AMERICAN DANCER Magazine - May-June 2014

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May-June 2014



CHAMPIONS DanceSport Couples of All Ages and Proficiency Levels Bring Heart, Soul and Determination to the Dance Floor.

On The Red Carpet. America’s Best.

Official publication of USA Dance Inc.

Official USA Dance National Sponsor

Ernest Borel Swiss Made since 1856

Cocktail Collection


May-June 2014 Angela Prince


Carson Zullinger

USA Dance National Chapter Conference in Irvine, CA: LA County Chapter Members Herb McGurk (Area Coordinator), Aaron Altman & Rashell Khalfin, Junior DanceSport; Jerry Hernandez (Chapter President). See story pp. 10-11.


Cover Story:


National Chapter Conference Empowers National, Area & Chapter Leaders



6 20

By Jean Krupa, Yang Chen

President’s Message

From the National Chapter Conference, Yang Chen, President of USA Dance



Action Report from USA Dance National


Socially Yours By Jean Krupa, Social Dance VP


USA Dance 2014-15 DanceSport Calendar




In The Public Eye


Legacies of Dance

Chapter Highlights & Achievements

By Angela Prince

Tribute to Bill Davies By Wendi Davies

May-June 2014



CHAMPIONS DanceSport Couples of All Ages and Proficiency Levels Bring Heart, Soul and Determination to the Dance Floor.

On The Red Carpet. America’s Best.

Official publication of USA Dance Inc.

Crowning Champions. USA Dance National DanceSport Championships. By Angela Prince

USA Dance National DanceSport Championships - Crowning Champions

Youth Novice Latin semi-finalists on deck. Pre-Teen II Silver Latin quarter finalists await call-back results on screen, including Daniel Nudelman & Eliana Rozenfeld of NY (139) and Stamatios Mallas & Jullianne Shternfeld of NY (571).


By Bill Rose, Sami Yli-Piipari


What Athletes Need To Know By Wayne Crowder, USISTD President


High Desert Classic in California


Latest Coaching Technique Zooms In On The Dancer Action


Dance Card Magic for Chapters -


Senior I 10-Dance WDSF World Championships

The Best of KIDZ in Action By Lisa Sandoval

Fashion Flare at Nationals: On The Dance Floor Runway

What’s Trending in Ballroom for 2014? By Angela Prince, Dianna Lee, Lena & Nick Kosovich plus “Hairpins to Hemlines” by Samantha Bryant for Encore Ballroom Couture

Hustle, Salsa, Country Western, West Coast Swing, Argentine Tango, Line Dancing & More By Angela Prince

Lasting Memories In Belgium Perspective by Wayne Crowder

By Dan Calloway, FISTD


SouthWest Regional DanceSport Championships, NQE, Hosts WDSF World Ranking Tournaments

43 44

USA World Senior II Latin Team

On Floor in Italy at WDSF

Mid-Atlantic DanceSport Championships, NQE

Last Stop Before USA Dance Nationals By Joe Huesmann, Angela Prince

Correction: In the March-April issue, Chen Hong was photographer for Dr. Urisaka on pp 27-28. FRONT COVER: At the USA Dance 2014 National DanceSport Championships, America’s top ballroom and latin dancers compete for national titles and places on the USA World Teams. In the spotlight, the new National Youth Latin Champions Briant Leytman & Nino Dzneladze (CA) Next up - Gumbo DanceSport Championships in Baton Rouge, June 27-29, hosting Nationals for the Senior IV (all divisions) and Junior II Championship. Cover Photo Credit: Carson Zullinger. BACK COVER: Mark Your Calendars. The USA Dance 2015 National DanceSport Championships will return once again to Baltimore, March 27 - 29, 2015. In the spotlight, Angelo & Kayla Cristobal, Adult Standard Championship national semi-finalists. Photo Credit: Ryan Kenner.

May-June 2014


regular contributors ANGELA PRINCE Public Relations Director

May-June 2014

Official Publication of USA Dance, Inc.

Angela Prince is the publisher/editor in chief of American Dancer Magazine. She has served as National Public Relations Director for USA Dance, Inc. since 2007. Her responsibilities include integrated communications, publicity, social media relations, sponsorship development, promotional support and brand management.

2014/Issue 48

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: President – Yang Chen, NY Vice President – Shawn Fisher, ID Secretary – Greg Warner, MN Treasurer – Michael Brocks, PA VP, DanceSport – Ken Richards, DE VP, Social Dance – Jean Krupa, FL DanceSport Rep – Inna Brayer, NY DanceSport Rep – Roger Greenawalt, IN


Social Dance, Vice President


Jean Krupa is the Social Vice President for USA Dance, Inc., and is serving her second three-year term of office. She is responsible for the programs, communications and a 11-district representation for 160+ local chapters and its members.

Publisher/Editor In Chief Angela F. Prince Design and Production SPARK Publications Photography Advisor Carson Zullinger Advertising Angela F. Prince


Printing Publishers Press, Inc. SUBSCRIPTION: American Dancer, the official publication of USA Dance, Inc., is published six times a year for the membership and s included in annual membership dues. Subscription cost to non-members within the USA: $25/year SUBMISSIONS: American Dancer welcomes submissions of unsolicited articles, photos and other graphics. All submissions become the property of American Dancer magazine and are not returned to the sender. American Dancer reserves the right to edit all materials for space, content, grammatical and preferential reasons. Preferred method of editorial submissions is by written proposal to the editor who will initially review the story ideas and materials and make a final decision whether to request more information and/or publish. Submissions should be sent to with AMERICAN DANCER submission/name of sender/story header on the email subject line. Photo submissions must be high-resolution jpegs (minimum 300-600 dpi and preferably 2400 x 3600 pixels) and American Dancer retains all first-usage rights to submitted copy and photographs/digital images. PUBLISHER’S OFFICE: AF Prince Associates 11101 Robert Bost Road Midland, NC 28107 704-888-3073

CENTRAL OFFICE: USA Dance, Inc. 800-447-9047 Fax 239-573-0946 Email:

MEMBERSHIP: Online registration or renewals at WEBSITE: NATIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook USA Dance, Inc. & American Dancer Magazine

Twitter LinkedIn YouTube

@usadanceinc USA Dance Inc. usadanceinc

USA Dance Chapter websites and Facebook pages are listed at © 2014 USA Dance Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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DanceSport Vice President Ken Richards is the DanceSport Vice President for USA Dance, Inc, and is serving his fourth three-year term of office. As head of the DanceSport Council, he is responsible for all DanceSport programs, including athlete relations and educational opportunities, Adjudicator Congresses, the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships, the National Collegiate DanceSport Championships, all Sanctioned and Qualifying Events, USA Dance University and all industry DanceSport relations. He also serves as an elected Presidium member of the World DanceSport Federation of which USA Dance is a member organization.

USA DANCE, Inc. is the National Governing Body for DanceSport in the United States as recognized by the United States Olympic Committee, the International Olympic Committee and the World DanceSport Federation. With more than 160 local chapters, soon to reach 20,000 national members, from pre-teen to collegiate to seniors and an estimated outreach of more than 200,000, USA Dance is also the representative association for all social and recreational dancers in the country. Membership includes both social and DanceSport, pre-teen through senior, amateur and professional classifications.


To improve the quality and quantity of ballroom dancing in America.


resident’s Message


y the time you read this, two months will have passed since I attended the National Chapter Conference in Irvine, California. The memory of that experience and of the dedicated and inspired leaders I met there have left an indelible impression on me. I fully expect that when this issue reaches your hands, my positive thoughts and feelings from that week- Yang Chen end remain with me and have not diminished with the passage of time. First, I thank Jean Krupa, VP of Social Dance, for all her hard work in organizing and producing, for the sixth year in a row, a impactful, well-attended and highly informative conference. Congratulations, Jean, on another great event! Congratulations also to all the attendees, from all 11 districts across the country, spanning Vermont to Hawaii and many states in between. Everyone I spoke with took away lots of new ideas to bring back to their chapters, energized and enthused to strengthen their local chapters. Congratulations to Carol Davis, SW Florida Chapter #6049, who received the Volunteer of the Year Award, and the Greater Memphis Chapter #2012 for receiving the Chapter of the Year Award, accepted by Chapter President Robert White. These honors were truly well deserved. (See their stories on page 6.)

Jerry Hernandez

Thanks go to all the presenters, almost all of whom were National officers or leaders, for so effectively sharing their insights, knowledge and expertise. We are grateful for the hospitality and support of the Los Angeles, Orange County and Inland Empire Chapters, who helped keep the weekend humming along smoothly. As strong as the turnout was for the National Chapter Conference, I am acutely aware that only a fraction of our chapters and leaders were represented. For those who have not yet attended a chapter conference, I urge you now to set aside time in your calendar and funds in your chapter budget to send one or more of your leaders to next year’s conference, in Memphis, Tennessee, Texas, from February 26 to March 1. Not only will you gain invaluable information that will benefit your chapter and make you more effective as a leader, you will also meet some great people. The conference provides an incomparable opportunity to connect with other chapter leaders, as well as regional and national leaders. The National Chapter Conference showed me how truly fortunate and blessed we are as an organization to have so many selfless and devoted volunteers advancing the mission of USA Dance all across this country.

Thank you all for all that you do. We are truly grateful for your commitment.

Yang Chen

National President USA Dance, Inc.

May-June 2014





Jerry Hernandez

Presenter USA Dance President Yang Chen; Volunteer of the Year Carol Davis; Robert White, accepting for Chapter of the Year (Greater Memphis); Presenter USA Dance Social VP Jean Krupa.

The lifeblood of USA Dance is the tireless and focused work of its 162 chapters and volunteer network. Collectively, it’s what differentiates USA Dance from all other organizations and strengthens its mission and programs. At the National Chapter Conference (in Irvine, CA), USA Dance National bestowed two important annual recognitions in appreciation of exemplary volunteer work for the organization – the Chapter of the Year award and the Volunteer of the Year award. Presenting the awards on behalf of USA Dance were President Yang Chen and Jean Krupa, social dance vice president.



With 132 members, the Greater Memphis Chapter has a healthy number of volunteers it can count on to attend and assist with dances and weekly group dance lessons. The average attendance at their dances is 123, which is above the national average for their size chapter. President Robert White was on hand at the National Chapter Conference to accept the Chapter of the Year award on behalf of the Chapter. He humbly said he wasn’t certain why his chapter was selected, acknowledging all the truly active and successful chapters in the USA Dance network. But the award decision-makers knew why. The Greater Memphis Chapter operates successfully, with a vision and a plan; in fact, their priorities and goals are set in a power-point presentation that helps new members understand their Chapter better. Volunteers are assigned to specialized groups according to their interests and talents, and each Chair and the many volunteers work closely together to achieve the plan’s four major Focus Areas: #1 Focus. Producing the best dance in the Memphis area. #2 Focus. Increasing and maintaining membership through value-added benefits, hospitality, recognition and outreach to more groups. #3 Focus. Projecting a high-quality image for the Chapter. #4 Focus. Positioning the chapter, through good PR and media exposure, as the foremost dance group in the area.

Carol Davis is a long-standing member of the Southwest FL Chapter #6049 for 10 years. Her outstanding contributions in 2013 included supporting a special needs group of people in her local community, which she refers to as her Special Populations Ballroom group. She received nominations and recommendations not only from the members in her chapter, but from others as well. There are 45 members in her special populations ballroom group. Every Monday she teaches dance to all 45 in the morning and 27 in the afternoon. With four additional assistants, her work has been inspiring, not only to her students, but to others who would like to consider similar programs. Carol is greatly loved by most anyone she meets. Her positive attitude, genuine caring and fun personality are infectious. A recent proud moment for her was watching her students of an intermediate care facility perform a special dance routine, as part of a fashion show. The ovations brought tears. By attending chapter-sponsored dance workshops, Carol learned how to assume the lead so that she could partner the ladies without partners. She has also entered chapter-sponsored dance competitions to improve her dance skills. And she knows the value of good PR. By carefully documenting and photographing her activities, these tools have garnered local media publicity for her Chapter and Special Populations program.

Chapter 2012 – District 8 President: Robert B. White


American Dancer |

Member, SouthWest Florida Chapter 6049 – District 9

“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” – Tom Brokaw, television commentator, author


Plan ahead for the annual 10 days of ballroom dance celebration throughout America, Sept. 19-28, 2014. A historical note about how National Ballroom Dance Week™ started in 1989. . .It actually happened in the Big Apple when several New Yorkers, led by a dedicated “dynamo of action” Mary Helen McSweeney, put together a one-week “Ballroom Week” celebration in April of 1989. The week was designed to bring the entire dancing community together and present ballroom dancing at its very best to the general public. It was a grand affair with Showdance ChampiNorth Central New Mexico Chapter 5047 celebrating the joy of dance. ons and Broadway Dance Icons Pierre Dulaine and Yvonne Marceau’s performances lending “star power” to the week. Members of the Greater New York Chapter of USABDA (U.S. Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association, which later became USA Dance) bonded with the local dance studios and professionals and the NYC city government to organize dancing and dance celebration throughout the city. The media loved it and the result was an outpouring of good will and publicity. And so the concept for National Ballroom Dance Week was born. Mary Dix

Jennifer Dunning of the New York Times wrote this about the first “Ballroom Week”: “KICK off your bedroom slippers. Scuttle those Reeboks and get on your dancing shoes. Today marks the start of Ballroom Week in New York City, by official proclamation of Mayor Edward I. Koch. And throughout the city this weekend there will be events for experts and beginners of all ages. There will be lectures and demonstrations, and programs designed to teach everyone in the family how to jitterbug and samba. Dancers will strut their stuff everywhere from a park band shell to an elegant 19th-century ballroom. And dance parties are scheduled at nightclubs and studios throughout the city.” Even today, that would be a great story in any local newspaper. You can read more about National Ballroom Dance Week history at For more information, please visit the USA Dance website or contact Social Dance VP Jean Krupa at In the meantime, don’t forget to tell your local media now about your plans and also request that your local mayor proclaim Sept. 19-28 as National Ballroom Dance Week!


Children who are exposed to ballroom dancing, at any age, have received a very special gift that if nurtured and protected will become a rewarding lifelong activity -- whether they dance for recreation or competitively -- so long as they’ve danced for joy. Please help USA Dance bring the gift of

dance to children in our chapters and in our communities. Our K-12 Development Program and Athlete Training & Development Programs need your help. Remember that your membership dues and other donations, whether time or money, are the first steps in a child’s “syllabus for life”.

MAKE YOUR DONATIONS TODAY! Call our Central Office at 1-800-447-9047 or Donate Online at

Daniel Herzog

6th Grade Jack and Jill Merengue Competitors 3rd Brandon Moreno and Cheyenne LaFleur of Gregg Anderson Academy, 2nd Tyler Brown and Savanna Mitchell of Golden Poppy, 1st Hunter Kearl and Michelle Najar of Gregg Anderson Academy



USA Dance’s new K-12 program – USA Dance KIDZ™ -- launched in January to provide chapters and community volunteers with the resources and guidance they need to start or sustain quality dance instruction and fun-events for school-aged children in their area. For years, numerous chapters have independently led the way in developing model programs for teaching children to dance. There’s no cookie-cutter approach to these programs, but there are common denominators. Success depends upon adaptation to the available volunteer and funding resources and needs of the students. Some programs operate within the schools, others after school. The new USA Dance KIDZ will help connect the various programs and give impetus to new ones. All programs will benefit from the connection to each other, as well as having access to the new promotional and educational materials - which will include an approved dance syllabus to guide teachers, training support, promotional brochures and in the future, instructional videos. KIDZ Make Super Models. Imagine 160 dance couples (5th through 7th graders) from 22 different schools together in one gym, cheering so loudly for each other that only the amplified music and emcee could stand a vocal chance above them. At the recent High Desert Classic (story on page 22-23), USA Dance KIDZ were the stars modeling their new t-shirts!

May-June 2014


“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Milestones

– Warren G. Bennis, American leadership scholar



Following the USA Dance 2014 National DanceSport Championships in Baltimore, USA Dance has officially adopted the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) Syllabi for the adjudication of its International Standard and Latin Closed Division competitions, as held at USA Dance National Qualifying Events and the National DanceSport Championships. President of the United States ISTD Wayne Crowder encourages all USA Dance adjudicators and officials, as well as amateur competitors, to become ISTD members by engaging in the various ISTD exam processes, available to professionals and to their students at the Medal Test level. As Wayne explained, since 1904, the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance’s chief objective has been “to educate the public in the art of dancing in all its forms”. ISTD primary objectives are: • to promote knowledge of dance. • to maintain and improve teaching standards. • to qualify, by examination, teachers of dancing in the ISTD’s Yang Chen specialist techniques taught by 7,500 members in schools of dancing throughout the world. • to provide, through the ISTD syllabi, techniques upon which to train dancers in their careers.

Total Number of Volunteers


Total Audience Seats (Sold Out on Saturday)


For more information about the ISTD or to order syllabi manuals online, visit the website



American Dancer |

Total Number of Competitors Competitor Rankings

1,103 Top 65% in USA

Total Number of Judges


Total Number of WDSF Judges


Size of Competition Floor

80’ x 44’

Size of Practice Floor

40’ x 22’

Number of Major Vendors


Number of Scholarships


Largest Division on Floor

Junior I Silver Latin – 32 Couples

Youngest Competitor Oldest Competitor Number of States Represented Largest State Representation

5 Years Old 74 Years Old Nearly All, Except Alaska New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts

“A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives.” – Jackie Robinson, baseball icon

Carson Zullinger

WDSF ADJUDICATOR’S CONGRESS The USA Dance 2014 AGM in Baltimore attracted members from different areas of the country. With President Yang Chen presiding, presentations were made by all attending vice presidents and directors. Carson Zullinger



GAVE LEADERS, MEMBERS CHANCE TO MEET IN PERSON, DISCUSS KEY ISSUES The official USA Dance Annual General Membership meeting is held each year during the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships, since this one event brings together the greatest number of members at one time and place. The 2014 AGM took place Mar. 29 at the Renaissance HarborPlace Hotel in Baltimore. The open-door AGM is a productive session for members, providing the face-to-face opportunity to learn more about USA Dance and ask important questions. This year, attendees met the newly elected corporate officers, who had taken office Jan. 1, following the 2013 national elections. After hearing important presentations about USA Dance plans for the year, the meeting actively turned to a Q&A session for the members. Yang Chen, new national president of USA Dance, presided over the meeting. In attendance were all members of the Executive Committee, including Senior VP Shawn Fisher, Secretary Greg Warner, Treasurer Michael Brocks, DanceSport VP Ken Richards, Social Dance VP Jean Krupa, DanceSport delegate to the EC Taras Savitskyy, as well as Public Relations Director/American Dancer Editor Angela Prince, K-12 Dance Program Director Barbara Wally and Past Presidents Council member Peter Pover. A second AGM recap session was held on Sunday, Mar. 30 for those who could not attend on Saturday. Minutes of the AGM will be available in the document library of the USA Dance website

EDUCATES USA ADJUDICATORS TO NEW WDSF JUDGING SYSTEM 2.0 In Baltimore preceding the USA Dance Nationals, a sevenhour WDSF Adjudicator’s Congress was hosted by the World DanceSport Federation and USA member organization USA Dance. The Congress represents both organization’s commitment to providing education and certification of USA DanceSport officials. Featured lecturers were Fabio Bosco of Italy and Sergej Milicija of the Ukraine. There were 34 USA adjudicators in attendance at the Mar. 27 Congress. Fabio began the Congress explaining the WDSF Judging System 2.0 and the Criteria of Judging based on an ISU judging system that has the IOC approval. This system is based on four components, consisting of Technical Qualities, Movement to Music, Partnering Skill, and Choreography/ Presentation. This new system improves the objectivity of marking an athlete’s performance, transparency of the Carson Zullinger judging process, and provides conKen Richards, USA Dance VP of DanceSport, structive feedback introduces the WDSF instructors at the to the athletes and Adjudicator’s Congress in Baltimore. As Ken trainers. commented, “It is extremely motivating to see the number of top adjudicators seeking more Afterward, both WDSF guest lectur- knowledge and refined skills in their profession. We are pleased to provide this opportunity and invest ers focused on each in higher standards for our sport.” First WDSF cospecific compopresenter: Sergej Milicija. nent, while using PowerPoint, videos, and demonstrations to explain the important specifics of each. At the end of the Congress, adjudicators took a General Knowledge test, provided by the WDSF and administered by Ken Richards, USA Dance Vice President of DanceSport. May-June 2014





FIERY PASO DOBLE. Junior Couple Aaron Altman and Rashel Khalfin. Priscilla Messenger


ith 162 active chapters throughout the country, communications becomes vitally important, yet not without its challenges. Modern communications technology bridges the daily gaps – exchanges happen via website, email, phone, even social media -- but nothing substitutes for meeting others on the team in person, to strengthen relationships and share ideas. So for the past six years, USA Dance has successfully organized a National Chapter Conference in different parts of the country to offer new and long-standing chapter leaders the level of leadership training, information and perspective they need to become more effective as volunteers. The National Chapter Conference is planned and organized by the Social Dance Council under the leadership of Jean Krupa, Social VP for USA Dance. This annual training weekend has grown in popularity and attendance year after year, and for important reasons. USA Dance’s top leaders and other key consultants are on hand to answer questions, offer best practices, and to listen to new ideas and perspectives from the grassroots leadership. The classroom discussions are always lively and usually spill over into mealtime sessions, some into informal gatherings throughout the hotel…and after a full day packed with new information and ideas, the Conference always turns to great DJ sounds for nightly social dancing, with surprise performances from local USA Dance couples. The 2014 Chapter Conference was attended by 77 members and 37 chapters, GRACEFUL WALTZ. Senior I Standard Couple representing all 11 USA Michael Swatek & Alina Artemova. Dance Districts. Priscilla Messenger Hosting the event were two USA Dance California chapters – Los Angeles County

American Dancer |

VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR. Carol Davis of the five-county SouthWest Florida Chapter 6049 for outstanding service to the Chapter and her Special Populations Ballroom program. (See page 6 for complete story.)

Darlene Forbes

WE LOVE AMERICAN DANCER! Following Angela Prince’s class on the magazine’s new direction and opportunities, everyone did a little PR work: Marta Pascale, Jim DiCecca, Gerry Scharfenberger, Angela Prince (editor), Donna D’Amico, Robert White and Owen Jacobson.

dez Jerry Hernan

Jerry Hernandez

National Chapter Conference attracted 77 members from 39 Jerry Hernandez chapters, representing 10 of 11 USA Dance districts.

(President Jerry Hernandez) and Orange County (President Bill Rose). Lisa Sandoval, whose Dance Force Youth Ballroom program is part of USA Dance Kidz, also taught a merengue class to demonstrate how to “train the trainer.” The local CA chapter members also volunteered their services throughout the event. The fi nal night’s highlight was a National Officers’ Q&A Session, where all attendees could ask pressing questions of the newly elected leadership. The session was led by President Yang Chen; participating were Senior VP Shawn Fisher, Secretary Greg Warner and Treasurer Michael Brocks. Music and DJ services were donated by James Wu, LA County Chapter, and Cesar, Orange County Chapter. Performance Highlights! Three DanceSport couples from the LA County Chapter found an exuberant audience for their performances each night. Senior I Latin National Champions Roger Korsiak and Holly Yang Chen Hornlien performed cha cha and rumba. Junior competitors Aaron Altman and Rashel Khalfi n demonstrated their new jive and paso doble routines, while Senior I, II couple Michael Swatek and at the Chapter g in nc da tly gh Alina Artemova TA NGO FACE. Niuced some memorable moments , od nt pr de e nc esi re pr nfe ter performed InterCo MASSabda Chap as Jim DiCecca, gom er y, Dalla s Ch apter national waltz. ous tango pose. an d Di an e Mo nt acted Jim’s fam president, re-en

CHAPTER OF THE YEAR. Chapter President Robert White accepting on behalf of the Greater Memphis, TN 2012 Chapter for outstanding programs, promotions and member participation. (See page 6 for complete story.)

Priscilla Messenger

JIVE TIME. Senior I Latin Couple Roger Korsiak and Holli Hornlien.


The 2014 National Chapter Conference Presenters: Stan Andrews (DanceSport National Registrar) Michael Brocks (Corporate Treasurer) Shawn Fisher (Senior Vice President) Bobbi Jo Gamache (District 3 Area Coordinator) Amy Lord (Guest Presenter, Sports/Performance Psychologist) Ben Moseley (Guest Presenter, President, Dance Notions) Marta Pascale (President, Greater Daytona Chapter) Angela Prince (Director, Public Relations; American Dancer Publisher/Editor) Barbara Wally (Director, K-12 Programs) Greg Warner (Corporate Secretary)




over Story

Adriana Carolina Chavez Mosquera & Jose Maria Zuquilanda (Ecuador); Steven Varshavsky & Karolina Ioukhnikov (MA); Milena Romero & Esteban Acosta (Ecuador)

Samuel Hacke & Katerina Hermanova (NJ) and Patryk Ploszaj & Anna Kaczmarski (NY) Carson Zullinger




Carson Zullinger

Nels Petersen & Theresa Kimler (MN)


American Dancer |

Carson Zullinger


Florin Vlad & Natalia O’Connor (VT) Al Parker/Parkwest Photography


very year, the USA Dance Nationals proves a memorable whirlwind affair – America’s best amateur couples on the floor for three days of non-stop competitive ballroom and latin/rhythm dancing from 7 a.m. to midnight. And although only the top 65% of America’s top couples qualified to compete at Nationals, there were still 1,103 competitors in Baltimore, representing nearly every state in the country. The youngest competitor there was five years old; the oldest, 74, which confi rms that DanceSport is truly a multi-generational activity. The audience, on the other hand, ranged from practically newborns to supporting grandparents in their 90s (and many were dancers).

For the fi rst time at the USA Dance Nationals, the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) hosted three World Ranking Tournaments, one each of the three nights – Under 21 Standard, Under 21 Latin and Under 21 10-Dance. These events were open, rather than invitational, and attracted a highly competitive field from the USA plus two couples from Ecuador, South America. (See results page 19) The final rounds of the 31 Championship divisions were most often held during the evening sessions. The only Championships not actually danced, but awarded as result of point accumulation, were the 9 and 10-dance Senior divisions. (See results page 14-19). USA Dance Nationals was honored to host so many distinguished adjudicators and officials. At the WDSF Adjudicator’s Congress, 34 adjudicators were in attendance. Judging Nationals were 20 adjudicators and invigilators, with five representing the WDSF, from Finland, the Bosnia-Hersegovina, Italy and USA. Adjudicator Chairs were Cathi Nyemchek and Sami Yli-Piipari. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR 2015 – USA Dance Nationals will return to Baltimore, Mar. 27 – 29, 2015. Next up National Qualifying Event is New Jersey DanceSport Classic – Summer Sizzler, in Hackensack, NJ, June 7-8. Then, the Gumbo DanceSport Championships, June 27-29, in Baton Rouge, LA, also the USA Dance 2014 Nationals for The Senior IV divisions and the Junior II Championship division.

Victor Makovsky & Shelly Umansky (PA) Carson Zullinger

Vincent & Irina Feingold (NJ) Senior II Championship Standard Carson Zullinger

Taras Savitskyy & Tatiana Seliverstova (NJ) Carson Zullinger


J oy OF


USA Dance is greatly saddened at the passing of John Murphy, one of our Senior III DanceSport competitors, shortly after his wonderful performance at Nationals on Sunday, Mar. 30. John and his wife Mary Ann, members of our MASSabda Chapter in Boston, are in our continued thoughts and prayers. A dancer understands…life is a journey of uncertainty best celebrated through dance. And if we have only one way to travel to our next destination, let those days be on a dance fl oor every chance we have and with family and friends who share in the exuberance and joy that dance can bring.

John & Mary Ann Murphy Senior III Pre-Championship Standard MASSabda Chapter – Boston, MA Al & Patricia Parker/ ParkWest Photography

May-June 2014


Adult Championship Standard Carson Zullinger



Celebrating The Year-Long Journey To Nationals


merica can be proud. DanceSport has come a long way in the past five to 10 years. Ask the audiences in the ballroom. Families and coaches, of course, cheer on their favorites, but the differences, to the general public (even the visiting media) can’t always be distinguished. So the


trained, discerning eye of the adjudicators are appreciated all that more. But at the end of the event, regardless of placements, all the dancers – America’s Best – come away champions. At Nationals in Baltimore, there were 31 Championship-level divisions, from Junior I to Senior III. The

American Dancer |

top three winning couples in each division are recognized in American Dancer. Many of the below Champions will represent the USA at upcoming WDSF World Championships and Cups – to be announced. Note: All division and individual results are listed at

photography by Carson Zullinger, except those noted as ParkWest Photography

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: June 27-29, Nationals for the Junior II Championship and all Senior IV Divisions will be held at the Gumbo DanceSport Championships in Baton Rouge. (see p. 31)

Carson Zullinger Carson Zullinger

Junior I Championship Latin (SCRPJ) Maxim Vassilenko & Liza Shlimovich – CA 1

Youth Championship Latin (SCRPJ) Briant Leytman & Nino Dzneladze – CA 1 Patryk Ploszaj & Anna Kaczmarski – NY 2 Eric Rosenberg & Yelena Vayn – CA 3

Carson Zullinger

Youth Championship Standard (WTVFQ) Patryk Ploszaj & Anna Kaczmarski – NY 1 Justin Lin & Sasha Dubinsky – MA 2 Samuel Hacke & Katarina Hermanova - NJ 3

Carson Zullinger

Youth Championship Ten Dance (WTVFQSCRPJ) Patryk Ploszaj & Anna Kaczmarski – NY 1 Samuel Hacke & Katarina Hermanova – NJ 2 Justin Lin & Sasha Dubinsky – MA 3

Carson Zullinger

Under 21 Championship Latin (SCRPJ) Briant Leytman & Nino Dzneladze – CA 1 Vladislav Kvartin & Amanda Herrschaft – NJ 2 Stanislav Pavlov & Michelle Kurpas – NY 3

Carson Zullinger

Under 21 Championship Ten Dance (SCRPJWTVFQ) Stanislav Pavlov & Michelle Kurpas – NY 1 Samuel Hacke & Katarina Hermanova – NJ 2 Fernando Lareu & Nicole Palagashvili – MA 3

Carson Zullinger

Under 21 Championship Standard (WTVFQ) Florin Vlad & Natalia OConnor – VT 1 Fernando Lareu & Nicole Palagashvili – MA 2 William Stansbury & Jenny Sokolsky – CA 3

Carson Zullinger

Adult Championship Latin (SCRPJ) Pavel Stepanchuk & Anastasiya Danilova – NY 1 Nikita Malakhov & Nadezda Vlasova – NJ 2 Taras Savitskyy & Tatiana Seliverstova – NJ 3

May-June 2014


Carson Zullinger

Carson Zullinger

Adult Championship Standard (WTVFQ) Taras Savitskyy & Tatiana Seliverstova – NJ 1 Ruslan Kalyuzhnyy & Kseniya Sovenko – WA 2 Florin Vlad & Natalia OConnor – VT 3

Adult Championship Ten Dance (WTVFQSCRPJ) Taras Savitskyy & Tatiana Seliverstova – NJ 1 Fernando Lareu & Nicole Palagashvili – MA 2 Mircea Cernev & Ana-Maria Cernev - VA 3

Carson Zullinger

Adult Championship Nine Dance (WTFVCRSBM) Damian Pataluna & Irina Morozova – KY 1 Marc Frenger & Rachel Dugan – OH 2 Ben Byrd & Sujeeta Sippy – NY 3

Carson Zullinger

Adult Championship Rhythm (CRSBM) Allen Granzberg & Milana Lazareva – NY 1 Craig Abaya-Campos & Samantha Abaya-Campos – NJ 2 Matthew Shimizu & Jennifer Crown – MA 3

Carson Zullinger

Carson Zullinger

Senior I Championship Latin (SCRPJ) Irsan Tisnabudi & Cami Tisnabudi – TX 1 Roger Korsiak & Holli Hornlien – CA (not present) 2 Arkady Rabinovich & Arlene Yu – NY 3


American Dancer |

Senior I Championship Standard (WTVFQ) David Wright & Liva Wright – CT 1 Xingmin Lu & Katerina Lu – NY 2 Thomas Yim & Kelly Cheng – CA 3

ParkWest Photography

Senior I Championship Ten Dance (WTVFQSCRPJ) Denis Kojinov & Jeanette Chevalier – TX 1 Glenn Wuennenberg & Bonnie Wuennenberg – NJ 2

ParkWest Photography

Senior I Championship Rhythm (CRSBM) Carmine Rucco & Maria Bolyard – AL 1 Paul Duhaime & Kelly Madenjian – RI 2

ParkWest Photography

Carson Zullinger

Senior I Championship Smooth (WTFV) Jonathan Medlin & Malin Allert – NC 1 Mike Lynch & Rose-Ann Lynch – VA 2 Andrew Nordberg & Janie Nordberg – MN 3

Senior II Championship Latin (SCRPJ) Roger Korsiak & Holli Hornlien – CA 1 L. Andrew Prouty & Ilona S. Prouty – NY 2 Arkady Rabinovich & Arlene Yu – NY 3

Carson Zullinger

Senior II Championship Standard (WTVFQ) Vincent Feingold & Irina Feingold – NJ 1 Hans Stork & Ans Stork – AZ 2 Glenn Okazaki & Anne Ho - HI 3

ParkWest Photography

Senior II Championship Ten Dance (WTVFQSCRPJ) Sean Lin & Vivian Lin – NY 1 Paul Giuliano & Louise Giuliano – NY 2 Michael Otero & Diane Darling – MA 3

ParkWest Photography

Senior II Championship Rhythm (CRSBM) Carmine Rucco & Maria Bolyard – AL 1 Paul Duhaime & Kelly Madenjian – RI 2 Daniel Fugazzotto & Janis Merluzzo – FL 3 Senior I Championship Nine Dance (WTFVCRSBM) Paul Duhaime & Kelly Madenjian – RI (pictured left) 1

Senior II Championship Smooth (WTFV) Andrew Nordberg & Janie Nordberg – MN 1 Mike Lynch & Rose-Ann Lynch – VA 2 Mike Shelton & Daneen Shelton – CO 3

Carson Zullinger

May-June 2014


Carson Zullinger

ParkWest Photography

Senior III Championship Standard (WTVFQ) Hans Stork & Ans Stork – AZ 1 Vincent Feingold & Irina Feingold – NJ 2 Glenn Okazaki & Anne Ho – HI 3

Senior II Championship Nine Dance (WTFVCRSBM) Carmine Rucco & Maria Bolyard – AL 1 Paul Duhaime & Kelly Madenjian – RI 2 Roger Greenawalt & Amy Greenawalt – IN 3

Carson Zullinger

Senior III Championship Latin (SCRPJ) Edwin Bugarin & Charlotte Bugarin – HI 1 Paul Giuliano & Louise Giuliano – NY 2 Richard Chiang & Iris Chiang – CA 3

ParkWest Photography

Senior III Championship Rhythm (CRSBM) Daniel Fugazzotto & Janis Merluzzo – FL 1 Roger Greenawalt & Amy Greenawalt – IN 2 Leland R. Whitney & Leslie M. Whitney – MN 3 Carson Zullinger

Senior III Championship Ten Dance (WTVFQSCRPJ) Paul Giuliano & Louise Giuliano – NY 1 John Linn & Kathy Linn – TN 2 Edward Huang & Corrina Huang – TX 3

ParkWest Photography

Senior III Championship Nine Dance (WTFVCRSBM) Roger Greenawalt & Amy Greenawalt – IN 1 Daniel Fugazzotto & Janis Merluzzo – FL 2 Leland R. Whitney & Leslie M. Whitney – MN 3

Carson Zullinger

Carson Zullinger

Senior III Championship Smooth (WTFV) Roger Greenawalt & Amy Greenawalt – IN 1 Daniel Fugazzotto & Janis Merluzzo – FL 2 Leland R. Whitney & Leslie M. Whitney – MN 3


American Dancer |

Adult American Smooth (WTFV) Nels Petersen & Theresa Kimler - MN 1 Paul Freitas & Kelly Glasheen - CT 2 Jonathan Medlin & Malin Allert - NC 3




On Sunday, the last event was the WDSF Under-21 Open Latin. The final had seven couples and the easy winners of that event were Steven Varshavsky and Karolina Ioukhnikov from Massachusetts. In second place were Mitchell Itkin and Natasha Shevchenko of California, and the third place went to TJ Stanton and Dasha Goykhman from New Jersey/Mass.



his year is an important year for the development of amateur dancing in United States. In 2014, USA Dance kicked off a series of three official WDSF Open World Ranking Tournaments which allow dancers from other countries to come to the United States and compete against local couples. The first two USA Dance competitions that held these prestigious events were the Manhattan Amateur Classic (NQE) in New York City and the Southwest Regional DanceSport Championships (NQE) in Orange County, CA. On the last weekend of March, USA DANCE National DanceSport Championships held the third series of WDSF Open World Ranking Tournaments for the Under-21 competitors— Under-21 Latin, Under-21 Open Standard and Under-21 Open 10 Dance. The rules are different for WDSF Open events. The judging panel must consist of only WDSF judges from different countries. The distinguished judges were: Chairman of Judges Sami Yli-Piipari (Finland), Fabio Bosco (Italy), Daniel Calloway (USA), Bill Davies (USA), Claudia Marshall (USA), Sergej Milicija (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Keith Todd (USA) and yours truly Renata Shvarts (USA). All judges had to wear a black or midnight blue suit with a special WDSF tie for men and a WDSF scarf for women. I was very impressed with all the couples that weekend. The level of amateur dancers within USA Dance grows every year and the WDSF Open events will help that growth even more. The biggest benefit of holding International events of this caliber is opportunity for the U.S. couples to compete against international couples right here at home. This year, we had couples from South America (home of last year’s World Games). Next year I am sure that we will have couples from other neighboring and European countries. I also want to congratulate TJ Stanton and Dasha Goykhman for making the podium of all three WDSF events and Jose Maria Zuquilanda and Adriana Carolina Chavez Mosquera and Esteban Acosta and Milena Romero, two wonderful couples from Ecuador, for traveling to Baltimore and participating in our very fi rst WDSF Under-21 Open events.

On Friday, the WDSF Under-21 Open Standard had a seven-couple final. The winners were: Florin Vlad and Natalia OConnor from Vermont, the close 2nd place went to Fernando Lareu and Nicole Palagashvili from Massachusetts, losing to Vlad and Natalia only by one point. The third place was awarded to TJ Stanton and Dasha Goykhman from New Jersey/Massachusetts.

On Saturday, the WDSF Under-21 Open 10-Dance had a six-couple final. TJ Stanton and Dasha Goykhman were clear winners of this event, placing 1st in eight out of the 10 dances. Second place went to Nathaniel Tsiperfal and Sophia Brodsky from California and the third place to Jose Maria Zuquilanda and Adriana Carolina Chavez Mosquera from Ecuador.

May-June 2014



ocially Yours


ashion has always been a crucial element of social dancing. Clothing considered fashionable often related to the type of dance styles and popular trends. For example, even in the first three decades of the 19th century, women’s shortened dresses and men’s tight pants were characterized by dance and allowed “freedom of movement”. By the mid-19th century, crinoline came to be the most widely worn fabric style, though the ladies who wore it often had difficulty sitting down. Short and wrist-length gloves further characterized the look, which dominated ballroom fashion. Concerning colors of dresses, ladies were advised to choose colors that would best complement their features. Fair blondes were best suited to soft and delicate colors, while brunettes draped themselves in rich and vibrant colors. At the time, excessive ornamentation was discouraged; instead of extravagant jewels and adornments, ladies would limit themselves to a single bracelet and flowers in their hair. Special consideration was devoted to proper attire in choosing an outfit for a ball. Gentleman’s clothing changed little over time. Simplicity was always the key - a black dress coat, black trousers, and black or white vest comprised the gentleman’s ballroom “uniform.” Men also were encouraged to keep jewelry to a minimum, wearing only gold cufflinks and watch chains. Men were expected to dress in accordance with their


pected to carry a second pair in the event that the first became soiled. (Being seen with dirty gloves was considered a ballroom faux pas.) As we move to the 20th century, women’s fashion in the 1920s was a very transformative decade. The 1920s fashion trend was a rejection of stuffy Victorianism. The flapper was the new “in” for woman’s fashion. Hemlines rose above the knees and silk stockings were rolled down. Charleston and the Black Bottom would later evolve into the Lindy Hop. Women now strived to maintain the look of youth, copying the look of young women and teens. Much of the cultural change of the decade still lives on in the present. The 1930s was more conservative than that of the optimistic 1920s. Another contrast in fashion in the 30s from that of the decade before was a return to a more feminine look for ladies. Evening dresses in 1930s were backless, and the bodices were slightly bloused. Due to the war, cloth rationing began in 1942; men’s suits became shorter, narrower, and plainer. More than just a song title, the The Zoot Suit Riots actually happened. In 1947, the war had ended and Christian Dior introduced his first designs. The fashion he introduced used large amounts of fabric, softened women’s shoulders, emphasized their bosoms and hips, pinched-in waist, and a full skirt. It was an extravagant use of material in much the same way as the men’s Zoot Suit made use of fabric. Dress styles of the 1950s had no shoulder pads, small waists, and gathered or full skirts.

FASHION Historically Speaking, Almost As Important As The Dancing By Jean Krupa, Social VP

own features, keeping in mind that a particular hair style, coat color or cut of trousers could make one man appear dapper, and another dowdy. The goal of the gentleman was to dress so well that he would not be noticed; a true gentleman did not want to put on a display. While simplicity often dictated one’s style of dressing, there were several accessories that a fashionable ball-goer could not do without. Both ladies and gentlemen wore gloves, and were ex20

American Dancer |

Dressing up to go dancing usually meant wearing your best dress. By the late 90s, swing dancing came back to life, and with the renewed popularity came a renewed interest in the clothing styles of the 20s, 30s, and 40s. Has fashion changed that much over the years? Ladies, do you twirl in the dressing room or do a develope´ in the dressing room to check if the dress you wish to purchase will restrict your dancing? Do you wish to stand out at your dances sharing the view it is better to be overdressed than underdressed? Leave the gloves at home. See you on the dance floor!





n its continued efforts to give every athlete the same advantages and opportunities in competition, USA Dance has taken a special interest in invigilating sanctioned closed syllabus events. But what is Invigilation? Simply adjudicators being watchful of athletes dancing fi gures out of category, timing, or position, thereby gaining an “advantage” over the competitors in their field. With the understanding that Invigilation begins with the instructor or coach, providing choreography for a specific level of competition, such as Bronze, Silver, or Gold, the responsibility still remains with the competitor on the floor. Based upon the Invigilation Forms collected from adjudicators at the USA Dance 2013 National DanceSport Championships and

Saturday morning at the USA Dance 2014 Nationals, 21 couples from 9 different states demonstrating International Rumba technique in the Junior I Bronze Latin Quarter-Finals.

the various National Qualifying Events, the following general statements can be made to guide athletes, coaches and instructors: • Start in the appropriate hold and position for the syllabus fi gure being danced. No choreographed entrances are allowed in any of the dance categories. • All fi gures must be danced with the appropriate timing. • All fi gures must be danced with the appropriate hold and position. • All figures must be danced using precedes and follows outlined in the manuals. • The rule of thumb — “When in doubt…. leave it out!” For the International Standard and Latin dances, USA Dance only recognizes the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance “The Ballroom Technique”, for Waltz,

Tango, Foxtrot, and Quickstep; and the “Latin American Cha Cha Cha”, “Latin American Samba”, “Latin American Rumba”, “Latin American Paso Doble”, and “Latin American Jive” manuals. The precedes, follows, timing, hold and positions, may be found in these manuals, available at The American Smooth and Rhythm dances present more of a challenge, since many recognized dance organizations have their own unique figures for the American Style dances. USA Dance has tried to incorporate the most common figures used throughout the various schools. However, each school has figures that are not allowed, but are covered by the Restrictions listed in the USA DanceSport Rulebook, Appendix 8, online at

“ I am very pleased that USA Dance is actively leading healthy, constructive discussions among the invigilators and chairs at competitions for the sole purpose of improving the overall system of invigilation, all for the benefit of the DanceSport athletes. And, as a result, rules and processes are changing. Currently, the American Style is the greatest challenge for invigilators due to the many diverse syllabi being taught, yet this communications initiative is serving to bring more consistency and clarity to the competition floor.” — Wayne Crowder

Carson Zullinger

May-June 2014



he Antelope Valley Chapter’s Dance Force Program is a model of success, but it didn’t happen overnight. There have been hurdles since it’s inception in the 1990s. And the school program founders will admit its volunteers actually spent seven years trying to come up with an affordable, easy to administer kids dance program that anyone, anywhere could take on and be successful. Today the program involves 22 area schools and includes neighboring counties and school districts…and the kids, 5th to 8th graders, just competed in March at the annual High Desert Classic – 160 couples on the floor – proof that well-conceived dreams can and do happen when you don’t lose sight of them. As Lisa Sandoval, Chapter president explained, “We piloted our original program in five U.S. cities in 2001 -- Boise, DC, Cleveland, LA, and Boston. But all

“There are no words to describe the energy and the feeling that a spectator feels the minute they enter the gym at the High Desert Dance Classic during the Dance Force section. The crowd is cheering, everyone is smiling, and people have videos and cameras everywhere. Thunderous applause, loud music with a great beat and other seasoned dancers looking on with smiles and tears.” MacTaggart Media


American Dancer |

—Lisa Sandoval


that happened were amateur dancers receiving excellent teacher training, but the concept never went anywhere. We couldn’t get directly into the schools.” Then one year later, middle school teacher Angela Canham, the current Dance Force Program director, and Lisa Sandoval, also event director of the High Desert Dance Classic, started their after-school dance program. So when 45 enthusiastic girls showed up, they split the group into leaders and followers and began taking them to competitions. But the real turning point for Antelope Valley happened when a group of actual teachers, all beginning ballroom dancers themselves, were impressed with the program’s direction and potential, met for lunch and made a determined decision that the Kids Youth Ballroom Program concept should be an inside-theschool program. The new integrated dance program started with 6th graders, but later expanded to involve 7th, 8th and then 5th graders. As Lisa explained, the program’s rewards are obvious and countless - team work, kids helping other kids with dance steps at recess, cheering for others even when you don’t make the first call back, the ability to dance and move, having fun moving to music, getting exercise, learning manners and how to escort your partner on and off the dance floor. For most of these students, Lisa said, it is truly an experience of their lifetime, and each kid is able to touch so many lives – friends, parents, teachers and the community. The challenges of the program are ever present, but not insurmountable -- getting new schools to buy into the program and believing that it would be low-cost and successful, recruiting teachers willing to donate their time, and getting enough boys in the program to dance with the girls (easier once the boys saw the benefits). Yet the Antelope Valley Chapter continues to think bigger. Their goal is to create a regional model that involves schools in neighboring states and provides to USA Dance KIDZ program a viable model for other Chapters interested in implementing the same program in their own communities.

The 5th grade dance program is comprised of three dances — foxtrot, merengue and east coast swing. The 6th grade program is primarily foxtrot, merengue and east coast swing, adding rumba and tango instruction.

Genevieve Collins MacTaggart Media

MacTaggart Media

May-June 2014


At the USA Dance Nationals, Dan donned the new camera for a “mock judging” photo shoot for American Dancer.




recently guest judged a DanceSport practice session equipped with a hands-free mobile video camera strapped to my head to record my comments on each couple as I observed them. The end result? Spectacular. Normally, judges express their opinions as numbers on a page relative to whatever else is happening on the floor. To be able to express opinions verbally is so much more rewarding for the judge, and the couples. The occasion was the weekly CompPrep session organized by Adult Standard competitors Angelo and Kayla Cristobal, members of the Charlotte, NC Chapter #6029, held at Infi nity Ballroom. The Cristobals are generously giving back to the Charlotte dance community by skillfully teaching and partnering other dancers and by organizing innovative events like their weekly practice session. At this particular session, there were 12 couples of various levels and styles. Mock comp run-throughs were organized, starting with short, 40-second dances and increasing to full, competition length songs. The five-dance heats were alternated between standard/smooth and Latin/rhythm. So if a couple did not compete in one of the five dances, they just retired from the floor for that dance and rejoined for the next dance. My mobile camera device was provided for me by the Cristobals with the headgear 24

to secure it to my forehead. I actually looked like a miner rather than a DanceSport judge. My recorded comments began while the couples were in the mock on-deck area, even before they took the floor, and touched on every aspect of dance presentation, including technique, charisma, projection, floorcraft, partnering and musicality. Providing the commentary was as much a performance for me as it was for the dancers. And I felt obligated to think and talk fast in order to give the most varied feedback possible to all the couples. Between rounds I then had the opportunity to lecture briefly to the group on points which required more explanation than the rapid-fi re video commentary could cover. These additional mini-lectures provided the context for the video, and later, the fi nal video was emailed to all of the participants to review at their leisure. One of the most striking aspects of the 90-minute session was the upbeat atmosphere of the participants. They were doing what they love in an ideal environment. Without the pressure of actually competing against each other, the exercise provided most of the advantages of a competition without some of the negatives. The mutual support they gave to each other was particularly striking, especially considering the group included both pro/am and amateur couples performing some normally incompatible dance styles. In Summary: I believe that the biggest weakness in most couple’s dance education

American Dancer |

By Dan Calloway, FISTD

is lack of information. There just never seems to be enough lesson time to transfer to them all of the vital information they should have. Supervised practice sessions are a great partial solution to this problem and the video commentary exponentially improves the value of the sessions. Angelo and Kayla scheduled a series of guest judges that led up to the USA Dance Nationals -- a brilliant concept, masterfully executed. Note: Dan Calloway’s commentary is not intended to be an advertisement for any particular brand of the new hands-free wearable cameras. Numerous gold and silver medalists at the Winter Olympics in Sochi have demo’d these cameras, introducing new perspectives for their sports.

Dan Calloway of Maryland has competed professionally, coached and judged for 37 years, earning numerous Top Teacher and Professional of the Year awards. He was the youngest ISTD Dual Fellow in the world. He has chaired judging panels at the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships and the North American. He is the DanceSport coach for Georgetown University and University of Maryland.

DANCESPORT CALENDAR 2014-2015 June 2014 NJ DanceSport Classic Summer Sizzler – 2015 NQE Jun 7 - 8, 2014 Organized by Mario Battista & Wendi Davies Rogers DanceSport Center - Hackensack NJ River City Ball ** (see note) June 14, 2014 Hosted by Portland Chapter #1006 Ballroom Dance Company - Portland, OR Gumbo DanceSport Championships – 2015 NQE Jun 27 - 29, 2014 Hosted by Louisiana Gumbo Chapter #5031 Crowne Plaza - Baton Rouge LA Senior IV National Championships Jun 27 - 29, 2014 Held at Gumbo DanceSport Championships Crowne Plaza - Baton Rouge, LA Junior II National Championship Jun 27 - 29, 2014 Held at Gumbo DanceSport Championships Crowne Plaza - Baton Rouge, LA

July 2014 Mid-Summer Classic ** (see note) Jul 26, 2014 Hosted by Southern Star Chapter #6038 Rhapsody Ballroom – Tampa, FL

August 2014 Derby City DanceSport Championships – 2015 NQE Aug 1 - 3, 2014 Hosted by Greater Louisville Chapter #2021 The Galt House - Louisville, KY

September 2014 Kansas City Dance Classic ** (see note) Sep 6, 2014 Organized by Matt & Ellen Pansing Camelot Ballroom - Overland Park, KS (Kansas City)

New England DanceSport Championships – 2015 NQE Sep 20, 2014 Hosted by MASSabda Chapter #3002 Westin Hotel - Waltham, MA

October 2014 Carolina Fall Classic – 2015 NQE Oct 3 - 5, 2014 Organized by Wayne & Marie Crowder University Hilton - Charlotte NC.

Winter Frolic ** (see note) Jan 31, 2015 Hosted by Royal Palm Chapter #6016 Gold Coast Ballroom - Coconut Creek, FL Southwest Regional DanceSport Championships – 2015 NQE Jan 30 - 31, 2015 Hosted by Orange County Chapter #4018 Veterans Auditorium - Culver City, CA

February 2015

WDSF Open Senior I Standard & Latin Oct 4, 2014 Events held at Carolina Fall Classic University Hilton – Charlotte, NC

Quest For The Best ** (see note) Feb 2015 (Date To Be Announced) Hosted by Seattle Chapter #1004 The Verve Ballroom – Lynnwood, WA

NJ DanceSport Classic – Fall Frolic ** (see note) Organized by Wendi Davies Rogers Dance Center - Hackensack, NJ (Note: Date not finalized)

Mid-Atlantic Championships – 2015 NQE Feb 14 - 15, 2015 Hosted by Mid-Eastern Chapter #6001 North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center - Bethesda, MD

Northwest DanceSport Championships – 2015 NQE Oct 11 - 12, 2014 Hosted by Portland, OR Chapter #1006 Portland, OR Chicago DanceSport Challenge – 2015 NQE Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2014 Hosted by Chicagoland Chapter #2001 Hyatt O’Hare Hotel - Chicago, IL

November 2014 California State DanceSport Championships – 2015 NQE Nov. 15, 2014 Hosted by NorCal Chapter #4004 San Jose City National Civic Center - San Jose, CA National Collegiate DanceSport Championships Nov 22 – 23, 2014 Hosted by USA Dance National Columbus Convention Center – Columbus, OH

January 2015

March 2015 Star Of The North ** (see note) Hosted by Minnesota Chapter #2011 Crowne Plaza Riverfront – St. Paul, MN (Note: Date not finalized) NJ DanceSport Classic – Spring Fling ** (see note) Organized by Wendi Davies Rogers Dance Center – Hackensack, NJ (Note: Date not finalized) WDSF Adjudicator’s Congress at Nationals Mar 26, 2015 Event held at USA Dance 2015 National DanceSport Championships Renaissance Harborplace Hotel – Baltimore, MD For more information, contact: USA DANCE 2015 National DanceSport Championships Mar 27 – 29, 2015 Hosted by USA Dance National Renaissance Harborplace Hotel - Baltimore, MD

Quest For The Best ** (see note) Sep 20, 2014 Hosted by Seattle Chapter #1004 The Verve Ballroom – Lynnwood, WA

Manhattan Amateur Classic (The MAC) - 2015 NQE Jan 16-18, 2015 Hosted by Greater New York Chapter #3004 Manhattan Center - Manhattan, NY

Event organizers may add events to the calendar by contacting Rog Greenawalt at

CODING: All National Qualifying Events for the 2015 USA Dance National DanceSport Championships are identified by (Year) NQE. COMPETITOR ELIGIBILITY: Please refer to USA Dance Rulebook (Eligibility Criteria 4.2) for complete qualification details to participate in the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships. All USA Dance active members are permitted to dance in any and all events listed below. Please note that events above designated ** do not

accrue proficiency points and may not follow all rules in the Rulebook. SPECTATOR TICKETS: Please contact the individual competition websites/organizers listed on the USA Dance website For USA Dance Nationals tickets, please contact Daphna Locker via CALENDAR DISCLAIMER: All USA Dance sanctioned and listed competition events and activities within this

calendar are subject to change of date, location and other details without prior notice. Please check with the actual event organizers via the event websites or by personal contact to confirm the accuracy of all event details before making plans as a competitor, spectator or sponsor. ERRORS/CORRECTIONS: For any changes/updates, please contact DanceSport Council Representative Rog Greenawalt directly at

May-June 2014




or three action-fused days and evenings at the USA Dance Nationals “Fashion Runway”, America’s best American and International style competitors, ages 5 to 70s, displayed their fi nest dance performances, while attracting the attention of audiences, photographers and the judges with their latest fashion dancewear. From their elegant gowns and distinguished tailsuits to the many flashy and alluring Latin costumes, the USA Dance Nationals will be remembered for its colorful, artistic talent and athletic achievement. Several long-standing and rising star ballroom fashion designers were asked to reveal the latest fashion trends for DanceSport and social dancers (pages 28-29), but American Dancer was on the scene in Baltimore to observe the “red carpet celebrity trends” making their way to the dance floor. See more fashion insights from well-known designers Lena & Nick Kosovich and Dianna Lee (page 28) plus Samantha Bryant’s trend report for Julie Wilson/Encore Ballroom Couture (page 29).

26 American Dancer



Elegance ORANGE BECOMES THE NEW BLACK Juicy Orange – Fiery Gold – Earthy Terracotta – Tomato Red

David Getchell & Allison Gonzalez (CA)

Jaryd Farcon & Kyla Dzhaniashvili (NJ)

Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

FEATHERS, SEQUINS, STUDS & CRYSTALS Rebirth of Monochromatic Color Schemes & Silhouettes

Nikita Malakhov & Nadezda Vlasova (NJ)

Dennis Porch & Mary Lou Herndon (NC)

Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

Designer to


CLASSIC BLACK & WHITE VINTAGE TO MODERN New Contrasts and Fusions for Black and White Elegance

TRANSPARENT SHEERS FROM DELICATE TO SPORTY Full Spectrum of Bold Transparency and Sporty Chic

Tyler Wilson & Annie Seeley (UT) Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

Jesse Hill & Elise Bui (OH) Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

Taras Savitskyy & Tatiana Seliverstova (NJ)

Matthew Shimizu & Jennifer Crown (MA)

Carson Zullinger

Carson Zullinger

FRINGE FRENZIES AND FANCIES From Roaring 20s to Tribal Bold to Bohemian Drama

TJ Stanton & Dasha Goykhman (NJ, PA)

Edward & Corrina Huang (TX)

Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

Al Parker/ParkWest Photography

May-June 2014


Ballroom A-oo-oo-oo-oo!



Insights from Elena Kosovich

Former red-carpet designer for Donna Karan and Marchesa, creating haute-couture looks for the Oscars, Grammy’s and Metropolitan Gala, Dianna of Dianna Designs is a USA Dance championship division latin dancer, who admits she’s “the new kid on the block” in ballroom fashion, but is making a strong statement for aesthetics.

Designers Elena and Nicholas Kosovich are former U.S. and World Professional American Ballroom Champions, whose fashion designs for ladies and men have graced dance floors around the world. They attribute their 15-year success to hard work, customer service and challenging their creative side to fi nd unique looks.

Dianna Designs, New York City

Ladies Latin: What’s In and Out? Hot in ballroom is driven almost entirely by who wears what in the upper echelons of dance. I predict belted fringe dresses, three-layered fringe, fringe at the waist and thick, knee-length fringe. However, we tend to ignore fashion trends because it’s limiting to our creativity...” Cut-outs are becoming a little over done. The leotard with Greco-Roman goddess drape seems to have gone out of fashion. Mens Latin: What’s In and Out? I’m a true believer in good tailoring for men…picking the right classic silhouettes for the right body type, that’s it. Nothing fancy, unlike women’s fashion. A well-tailored straight leg pant that’s long enough and high-waisted stays dominant. Ladies Standard: What’s In and Out? There’s huge room for creating beautiful silhouettes and elegant textures for standard. A personal pet peeve of mine is seeing two-toned standard dresses, where the transition from leotard to skirt is triangular godets. There’s no elegance in that. I hope to see better use of softer textures…pastels with a light metallic sheen or muted sateen. Not everything needs to be neon pink and yellow.

Design by Dianna Lee


Latest fabrics for ladies fashion? Fabric experimentation is very important in runway fashion…we work with high-end Italian mills… lycras with varying blend elastic fibres, silk and silk novelties like gazar, satin-faced organza, crepe de chine.

American Dancer |

Lenique Dancewear, Los Angeles

Ladies Latin: What’s In and Out? Long dramatic looks, full skirts, lots of stones and beads…and stones on shoes. Very short skirts are about out. Mens Latin: What’s In and Out? Latin shirts with very interesting cuts, lace, stones. Decoration on suits, a trend we started. Out in men’s latin are tight shirts, tuxedo looks, simple cuts. Men want to stand out and be creative. Ladies Standard: What’s In and Out? Full skirts out of tulle, cut from the hips. Feathers come and go, so it’s time to go. Ladies American Smooth: What’s In and Out? Sexy cuts, dresses looking more like evening runway couture dresses. Elegance and simplicity are the key. Lots of color is out. Latest fabrics for ladies fashion? Tulle! It’s soft and romantic. Lace, fully stoned and beaded. New color and color combination trends this year? I still think it’s black and white, but if you want to stand out, throw in a color! Thoughts on designing for designers? Image is the most important thing. You can never change the fi rst impression, so be careful and be creative.

Spring 2014 Trend Report

Hairpins to Hemlines Orange You Glad?


ften accused of being the most unflattering color, orange has returned—determined, fresh, and trendy—to this season’s spring runways. Bright and garish, loud and saturated, for years designers have shied away from this unpopular hue. Yet now fiery goldfi sh, earthy terracotta, and succulent persimmon reflect the eager sun-craving consumer’s warm weather fancies. Richard Chai mixed fresh orange-juice stripes with white, creating a breezy and crisp casual look. Eveningwear designers Jenny Packham and Zac Posen presented romantic russet numbers in chiffon and taffeta. Kristen Bell radiated spring in a tomato orange Zuhair Murad number at the Vanity Fair Oscar party. A few weeks earlier, new red carpet icon Lupita Nyong’o was a bronze goddess in a metallic orange Givenchy pleated look. This spring color has cornered all aspects of fashion, becoming the new “it” lip color, and choice statement clutch. Pair orange lipstick with pale blue and white for a fresh modern palette. Or clash magentas and tangerines for the perfect sun-kissed look. Sporty Sheer Lace and boudoir fantasy sheers began appearing along the runways a few seasons ago, congesting closets with new transparent confections. While delicate florals and sensual lace will likely hold steady for seasons to come, a new twist on the skin-revealing textiles has emerged.

Designers this season are proving sheer doesn’t need to mean sultry. Chiffon panels breaking up sporty pullovers, eyelet jerseys freshening up feminine frocks—this season, sheer can be sporty. Think ballet dancer over perfumed burlesque. It’s all about modern simplicity over intimate decadence. Vera Wang offered sheer black bomber jackets complete with ribbing collars and classic zips. Tom Ford’s sporty tank tops bared skin and luxury to the active-wear basic. This look has influenced the eveningwear and red carpet scene as well. Aubrey Plaza beamed in a cherry Emilio Pucci number at the Vanity Fair Oscar party. The sheer front panel gave the slinky gown a sexy sporty twist. Anna Kendrick mixed Grecian with simply chic at the Oscars red carpet. Her black J. Mendel number featured pleated chiffon with a basic sheer top. Fringed Fancies Feathers, sequins, studs and more! It is no secret that trendsetters are hungry for texture. The trend fi rst coveted in the 1920s has returned with a fresh and decidedly un-deco revival. Instead of beaded fringe and jeweled droplets, fringe has taken a more relaxed, casual wear-ready approach. Dries Van Noten’s models sauntered down the runways; tailored blazers and slacks were paired with tribal fringe-layered tops. Emilio Pucci offered a more modern palette. His black and white geometric jackets and ponchos bounced down runways with meters of fringe.

By Samantha Bryant for Encore Ballroom Couture

Julie Wilson

Owner, Encore Ballroom Couture, a resource for consignment and rental ballroom dresses.

“When in a creative environment such as dance, being original is extremely important; otherwise, you will be called a copycat – and permanently known as one.” —Julie Wilson

Tilda Swinton displayed her signature regality in Valentino Couture at the “Only Lovers Left Alive” screening. Her tan dolman coat was fi nished with a tribal beige fringe, adding unique and cultural texture to her otherwise classic ensemble. Celebrity singer Pink looked punk and feminine at the Bill-

board Women in Music event. Her striped cocktail number popped to the third dimension with short pink, mauve, and white fringe enhancing the vertical print. From purses to cotton casual wear, bohemian fringes are sure to add swish to any ensemble. May-June 2014



Charlie Clement

Nels Petersen and Theresa Kimler were presented with the commemorative painting of their dancing by USA Dance member Jesse Gellrich, who actually won the silent-auction painting by celebrated artist Jack Jaubert.

JUN 27 - 29



Standard Action from the Gumbo NQE 2013 Bobby Campbell/Moondance Studios

weekend – samba, foxtrot, bolero, sharper Known for its exuding “southern rhythm, smooth/standard collection. The hospitality,” Baton Rouge is once again Saturday evening banquet also showcases the host city for the upcoming USA Dance the top DanceSport couples and inspiring 2014 Gumbo DanceSport Championships, performances by local school children. June 27 - 29. Affectionately called “The Gumbo of Ballroom,” this highly Latin Action from the Gumbo NQE 2013 attended National Qualifying Event Bobby Campbell/Moondance Studios for the USA Dance 2015 Nationals will also host the official USA Dance Senior IV 2014 National Championships for all divisions, bronze through championship level, and for this year only, the Junior II Championship Division’s 2014 National Championship*. Gumbo of Ballroom is a dynamic three-day National Qualifying Event organized by LA DanceSport, a non-profit organization, in partnership with USA Dance Chapter 5031 and every year attracts a packed-house audience of spectators who truly appreciate the Gumbo’s welcoming “southern hospitality.” At the Gumbo, audiences will enjoy the full spectrum of ballroom and latin talent from around the country, from Pre-Teen to Senior IV. There are dance workshops throughout the

The Gumbo of Ballroom awards scholarships to the top couples in various divisions. The event organizers held a special Fundraising Dance in March to raise more money for these scholarships and other event expenses. Ticket sales were dramatically boosted by the star performances of American Smooth National Champions Nels Petersen and Theresa Kimler of Minnesota, who generously donated their time and fees. Other successful attractions were the Jack & Jill competition, a Pay-to-Dance event and silent auction. Total raised was an impressive $10,600, which means that $8,000-10,000 in scholarships will be awarded at the Gumbo this year. For ticket and travel information: * The Junior II event was rescheduled this year to the Gumbo NQE because of the WDSF World Championships date conflict, so that all Junior II couples could compete in their National Championships.

May-June 2014





Finding Great Excuses To Dress Up or Down From Painting The Town to Painted Faces If every Chapter in the USA Dance network sponsored at least one dance a month, there would be at least 2,000 excuses to go dancing and either dress up (or down) to fit the occasion. Granted, this might be more of an excuse for the ladies, but not exclusively. Men are enjoying the “fashion occasions” more and more. From formal balls, masquerades and galas to theme dances and holiday celebrations, the dance fashion attire can range from recapturing elegant vintage looks to setting brand new trends.

Eco-Fashionista in Sandusky, OH (aka Timothy Nyman) & Misha Newell Annessia Nyman

New Year’s at Tidewater Mark Jernigan

FAMILY INVOLVEMENT, WEEKLY CLASSES KEY TO HONOLULU CHAPTER 4007’s GROWING K-12 PROGRAM Now in its third year, the USA Dance KIDZ program in Honolulu offers weekly classes for K-12 students in seven to nine-week sessions. The Chapter’s two coordinator/ instructors Synthia Sumukti and Ravi Narayan are dedicated to each student’s progress, ap Ch involving the parents and family members to lulu Aloha from Hono . m ra og pr 12 Klearn basic steps so they can dance with their ter’s u Chapter Courtesy of Honolul children. The Winter Recital (Yes, there must be winter in Hawaii.) was a huge success with students from six to 16 years old performing. Chattanooga Holiday Affair Courtesy of Choo Choo Chapter


RAISES MONEY FOR YMCA AS TOKEN OF APPRECIATION Chapters are often challenged to find good dancefloor space in their communities. And suitable spaces to accommodate a growing membership and the needs of standard and smooth dancers sometimes require creative considerations. USA Dance chapter dances currently include, church social halls, skating rinks, high school gymnasiums, dance studios, even veterans and senior centers. Every month, the Easton, MD Chapter 6099 has held its regular monthly dances at the YMCA of the Chesapeake, a very 32

George Drake, president of the Easton, MD Chapter 6099, proudly presented the $310 check to Randy Holliday, branch executive director of the Easton Family YMCA. Courtesy of Easton Chapter

accommodating space in a family-friendly, fitness-oriented environment. In appreciation for this opportunity, the Chapter recently raised $310 and donated two new six-foot tables to the Y. The Easton Chapter also recruits YMCA members to join USA Dance and offers Y members the same admission price to the dances as a USA Dance member.

American Dancer |

Ladies in Red in Orlando Brian Bateman

Never Miss A Chance To Dance


The Heartland Chapter 2022 in Indianapolis, IN, is proud to now have a large, talented and very active performing group of dancers eager to share their passion for dance with groups and organizations throughout their community. It is no secret that dancers love performing, they say. So at Heartland,

THE GREATER MEMPHIS CHAPTER was awarded USA Dance 2013 Chapter of the Year (see story page 6), but two additional chapters received Honorable Mentions for successfully expanding their membership and outreach programs. GREATER DAYTONA CHAPTER 6026. Recognized for increasing membership consistently over the past five years and by more than 16% in 2013. Contributing factors were bi-monthly dances, participation in outreach programs, and weekly beginner and intermediate community dance classes. They celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a well-attended grand showcase event. DALLAS CHAPTER 5044. Recognized for their increased activity, which includes three dance events every month, numerous outreach events, and the impressive success of their “Dance For The Cure” fundraising event that raised $10,000 for this worthy cause. Dallas also celebrated their 10th Anniversary and had 400 dancers and supporters in attendance.

Heartland Chapter 2022 Gives Back To Local Community Through Performance

The Heartland Chapter performance group dances throughout the year for many retirement, nursing and rehabilitation centers.

their members do so with such passion, knowing that their enthusiasm will just have to make up for what they admit is “sometimes less than perfect moves.” What started as a small group of dancers a few years ago having only occasional performances has grown into an on-demand larger dance group that performs often and keeps adding new members. Their dance group is actually quite diverse, representing different ages, skill sets and personal occupations – ranging from university students to doctors and engineers to retirees. Some of the long-standing members are national champions, others are seasoned social dancers. And they welcome beginning dancers and help them get up to speed. The oldest member is 86 years old and she doesn’t miss a single opportunity to practice or perform.

May-June 2014






hen American Dancer Magazine launched in January, on the cover mid-air was Junior II couple Kinsley and Michelle during the WDSF World Championships in Moscow. And soon afterwards, USA Dance’s Facebook page evolved into a friendly contest to see who could garner the most “likes” for a Grand Leap Quickstep Contest. It started with Lisa Dubinsky’s post of her daughter Valerie and partner Dennis’ quickstep leap at a competition. Then another grand leap photo surfaced of Dennis & Valerie. And, then two more spectacular leaps surfaced on Facebook from European competitions (Yet those couldn’t count since they weren’t USA Dance couples, but you’ll want to see the synchronized German formation team in “grand leap” still on the Facebook page!) A Drum Roll for the Winners and Special Kudos for the Photographers Who Captured These Grand Leaps at Precisely the Right Moment! 34


Vote Count: 383 Likes Dennis Matveev & Valerie Dubinsky JUNIOR II 10-DANCE COUPLE Boston – MASSabda Chapter 3002 PHOTO CREDIT: Lisa Dubinsky


Vote Count: 169 Likes Kinsley Lin & Michelle Yiu JUNIOR II 10-DANCE COUPLE San Francisco – NorCal Chapter 4004 PHOTO CREDIT: Elena Anashina

American Dancer |

W h at D id The J ud ge’s T a lly d id n’t ask a h in k? W ny once e re com in g the vote in. W ha s kept t were t say? Th hey goin at t g to that? So hey w ish they c ou ld stil we decid l do ed to ju where it st g ive c was due red it . Great jo b, Den n is, Va ler a nd M ic ie, K ins helle ! ley


Vote Count: 129 Likes Dennis Matveev & Valerie Dubinsky JUNIOR II 10-DANCE COUPLE Boston – MASSabda Chapter 3002 PHOTO CREDIT: Ryan Kenner

DANCE FAMILY AFFAIR. It was a Farcon family and partners affair in the Nationals practice room for FOX TV. Demonstrating cha cha were dad/mom Eddie & Armie Farcon, Jaryd Farcon & partner Kyla Dzhaniashvili, and Jhailyn Farcon & partner Joshua Ginzburg.

By Angela Prince

Photos by Carson Zullinger


ks Special than articipants! p l al en by K b P jo rt V A great , DanceSpo t Yang Chen alloway, C n a D to Presiden or/Coach at ic d ju d A ily Chow, Richards, Winston & L t, h g ri W a iv con, Kyla Dav id & L n, Jaryd Far co ar rg F ie rm shua Ginzbu Eddie & A n Farcon, Jo ly ai Jh , li vi Dzhaniash n Zullinger. rapher Carso and Photog



CHA CHA QUICK FIX. Saturday morning heats were in full swing while FOX TV aired six Morning Show segments at Nationals. Host Amber Miller learned cha cha basics in just a few minutes to go on live with her instructor/partner Dan Calloway.

PROMOTING BALLROOM DANCING. Senior Standard couple Winston & Lily Chow (CA) talked to FOX 45 about their passion for dancing and the benefits of dancing competitively. The taped segment aired Saturday evening.

r nin g d ay m o e Satur c r nn o a M D o x 45 . US A lly for F IONA LS o ck a T c A m ti N s t” o M ia s O u a “FOXtr d couples LIV E FR s ch eered e nth e v a r b tor iller to tan d ar competi m be r M o w a y. S dem onan Call w Host A D o Wr ight h h S c a a g iv o L in C & h it id d ge.” w v tio n nd Da ed to “ju competi Ch o w a lunteer ly o v il L s r & to Win sto n three a dju dica as strated ,

When a major television station calls and says it would like to cover Nationals, the response from USA Dance Public Relations is always “absolutely, no problem!” After all, USA Dance has been sending out press releases, posting social media and making media calls for weeks prior. Newspaper stories usually happen prior to the event, television coverage normally during the event. This year, the Baltimore Sun newspaper did a front and back feature story in the prominent Sunday Scene section (see story page 36). A popular Washington DC radio station ran many announcements. Fox 45 TV aired six live segments and six taped ones. The WDSF website for the first time promoted Nationals globally during the week. And USA Today newspaper was at Nationals for two days doing a video and print documentary. These were the major ones. Sometimes with media there’s plenty of advance notice; other times not. You just have to be ready to respond. And you wouldn’t pass up on the opportunities to be “seen and heard”, especially nationally. So wake up calls start at 5 am. TV crews arrive at 6:30 am and start filming within 15 minutes. And it doesn’t matter that you might have to juggle two stations or media at one time. You just need all the participants to know their parts and what key messages to talk about during the interviews. This year at Nationals, FOX 45 Baltimore wanted to shoot live on Saturday morning (usually it’s a Friday morning show) so there was more time to get everyone ready. The station wanted couples for interviewing, couples to demonstrate, someone to teach the show host two dances (although she doesn’t dance), and someone to talk about the event and about USA Dance.

May-June 2014


Greenville, NC Chapter President David Steele (far left) on live tv in support of the Chapter’s fundraising Gala for Riley’s Army.


LeAnn Heath



n the Sunday edition of The Baltimore Sun, the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships was a major story – front page of the Scene section and continuing to a second page. The photographs were beautiful as the newspaper had arranged a special photo shoot to feature Baltimore-area couple Thomas Yu and Yuko Naululani Yu, Senior I Standard competitors. The story was excellent in-depth coverage about the event and most likely contributed, along with the television coverage, to the USA Dance Nationals having strong attendance throughout the weekend, especially the packed-house on Saturday night. Yet, what made this story special is the personal depth of the story Donna Owens researched and wrote about Tom and Yuko, how they met, their love and dedication to dancing, how they train, how dancing has changed their lives. The writer also talked with their coaches for comments, all complimentary. Also mentioned in the story was local Pre-Teen couple Phillip Shirkin and Sophia Woytowitz, noting Nationals being their first national competition. As Yuko explained to the Baltimore Sun writer, who was trying to understand the dancer’s “deep passion”: “Dance is like life to us. I need food, water, and I need to dance.”

Ballroom Blitz. Baltimore Sun, “Scene” Sunday Edition


American Dancer |


In March, Chapter President David Steele made a special tv appearance on WNCT-TV in support of the Greenville (NC) Chapter’s “Dancing Into Spring” Gala to support a local cancer support group charity, dear to their hearts – Riley’s Army. This appearance plus other publicity in the local newspapers, websites and on Facebook helped the Chapter sell more event tickets and solicit donations for the silent auction. The Chapter became an “army of dancers with a cause” who were, along with an entire local community, inspired by the “amazing spirit” of one little girl Riley, who bravely battled a rare cancer until she died at age 10, but selflessly wanted other hospitalized children and their struggling families to receive the support she had. The Gala was a night to remember – great music, food and memories. The silent auction offered many valuable items, including 19 vacation getaways, two being an Alaskan cruise and a trip to Paris, France. The chapter volunteers also supported the Charity’s Friday Pirate Treasure Night, raising more than $1,000 toward the $10,000 goal.

Waltzing at the Gala. Marty Barbour & Lexy Godwin. Jeanie Farmer



It was such a glorious moment when USA Olympians Charlie Davis and Meryl Davis won Olympic Gold Medal for Ice Dancing at the recent Sochi Games. Their masterful use of quickstep and foxtrot moves on ice made global headlines. Their ballroom choreography was created by Dancing With The Stars professional Derek Hough (also former USA Dance competitor), who won an Emmy this year for Best Choreography. Meryl and Charlie’s new routines first secured their highest score at the U.S. Nationals and from there they glided to the Olympic podium. And for their short program, Meryl wore a now much publicized pink costume, designed

Charlie White on Dancing With The Stars. Pro Partner Sharna Burgess.

DANCING IN JAFFA. THE DOCUMENTARY. Resolving Conflict Through Power, Joy of Dance

by fashion designer Randall Christensen, well-seasoned designer for DWTS. As Randall explained to the media, he actually designed three pink costumes for Meryl. “The third pink costume (and the one that she ended up wearing for the short program in the Olympics) definitely had a vintage feel to it, which was intentional. They were dancing to “I Could Have Danced All Night” from “My Fair Lady.” I thought that the costume embodied the look of that era, the feeling of youth and innocence that the character (in the movie) felt, as well as the feeling of hope and opportunity that she was experiencing, feeling beautiful for the very first time.” – Randall Christensen Next “dancing journey” for Olympians Charlie and Meryl? Dancing With The Stars! And their performances have not disappointed the fans. [But at American Dancer press time, the DWTS results had not been decided.]

ABC Media Net

Meryl Davis on Dancing With The Stars. Pro Partner Maks Chmerkovskiy.


USA DANCE COMPETITOR Courtesy of Pierre Dulaine

Just two years ago, Greater NY Chapter President Yang Chen was invited by PR Director Angela Prince to represent Pierre Dulaine with Jaffa Kids USA Dance at a special Good Trailer Link to “Dancing in Jaffa”: Pitch event in NYC, organized by the BRITDOC Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps fund social cause documentary films. The pitch for several new fi lms was held at the Ford Foundation. Yang was among the distinguished panelists to review and offer feedback to the producers of “Dancing in Jaffa,” the now globally released documentary fi lm involving Pierre Dulaine, his Dancing Classrooms program and his lifelong dream to unite Palestinian and Israeli children in Jaffa, his city of birth, hoping through the power of dance to eliminate the hatred that divided the community. Much has happened since Good Pitch in NY. . .”Dancing in Jaffa” officially premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and has garnered several awards. Official screenings began April 11 in NYC, followed by screenings at major fi lm festivals throughout the U.S. in 17 states and 32 cities. Theatrical releases are now throughout France. “Dancing in Jaffa” focuses on the stories of three children, forced to confront issues of identity, segregation and racial prejudice, as they dance with “their enemy”. Viewers see children and their families transformed through dance, and share the hope that people and entire communities can change.

IMPRESSES ON AND OFF THE FLOOR Want to know more about dancers in the USA Dance family? Try a little “Googling.” You may discover that dancers really do have other lives and what they’re doing off the dance floor is just as impressive. At the USA Dance Nationals in BalCarson Zullinger timore, New Jersey dancer TJ Stanton and his partner Dasha Goykhman of Philadelphia were a contender for all of the WDSF Under 21 World Ranking Tournament…and they won the Under 21 Ten-Dance! Off the dance floor, we discovered a wonderful story in February about TJ TJ Stanton & Dasha reported by News 12 New Jersey: Goykhman, Paso Doble “A Bergen County teen stepped up in a big way to help hundreds of people keep warm this winter, making him this week’s Everyday Hero on News 12 New Jersey. “It started as TJ Stanton’s Eagle Scout project. He wanted to help collect some coats for the statewide Jersey Cares coat drive, and he set an original goal of 100. “With coats, every individual coat is another person you’re helping,” says Stanton. “So I really liked the idea of that. Whatever number of coats I would collect, that’s the amount of people I would help.” ‘Stanton manned one of Jersey Cares’ more than 500 collection sites. He stationed himself at the Rutherford Library site for two days and hoped for the best. ‘Stanton got an outpouring of donations. One person dropped off about 35 coats, he estimates, while another donated the coat right off of his back. He wound up collecting a total of 300 coats over two days.” May-June 2014




Sami Yli-Piipari


Valeriy & Rita Lynn Ort (CT), Senior I Novice & Pre-Championship Latin All event photos by Bill Rose

ne of the fi rst competitions of the dance year 2014 was the Southwest Regional Dancesport Championships in Culver City, CA. I was excited to receive an invitation to chair this USA Dance National Qualifying Event, as well as WDSF Open World Ranking Tournament. The organizers the Orange Erik Linder & Rickie Taylor (WA) and County Chapter of USA Nathan Murstein & Nicole Sheiman (WA), Dan Manea & Mia Hu (CA), WDSF Dance took on an admirable Junior II Championship Standard Adult & Senior I Open Standard task to organize a WDSF event after Latin Briant Leytman the long absence & Nino Dzneladze of the WDSF from California. In competitions from their performance, the U.S. DanceSport they showed good calendar. Due to understanding of the WDSF status at fundamentals and this event, we were presented their able to enjoy dance dancing with power performances of Adjudicators Review Schedules. Trevor Meik & Bianca Sauer (Ger), WDSF Senior Luff, Melissa Dexter, Stephan Krauel, and precision. couples of several Open Latin (Ranked among top in World) Sami Yli-Piipari (Chairman) Similarly, I enjoyed the quality of the senior competitions. One of the highlights of different nationalities, such as U.S., the weekend for me was WDSF Senior Canada, Austria, Slovakia and Germany. I Open Latin competition. I liked the I was especially impressed with the well-rehearsed performance of the warm hospitality of the organizing team winners Meik & Bianca Sauer from of the competition. Bill Rose and Bruce Germany. Similarly, I enjoyed rhythmical McCombs made every endeavor to make interpretation of Frantisek Beres & Miriam sure that competitors and audience, Beresova from Slovakia. These couples are along with officials, were taken care of. top contenders in the World, placing 6th During two competition days, we were and 8th in the WDSF world-ranking list. witnessing some great dancing and good One of the highlights of the weekend battles between top U.S. and international in the standard section was WDSF Senior couples. I was impressed of the quality Arman Aroustamian & Catherine Tseyref (CA), Junior II Pre-Championship Latin III Open Standard competition. The of the winners of the Adult and Youth 38

American Dancer |



By Bill Rose, President, Orange County Chapter 4018

winners of the competition were Hans Stork & Ans Stork from Arizona. They presented clean cut ballroom style with good understanding of the basic fundamentals with a very competitive execution. Second in the competition was Glenn Okazaki & Anne Ho from Hawaii. They have an impressive and musical style. If they can get a bit more organized as a couple, they can achieve better consistency to challenge the top honors. I also liked third-place couple Vincent Feingold & Irina Feingold from New Jersey. They are very competitive and a consistent couple. I have been delighted to follow their progress. After the successful weekend, I would like encourage other competition organizers to apply and run WDSF International and Open competitions. This way we could encourage international competitors to participate in the USA Dance competitions and provide our dancer quality experiences to improve their dancing. Sami Yli-Piipari of Collierville, TN started dancing at an early age in his native Finland. During his career, he won (with his wife Karita) numerous international and Wade Alexander national titles and was 15 Finnish National Champion and World & European 10 Dance Grand Finalist, amateur and professional. He is a professor at the University of Memphis, director of the Physical Activity & Exercise Psychology Laboratory. He coaches ballroom dancers and consults in scholastic sports and fitness.

This has truly been a landmark year for Southern levels, drew couples from as far away as Florida, California’s Orange County Chapter #4018, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, culminating in a highly successful National Qualifying Illinois and Texas. Then the WDSF Open World Event for the USA Dance 2014 Nationals and, for the Ranking Tournaments attracted top DanceSport first time, hosting one of the new World DanceSport couples from three continents and the Federation’s Open World Caribbean – Canada, Austria, Ranking Tournaments in the Germany, Spain, Ecuador, United States, held Jan. 31 Slovakia and Costa Rica. and Feb. 1, 2014. Five of the top six USA Organizing an NQE and Dance Senior II and III especially a prestigious WDSF Standard couples entered event is a challenge-filled both the NQE and WDSF undertaking for any chapter events. It was highly competwhose “workforce” are all itive and the judge’s scores volunteers. But the Orange were close. Some of the County Chapter had twodancers from other countries years’ of management experilater commented that they ence under its competition belt, Terry & Glendy Yeh (CA), “couldn’t believe the quality of Senior I, II Standard & WDSF having acquired the Souththe USA Standard couples.” Senior I, II Open Standard west Regional DanceSport Orange County has Bill Rose Championships as an exclusive created a solid foundation undertaking in 2012. Having for future events, having organized a USA Dance-sancconnected with more than tioned competition actually 200 competitors from around helped the team meet the the world, working with the needs of the invited WDSF-cerWDSF and using email and • Under-21 Standard & Latin tified adjudicators from both social media. • Adult Standard & Latin the USA and Canada, and Many competitors admit• Senior I, II, III, IV Standard the WDSF Chairman Sami ted they came to the USA • Senior I, II Latin Yli-Yiipari. Reality is it takes a Dance competition because full year of planning, promoting, of the “famous” Southern teamwork and financial comCalifornia location and airport mitment. But the volunteers rallied to the cause. fly-in convenience. The Germans and SlovaAs the SW Regional event has grown in comkians couples were attracted to Hollywood, petitors and audience, finding a suitable venue Disneyland and wanted to enjoy the California has been the greater challenge. But 2014 was a sunshine. The Austrian couples wanted to see turning point, as the event was held once again San Diego, Sedona (Arizona), the Grand Canat the Veterans Auditorium in Culver City. yon and Las Vegas. The WDSF World Ranking Tournaments – The competitors also benefitted from the new Senior I, II and III Open Standard; Senior I, II and Competitor’s Workshop, an intensive taught by III Open Latin; Under-21 Open Standard & Latin; WDSF certified adjudicators Glenn Weiss and and Adult Open Standard – were held on the Melissa Dexter. Saturday evening, alternated heats with the AmerEvent chairman was Bruce McCombs. WDSF ican Style Smooth and Rhythm divisions, which adjudicators included USA Dance professional proved a high-energy spectator experience. members: Chairman Sami Yli-Piiari, Dan CalOverall, the USA Dance NQE competition, loway, Melissa Dexter, Stephan Krauel, Denis showcasing all ages, styles and proficiency Tremblay and Glenn Weiss.

WDSF Open Events Returning to 2015 SW Regionals

May-June 2014


ARGENTINE TANGO at WHOLE FOODS Dallas, TX – Dallas Chapter



By Angela Prince

he evolution of dance in America has an interesting timeline. Lots of peaks and ebbs, but there’s usually a catalyst that has either created a whole new dance style or revived one that perhaps really wasn’t lost after all. Many times, the “dance crazes”, whether trends or spikes – seem to have followed our country’s economic hard times or turning points -- long periods of repression, depression, wars, internal strive or international conflicts. And during these times, people, regardless of their predicaments in life, turn passionately to sports, entertainment, music, doing things that relieve stress and negative energy – like dancing. But, these “new and revived” dances have normally started with the younger “more rebelling” generations. Look at the trends -- Charleston in the Roaring 20s, Jitterbug in the 40s, Rock n Roll in the 50s, Disco and Mambo in the

70s, Hip Hop in the 90s and so on, but with one unique exception – Ballroom Dancing. This is the one dance genre that has sustained for generations among the middle to senior-age dancers, and force-

SOCIAL DANCE ROOM NYE Portsmouth, VA – Tidewater Chapter

economy, but eventually retriggered by the rising popularity of the prime-time dance shows (Dancing With The Stars, SYTYCD and others). And so an entire “new generation” was hooked on ballroom dancing and DanceSport. Suddenly, grand parents who danced were “cool”, celebrities from sports, entertainment and Hollywood were now dancing ballroom and latin on tv, with sexy dance partners, —Paul Pellicoro, Paul Pellicoro’s DanceSport, NYC doing cool moves and making dance a turning point in their lives. Ballroom dancing fed at times to school-age children as part was now the multi-generational key -- the of their educational indoctrination. answer to a more confident, more fit, more When the new Millennium turn of the popular, more engaged life. century arrived and the harsh reality of Because USA Dance Chapters attract a 9/11 hit, ballroom dancing began growing diversity of members and guest dancers, in popularity again, hit a snag with the

“I think there is a current rise in ‘popular’ social dance trends & it has overflowed into & helps the competition dance scene down the line. Social dance works as public relations (PR) for dancing as a whole.”


American Dancer |

SOCIAL DANCE ROOM NYE Portsmouth, VA – Tidewater Chapter

WEST COAST SWING LESSON Greenville, NC – Greenville Chapter

USA DANCE CRUISE LINE DANCING Western Caribbean – 400 Chapter Members

Club-Style Dances Invade Ballroom With Growing Popularity their greatest challenge is playing the music everyone wants. Chapter deejays have the most challenging of tasks. (In American Dancer’s July-August issue, ballroom DJ’s will discuss music trends, while several well-known dance instructors will talk about trends and the importance of social dancing.) Club-Style Dances In The Music Mix Attract More Dancers To Join Ballroom As Chapter leaders at the recent National Chapter Conference admitted, their member recruiting efforts involve considerable cross over into the other club dance groups and clubs in the area – those offering Argentine Tango, West Coast Swing, Hustle, Line Dancing, Salsa/Bachatta, Country Western Two-Step even Carolina Shag. Sometimes, Chapters host a Fusion Dance (sometimes called California Mixer), where different styles of social club dancers come together to dance their specialties to whatever music is playing, but also to try the other dances with a willing partner! WEST COAST SWING CLASS Sandusky, OH – Sandusky Chapter

May-June 2014


Courtesy of Glenn Wuennenberg



SA Dance selected two DanceSport couples to represent the United States at the WDSF World Championship for Senior I Ten-Dance, held in historic Antwerp, Belgium, Feb. 1, 2014 – Todd Marsden & Suzie Hardt and Glenn & Bonnie Wuennenberg. For Todd and Suzie, this was their fourth World Championship, for the Wuennenbergs, their first. American Dancer asked both couples to reflect on their experience competing against 18 countries’ best.


First impressions. This was our first WDSF world championship… we practiced a lot more and took some additional coaching sessions. We were impressed with the overall high quality of dancing and the number of couples that were competing. It was a great experience with a very friendly, but competitive atmosphere. Challenges. Surprisingly we really had no challenges! The information that was supplied to us by the organizers was extremely well detailed. We were pleasantly surprised at how well the competition ran with the high number of competitors in each of the events.

Glenn & Bonnie Wuennenberg ready to dance Standard.

Performance. The Senior 1 TenDancers were fabulous! We see that level of dancing here in the USA for the individual Standard and Latin events, but not at the Ten-Dance events at the Senior Levels. We felt very good in some of our dances, but not the best we could do in others. We feel that our dancing needs much more showmanship. Rumba was our best dance.

Judging. We believe that the judges had an extremely difficult job. The high number of competitors in each of the events had to make it a difficult choice on whom to recall. 42

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Andrew & Ilona Prouty Richard & Iris Chiang

tied 40-43 out of 82 tied 57-59 out of 82


Todd Marsden & Suzanna Hardt Glenn & Bonnie Wuennenberg

37 out of 46

46 out of 46


Overall Impressions. There was a festive spirit, a sense of excitement as couples representing Rob Rhonda their country came together…the enthusiastic crowd, the focused competitors and the dignity given to the Senior I competitors. The competition had been highly publicized around the town…and there was a big crowd of non-dancers. After our flag parade, each Senior 1 10-dance couple was given an Olympic like introduction. Challenges. We think the level of dancing has increased since the age range has dropped to 30 from 35 for 1 partner. European Senior dancers Todd Marsden & Suzie Hardt are in general stronger than we are, dancing Standard. though not as far ahead of us as we might expect. Many started much younger than we did. Looking at the other couples, had we fully performed at every moment, we would have made the next round, higher than 31. There were many competitors on the floor, so you need to make a good impression early. You get to dance against the best in your division. Memories. You meet people whose lives are very much like yours, yet are from very different cultures. It is so interesting to talk to couples about how they train in their respective countries.


AD: How did you prepare for your first World Championship? Our preparation was shorter than we would have liked, only finding out that the World Championships had been picked up by the Italian DanceSport Federation two months before the actual competition date. We took as many lessons and coaching sessions as possible, and practiced as much as matrimonial squabbles would allow.


AD: What memories from your four World Championships linger most? The first time in Spain was the most astonishing experience. Imagine all of these mostly grey haired Senior dance couples in one room… confident spirit and smiles…that is something we have never seen in the USA or anywhere else in the rest of the world! We were so proud to become one of them. That’s the most memorable moment when we all lined up ready to dance.

AD: What memories linger most from this Senior II Latin World? The number and quality of competitors was something that we had never experienced Andrew & Ilona Prouty and Richard before and something we won’t soon forget. & Iris Chiang WDSF Senior II Latin • Getting to know our fellow American World Championships competitors, Richard and Iris, better. • Meeting couples from around the world who shared our passion for dance, even if we had little else in common. AD: What can you tell your fellow USA Dance competitors about • Having the restaurant chef bring us the local paper to show us our dancing at the World level that makes it a worthwhile goal? picture on the front page. It’s is so important that the USA participate at these World • Having Ilona chosen to recite the Athlete’s Pledge for all of the Championship events and raise our flag there. As the picture of the dancers and countries. American dancers in Italy’s local newspaper showed, that is the proud moment that every competitor from USA should see and feel, AD: What is the level of Senior II Latin like at the World level? to one day become one of us. It should be any dance competitor’s The top 10-12 couples were very strong both technically and ultimate goal to be the USA’s best and compete at the world stage. artistically. Having watched all of our videos…I feel that the two I’d like to use this opportunity to sincerely thank USA Dance for American couples represented the U.S. admirably. its strong support for us over the past four years.

A USA JUDGE’S PERSPECTIVE – The 2014 WDSF Championship season began Feb. 1 in Antwerp, Belgium, with the Senior I 10-Dance World Championship. Todd Marsden & Susanna Hardt and Glenn & Bonnie Wuennenberg were the USA representatives. The first round

Wayne Crowder, WDSF Licensed Adjudicator, F.I.S.T.D.

Wayne Crowder

started with 46 couples representing 18 countries. The level of competition was outstanding. Our U.S. couples had to fight hard for every mark. The Latin portion was the first danced with Todd and Susanna looking strongest in the Rumba and Paso Doble. Their incredible height and strong leg lines were hard to overlook. Next was the Standard portion, in which the Waltz was their best marked dance. Overall, three of the nine adjudicators marked Todd and Susanna into the next round; however, that was not enough to secure a spot in this strongly contest-

ed event. For the Wuennenberg’s, this was their first WDSF world event. They danced admirably well, but, as they know in the future, will need to command more attention on the floor. The final round had two couples from Spain, and one each from France, Russian Federation, Poland and Portugal. Both the Latin and Standard Finals were outstanding with the first three couples vying for the judges’ marks. Rodrigue Vieux & Adriana Teoli from France took the first place honors, with Ruben Lopez & Eva Moya from Spain finishing second.

May-June 2014


mid-atlantic nqe championships


Daniel Bochkov & Jacqueline Bochkova (VA) Junior I Novice Latin

I Stanislav Pavlov & Michelle Kurpas (NY) Adult Championship Standard




t was a long, hard winter for most of the Northern states along the Eastern seaboard. And the week before the USA Dance 2014 Mid-Atlantic Championships was true to course – snow storms completely blanketed the East Coast just two days earlier. Most competitors were already registered for this last-stop National Qualifying Event before Nationals in April, but the Mid-Eastern Chapter 6001 was optimistic, but checking weather reports continually for the airports in the Bethesda, MD area. But even in DanceSport, “where there’s a will, there’s a way”! Not only did more than 300 couples make it to the dancefloor, but there were 880 entries danced between Saturday and Sunday, Feb 15-16 at this now 6th annual competition. Joe Huesmann attributes the competition’s growing success to the foundation work the Besthesda Chapter did in the 1990s, creating an appreciation and opportunity for competitive ballroom and latin dancing. And since that time, the event organizers have focused on what makes a competition worth attending. This year, the weather-busting competitors came from 28 states, including from as far away as Texas. The couples competed in both International and American style categories at almost all age and proficiency levels, from PreTeen I to Senior III. And more than $10,000 in scholarships were awarded to the fi nalists. Chairman of the dozen or more adjudicators was Dan Calloway and Emcee was Yang Chen, president of USA Dance, who kept the competition moving smoothly and with great enthusiasm. Event Highlights: Saturday morning started with syllabus Rhythm events, finishing with PreChamp Rhythm and transitioning into Syllabus Standard before noon. Saturday afternoon ended with quarterfinal rounds of the Championship Standard divisions. The Saturday evening session opened with a rousing rendition of the National Anthem by vocalist Rose-Ann Lynch, who is a Senior Smooth and Standard finalist, and concluded with the finals of Adult Championship Latin. Then on Sunday, the event began with Syllabus Smooth then Syllabus Latin with the competition coming to a late-afternoon close with the Youth Championship Latin division. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR 2015: Mid-Atlantic Championships, Feb. 14 and 15, 2015. Editor’s Note: Will there be snow next year? We’ll check next time with the weather pro Mr. Groundhog on Feb. 2nd.


COULDN’T KEEP THE COMPETITORS AWAY Adult Championship Standard Finalists


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egacies of Dance

By Deanna Dikeman DanceSport Member, Columbia, MO

By Wendi Davies, professional dancer, adjudicator, daughter

RGOING ecently, on an early Sunday morning car ride to judge the New Jersey DanceSport Classic, Bill asked the judges riding with him (many of whom are immigrants from Eastern Europe) how they felt about Russia invading Crimea. The topic then moved to what they thought of “socialism” and finally what their feelings were about “invigilation”. To know Bill Davies is to have debated with him. He is rarely without a strong opinion about most subject matters, but particularly about issues pertaining to ballroom dancing. It is this passion about what is right and important that has driven his life both on and off the dance floor. Born in Waterbury, CT, Bill chose ballroom dancing over a

Yang Chen

possible baseball career. (He was a pitcher recruited by a Yankees farm club). He began his dance career teaching in an Arthur Murray school in 1958. It was there he fi rst saw “International Style” ballroom dancing. He was “blown away” and it was instantly clear to him what he wanted to do. It was then that his passion for ballroom dancing was born. He spent the next 30 years traveling the world taking lessons with some of the most famous and influential teachers in the history of ballroom dance including Bill and Bobbi Irvine, Alex Moore, 46

Eric Hancox, Sonny Binick, Len Scrivner and many more. His thirst for knowledge was insatiable. He was an avid competitor (danced his last professional competition somewhere in his 50’s) known especially for his emotional expression of the music and extremely fluid movement. He was a three-time U.S. champion, nine-time North American Champion and member of the fi rst ever (as well as subsequent) U.S. teams at the Open British Championships in Blackpool, England. And what some people don’t know, was a National American Style runner-up. An officer on numerous dance organizations over the years, he has worked tirelessly to bring change and fairness to competitive ballroom dancing. In his early competing days, he along with several other professional competitors helped to develop pro-am competitions. He was also influential in creating the U.S. branch of ISTD, the only country to have its own branch of this organization. Today he spends his time judging, coaching, lecturing and debating the merits of all things related to “good dancing”. “Strive for excellence not perfection “, “the music is everything” and always “enjoy the journey”. His passion for dance is alive and well. A highly respected adjudicator, coach and choreographer, Wendi Davies is co-organizer of the NJ DanceSport Classic. During her competitive professional career, she was ranked 13th in the world and was a Rising Star U.K. Champion and Blackpool Rising Star Runner-Up. She was a winner of the PBS “Championship Ballroom Dancing”. Wendi is the daughter of Bill Davies.

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A Man of Great Passion American Dancer Magazine has chosen Bill Davies as a true legacy of dance, whose lifelong and continuing contributions to the teaching, coaching and adjudication of competitive ballroom and Latin dance are only exceeded by his exuberance and sheer passion for everything he does. Bill Davies is a man of substance and profound influence and has made a measurable difference in the quality of amateur dancing in America. Joey Pasaoa

National Qualifying Events

USA Dance 2015 National DanceSport Championships

FOR 2015 (ямБrst six): Jun 7 - 8, 2014 NEW JERSEY DANCESPORT CLASSIC Summer Sizzler Hackensack, NJ Jun 27 - 29, 2014 GUMBO DANCESPORT CHAMPIONSHIPS Baton Rouge, LA Aug 1 - 3, 2014 DERBY CITY DANCESPORT CHAMPIONSHIPS Louisville, KY Sep 20, 2014 NEW ENGLAND DANCESPORT CHAMPIONSHIPS Waltham, MA Oct 3 - 5, 2014 CAROLINA FALL CLASSIC & WDSF OPEN SENIOR I STANDARD & LATIN Charlotte, NC Oct 11-12, 2014 NORTHWEST DANCESPORT CHAMPIONSHIPS Portland, OR For more information visit:

Ryan Kenner

Lawrence Shulman & Dakota Pizzi (NY) Adult Championship Standard Division 2014 Manhattan Amateur Classic

Non-Profit Standard Class U.S. Postage


Lebanon Junction, KY Permit #542

USA DANCE 2015 NATIONAL DANCESPORT CHAMPIONSHIPS Renaissance Harborplace Hotel Baltimore, MD March 27, 28, 29, 2015



Angelo & Kayla Cristobal (NC) Adult Championship Standard


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