Toxic Exposure Claims

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Fifty-State Survey: Toxic Exposure Claims

The Products Liability Committee, Editor The American Bar Association Section of Litigation has released a valuable resource for lawyers who handle cases involving claims of alleged harm caused by exposure to dangerous substances. “Fifty-State Survey: Toxic Exposure Claims” serves as a quick reference dedicated solely to covering claims and defenses applicable to toxic exposure across 50 states and the District of Columbia. This book is ideal for litigators practicing in this area, as well as for in-house counsel whose businesses deal with chemical products. Toxic exposure claims is a broad area of the law that is constantly evolving with advances in manufacturing, science and technology, which can present unique statute of limitations issues. Topics covered include: • Negligence • Strict liability • Breach of warranty • Statute of limitations • Product identification requirements • Standard for challenging expert testimony • Asbestos litigation

ISBN: 978-1-63425-488-5 Product Code: 5310445 2016, 332 pages, 7 x 10 1002808: TRYING YOUR FIRST CASE NUTS AND BOLTS OF TRIAL

Buy now at or call 800.285.2221

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