NEWSLETTER Junior Edition Junior Newsletter September 1, 2011
Heather Adcock—One girl’s story
-Alyssa Parga
Heather Adcock is an 18 year old Oklahoma girl studying at Seminole State College. In her free time she says she loves to ‘watch movies, listen to music, watch college football, and read.’ Not only is she a Junior Breeder with ABBI, but she’s the only female in the top ten of the Junior Futurity 2011 Season Standings. Heather agreed to answer some questions for me, where I got to learn more about the one hobby she hadn’t mentioned yet… Q: How did you get into my sister saw a limousine the bull industry? (as in the car) and she HA: One of our friends, said "Hey look there's a Rick Taylor, is a stock limousine!" and my contractor and he got a brother, being completely bull for my brother, Billy, serious, replied "Where's to compete with in the a cow?" Junior Futurity last sea- Q: What are your future son. When this season plans within the bucking rolled around I asked if I bull industry? could get a bull and compete. So Rick and an- HA: I plan on getting another contractor, Kenny other bull for next year Jack, looked around and and competing and hopefound Oklahoma Break- fully doing as good as I down and I'm glad they did this year. did! Q: How did you feel about
▲ Heather and her brother in Ardmore ▼ Oklahoma Breakdown
th Q: What was your first tying for 6 place at the Junior Futurity in Ardexperience with a bull? more, OK? HA: I have been around cows and bulls all my life HA: I kind of couldn't beso I don’t really remember lieve it! Oklahoma Breakit. To prove my point down bucked toward the when my brother was beginning and I expected about 4 years old we to slowly get pushed furwere driving through town ther and further down the
list but he stuck with the best of them. At the event it all happened fast so I didn't realize how good he had bucked until I went back and watched it on tape and then I was like "Oh yeah, I see how I tied for 6th now" Q: How do you feel about Breakdown’s performance in Claremore? HA: I was proud of him in Claremore and he didn't place as good in Claremore as he did at Ardmore, but I think he bucked better at Claremore. It was just that the competition was quite a bit harder at Claremore. About the last second or two he flattened out, if he could have got one more buck in I think he would have been in top 5. X
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◄Rex Samford takes 1st place in Ardmore for his bull, 920 Bring It On
©Allen Glanville