3 minute read
Chapter 10 Working with Graphs 253
Section 10-1 USING LINE GRAPHS ________________________________________ 254
Math Exercises: Line Graphs 258 Practical Applications: Line Graphs 260
Section 10-2 USING BAR GRAPHS ________________________________________ 261
Math Exercises: Bar Graphs 265 Practical Applications: Bar Graphs 267
Section 10-3 USING PIE GRAPHS _________________________________________ 267
Math Exercises: Pie Graphs 269 Practical Applications: Pie Graphs 270
Chapter 10 REVIEW _____________________________________________________ 271 Chapter 10 TEST ________________________________________________________ 273
Answers to Selected Math Exercises and Practical Applications ____________________________ 279
Appendix __________________________________________________________________________________ 285
Glossary __________________________________________________________________________________ 317
Index _____________________________________________________________________________________ 321
• Quick Quizzes®
• Illustrated Glossary • Flash Cards • Master Math® Tutorials
• Reference Tables
• Media Library • ATPeResources.com
Digital Resources
Practical Math covers essential math concepts and how they are applied on the job in agriculture, alternative energy, culinary arts, boiler operation, construction, electrical, HVAC, manufacturing, maintenance, mechanics, pipefi tting, plumbing, and welding. Each chapter presents math concepts with visual steps and includes both math exercises and practical applications that reinforce learning. Selected answers to math exercises and practical applications are listed at the back of the book.
Features of this edition include the following: • Each chapter is divided into several sections to maximize both learning and instructional fl exibility. • Over 300 practical applications provide opportunities for learners to apply essential math concepts in 13 different occupational fi elds. • Online learner resources reinforce math concepts and encourage practice in a variety of formats. • Each chapter ends with a formative review and a summative test to assess math comprehension achieved. • The expanded appendix includes occupational reference tables as well as essential math tables.
Objectives identify key concepts addressed in a chapter and help guide learning.
Key Terms identify vocabulary that is key to understanding the concepts in a chapter. Practical Applications provide opportunities to apply essential math concepts typically required on the job.
Digital Resources offer engaging online tools that reinforce learning.
Math Exercises allow learners to demonstrate their knowledge of math concepts. Examples show step-by-step calculations and a Quick Reference or Calculator in selected problems to enhance effi cient learning.
This edition of Practical Math includes access to digital resources that enhance and reinforce learning. These online Learner Resources can be accessed using either of the following methods. • Key ATPeResources.com/QuickLinks into a web browser and enter QuickLink™ code 764460. • Use a Quick Response (QR) reader app on a mobile device to scan the QR code located on the opening page of each chapter.
Learner Resources
The online Learner Resources provide the following interactive tools to maximize both comprehension and retention. • Quick Quizzes® provide 10 interactive questions for each chapter and include reference links to the textbook and Illustrated Glossary. • The Illustrated Glossary serves as a helpful reference to math terms and defi nitions, with selected terms linked to illustrations. • Flash Cards serve as a review tool for key terms and defi nitions and for practicing a variety of math exercises that reinforce learning. • Master Math® Tutorials demonstrate how common math calculations are performed step-by-step. • Reference Tables are printable tables of both math and occupational reference information. • The Media Library provides videos that demonstrate the application of key math concepts. • ATPeResources.com provides access to online reference materials that support continued learning.
Digital Resources
ATPeResources.com/QuickLinks Access Code: