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High Impact Insight

Trials, we all have them. As AHG volunteers, we face trials in our Troops. Our girls face trials too— bullying, anxiety, and, of course, all that comes with being a child in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic. It can be easy to feel bogged down by the difficulties and allow grief over our circumstances to cast a shadow on our lives. But we have a light to cast out that darkness—we have hope.

I believe hope and joy go hand-in-hand. I believe being a person who is hopeful and joyful is a choice we make, and one that we have to work at daily. It is so easy to become self-centered when trials come our way—it’s human nature to fall into a wallowing spiral of ‘poor me’. But we need to understand and embrace that our trials are a way that God uses to refine our faith and our dependence on Him, and in turn, pass this mentality along to our girls.



1. Read the Word

Did you know that the word hope appears in the ESV translation 151 times? As we all face varying levels of adversity this Program Year, I encourage you and your Troop Ministry Team to prepare by reflecting on the words of 1 Peter 1:6-9 together. Another one of my favorites is Isaiah 43:1-4. Study this verse with the girls in your Troop, but as they read, ask them to replace the words in “O Jacob” and “O Israel” with their own name. ‘Customizing’ Scripture in this way can create a more personalized faith experience for the girl, and as a result, open her eyes to the love God has for her.

2. Pray in All Circumstances

The girls in your Troop are carrying difficulties of their own, but as their leader, you are capable of showing them how to lay them down at the feet of Jesus. When I pray, I visualize laying bricks inscribed with the name of my burdens at the foot of Jesus’ throne. Visualization is a powerful prayer tool, but it’s one that some girls can’t grasp easily. At your next campout, bring this visualization to life. Gather stones from around the campsite and invite girls to write their burden on them. Then, find a safe space to set these burdens down and welcome a spirit of renewed hope with a group prayer. Providing girls with an opportunity to experience prayer in such a tangible way gives them the ability and confidence to visualize this practice in their future prayers.

3. Reflect on God and Marvel in His Goodness

God has created us to be worshipful beings, drawing us close to Him through music. Christian music often offers a spirit of hope and joy. Ask girls and leaders to share their favorite songs or artists, and create a Troop playlist. Listen to this playlist during Unit time, before Troop meetings, or even sing them around a campfire. Taking time to witness the goodness of God and worship Him is essential to our faith lives. In the midst of difficulty, music can remind us that our God is in control, our God is the creator of all, our God is sovereign, God’s love is steadfast, and He is full of grace and mercy beyond comprehension. He has redeemed you, He calls you by name, you are His. How can we not find hope in that?

For our girls, the stakes have never been higher. Girls have unhealthy images of themselves and teen suicide rates continue to rise. We have to prioritize modeling a Godly hope and joy for the girls in our Troops. They are watching us and we need to be one of their lifelines. When we’re authentic with each other and build each other up, hope and joy will flow forth. Place your hope in God and find the joy this year—our girls need it.

JoNell Baker lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Kerri, of 26 years. They have two earthly children Josiah, 16, and Elsie, 14, and one heavenly daughter, Elizabeth. Her passion for AHG started in 2013 when she and other moms started Troop MN0312. She served as Troop Coordinator for six years. She is currently one of her Troop’s PI/PA Unit Leaders. Since the summer of 2019 she has served as the Twin Cities Area Coordinator.

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