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Entering Our 30th Year of Service To East Texas


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3907 Old Bullard Road • Tyler, Texas 75701 903-597-2516 • FAX 903-597-8726 www.americanclassifieds.com on line edition - www.amclasstyler.com Hours: 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday & Tuesday 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

In Print, On Line, ALL THE TIME! Vol. 30 No. 3 October 20, 2011 © Want Ads of Tyler, Inc.

Proudly Serving East Texas For 30 Years! The

Gold Buyer


$$$ CASH FOR $$$ CASH FOR $$$

$$$ CASH FOR $$$ CASH FOR $$$

J E W E L RY R E PA I R ✧ $ 5 B AT T E R I E S ✧ D E N TA L G O L D ✧ P O C K E T WAT C H E S

Gold Silver Platinum 5111 Troup Highway, Ste 102 Dental Gold Tyler, Texas Class Rings 903-561-GOLD (4653) Broken Jewelry

J E W E L RY R E PA I R ✧ $ 5 B AT T E R I E S ✧ D E N TA L G O L D ✧ P O C K E T WAT C H E S

PARTING OUT: 1994 Infiniti J30, 4door, engine, transmission, any part. Will also sell as w h o l e . C a l l 903-707-0327 for more information. KOI: LOCAL Private Pond Raised. Priced to sell. Must See. 903-569-0891. RUGER MODEL 77, 7mm, scope. Ready to h u n t . $ 5 0 0 . 903-2624068. 2009 JEEP Wrangler Unlimited, white, 4-door, 4x4, 18K miles, over $3,000 in extras, wheels lift kit, like new, $24,500 n e g o t i a b l e . 903-721-0367. 2003 4X4 Honda Rancher ES, 350cc, new tires. Deer Hunter's Special. $2,400. 903-530-0981. ONE MALE goat, $50. One roller press for driveways, parking lots, e t c . , $ 1 0 0 . 903-504-0716. 62X42 DINING Room Table with additional 12" drop in extension. Solid Wood and in Great Condition. Too big for our dining area. Asking $150. Less than half what you'd pay for a comparable table at a furniture store. NO CHAIRS. We have pictures we can text you on request. 903-262-6598, 903-922-9649. SMALL ENGINES, 3 1/2 to 14HP. 903-519-9891.

1980 BASS boat, 70HP. 1987 Blazer with rims. 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee. 903-539-7623. VENDO: 2 toros, 1 vaca, 1 becerra. Una troca Ford 1995 XLT 350, $2,000. 903-258-1279. 1986 350 Chevrolet long bed, $1,950. 1970 Jeep, 35K miles, 2WD, $1,950. Dogwood City on 155. 903-253-3004. HAMILTON STUDIO style piano, good condition, $275. 936-347-5225. BALDWIN PIANO, January 2000 Hamilton Limited Edition, like new, asking $2,600. 1-972679-6207. 105 LP Albums: 137 45s, 80 center discs for 45s. Mostly 50s and 60s rock and rock'n'roll. 903-253-1989. HOUSE TO BE MOVED: 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, living room, dining, kitchen. Ready to go. $13,500. 903-539-0688. IF YOU have a child diagnosed with ADD or LD, who had ear infections as baby and given antibiotics, call me 903-566-4110. 1998 FORD 1/2-ton pickup, $2,600. Trade for 3/4-ton pickup, tractor, or trailer. 903-593-0624. BABY CRIB mattress bedding $50. Toddler Bed Mattress Bedding $30. 903-849-3960.


The Great Outdoors! Printing Oct 20th & 27th Don’t Miss The Savings!

Brought To You By.....

3907 Old Bullard Tyler, Tx

903-597-2516 www.americanclassifieds.com

1998 LINCOLN Town Car Signature, 4-door, greenish blue, 210K miles, excellent condition, asking $3,000 cash. Call 903-830-2184. 4x4 SUBURBAN, 1985, 124K miles V-8, Trans cooler, 3-seat, rear heat, near new oversized tires, $3,350. 903-360-2695.

THIS IS FREE! A House to be moved! Small House on stilts, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Not complete. Come get the house and all extra parts, includes air conditioner unit. 903-825-6915. NEW TAPPEN Dishwasher. Great Price! 903-526-0933. HOT SPRINGS Spa, 6person, in great condition, $3,295 negotiable. 903-376-1939. Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. Proverbs 26:4

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