The Pirate Princess A.R.T. Program

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2015/16 Season






Artistic Director’s Welcome DIANE PAULUS The Terrie and Bradley Bloom Artistic Director American Repertory Theater

WELCOME TO THE PIRATE PRINCESS This nautical adventure adapted from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night comes from the creative team behind last year’s high-flying musical The Light Princess. Boston-based playwright Lila Rose Kaplan and composer Mike Pettry have created a magical world of royalty, pirates, and sea monsters. Last year, The Light Princess reminded us that love can make our hearts soar. With the same joyful spirit, The Pirate Princess celebrates how an adventure can teach us about ourselves and our families. This journey comes to life through the imagination of A.R.T. Resident Director Allegra Libonati (The Light Princess, The Snow Queen, Hansel and Gretel). Working with choreographer Cheryl Turski (A.R.T. Institute Class of 2007) and puppet designer Michael Kane (The Snow Queen, A.R.T. Institute Class of 2012), Allegra invites audiences of all ages to experience a voyage on the high seas filled with awe and wonder. Turn the pages of this program for more information about this production, and for exciting games to play before setting sail. See you on board!

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Music and Lyrics by MIKE PETTRY Book by LILA ROSE KAPLAN Adapted from Twelfth Night by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Scenic Elements Design JULIA NOULIN-MERAT Lighting Design CHRIS HUDACS

Costume Design NEIL FORTIN


Music Director BRIAN GE

Puppet Design MICHAEL KANE

Stage Manager ERIN KEARNEY

Choreography by CHERYL TURSKI Direction by ALLEGRA LIBONATI World Premiere at the Loeb Drama Center on December 19, 2015. The Pirate Princess is performed on the set of the A.R.T. production of Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812: Set Design by Mimi Lien. The 2015/16 Institute Season is dedicated in loving memory to Bryan Bernfeld, Class of 2016.

Season Support


(in order of speaking)

Feisty �����������������������������������������������������������������������������JANICE AMAYA Violet ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ALI STONER Victor..........................................................................KYLE VANZANDT Tony...........................................................................NATHAN LINDSEY Bloodbeard..................................................ROBERT ST. LAURENCE Olivia................................................................... KATHERINE WRIGHT Maria ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������SHUYI JIA Krakken ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ JON OWENS Patches ���������������������������������������������������������������������� SHAWN NABORS Groghead �����������������������������������������������������������WILSON ZINNUROV Scarfoot �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SHAUN WU Junior ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� DANIEL PRADO

BAND Piano/Conductor................................................................... BRIAN GE Keyboard/Acoustic Guitar/Mandolin ���������������������MIKE PETTRY Violin..................................................... YAEKO MIRANDA ELMALEH

Programs for High School Students Pre-College Program

Secondary School Program

2-week program (noncredit)

7-week program (college credit)

ADDITIONAL STAFF Music Supervisor/Orchestrator ��������������������������������MIKE PETTRY Production Manager.......................... KATHERINE HM CLANTON Fight Choreographer ������������������������������������������������ TED HEWLETT Assistant Director ������������������������������������������������SAMMI CANNOLD Assistant Stage Manager ��������������������������������EMILY R. MILLMAN Dramaturg............................................................... JAMES MONTAÑO Voice Coach...................................................MATTHEW HULTGREN Props Master..............................................JONATHAN MAGANZINI Assistant Costume Designer �������������������������� RAISSA BRETANA Music Assistant �������������������������������������������������������������� ISAAC ALTER Light Board Programmer ���������������������� JEREMY GOLDENBERG Light Board Operator ��������������������������������� MARGARET LORINCZ Audio Mixer............................................................... HARRY CHAIKIN Deck Audio Tech �������������������������������������������������������� KEN THURBER Stage Crew.................................................................. AARON COHEN Wardrobe.................................................................... SARAH KARTEN


Boston Area Alums of ARRR!!! (Brown University’s only Pirate a Capella Group), Jessica Amato, Will Austin, Anthony Mario Bruno, The Boston Conservatory, Jarrett Byrnes, Penny Bank, Matthew Christian, Lauren Doucette, Kathy Fortin, Osh Ganimah, Hanson Recreation Drama, Laura Kruegel, Gary Meitrott, Ashley J. Monet, Jed Resnick, Lena Voghel, Kristin Wetherington

John Tiffany’s I Speak, Therefore I Am. Photo: Marcus Stern

Mary Rose Lloyd, Kali DiPippo, and The New Victory

A.R.T./MXAT Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University Acting • Voice • Dramaturgy Masters/Certificate Program A two-year professional training program fully integrated with the work of the American Repertory Theater, based in Cambridge, MA with a residency at the Moscow Art Theater School in Moscow, Russia.

Learn more:


Feisty What's your favorite song? "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. My parents discovered it when they were teenagers in El Salvador, and I'd heard it ad nauseam as a kid, but now I appreciate it and feel closer to them with each listen. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A red beet! They're odd and beautiful and delicious and nutritious. Where would you bury your treasure? At home, in Mom's garage. She would make sure it's safe and well preserved and nobody would ever be able to find it. It's a daunting room of organized chaos that only an Amaya can maneuver.


Maria What’s your favorite color and why? Orange, because it is the color of oranges. I love oranges. Oranges are the best. They are also orange. They are all so orange. Have you ever written a love letter? Yes. “Roses are red, violets are blue. Oranges are orange, now let’s talk about you. Do you like oranges?” If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A giant orange, because scurvy is real.


Tony What’s your favorite color and why? Black because it’s strong and looks good on everyone! If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? Two lightsabers and a cupcake.

Where would you bury your treasure? Someplace stinky so no one would go near it! Arr!


Patches If you were a pirate, where would you bury your treasure? Somewhere in Brooklyn. Probably behind the house I grew up in in Flatbush or somewhere in Fort Greene Park. What would be your job on the pirate ship? Running it. What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? With my sister that is closest to my age, I like to just chit-chat with her and be silly in the kitchen. We wash dishes, we crack jokes. We’re really silly. With my younger siblings I like to watch movies with them. Ageappropriate ones, of course.


Krakken What’s your favorite song? “Like A Star,” by Corinne Bailey Rae. If you were a pirate, where would you bury your treasure? On an island that only I had the map to! Who would be your first mate? Someone I could trust with my ship!


Junior What’s your favorite color and why? Red, because it reminds me of love. Have you ever written a love letter? No, I’m far too shy. What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? We liked to play cops and robbers a lot when we were younger.


Bloodbeard Have you ever written a love letter? Yes, I’m known for poetry riddled with imperfect rhymes. What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? Every Sunday, I help my sister cook a meal and play with her dog. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? An upside-down four-leaf clover, to show your luck has run out.


Violet What’s your favorite color and why? Lately I’m really into violet. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A big bowl of macaroni and cheese, because that’s my favorite food! Who would be your first mate? My little sister, Becca. She’s a water resources engineer and would definitely come in handy on the high seas!


Victor What’s your favorite color and why? Yellow, because it’s full of energy and fun. What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? Every Christmas Eve, my brother and I watch the movie Elf twice in a row back to back. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A kitten holding a piece of pizza!


Olivia What’s your favorite color and why? Green, because it can be anything! Mean like the Wicked Witch of the West or really FUN like Yoshi! Have you ever written a love letter? Yes, to Leonardo DiCaprio. But his response got lost in the mail. What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? My sister Cynthia and I love baking cookies and quoting every line of The Emperor’s New Groove!


Scarfoot What’s your favorite song? “Heal The World” by Michael Jackson. Where’s the most adventurous place you’ve ever traveled? Macau. I did bungee jumping off the Macau Tower. If you were a pirate, what would be your job on the ship? Gymnastics Instructor.


Groghead What's your favorite song? Sea shanties of any kind. Have you ever written a love letter? I've written 100 love letters. If you were a pirate, what would be your job on the ship? Chilling in the crow's nest. What would be your pirate name? Chazz.

Creative Team MIKE PETTRY

Music and Lyrics What’s your favorite color and why? Blue, the color of the open sea! What’s your favorite song? When Feisty finishes writing it, I’ll let you know. Where’s the most adventurous place you’ve ever traveled? Los Angeles... It’s a jungle out there. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A skull with music notes for eyes and a Nintendo controller for a mouth.


Book What’s your favorite song? “My Funny Valentine.” Have you ever written a love letter? Once I wrote an uncharacteristically short email to a wonderful gentleman which said, “When are you coming to visit?” It turned out well, and now we’re married. What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? Take over the dance floor and do interpretive dance. What would your pirate name be? Dagger Rose. Who would be your first mate? My sister.


Director What’s your favorite color and why? Green. I live in the city, so I always love seeing this color in nature. Have you ever written a love letter? What is love? Tis not hearafter; Present mirth hath present laugher; (Shakespeare wrote that one).

What's your favorite thing to do with your siblings? My brother and I made shows together growing up and still do as adults. He played Sebastian when I directed Twelfth Night. We also love playing a game called Robo Rally. What would your pirate name be? Captain Sea Legs.


Choreography What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? Play games. My sister and I always win because we somehow always know what the other is thinking. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A large, grimacing turkey. It sounds like my name, and would be VERY threatening. What would be your pirate name? The Turskineer... you know, like Buccaneer... only Turski-fied. Who would be your first mate? My mom, obviously.


Scenic Elements Design What’s your favorite color and why? Red—it’s a bold, powerful, and energizing color. If you were a pirate, what would your job on the ship most likely be? Quarter Master. What would be your pirate name? Ropeburn. Who would be your first mate? Pinkbeard.


Costume Design What’s your favorite song? Joanne Newsom’s “Monkey and Bear.” What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? I have NO siblings! I am an only child! If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? If I were a pirate, I would fly a skull and cross bones, but the bones would be a needle and a pair of scissors.


Lighting Design What's your favorite color and why? Green. I've always been a fan of Kermit the Frog. If you were a pirate, where would you bury your treasure? If I told you, then you'd know where to find it! Who would be your first mate? Someone with a lot of patience.


Sound Design If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? Popeye. Where would you bury your treasure? Some place I could remember. What would your job on the ship be? To remember where I buried my treasure.


Puppet Design What's your favorite color and why? All of them! It's the combination of colors that I love to see. A color only exist because there's a color next to it. What's the most adventurous place you've ever traveled? Last year my wife and I walked eleven miles along cliffs and over mountains to camp at a beach in Hawaii. It was awesome! What would be your pirate name? I already have one. My niece gave it to me. It's Fuzzy Beard!


Music Director What’s your favorite color and why? Green, because I was born on St. Patrick’s Day. If you were a pirate, where would you bury your treasure? Under our old house in Victoria, British Columbia. Nobody ever bothers looking in Canada. Who would be your first mate? My older brother. He would hate having to obey my commands.


Production Manager What’s your favorite color and why? Green! It’s the color of trees, leaves, and everything happy. What’s your favorite song? Depends on the day, but right now it’s “California Dreamin’” by The Mamas and the Papas. Have you ever written a love letter? Yes. I was living in London while my husband was living in Minneapolis. He wrote me a letter back on top of a puzzle. I had to put it together to read the message!

Creative Team ERIN KEARNEY

Stage Manager What’s your favorite color and why? My favorite color is pink because it reminds me of my favorite animal, the flamingo! What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? I have a little sister named Shannon, and my favorite thing to do with her is go to basketball games together. Where’s the most adventurous place you’ve ever traveled? In college, I travelled to Morocco and it was the most colorful, interesting place I’ve ever been.


Dramaturg What’s your favorite color and why? Teal, because it feels aquatic and relaxing (but my favorite color changes all the time). Where’s the most adventurous place you’ve ever traveled? I drove across the country with everything I own stuffed in a twodoor Ford Focus. It was adventurous and terrifying. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A pie. Preferably cherry. Where would you bury your treasure? I wouldn’t bury the treasure—I’m a spender.


Vocal Coach Have you ever written a love letter? Yes. And it worked! What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? Gross each other out. What would your job on the ship most likely be? Teaching pirates how to ARRR!

What would be your pirate name? Matty Jabberjaws.


Assistant Director What’s your favorite thing to do with your siblings? My brother and I love playing with our honorary siblings—Busby and Berkeley (both very intelligent golden doodle dogs). Where’s the most adventurous place you’ve ever traveled? Lapland! I went with my mother and we visited the Sámi people (like my name) in Northern Finland. If you were a pirate, what emblem would fly on your flag? A rose. My middle name is Rose, and I wear a rose necklace almost every day. Where would you bury your treasure? Under Trinity Church in New York, because that’s where they hid it in the movie National Treasure!


Assistant Stage Manager Have you ever written a love letter? Yes, I used to write love letters all of the time, but then I moved too close and had to write love sticky notes instead. What emblem would fly on your flag? Mechanical pencils stabbed into a skull like a mohawk. Where would you bury your treasure? In a giant fruitcake. Nobody would ever find it. Who eats fruitcake? What would your job on the ship most likely be? Meticulously labeling everything on deck.

A Maze!

Help Violet and Victor find the treasure while avoiding the Krakken!

Walk the Blank!

A Pirates' Mad Lib by Dramaturg James Montaño Learn a little bit more about the story and background of The Pirate Princess. Fill in the word bank, and then add those words into the paragraph below to see the story you've created!

The ___________(adjective) musical The Pirate Princess is a new adaptation of ________________(first name) Shakespeare’s _____________(adjective) play Twelfth Night or What You Will. In The Pirate Princess twins Victor and Violet are separated after a __________________(adverb) attack by the Krakken, a ____________(adjective about size) sea _______________(type of creature). On the sea, Bloodbeard is the _____________(adjective) captain of the pirate ____________(type of transportation) “The Revengeance”. After the Krakken attack, Violet becomes the pirate “V” and begins to _____________(verb) on the ship. Up on the land, Queen Olivia is ______________(emotion) because she misses her brother. She loves to paint but only uses her favorite color ______________(color). Bloodbeard wants to “woo” Queen Olivia, but is not good with ___________(verb). Deep in his ________________(adjective) lair the Krakken is lonely and ____________(emotion). He too wants to “woo” Queen Olivia and sends his new captive, Victor, to ______________(verb) a message to the Queen. This leads to some ________(adjective) confusion and lots of fun! Will Violet find her Victor, though she’s dressed as the Pirate “V”? Will the Krakken get the Queen’s attention deep beneath the sea? And in the end, do we know what anyone will be? You’ll have to watch ARRRR tale to find out!

Adjectives describe something or someone—for example, tasty, big, and brave. Verbs are action words—for example, jump, swim, and dance. Adverbs describe actions—for example: bravely, scarily, or beautifully. James Montaño is a first-year dramaturgy student at the A.R.T. Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University.

Photo: Gretjen Helene

A.R.T. Kids Company, a weekly class offered by the A.R.T.’s award-winning Education & Community Programs department.

About the A.R.T. The A.R.T. at Harvard University is a leading force in the American theater, committed to expanding the boundaries of theater by programming events that immerse audiences in transformative theatrical experiences. The A.R.T. is also dedicated to providing subsidized access to performances and high-quality arts education programs. Learn more at

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