Official Publication of The American Riding Instructors Association
Winter 2023
Five Liability Tips for Equine Professionals By Julie I. Fershtman
Tax Preparation 101 By Carol Gordon
time to
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ARICP Advisory Board Debi DeTurk Peloso Denny Emerson Julie I. Fershtman, Esq. Charlotte Brailey Kneeland * Founder Gayle Lampe Sarah Sliva, MD Linda Tellington-Jones
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To learn the benefits of becoming an ARIA Official Supplier or Sponsor, please contact ARIA at 603-605-5275 or aria@riding-instructor.com
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
5 Contentment By Lydia Fairchok
Sport psychology
Roadmap to Success:Actionable Steps for You and Your Students to Achieve Your 2024 Goals Laura King CHt, NLP & Performance Coach
Legal focus
Five Liability Tips for Equine Professionals Julie I. Fershtman
13 B usiness matters Tax Preparation 101:Setting the Stage for Smooth Returns and Maximized Savings By Carol Gordon, CPA
15 Ho-Ho-Hold Your Horses: The Seasonal Dilemma of Gifting a Horse to Your Child By Didi Arias
Business matters
What Makes A Great Riding Instructor, & Why? Written By Shya Beth
19 C ameo’s cauldron A PLEA By Cameo Miller
21 Make the Most of Your Intern Hire By Nikki Alvin-Smith
23 T ravel Guide Off The Beaten Track: Top Australian Riding Adventures By Janet Forster
25 The Gossipmonger and How to Deal with Negative Publicity By Nikki Alvin-Smith
Contentment By Lydia Fairchok I remember the sense of alertness I felt when
the morning and prior to 2014 I had mainly
and a police officer, a transfer to a different
I worked my first night shift in 2014. Despite
worked within the horse industry. My foray
law enforcement agency found me assigned
warnings that the convoluted schedule
into public safety came with many adven-
to the only available vacancy—dayshift.
would take its toll on my body, mind, and
tures and adjustments, but none felt quite
To say it was a difficult transition is an
spirit, I found myself thinking night after
so natural as indulging my inner night owl
understatement. I missed my nightshift
night, “This is awesome! Why have I never
with nocturnal work hours.
friends, I missed my nightshift sleep, and
done this before?” Of course, the reason I had
I missed the exciting nightshift calls. My
never done it before was that no one takes
Fast forward to 2021: After seven years of
social circle outside of work encouraged
horseback riding lessons at one o’clock in
working nights as both a 911 dispatcher
me to see it as a good thing. “Lucky you!”
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
they said. “You can finally live like a normal
Now, much to my relief, it looks like I’ll be
Knowing that these factors were beyond my
person again!” I had my doubts—and felt
able to continue working by moonlight for
control meant I didn’t have to spend mental
them keenly every morning when my alarm
the foreseeable future. Even though I don’t
energy spinning my wheels about problems
clock went off at the ungodly hour of four
plan on returning to dayshift any time soon,
I couldn’t solve. This freed me up to focus
a.m.—but I was determined to give the
I will always be grateful for a few important
on the parts I could change. I could improve
sunlight a chance. To my surprise, I did find
lessons about contentment that I gained
my sleep discipline to make early mornings
things to enjoy. I got to know people I had
while stuck in the sun.
less painful. I could provide excellent cus-
never worked with before. I got to really
tomer service everywhere I was dispatched,
events. Even as I found opportunities for
Contentment acknowledges the difference between things we can change and things we cannot change.
positivity, though, I never stopped missing
The popular Serenity Prayer begins with the
me power over the small pieces I could con-
powerful line, “God, grant me the serenity to
trol, and that power allowed me to become
accept the things I cannot change, the courage
see more of my jurisdiction. Winter days were not quite as cold as winter nights, and I liked being around more community
no matter how petty or dull the problem was. I could avoid certain roads during rush hour. None of these “solutions” made the underlying issues go away, but they did give
Finally, three months ago, the captain
to change the things I can, and the wisdom
pulled me aside to ask the question I longed
to know the difference.” “Wisdom to know
to hear: “Do you really want to go back to
the difference” is the basis of contentment.
Being content isn’t the same as being happy. It’s actually better.
nightshift?” An early retirement had made
Outside of quitting my job, there was noth-
room for me to return if I wanted to make
ing I could do to alter my shift assignment.
do conflate the two terms, I found
the switch. I did, and it took less than twen-
I also couldn’t change the things I disliked
contentment and happiness to be very
ty-four hours for me to undo nineteen
about dayshift, such as traffic jams, bor-
different. Contentment is a steady state
months of dayshifting.
ing calls for service, and waking up early.
from within whereas happiness is an
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and goals with more distant possibilities.
factors. We are culturally conditioned
However, hope has to be strategic.
to seek out these peaks and to reject
Looking forward to the 2024 shift bid was
uation by doing the things you would not
anything that doesn’t deliver the feelings
helpful, but it wasn’t enough to hang all
be able to do if your circumstances were
we want. Unfortunately, the idea that we
my hope on the idea that next year I might
should “follow our hearts” and “do what
be able to choose what I wanted. Not only
feels good” appeals to the senses but
were there too many variables to be certain,
These approaches will look different de-
doesn’t sustain reality. Just because it feels
but a year is a really long time. It also wasn’t
pending on your unique scenario, but it is
good—and makes me happy—to eat an
enough to hope for a mid-year reassign-
important to remember that contentment
entire bag of Hershey Kisses in one sitting
ment, since those situations are unpredict-
has nothing to do with loving or being re-
doesn’t mean it is good for me, or that it
able and rare. Long before the retirement
signed to your current assignment. It is
will continue to make me happy (ask me
was announced, I needed shorter-sighted,
about finding a way to accept and capitalize
how I know). It’s actually much better to
more certain hopes in order to uphold a
on your situation without giving up hope
skip the stomachache and be content with
positive attitude.
or the drive to pursue your ultimate goals.
a moderate handful of chocolate.
Embrace the positives of your current sit-
It is about focusing your effort in the areas My strategy for this was to do as many things
it will actually make a difference, looking
Even when the object of our desire isn’t
as possible that I wouldn’t have been able
for personal development and opportunity,
harmful or excessive, striving for content-
to do (or do as easily) on nightshift. I made
and appreciating whatever advantages are
ment over happiness is always preferable
the most of having the same schedule as
within your reach.
because contentment appreciates hardship
my family, hoping to be more mentally and
along with pleasure. I was far from happy
physically present for them. I spent time
Through intentional contentment, I found
with dayshift, but I knew the experience was
with loved ones, taught lessons, attended
much to enjoy while waiting for something
causing me to stretch and develop in ways
events, and otherwise filled the evenings
better. I can look back on my year and a half
that nightshift had never tested me. Being
that would have been occupied with work,
of dayshift with gratitude for the growth I
content meant I could acknowledge that
hoping to feel productive with my time. I
experienced there. No matter what chal-
this growth was worth the struggle.
leaned into new relationships with people
lenges you are facing, may you also find
who also worked daytime hours, hoping
the power of contentment…and may your
to develop additional friends. These perks
“nightshift” be quick in coming!
Being content doesn’t mean you can’t hope for something else.
of the daylight life gave me goals to strive
Contentment isn’t inertia. Despite expe-
for and created a sense of achievable hope,
riencing the calm acceptance of content-
which fueled my ability to remain content.
ment and being appreciative of new challenges, I still wanted nightshift. I knew I
Perhaps you are finding yourself starting
would pursue any opportunity to switch,
the year “stuck on dayshift”. Your business,
and I looked forward to the next annual
your horses, your family, your finances, your
“shift bid” in which officers pick their as-
health...whatever it is that isn’t the way you
signments according to rank. Shifts are
want it to be, these are not easy assignments.
only amended during the year if there is an
Contentment is a choice, though, and you
unexpected vacancy, so I stayed alert to any
can intentionally foster it in your life. Start
situations that might require manpower to
with the spirit of the Serenity Prayer, seeking
be reassigned. I made sure that the patrol
the wisdom to know which parts of your sit-
captain was aware of my preference, and I
uation are under your control and which are
expressed formal interest in filling the first
not. Do something about the things you can
opening that came available. Contentment
change, but don’t waste time, energy, and
did not require me to be apathetic, unob-
emotion on factors way out of your grasp.
servant, or passive about improving my sit-
Reflect on the distinctions between happi-
uation. It only meant that I would not have
ness and contentment, learning to recog-
been crushed by disappointment if things
nize their respective footprints in your life.
didn’t work in my favor because I had al-
Appreciate the durable value of struggle.
ready learned to embrace my existing role.
Strategize to combine short-sighted hopes
About the author: Lydia Fairchok is certified in Recreational Riding Level 1, and lives and teaches with her three horses in Central Indiana. Lydia segued from a full time instruction career to the field of public safety in 2014 and continues to teach a small number of students while working as a police officer and 9-1-1 dispatcher.
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
Sport psychology
Roadmap to Success: Actionable Steps for You and Your Students to Achieve Your 2024 Goals Laura King CHt, NLP & Performance Coach
ward achieving them. Now is the time to get laser-focused on your goals for 2024 and to communicate with your students your shared plans to achieve their hopes and dreams. By delving deeper into what truly matters to you, you’ll be able to develop a more realistic and achievable plan, but you need to get crystal-clear on what you want to achieve. If goals are vague, such as “I want to win” or “I just don’t want to chip a fence,” you’re not planning for success. Furthermore, monitor-
A new year is the time to reflect on aspira-
dedication, and perseverance. Achieving
ing your progress and maintaining a suitable
tions and set meaningful goals for you and
these objectives requires careful planning,
work-life balance can provide the motivation
your students. Any good trainer knows that
determination, and consistent effort, and
and stamina needed to persevere through
winning in competition takes preparation,
understanding your goals is the first step to-
challenges and achieve your objectives.
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
My work helping clients achieve balance in
It’s important to be honest with yourself
review and evaluate your progress. If you hit
the eight aspects of what I call The Wheel
when setting goals and choose objectives that
a roadblock, don’t be afraid to recalibrate.
of Life include Family, Fun and Happiness,
challenge, but make the goals achievable.
Ask yourself:
Health, Purpose/Meaning, Lifelong Learning,
Establishing realistic goals will prevent
Relationships, Finances, and Position in Life/
disappointment and keep motivation high
What challenges did you face?
Career can be found in my book “Figuring it
throughout 2024.
Are there any new opportunities?
Out,” available on my website, laurakinghyp-
nosis.com, and on Amazon. It’s an interactive
To check if your goal is realistic, ask yourself:
guide with accompanying downloads to help
Can you complete certain tasks more efficiently?
Do I have the necessary resources
you and your students achieve the kind of
(time, skills and finances) to achieve
For example, if you initially scheduled a cli-
balance that seems elusive these days. In it,
this goal?
ent for leg-yield practice twice a week but
we’ll explore the principles and fundamental
How does this goal align with
realize that her horse requires daily rein-
tenets of emotional intelligence as well as
my current life situation and
forcement, adjust the schedule to maximize
The Laws of the Universe and The Natural
Laws of the Mind. Then, we’ll discover some tools to help along the way, including hyp-
Reflecting on these questions can help you
Having a well-thought-out plan and be-
nosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming
create a balanced and achievable set of
ing adaptable significantly increases the
(NLP). Finally, we’ll objectively note where
objectives for 2024. Take advantage of per-
chances of achieving your 2024 goals.
you are on your path and create a roadmap
sonal strengths and allow for growth and
to success.
development. Action starts with deciding
Developing Discipline
there are things about your riding that you
Developing discipline is essential for
As baseball great Yogi Berra said, “If you
need to change. The pivotal moment is
achieving your 2024 goals. The key to suc-
don’t know where you are going, you’ll end
when that decision becomes action.
cess is applying a consistent work ethic and
up someplace else,” so let’s start planning!
Create a Clear Plan for Success
Planning Your Path
persevering through difficulties, which will help you get closer to your desired results.
To achieve your 2024 goals, it’s crucial to
Implementing the following strategies can
Although my book can help you achieve
create a detailed plan that outlines the
help build a strong work ethic:
work/life balance, my advice within this
steps you’ll need to take. Begin by breaking
article offers practical tips and advice to
down your goals into smaller, manageable
Set daily work hours: Establish a routine
develop a thoughtful action plan for 2024
objectives or milestones. Divide and conquer
and stick to it every day, which can help im-
for both you and your students. Creating
is the motto here. Next, prioritize your
prove productivity.
clear goals allows you to easily track your
objectives based on their importance and
progress and stay motivated. To begin,
identify dependencies, if any. Establish
Prioritize tasks: Create a to-do list and
consider organizing your goals with the
a timeline for each milestone. Consider
rank tasks according to their importance,
SMART criteria, which stands for Specific,
using a table or a calendar to organize these
focusing on the most critical items first.
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and
objectives and work backward from the due
date. Note all the small steps necessary to
Break tasks into manageable segments:
achieve your goal and create deadlines for
Dividing larger tasks into smaller, achiev-
Set Specific Goals
each step. Finally, be specific with your
able parts can keep you motivated and bet-
To effectively set and achieve your goals in
actions. Instead of writing “Work on the
ter focused.
2024, it’s essential to make them clear, spe-
flat,” try “Work on regulating length of stride
cific, and measurable by including a time-
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.”
line and a level of competency you wish to achieve.
Persevering Through Difficulties Embracing challenges and persevering
through them is an essential aspect of dis-
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
cipline. Here are a few ways to cultivate this
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Assess and Adjust
Maintain a positive attitude: Adopting
Clear goal: I will compete in Third Level at
Plans aren’t set in stone. They should be ad-
a can-do outlook helps you stay motivated
my local dressage show in May.
justable as circumstances change. Regularly
even when facing obstacles. Listening to my
For example: Vague goal: I want to show in the dressage
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
MP3s on a daily basis can have a major im-
Analyzing Your Obstacles
Another effective approach is to share your
pact on your attitude and your goals. Two
Every path to success has obstacles, and it’s
achievements with others, be it your loved
conscious affirmation and subliminal affir-
essential to acknowledge their presence.
ones, colleagues, or peers via social media
mation MP3s I suggest, “Equestrian Peak
Here’s a method to tackle them effectively:
platforms. By sharing the progress, you’ll re-
Performance Subliminal” and “Motivational Subliminal,” can be found at https://www.
ceive encouragement and positive feedback, 1.
Identify the obstacle: Understand
which can be highly motivating. Examples
what’s slowing down your progress.
of sharing achievements might include:
subliminal. Determine the cause: Figure out if it’s
Practice patience: Remember that Rome
something that can be changed or if it’s
wasn’t built in a day.
outside your control.
learning experiences.
Stay flexible: Sometimes, things don’t
Sharing a celebratory message with friends
• Learn from setbacks: Turn hiccups into
Posting a picture of a completed project
Updating your LinkedIn profile with new accomplishments
go according to plan. It’s crucial to be ready to adapt and find alternative ways
Last, remember to reflect on and enjoy the
In summary, developing discipline entails
to overcome challenges. A flexible mind-
journey. Taking the time to recognize the
cultivating a consistent work ethic and per-
set can help you navigate unforeseen
effort, challenges, and growth experienced
severing through difficulties.
obstacles and stay focused on the prize.
along the way is just as important as cele-
Monitor and Review Progress
brating the end result. Celebrate your hard4.
Develop a strategy: Brainstorm solu-
Managing and evaluating progress toward
tions to overcome the obstacle or mini-
your 2024 goals is crucial to ensure success.
mize its impact.
It’s essential to track achievements, analyze obstacles, and celebrate success.
work and learning. You deserve it! Need help addressing your challenges or achieving your goals? Sessions available in-
Implement the strategy: Execute your
person, via Skype, or by phone.
plan and track its success.
Tracking Your Achievements
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Creating a visual representation of your
Remember, obstacles aren’t necessarily a
Sessions: www.summithypnosis.com
progress can increase motivation and give
negative aspect – they can lead to personal
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a clearer perspective on your accomplish-
growth and valuable lessons. By continually
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ments. Consider these options:
monitoring your progress and addressing challenges, you’ll steadily move closer to
Progress tracker: A simple table or spreadsheet to track your goals, actions, completion dates, and notes.
achieving your goals.
Celebrate Success It’s important to celebrate success along the
Goal calendar: Mark off days or mile-
way. This can help boost motivation and
stones achieved on a physical or digital
maintain momentum. In this section, we’ll
calendar. How about a white board in
explore a few quick ways to celebrate victo-
the barn where you track your success?
ries, big and small.
I find there is something so satisfying and motivating about placing a check-
One way to celebrate success is to treat
mark into a chart.
yourself for each milestone accomplished. Having a reward system in place will inspire
Goal journal: Document your prog-
a continued effort toward goal completion.
ress, thoughts, and experiences along
Possible treats could be:
your journey. Even small achieve-
ments will keep you motivated and
A relaxing massage
serve as stepping stones toward your
A new book
final goals.
An evening out with friends
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
About the author: Laura King is the Director and Founder of Summit Hypnosis and Wellness and is a Certified Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach, and Sports Performance Coach. Laura has written and published several books and workbooks, including ”Power To Win” for equestrians and “Perfect Enough,” a guide to help you evaluate your perceptions and experiences around vital areas of your life.
Legal focus
Five Liability Tips for Equine Professionals Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney at Law www.equinelaw.net
forts” to determine the participant’s ability
increase. Busy equine professionals, such
2. Learn more about applicable Equine Activity Liability Laws, as they can limit or control certain liabilities.
as riding instructors, trainers, and board-
Equine activity liability laws (“EALAs”) are
latent condition of the land; (4) gross negli-
ing stables, often lack the time to think
now found in 48 states. All of them differ.
gence or willful and wanton misconduct; (5)
about liability and risk management, but
Most provide that a person who is injured
intentional wrongdoing; and (6) negligence.
these topics are important. Lawsuits can
while “engaging in an equine activity” can-
Carefully read the law in your state and in
be expensive and disruptive to your busi-
not sue an “equine professional, equine ac-
states where you do business. Look for re-
ness. Small equine operations are just as
tivity sponsor or another person” if the in-
quirements, such as “warning” language or
much at risk of a claim or lawsuit as larger
jury or death results from an “inherent risk
language referencing “inherent risks,” that
ones. Here are five liability tips for equine
of an equine activity.” Nationwide, these
could impact the wording of your docu-
laws tend to have any number of these six
ments. Also, many EALAs have sign posting
exceptions: (1) injury from “faulty tack or
requirements for equine professionals and
equipment”; (2) providing a horse and fail-
sometimes for “equine activity sponsors.”
Succeeding in the horse industry is difficult. Hours are long. Expenses continually
Your state might be willing to enforce a properly worded and signed liability waiver/release.
ing to make “reasonable and prudent ef-
to safely manage it or engage safely in the equine activity; (3) injury from a dangerous
3. Train your staff.
Anyone who believes that releases “aren’t
It is a well-known legal principle that em-
worth the paper they’re written on” doesn’t
ployers are generally liable for the negli-
know the law. In fact, courts in most states
gent acts or omissions that their employ-
have shown a willingness to enforce liability
ees commit on the job. With this in mind,
waivers/releases – but only when the courts
take the time to make sure your employees
were convinced that the waiver/release doc-
share your dedication to safety. Before as-
ument was properly worded and signed. The
suming that your workers are “independent
key is to learn whether the applicable state
contractors,” not employees, understand
where you live or do business enforces these
the difference. You could be making a very
documents and, if so, to make sure that your
costly mistake if you are proven wrong by
documents measure up to those require-
the IRS or in a legal challenge.
ments. Problems can occur, for example, forms, lose the signed documents, and have
4. Use written contracts to avoid disputes.
the wrong people (such as children under
Many disputes in the equine industry could
age 18 or people who are not parents or le-
be avoided if people involved used well-
gal guardians) sign them. These important
worded contracts. In addition to waiver/
documents merit careful attention. If you
release forms, equine professionals would
take them seriously, they’ll more likely be
be wise to use other contracts such as train-
ing contracts, boarding contracts, breeding
when equine professionals use substandard
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
claim warranties. Many state laws prevent anyone from recovering pre-judgment interest on an unpaid debt unless the parties had a written contract that specifies a legal interest rate; what qualifies as a legal interest rate varies from state to state. Make sure that your contracts are lawful and complete. Store your contracts securely and do not destroy them until you are positive that you no longer need them or until a knowledgeable lawyer has advised you that they are not necessary.
5. Have proper liability insurance
Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney at Law
Liability insurance is important for equine
About the author:
professionals. Small equine businesses still
Julie Fershtman, one of the nation’s most experi-
require some form of business insurance
enced Equine Law practitioners, is a Shareholder
such as commercial general liability insurance and/or equine professional liability insurance. Homeowner’s insurance polcontracts, sales agreements, and leases.
icies typically exclude coverage for busi-
Keep in mind that some state laws actually
ness activities through “business pursuits”
require contracts for certain transactions. A
with Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC, in Michigan. She has successfully litigated equine cases in 18 jurisdictions nationwide and has tried cases in 4 states. She is listed in The Best Lawyers in America and received the American Bar Association (ABA) “Excellence in the Advancement of Animal Law Award.” Her speaking engagements span 29 states.
few states have equine sale disclosure laws
The ABA recently published her new 372-page book
that require written contracts for sales. For
This article does not constitute legal advice.
called “Equine Law & Horse Sense,” and it is available
example, for sales, state laws often require
When questions arise based on specific situa-
for purchase on Amazon and through the ABA. For
special language in order for sellers to dis-
tions, direct them to a knowledgeable attorney.
more information, please visit www.equinelaw.net
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Winter 2023
Moving? Don’t miss a single issue… Phone or e-mail us with your new address. 603-605-5275 aria@riding-instructor.com
Business matters
I apologize but it’s my job… This article is about getting ready to prepare your tax return and how to make the process easier for next year. I don’t think that there are many of you that look forward to tax prep or even reading about it. But it’s my job to prepare you so that you are well informed so that you can maximize your tax savings and minimize both the time spent preparing the return and the risk of an audit. So, let’s get this done so you can read all of the fun articles in this issue.
Preparing your 2023 return You may think that there’s nothing that you can do now about 2023 because the year is pretty much a done deal. But that’s not true. You can start to organize all of your source documents (receipts, check book, etc.) so that you are ready to start entering data or providing your tax preparer with complete information. You should also review your 2022 return to see if there was anything included there that you had forgotten to include in 2023. If you are eligible to contribute to an IRA and it makes financial sense to do so, you have until mid-April of 2024 to make your 2023 contribution. One thing that I can’t suggest strongly enough is that you consider using a tax professional to prepare your return. I can’t count how many people have told me that they prepare their own return because their return is “easy”. How do you know that unless you have a background in tax prep? The IRS Tax Code is thousands of pages long and has never been described by anyone as easy. By preparing your return yourself, you may be giving up significant tax benefits or subjecting yourself to unnecessary tax risk.
Tax Preparation 101: Setting the Stage for Smooth Returns and Maximized Savings By Carol Gordon, CPA
If you don’t want to commit to having a professional prepare your returns, at least give yourself a reality check. H&R Block offers a service called Second Look (I’m sure that the other major tax prep firms offer something similar). They will review prior year returns to see if any tax savings have been left on the table. Then you’ll know if your return is really as easy as you think. Some
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
returns truly are easy and can be prepared
regularly withheld from paychecks. The
sional assistance, you can make them less
by the taxpayer. But that is the exception
IRS wants your tax payments to be made
painful than a poke in the eye. And you can
rather than the rule.
roughly on the same schedule as you are
get an even better handle on the details
earning income so there is a penalty for
of your business transactions that might
making tax payments in a tax period later
deliver tax savings and lower tax risk. It’s
than it was earned – e.g., you sell a horse in
worth it. Now go read all of the other great
Start organizing now for your 2024 return.
January 2023 for a profit but don’t pay the
ARIA articles in this issue!
On a weekly or monthly basis, you can or-
related tax until November 2023. That may
ganize your receipts into commonly used
incur a tax penalty.
Looking forward to your 2024 return
Obstacles are good for your students, good
categories such as Insurance, Maintenance,
for your horses, no/low cost – what’s not to
etc. by maintaining file envelopes where you
If you do have a regular tax preparer, you
can easily organize the documents as you
might consider doing a brief check-in mid-
receive them. You should also be reviewing
year, especially if your business has changed
your financials or checkbook to make sure
significantly from the prior year. And your
that there hasn’t been an unusual event that
preparer can advise you about any changes
will affect your tax situation and therefore,
in the tax laws that might be able to benefit
require an adjustment to your withholdings
from if you act proactively.
About the author: Carol Gordon is a CPA with an MBA from Boston College and the owner of Carol Gordon, CPA, which provides consulting services to equine-based businesses. You can contact her at cgordoncpa@gmail.com. If you have any questions that you’d like covered here, please email her with your suggestions.
or estimated payments. Taxes are no one’s idea of a good time (exOn a quarterly basis, submit your esti-
cept perhaps a tax professional). But with
mated payments if you aren’t having taxes
some advanced preparation and profes-
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Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
lustrated by one father who stomped in to the stables on December 26th and blustered “What´s wrong with you riding instructors? Why do you always tell us not to buy our kids their own horse?”. This was said in the same tone as the Dad in “A Christmas Story” when he rages at his wife after she breaks the leg lamp: “you used up all the glue on purpose”. A man defeated by his family, he let his upset get the better, redirecting his frustration on to me. In sympathy and with the spirit of the holiday within me, I let his angry tone slide. When consulted, we can only give our professional opinions, citing facts (the child is only four, he´s only been riding for five minutes, the potting shed in the back garden isn´t adequate housing, etc.). Parents need to realize that being advised to “wait a little longer” doesn´t mean “never”, and must find how to manage their own family pressure instead of passing the blame on the instructor. In dealing with the topic we state what the obvious, to us, but those points may not have been otherwise considered by the parent. • The child may not yet be ready (new rider, too young, very nervous).
Ho-Ho-Hold Your Horses: The Seasonal Dilemma of Gifting a Horse to Your Child By Didi Arias
• The commitment is for a long, repeat, long time. • Will the child forego other extra-curricular activities in order to dedicate enough time to horse/pony ownership? • Where will they keep it? How will they keep it? The current market may make them inexpensive to buy, but the upkeep
With the Season of Giving upon us, all
question. Once Thanksgiving ends, I get
across the lands, horse crazy youngsters
anxious at the thought of being cornered
are writing out their Wish Lists, and it is
whenever I see a parent with a purpose
not hard to imagine what the number one
heading my way.
item will be. And during this jolly time,
is a different story. • The horses need skilled and knowledgeable keepers. Children need responsible supervision.
all across those lands, riding instructors
Experience has taught me that these festive
are being dragged in to family gladiator
times can be sullied by the blame I will get for
• Do they realize that horses, like dogs, are
arenas and unfairly put on the spot to give
causing the Cloud of Disappointment that
abandoned every year (left in fields, for-
the official thumbs up or thumbs down on
will soon be hanging in the air. Apparently
gotten in stables; their needs neglected)?
the “should I gift my child a horse/pony?”
this disappointment can be extreme, as il-
“Pets Aren´t Presents” is a sound code.
• The purchase of a horse isn´t the end
disappointment isn´t necessarily all doom
may be the most deserving of the bunch:
of the lessons. (Some parents may be
and gloom. Parents can consider that a
the ready ones, the responsible ones, the
surprised at this, somehow thinking that
horse can come in to the child´s life any
most talented and enthusiastic ones. These
there will actually be a savings and that
day of the year and not just be pressured
can be helped out by offers to exercise or
the education will stop there).
for it to be brought down a chimney. If a
work for riding exchange as was done for me
horse is possibly in the future, parents can
when I was young. Pay it forward.
• Does the child really want a horse, or are the parents doing the wanting?
start gifting small pre-ownership items such as brushes, sponges, buckets, saddle
Your opinion on their individual case can
soap and all that wonderful stuff. For a kid,
only help the parent considering gifting
These points go in to the pre-holiday news-
that can show a future (and a bit of brib-
their child a horse. Hopefully, after digest-
letter I send out to my students, with the
ery can´t hurt). Though I never did find a
ing and considering your guidance, they
invitation for further discussion if wanted.
horse under the tree and had to wait un-
can make the commitment and make it
In doing it this way I find feedback tends
til I was grown and bought my own, those
work out, and that they realize you have
to be appreciated, often met with “I´m
kinds of presents went a long way and pull
their best interests in mind, as well as an
glad you brought this up, you answered my
you up to the ranks of an “almost” horse
animal´s. Yet it needs to be understood
questions I wanted to ask you”. In fact, one
owner. One felt very important swaggering
that you don´t have the final word: its ad-
mother couldn´t wait to tell me how she
in early for a lesson with your own bucket
vice only and you won´t be stopping them
took my advice and didn´t get her daughter
of goodies, certain that others would notice
from buying a horse or pony.
a pony, but actually got a horse for herself!
your new status.
Way to go, mom!
As for me, I´m off the hook as I currently do There are always those children who you
not have any young students. My plans are to
One hopes that the child is made to un-
know won´t be getting their own horse be-
relax and enjoy the festivities knowing that
derstand the decision being made and that
cause their parents just can´t swing it. They
I didn´t Grinch anyone´s holiday´s this year.
About the author: Didi Arias is a Level 3 ARIA Certified Instructor and national dressage judge and teacher, who resides in Almeria, Spain.
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
Business matters
What Makes A Great Riding Instructor, & Why? Written By Shya Beth
hat Makes a great riding instructor,
a high degree, with a portion of these
In Instructors Riders Trust
and why? The same could be asked
riders coming full circle and becoming
The same kind of philosophy when training
about what makes a great student. Ask any
tomorrow’s trainers. The skills, both hard
young horses could be used when instruct-
instructor and their opinions will differ. Ask
and soft, that are instilled by today’s riding
ing students of varying degrees of age and
any rider, and you’ll most likely get varied
instructors will become the core principles
experience. Students, and their horses, need
responses, too. Ideals from one instructor
that future generations will fall back on.
confidence, belief, and knowledge to be able
can be vastly different from another – but
It’s never been more important to instill
to perform, both at home and in the show
there are tried and true, time-old truths
core values and strong riding foundations
ring to the height of their skills. To achieve
for both sides of the same coin: Instructors
in today’s changing, and challenging,
this, one of the most significant ingredients
instruct riders to learn and perform to
equestrian world.
is trust in their instructor.
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
No matter what the students’ hunger to
way – building your relationship with your
Your student should leave the barn al-
learn, trust is the glue that holds the stu-
student, adding to the social aspect of rid-
ready looking forward to their next return.
dent/instructor relationship together. It can
ing, and keeping your students interested
They should be excited about what they’ve
take an unskilled student and turn them
and exploring other aspects of activities,
learned, ready to tackle their challenges
into a proficient rider and can allow an in-
on or off the horse. Be imaginative – call
and sharpen their skills. Ask them a few
structor to exponentially grow their reputa-
them games for younger riders, or call them
thought-provoking questions about their
tion and business.
“challenges” for more experienced, adult
lesson and ask them to share their answers
riders. Make them simple for beginners and
with you next time. Giving them an idea
Every student needs to not just trust in their
add a few more challenging steps for the ad-
of what they’ll be working on during their
instructor’s abilities and proven record, but
vanced riders of your barn. Think of creative
next lesson and how you will build on their
trust that their instructor will listen to them.
activities – weaving through poles, opening
success and letting them know you genu-
The instructor they have chosen to invest in
the gate on horseback, fetching a colorful
inely are thrilled to see their improvement
and put their faith in will always be in their
cloth, attaching objects to the fence or a
will go a long way. Knowing you are ex-
corner, and they can voice their concerns or
tree, and making a simple scavenger hunt
cited to see them progress and transform
fears, uncertainties, and capabilities.
are just a few fun, simple, easy ways to have
into a skilled horseman or horsewoman
fun and improve your students’ horseman-
is the confidence-building, trust-growing
ship skills.
formula to creating the next generation of
Trust needs to be earned, and that’s completely normal. Sometimes students will struggle with admitting their limiting capa-
Roll with the Punches
bilities or confidence and won’t voice those
Not literally, of course. Being flexible and
concerns due to not wanting to let their in-
being able to change plans when needed
structor down or disappoint them with their
is a critical part of the teacher role that in-
mistakes. An instructor’s role must not just
structors embody. A lesson might start late,
“instruct” but offer support and encourage-
a horse may turn up lame, or a student does
ment, know when to push their students,
not have their “head in the game” as you
and when to allow them to take a step back
would expect. It’s important to remember
before moving forward. Each student’s
stress affects everyone of all ages, and of
strengths and weaknesses are different, and
course, the horses pick up on that.
thriving riders and instructors.
their trust and confidence in themselves – and their instructor – is different from the
Remember that as these new, unexpected
next. One of the worst things that can hap-
challenges arise, you can turn them into
pen is for an instructor to push too hard or
opportunities to challenge your riders
too fast, as the trust and confidence of the
to new skills and activities. If their usual
student can easily falter. The potential for
school horse is lame, this is an opportu-
physical accidents is just as possible as the
nity for them to try riding a new horse and
mental roadblocks that could make a fear
test their skills. Have a list of alternative
of horses or riding a reality. Of course, no
lesson ideas on hand, so that when chal-
instructor would even want that to happen,
lenges ultimately arise, you are not caught
and it’s important to check in with students
off guard.
to make sure they feel confident in themselves to move forward to the next step in
Remember, students come back excited
their training.
for more when they know their instructor
Riding Isn’t Boring - But Make it Fun!
has come up with a unique, challenging, and rewarding game plan for them to ac-
For most, the weekly or biweekly riding les-
complish their equestrian goals. Having a
son is something students eagerly antici-
lesson plan for each student meets them
pate and look forward to. It’s essential to
where they are and is a way to leverage
remember to add a bit of fun to your lesson
their current skills and provide a roadmap
plan, and not have every single lesson prac-
for getting the student from where they are
ticing hardcore skills. A little fun goes a long
now, to where they want to be.
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
About the author: Shya Beth is a rider, artist writer and all around horse lover based in New Jersey, USA. Whether creating horses in art, riding in the fields on her farm or writing about horses, horses are a huge aspect of her life and inspire her every day.
Cameo’s cauldron … in which Cameo Miller stirs her thoughts and ideas to see what rises to the top.
and bemoaning is not enough. We need
could actually hear it? How could you hear
to do our part in remedying the problem.
the things about them that you agree with
I have written several articles about
rather than just focusing on what you want
how we might do this within the equine
them to change to your way of thinking?
community. Now I am making a plea for us
Those are techniques and skills that we can
to do it on a wider scale. Since we interact
further develop in ourselves for interacting
with so many people each day, we are in a
with anyone around us as well as teaching
unique position to help many others begin
to our students.
to find ways to live together rather than furthering the divide.
For example: if you focus in on just one trait of a person which defines them as
A PLEA By Cameo Miller Illustration by Bethany Caskey
I’m not talking about getting people to
‘bad’ in your eyes, you have ignored all the
agree on ideas, but rather helping them
other traits they have which probably range
learn the skills necessary to help find
on a continuum from ‘good’ to ‘bad’ in your
solutions rather than further contributing
view. Why is that the trait you have chosen
to the problems. We are role models to
to focus on? Has that focus kept you from
those we teach and those around us. How
even seeing their other traits? I’m certainly
we dress, if we ALWAYS wear a helmet,
not suggesting that you become friends
how we treat our horses, and how we talk
with someone whose values diverge wildly
about and interact with the people around
from yours. But being able to see them as
us. We can see ‘us’ mimicked all the time.
more than just one trait may allow you to
But most importantly, for the purposes of
see them as more than just ‘a bad person’.
this article, how we resolve conflicts and
We choose who we spend time with, who
deal with disagreements can also be a role
we become acquaintances and friends
model for positive change. What we do and
with, by how closely our values align. I’m
say each day is going to effect others. We
not suggesting we become friends with
know this and use this to our advantage
someone whose values don’t agree with
A recent Facebook post was about the
in our teaching. I am suggesting that you
ours, just that we find a way to allow them
Institute of Heart-Math which did a study
understand that you can have a broader
to have their own thoughts and feelings
which “provided clues to explain the two-
effect than you may have previously
as we expect them to do the same with us.
way healing that occurs when we’re close to
That we recognize they are more than just
horses”. It went on to give This article will
one trait, and make an effort to see the
come out near Christmas time. But many
How do you feel when people tell you what
‘good’ in them as well as what we perceive
religions, all over the world, celebrate some
you should think and feel? What reaction
to be the ‘bad’, as I hope doing that may
form of holiday season around this time
do you have to that? You have every
allow them to find the same within you.
of year, and those celebrations will all be
right to your own thoughts and feelings.
You consciously endeavor to teach these
different. As will the climate since some of
You have every right to view how you do
skills to your students. Perhaps, you may
them will be in the Northern hemisphere
things as ‘the best way’. I sincerely hope
incidentally help others learn by your
and some in the Southern hemisphere,
that you are striving to do everything the
example as well.
and some will be near the equator where
very best you know how to, and that you
‘summer’ and ‘winter’ have little meaning.
are continually working to improve and be
Especially those who teach children and
These are the least of the differences in our
better at who you are and what you do. But
young adults know that we teach more
world right now. I have heard so many ideas
if people start attacking those thoughts
than just riding. Maybe it’s horsemanship,
about how families and friends can come
and feelings, telling you that you are
work ethic, sportsmanship, compassion to
together around tables and gatherings
‘wrong’, that you should do things their
the horses and other riders, or a whole host
without yelling at each other over their
way or you are ‘bad’, then we feel the need
of other life skills. I would hope that all of
differences. There are so many things
to defend ourselves. It certainly doesn’t
you, no matter what age your students are,
that are driving us all apart, and so many
contribute to being open to what they have
would teach all of these things and more.
people bemoaning the polarizing and
to say. How could someone tell you why
And so very many of you have worked hard
divides that are occurring. But recognizing
they think and feel differently so that you
to help those at your establishments have
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
a more harmonious existence (a happy, peaceful barn) that several articles on how to accomplish that have been featured in this publication over the years. Those are exactly the skills I am talking about. Perhaps rereading some of those articles could help you see them in the light of more than just helping in your own corner of the world. If you have accomplished that harmony in your barn, can you help everyone there see more clearly how they could use those skills in their life outside of the barn? If you haven’t yet achieved the level of accord that you are looking for, thinking in terms of the wider application may help you find the missing skills that would help you further that agenda on a smaller scale. It’s easy to see the problems, especially nowadays. But we’re horse people. Very little about our lives is ‘easy’. We put in the time and effort every day, we do the hard work every day, we find ways to fix what is wrong and make everything around us better every day. There are differences everywhere we look. But it doesn’t matter where you live, what holiday you celebrate at this time of year, or what the weather is outside your windows. It doesn’t matter what discipline you teach. You are a role model and example to a whole lot of people. You make a difference every day. This is my plea to you—to recognize that you can be an agent of change for a wider sphere of influence in this world than you may have thought. It is my plea that you use that influence to consciously make a positive difference on a wider scale. It is my plea that you become the pebble in the pond that creates a positive ripple that radiates further out than you might imagine and helps us all live together better.
About the Author: Cameo Miller is a Masters-level clinical psychologist and a Level IV ARIA Certified Instructor based in Michigan. She is a member of the ARIA Evaluation Panel and an ARIA National Test Center Administrator.
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
3. The extent to which the internship is tied to the intern’s formal education program by integrated coursework or the receipt of academic credit. 4. The extent to which the internship accommodates the intern’s academic commitments by corresponding to the academic calendar. 5. The extent to which the internship’s duration is limited to the period in which the internship provides the intern with beneficial learning. 6. The extent to which the intern’s work complements, rather than displaces, the work of paid employees while providing significant educational benefits to the intern.
Make the Most of Your Intern Hire
7. T he extent to which the intern and the employer understand that the internship is conducted without entitlement to a paid job at the conclusion of the internship.
By Nikki Alvin-Smith
No single factor is determinative. As noted
Photos courtesy of the author
in the Department of Labor’s updated “Fact Sheet no. 71: Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act” https://www.
Will your Intern be Paid or Unpaid?
former applies, then the intern must be paid
at least minimum wage. If the latter applies
htm, “whether an intern or student is an em-
Before you hire an intern you should con-
then the intern may be unpaid. Here are the
ployee under the FLSA necessarily depends
sider whether the position will be paid
seven factors you should consider:
on the unique circumstances of each case.”
Labor issued new guidelines for establish-
The primary beneficiary test is a “flexible
As you can see from above, it is imperative
ing whether the intern was truly an intern
test” with seven non-exhaustive factors:
that you provide your intern with truly educa-
or unpaid. In January 2018, the Dept. of
or whether the hire could be considered an
tional experiences to keep up your end of the
employee. The law, the Federal Fair Labor
1. The extent to which the intern and the
bargain. It is not sufficient to dispatch the in-
Act (FLSA), previously had a six-part test to
employer clearly understand that there
tern to prepare horses for riding, muck stalls
make the distinction between the two, and
is no expectation of compensation. Any
and turn horses in and out of the pastures.
while I am not a Labor attorney, as a barn
promise of compensation, express or im-
owner it is important to have some knowl-
plied, suggests that the intern is an em-
You need to provide a structured program
edge of the difference.
ployee and vice versa.
and time spent making a detailed plan will help you focus on areas of expertise that you
Essentially the test is designed to analyze the
2. The extent to which the internship pro-
can share with your intern to make the en-
“economic reality” of the intern’s relationship
vides training that would be similar to
tire experience a win/win on both sides of
with the employer to evaluate whether the
that which would be given in an educa-
the relationship.
internship is primarily for the economic
tional environment, including the clinical
benefit of the employer or primarily for
and other hands-on training provided by
When you train an intern to follow your par-
the educational benefit of the intern. If the
educational institutions.
ticular methods or protocol when working
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
network at horse shows and put the word out that you are looking for an intern. Start with your inner circle of folks you know and gradually work to posts on social media and paid ads in equestrian publications.
is always professional. Allow your intern to
perience may be to wrap a horse’s legs while
It is important that you select someone
An open line of communication is a neces-
kneeling on the ground. You may know
whose current talent and education with
sity. Engage your intern to become part of
that it is safer to wrap a horse’s leg from a
horses will fulfill your needs at the beginning
your team by allowing them to attend horse
crouched position so that if the horse moves
of your planned educational program. After
shows with you. Delegate tasks that you
suddenly or kicks out the handler is able
that you will develop them through the further equestrian education you provide both on and off a horse. Their personality should also gel with your own. For example, if you are someone that likes minimal chat and dislikes noisy banter all day, don’t hire an intern that is evidently loud and a chatterbox. (Though this can be hard to know based on a short interview where the applicant may be nervous.)
can supervise and offer advice as necessary
with horses, you are laying the foundation for a stellar future relationship. You will directly benefit from the intern being able to maintain a handling and training program that is consistent with your specific meth-
spend time watching others do their tasks, too - such as the vet doing a lameness exam, checking a mare for pregnancy, or you training a horse.
ods. For example, the intern’s previous ex-
to quickly move out of the way. When you teach your intern your approach with an explanation of why your method is safer, you add significant benefit to their future safety when wrapping horses’ legs and obviously further their education.
Where do you find the perfect intern? It is wise to have realistic expectations of the intern’s abilities before you start. There
Always check references, and remember
is no such thing as a perfect intern. But that
when you call someone for a reference they
shouldn’t stop you from trying to find one!
are not obliged to volunteer any informa-
to educate the intern on how to work with horses in the high-pressure environment at the showgrounds. Above all, show respect for your intern and always treat them with honesty and fair-
ness. Always address them in a pleasant tone; do not snap at them or take pressures from your bad day out on them. A simple ‘thank-you’ or ‘well done’ comment will make them shine and want to do and even better job. We all like to be appreciated, and an intern is no different.
tion. If they have been an employer of the
About the author:
This will depend on the duties the intern will
intern, they may simply confirm (or deny),
Nikki Alvin-Smith is an international Grand Prix
provide and the education you can provide.
the details you already have on the resume of your potential hire, for example length of employment, job duties.
dressage trainer/clinician who has competed in
If you are an advanced rider with hot, highenergy event horses that you wish your intern to exercise when you are off showing, then evidently your intern choice will need
Be Fair
to be an accomplished rider with confidence
It is important to have a contract that defines
in their abilities to jump and gallop a horse.
the intern’s expected duties, times/hours of
If you seek an intern who already has
work and terms of termi-
significant experience, then local colleges
nation of the internship.
that offer an equestrian program may be a
It should also include de-
good place to start, but certainly be aware
tails of what training and
that entry-level college students may not
education you will provide
necessarily have the correct level of ability
and obviously explain any
or knowledge to work with your horses.
reimbursed expenses that you may offer or payments
Chat with horsey family and friends that
that will be made.
may have suggestions of someone they know who might be interested in an intern
Keep your intern happy
position. Your peers in the horse training world are also useful resources, although if they know of someone they most likely have already snapped them up. You may find a good candidate when you are giving clinics, or choose from existing lesson students or
by constantly challeng-
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
ing them with new things to learn. Remember that people also learn a lot by watching others, so ensure that your behavior
Europe at the Grand Prix level earning scores of over 72%. Together with her husband Paul, who is also a Grand Prix rider, they operate a private horse breeding/training farm in Stamford, NY.
Travel Guide
Off The Beaten Track:
Top Australian Riding Adventures By Janet Forster As horses age, their needs, and abilities,
The Bicentennial National Trail:
stockmen who once rode through these ar-
change. If you’re the proud owner of an older
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria
eas regularly.
equine, this means you’ll need to progres-
Fun fact – the Australian Bicentennial
sively modify how you train and ride your
National Trail holds the Guinness World
Riders will experience diverse landscapes
horse. Although 15 – 20 might not seem that
Record for the longest marked horse riding
and ecosystems, remote rugged wilderness
old, most horses Off The Beaten Track: Top
trail in the world! It runs a staggering 5,330
areas, places of importance to Australia’s
Australian Riding Adventures
km, or 3,312 miles, along the Great Dividing
First Nations people, and of historical signif-
Range down Australia’s east coast.
icance to European settlement.
also offers some of the most scenic horse
The trail starts (or ends depending on
Glenworth Valley Trails:
riding adventures you’ll find anywhere.
whether you’re travelling north or south)
New South Wales Central Coast
Each offers a unique opportunity to expe-
in Cooktown in Far North Queensland and
Glenworth Valley is located in the Central
rience and explore some of this ancient
ends (or starts) in Healesville just northeast
Coast area of New South Wales, around an
land’s unique environments on horseback.
of Melbourne. Covering 3 states, the trail is
hour’s drive north of Sydney. The region is
From alpine meadows surrounded by snow-
the brainchild of the Australian Trail Horse
famous for its expansive valleys, remnant
capped mountains to coastal trails with
Riders Association. It links historic coach
ancient temperate rainforest, and beautiful
breathtaking ocean views, lush tropical val-
roads, packhorse trails, brumby tracks, mus-
leys filled with ancient rainforests, and the
tering paths, and old stock routes, offering
stark beauty of the outback, here are some
a unique opportunity to legally follow in
The area is criss-crossed by well-maintained
of the best riding adventures in Australia.
the hoof prints of the countless drovers and
riding and hiking trails, allowing riders to
Australia is a land as diverse as it is vast. It
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
experience the diverse terrain, lush rainfor-
best, especially in the late afternoon as the
Ride along the same trails used by countless
est, river crossings, and meandering creeks.
setting sun drops over the water.
generations of drovers. Follow the region’s
Trail length varies depending on which one is chosen.
Kangaroo Valley Trails:
ancient river systems and view the sandstone escarpments they’ve carved into the
Southern New South Wales
landscape over millions of years. Enjoy pic-
Kangaroo Valley in New South Wales’
nics at natural water holes, riding across fer-
North East Victoria / Snowy River Trails, South East New South Wales
Southern Highlands is around a 2-hour drive
tile alluvial plains, and exploring tidal rivers.
The Victorian Alps, AKA the High Country,
moved into the area in 1815, a mere 30 years
Barossa Valley Trails:
and Snowy River region in NSW together
after the First Fleet arrived in Botany Bay in
Barossa Valley, South Australia
make up the greater Australian Alps, and the
1788. Therefore – in addition to the wonder
Like Margaret River, the Barossa Valley is
southern-most part of the Great Dividing
of hiking, or riding a horse along one of the
globally famous for its fine wines, cellar
Range. They cover most of NE Victoria and
many fantastic trails throughout the area,
door tours, and popular wining and dining
SE NSW, and feature alpine meadows, snow-
you can also immerse yourself in the history
options. What’s perhaps less well known are
capped mountains, exciting river crossings,
of one of Australia’s oldest European
its scenic trail riding opportunities!
and Australia’s highest, and oldest, indige-
High Country Trails:
south of Sydney. The first European settlers
nous and European settlements.
Barossa Valley trail rides take you through In this place where open fields nestle amongst
the heart of this iconic wine region. You’ll get
The Australian Alps per se are extremely
temperate rainforests and spectacular val-
to enjoy views of manicured vineyards whilst
popular with hikers and trail riding enthu-
leys, you’ll be able to connect with nature and
riding along forestry trails, old stock routes,
siasts and not just because of the beau-
experience panoramic valley views, diverse
quiet country roads, and ancient creek beds.
tiful, ancient landscapes. The trails offer
landscapes, and many creek crossings.
challenging terrains, stunning views, river
Horses are not native to Australia but they
crossings, and an opportunity to explore
Cradle Mountain Trails:
some incredibly unique areas. There are
Central Tasmania
Australia. Today, you can experience some
many different trails of varying lengths to
Cradle Mountain is one of the many gems
of the same thrills those original horsemen,
choose from depending on riding ability,
in Tasmania’s famous Wilderness World
and women, would have experienced as they
and desired scenery. Along the way you
Heritage Area. This is a region of outstand-
set out to explore their new home in ancient
may also spot some of Australia’s iconic
ing, and ancient, pristine natural beauty
Down Under island continent.
located across the central and west coast
Margaret River Beach Ride:
areas of the state.
South West Western Australia
Cradle Mountain itself is an ancient wa-
Margaret River in the South West of Western
ter-filled extinct volcano surrounded by old
Australia is an hour or two’s drive south of
glacial landscapes dating back to Gondwana.
Perth. It’s also probably better known as a
There are a number of trails throughout the
premier wine-growing region and for its
area for both hikers and riders. Each offers a
world-famous wines! However, the beauti-
spectacular and unique experience so simply
ful Margaret River beaches with their fine
choose your trail according to which type of
white sand and excellent surfing conditions
landscape you want to enjoy for the day!
also attract visitors from around the globe, including horse riders keen to experience
Diggers Rest Station Trails:
the beauty of Margaret River’s coastline on
The Kimberley, Western Australia
Diggers Rest is a working cattle station in the Kimberley region in the north of
Gallop along Western Australia’s famous
Western Australia. Their trails offer an un-
white sandy beaches, view soaring coastal
paralleled opportunity to explore remote
cliffs, and enjoy the turquoise waters of the
Australian bush landscapes on horseback in
Indian Ocean from the back of your trusty
one of the world’s largest, and most unique,
steed. This is beach riding at its magical
wilderness areas.
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
played a pivotal role in building modern
About the author: Janet Forster hails from sunny Perth in Western Australia. During a lifetime spent with horses, she has bred, competed, loved and written about them. She owns a collection of high percentage Tb crossbreds, most of which are palominos and registered Australian Stock Horses.
Photo courtesy of the author.
The Gossipmonger and How to Deal with Negative Publicity By Nikki Alvin-Smith In any part of your life you have choices to make about whom you include in your world. If you run a horse business, or any business for that matter, sometimes the need for an additional client will cause you to accept someone who deep down you feel is not the best match for your business. Other times you accept someone into your barn to find out later that he or she is the dreaded “barn-dwelling gossipmonger.”
As you earnestly build your fine reputation, think of it as a duck’s back, which no amount of stormy wet weather (i.e., naysayers) can dampen, destroy, or particularly affect. Apart from good business, this is a confidence-building step that you can take to ensure that you do not react in a passively
What to do? How can you protect your rep-
honor your word, work hard (you can play
aggressive manner or with emotion to neg-
utation, your staff, and your other clients
hard too, just not with clients or staff), and
ative publicity or bad gossip.
from this person.
operate your business with integrity, wordof-mouth will help you develop your busi-
The Green Gossipmonger
ness. This word-of-mouth will be the good
It is often true that gossipmongers who
A key factor in the success of your business
kind. This is the type of positive PR that no
spread rumors and private information
is to establish a good reputation. If you
amount of advertising dollars can buy.
about your barn or work do so because of
Establish a Fine Reputation
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
jealousy, that awful green-eyed monster
honest in your communication with the
“This is not the whole story,” and leave it
that serves no benefit to anyone. Rather
other party and correct the mistake when
at that. Never engage in a back and forth
than worry that some people are jealous
you can, to mitigate the damage you have
and are being nasty behind your back,
inadvertently caused.
think of those people as giant green “jellos
The best way to counter these attacks is to
of jealousy.” See some humor in their ac-
Folks who lack confidence often take inno-
keep your business on track by asking good
tivity as they bumble about, and even take
cent remarks or comments as criticism, or
clients to go on-line and post positive re-
it as a compliment that you are achiev-
feel that they are personally disliked. Most
views. On the monthly board bill, for exam-
ing your goals to such an extent that they
of the time comments made are meant in a
ple, just add a note saying, “If you are happy
bother to be jealous. These people, these
good way. When you hear what you initially
being part of our barn family, please take a
amorphous blobs of green upset who wob-
perceive as a negative comment, try not to
moment and give us a positive review” at
ble around your farm bounce off anyone
let your first thought be negative. Always
whatever sites you would like to see them.
who will listen. These people are not to be
try to see every comment in a positive light.
Be certain to give these clients a thank-you
feared and not to be trusted either. Keep
Most people don’t mean to be insensitive or
when they post on your behalf. Most people
your own counsel as much as possible in
insincere or unkind. For people who do, you
are inherently kind and good and want to
matters of barn life and especially personal
have the power to take any mean pleasure
see others be successful. Channel their en-
life. Information is ammunition.
they get from dishing out hurtful comments
ergy and ignore the others.
in your stride by simply choosing to take Be aware, but do not involve yourself in the
them in the most positive light, thereby dis-
gossipmongers’ petty conversations with
arming the critics.
others. As the saying goes, “If you can’t say
Don’t Let the Barn Door Hit You on the Way Out! Sometimes enough is enough. This is your
sink to their level and begin complaining
Your Competition May Seek to Undermine
about their activities to others. Follow your
Your immediate competitors may be other
a dark cloud on your day, remove them.
own rules and treat other people as you
sources of negative publicity. These folks
Follow any boarding contract rules you have
would like to be treated yourself. Do not
may delight in spreading negative informa-
in place for notification to move out, and
badmouth colleagues or previous staff or
tion about how you train horses, how you
do not take your disgust with the clients’
work with clients, or how you treat clients’
behavior out on their horses or chat about
something good, say nothing at all.” Do not
world, your life, and your business. If bad influences have entered the barn and spread
horses. When people spread negativity it
your decision to others. Act normally and
If you show in any manner that you care
is a negative reflection on them, and most
talk to them. Be polite and professional at
what these gossipmongers think, then they
folks see this right away. These actions may
all times. Soon enough they’ll be gone.
have won. You cannot control what they
occur through social media channels (e.g.,
say, but you can control what you do about
Facebook), as well as at shows or in barn
If the problem is someone on staff, the same
the gossip. Quietly correct information that
aisles. What can you do to maintain your
thing applies. It is your option to terminate
is repeated back to you and is blatantly un-
good image on the internet?
a staff member if he or she is not doing the
true by saying, “Actually, that’s not true.”
job the way you outlined in the job descrip-
Show no emotion and do not justify your-
The same rule of no emotional engagement
tion. Although you cannot put in a job con-
self or your actions unless the situation
applies here. Do not succumb to answering
tract “must play well with others,” you can
personally involves the client that brings
rude or negative comments on social media.
terminate an employee for either not doing
you the information and the situation ne-
If they are on your wall, or account, simply
something in the job description properly or
cessitates a more detailed reply. Keep your
delete them. If they appear on public sites
simply because you no longer choose to hire
responses brief and unemotional. Simply
or pages, you can contact the site owner and
the position.
ignore negative activity as much as possi-
ask them to remove the negative comments,
ble whenever possible.
because they are untrue and hence libelous. Do not answer the comments back, because
Hold Your Cards Close to Your Chest
if you engage then you are kick-starting
Your clients and staff will take their lead
Try to stay ahead of any negative feedback
their campaign. If the social media entity
from you and how you act. You must ex-
by taking responsibility and showing humil-
will not remove the damaging posts, then
hibit professional management skills and
ity. If you mess up in some aspect, well...it
answer them with a simple one-line com-
good leadership skills. Remember, the less
happens. Apologize promptly. Be open and
ment such as,
folks know about the details of your per-
Take Responsibility
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
that indicates the need for the harassment to stop with a threat of further legal action. Attorney’s fees vary for this service, but if things are bad enough it is worthwhile to have a consultation. In most cases a letter from your attorney is sufficient to stop the errant behavior. Before employing an attorney you can try speaking with the offender in person. If you do this, have a family member or trusted friend present so you have a witness to what was said. Keep your comments brief and unemotional, simply ask him or her politely to “cease and desist” from the negative behavior. Do not become embroiled in any lengthy tirade or abusive language or raise your voice, regardless of whether the offender responds in that manner. Say your piece and then walk away. As with most things in life, there is a learning curve we all go through to figure out the best way to handle situations and obstacles that we encounter. Stay cool, calm, and collected. Take all negative thoughts and actions, including your own (we all have them after all), and imagine you have placed them in the basket of a brightly colored hot air balloon. Mentally watch the balloon take off and disappear in the distant sky with the sunset behind it. You will get through these
Photo courtesy of the author.
trials and hopefully learn from them. Do not
sonal life the less ammunition they have
your vacation. Goodness knows none of us
to use against you later. This is a business,
horse folks get much free vacation time but
not a marriage. Be open and honest in how
don’t be tempted to make every horse event
Remember the duck’s back. That level of
you communicate but do not share all your
into too much of a party. Choose instead to
confidence will see you well in your busi-
personal life challenges with your staff or
spend that time with friends and family.
ness and in life in general. Anyway, there
Extreme Measures
become cynical or attempt to get even.
is always karma. Leave everything else in karma’s capable hands and get on with your
Always conduct yourself professionally and
Although much of the time the above
life. Life is too short!
do not be lulled into a sense of complacency
methods will serve you well and keep you
or be overly friendly with your staff or cli-
in a positive mode, there may be an occa-
ents. Do not over-imbibe at social gather-
sion when someone becomes so fixated on
ings, and avoid having too much back-and-
the destruction of your business that he or
About the author:
forth with clients and staff in and out of
she will go to any lengths to achieve that
your residence. Familiarity does breed con-
goal. In these cases, if the actions are ver-
tempt. Although it is great to work and play
bal (slanderous) or written (libelous) and
together as a team with your clients and
are blatantly untrue, it may be necessary to
staff, remember this is your business not
contact an attorney to write a warning letter
Nikki Alvin-Smith is an international Grand Prix dressage trainer/clinician who has competed in Europe at the Grand Prix level earning scores of over 72%. Together with her husband Paul, who is also a Grand Prix rider, they operate a private horse breeding/training farm in Stamford, NY.
See you at the rail!
Winter 2023 | Riding Instructor
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