2021 ASC Annual Report

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SMITH, AMERICORPS CEO AmeriCorpsmembershaveprovidedatremendous servicetothecountryoverrecentdecades,andthe programhasthepotentialtoprovidecrucial opportunitiestotheyoungpeoplewhoneedthem most.Aspolicymakersconsiderexpandingthe program,refocusingonequitywillallowmembers tohaveanevengreaterimpact,andfortheprogram itselftobetterservethemandtheircommunities. DANIEL EDELMAN & EMMA VADEHRA, NEXT100


importance of EQUITY & INCLUSION As the country and its leaders consider how to expand national service, many including those of us at America's Service Commissions believe that a focus on equity and inclusion are key. P A G E 1 Nowisthetimetoeradicatethebarriersthat makenationalserviceseemlikealuxuryor privilege.WemustensureeveryAmericanwho wantstoserveseesthemselvesasapartofour nationalservicefamilyandisenabledtoserve acrossthecountry.


to make the AmeriCorps experience more equitable and sustainable for members is gaining traction.


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As we continue to navigate both old and new challenges, let’s do so together. America’s Service Commissions (ASC) is proud to lead the commission network, which manages the vast majority of AmeriCorps programming and supports service and volunteerism in all its forms. We at ASC will continue supporting and advocating on behalf of national service, state and territorial service commissions, and volunteerism, but we can’t and don’t do this work alone National service is stronger when we are in it together

from the

2021 was a year that required a lot of bravery from those in the national service field bravery to lead and serve during a pandemic; bravery to be dissatisfied with the status quo and to respectfully push back on policies and decisions we disagreed with; bravery to develop and implement creative solutions, to launch new AmeriCorps programs that respond to the challenges of the moment; and bravery to pilot ideas that just might break down some of the barriers that keep service inequitable and that prevent our neighbors from serving or being served.

All this bravery has been inspiring And it’s exactly what we need to expand national service, build our communities, and move our network forward.


Although these are challenging times, there is much to be proud of and excited about. Funding to state and territorial service commissions and their programs continues to grow, both Congress and the Biden Administration are supportive of national service, private philanthropies are investing in state service, and the conversation about how

Thank you for your support of and engagement with ASC and national service in 2021 As we look toward the future, we are confident that national service will continue to meet crucial needs in our communities like education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and food scarcity as well as rise to meet whatever new challenges lie ahead. Together, we get things done.

01 Theme 02 FromtheChair&CEO 03 TableofContents 04 MeetourTeam 05 OurMembership 07 SupportActivities 09 NationalService Training 10 ASCAwards 11 BoardofDirectors 12 LeadershipConvening 13 PublicPolicy 15 StrategicPlan 16 Financials 17 Funders,Sponsors& Donors P A G E 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS

TEAM Meet our P A G E 4 ChiefExecutiveOfficer KAIRA ESGATE ChiefEngagementOfficer RACHEL BRUNS ChiefAdvancementOfficer BRAD KMOCH Training&Technical AssistanceManager CHAD DRISCOLL Membership&Training Manager ELISA GLEESON MembershipAssistant MONICA GREENFIELD Membership Coordinator NAILAH METWALLYIBRAHIM StatePolicyManager CASEY REYNOLDS OperationsManager NAEJLA WALTON Marketing& Communications Manager ASHTON YOUNT Volunteer Engagement Manager ALLI ZUEL JoinedASCin2021 JoinedASCin2022

Ourmembershipfrom2020 to2021grewacrossall membershipcategories asidefromcommissions, whichrepresentsastable numberfromyear to year. Wecontinuetosee encouraginggrowthinour StatesforService(S4S) Coalitionmembershipas wellasinourAmeriCorps Programmembership. MEMBERSHIP GROWTH P A G E 5 MEMBERSHIP Our Individual S4SCoalition AmeriCorpsPrograms 750 500 250 0 America'sServiceCommissionsisa membership based501(c)(3)nonprofit organizationrepresentingthe52stateand territorialservicecommissions. Inadditiontoprovidingawide rangeof servicestostateservicecommissions,we alsoprovidemembershipopportunitiesin threemajorcategories:Individual Members,AmeriCorpsProgramPartner Members,andStatesforService(S4S) CoalitionMembers. ASCrepresentsstateservicecommissions

EducatingmembersofCongressand statelegislatorsonthevalueof nationalserviceandvolunteerism assistanceforcommissionsandtheir programs


Providingoneunifiednationalvoice forserviceoncriticalissues

andtheirprogramsaswellasthebroader stateserviceecosystemby:

Coordinatingpeer to peerlearning opportunitiesforthenationalservice andvolunteerfield

94%ofrespondentsstatedtheir PartnerServiceFees(similarto membershipdues)areagoodvalue fortheservicesreceived.

In2021,178staffrepresenting41 commissionsparticipatedin10ASC led workgroupsand85staffrepresenting37 commissionsservedonfourASC committees.

98%ofrespondentsstatedthe associationreflectsandelevatestheir commissionandtheworktheydo.

100%ofrespondentsstatedthe informationprovidedbyASCishelpful toadvancingtheirwork.

100%ofrespondentsratedour servicesas"excellent"or"good."

98%ofrespondentsstatedthey receiveresponsesfromASCstaffina timelymanner

WealsoaddedthreeASCstaffpositionsin 2021tobetterserveourmembership



Weprideourselvesonbeingamember centeredassociation.In2021,wewere pleasedtoreceivethefollowingfeedback fromcommissionsthroughourannual MemberSatisfactionSurvey:

TheAmeriCorpsMemberAssistance Program(MAP)isdesignedtosupport AmeriCorpsprogramsinproviding accessibleandqualitymentalhealth servicestoAmeriCorpsmembersand employeesoftheirorganizations.Inorder toparticipateinMAP,theAmeriCorps programmustbeanexistingASCmember orjoinaspartofMAPenrollment. In2021,wehad29,494individualsenrolled inMAP,with45statesandterritories represented.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Cohort 4 states

Commission Leadership Circle 8 states (new)

Encore Fellow 6 states (new)

Inclusive Communications Assessment 3 states (new) Management Training for Commission Staff 5 states (new)

Marketing Plan and Coaching 3 states (new)


AmeriCorps Alums Support 9 states

AmeriCorps Fiscal Boot Camp (hybrid) 110 attendees

Beyond AmeriCorps Rules and Regulations Management Training 8 states

Audit Prep Support 3 states

Racial Equity Training for AmeriCorps Members 6 states (new) Recruitment and Retention Coaching Series 7 states (new) Strengths Accelerator (in person) 4 visits

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AmeriCorps Program Boot Camp (hybrid) 114 attendees

Program Officer Gathering 98 attendees (new)

Public Relations Support 3 states (new)

Federal Grants Management Training 23 attendees

Planning Grant and Technical Assistance Model 3 states (new) Planning Grant Training Series 3 states (new)

Fiscal Officer 8 Part Training Series 32 attendees (new) Grantmaking Convening (new)

Fiscal Coaching Series 3 states

or the past few years, we have sought to increase the number and ypes of support services we offer to our 52 state and territorial ervice commissions and their programs, while still ensuring affordability and tailored support where commissions feel they need it most. In 2021, we were pleased to offer a record number of opt in services and training events that commissions could choose to participate in, including:

Services and trainings were delivered virtually unless otherwise noted.

Program Officer 8 Part Training Series 15 states (new)


AdvocatedforDACArecipientstobe eligibletoparticipateinAmeriCorpsState andNationalprograms

PilotedaBlack,Indigenous,andPeople ofColor(BIPOC)AffinityGroupfor commissionstaff

Developed"BarrierstoNationalService andRecommendationstoMakeNational ServiceMoreInclusiveandEquitable" andprovidedtotheAmeriCorpsagency OfferedtwoJEDI relatedopt inservices forcommissions Advocatedforincreasedmemberliving allowancesandcostperMSY

Beganincludingimagedescriptionsand alttextonsocialmediaposts

In2021,wecommissionedTheSISGIGrouptocreate aguideforthenationalservicenetworktouseasa referenceforcommunicatingwithwordsand expressionsthatarefreefrombias,stereotypes,and discrimination.OurJEDIWorkgroupprovidedinput andfeedbackfortheguide,whichaddresses languageassociatedwithage,nationality, socioeconomicstatus,ability,race,ethnicity, religion,gender,andsexualorientation.

LauncheddemographicsurveyforASC presenters


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CreatedaJEDIpageonourwebsite Providedapubliccommentonthe AmeriCorpsdiversityquestionnaire

Hostedseverallearningopportunitieson topicsrelatedtoJEDI ReleasedarevisedguideforAllowable

Created&implemented“Expectationsfor PartneringwithASC”forTTADirectory members


Created&providedalearningcallon InclusiveCommunications

WefirstbeganourintentionalJustice,Equity, Diversity,&Inclusion(JEDI)workin December2019,andwereleasedourofficial JEDIPlanin2020.Throughout2021,wemade progressandtookactionstowardadvancing manyofourJEDIgoals,includingthe following:


Eachyear,ASChostsourNational ServiceTrainingregionalevents In 2021,weheldonevirtualeventrather thanthreein personevents. Wehadjustshyof1700attendeesfrom 52statesandterritories,including nearly300commissionstaffand commissioners,morethan1300 AmeriCorpsprogramstaff,and approximately70presenters AuthorandAmeriCorpsalumAshleyC. Forddeliveredtheopeningkeynote. Otherprogramminghighlightsincluded anAmeriCorpsalumnipanel,aplenary sessionwithEricaDhawan,remarks fromAmeriCorpsagencyleadership, andthreenetworkingopportunities AmeriCorpsprograms Financialandgrantsmanagement Justice,equity,diversity,&inclusion Stateandterritorialservice commissions Volunteerandmemberengagement Wealsooffered54workshopscovering topicsincludingbutnotlimitedto: P A G E 9 Virtual NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING

OnSeptember14,werecognized communityleadersfromacrossthe nationatourvirtualInnovationand LeadershipAwards.Typicallyhostedin Washington,DC,theeventisheldeach yeartorecognizethe accomplishmentsofstateservice commissionstaff,commissioners, serviceprograms,andtheir champions. OutstandingCommissionStaff: Dr SandyPulles(MN) OutstandingCommissionStaff: RuhamahBauman(WI) OutstandingServiceProgram: COVID 19ContainmentResponse Corps(CO) OutstandingServiceProgram Staff:Dr.MaryEllenIsaacs(TX) HonorRoll:TomBranen(MD) P A G E 1 0 Virtual INNOVATION AND LEADERSHIP AWARDS FriendofASC:Congressman DavidE.Price(NC), CongresswomanDoris Matsui(CA),Congressman TomCole(OK),Congressman MichaelWaltz(FL) StateServiceLeadership Award:StateRepresentative MorganJ.Rielly(ME) Outstanding Commissioner:Margarita RodriguezDuffy(DE) OutstandingCommission ExecutiveDirector:Amber MartinJahn(WA) Congratulationstoour2021 awardees:

Jeanne Duffy, Treasurer · Executive Director, Serve Wisconsin Shelly McAlpin, Secretary Executive Director, Serve Wyoming

Katie Abbott · Executive Director, Serve Alaska John Albright · Chair, Missouri Community Service Commission Thenera Bailey · CEO, SISGI Group and and SISGI Beyond Good Ideas Foundation

021-2022 Board Officers

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Maureen Eccleston, Chair · Executive Director, PennSERVE Judd Jeansonne, Vice Chair/Public Policy Chair Executive Director, Volunteer Louisiana

Meet our

ur work at America's Service Commissions would not be possible without deep support rom our Board of Directors who contribute their time, talent, and treasure each year to eep our nonprofit association and network strong. Thank you for your service!

Lisa Spinali, Resource Development Chair · Commissioner, California Volunteers Beth McGuinness, Membership Chair · Director of Programs, Massachusetts Service Alliance

r Their Service Outgoing Board Members

21-2022 Board Members

Kristen Bennett Chief Strategy Officer, Service Year Alliance Owen Brown · Youth Commissioner, Volunteer Mississippi Vanessa Diamond · Commissioner, Virginia Office of Service and Community Services Steve Epstein · Chair, Volunteer New Hampshire Commission Caroline Farmer · Executive Director, Volunteer NC William Hall · Executive Director, ServeOhio Gi H l es Executive Director, Michigan Community Service Commission ter · Chair, Oklahoma Community Service Commission er · Chair, Volunteer West Virginia Commission ational Service Programs Director, Volunteer Florida emer · Commissioner, Serve Idaho avey · Executive Director, Serve Indiana le Executive Director, Kansas Volunteer Commission itzel · Director of Programs, Serve Connecticut rttz · CFO of United Way Lee, Hendry, Glades and Okeechobee Counties tein · CEO, Bay Area Community Resources and Co Chair, California Alliance land, Past Public Policy Chair and Vice Chair · Executive Director, mmunity Service Commission


In February 2021, we hosted our first ever virtual Leadership Convening. We had 160 people attend, representing 50 of 52 commissions.

During the summer of 2021, we hosted our annual Hill Day While this event usually takes place in person, we pivoted to a virtual format due to COVID 19.


Virtual HILL DAY

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We assisted 50 national service champions in scheduling virtual meetings with their federal elected officials to advocate on behalf of AmeriCorps and national service.

The programming included an overview of the ASC strategic plan, public policy updates, a dialogue with leadership from the AmeriCorps agency, a session on equity and cultural responsiveness, and more.

ASCcontinuestoexpanditsworktosupport commissionsinpursuingstatelegislation thatexpandsserviceopportunitiesand benefitsforAmeriCorpsmembersand/or alumni.Highlightsfrom2021include:

Maine:VolunteerMainecelebratedthe unanimouspassageofLD1010/722,which createstheMaineServiceFellowsprogram andwilllaunchastudyoftheestablishment ofaMaineClimateCorps.Thebillwas signedintolawbyGovernorJanetMillson June10. (pictured at right)

Inaddition,severalstates,mostnotably California,sawsignificantstateinvestment inserviceprogrammingthatcreatednew serviceopportunities,increasedmember livingallowances,andaugmentedthe educationawardthatmembersreceive uponcompletionofservice.

Oregon:OregonVolunteerswasthrilledto announcethepassageofHB2433,astate taxbillthatwillexempttheSegal AmeriCorpsEducationAwardfromOregon statetaxeffectiveforeducationawards earnedbeginningJanuary1,2021.

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Public Policy Updates

Florida:VolunteerFloridahelpedfacilitate GovernorRonDeSantissigningintolaw CS/SB1050:DisasterVolunteerLeaveAct, allowingforstateemployeestorequestup to120administrativeleavehourstoserve withnonprofitorganizationstoprovide disasterresponseandrecoveryservices.


Nebraska:InApril,theNebraskalegislature unanimouslypassedLB197,ground breakingstatelegislationprovidingin state tuitioneligibilitytoallAmeriCorpsalumni nomatterwhatstatetheyservedin.The legislation,sponsoredbyAmeriCorpsalum SenatorTonyVargaswithtechnical assistancefromServeNebraska,will enhanceAmeriCorpsservicebenefits, increasecollegeaccessandaffordability, anddrawmorestudentstoNebraska universities.

Wisconsin:InJuly,GovernorTonyEvers exemptedtheAmeriCorpsSegalEducation Awardfromstateincometaxthroughhis 2021 2023ExecutiveBudgettorecognize andrewardAmeriCorpsmembers' contributionstoWisconsinthroughtheir service.

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OnMarch10,2021,PresidentBidensignedthe$1.9trillionAmericanRescuePlanintolaw.The legislationincludedanunprecedentedinvestmentofmorethan$1billioninnationalserviceincluding increasesforallprogramsofthefederalAmeriCorpsagency.Amongtheseinvestmentswere$620 millionforAmeriCorpsStateandNationalwhichwouldincreaselivingallowancesformembersand expandthenumberofAmeriCorpsmembersservingnationwide.Inaddition,$20millionwillbuildthe capacityofcommissionstodevelopnewandexpandexistingprograms.Further,$20millionwillbe investedintheVolunteerGenerationFundtoexpandvolunteerengagementefforts.

InNovember2021,theHousepassedthehistoricBuildBackBetterActthatincludedrobustfundingfora CivilianClimateCorps(CCC)thatwillengage300,000Americansoverthenextdecade.Fromconserving ourpubliclandstobolsteringcommunityresilienceandaddressingthechangingclimate,theCCC includesaflagshipAmeriCorpsprogramwithincreasedbenefitsthatreimaginesnationalserviceand putsyoungAmericansonthepathtogood payingclimatejobs.

Althoughnotcompletedin2021,boththeHouseandSenatedidincludeincreasesfornationalservice overFY21enactedlevelsaspartoftheFY22federalappropriationsprocess TheFY22appropriations process,whichfundsthefederalgovernment,willbecompletedduringthe2022calendaryear.


Thisnew,modern eraCCC proposedbyPresidentBidenaspartofhisAmericanJobsPlan wouldbe builtupontheexistingnetworkofAmeriCorpsandlocalnonprofitprogramsalreadyaccomplishing importantworklikewildfireremediation,resiliency,disasterresponse,andworkforcedevelopment,as wellasdevelopnewprogramstosupportmoreimpactedcommunities.

ThisinvestmentintheCCCwouldprovideemploymentopportunities;investinnaturalclimate solutions,cleanenergy,andresilience;addressenvironmentaljusticethroughlocally led,science based projects;ensurealivablewageandincreasededucationawards,aswellassupportservicesand healthcare,careerpathwaydevelopment,andworkforcedevelopmentoutcomes;extendbenefitstoall AmeriCorpsmembers;andincludeprojectinvestmentsfrommultiplefederalagenciestomeetthe diverseneedsofunderservedandhistoricallyimpactedcommunitiesacrossthecountry.





TheCultivatingOpportunity&ResponsetothePandemicthroughService(CORPS)Actwasintroducedin theboththeHouse(H.R.4100)andSenate(S.1165)withstrongbipartisansupport.TheCORPSAct proposesan$8billioninvestmentinnationalserviceprograms,members,andcommissionsovera three yearperiodinordertocontributetoournation’seconomicrecovery.TheCORPSActalsosupports nationalservicebygrowingamorediversegroupofparticipantsandlocalnonprofitprograms, improvingthequalityofserviceexperiencesthroughincreasedlivingallowancesandeducationawards, stabilizingexistingprograms,andtargetingCOVID impactedcommunitiesandeconomicrecovery projects.NotableprovisionsoftheCORPSActinclude:increasingthememberlivingallowanceto175% ofthepovertylevelforanindividual,allowingmemberstoearnconcurrenteducationawards,and removingthefederaltaxfromboththelivingallowanceandeducationaward.

Goal #2: Public Policy Grow the total amount of annual federal funding to support commissions from $27 million to $31 million by FY24 and increase the number of commissions receiving state funding from 34 to 40 by July 2023.

Goal #1: Commission Capacity Building Increase the leadership and capacity of commissions so that by December 2023 80% of commissions indicate that ASC services have increased their organizational capacity.

Highlight from 2021: Created and hired three new staff positions to expand ASC staff capacity

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Highlight from 2021: Increased federal appropriations for commissions and their programs via the historic American Rescue Plan investment

In March 2021, the ASC Board adopted its 2021 2023 strategic plan, which envisions a vibrant future for state level service and volunteering. The plan was later revised in June 2021 as a result of the historic investment in national service via the American Rescue Plan. Central to advancing the work envisioned in the goals below is ASC's commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.


Goal #3: National Service Ecosystem Strengthen ASC’s role in and leadership of the national service ecosystem, to make national service more accessible and representative of communities served

Highlight from 2021: Increased philanthropic investment in ASC and the commission network

Goal #4: Financial Model Grow annual ASC income from $1.7 million in 2020 to $3.2 million by 2023 and strengthen ASC financial systems for tracking and utilizing funds

Highlights from 2021: Released DIA Report detailing the important role of commissions in advancing national service Released COVID Publication detailing commission and AmeriCorps State program efforts to address the pandemic

Goal #5: Human and Operational Resources Secure and develop ASC’s human and operational resources necessary to execute on the strategic plan in a remote work environment.

Highlights from 2021: Increased support services to commissions related to pandemic response and American Rescue Plan expansion Hosted the highly successful virtual National Service Training in May 2021

Expenses:Actualexpensescame inat$1.6million,representing 74%ofrevisedbudgetedexpenses for2021,allowingASCasa nonprofitorganizationtoaddto itsfinancialreserveaswellashire fornewstaffpositionsinresponse toadditionalworkload Muchof thesesavingscameasaresultof shiftingplannedin-personevents andtrainingstoavirtualformat whichreducedtraveland productioncosts. FeeforService 25.8% MembershipDues 22.5% Philanthropy 21.3% Trainings 18.1% EarnedIncome 7.7% PPPLoan 3.2% Contributions 1.4% Personnel&Contractors 78.7% Trainings 12.8% Operations 8.5% Income:Despitetheongoing uncertaintyduetotheCOVID 19pandemic,ASCendedthe yearinastrongfinancial positionwithincomeofnearly $2.9million,a70%increase over2020.Muchofthis growthwasdueinpartto substantialphilanthropic investmentfromtheBallmer Group,MottFoundation,and SchultzFamilyFoundation. Further,ASCcontinuesto diversifyitsfundingsources. P A G E 1 6 Our FINANCIALS $2,889,175 $1,642,210 Expenses Income




The Ballmer Group awarded us a $250,000 grant to support our policy work. We advocate, in partnership with commissions, for federal and state policy changes that will expand and incentivize national service and improve accessibility to service opportunities across the country

We supported 11 states in expanding youth service opportunities at a statewide level, thanks to a $265,000 grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The grant is funding a multi year initiative to identify how the state service commission network can expand youth service opportunities through national service.

Seven commissions received National Service Challenge grants from the Schultz Family Foundation (SFF), totaling $3.5 million. ASC received $50,000 from SFF to lead a learning collaborative for the commissions to discuss promising practices as well as challenges faced in implementing their grant activities.


In 2021, we received grants from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Schultz Family Foundation, and the Ballmer Group for a total of $565,000. These grants allowed us and the commission network to expand our work.

Thank you to our

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Volunteer Delaware

Shannon Ramsey

Katie Abbott

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Sandy Keith

Emily Steinberg

Ginna Holmes

Bill and Sue Getman

John Albright


Monica Greenfield

Jessica Noble

David Styers

Matthew Wilhelm

Vanessa Diamond

Owen Brown

Lisa Spinali

Steve Epstein


Rachel Bruns

Jeanne Duffy

Massachusetts Service Alliance



Top Sponsors

Desiree Culpitt

Thenera Bailey

Liz Getman

Cat Keen

Shelly McAlpin

Kate Scheuritzel

William Hall

Thank you to our

Kaira Esgate

Maureen Eccleston

Chad Driscoll

Caroline Farmer

Dan Getman

Commission Champions

Kristen Bennett

Courtney Bloniasz

Judd Jeansonne

Julia Keehner

Brad Kmoch

Josefina Mata

Shirley Sagawa

Beth McGuinness


Stacey Scherschligt

Richard Swarttz

Marty Weinstein

Michigan Community Service Commission

Individual Donors

Volunteer Maine

2021 ANNUAL REPORT AMERICA'S SERVICE COMMISSIONS 455 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 153 Washington, DC 20001 202.813.0807 info@statecommissions.org www.statecommissions.org

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