Amfo-Akonnor Kwadwo
Although hair is a physiological phenomenon, it is also a social one. Hair is an object of intense elaboration and preoccupation in almost all societies. Hairstyles and rituals surrounding hair care and adornment convey powerful messages about a person’s beliefs, lifestyles, and commitments. Inferences and judgments about a person’s morality, sexual orientation, political persuasion, religious sentiments and, in some cultures, socio-economic status can sometimes be surmised by seeing a particular hairstyle.
Customs officer Douanier Oṣiṣẹ kọsitọmu
High school teacher Middelbare school leraar Professeur de lycĂŠe Oluko ile-iwe giga
Florist Bloemist Fleuriste Aladodo
Electrician Elektricien Électricien Onina
Trader Handelaar Commerรงant Onisowo
Musician Musicus Musicien Olรณrin
Queer Raar
Professional footballer Profvoetballer Footballeur professionnel Agbaboolu akosemose
Demonstrator DĂŠmonstrateur Olufihan
Pharmacist Apotheker Pharmacien Onisegun
Waste collector Vuilnisman Éboueur Alakojo egbin
Lawyer Advocaat Avocat Amofin
Chauffeur Awakọ ọkọ ayọkẹlẹ
Baker Bakker Boulanger
Fashion designer Mode ontwerper Styliste modĂŠliste Onise asiko
Butcher Slager Boucher
Nurse Verpleegster Infirmière Nọọsi
Plumber Loodgieter Plombier
Dentist Tandarts Dentiste Onise ehin
Comic Grappig Bande dessinĂŠe Apaniláşšrin
Photographer Fotograaf Photographe Oluyaworan
Barber Kapper Coiffeur OnĂrunrun
Mechanic Monteur MĂŠcanicien Mekaniki
Hair is the one part of our body that we can change whenever we want, without causing any permanent damage. We can dress it up or dress it down, to reflect our personality, to attract attention, to project a chosen identity or to seize the mood of the moment.
Optician Opticien Oniwosan ara
Translator Vertaler Traducteur Onitumáť?
Soldier Soldaat Soldat Jagunjagun
Author Schrijfster Auteur Onkáť?we
Police officer Politie agente Officier de police Olopa
Astronomer Astronoom Astronome Afirawáť?
Midwife Verloskundige Sage-femme Agbแบนrin
Psychiatrist Psychiater Psychiatre Onimọn-ọpọlọ
Doctor Dokter Docteur Dokita
Secretary Secretaris Secrétaire Akọwe
Shop attendant Winkelbediende Commis de magasin Akáť?we itaja
Musician Musicus Musicien Olรณrin
Paramedic Paramedicus ParamĂŠdical
Country girl Boerin Paysanne Ọmọbinrin orilẹ-ede
Accountant Comptable Iá¹£iro
Teacher Leraar Prof Oluko
Surfer Surfeur
Actuary Actuaris Actuaire Osise
Hairdresser Kapper Coiffeur OnĂrun
Yoga teacher Yoga leraar Professeur de yoga Yoga olukáť?
Painter Schilder Peintre Oluyaworan
Cosmetologist Schoonheidsspecialist CosmĂŠtologue Oniwosan ara
Social media influencer Social media-beĂŻnvloeder Influenceur sur les rĂŠseaux sociaux Agbara ipa ti media media
of a person or of their body Photography, text and design Kwadwo Amfo-Akonnor Printing WirmachenDruck GmbH Mühlbachstr. 7, 71522 Backnang Special thanks to Coco Olakunle for your support and participation in making my project. And to all the strangers and students at KABK that took the time to be part of the process. Thank you. This publication was made in the context of ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’, a project by 3rd year students of the KABK - Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, dpt. of Photography, 2021. © 2021 Kwadwo Amfo-Akonnor