2018 Regional National Service Training Events 1,074 attendees
Pacific-Southwest: Seattle, WA (May 14-16)
North Central: Chicago, IL (March 19-21)
Atlantic-Southern: Greenville, SC (April 30-May 2)
AmeriCorps State/National State Service Commissions Volunteer Generation Fund Volunteer Managers
I gained new knowledge & skills:
The trainers were effective: I plan to apply what I learned: 93% Agree or Strongly Agree (+ 1%)
Valuable investment of my time:
94% Agree or Strongly Agree (+7%)
96% Agree or Strongly Agree (+ 2%)
94% Agree or Strongly Agree (+6%)
My organization effectiveness will improve as a result of attending:
89% Agree or Strongly Agree (+6%)
Thank you to everyone who made these events possible!