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AJCA Board of Directors Update

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Berren Strope, President At Large • Nebraska • Term expires 2023 402.340.7188 • berrenstrope@oneillschools.org

Maddie Smith, Vice President At Large • Texas • Term expires 2024 903.904.1598 • msmith9605@gmail.com

Josie Wilkins, Secretary/Treasurer At Large • Arkansas • Term expires 2025 479.214.1250 • josiebeth1@gmail.com

Shea Whaley, Public Relations At Large • Iowa • Term expires 2023 515.851.9206 • sheawhaley22@gmail.com

Adrienne Bryant At Large • Missouri • Term expires 2025 573.489.1614 • starglow44@gmail.com

Jillian Bryant At Large • Missouri • Term expires 2023 573.489.4732 • jillian.bryant.business@gmail.com

Morgan Baker At Large • Texas • Term expires 2024 940.329.1774 • morgandockann@gmail.com

Ray Beneker At Large • Ohio • Term expires 2024 513.907.3985• crbeneker@aol.com

Cole Lehnert At Large • Tennessee • Term expires 2025 931.279.2149 • colelehnert@gmail.com

Wyatt Shinn Northeast Region • Indiana • Term expires 2025 765.914.9831 • wyattm2003@gmail.com

Hannah Smith Southeast Region • NC • Term expires 2023 828.371.8726 • hannah.smith@students. macon.k12.nc.us

Madeline Sonnenfeld Northwest Region • Nebraska • Term expires 2024 308.832.7215 • madeline.sonnenfeld@gmail.com

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

by Berren Strope, President & At Large Director

It seems like yesterday that I was a 15-year-old high school sophomore campaigning to be on the AJCA Board of Directors. Now I’m 17, entering my senior year of high school, applying for college and serving as the President of the AJCA Board in my final year. As I enter my final year on the board, I think back to my first year and the memories and people I met along the way.

I was one of two guys serving on the board at the time which made it extra intimidating for my 15-year-old self. But I quickly learned that being on the board meant that we were all family. The people on the board are what truly made those major shows and my first junior nationals as a board member truly special.

It may sound cliché to say, but it’s the people you meet and the friends you make along the way that make this experience worth it. I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different juniors and breeders, but also have gotten the chance to meet some amazing people on the AJCA board, as well as others. I can almost guarantee you that there are people I would not have gotten the chance to meet had it not been for the junior board. I’ve made lifelong friends because of this experience and it is easily the most rewarding part of it in my opinion.

As I enter my final year on the board, every moment that I get means a little more. Working the ring, attending junior board meetings and of course, wearing the purple jacket, are that much more special to me because of it. But I know that we have a full year left of major shows, regional shows and everyone’s favorite - junior nationals. I look forward to a great year serving as your President, and when the time comes for me to hang up my jacket, I will forever be proud to say I served on the AJCA Board of Directors.

Thanks to the 2021-2022 AJCA Board of Directors for a great year!

Be The Change

by Josie Wilkins, Secretary/Treasurer & At Large Director

An incredible time was had by all this year in Louisville, Kentucky, at the The Great Kentucky Campout! Many juniors from across the United States gathered in what many would describe as the most fun-filled week of summer! Junior members spent their time giving speeches, going head-to-head in quiz bowl matches, participating in salesmanship, showing their cattle and of course, playing a few competitive games of kickball. I would be willing to speak for several of my peers on this statement – during this week a lot of fun was had, a lot of memories were made and a lot of dreams came true!

Hello! My name is Josie Wilkins and I am proudly serving as the 2022-2023 American Junior Chianina Association Secretary/Treasurer. I grew up watching my Uncle Cody show Chianina cattle. His passion for showing cattle led him to managing a show cattle operation in Arkansas where he now markets Maine-Anjou and Chianina cattle. I have aspired to be a member of the Junior Chianina Board since the first time I picked up a show stick and entered the ring at a national show. This year I was finally old enough to run, so I decided it was time that I step up to the plate.

My passion drives me to be a strong advocate in all facets of the cattle business. Part of the reason for that is because I have been showing in the Chi breed since I was nine years old, as well as the fact that I live and work on a cattle operation. More importantly though, it has been my experiences with my peers and mentors in the show industry that sparked my interest in taking on a leadership role.

The AJCA has made big strides in the last few years. The improvements have shown that the association holds their existing members to the highest priority, but, that membership could use a big boost in numbers in my opinion. As juniors, it is time that we start doing a better job of promoting the breed.

The biggest change that I hope to make in the association is dedicating more time and resources to finding effective ways to get more cattlemen and cattlewomen exposed to the benefits of being a member of the Chianina Association. I feel that it is a priority to communicate directly with state advisors in hopes of organizing state field days prior to each Junior National Show. In doing this, my goal is to not only promote the show as a gateway to increasing the awareness and enrollment in the junior association, but also to facilitate preparation for the National Junior Show. This will create a habit of involvement, partnership and trust between the board of directors and their region’s state programs. It goes without saying that opportunities in terms of fundraising and exposure for the juniors involved would increase tenfold.

I am extremely honored to have been elected to the junior board! I am excited to serve with some of the hardest working juniors across the United States. I am confident that we will continue to make positive strides for our association. Thank you to all of you who voted with confidence in my ability to be a leader. The legacy of a respected junior board member is one that I am blessed to be a part of and will proudly devote my time and effort to uphold! BE THE CHANGE!

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