2018 Training & Technical Assistance Directory

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Training and Technical Assistance Directory 2018

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Introduction Training Topic Chart

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America’s Service Commissions


501 Commons


Jerry Bertrand


Big Purpose Big Impact


Cicero Social Impact




Jennifer Cowart


Dialogues in Action


Do Good, Be Good


Envision Prosperity


The Grant Advantage


Kristen Henry


Bill Hulterstrom




Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting


Justine Murray Consulting


KS Solutions


Leading to Change


McMahon Consulting Group


Meche Consulting


Marilyn Rosche


Amy Salinas


The SISGI Group


Megan Strauss, MSW


Tecce Consulting



Think For Good, Inc.


Thomas P. Miller and Associates


Verve Exchange


VQ Volunteer Strategies


Word Craft LLC



INTRODUCTION America’s Service Commission’s 2018 Training and Technical Assistance Directory is a resource for members to learn about trainers and consultants who are both peer recommended and have demonstrated support for the state service commission network. These consultants have demonstrated a commitment to state service commissions and their programs. Inclusion in the 2018 Training and Technical Assistance Directory requires membership in America’s Service Commissions at the Individual Level and completion of an application including references. When looking for a trainer or consultant, use the Training and Technical Assistance Directory to learn about consultants who care about the strength and stability of the state service commission network and have references recommending them on areas of expertise within the state service commission, national service, and volunteer field. Looking for a trainer or consultant on a specific topic? Search the document using Ctrl +F to search using a keyword or view the Training Chart on pages 5-10. Should you have any questions about the 2018 Training and Technical Assistance Directory or need assistance finding a qualified trainer or consultant, please contact Rachel Bruns, Deputy Director at rbruns@statecommissions.org or (515) 255-3791.




Jennifer Cowart

Cicero Social Impact

Envision Prosperity

Jerry Bertrand

Jennifer Cowart

America’s Service Commissions Big Purpose Big Impact

Kristen Henry

Do Good Be Goodf

Bill Hulterstrom

Kristen Henry

Meche Consulting

Envision Prosperity

Marilyn Rosche

Kristen Henry

Amy Salinas

Tecce Consulting

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting McMahon Consulting Group Marilyn Rosche

Janis Glenn/Pathways Bill Hulterstrom Coaching & Consulting Justine Murray Consulting Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting KS Solutions Justine Murray Consulting

Think for Good

Megan Strauss, MSW

Leading to Change

KS Solutions Leading to Change

Amy Salinas

McMahon Consulting Group The SISGI Group

The SISGI Group

Megan Strauss, MSW

McMahon Consulting Group Amy Salinas

Megan Strauss, MSW

Think for Good

The SISGI Group

Think for Good

Verve Exchange

Think for Good

Verve Exchange


Jennifer Cowart

Verve Exchange

501 Commons




Envision Prosperity

Envision Prosperity

Big Purpose Big Impact

Big Purpose Big Impact

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Leading to Change

Jennifer Cowart

Jennifer Cowart

The Grant Advantage

Kristen Henry

Amy Salinas

Kristen Henry


The SISGI Group


McMahon Consulting Group Marilyn Rosche

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Justine Murray Consulting Amy Salinas McMahon Consulting Group

The Grant Advantage


Marilyn Rosche

Think for Good

Amy Salinas

Thomas P. Miller & Associates WordCraft LLC

Think for Good Thomas P. Miller & Associates WordCraft LLC GRANTMAKING Jerry Bertrand




Jerry Bertrand

Do Good Be Good

McMahon Consulting Group Amy Salinas

Dialogues In Action

Envision Prosperity

Do Good Be Good

Kristen Henry

The SISGI Group

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting KS Solutions

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Amy Salinas

Leading to Change

The SISGI Group

McMahon Consulting Group Amy Salinas

Megan Strauss, MSW

The SISGI Group

Verve Exchange

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting KS Solutions McMahon Consulting Group The SISGI Group

Think for Good

Megan Strauss, MSW Think for Good Verve Exchange WordCraft LLC




Big Purpose Big Impact

Do Good Be Good

Do Good Be Good

Jerry Bertrand


Envision Prosperity

Envision Prosperity

Big Purpose Big Impact


Do Good Be Good

Kristen Henry

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Leading to Change

Cicero Social Impact

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting KS Solutions

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Leading to Change

Dialogues in Action

McMahon Consulting Group Marilyn Rosche

McMahon Consulting Group Pathways Leadership Consulting Marilyn Rosche

Leading to Change

Amy Salinas

Amy Salinas

KS Solutions

The SISGI Group

The SISGI Group

The SISGI Group

Megan Strauss, MSW

Megan Strauss, MSW

Megan Strauss, MSW

McMahon Consulting Group Marilyn Rosche

Think for Good

Think for Good

Think for Good

Amy Salinas

Thomas P. Miller & Associates Verve Exchange

Verve Exchange

Verve Exchange

The SISGI Group

McMahon Consulting Group Amy Salinas

Jennifer Cowart

Envision Prosperity ICF

Think for Good

WordCraft LLC

Thomas P. Miller & Associates WordCraft LLC



Jerry Bertrand

Big Purpose Big Impact



Cicero Social Impact

Cicero Social Impact

Cicero Social Impact

Jennifer Cowart

Dialogues in Action

Jennifer Cowart

America’s Service Commissions Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Justine Murray Consulting

Do Good, Be Good

Envision Prosperity

Do Good, Be Good

The SISGI Group

Envision Prosperity


Envision Prosperity

The Grant Advantage

KS Solutions

Kristen Henry

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Leading to Change

McMahon Consulting Group Marilyn Rosche

McMahon Consulting Group Marilyn Rosche

The SISGI Group

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Justine Murray Consulting KS Solutions

Think for Good

Leading to Change

Amy Salinas

Thomas P. Miller & Associates

McMahon Consulting Group


The SISGI Group

WordCraft LLC

Marilyn Rosche

Megan Strauss, MSW

Amy Salinas

Think for Good

The SISGI Group

Thomas P. Miller & Associates Verve Exchange

Megan Strauss, MSW Think for Good Verve Exchange





Jerry Bertrand

Envision Prosperity


Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting McMahon Consulting Group Megan Strauss, MSW

Envision Prosperity

Kristen Henry

Big Purpose Big Impact

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting McMahon Consulting Group The SISGI Group

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Amy Salinas

Kristen Henry

Think for Good

Megan Strauss, MSW

Think for Good

The SISGI Group

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting McMahon Consulting Group The SISGI Group

Think for Good

STATE SERVICE PLAN DEVELOPMENT America’s Service Commissions Kristen Henry




Big Purpose Big Impact

Do Good, Be Good

Cicero Social Impact

Envision Prosperity

America’s Service Commissions Do Good, Be Good


Janis Glenn/Pathways CivicAIM Coaching & Consulting Justine Murray Consulting Dialogues in Action

Janis Glenn/Pathways Envision Prosperity Coaching & Consulting Justine Murray Consulting Kristen Henry

McMahon Consulting Group The SISGI Group

Do Good, Be Good

KS Solutions

Bill Hulterstrom


Leading to Change

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting KS Solutions

Janis Glenn/Pathways McMahon Consulting Coaching & Consulting Group Justine Murray Consulting Marilyn Rosche KS Solutions

Amy Salinas

Leading to Change Amy Salinas


Leading to Change

The SISGI Group

The SISGI Group

McMahon Consulting Group Marilyn Rosche

Megan Strauss, MSW

Think for Good

Think for Good

Verve Exchange

Amy Salinas

Verve Exchange

VQ Volunteer Strategies

The SISGI Group Megan Strauss, MSW Think for Good Thomas P. Miller & Associates WordCraft LLC

OTHER TRAINING America’s Service Commissions

Big Purpose, Big Impact

Commission Administrative Standards; Conferences and Event Planning; Legislative Education Development and Improvement of Policies, Procedures, and Systems; Grant Monitoring and Resolution of Audit/ Compliance Issues Sustainability; Business-Nonprofit Partnerships

Cicero Social Impact

Theory of Change

Do Good, Be Good

Conflict Resolution; Stress Management

Envision Prosperity

Individual Financial Management

Bill Hulterstrom

Community Development

Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting

Harnessing the Power of Older Volunteers

Justine Murray Consulting

KS Solutions

Commission Administrative Standards; Community Development; Program Compliance; Program Sustainability, Growth & Replication; Legislative Education & Public Policy Event Management; Event Volunteers

Leading to Change

Millennial Generational Culture

McMahon Consulting Group

Better Use of Data; Bringing Out the Best in Staff, Members, & Volunteers; Commissioner Engagement to Increase Influence & Money; Program Reinvigoration Program Compliance Monitoring

Jerry Bertrand

Marilyn Rosche The SISGI Group Tecce Consulting

Conferences; Event Planning; Remote Operations; Technology Fiscal Monitoring and other fiscal monitoring support

WordCraft LLC

Leadership Coaching


America’s Service Commissions America’s Service Commissions (ASC), formerly known as the Association of State Service Commissions, is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing and promoting state service commissions across the United States. Our mission is to lead and elevate the state service network. ASC’s work is focused in four core areas including National Representation, Advocacy, Membership Services, and Peer-to-Peer Support.

Training Topics: Public Policy

State Service Plans

Volunteer Management Competencies

Commission Strengths Accelerator

Conference/Event Planning

Board Development and Engagement

Legislative Education

References: Paula Kaiser VanDam

Michigan Dept. of Human Services

Adam Lounsbury

Volunteer Iowa

kaiserp@michigan.gov (515) 725-3099


 Rachel Bruns
 E: rbruns@statecommissions.org Ph: (515) 255-3791



501 Commons Under the Volunteer Generation Fund, 501 Commons provides technical assistance to many of the state’s volunteer centers and programs that are part of the United Way hands-on network and RSVP programs and volunteer centers. Technical assistance includes review and advice on improving websites, identifying model programs, assistance in providing replication of those programs in volunteer centers statewide, and individual strategic and development plans for volunteer centers. 501 Commons supported development of the Volunteer Centers of Washington (an association of volunteer centers) including development of their website and identification of resource materials, staffed the creation of two plans for Washington state services, and advocated extensively for funding for volunteerism with state's major philanthropic organizations. In addition, 501 Commons operates the state's largest skill-based volunteer program, the Executive Service Corps. They have delivered a broad array of capacity building services to the state's nonprofits using those skillbased volunteers who contribute over $1 million in services each year. These programs include emergency planning and continuity planning of programs that have been recognized by ASC as a model program. 501 Commons has delivered the Volunteer Impact Program and Volunteer Manager Corps program to over 250 volunteer programs in Washington State.

Training Topics: Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Disaster Services

Leadership Development

Performance/Impact Measurement

Strategic Planning

Volunteer Management

References: Carolyn Cunningham, Executive Director

United Way of King County (206) 461-3700


Debbie Schuffenhauer, Executive Director

Serve Washington


(360) 902-0669

 Nancy Long
 1200 112th Ave South, #1101
 Seattle, WA 98144 E: info@501commons.org 
 Ph: (206) 682-6704 www.501commons.org


Jerry Bertrand Jerry Bertrand has provided approximately 400 full days of financial and grants management training to federal agencies and grantees of all types (state, local, tribal, nonprofit, higher education), including State Commissions and other CNCS grantees and sub-grantees. He also provides financial and grants management consulting and coaching.

Training Topics: Commission Administrative Standards

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Fiscal/Grants Management

Program Management & Compliance

References: Amy Salinas

CAC Consulting

(512) 294-3370


Emily Steinberg, Director of External Affairs

America’s Service Commissions

(512) 961-1702


 Jerry Bertrand, Independent Consultant
 9408 Big View Drive
 Austin, TX 78730 
 E: jerrybertrand@gmail.com
 Ph: (512) 497-3322



Big Purpose Big Impact Susan Hyatt of Big Purpose Big Impact has worked extensively with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and its grantees (Governors' Commissions on National and Community Service and National Service Programs AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA, Learn and Serve America, and Senior Corps’ FGP, SCP, and RSVP) since 1995 providing consulting, facilitation, curriculum design, and training. She has created state, regional, and national training programs on a wide variety of topics including program evaluation and performance measurement, leadership, board development, and strategic public-private and trisector partnerships, and using technology to enhance program performance. In addition, Susan served as one of three training and technical assistance managers engaged in organization development with state service commissions for 18 years, providing commission retreats, new executive director and staff training, strategic and state service planning, grant review and management consulting, and is a specialist in commissioner development. With the Aguirre Division of JBS International Team, Susan planned more than 15 regional and national commissioner development institutes. She has also worked with ASC to provide sustainability training and develop a new program officer curriculum.

Training Topics: Board Development & Engagement

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing & Grant Review

Meeting Facilitation

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Evaluation

State Service Commission Operations

Strategic Planning

Program Evaluation

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Sustainability, Business, Nonprofit Partnerships

References: Cat Keen

Volunteer Florida

(850) 414-7400


Melinda Points

Oklahoma Community Service Commission

(405) 858-7278


 Susan Hyatt
 1305 South Elm St.
 Denver, CO. 80222 E: shyatt@bigpurposebigimpact.com 
 Ph: (303) 512-3994 www.bigpurposebigimpact.com


Cicero Social Impact Cicero Social Impact has provided training and program development support for the George W. Bush Institute, Clinton Foundation, and other large foundations and agencies. Cicero is currently working on a project with Utah's Service Commission to develop opioid intervention, AmeriCorps programming, and in conversation about providing measurement and evaluation training and coaching for Utah's programs in 2018.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Program Management

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Evaluation

Program Development

Program Management & Training

Strategic Planning

References: LaDawn Stoddard, Director



Greg Bates, AmeriCorps Program Manager



 Jacob Allen
 35 N. Rio Grande St.
 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 E: jallen@cicerogroup.com 
 Ph: (801) 456-6700 www.cicerosocialimpact.com



CivicAIM is dedicated to supporting philanthropists in achieving dramatic results with confidence and clarity. We understand each grantmaker has unique needs, and in every detail of our work, we develop, strengthen, and connect civic leaders as effective philanthropic advocates. Erica V. Ekwurzel, CFRE, MPAff, founded CivicAIM in 2012. Her toolkit includes leadership coaching, group facilitation and training. She enjoys engagements in the areas of strategy development, governance, grantmaking, and organizational effectiveness. Ekwurzel has presented and written on a range of philanthropy topics. Presentations and published works include: “Developing Effective Relationships with Private and Family Foundations” (Texas Education Foundation Network, 2016 & 2017); “How does Public Policy Impact Philanthropy?” (51st International Conference– Association of Fundraising Professionals, 2014); “Informing Policymakers on the Role and Impact of Philanthropy“ (Council of Foundations blog, 2013); Logic Models...not just for Large Foundations” (National Center for Family Philanthropy Newsletter Article and Webinar, 2010-11) to name a few.

Training Topics: Board Development & Engagement


Meeting Facilitation

Resource Development

Strategic Planning

References: Mary Ellen Isaacs, Executive Director

Literacy First

(512) 232-2286


Emily Steinberg, Director of External Affairs

America’s Service Commissions

(512) 961-1702


 Erica Ekwurzel
 PO Box 90872
 Austin, TX. 78709 E: erica@civicaim.com 
 Ph: (214) 537-9890 www.civicaim.com


Jennifer Cowart Jennifer Cowart has been involved with AmeriCorps for over 15 years. She began as a Teach For America AmeriCorps member teaching middle school special education students in the Rio Grande Valley. She was the Director of two Texas based AmeriCorps programs. Her first Director position was with AmeriCorps Youth Harvest that engaged 100 high school seniors as tutors and mentors. Her second Director position was with Communities In Schools of Central Texas that engaged 96 AmeriCorps members. In her current role, Jennifer has extensive experience coaching and training AmeriCorps grantees in compliance and high quality program elements, supporting them in developing systems, documents, and processes to ensure a foundation of AmeriCorps program success. Jennifer has also presented at many state, regional, and national conferences on various topics including program, member, and site management.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

AmeriCorps Program Management

Civic Engagement

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing and Grant Review

Life After AmeriCorps

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Development

Program Management & Training

Supervisory & Site Management

References: Salecia Walls, Community Development Programs Monitor

City of Little Rock Housing & Neighborhood Programs

(501) 371-6809


Amy Roff, Deputy Director

Oklahoma AmeriCorps

(405) 858-7278


Contact: Jennifer Cowart
 1821 Ralph Cox Road
 Austin, TX 78748 E: jeftsconsulting@gmail.com
 Ph: (956) 827-5298


Dialogues in Action Dialogues in Action (DIA) builds the capacity of organizations to prove and improve their impact through credible, meaningful evaluation. DIAD has had the pleasure of working with state commissions and 54 AmeriCorps programs in California, Iowa, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington to help them grow their evaluation capacity, create fresh evaluation strategies and use evaluation to shape program renovations and innovations. DIA’s signature evaluation capacity building project is known as Project Impact. It's a 7-month project that brings together teams of staff and stakeholders from a cohort of national service programs to design and implement an evaluation of their programs. Through the course of Project Impact, programs clearly define their intended impact and theory of change, design and implement quantitative and qualitative evaluation strategies and receive individual coaching every step of the way to help them collect meaningful data, determine findings, communicate impact, and produce data-informed learning and program improvement. As a result, teams grow their capability to design and implement further evaluations and program refinements on their own while completing a mixed-method internal outcome evaluation that can qualify them for CNCS’s preliminary evidence tier. Commission staff has participated alongside their grantees to evaluate the commission’s impact and build their own evaluation capacity to support ongoing program improvement.

Training Topics: Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Evaluation

Strategic Planning

Leadership Development

References: LaDawn Stoddard, Director



Tara Baltzley,



 Steve Patty
 408 NW 12th Ave, Suite 506
 Portland, OR 97209 E: info@dialoguesinaction.com
 Ph: (503) 329-4816 www.dialoguesinaction.com


Do Good, Be Good Do Good, Be Good is a force for good in the world of National and Public Service. As the owner of Do Good, Be Good, Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom’s goal is to support the work that you do and to help all people find, create and embrace meaningful work. As an AmeriCorps Alumna herself, she has a passion for national service and an ability to connect with service members and supervisors. Her specialty is training and facilitation, both in-person and virtual. Sharon brings 10 years of experience (and great stories!) into her trainings. That experience includes securing grants for and managing AmeriCorps state, AmeriCorps VISTA, and AmeriCorps NCCC projects. She also has some experience with all three Senior Corps programs. In addition to working with National Service, I also develop and deliver in-person and virtual training that is geared specifically to meet the needs of local governments.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Program Management

Diversity & Disability Inclusion

Leadership Development

Life After AmeriCorps

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Program Development

Program Management & Training

Strategic Planning

Stress Management & Conflict Resolution

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Adrienne Ostrove

NY Commission on National & Community Service


Angela Pinckard-Hale



 Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom
 3224 N Grandview Dr
 Flagstaff, AZ 86004 E: connect@sharonspeaks.com Ph: (928) 224-0504



Envision Prosperity Pam Zeutenhorst, CVA, is Director and Co-Founder of Envision Prosperity. She is a strong volunteerism advocate and Service Enterprise champion with more than 20 years’ experience in volunteer administration and project management with strengths in communications, team building, training, and event coordination. Pam served with the Maine Commission for Community Service from 2008 to 2015 as a Training/Disability Officer and Program Officer. Certified as a Service Enterprise trainer in 2013, she conducted Service Enterprise informational workshops and training series, provided coaching, and conducted certification site visits. During her tenure at the Service Commission, Pam also developed and served as Project Director for a 30-member program. Through her work, Pam works with a cadre of dynamic consultants to support effective human and program management. These consultants bring more than 35 years of experience working with National Service Programs.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

AmeriCorps Program Management

Disaster Services

Diversity & Disability Inclusion

Individual Finance Management

Life After AmeriCorps

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Development

Program Evaluation

Program Management & Training


Service Enterprise Training/Consulting

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Maryalice Crofton, Executive Director

Maine Commission for Community Service

(207) 624-7781


Linda Thompson, Director

Georgia Commission for Service & Volunteerism

(404) 679-1584


 Pam Zeutenhorst
 7 Easy Street
 Litchfield, ME 04350
 E: pam@envision-prosperity.com 
 Ph: (207) 356-0073


The Grant Advantage Over the last ten years, The Grant Advantage has been very active supporting Volunteer West Virginia’s (the State’s Commission for National and Community Service) programs. Three specific initiatives include Strength-Based Grant Writing Training, the Mountain State Leaders Program, and Training and Technical Assistance for new and potential programs. Alice Ruhnke co-developed and facilitates the Strength-Based Grant Writing training, which is sponsored by Volunteer West Virginia. The 2 1⁄2 day training is offered twice a year. The workshop has helped over 500 participants: (1) Experience and understand strength-based approaches to enhance program planning; (2) Incorporate strength-based strategies into common sections of a grant proposal; (3) Use a Program Planning Framework to develop grant proposals that tell a compelling story; and (4) Understand how to find grant opportunities and work with funders. Alice has also provided training and technical assistance to build the capacity of new State-funded AmeriCorps programs and has provided training and technical assistance to potential programs as they developed applications for submission. Finally, Alice has served as a volunteer grant reviewer for State-funded AmeriCorps programs on several occasions and has independently helped three programs develop and submit successful applications for National CNCS funding.

Training Topics: Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing & Grant Review

Program Development

References: Heather Foster, Executive Director

Volunteer West Virginia

(304) 558-0111


Moya Doneghy, Deputy Director

Volunteer West Virginia

(612) 333-7740


Contact: Alice Ruhnke
 PO Box 5604
 Charleston, WV 25361 E: alice@thegrantadvantage.net
 Ph: (304) 400-4894 www.thegrantadvantage.net


Kristen Henry Kristen Henry has over 17 years of experience across sectors dedicated to civic engagement, National Service, federal grants management, and partnership development. Kristen is an AmeriCorps Alum and former National Service Director at Serve DC - the Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism (DC Commission), where she led National Service activities for the District of Columbia. As a consultant, she provides targeted technical assistance to nonprofit and government agencies on grant proposal development, federal grants management, program design, and training strategies. Consulting services have included designing and adapting systems to strengthen federal AmeriCorps grants management including streamlining and creating policies, procedures, training resources, and tools; delivering AmeriCorps focused training sessions for program staff; and strategizing program design approaches. Beyond domestic volunteer models, Kristen also has leadership roles with organizations involved with international service programs and social impact strategies in Latin America.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

AmeriCorps Program Management

Civic Engagement

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing & Grant Review

Life After AmeriCorps

Member Orientation & Training

Program Management & Training


State Service Commission Operations

State Service Plan Development

Volunteer Management

References: Isabel Pradas, Director AmeriCorps & Government Partnerships

Up2Us Sports

(212) 563-3031

Bob Shogren, Director

Governor’s Commission on Service & Volunteerism



 Kristen Henry
 819 9th Street NE
 Washington, DC. 20002
 E: kristenlhenry@gmail.com Ph: 202-294-5376

www.linkedin.com/in/kristenlhenry1/ 21

Bill Hulterstrom Bill Hulterstrom has more than 30 years of experience in nonprofit management and volunteer management. Hulterstrom has 13 years experience teaching marketing classes in an MPA program and 30 years of experience teaching volunteer and nonprofit workshops. Bill has trained at numerous state and regional conferences on topics including marketing, board governance, asset based community development, and influencer training. Bill Hulterstrom has been with United Way of Utah County for the past 25 years; he currently serves as president and CEO.

Training Topics: Board Development & Engagement

Civic Leadership

Community Development

Marketing Volunteer Programs

Volunteer Management Competencies

References: Chester Spellman, Director, AmeriCorps

Corporation for National & Community Service (CNCS)

Tom Branen, Chief Policy Officer

America’s Service Commissions

(202) 207-5389


 Bill Hulterstrom
 2778 Oneida Lane W
 Provo, UT 84604
 E: billh@unitedwayuc.org 
 Ph: (801) 691-5301


ICF ICF has decades of experience in the national service field, and we have worked with numerous state service commissions, AmeriCorps grantees, and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). We have designed and implemented a range of evaluations in the national service context, from process evaluations to studies using rigorous experimental designs. This experience informs our approach to training and technical assistance. Our current work includes developing and leading in-person evaluation training. ICF has provided Evaluation Institutes to state commission staff and AmeriCorps grantees on evaluation topics such as how to refine a theory of change, choose an evaluation design, and develop survey and other data collection instruments. ICF also provides one-on-one coaching on evaluation. ICF has offered intensive and tailored technical assistance to AmeriCorps grantees to help them improve and carry out their evaluation plans. These coaching sessions are responsive to individual grantees’ needs, and frequently cover topics such as identifying a comparison group or selecting appropriate outcomes to measure. We also design and deliver webinars on evaluation and other topics. In addition to group training and one-onone coaching, ICF has supported state commissions and AmeriCorps grantees in webinar format. ICF uses accessible and interactive technology to ensure that webinars are engaging and include discussion and activities; webinars can also be recorded and saved.

Training Topics: Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing & Grant Review

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Evaluation

State Service Plan Developmebt

Strategic Planning

References: Jaclyn Kolar

OneStar Foundation

(512) 287-2049


Heather Foster

Volunteer West Virginia

(304) 558-0111


 Andrew MacDonald
 530 Gaither Road 
 Rockville, MD. 20850 
 E: andrew.macdonald@icf.com 
 Ph: (301) 572-0269 www.icf.com


Janis Glenn/Pathways Coaching & Consulting Janis Glenn, M.G.A. is an executive coach, trainer, facilitator, and organizational development consultant with over 20 years of experience in leadership training, management and performance coaching, emotional intelligence competencies, strategic partnerships, effective communications, and resource development in the nonprofit and public sectors. Janis is founder of Pathways Leadership Consulting; author of Community Service for Suspended and Expelled Youth, a service-learning tool kit and resource guide; and Management Coaching for National Service Leaders, a coaching and training program.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Program Management

Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Diversity & Disability Inclusion

Harnessing the Power of Older Adult Volunteers

Leadership Development

Life After AmeriCorps

Marketing & Communications

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Program Development

Program Management & Training

Public Policy/Advocacy Education

Resource Development


Service Enterprise Training/Consulting

State Service Commission Operations

State Service Plan Development

Strategic Planning

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Justine Murray Patricia Schwartz

JBS International

(650) 346-8893 (215) 964-5032

Contact: Janice Glenn
 2511 Meredith Street 
 Philadelphia, PA. 19130 
 E: janisglenn@pathways-llc.com 
 Ph: (443) 994-1860 www.pathways-llc.com


Justine Murray Consulting Justine Murray, M.A., has been a project director for the past 17 years. She has directed several projects working with all aspects of CNCS programming. She is an experienced technical assistance provider as well as organizational development consultant. She has more than 25 years experience in program development, management and training, including experience in Peace Corps operations, overseeing work from the United States and in-country overseas. She has an excellent track record in coordinating large, complex projects, training multicultural staff to perform as a team, and facilitating change efforts. In her role as project director for training and technical assistance projects for CNCS, Justine has developed excellent working relationships with CNCS headquarters, state office, state commission and national program staff, and has worked with staff from every stream of national service.

Training Topics: Community Development

Civic Leadership

Program Management & Training

Program Sustainability, Growth & Replication

Supervisory & Site Management

Board Development & Engagement

Program Management & Compliance

Commission Administrative Standards

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Public Policy for Commissioners

Legislative Education for Commissioners

State Service Plans

Strategic Planning

References: Paula Pawlowski

Serve Alaska


Renee Bade

Serve Idaho


 Justine Murray
 339 Fiesta Ave
 Davis, CA 95616 E: jmurray@jbsinternational.com Ph: (650) 346-8893



KS Solutions Kate Scherr-Adams of KS Solutions has been providing training to nonprofits, AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps programs for over 15 years. She managed a volunteer center in Baltimore, MD for 6 years and provided training to a variety of audiences including community members, nonprofit staff, AmeriCorps members and business people. She worked for MD's State Commission and provided further training for AmeriCorps members and programs. In both cases, Kate provided a good deal of technical assistance as well. For the last 6 years, she has built a consulting practice providing training and technical assistance to various nonprofits, including many AmeriCorps members.

Training Topics: Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Event Management/Event Volunteers

Leadership Developmengt

Marketing & Communications

Meeting Facilitation

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Evaluation

Program Management & Training

Strategic Planning

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Maureen Eccleston, Executive Director


(717) 772-4428


Earl Millett, CEO Civic Works

Program Staff, AmeriCorps

(410) 366-8533


Contact: Kate Scherr-Adams
 5213 Biddison Lane
 Baltimore, MD 21206 E: kateonthelake@gmail.com 
 Ph: (410) 707-8807 
 www.kssolution.com twitter.com/kssolutionsllc


Leading to Change Leading to Change has provided over 800 days of training to over 150,000 service professionals over the past decade. This includes presentations for National Points of Light Foundation, National AmeriCorps programs, Teach For America, and ASC regional conferences such as the Southern National Service Training Conference hosted by Volunteer Florida.

Training Topics: Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Diversity & Disability Inclusion

Leadership Development

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation

Member Recruitment & Retention

Millennial/Generational Culture

Program Development

Program Management & Training

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Cat Keen, National Service Programs Director

Volunteer Florida

(850) 414-7400 ext 107

Ericka McKibbin, Program Manager

Volunteer Florida

(850) 921-5172 ext 109

Contact: Eric Rowles
 9815 Sam Furr Road, Suite 103
 Huntersville, NC 28078
 E: info@leadingtochange.com 
 Ph: (704) 595-1789 www.leadingtochange.com


McMahon Consulting Group We're AmeriCorps engineers and nonprofit mechanics. We invent, scale and turn around organizations. We help commissions get more done with less and help programs work better, tell a better story, and raise more money. MCG's team of ten consultants design and conduct evaluations, develop programs, write or rewrite grants and raise program match. From using data to bringing out the best in your team, we help you get more work done. Our team has placed AmeriCorps members in 50 states, quadrupled the budgets of two programs, and raised more than $30 million for national service programs. We've walked in your shoes, and we're proud to support your work.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Program Management

Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Grant Writing, Editing, & Feedback

Grant Writing & Review


Leadership Development

Marketing & Communications

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Development

Program Evaluation

Program Management & Training

Resource Development

Service Enterprise Training/Consulting

State Service Commission Operations

State Service Plan Development

Supervisory & Site Management

References: Peter Rumsey

Habitat for Humanity


Joe Bringardner

Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism joe.bringardner@ky.gov & Service

Contact: Cole McMahon 
 5 Melvin Ave
 Catonsville, MD 21228 E: mcmahonconsultinggroup@verizon.net 
 Ph: (410) 504-9005 www.mcmahonnonprofitsolutions.com 


Meche Consulting, LLC At Meche Consulting, LLC, we specialize in training and providing technical assistance related to federal grants and contracts management, financial management, compliance issues, and audit resolution. We work with federal recipients based in the USA and internationally. We work with you to develop and deliver specialized training using various genres including webinars, video conferencing, eCourses, and on-site presentations – we’ll adapt to your needs. If technical assistance related to financial grants management is what you need, we can provide it through completing on-site and remote evaluations and desk reviews, completing pre-award and post-award assessments, and reviewing financial management systems to ensure compliance with Federal regulations. As former Office of Inspector General auditors with five federal agencies, we can help prepare your organization for audits and assist with resolution. Susan Meche is the owner of Meche Consulting, LLC. Susan is a former senior grants officer at the Corporation for National & Community Service (CNCS). She has over 30 years of experience working as a grants officer, accountant, auditor, management analyst, and operations director with the Federal government and major international non-profit organizations. Since 2004 she has worked as a consultant with CNCS, state commissions, and national service programs managing AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Generation Fund, and other CNCS special initiatives.

Training Topics: Fiscal/Grant Management

References: Scott McFarland

Serve Illinois

(217) 524-2243


Linda Cohen

New York State Commission on National and Community Service

(518) 473-8882


Contact: Susan Meche
 1917 Green Wing Drive
 Granbury, TX 76049 E: susan@meche.me
 Ph: (817) 573-1626


Marilyn Rosche Marilyn has 17 years experience as the director of an AmeriCorps State program and six years experience as a consultant. She has conducted AmeriCorps program compliance monitoring visits for the New York State Commission on National and Community Service and have provided technical assistance for many programs in the areas of program development and management, grant writing, strategic planning, regulatory compliance, grant management, and program policies and procedures. Marilyn is interested in primarily providing technical assistance rather than training.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

AmeriCorps Program Management

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing & Grant Review

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Compliance Monitoring

Program Development

Program Evaluation

Program Management & Training

Strategic Planning

Supervisory & Site Management

References: Beth Tailleur, Program Administrator

New York State Commission on National and (518) 473-8882 Community Service

Rachael Tachco, Director

Rochester AmeriCorps

(585) 685-6010

Contact: Marilyn Rosche
 64 Merriman St
 Rochester, NY 14607 E: mrosche01@gmail.com Ph: (585) 350-6840



Amy Salinas Amy Salinas has spent the last 26 years working in the fields of national service, volunteerism, community development, and youth development and leadership. Twenty of those years have been specifically within national service. Within national service, Amy began as an AmeriCorps Member where she served in Arlington, Texas. Following her year of service, Amy worked for that same AmeriCorps State program, and then worked for the Texas Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service (Texas State Service Commission) as a Program Officer, Training Specialist, and Disability Inclusion Specialist. And for the last 12 years, Amy has worked as a national service consultant. In this role, she has coached organizations in developing AmeriCorps programs and writing AmeriCorps applications; planned and implemented many state, regional, and national conferences including 6 National Financial and Grants Management Institutes; and delivered training sessions, facilitated large and small group opportunities at local, state, regional, and national trainings including many state, regional and national events.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

AmeriCorps Program Management

Civic Engagement

Diversity & Disability Inclusion

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing & Grant Review


Leadership Development

Life After AmeriCorps

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Development

Program Management & Training


Strategic Planning

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Amy Roff, Deputy Director

Oklahoma AmeriCorps

(405) 858-7278


Mary Ellen Isaacs, Literacy First Director

University of Texas at Austin Literacy First AmeriCorps Program

(512) 232-2286


Contact: Amy Salinas
 5106 Suburban Drive
 Austin, TX 78745 E: CACconsulting@hotmail.com
 Ph: (512) 294-3370


The SISGI Group The SISGI Group is a leading provider of training, knowledge management, and strategic planning services for national service programs and commissions. From webinars, workshops, and custom full-day training sessions, SISGI Group consultants can and have presented on a variety of topics including evaluation, recruitment, member development, performance measurement, collaboration and program development. The SISGI Group also provides customized learning management systems for state commissions to allow them to train, monitor and support programs across geographic boundaries. Our learning management system provides access from any computer or mobile device and gives national service programs the flexibility to create custom content for any topic or audience based on their specific organizational needs.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Program Management

Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Diversity & Disability Inclusion

Event Planning & Conferences


Leadership Development

Life After AmeriCorps

Marketing & Communications

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Development

Program Evaluation

Public Policy/Advocacy Education

Remote Operations

Service Enterprise Training/Consulting


State Service Commission Operations

State Service Plan Development

Strategic Planning

Supervisory & Site Management


Volunteer Management

References: Maureen Eccleston, Executive Director


(717) 772-4428


Jacqueline Johnson, Executive Director

Connecticut Commission on Community Service

(860) 947-1828



Thenera Bailey
 48 Bi State Plaza, Suite 526
 Old Tappan, NJ 07675
 E: tbailey@sisgigroup.org Ph: (201) 898-0157



Megan Strauss, MSW Megan graduated with a Master of Social Work with a concentration in Nonprofit Community Administration and Leadership from the University of Texas in Austin. Her expertise is with AmeriCorps programs (State/National, NCCC and VISTA) and developing non- profits. She has worked with AmeriCorps programs since 2008, eventually starting an AmeriCorps program and non-profit, Alpine Achievers Initiative (AAI). AAI’s AmeriCorps program has been operating in the Colorado area for three years and has almost doubled in size since its inception due to the success of and high demand for its quality programs. Megan has been responsible for all aspects of developing the AmeriCorps program. There were multiple times she found herself thinking “it would be so much easier if someone would tell me exactly what to do!” Now she’s hoping to be that resource to other organizations. If you’re organization needs support with Recruitment and Retention, Policy Development, Background Check Policies and Procedures (those darned background checks!), Board Development, Strategic Planning, Staff Training, Program Management and Training or anything else AmeriCorps or Non-Profit related, Megan would be interested supporting your organization.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

AmeriCorps Program Management

Board Development & Engagement

Leadership Development

Life After AmeriCorps

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Program Management & Training

Program Development

Resource Development

Member Recruitment & Retention


Strategic Planning

Supervisory & Site Management

References: Julie Mordecai, Director

Rio Grande Farm Park

Amy Scavezze, Director of Engagement & Education

LaPuente Home, Inc.

director.rgfp@gmail.com (719) 588-5753


Contact: Megan Strauss, MSW
 Salida, CO 81201
 E: strauss.megan@gmail.com
 Ph: (719) 221-9480 http://meganstrauss.org/


Tecce Consulting Kris Tecce has over 25 years experience providing fiscal and grants management training and technical assistance. She has held various positions in National Service including oversight of the CNCS fiscal TTA contract. Kris has worked at a CNCS grantee, subgrantee and state service commission, which provides her unique perspective. She can customize trainings, provide coaching and technical assistance. She has also provided support to state service commissions in conducting fiscal monitoring.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

Fiscal Monitoring and Other Fiscal Compliance Support

References: Maureen Eccleston, Executive Director


(717) 722-4438


Audrey Suker, CEO

Serve Minnesota

(612) 333-7740


Contact: Kris Tecce
 739 Lynnfield Street
 Lynn, MA 01904 E: ktecce@yahoo.com 
 Ph: (617) 504-6547


Think for Good, Inc. Think For Good is a civic engagement and leadership development consultancy. We support individuals and organizations in boosting their efficacy through creative ideation and strategic planning. The organization is a collective of highly skilled and experienced consultants with specializations in areas such as National Service, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Leadership Development. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, our clientele ranges from small to large nonprofit organizations and government entities. Our dedicated and results-driven team is able to provide a myriad of services at any stage of development. Think for Good's Principal Consultant, Tray Deadwyler, has more than 15 years of service within the nonprofit sector with the majority of his tenure (11 years) supporting the national service movement. From growing the national service portfolio at the Points of Light Foundation to co-creating innovative community interventions through Think For Good, he has harnessed the various forms of philanthropy to empower individuals and organizations to take action within communities. His civic transcript has spanned such organizations as the American Red Cross, Atlanta Police Department, and HandsOn Georgia. At each organization, he has developed and managed projects and initiatives with budgets ranging from $50,000 to $2 million, covering nearly 15 states and a more than 200-person workforce (Corps members and staff).

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Fiscal/Grant Management

AmeriCorps Program Management

Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Grant Writing, Editing, Feedback

Grant Writing & Review

Leadership Development

Life After AmeriCorps

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Evaluation

Program Management & Training

Resource Development

Service Enterprise Training/Consulting


Strategic Planning

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Linda Thompson

Georgia Commission on Service & Volunteerism


Ade Oguntoye

One World Link


Contact: Tray T.S. Deadwyler, CVM, CLC
 7305 Rockhouse Rd
 Austell, GA 30168
 E: tray@thinkforgood.org 
 Ph: (404) 530-9315 www.thinkforgood.org 


Thomas P. Miller & Associates TPMA is currently working with Serve Indiana to provide training and technical assistance designed to build evaluation capacity for 18 AmeriCorps State and National programs across Indiana as part of a CNCS Training and Technical Assistance Grant. We are building capacity through statewide and individual training sessions on identifying performance measures, program logic models, data collection, and preparing for more rigorous evaluations to build the evidence base. Further, TPMA serves as the third-party evaluator for three CNCS-funded AmeriCorps programs throughout the country. For all three projects, TPMA is conducting evaluations at the highest level of rigor that is reasonable for each project, and is working with program staff to increase internal capacity for evaluation through the development of and training on data collection tools. TPMA provided training on the basics of utilization-focused evaluation at all four of ASC’s 2016 regional trainings, as well as via webinar to AmeriCorps programs throughout the country. The sessions, titled “Beyond Compliance: Planning a Useful Evaluation,” helped participants understand the benefits, beyond compliance, of a utilization-focused evaluation approach; identify and define evaluation objectives, critical success factors, audiences, etc.; and apply a utilization-focused planning framework to their own program.

Training Topics: Grant Writing, Editing, & Feedback

Grant Writing and Grant Review

Meeting Facilitation

Performance/Impact Management

Program Development

Program Evaluation

Strategic Planning

References: Elspeth Hilton, Assistant Director

Serve Indiana

(317) 233-0901


Carol Overly, AmeriCorps Program Director

Pennsylvania Mountain Service Corps

(814) 472-7690


 Aimee Wilkinson 
 1630 N. Meridian St, Suite 430
 Indianapolis, IN 46202
 E: awilkinson@tpma-inc.com 
 Ph: (317) 894-5508 www.tpma-inc.com


Verve Exchange
 Shannon Stober of the Verve Exchange has spent more than 15 years working in and around national service. She served two terms as an AmeriCorps VISTA, served as the Training Officer with the Montana Commission on Community Service, worked as an AmeriCorps Program Manager with the Montana Campus Compact, and spent eight years with the Montana Conservation Corps earning the title of Director of Programs for the organization. Shannon has trained national service members and staff for more than a decade, and currently provides annual trainings for every AmeriCorps State and VISTA program in Montana. In addition, Shannon serves on the Education Northwest PSO Blend team and has delivered several webinars to a national audience for the *VISTA Training Unit and America's Service Commissions. She has also delivered the keynote address at the Montana’s Governor's Office Serve Symposium for the past four years.

Training Topics: AmeriCorps Program Management

Board Development & Engagement

Civic Engagement

Leadership Development

Life After AmeriCorps

Meeting Facilitation

Member Orientation & Training

Member Recruitment & Retention

Program Development

Program Management & Training

Supervisory & Site Management

Volunteer Management

References: Dan Ritter, Director

Serve Montana


Jackie Girard, Director

Montana State CNCA


Contact: Shannon Stober
 42 Timberline Creek Road 
 Bozeman, MT 59715 
 E: shannon@verveexchange.com 
 Ph: (406) 439-4436



VQ Volunteer Strategies Beth Steinhorn partners with organizations and their leadership to increase their impact through strategic and innovative volunteer engagement. The author of multiple books and articles on strategic volunteer engagement, she is a popular speaker and trainer, known for her interactive and inspiring presentations. As a thought leader, Beth regularly participates in the national dialogue about volunteerism and engagement. She has presented training workshops at national, regional, and local conferences and, as a Service Enterprise Trainer, she has also trained and supported dozens of organizations to become certified Service Enterprises.

Training Topics: Volunteer Management

References: Kristy Judd, Executive Director

Metro Volunteers


Laurette Edelmann, Assistant Director

New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits


Contact: Beth Steinhorn
 16748 E Smoky Hill Road #198
 Centennial, CO 80015 E: beth@vqstrategies.com 
 Ph: (303) 699-1708 https://vqstrategies.com/


Word Craft LLC Becky Eason has provided training and technical assistance to CNCS programs on a variety of levels, from one-on-one coaching with individual AmeriCorps programs to all-day training sessions, to presentations at multiple regional CNCS conferences. The areas on which Becky has provided service are grant writing, evaluation design, and program evaluation, but she also brings expertise in strategic planning and leadership coaching to the table. Becky particularly enjoys working with agencies to understand how they can best evaluate the work they are doing, so that they can provide convincing evidence to funders and stakeholders.

Training Topics: Grant Writing, Editing, & Feedback

Grant Writing & Grant Review

Leadership Coaching

Leadership Development

Meeting Facilitation

Performance/Impact Measurement

Program Evaluation

Strategic Planning

References: Chad Driscoll, Program Officer

Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service; Iowa Economic Development Authority

(515) 348-6227


Brittany Crabtree, Senior Strategist (& former director, Kansas Volunteer Commission

Jones Huyett Partners

(785) 228-0900


Contact: Becky J. Eason
 400 Jane Court
 Lawrence, KS 66049 E: becky.eason@wordcraftks.com 
 Ph: (785) 218-7655 www.wordcraftks.com


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