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HOPE FOR TOMORROW: Trusting in God's Faithfulness

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Founder's Message

Founder's Message


For some, it felt like the chaos wouldn’t end, that there was no relief in sight from the mounting stress and difficulty that comes with a once-in-a-century epidemic health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. But as believers, even in the midst of these challenges, we put our faith in God over our fear of the unknown. We continue to find peace in knowing that God is sovereign over it all, and that He will reveal an end in His perfect timing. Put simply,


Today, we stand tall in a new year and we witness our society embracing a spirit of hope. We see a worldwide passion for eradicating the virus that’s affected all of our lives, a desire to serve in our communities to better the lives of our neighbors, and a mission to embrace every opportunity for joy that 2021 holds. This year, American Heritage Girls continues to pray for girls everywhere, that they would witness God’s goodness, despite difficulty in our world, and experience the joy that is living a life for Christ.

Finding God in the Darkness

It can be easy to look back on 2020 and see nothing but strife. But as believers, we can’t write off the year as a waste when God was still doing great things for us. He saw us through illness, through economic struggle, and through social unrest. He gifted new life and innovation. He planted seeds of hope so that we could sow them. As we wade through the darkness, we must remember to listen for God and teach our girls how to do the same. As you prepare for 2021, cling to the words of Romans 15:13, NIV, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” It’s human nature to forget to thank God in times of great joy, and to turn to Him for comfort when we struggle. In our selfishness, it’s easy to only turn to God when we think we need His help. The good news? God doesn’t get hung up on our selfishness—He offers love, comfort, and forgiveness. In Him, we are redeemed. If we listen intently, we’ll confirm what C.S. Lewis notes—we can hear God speak loudest to us in times of difficulty. We need only turn to Him. He is our hope, and He is hope for our girls too.

An Opportunity for Discipleship

Prayer is our first line of defense in times of trouble. As Christians we know that God cares deeply for each of us, that He hears our prayers and cares for our world. But for young people without a strong faith, it can be nearly impossible to look around at the current state of our world and see a good, good Father at the helm. Disbelief is spreading at a shocking rate. We know Barna research shows Generation Z embraces atheism as a belief at a rate double that of the general American population. It’s easy to see that statistic and panic, but there’s hope. That very same study shows that while a vast number of Generation Z don’t currently believe in God, they are open to the idea of faith. With a post-Christian population like Generation Z comes great potential for discipleship. As the Barna researchers point out, young people are likely to resonate with Christian ideals like diversity, empathy, and service, opening the door to belief.

In our new digital age, there is opportunity to infuse faith and Christian teachings into the lives of children. In order to share the gospel with young people, the church needs to meet them where they are—online. Famous influencers and music artists make great strides in sharing the gospel online to a huge audience of young followers. Even in the midst of worldwide social isolation, people were able to hear the gospel message without ever stepping foot outside their home thanks to the power of the internet. God’s Word has the ability to permeate these digital spaces—and with it, the spread of hope for a better tomorrow.


Going Beyond Sunday

But even without millions of online followers, every member of the church body has the opportunity to make a significant impact on the faith of the next generation. There is a need to model for our young people that faith doesn’t have to exist solely within the walls of a church. In fact, it’s in modeling the life of a servant-hearted, loving, and kind Christian that the church will grow in the hearts and minds of skeptical youth.

The responsibility of discipleship and the call of Matthew 25, is a calling that AHG heeds daily. Anchoring girls in their faith in Christ as they grow into women of integrity is at the core of every piece of AHG programming. Every girl in AHG, whether she comes from a churched family or not, hears of God’s love and mercy, Biblical truths, and the promises of salvation in Christ. This Program Year, American Heritage Girls launched a series of virtual events to meet girls where they are, like the AHG Medical Heroes Week and the AHG Girl Leadership Event, that could connect girls within the program to one another and their communities through faith, service, and fun. These events, with virtual connections and hands-on activities, modeled how girls can become change-makers through living out their Christian faith.

When trying to stitch together faith and fun for today’s girl, we have to go beyond Sunday, and offer more. Today’s Christ-centered activities aren’t just your grandma’s Sunday school class! There are Christian-owned dance studios across the country that encourage Godliness in choreography, song choices, and costumes. There are Christian summer camps that seamlessly knit together spirituality and outdoor adventure. And, of course, there are scout-type ministries, like American Heritage Girls, that give girls the chance to make friends and grow holistically in a fun, Christ-centered environment. It’s vital that we don’t limit a girl’s exposure to faith to one day a week—we must weave it into the everyday (and make it fun!).

We know that establishing the building blocks of faith in childhood gives way to a strong relationship and reliance on God in adulthood. Today especially, we live in a time where parents are reevaluating the activities in which their children are involved. While it may feel like this year isn’t a time for recruitment—it has never been more important. Consider how AHG might be the place that girls in your community need most right now. A place full of encouragement, new experiences, and connection— somewhere girls can learn to anchor their hope in Christ. AHG Troops are bringing joy to girls, families, and communities who are desperate.

Hope For Tomorrow

What is holding you back from planning for joy this year? Is it the anxiety of the unknown? Are you making an attempt to manage expectations? Are you frozen with the fear of disappointment? It’s time we place our faith in God over our fear of uncertainty. This year, shift the conversation from ‘what could have been’ to ‘what could be’. Hope is looking forward to tomorrow with a fresh eagerness, not glumly commiserating in the past. Hope is about anticipation, yes, but more than that it’s about resilience in the current struggle knowing and trusting that good is around the corner. What a gift to give our girls, the ability to be perseverant—it is an AHG Creed word after all!

Faith and hope are rooted in perseverance.

So think, how can we, as a ministry, live in hope? What joys can we look forward to knowing His timing is perfect and His plans work for our good? God works in the everyday—we need only invite Him in. Could tomorrow’s Troop meeting be the day a girl in your Troop embraces the gospel? Could that campout be the day a girl realizes she has the power to overcome fear? Could your next service project bring a new family into the church? We live in the hope of knowing that God is in control, that His plans are mighty, and His timing is perfect. We live in hope for tomorrow.

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