Sustainability Framework

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Group Sustainability Framework





Sustainable agriculture

• • • •

Biodiversity & soil health Water stewardship Fertiliser use & on-farm emissions Sustainable sourcing

Food waste

• •

Reducing food waste Surplus donations to charity


• • •

Eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging Increase recyclability of our packaging Increase recycled content

Climate change

• • • •

Renewable energy Carbon neutrality / sequestration Energy efficiency Lifecycle analysis

Efficient operations

• • • • •

Water use in our operations Operational & office waste Transport Refrigeration Employee travel


Human rights risk

• • • •

Modern slavery Salient human rights identification Ethical assessments & audits Risk analysis & mitigation

Fairness in the workplace

• • • •

Anti-discrimination Diversity & Inclusion Equal opportunity Living wage

Gender equality

• • •

Development and progression opportunities for women Supporting parents & flexible working policies Equal pay

Worker engagement

• • •

Worker voice Freedom of association Employee committees/forums

Occupational health & safety

• •

Risk/hazard management Occupational injuries & illnesses


Hygiene & worker welfare

• • •

Health and hygiene for workers in our supply chain Access to clean drinking water Appropriate sanitation and washing facilities

Local communities

• • •

Local community engagement Positive impact on our local communities Charitable work and donations


• • •

Promoting sustainable diets and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption Supporting healthy eating and education Product formulation (reducing sugar, salt, fat etc.)

Health & wellbeing

• • •

Employee physical, social and mental wellbeing Work-life balance Healthy and active lifestyles


• •

Varietal & product development Agricultural technology for sustainable intensification


Sustainable agriculture

• • • •

Biodiversity & soil health Water stewardship Fertiliser use & on-farm emissions Sustainable sourcing

Food waste

• •

Reducing food waste Surplus donations to charity


• • •

Eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging Increase recyclability of our packaging Increase recycled content

Climate change

• • • •

Renewable energy Carbon neutrality / sequestration Energy efficiency Lifecycle analysis

Efficient operations

• • • • •

Water use in our operations Operational & office waste Transport Refrigeration Employee travel

Sustainable Agriculture Rapid global population growth is increasing the demand for food and natural resources, presenting both immense pressure and opportunity for AM FRESH Group. To meet this increased demand in consumption, the world will need at least 60% more food produced, 50% more energy and 40% more water by 2050. Our top actions Our approach covers four key areas: •

Biodiversity & Soil Health

Fertiliser Reduction

Water Stewardship

Sustainable Sourcing

Roll out Cool Farm Tool (CFT) to all AM FRESH farming locations. o

Drive improvements - reduce use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers.


Measure biodiversity with the Mediterranean Biodiversity Tool

Rollout Water Monitoring Tool for global AM FRESH GROUP citrus production

Join GACSA – The Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture –

Biodiversity & Soil Health Agricultural biodiversity plays an important role in sustaining soil health, food and habitat for important pollinators and natural pest predators that are vital to agricultural production. Protecting and enhancing soil health is essential in meeting growing demand for food production, as well as for it’s potential to sequester carbon. Our top actions

Our goals: •

Enhance biodiversity and soil health across our growing regions – maintain and restore ecosystems and their services. Mediterranean biodiversity tool completion and public access with CFT by end of 2020.

Roll out use of Cool Farm Tool (CFT) Mediterranean Biodiversity Tool across all AM FRESH farms.

Create models of best practise to inform and educate growers on biodiversity.

Trial BeCrop, a soil microbiota tool by BIOMEMAKERS, that measures fertility, soil health and biodiversity through soil analysis.

Sustainable Agriculture –

Fertiliser Reduction 85% of the carbon footprint of our products comes from the use of agrochemicals. To feed a growing population, fertilisers will continue to be important to global food production systems—yet proper use is imperative. We are striving to increase efficiency in fertiliser use across our own farms and supply chain. Our top actions

Our goal: •

Reduce fertiliser emissions – absolute and intensity across our group production (percentage reduction TBD)

Roll out Cool Farm Tool (CFT) to all AM FRESH farming locations. Drive improvements - reduce use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers.

Use findings from CFT to create models of best practise to inform and educate growers on fertiliser reduction strategies.

Continue use of CFT to measure fertiliser use in Tesco citrus supply chains in Spain, South Africa and Peru. - base line year 2015. Tool used for benchmarking and identification of efficient use, and provision of reporting to retailer/exporter/growers.

Sustainable Agriculture –

Water Stewardship All our products are sourced from water scarce regions across the globe. Sustainable and equitable water use is an important issue for our business and supply chains. AM FRESH Group is committed to responsible water use and increasing water use efficiency. Ensuring security of supply is essential for the long-term success of all businesses in the supply chain.

Our goals: • •

Reduce absolute water use on farms in regions where water is most scarce Complete Water Monitoring Tool by end of 2020, compile total group water use and efficiency data by end 2021.

Our top actions •

Rollout Water Monitoring Tool for global AM FRESH GROUP citrus production

Create models of best practise in citrus to inform and educate growers on water use.

Continue work with AM FRESH Water monitoring tool, used by Tesco citrus growers in Spain, South Africa and Peru - base line year 2015. Tool used for benchmarking and identification of efficient use, and provision of reporting to retailer/exporter/growers.

Sustainable Agriculture –

Sustainable Sourcing Sustainable Sourcing is the integration of social, ethical and environmental performance factors into the process of selecting suppliers. Working with suppliers to improve sustainability performance will help to build strong, long-term supply relationships.

Our goal: •

We will aim to source 100% of our raw materials sustainably, switch to more sustainable sources of key ingredients and help producers to adopt better practises by 2025

Our top actions •

Integration of social, ethical and environmental performance factors for selecting ‘branded’ suppliers, using independent certification schemes e.g. Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, FSC, SAI, ISO14001, RSPO

Roll out AMT’s Technical App to those in group who can and want to use it.

Develop procurement team best practise guidelines and group sustainable procurement policy.

Food waste

Around a third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted from the farm to the fork. Reducing food waste results in cost savings, reduces carbon emissions and is important in feeding a growing global population. Our goals: •

To half food waste at the retail and consumer level and reduce food losses along production and supply chains (including post-harvest losses) - SDG 12.3

Measure food waste across the Group by 2020.

Half food waste by 2030, using 2015 as a base year where possible.

Zero food waste in our operations in the UK by 2025

Our top actions •

Each manufacturing site to complete WRAP’s Food Loss and Waste Inventory

All manufacturing sites to donate surplus produce to food charities

Each AM FRESH farm to adopt CFT’s waste template

Collaboration with Agrigrub to produce BSFL and frass, an organic biopesticide from AMT’s fruit waste

Research into alternative uses of citrus waste – PhD at Aberdeen University to review utilisation with limex to produce organic fertiliser from sugar beet industry


Packaging provides important functions such as protecting food from damage and extending shelf life, however packaging waste that ends up in our environment is a significant problem. Our goals: •

Take action to eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging by 2025

Take action to move from single-use towards reuse models where relevant by 2025

100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025

Meet the 2025 post-consumer recycled content target across all plastic packaging used

Our top actions •

Work towards making all our plastic packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable

Increase recycled content of our packaging to above 30% (we will be taxed on it by 2023), measure and report progress

Measure and monitor packaging makeup and content and report on progress made in terms of recyclability

Climate change

Climate change is a significant threat to global agricultural production, as changing weather patterns may affect the ability to grow in certain regions. AM FRESH Group are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations by increasing energy efficiency, installing solar generation and looking to move to renewable energy. Our top actions

Our goals: •

Source all energy renewably (UK – 2020, Globally – 2030)

Achieve “carbon neutral” status globally by 2030

Reduce energy consumption in our facilitiesReduce by 5% YoY until 2030

Life Cycle Analyses by 2022 (Dependent on development of tool with CFA)

Renewable energy sourced and PV installed at AMK new facility

Solar PV panels at APS and White Moss

Switch energy providers where available. Utilise asset PV if viable.

Measure energy use – efficiency initiatives including presence lighting, LED, “switch off” policies, monitor equipment by submeter

Install EV charging points across sites by 2030

Efficient operations AM FRESH Group is committed to reducing our impact across our packhouses and manufacturing operations. This includes looking at efficiencies in water use, operational and office waste, transport and freight, refrigeration, and employee travel. Our goals: •

Reduce water use in our manufacturing sites – Measurement by end 2020 for UK, end 2021 Group

Reduce GHG from transport - YoY reductions to be targeted, 5% each year up to 2030.

Reduce GHG from refrigeration - YoY 5% reduction targets, 50% by 2030

Reduce Office Waste - December 2020 for measurement. Target YoY improvements

Our top actions •

Zero waste to landfill

Utilise CISCO and similar facilities for meetings and conferencing as much as possible. Flexible working opportunities.

Review water efficiency opportunities and recycle and reuse options for sites that use water in process

Measurement of employee travel – air, rail, and road.


Human rights risk

• • • •

Modern slavery Salient human rights identification Ethical assessments & audits Risk analysis & mitigation

Fairness in the workplace

• • • •

Anti-discrimination Diversity & Inclusion Equal opportunity Living wage

Gender equality

• • •

Development and progression opportunities for women Supporting parents & flexible working policies Equal pay

Worker engagement

• • •

Worker voice Freedom of association Employee committees/forums

Occupational health & safety

• •

Risk/hazard management Occupational injuries & illnesses

Human rights risk

AM FRESH Group is alert to the human rights risks within agricultural supply chains. We are committed to advancing human rights both within our own operations and our supply chain. In order to prevent adverse impacts on people, we must proactively practise human rights due diligence. Our goals:

Our top actions

Ensure no human rights violations occur within our own operations and global supply chains

Create annual Group sourcing map, country risk report and analysis of adverse human rights impact

Apply ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ principles for workers’ rights across all our workforce

Bi-annual identification & prioritisation of salient human rights issues

Develop, consult & implement a Group Human Rights Strategy focused on own operations, roll out best practice to suppliers, including measures to prevent, mitigate and remedy adverse human rights impacts

Ethical assessment required before taking supply from high risk countries – implement across whole Group

To promote best practice in raising awareness, preventing, and proactively addressing forced labour and Modern Slavery, demonstrating leadership within our sector

Fairness in the workplace Fairness in the workplace is a vital element of maintaining people's trust in our business - and is directly linked to our reputation as an employer. AM FRESH Group respect the rights of all those who work with us and we will strive to create a fair, welcoming and non-discriminatory workplace for all. Our goal: •

Ensure all workers are treated with respect, provided equal opportunities and are valued

Our top actions •

Training during induction covering diversity & inclusion

Annual training on unacceptable workplace behaviour (harassment, bullying and discrimination) and how to be an ally (i.e. constructive methods to call out bad behaviour)

Implement a Formal Appraisal system consistently across the Group

Create global fairness policies and procedures in line with best practice, accounting for local laws where required

Gender equality

AM FRESH Group is committed to striving for equality, however we recognise in our current society gender bias exists in the workplace. This leads to underrepresentation of women in senior leadership positions and results in the gender pay gap. Our top actions

Our goals: •

Increase numbers of women in Senior Leadership roles

Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life (SDG 5.5 & 5.5.2 Proportion of women in managerial positions)

Take steps to reduce the gender pay gap

Unconscious bias training for hiring managers

Set-up women’s committee looking at gender specific issues

Back to work scheme for parents with families, including flexible working policies (office and packhouses)

Development, leadership and management training and mentorship created and made available across the business

Worker engagement Worker engagement is at the heart of a strong and functioning workplace. Strong relations between workers and management flourish when there is trust, opportunities for dialogue, and where workers can be represented as a collective to speak more effectively with management. Our goals:

Our top actions

Ensure all workers can raise issues as needed, with effective feedback loops in place, providing clear access to remedy

Create a process for worker committees and forums, including role and remit; freely elected amongst all employees (adapt for Spain) – office and packhouses

Encourage open dialogue across our own operations and supply chains by implementing freedom of association effectively

Training for worker representatives in how to negotiate and work more effectively with management

Quarterly meetings between worker committees and management

Develop a freedom of association policy

Occupational health & safety At AM FRESH Group, the health and safety of our employees is our top priority. We recognise our responsibility to protect our workforce, and we work to implement comprehensive programmes to avoid workplaces accidents and injuries. We are always striving to do better, with a goal of zero harm. Our goals: •

Ensure all workers work in with a safe and hygienic workplace, including being provided with appropriate equipment Working together to achieve the highest standards of health and safety, delivering a positive impact on those we work with and affect

Our top actions •

Health & Safety managers for each UK site

Polices and site plans in place

Training provided to all workers specific to their role

PPE in place for each worker where required

Safety plan and H&S Strategy created & being implemented across UK sites including BU monthly H&S Performance Dashboards


Hygiene & worker welfare

• • •

Health and hygiene for workers in our supply chain Access to clean drinking water Appropriate sanitation and washing facilities

Local communities

• • •

Local community engagement Positive impact on our local communities Charitable work and donations


• • •

Promoting sustainable diets and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption Supporting healthy eating and education Product formulation (reducing sugar, salt, fat etc.)

Health & wellbeing

• • •

Employee physical, social and mental wellbeing Work-life balance Healthy and active lifestyles


• •

Varietal & product development Agricultural technology for sustainable intensification

Hygiene & worker welfare Poor sanitation, hygiene and substandard/limited access to clean drinking water can be an issue for workers on farms in our supply chain. This negatively affects worker wellbeing and ultimately impacts on workforce attendance, productivity and efficiency.

Our goals:

Our top actions

Ensure all workers have easy access to safe and clean drinking water

Continue using third-party ethical audits to highlight issues with lack of water and sanitation

Ensure all workers have appropriate sanitation and hygiene facilities (to include handwashing, toilets, showers and kitchen areas as appropriate)

Create AM FRESH Group guidance on expectations for access to clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene facilities for workers in our supply chain

Work with colleagues visiting source locations to highlight issues relating to the guidance

Local communities AM FRESH Group is committed to having a positive impact on the communities around our operations. Engagement with communities is important to ensure we understand and respond to community needs, and we are committed to supporting causes that matter to our local communities. Our goals: •

Ensure we have a positive impact on the local communities we are part of

Our top actions •

Have community engagement plans in place for all our significant facilities and locations

Support causes that matter to the local communities where we operate e.g. collaborating with local retailers on local initiatives

Look at opportunities to attract and retain staff e.g. community site visits, engaging with job centres and local economic development agencies.

Extend a formalised community volunteering programme to be Group wide


Feeding a global population expected to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050 will require a substantial shift to sustainable and healthy diets. As part of this, global consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes will have to double. At AM FRESH Group we are proud to be supplying fresh and healthy food that will help meet the nutritional needs of our growing global population.

Our goal: •

Grow our business to £2 billion turnover to meet increasing demand for healthy and fresh food

Our top actions •

Our business provides the fresh fruit & veg needed for a healthy and sustainable diet

At Whitemoss, we specialise in plant-based and healthy products

Improve diets by promoting fruit & veg consumption – encouraging 5 portions of fruit and vegetable per day

Continue to assess and improve product formulation for our manufactured juices, yoghurts and soups

Health & wellbeing The success of our business depends on our people. Ensuring our employees are happy and healthy is a key priority for AM FRESH Group. We aim to support the physical, social and mental wellbeing of our employees so they can thrive both at work and at home. Promoting good health and wellbeing can also increase productivity, reduce absenteeism rates and contribute to people feeling motivated and supported at work. Our goal: •

Support the health and wellbeing of our employees

Our top actions •

We have an existing Employee Assistance Programme, Grocery Aid Support, Flu vaccine, free eye checks etc.

Mental health awareness and training (e-learning or online support)

Employee wellbeing campaigns – to encourage physical, social and mental wellbeing

Encourage healthy, active and balanced lifestyles through supporting physical exercise and activities


Innovation is important to advancing the future of agriculture. Within our leading varietal development programme we develop new, improved varieties in several fruit categories including citrus and grapes. Innovation helps our business stay ahead whilst developing varieties that are better adapted to some of the expected impacts of climate change.

Our goal: •

Constantly pursue innovation to lead the way in the future of agriculture

Our top actions •

We have a leading varietal development programme

Research on post-harvest attributes by variety

Echo project - identification of key varietal attributes

Investigate technology to achieve sustainable intensification of agriculture

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