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AHG, Inc. Updates



AHG Founder & Executive Director Patti Garibay ventured to Colorado Springs, CO for an interview with Jim Daly and Jim Fuller for the Focus on the Family Broadcast. The trio discussed the founding history of AHG, the impact of the ministry, and how Focus on the Family listeners can get involved. Local girls and Troop volunteers joined Patti and the Focus hosts in the studio and the gallery for a Question & Answer portion of the interview. AHG is tremendously grateful for the long-standing relationship with Focus on the Family and for the work our ministries do together to serve families globally.

LISTEN TO THE BROADCAST LIVE IN JULY 2022. To find your local affiliate, visit ambassadoradvertising.com/station-map or listen to the archived broadcast at focusonthefamily.com/shows/broadcast



Experience the founding story of AHG like never before! AHG is excited to debut The StarSpangled Sparkle Wagon, a brandnew children’s book written with AHG girls in mind! Readers will join Zoe as she sets out to transform a rusty old wagon into something that will bring joy to every girl at Camp Spark. Armed with a big vision, encouragement from friends, and prayerful assurance Zoe creates something new—just like the founders of American Heritage Girls did back in 1995. This story is suitable for girls of all ages, though independent readers will require a 4-5th grade reading level ability. Girls who read The StarSpangled Sparkle Wagon will come away knowing the founding story of AHG, fulfilling the Joining Award requirement.

To purchase your own copy of The Star-Spangled Sparkle Wagon, visit store.americanheritagegirls.org After two years without AHG’s annual Staff Retreat, the men and women who make up the AHG Staff felt beyond blessed to finally come together again. The entire AHG Staff, both local and remote employees, met at Potter’s Ranch in Northern Kentucky for two days packed with camp activities, worship, games, brainstorming, and a whole lot of fellowship. With so many permanently remote Staff Members, this retreat provided the much-needed opportunity to come face-to-face with some colleagues for the very first time! With refreshed hearts and minds, each member of the Staff returned to his or her duties fired up about serving girls, families, and communities through the AHG Ministry.


After the success of AHGequip VIRTUAL in early 2021, AHG answered volunteer requests to provide more digital training and opportunities to connect with other leaders. AHGequip VIRTUAL Spark provides just that and more! During Spark discussions, AHG Adult Members share their knowledge with other leaders from across the country, forming friendships and connections to support one another on their leadership journey. The decision to lead a Troop is a calling on the lives of AHG volunteers, and AHG, Inc. supports that calling with training that equips and encourages! AHG offers these quarterly virtual training discussions on various topics relevant to AHG Adult Members. This quarter, attendees representing 126 Troops gathered to discuss a skill vital to the health of a well-functioning Troop—Biblical Conflict Resolution. “I took many notes! It was so well-rounded, from Biblical examples to hearing about different Troop experiences, AHG resources, and books on the topic! I’m so grateful for this opportunity to be prepared for conflict going forward,” said one New Mexico Troop Coordinator. The training also provided tools for leaders to pass along to girls. “I enjoyed the application of some steps and techniques to teach the girls. Our Troop leadership has not experienced conflicts yet, but the Girl Members do experience it in life, so teaching them about role-playing before a conflict happens will be a great life skill,” said one Virginia Troop Vice Coordinator.

For information on the next AHGequip VIRTUAL Spark discussion, AHG members can visit AHGresource on AHGfamily, keyword “Spark”.

Having been born and raised in Rhode Island, otherwise known as the Ocean State, I have always been drawn to the erect, steadfast, and immovable stature of the many lighthouses that guard our shores. While for many they are simply a picturesque symbol of coastal folklore, for the seaman, they are a visual of John the Baptist. They signal nautical position, warn of hidden present dangers, and provide guidance into safe harbors. However, beyond their physical presence, lighthouses illuminate the darkness. In the same way, our immovable God, the “Father of Lights,” provides direction, clarity, and inspiration enabling Christians to navigate through the reefs, around the shallows, and ultimately towards our final safe harbor. The light of His Word directs our steps, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”; the light of His Presence clarifies the muddy waters of confusing crosscurrents by opening the eyes of our understanding, “In thy light, we shall see light”; and finally, the light of His Spirit infuses his people with the inspiration to live and move, “The Lord will light my candle.” But God’s light is not just for those who believe, it is for all creation. Strikingly, Jesus who calls Himself the light of the world, shines that light on us and declares of those who follow Him, “now you are light in the Lord.” Whoah! A Christian is supposed to be an immovable beacon of light? A source of clarity, direction, and inspiration to those who are seeking a heavenly safe harbor? A beacon of hope shining in the darkness? Gratefully, yes. As a young student in search of truth, I travelled up the coast from RI to the culturally historic city of Boston to begin my freshman year at Harvard College. It was there, while studying English, that I met my future

His Immovable husband. He was a very bright light amidst the ivy-covered darkness. First,

Conspicuous Light he emanated a love for his fellow man I had never seen before. One that wasn’t based on performance or likeability. Secondly, he walked a path that was different from the JD/ MBA track I admired. As one of the few Marines on campus, he valued service to country, family, and friends above the pursuit of his own selfish ends. And finally, he spoke unabashedly of a heavenly Kingdom reserved only for those who believe. Apparently, despite adhering to my personally crafted individualized moral code of conduct, I wouldn’t have been admitted into that particular safe harbor…but I relished the light and hungered to know more. Thirty-five years later, God’s light continues to SHINE through the heart, actions, and words of my husband, providing clarity, direction, and inspiration to me, our three sons, and the Greater Cincinnati area we now call home. Sometimes the greatest rays of Light shine not from houses made of stone but human hearts (2 Cor. 3:3). Shine on American Heritage Girls.




How long have you been working at AHG?

6.5 years

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

What do you do in your position?

I lead an amazing team of creative professionals responsible for all aspects of marketing, advertising, and communications including print, digital, video, radio features, website, messaging, and much more! I also work with contractors such as our PR/Media firm, Hamilton Strategies, and our radio feature production company, Bob Allen Audio.

What’s your favorite part of working at AHG?

Creating content that raises awareness about the wonderful ministry of American Heritage Girls. Additionally, it has been an honor and a privilege to be part of the start-up and continuation of the Raising Godly Girls brand of blog posts, radio features, and e-books—all resources to help parents tackle tough issues that girls are facing in today’s culture like identity and anxiety.

What is your favorite part about visiting or being involved in a Troop?

Seeing the girls actively involved in leadership during their meetings. It was a joy to visit the Troop at my home church.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Check out the Raising Godly Girls blog at raisinggodlygirls.com and let us know at marketing@ahgonline.org if you have any topics you would like to see covered there!

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