Founders' Day Convocation, 1987

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Illinois Wesleyan University

ounders Da February 18, 1987

Warren Bryan Martin is Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Foundation for the

Advancement of Teaching, Princeton, NJ. During his six years with the foun­ dation, Dr. Martin has also served as Scholar-in-Residence and Senior Program Officer; participating, for example, in the study recently published under the

title, College: The Undergraduate Experience in America. His own latest book, College of Character, won the Frederick Ness Award presented by the Associa­ tion of American Colleges in 1984 as the best book on higher education. Before coming to Carnegie in 1980, Dr. Martin had been active in philan­ thropy, research, college teaching and administration. He was vice-president of the Danforth Foundation and director of the Danforth Graduate Fellowship Program, 1974-80. He was research educator and director of development at the Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, from 1966 to 72. Earlier he had been provost and professor of history at Raymond College, University of the Pacific, and, still earlier, a faculty member and department chairman at Cornell College. Dr. Martin holds the Doctor of Philosophy degree from Boston University. He has received five honorary degrees and several distinguished service awards. He is the recipient of the Outstanding Service Award presented by the Council of Independent Colleges (1986). Dr. Martin has been granted the Senior Research Award, University of London, under the Fulbright-Hays Act. He is a former member of the Senior Commission, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and has been chairman of many accreditation com­ mittees. He is a member of the board of trustees at two colleges, and serves as consultant through the Educational Development Service to colleges and universities as well as to state, national, and international agencies. Dr. Martin is the author of three books, the editor of two others, and has published more than fifty professional articles. He visits colleges and univer­ sities regularly as lecturer, researcher, and consultant. He also frequently ad­ dresses civic and religious organizations. His views on educational change and American values have been reported and evaluated by TIme, Newsweek, and by the major media services.


CONVOCATION HONORING THE FOUNDERS Westbrook Auditortum, Presser Hall February 18, 1987 11:00 a.m. President Wayne Anderson, Presiding Professor John Clark, Mace Bearer ORGAN PRELUDE ...... ........................................... .......... Jeff Alan Havens, Organist "Finale" from the First Organ Symphony

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Louis Vierne

11870-1937) PROCESSIONAL "Now Thank We All Our God" ................ ..... ........ .......... ............. ....... .

J. S. Bach

11685-1750) an: Virgil Fox INVOCATION ..................................................................... Chaplain William L W hite SPECIAL MUSIC ............................." ..................... Professor C. Lawrence Campbell Pianist Rondo Capriccioso, Opus 14




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Felix Mendelssohn

(1810-1847) PRESEN TATION OF SPEAKER ........................................ President Wayne Anderson ADDRESS:

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Warren Bryan Martin

ALMA WESLEYANA From hearts aflame, our love we pledge to thee Where' er we wander, over land or sea; Through time unending loyal we will be True to our Alma Mater, Wesleyan. When college days are fully past and gone, While life endures, f rom twilight dream til dawn Grandly thy soul shall with us linger on Star-crowned, our Alma Mater, Wesleyan! ORGAN POS TLUDE ................................................................... John Clark, Organist "Now Thank We All Our God"

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. S. Karg-Elert .


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