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Don’t Sleep on the Latest AOPA Member Resource
ARE YOU UTILIZING YOUR AOPA MEMBERSHIP? Attend the upcoming live tutorial to learn about one of the best resources available for O&P practices, the AOPA Co-OP.
A Wikipedia for all things O&P, the Co-OP is a one-stop resource for information about reimbursement, coding, and policy. This searchable database provides up-to-date information on developments in Medicare policy, state-specific legislation, private-payor updates, and more. Members can access detailed information on everything from modifiers to product-specific L codes and associated policies. Register for the next Co-OP Live Tutorial hosted by AOPA Director of Strategic Initiatives Ashlie White, who will demonstrate how to use the Co-OP and answer all of your questions. Any employee of an AOPA member firm is welcomed to join this free tutorial.
Co-OP Live Tutorial Webinar • Friday, May 15 • Friday, June 19
Registration at bit.ly/Co-Op2020.
Social Media Mayday: Increase Your Footprint Are you getting the best return from social media? The May 13 webinar, presented by Joy Burwell, AOPA’s director of communications and marketing, will provide you with tips and resources regarding which properties are best for your business and how you can better use them to reach your patients, your payors, your referral sources, and your community. Take part in this webinar—and make sure you are putting your best digital foot forward! WEDNESDAY MAY 13
UPCOMING WEBINAR // UPCOMING WEBINAR // UPCOMING WEBINAR Clinician’s Corner: Prosthetics Take part in the second installment of AOPA’s new Clinician’s Corner webinar, and learn about the newest techniques in prosthetics. Get tips on how to best treat your patients while earning scientific credits. Clinician’s Corner will be presented by one of AOPA’s many honored National Assembly presenters. WEDNESDAY JUNE 10 NEW SCIENTIFIC CREDITS
During these one-hour sessions, AOPA experts provide up-to-date information on a specific topic. Webinars are perfect for the entire staff—they’re a great team-building, money-saving, and educational experience! Sign up for the entire series and get two conferences free. Entire Series ($990 Members/$1,990 Nonmembers). Register at bit.ly/2020webinars.

Check AOPAnet.org for updates.