Entering Our 30th Year of Service To East Texas
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3907 Old Bullard Road • Tyler, Texas 75701 903-597-2516 • FAX 903-597-8726 www.americanclassifieds.com on line edition - www.amclasstyler.com Hours: 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday & Tuesday 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
In Print, On Line, ALL THE TIME! Vol. 30 No. 1 October 6, 2011 © Want Ads of Tyler, Inc.
With This Issue, We Begin Our 30th Year Of Serving East Texas BILL’S UNCLAIMED FURNITURE Accounts Opened With + NO CREDIT CHECK + 90 Day Interest Free Option 236 S. Broadway, Downtown Tyler COFFEE TABLE, end table, table lamp, large all leather recliner, swivel rocker, near new condition. Call 903-581-9871. BRUSH GUARD, $75. Push mower, $60. Air compressor, $75. 1998 Dodge truck, $2,500. 903-504-0716. DEER BLIND & feeders. Small trailer with title. Truck toolbox. Bill, 903-852-6520. SEARS (SCHWINAIRDYNE) stationary bike, like new, $175. Ruger new mod 77 257, Roberts & Leupold VX 11 3x9 scope, shot 6 times to sight in, $1,000. B r o w n ing A-5 Sweet 16 IC VR RK Belgium make, $1,400. Beretta 20 gauge O/U 636 Black Onyx, $ 1 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 903-530-4115 after 5PM. HOUSE TO BE MOVED: 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, living room, dining, kitchen. Ready to go. $13,000. 903-539-0688. VENDO: 2 toros, 1 vaca, 1 becerra. Una troca Ford 1995 XLT 350, $2,000. 903-258-1279. 5X5 HOT Point refrigerator, ice dispenser and water in door, $150. Two chainlink dog pens, $50 each, you take down. 903-316-2844. FREE: GOOD Christmas Play, based on true story. 903-581-1586.
I WON A BRAND NEW Kawasaki 250 Bayou. Never Used. Retail for $3,600. Will sale for $2,600. 903-593-2079. CATAHOULA CURR dog, needs a home, approximately 1 year old female. 903-566-1677. FOUND! YOUNG male black and white Cocker Spaniel. Beautiful Dog! Found in TJC area. Was found on Thursday. Call 903-360-8562. 1980 BASS boat, 70HP. 1987 Blazer with rims. 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee. 903-539-7623. REDUCED! 62X42 Dining Room Table with additional 12" drop in extension. Solid Wood and in Great Condition. Too big for our dining area. Asking $150. Less than half what you'd pay for a comparable table at a furniture store. NO CHAIRS. We have pictures we can text you on request. 903-262-6598, 903-922-9649. MEN'S PANTS & SHORTS: 38x36, Docker and Levis, excellent condition. FURNITURE: Full queen bedroom set, light oak, with night stand & dresser. Woman's single dresser with mirror, very pretty. 4 wooden barstools. 903-253-5277. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 2 months. 903-343-4191.
The Great Outdoors!
Thank You! Thank You! BALDWIN PIANO, January 2000 Hamilton Limited Edition, like new, asking $2,600. 1-972679-6207. CARGO CRAFT 16' enclosed, fiberglass trailer, never used. $3,750. 903-736-8152, 903-646-1211.
3 CEMETERY lots, Cathedral in the Pines, $2,000 each. 817-366-2452. LIKE NEW: 5'2"x9 trailer with loading ramp, tailgate for ATV, UTV, mower. 903-312-5732. 1310 Dogwood, Tyler. $650. 5X8 W.W. enclosed box trailer, electric brakes, new in 2007, barn kept, $1,350. 903-570-2531. "In the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me." Psalm 27:5
Ho n d a 903•597•4663 www.hondaoftyler.net 2012 FOREMAN TRX500FM OF TYLER
$5,999 EXPIRES 10/31/11
1/4 MILE WEST OF LOOP 323 4301 HWY 31 WEST TYLER, TX All prices + TTL. Bonus Bucks can only be used for purchases at the dealership and must be redeemed on the date of purchase. *Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) excludes destination charge of $275.00. “Bonus Bucks available on select models. See dealer for details,” (Offer expires 12/31/11). Offer has no cash value and is not transferable. Sale price advertised includes Bonus Bucks. Bonus Bucks not to exceed amount shown. UTILITY ATVs ARE RECOMMENDED ONLY FOR RIDERS 16 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER. ATVs CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO OPERATE. FOR YOUR SAFETY, BE RESPONSIBLE. READ THE OWNER’S MANUAL. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET, EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. BE CAREFUL ON DIFFICULT TERRAIN. ALL ATV RIDERS SHOULD TAKE A TRAINING COURSE (FREE FOR NEW BUYERS. ASK YOUR DEALER OR CALL ASI AT 800-887-2887). NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL, ON PAVED SURFACES, ON PUBLIC ROADS, WITH PASSENGERS, OR AT EXCESSIVE SPEEDS. NO STUNT RIDING. RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT WHEN RIDING.
1216 S. Bennett
903-595-5163 • 903-595-5164 ★ BEHIND HOLLYWOOD THEATER, TYLER ★
CALLING TIMES WEDNESDAY DAYTIME 11:30AM & 1:30PM THURSDAY 6:30PM & 8:30PM FRIDAY 6:30PM & 8:30PM SATURDAY 6:30PM & 8:30PM SUNDAY 2:30PM & 4:30PM & 6:30PM MONDAY 6:30PM & 8:30PM
Call by OCT 7TH To Reserve Your Advertising Space! 3907 Old Bullard Tyler, Tx
903-597-2516 www.americanclassifieds.com
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