HC Magazine no.1

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Black Excellence Edition 9 Black Students Having Motion


Lina Farkas is a freshman Biochemistry major from Amherst, Wisconsin. Although Lina hasn't taken on many leadership roles while attending Wesleyan, she has taken this time to find her sense of community and belonging on campus For Lina, coming to Wesleyan was her opportunity to become her own person. This has given her the opportunity to grow and mature away from home. During Lina 's time at home, she was a part of the all -star cheer team where she's won multiple championships. Although there were many ups and downs during her time apart of the team, it was overall a great experience. "I think I've become a better because of cheer, and I appreciate all the people I've met along the way" said Farkas. Because of her involvement in cheer, this allowed Lina to blend in much more at Wes leyan. IWU has taught Lina how to patient and allow herself to take things a day at a time. Alongside this, Lina 's family is the root of motivation for her to pursue a college education.

Lina wants to make her family proud and with the opportunities given to many after graduating college i s endl ess. When thinking about her future, not going to college was never an option for Lina. She knew the journey of finishing college would be tough , but with determination and having the right people around her, the possibilities are endless. Farkas has been able to find that support through many of her friends here at Wesleyan. Farkas states "many of the friends I've made here have been really accepting so it makes me feel pretty secure .! know I have people like that to turn to. " With the time Lina has spent at Wesleyan so far, she hasn ' t taken up any leadership positions at Wes leyan. However she 's played a key role in many o f the photoshoots HC Magazine has put on this academic year. Lina has sacrificed a lo t of time and effort t o help and suppo rt our team throughout many of our projects, including this one. So it's only right she gets the r ecognition she deserves. WE LOVE YOU LINA!



The one and only, Jordan Colin is an Entrepreneurs hip major from New Orleans, Louisiana. For Jordan, leadership has a lways been someth in g that has seemed to find him. Colin states, "I never asked to be the section leader of the trumpet section in the marching bands I played for, I never asked to w in the awards I have won, and even with me being a POSSE Scholar, I just happened t o s tumbl e upon the form t o enter the interviewing process and now here I am." So far, Jordan has taken advantage of a ll of th ese leadersh ip opportuni ti es that have been placed in front of him, and has done amazing things. Colin has acccompl ished a lot over the years. He's worked under great peop l e like BMike, a muralist from New Orleans, and Donald Harrison, a Jazz Musician from New Orleans. These opportunities have led Jordan to do many projects and community service back in the city of New Orleans called "BElite " where they commit themse lves to community and disrupt systematic oppression through their different art forms. He's also been a part of a number of

internships/fellowships such as Eterna l Seeds, NOYA, 826 Writer's Council, & Tipitina's. Jordan also put together his own concert wi th some of his friends at the age of 17. "When it comes to being the first or being innovative and a part of history, I find myself really excelli n g in those spaces " says Colin. Before attend in g Wes l eyan, Jordan was busy 24/7, 7 days a week. Jordan juggled school, passion projects, his music career, and internships with ease and enjoyed every minute of it. Once he arrived at IWU, he was basically forced to sit still and go to class and be left with time to ponder on his th oughts of what his life wou ld be like after college "I a lways struggled with being present and I think IWU has taught me how to tru ly sit still and appreciate the smalle r things in life. If anyth ing, IWU has taught me

tha t when I don't know where to go: sit still and be patient" says Colin. Since Jordan's arr ival on IWU's campus he's made his mark. From being Vice President of Men of Color to being a part of BSU' s first ever homecoming court, thi s is only the beginning for Jo rdan. Most people may know Jordan for his stage name "MIKAL," however that era is coming to a close. He has a song coming out soon and w ill be the start of th is new era. The new name he will be going by is Vril Vres (April Ares). "I came up with the concept in my dorm room freshman year a n d I think this will perfectly encapsulate the music/art I've been making and w ill continue to develop now into the future. So expect to see a lot more of me this year moving forward and in 2 -3 ye ars time, I'll be worldwide. Believe dat!" - Jordan Colin



Kiera Henderson is a sophomore Kinesiology and Allied Health major from the Quad Cities. Before coming to IWU, Kiera was strictly focused on her academics and the extracurricular activities she was a part of. She never really had the desire to pushed herself to get out of her comfort zone, try new things, and talk to new people. In High School, Henderson made National/Spanish National Honor Society, Quad Cities All -Metro Girls Bowling Second team, Junior Rotarian , a long with a list of other accomplishments. However, since attending Wesleyan she's broken out of her shell and have made an effort to get involved W ith these new goa ls implemented, Kiera has already accomplished so much more than she thought she could back home. "I chose IWU because it reminded me of home. I knew I wanted to venture out of my comfort zone a little bit .I thought IWU would be a good choice for me because it had that home feel when I was here" said Henderson.

Getting involved on IWU's campus has pushed Henderson to do some amazing things that only few can say they've done. In Fall of 2023, Henderson was apart of BSU's first ever Homecoming Court She also tied and broke the school's record for high game in bowling. These type of accomplishments come naturally to Kiera, because of the amount of work she puts on on a day-to -day basis. The people that she has chosen to place herself around has also a ll owed her to progress as a l eader and person. Henderson expresses, "having a community of people on campus who have amazing work ethics and a drive for something has really inspired me to step up and do the same seeing them doing great th ings for themselves and their community has made me try to do the same."



Juanise Foster is a junior Biology Major, from Chicago, Illinois. At IWU, Foster has accomplished and is a part of many groups on campus, but the things she's most proud of are being the President of Women of Color, a ChangeMaker for MakerGirl, being on the Dean's list, and making it to my junior year of college; which to her is the biggest accomplishment of them all. For Foster, all of these accomplishments and more have shaped her into the person that she is today. "They serve as a constant reminder that I CAN and WILL accomplish whatever I put my mind to want no matter the obstacles that may arise" says Foster. Along with accomplishing so much here at IWU, Foster' s biggest motivator is her aunt. Foster's aunt attended Wesleyan which was a part of her reason for attending Wesleyan. In the beginning of her collegiate journey, Foster was nervous to take on these leadership roles in fear of failing, but has since

thrived making her mark in Wesleyan history. Before coming to Wesleyan, Foster lived in a predominantly black neighborhood so being around her community was the only thing she was used to. So when it was time to further her education at Wesleyan, it was a big change and resulted in Foster's mindset changing. Foster states "When I'm at home, I am more comfortable in my skin and respected." Corning to IWU, Foster had to learn to advocate for herself which is something that she wasn ' t used to doing back at home. Howev er, it was something she 's since been able to do and has led to all of her many accomplishments. Around campus, Foster is loved by so many individuals and she' s guarantee d to leave a smile on people 's face with her presence. Juanise Foster is only getting started in her journey of suc cess , and we can 't wait to see what she accomplishes next.


Last, but certainly not least, we have THE Davion Lemon, also known as Davi, a junior Nursing Major, from New Orleans, Louisiana. Since stepping foot on Wesleyan's campus Davi has been involved in different organizations and groups on campus. She's currently a member of Black Student Union, Black Student-Athlete Alliance, and Black Nurses Association of Central Illinois where she's received multiple scholarships. She's also a part of the track team where she's earned three "AllConference Awards" and two varsity letters. While attending Wesleyan, Davi has been able to go out of her comfort zone and use her voice to make change around campus.

"Before coming to IWU, I was more reserved. I was never the quiet type of person, but I also wasn't very vocal with my beliefs in school because of the people around me" said Lemon. However, at IWU Davi has learned to use her voice and resources to share how things on campus affect her. She

goes on to say "Even though most of the time, the punishment isn't equal to the crime; it is comforting to be able to speak my opinions. My outlook on life in general has changed as well. Life is way too short not to speak out. However you interpret that is up to you, but at our big ages, there is no reason to not be vocal about SOMETHING." Just like our other featured students, Davi has had some sort of motivator/motivation that pushed her to take on leadership roles at IWU. For Davi, her motivation came from always having a lack of Black female representation in her life. Nonetheless, this only pushed Lemon to use the resources on IWU's campus to find that sense of comfort to be the best version of herself she could possibly be. She's been able to

find this mainly through her track team. Davi closed expressing, "I love my teammates and how they always push me to be my best, on and off the track. I've gained so many life long friends on that team and I love them all so much." Davi has gone above and beyond to not only find her safe space but also help create a safe space for students who look just like her. Students like Davi deserve to be highlighted for all the good they bring to a campus like Wesleyan. Because if not her, then who?


HC Magazine


Tyrin Sykes

Eduardo Cisneros

Criston Cortorreal

Jennifer Rangel Martinez


Ty rin Sykes

Chrishana Simon


Tyri n Sykes

Eduardo Cisneros

Jennifer Rangel Martinez

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