aking M Milestones Golden Path Recreation Tracking
This program was developed to reward commitment to using and enjoying the versatile Haflinger horse. As a Golden Path member, you are one of the breed’s best representatives, promoting Haflingers suitability for any job, be it work or play. All disciplines are included in this program; in Golden Path, you are recognized for time spent riding, driving, or working from the ground with your Haflinger. This program is included as part of your AHR membership, so if you’ve been missing out, enroll now in the Golden Path Recreation Program for FREE! To register, visit http://haflingerhorse.com or contact Susan Haszelbart at (303) 882-2462 for a copy of enrollment and submission forms. Congratulations to the following Golden Path participants who reached new milestones in 2016! 1500 Hour Milestone Anchor Man and Leslie King amassed 349 hours in 2016, making the 1500 hour mark in their fifth year of participation. Nifty Nevie GRS and Amy Wallace logged 330.58 hours in 2016, conquering the 1500 hour threshold in their ninth year of participation. 1000 Hour Milestone American Eagle GA and Carol Anne Carpenter charted 158.25 hours in 2016, reaching the 1000 hour milestone in five years of participation. Mandolin HBR and Janilyn Kooy noted 171 hours in 2016, surpassing the 1000 hour target in their seventh year of participation. 46 Spring 2017 • Haflinger Horse
Amy Wallace riding Nifty Nevie GRS