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2020 AOPA Coding Products
Get your facility up to speed, fast, on all of the O&P HealthCare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code changes with an array of 2020 AOPA coding products. Ensure each member of your staff has a 2020 Quick Coder, a durable, easy-to-store desk reference of all of the O&P HCPCS codes and descriptors.
• 2020 Coding Suite (includes CodingPro single user, Illustrated Guide, and Quick Coder): $350 AOPA members, $895 nonmembers • 2020 Quick Coders: $30 AOPA members, $80 nonmembers Order at www.AOPAnet.org or call AOPA at 571/431-0876.
Vasyli + Armstrong II Sheer Reducing Diabetic Orthotic Clinically proven and patented diabetic orthotic addressing the two most important factors in preventing callousing and ulcerations—sheer and pressure. The Armstrong II combines a dual-density medicalgrade plastizote/EVA and a unique Glidesoft forefoot sheer reducing forefoot for bestin-class outcomes. SADMERC A5512 approved For more information, visit www.vasylimedical.com.

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ALPS South LLC Amfit Amputee Coalition Apis Footwear Company Cailor Fleming Insurance Coapt ComfortFit Orthotic Labs Inc. Cypress Adaptive LLC ESP LLC Fabtech Systems LLC Ferrier Coupler Inc. Hanger Hersco Naked Prosthetics Össur Americas Inc. Ottobock PROTEOR USA Spinal Technology Inc. TurboMed Orthotics Vasyli Medical Page
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