terror is only an opening for the neo-conservative imperial ambition to establish U.S. hegemony over the world. . . ‘Terrorist’ and ‘giving aid to terrorists’ are increasingly elastic concepts. Homeland Security has declared that the vast federal police bureaucracy has shifted its focus from terrorists to ‘domestic extremists.’ . . The Obama Regime, like the Bush/Cheney Regime, is a regime that does not want to be constrained by law. And neither will its successor. Those fighting to uphold the rule of law, humanity’s greatest achievement, will find themselves lumped together with the regime’s opponents and be treated as such. This great danger that hovers over America is unrecognized by the majority of the people. . . Instead of seeing the danger, most Americans will merely conclude that the government is getting tough on terrorists, and it will meet with their approval. . . What do Americans think will be their fate now that the ‘war on terror’ has destroyed the protection once afforded them by the U.S. Constitution? If Awlaki really needed to be assassinated, why did not President Obama protect American citizens from the precedent that their deaths can be ordered without due process of law by first stripping Awlaki of his U.S. citizenship? . . . Americans are beginning to unwrap themselves from the flag. . . War critics are beginning to have an audience. . . Readers ask me what they can do. Americans not only feel powerless, they are powerless. They cannot do anything. They highly concentrated, corporate-owned, government-subservient print and TV media are useless and no longer capable of performing the historic role of protecting our rights and holding government accountable. Even many antiwar internet sites shield the government from 9/11 skepticism, and most defend the government’s ‘righteous intent’ in its war on terror. Acceptable criticism has to be couched in words such as ‘it doesn’t serve our interests.’ Voting has no effect. President ‘Change’ is worse than Bush/Cheney. As Jonathan Turley suggests, ‘Obama is ‘the most disastrous president in

our history.’ Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who stands up for the Constitution, but the majority of Americans are too unconcerned with the Constitution to appreciate him. To expect salvation from an election is delusional. All you can do, if you are young enough, is to leave the country. The only future for Americans is a nightmare.” . . . . . . . . . . . . Balancing out some of Roberts’ pessimism are the observations of Karen Kwiatkowski on the ongoing collapse of The Glorious Multicultural Imperial Empire. Kwiatkowski is a Ph.D. and a retired Lt. Col. in the Air Force with sharp observations from a libertarian-nationalist perspective. She writes, in “Watching Empires Fall”: “Today the empire – foreign and domestic – is ending for America, and I think the state knows this, and is fighting it, and is going to fight it with everything it can muster. Luckily the state can’t muster up like it once could. . . Increasingly, Washington, D.C. has become known around the world as a bigmouthed, kickback-taking, fat, donut-eating cop with an attitude. Of all the parties in Washington D.C. who are part and parcel of this problem, I find that the U.S. Congress is most accurately described this way. [M]ost of Congress can’t find the Constitution with both hands and a flashlight. What’s worse, only a few of them are even looking for it. The correction of our American direction, our path into a future of prosperity and peace, will not come from the present crowd of Congressmen and women. The global empire is falling away, collapsing under its own weight, being crushed by its own awful corruption and shattered by its frozen and arrogant ideology. It is sinking like the Titanic in icy water and it is taking down many unprepared and unlucky people down with it. The momentum is on the side of liberty. . . But something else is happening. As the global empire led by Washington, D.C. is collapsing before our eyes, the domestic empire in this country is also failing. It is getting closer every day to an almost comedic end, even as more money is spent, more human dependencies are created, more bailouts conducted, more paper currency printed, more people monitored, bullied, groped, regulated and incarcerated by some part of government. In fact, if you look only at the surface, you wouldn’t know it is failing – budgets increase, hiring continues, the power of the state to control your money, your buying and selling, your productivity, your family, your education, your finances, your person, papers and property has never been greater. Increasingly we must consider the state in every decision we make, from dawn till dusk. To question the state, to challenge the government, is discouraged, and while we the people find it incredibly easy to get in trouble with the state, we are starting to notice that the criminals in the state are always rewarded, never punished, and rarely fired. In fact the only government officials now who have been fired are whistleblowers. The domestic state apparatus seems firmly entrenched. And yet – things are not as they seem on the domestic front. Many unemployed people who expect government care and feeding are finding that the government lied to them. Government employees, at local and state levels, are finding that their retirement funds have been raided by the state, and that the government lied about it. . . The Washington D. C. response, the Congressional response is to talk about some day balancing a budget, and cutting imaginary future spending levels. But what’s really exciting to me is the increasingly palpable fear that is evident in Washington, among the political class and among entrenched politicians there. Their gig is up. The parasitical state has weakened its host so badly that America as a society, and as an economy, is evolving in new directions – outside the state, underneath the state, above the state, around the state. . . The way I see it, on both domestic and international fronts, what’s coming next for America is promising and exciting.” . . . . . . . . . . . . Unfortunately, many well-meaning Americans continue to be captivated by the ravings of “Christian” Zionist preachers, most of whom should be prosecuted for being unregistered agents of a foreign country. The most odious of these extremists is John Hagee, who in 2005 said that Hurricane Katrina was God’s judgment on America for allowing Israel to remove some of its settlers from Gaza. Now, Hagee maintains that God will leash “unprecedented wrath” if “America continues to force Israel to give up land to the enemies of Israel.” As Rev. Ted Pike, a patriotic clergyman who works mightily to expose Christian Zionism as the screwball religious belief it is, writes, “For the last century, evangelicals have lost their way, following misleading prophetic ‘sign posts’ established by Bible teachers under the influence of Jewish Zionists. ‘Israel first’ evangelical teachers and leaders have torn down true Biblical law concerning the Jews, building up anti-Christ Babylon the Great instead.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nationalists and others understand that the U.S. has a one-party system which carefully vets candidates for high office, and undoubtedly has the ability to blackmail any and all of them should they “step out of line.” Thus it was no surprise that Barack Obama has been

more of the same old, same old; the only surprise is that there are still so many Americans who think there are substantial differences between the Democrat and Republican organized crime gangs. An article by Thaddeus Russell in the October 2011 issue of Reason magazine notes that Obama many times during the 2008 campaign articulated his support for globalism, and increasing the size of the U.S. military as well as continuing the Glorious Multicultural Imperial Empire’s policies of interfering and attempting to dictate to every nation on earth. “Clearly, anyone who saw Obama as a peacemaker simply did not listen to what he was saying,” writes Russell. He details the ideological and employment background of Obama’s parents, both of whom, if not communists certainly had communist leanings. Yet both were supporters of the U.S. “anti-communist” establishment and strove to extend its influence. Russell notes that “Obama literally would not exist without the Central Intelligence Agency. His father and mother met at the University of Hawaii’s East-West Center, which was created by Congress and directed by CIA operatives. Obama’s father was brought to the University of Hawaii by the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation and the U.S. State Department at the request of Tom Mboya, a CIA-backed leader in the Kenyan independence movement. The dormitory where Obama Sr. lived at the East-West Center was funded by the Asia Foundation, also a CIA creation.” Obama’s stepfather and his mother also both worked at various agencies or companies that were fronts of the intelligence community and the State Department. So Obama was raised from birth to be both a communist – and a supporter of Washington’s global, corporate- and military-based empire. It sounds like a contradiction, but it isn’t to those who understand how the Permanent Regime exercises and tries to maintain power. The Empire is a mixture of monopoly capitalism, socialism, globalism, Cultural Marxism, fascism, feudalism, and Zionism, which is why describing it by only one of those adjectives doesn’t capture its essence. . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Paul raised $8 million during the third quarter of 2011. In head-to-head polls against Obama, Paul still either leads the incumbent or places just behind him. But Paul sadly gets nowhere near the support he should from Tea Party types, the “conservatives” who follow the above-mentioned John Hagee and his fellow Christian Zionist extremist “clergymen,” or who faithfully get their news and views from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his army of radio imitators. The Tea Party has become exactly what The Nationalist Times warned it would turn into without a strong influx of Nationalists into the movement – an organ of the Republican Party and its dominant neo-conservative wing. It’s a real tragedy that more and more of American society is becoming radicalized or at least becoming more amenable to prerevolutionary and revolutionary thoughts and ideas, but a very large number of heartland “conservatives” still believe that the Republican Party has merely lost its way and that if the party will only nominate a “principled conservative” things in the country will begin to turn around, blah, blah, blah. Their allegiance to archaic ways of thinking – and to a system ruthlessly dedicated to marginalizing if not entirely eliminating Middle America and its way of life – is at once as astonishing as it is sad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . None of the presidential contenders will talk about the ever-growing U.S. police state (except Ron Paul of course), because both monopoly parties and their propaganda organs support it, in the name of keeping Americans “free” through perpetual war. Many in the alternative media regularly report how the police now arrive in overwhelming numbers and armed to the teeth with military weapons any time there is a demonstration, no matter how modest. In New York, there are as many police watching the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators as there are demonstrators themselves. But even mundane, day-to-day activities in the Rotten Apple require an overwhelmingly police presence. Writes Becky Akers of Lew “New York City was under siege this week. Decent folk cowered at home while twobit thugs stalked our streets, guarding the self-important sociopaths invading Manhattan. Yep, the United Nations General Assembly met as always at this time of year, plotting to grab more power over the world, and the NYPD milked that for all the overtime it could get. Were you to stroll around the skyscrapers in midtown, you’d assume you’re in occupied territory. Cops – phalanxes of them – clog every intersection, and movable, metal barricades fence off whole streets, confining New York’s disarmed populace to sidewalks as though we pose some sort of threat. Recall that many of the dictators bloviating at the UN have hundreds or thousands of rapes and murders, a war or two, torture and often even genocide to their credit, not to mention the usual plunder and theft. Yet Our Rulers fret about protecting them from us.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unintentional comedian Joe Biden, the Vice President of the Glorious Empire, showed the extent to which Washington is willing to pander to the minorities it so desperately wants to replace Whites

with in the U.S. Speaking at the Naval Observatory to honor “National Hispanic Heritage Month,” Biden told his audience that so-called “hispanics” have “a greater claim to the North American continent than anyone else.” Not stopping there, Joe blubbered that, “The contributions being made to this country by Hispanic Americans is well over 400 years old. We are acting like somehow it is brand new, but you know that America is much richer and more vibrant because of these contributions.” Biden in his ignorance, whether contrived or real, is calling the Spanish explorers of North America – White European men — “hispanics.” As A. W. Morgan of writes, “Let’s face it. The people now crossing our border with Mexico are not relatives of [famous Spanish golfers] Sergio Garcia or [the late] Seve Ballesteros. The only people ‘here’ – that is to say in the continental U.S. – before de Soto discovered the Mississippi in 1541, before Cortez landed in Mexico in 1519 and stopped centuries of satanic human sacrifice and cannibalism, before de Leon established the first European settlement on the continental United States at St. Augustine, Florida in 1513, were the pureblooded Indians of North America. These tough tribesmen ranged across the continental United States. But that isn’t the crowd to which Biden is appealing.” . . . . . . . . . Then again, it’s tough to master the obvious for those who believe the daily lies and propaganda of Washington’s corporate media arm. Writing for, the title of Charles Davis’s piece says it all – “Journalism 101: If a U.S. Official Says It, Report It.” After citing various ways in which the media faithfully reports whatever the government wants it to when it comes to war coverage, Davis concludes: “The lesson for those who wish to be successful in the corporate media is this: If a U.S. national security official asserts something, dutifully report it, preferably with no attribution. Objective facts, on the other hand, are not to be published if an anonymous government official takes issue with them, or if they’re just too darn anti-Americany [sic]. Remember, the purpose of the corporate press is to service the needs of the state and its corporate masters. While there may be instances of quality journalism in the likes of The Washington Post and The New York Times, their chief purpose is serving the corporate-state agenda, not the public interest. And the key to any fact being ignored or ‘hotly disputed’ is the degree to which it challenges that mission.”

The Nationalist Times October 2011 Page 19

Caste Football Caste Football is the world’s only media outlet dealing with sports and race from a pro-white perspective. The party line that blacks are the best athletes is a Big Lie. Whites are discriminated against in football, basketball and other sports and are systematically demeaned by the corporate media. Caste Football covers sports and race from a unique and very much needed perspective.

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Race as an Issue By Dr. Adrian H. Krieg The media will without question, when confronting any A3P candidate, roll out the canard of racism. It is imperative that A3P candidates reply in a respectful but forceful manner very clearly articulating our position. Every racial group except Whites has an organized group supporting their position and in almost every case vilifying all their opponents. In most cases, such as the Black Caucus, AIPAC, and the Hispanic Caucus in our legislative branch, they attempt to enact laws favorable to their groups. Many are very successful to the detriment of the rest of society. We are not in the business of vilifying or demeaning any other race or ethnic group, but we insist that the laws of America allow us the same rights as everyone else. Whites will be a national minority by 2030; we are already a minority in California, Texas, Hawaii, and New Mexico. Therefore we unabashedly and unequivocally support the interests of White Americans through the political party provided by American Third Position. Blacks have the NAACP, hispanics have La Raza, Jews have AIPAC, SPLC and many others; A3P supports the White race. If you have problems with that depart, if you don’t like our positions, go away, we will not try to force our ideas down anyone’s throat. What we stand for is America First — America as a free nation, America run by the majority as a republic under the Constitution, not a democracy, not a socialist oligarchy. We are opposed to institutionalized homosexuality as is now the norm; we are opposed to pre-emptive wars, we are opposed to feminism and its sick anti-men concepts, we are opposed to gun control, we are opposed to a self-serving media that purposely tries to inflict its warped ideas on society through propaganda. We solicit all red-blooded White American men and women to our cause. Join Us.

Help Wanted American Third Position is looking for an assistant to help with forming and organizing state and local chapters around the country. This is a part-time position working with Don Wassall. If interested contact Don Wassall at

Bertram Thanks His Supporters Harry Bertram thanks his supporters and contributors during his campaign for Governor of West Virginia. “Thank you all who supported me during my run for Governor. Thank you to those who contributed funds during these hard economic times. Thank you to those who helped spread the word by passing out schedule cards, door hangers, and other resources. Many thanks also to those who attended parades in West Virginia with me and stood next to me as we gathered signatures to qualify.” The two major parties dominated the election, receiving 97 per cent of the vote. The remaining three candidates and two write-in candidates split the remaining 3 per cent. Bertram received about one percent of the vote. After the election an A3P member pointed out that, “This was the first gubernatorial election that voters were fortunate to mark a ballot for a candidate standing under the American Third Position Party. Jean-Marie Le Pen of France’s National Front in his first electoral run received under one percent during the French presidential election. 28 years later Le Pen sent shock waves throughout the European political establishment by finishing second in the presidential contest. Today, his daughter Marine Le Pen is a serious

contender for the French presidency.” Bertram also particularly acknowledged the support of Nationalist Times readers, who donated several thousand dollars to his campaign. The struggle continues, but the future looks bright! Join A3P today for the win!

Candidates Needed Bill Johnson, National Chairman of American Third Position, has issued a call for candidates for the 2012 election. A3P is a grassroots party and needs activists in order to become better known around the country. Harry Bertram was the party’s historic first balloted candidate for his gubernatorial run in West Virginia, but more A3P candidates are needed for the very important election year of 2012. Those interested in running for office or otherwise becoming involved as an activist should contact A3P at P.O. Box 5400, Grand Forks, ND 58206, or call: 561-351-4424 to speak with Membership Coordinator Jamie Kelso.

JOIN AMERICAN THIRD POSITION! Building a “third” party to challenge the two long-entrenched, corrupt monopoly parties is a daunting task — but one which must be attempted, otherwise we are ceding the country we love to the Big Government/Corporate/Bankster/Zionist/Military/Entertainment Complex that is plundering America with no accountability or opposition. A3P needs your support. If you believe that it’s time to challenge the two-party tyranny, then please join A3P today. _____ A3P membership for 2011 — $40 _____ A3P membership for 2011 plus a one-year subscription to The Nationalist Times newspaper — $65 (Note: this offer is for new Nationalist Times subscribers only; it is not a renewal rate for current subscribers) NAME____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP__________________________________________________________ Checks and money orders should be made out to American Third Position (or A3P) and mailed to: American Third Position, P.O. Box 5400, Grand Forks, ND 58206.

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