No Other Job Board Offers More Access to Neurologists Than
Our members = Your candidates
The American Academy of Neurology is the world’s largest association of neurologists and neuroscience professionals, with more than 40,000 members dedicated to brain health for all
Over 90% of US neurologists are members of the AAN
US neurologist members average spending 73% of their time in clinical practice
15% of US AAN members are in a residency or fellowship

12% of US AAN member neurologists specialize in child neurology
Neurologists are in demand
Throughout most of the US, the current demand for neurologist services already exceeds supply
Demand for neurologists will increase due to the aging US population and increased use of neurological services
Neurologists just entering the workforce receive multiple offers; the typical AAN job seeker applies for five jobs and receives three offers before finishing a residency/fellowship 1
Sources: 1 AAN Career Path Survey, 2011.
Advertising Packages At-A-Glance
Recruit from the world’s largest neurology - focused career resource The AAN Neurology Career Center offers package options to display your job posting for 30, 60, or 90 days with enhancements including print, email, social media, and placement opportunities at premier AAN conferences
Job Guide Package
60-day online ad on AAN.com with logo
½ page display ad in the Career Compass job guide distributed by mail and at AAN conferences
Job Post sent during the conference
Jobs Email Package
60-day highlighted online ad on AAN.com with logo
Jobs email insertion
Top Job placement
Featured Employer designation
Top Job Package
60-day highlighted online ad on AAN.com with logo
Top Job placement
Featured Employer designation Basic Package $850
60-day online ad on AAN.com with logo
The AAN Neurology Career Center team difference
Only the AAN’s Neurology Career Center can provide you with 25+ years of neurology recruitment advertising experience
Careers.AAN.com | careers@aan.com | (612) 928-6177
Included in Job Guide Package:

Reach neurology professionals online, by mail with the Career Compass Job Guide, and during the AAN Annual Meeting or Fall Conference

AAN.com receives more than 2 5 million web sessions annually In 2024, there were nearly 150,000 job views and 5,000 applications
Reach 1,900+ registered job seekers in our searchable public CV database
Your ad in the Career Compass job guide is mailed to more than 8,000 AAN early career neurologists and neurologists in-training Plus, your reach is extended with bonus distribution on-site and electronically during the AAN Annual Meeting or Fall Conference
The AAN has more than 40,000 engaged followers to share your job posting with on X
Job Guide Deadlines
The Career Compass job guide is the only on-site job guide distributed at the AAN Annual Meeting and Fall Conference Your ad in the Career Compass job guide is mailed to more than 8,000 AAN early career neurologists and neurologists in-training

Careers.AAN.com | careers@aan.com | (612) 928-6177

AAN.com receives more than 2 5 million web sessions annually In 2024, there were nearly 150,000 job views and 5,000 applications
Reach 1,900+ registered job seekers in our searchable public CV database
Reach passive and active job seekers with the jobs email, distributed to approximately 18,000 US members
Your job is the first to display in a relevant candidate search with the Top Job placement
Gain exposure on the Neurology Career Center landing page as a Featured Employer
Jobs Email Deadlines
The Neurology Jobs Email is a twice monthly email blast sent to AAN members It features up to 25 job listings and links back to your online job on AAN.com for more information
The AAN does not sell member email addresses. The Jobs Email is the only way to reach AAN members directly with your job posting.
Available with the Jobs Email Package or $395 as an add-on option with any advertising package

January 10 December 18
January 24 January 8
February 7 January 23
February 21 February 5
March 7 February 20
March 21 March 6
April 4 March 20
April 18 April 2
May 2 April 17
May 16 May 1
May 30 May 14
June 13 May 29
June 27 June 11
July 11 June 25
July 25 July 10
August 8 July 24
August 22 August 7
September 5 August 20
September 19 September 4
October 3 September 18
October 17 October 2
October 31 October 16
November 14 October 29
November 28 November 12
December 12 November 26
December 26 December 8
Careers.AAN.com | careers@aan.com | (612) 928-6177

Attract attention of neurology professionals casually browsing for new opportunities

AAN.com receives more than 2 5 million web sessions annually In 2024, there were nearly 150,000 job views and 5,000 applications
Reach 1,900+ registered job seekers in our searchable public CV database
Your job is the first to display in a relevant candidate search with the Top Job placement

Gain exposure on the Neurology Career Center landing page as a Featured Employer
Careers.AAN.com | careers@aan.com | (612) 928-6177
Included in Basic Package:

A great package to attract candidates actively seeking a new role

AAN.com receives more than 2 5 million web sessions annually In 2024, there were more than over 150,000 job views and 5,000 applications
Purchase a 25-pack of CV credits for $395 to search 1,900+ CVs in our database
The Neurology Career Center’s Virtual Career Fair is a unique, neurologyspecific online career event designed to connect employers and job seekers Candidates can explore employer information and open positions and either apply for specific positions or enter the Zoom virtual space to meet with individual employers based on their interests The convenient online event format is available in desktop or mobile
$495 + the cost of an advertising package
Your participation in a Virtual Career Fair includes:
Individual Zoom breakout room for candidate interviews
25 credits to the candidate CV database (a $395 value)
Event support
Not sold separately Available as an add-on option for $495 with any advertising package

The Neurology Career Center has convenient add-on options available to ensure you receive a custom advertising experience that connects the right candidate with your job opening! Add-ons are available when purchasing any advertising package—you will be asked if you want to add on any options on the payment
Virtual Career Fair: $495
A unique, neurology-specific online career event designed to connect employers and job seekers
Cast a wider net with a one-time insertion of your job posting in an email sent to 18,000 members
AANe-newsTM: $395
A one-time insertion of your job posting in the AAN member e-newsletter
Job social media post: $395
Your job listing and logo posted from the AAN X (formerly Twitter) account (40,000+ followers)
Facebook post: $295
Your job listing posted from the AAN Facebook account (40,000 followers)
Top Job: $295
Your online job highlighted and programmed to rise to the top in a relevant candidate search
25-pack of CV credits: $395
Credits unlock candidate CVs stored in the Neurology Career Center’s CV database
Digital Job Board: $295 or $395 for highlighted option
Get featured at AAN events (the AAN Annual Meeting and Fall Conference) Your job is posted on a digital job board featuring your listing + logo + QR code Premium (highlighted) option available for $395

Careers.AAN.com | careers@aan.com | (612) 928-6177
Orders for print and online classified advertising must be submitted electronically at Careers.AAN.com
The American Academy of Neurology reserves the right to alter copy to fit general style and typesetting standards The AAN reserves the right to decline, withdraw, or edit advertisements at its discretion Every care is taken to avoid mistakes, but responsibility cannot be accepted by the AAN for clerical or printing errors
Without limiting Neurology Career Center’s terms, conditions, and policies, Neurology Career Center in accordance with Department of Justice guidelines:
Prohibits any job posting that requires US citizenship or lawful permanent residence in the US as a condition of employment, unless otherwise required in order to comply with law, regulation, executive order, or government contract
Prohibits any job requirement or criterion in connection with a job posting that discriminates on the basis of citizenship status or national origin
For complete EEO guidelines, please refer to the official resource
Customer Service:
Amy Schoch (612) 928-6122 careers@aan.com
Tabitha Sanbower (612) 928-6177 careers@aan.com