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5J/2GTHR Chianina ...........................95 ADM/Showtec....................................92 Ard Ridge Cattle Co............................95 -C- The Difference National Sale ........91 Champagne Farms ............................95 Dunk Cattle Company.......................8-9 Foster Brothers Farms........................96 Gettinger Chiangus ...........................95 GG Cattle Company ...........................95 Goettemoeller Show Cattle.......... 66-67 Groveland Hills Farm.........................95 Higgins Farms ...................................96 KG Farms ...........................................95 KQM Chiangus ....................................7 Melroe Farms.....................................96 Pembrook Cattle Co..................... 12-13 RiverBend Farm.................................96 Riverview Farm..................................95 Rock Family Chiangus .......................96 RSE Farms..........................................95 Schaefer Chiangus.............................96 Schrick Land & Cattle Ltd................3, 96 Sexton Cattle ............................. 95, IBC ShowRite Feeds .................................17 Snake Run Cattle Co...........................71 Sullivan Supply............................ 72-73 SureChamp........................................75 Sverduk, David & Luann ....................96 Talmo Ranch ......................................95 TransOva Genetics .............................81 Ventura Farm.....................................95 VKR Cattle Company..........................95 Walco Farms ......................................95 Walter G. Mizes Ranches ...................96 Wendt, Kevin .....................................96 Whispering Pines ..............................96 Willow Oak Chiangus Ranch .............96 Winegardner Show Cattle..............IFC-1 Woodhaven Farm ............................. BC


Updated Judges List: Evans moved to go into executive session. Higgins seconded. Board entered executive session at 11:16 a.m.

Schrick moved to exit executive session at 11:20 a.m. Tice seconded. Motion carried.

Culp moved to adopt the slated judges for upcoming shows. Winegardner seconded. Motion passed.

US Beef Breeds Council – Dustin gave a update on industry genetic patents.

National Pedigreed Livestock Council: Dustin and Heather plan to attend the conference May 3-6 in Kansas City.

Dustin shared with the board some costs to attend key trade shows and events. No decision made at this time.

Cow Catch Up – Foster moved to run the Cow Catch Up promotion July 1 through August 31 with costs the same as last year. Culp seconded. Motion passed.

Adding an Older Senior Yearling Division (May-August) at Junior Nationals - no decision made

Board Articles – Colton Prescott and Neal Branscum for will write for Herdbook.

YBIC – Culp moved we reimburse each junior director $200 for travel expense to YBIC. Schrick seconded. Motion passed.

Higgins made a motion to have a checkbox on registrations to request a mailed/physical paper. Winegardner seconded. Motion passed.

The next board meeting will be during Junior Nationals. The meeting will be Monday, June 20 at 9:30 a.m. Fall meeting currently scheduled for Sept. 30 - Oct 1.

The ACA is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. The staff is working on a special celebration during NAILE.

Culp made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:53 p.m. Schrick seconded. Motion passed.

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